10-10 HATE
[X] Find another way to get your end of the deal
-[X] "Given how exhausted I am, the laws of hospitality dictate that you have to walk me back to my room, not the other way round."

"No, that's... You walk me home. I'm tired, I can't handle walking that far into the woods." You explained, nowhere near a position mentally or physically to walk her home. The smile immediately faded from her face, just as the last lantern was snuffed out, leaving the three of you alone in the field, only illuminated by the stars.

"That's not how it works, I'm your guest, you're the host." She said through gritted teeth. The air felt colder around her now, literally.

"She's not able to. I'm sorry." Edgar said, holding you tighter and pulling you away slightly. You felt much safer in his arms than you would have otherwise. You could feel the dryad getting angrier.

"You... You want your end of the deal, don't you?" She asked with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"That was never part of the deal. I gave you flowers, I let you into town for the day, now help me out with what's going on in my head." You growled back, as she started shaking.

"What if I just fucking kill you if you don't take me home? It's not the solstice anymore!" She said, obviously lying.

"You're not in the Wild. You can't do a thing to us." You shot back. She growled harder and reached out for your throat like she was going to choke you, but just being completely unable to bring her hands even close to you. She started panting, staring daggers at you.

"This is why your mom never fucking loved you! You selfish WHORE!" She yelled, watching you like she was waiting for a response. The fact she inexplicably knew where to hit you made you more scared than the potential of being torn apart.

"Back the fuck off," Edgar commanded, holding you tighter. She looked up at Edgar and smiled a bit.

"What, think you'll have more luck saving her than Nixie?" Edgar's nails dug into your arm and you hear him reach for his belt.

[ ] Let Edgar cook
[ ] Stop him, say how.
Yeez, we got to get ourselves some nicer fae.

Anyway, being injured makes this hard , but we do have a sword and we do have swashbuckling. So, we could try that, get her out nonlethally before Edgar just outs and tries to gut her.
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God, fuck, I'm torn, but I think the answer I'm going with is

[X] Stop him, say how.
-[X] "She's trying to bait you into a response. Then she can paint you as being at fault and breaking the deal. We kept our end and she's trying to weasel out of it."
Woods Wise: Roll +Wild when you navigate the wilderness. Knows a lot about flora and fauna, can roll +Wild to have questions answered about it.

Now, in the book, this skill actually reads as follows.

Woods-Wise : When you exposit about flora, fauna, or fae, roll +Wild. On a 16+, answer two. On an 11-15, answer one: What benefits it could provide, what grave dangers it presents, what will pacify it if needed.

So, I ask, can we roll this, and do we know anything about this specific fae in particular.
If she's going to dig into our history, can we dig into hers.

She seems to be pretty obsessed with this little town, and with young love, and so on. So, who was her first, a pilot that left her to fly onward, a farmer who died of old age, or someone she killed in a fit of rage?
That'll do it! How do we make her fuck off?
Hmmm, two ideas.

Threaten her with abandonment. If the Solstice truce ends in death and despair, in trickery and broken deals, this town will become like the cities your mothers warned you about. Places were the wilds are shunned and feared, where trees are not decorated, but burned in huge bonfires, the smoke and ashes mingling with the pollution blasting from their factories. It'll mean she'll never see another human face again, not until the last time, when they arrive carrying axe and torch and drive her out forever.


You know Lady Madeline, a fae in good standing and high power. You can truthfully say that you have helped her secure her lands, a statement that implies a liegelike relationship, even though it does not exist. Does she truly want to bother with you?
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Anyway, we do still need to come up with a plan, even if we have the above information. (Just pick which one you like most).

I'll leave that in your capable hands.
Alright. I'll say invoking Madeline's name will definitely make her wary. Might have some consequences later but that's future you's problem.
@Texas Red , thank you again for sharing your writing; *this* is the very reason why Himmilgard got into flying instead of driving! Fckn Fae, your comparison to a loaded gun on the ground is apt. (Though part of me was hoping Edward had come back to the dance floor and has Last Mistake) also:

Hurray, a functional role!

[X] What's at Stake
- "When I deal, I deal square, and the Fae Prosper. My deal with Lady Madeline helped her expand her lands and further secure her already favorable position. My friends and I decorated your beautiful tree in honor of the solstice and its beauty.
You wanted more.
My work has insured your tree will be the must beautiful in forest for years.
In return?
You attempt to end the Solstice truce in death and despair, in trickery and broken deals.
This town works to prevent the kind of apocalypse that ended the world, we came her to help them test ways to heal the world!
If we come to harm, this will become like the cities my Mothers warned me about.
Places were the Wilds are shunned and feared, where trees are not decorated, but burned in huge bonfires, the smoke and ashes mingling with pollution blasting from factories.
It'll mean you'll never see another human face again, not until the last time, when they arrive carrying axe and torch and drive you and Goddesses know many other Fae out *forever*."

@10ebbor10 , I am shamelessly stealing what you wrote, please forgive me, but it is *damn* good
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[X] What's at Stake
- "When I deal, I deal square, and the Fae Prosper. My deal with Lady Madeline helped her expand her lands and secure her already favorable position. My friends and I decorated your beautiful tree in honor of the solstice and its beauty. You wanted more. My work has insured your tree will be the must beautiful in forest for years. In return? You attempt to end the Solstice truce ends in death and despair, in trickery and broken deals. This town works to prevent the kind of apocalypse that ended the world, we came her to help them test ways to heal the world! If we come to harm, this will become like the cities your mothers warned you about. Places were the wilds are shunned and feared, where trees are not decorated, but burned in huge bonfires, the smoke and ashes mingling with the pollution blasting from their factories. It'll mean she'll never see another human face again, not until the last time, when they arrive carrying axe and torch and drive her out forever."

^^Feels like a nice dramatic speech ^..^
[X] What's at Stake
- "When I deal, I deal square, and the Fae Prosper. My deal with Lady Madeline helped her expand her lands and secure her already favorