I'm going to be 100% honest. Right now I'm genuinely thinking about what is the greatest way to fuck you over with this deal from how shit that roll was. I feel it's fair, but I understand if some of y'all would be a little frustrated I'm not really on your side on this.
My biggest question is why didn't we use Faerie Speak here.

Also I feel that it would be utterly frustrating if the consequences are quest-droppingly bad due to a single non-combat roll toward a neutral non-enemy.
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Hey yeah, do we have that!?!?! If so, we wouldn't have used parley with the strange, the whole point of that move it *replaces* parley

I gave y'all the option! Well, with that roll you would have gotten the same result.

Well, actually, it doesn't really replace it, it just gives you specific options for dealing with the fae you have more control over.
It can replace Parley, if we decide to.

Faerie Speak: By showing respect to the fae, you can Press The Issue or Turn On The Charm rather than Parlay With The Strange.
Just so you know, this doesn't just mean roll daring or hard to add to Parlay, it just means you're wither seducing the fae or sticking a gun in her face instead.
I'm going to be 100% honest. Right now I'm genuinely thinking about what is the greatest way to fuck you over with this deal from how shit that roll was. I feel it's fair, but I understand if some of y'all would be a little frustrated I'm not really on your side on this.
As long as one of our companions isn't killed right in front of us, I embrace the chaos of what we have sowed.
As long as one of our companions isn't killed right in front of us, I embrace the chaos of what we have sowed.
I'm honestly a little offended with how much y'all think I'm gonna have Hilda like, kill herself in a Goth camp to not be SAed or have one of her friends get gutted in front of her.

Anyway that's not the immediate plan don't worry.
or have one of her friends get gutted in front of her.

Right now I'm genuinely thinking about what is the greatest way to fuck you over
Tex I understand you haven't been so bad thus far, but you have been cackling about how awful you're going to make the consequences. SV readers are also probably a bit gun-shy of authors pulling some tonal whiplash mid quest.

I'mma trust, but I do understand peep's wariness.
Tex I understand you haven't been so bad thus far, but you have been cackling about how awful you're going to make the consequences. SV readers are also probably a bit gun-shy of authors pulling some tonal whiplash mid quest.

I'mma trust, but I do understand peep's wariness.
To be clear: I do not want to hurt Hilda or her friends. I love these goobers just as much as you all. When Riya got crit twice I literally gasped out loud cause I thought she was dead until y'all pulled that action movie shit. I'm cackling because the roll is bad. Something very bad is going to happen though, because y'all made a deal with a fae addict and MISSED. I'm not gutting anyone, or stealing anyone's soul, and I'm not fucking you over cause I'm a sadist. I'm saying I'm trying to think of how to make this work in the story, and that unfortunately means getting fucked over by a fae in this case.
10-8 Unwise Deal
[X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
-[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
-[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.

Roll result: 3 (miss)

You really had to figure out what was going on in your head. You'd put it off long enough. Despite your own words to the contrary, maybe you could cut a deal, if you did it correctly. You did gamble with your soul and win. You could do it again.

"We don't have any more ornaments, but what if I tried something else to make you pretty? Like… planting rows of flowers along your trees? When spring comes you'll have the prettiest groves in the forest!" You said, keeping a smile.

"Hilda, what the fuck are you doing?" Riya whispered, still staring at the dryad.

"I've got it under control, trust me." You assured.

"That sounds wonderful~! Do you have anything else to offer?" She asked, sitting up, beaming. Right. Two offers.

"It is the solstice, right? Isn't there a truce? What if you come back to town with us for the day? There's lots of fun to be had back there!" You offered next.

"Hilda, what the fuck are you doing?" Edgar whispered very harshly.

"You'd do that all for me~? Thank you so much!" She said, leaning forward, grabbing you, and squeezing you against her chest. It felt soft like warm skin. It was very strange having your head crushed into what just felt like a pair of bare breasts when you were expecting rough bark.

"If you help me figure out what's going on in my head, and observe our laws of hospitality in town. Will you for these things I've offered?" You asked, extending your hand, choosing your words carefully.

"You have a deal!" She said, grabbing your hand and firmly shaking it. You pushed away the supernatural allure she had from her soft skin on your's and managed to wiggle out of her grip. You stood up again and grabbed your little bag of dirt, scanning the environment for flower seeds buried beneath the ground.

"Think you two could help?" You asked offhandedly, starting to walk back towards the woods. Riya and Edgar stood up and followed close behind. Once you'd left the dryad behind a bit, Edgar spoke.

"What was all that about not making deals with the fae?" He asked quietly, sounding a bit angry.

"No, trust me, this'll work. She can't fuck us over out in town, and she'll have to go home come midnight. She won't be able to ask for more." You explained, squatting down and using your earth magic to move aside the soil, then picking the little daisy seed from the ground, trying to ignore how fast your heart was pounding in your chest. You were terrified you'd made a mistake too.

"Hilda, I've got a really bad feeling about this." Riya said, nearly whispering, sounding scared.

"It'll be fine." You dismissed, continuing to look for seeds.

You spent the next couple of hours collecting seeds through the bare forest, with the dryad just kind of appearing occasionally and handing you fistfuls of seeds she seemed to collect herself. Once you had enough, you decided to go for a basic circle of flowers around the tree, spiraling inward until you ran out of seeds. When spring came around, it would be beautiful, but for now it was just kind of a disturbed dirt spiral. It was kind of nice to look at. The dryad seemed appreciative though. When it was time to bring her to down, she transformed, at least in appearance, into a human with dark skin and curly brown hair, with the only visibly supernatural feature being her eyes continuing to be a vibrant, glowing green. After a few gasps and vocalizations from the three of you about the fact she was completely naked in front of you all, you handed her one of your new dresses, a dress with puffy white sleeves, a dark brown corset, a tan dress portion, and a frilly skirt that went down just below her knees. She was still barefoot, but that was… slightly less conspicuous? Whatever, it would be fine. You led her from the woods back to town, or really, she led you three, as she knew the fastest way out that somehow only took about two minutes. Whatever, fae bullshit. The sun was going down by the time you got back to town, making the glow of the dryad's eyes much more apparent.

Near the base of Bunker Hill, illuminated by fire and lamp light, the town seemed to have constructed a wooden stage with about twenty long tables in front of it, lined with food. Must be a celebration. You asked what was going on, and one of the townsfolk told you the Bunker was putting on a performance for the holiday, with free food and drink for everyone in town. The four of you decided to stick around for it. They put on a play, a comedy, about two men at a wedding with apparently a huge amount of participants getting married. There weren't any actors other than them, they were just observing an off-stage wedding for about a hour. The concept was amusing in and of itself. You were generally unfamiliar with Rishonim wedding traditions, but apparently they had to walk around the other participants a number of times for some reason. Your familiarity with marriage was that you and your partner's hands would be tied together with a pink, green, and white thread to symbolize becoming bonded in the Goddesses' eyes. Edgar said his marriage traditions were different, but wouldn't elaborate, and Riya refused to even speak about it. She had to leave halfway through to go back to the inn for some reason. Goddesses, there was something wrong, you needed to talk to her about that.

"Was she the last one?"

"I believe so."

"Finally, I'm starving."

"Oop, she tripped."

"Oh my, he's laughing, my wife would stab me for that."

"Oh! Well a slap is pretty close."

"Oh my, I didn't expect them all to take sides that quick."

A glass cup flew across the stage, past one of their heads, and smashed against the ground.

"Does that count? I'm starving."

About half the audience cackled at that. You didn't really get it.

"What are they doing with the rings?"

An enormous amount of rings, enough to fill a bucket, was thrown across the stage, making an enormous crash. Just about everyone laughed at that.

"Oh well, maybe they'll feasting and dancing next year."

And with that, the curtains closed, and everyone began cheering and clapping. You did as well, standing up as a lot of the others were doing. It was a hilarious play. You were surprised they could do so much with so little. You turned around, smiling at Edgar, who was grinning too. This was the best solstice you'd ever been a part of. Looking behind him, off at the back of the last table, where the light hardly illuminated, you saw the dryad in human form passionately making out with Simon in an uncomfortably handsy way. Looking a little to the left, at the next table over, you could see Timothy staring at them. There wasn't much emotion on his face about, seemingly.

[ ] Do something about that, say what
[ ] Let Simon slam dunk some fae pussy
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[X] Do something about that: Check in on Timothy and then Simon, get a feel with magic for signs of glamering. Prep to Press the Issue with Faerie Speak if needed.

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For those like myself who have shit memory, I went back a looked up who these dudes are.

Simon: the polsci student from that other circus.
Timothy: the Gotha soldier from that other circus.
Note: Simon and Timothy seem to have a thing together.
"I've got a smart friend." [Timothy] said with a small smile, hugging Simon with one arm. Simon hugged him back with both arms.


You shift uncomfortably. Wow, this Christmas episode was getting dark fast. The showrunners had nailed the dryad's uncanny-valley immaculately, and seeing six, no, seven hands running up and down Simon's body was only made worse by the minor-key stinger.

Of course they went to commercial break right after, which did kinda kill the effect. You reach for the remote, and start channel flipping.

"...and that brings us to the perhaps most lasting form of the Greek play, the
Tragedy. Differing from the modern usage of the word, a classic tragedy follows the downfall of a heroic figure, as the same traits that brought them to the height of their glory continue, unchecked, and slowly but inevitably destroy..."

*click* Nope, none of that, you were bored already. Flipping back, you left the commercials playing as you got up to hunt for some snacks, confident that you would be able to hear when your story resumed.
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[] Do something about that: Check in on Timothy and then Simon, get a feel with magic for signs of glamering. Prep to Press the Issue with Faerie Speak if needed.
-[]Prepare to use the fact that Simon is contracted and agreed to our group already.
I believe it's workable, can you tell me exactly what you mean by glamering, and say which form of press the issue you want to use, and how? Also, what do you mean that Simon is contracted and agreed to work with your group already? He's from the other circus.
"...and that brings us to the perhaps most lasting form of the Greek play, the Tragedy. Differing from the modern usage of the word, a classic tragedy follows the downfall of a heroic figure, as the same traits that brought them to the height of thir glory continue, unchecked, and slowly but inevitably destroy..."
Anyway, though I recognize that now is not the most opportune moment, I do think that some people are significantly misunderstanding or overestimating the nature of the threat of the Fae.

They are not devils, whose every deal turns back upon you. That is Dragons.
They are not madman, who will gut your friends in an instant, just because they can. That is Clockwerk.

The Fae are an intrinsic part of the Wilds in Himmilgard. They're part of the woodwork.
In fact, in the kind of communities that Hilda would have been part of where it not for the fact that she grew up isolated in a semi-abusive cult, interaction with the Fae is routine :

These communities, though very diverse, tend to have a few similar elements. Most important is a very close connection to the Fae, magic, and the animistic spirits of the Wild. It's common in these communities for everyone to know a little bit of magic, or to routinely appease or deal with the Fae. This connection leads to deeply valuing the untouched wilderness, and an often reflexive distrust of technology or authority. It's also a pattern that many of these societies tend to be matriarchal, especially the recently founded revivalist ones.

For Hilda to gave never interacted with, and never witnessed interactions with, the Fae, suggests that too was part of an attempt to keep her isolated. They refused to let her learn to fly a broom, of course they wouldn't let her talk to the only other entity nearby that was not under their authority.

So, the Fae aren't evil, even if they are inhuman. One can make deals with them, and the vast majority of them will be okay with token sacrifices and supplications. A small minority are obsessed, or want something from humans. They can be trouble, and they are powerful and not to be trifled with.

But even there, the rule goes :
The power imbalance is not as great as it first appears, because the Fae are desperate, and that means they can be manipulated.

The update, I think, illustrates the point. A worst case scenario, on a vote designed to cause problems, and no one's died.
There's a bit of trouble yes, but that's it.

[ ] Do something about that, say what
Anyway, here's a few ideas.

1) With Simon and Timothy both otherwise occupied, that means the scion is alone. You still, kinda, need that engine...

Okay, sorry, more seriously

2) Intrude, and remind the Fae of standing obligations. The night is coming to an end, and she has a duty still to fulfil. You can go to Riya's room in the Inn, and deal with your memory troubles there.
2a) If she's not enthousiastic, you're pretty sure the spirit in your head is stuck pining for someone, that ought to be enough bait.

3) The Fae is wearing your dress, a piece of ownership not transfered by any trade, but merely used so that she could visit the party. Should she besmirch it in any way, she would be in your debt.

4) You've given the fae a dress, the least she can offer you is a dance. You'll just need to keep it up till the clock runs out.

5) Do any local ceremonies here involve dumping people into large bodies of water?
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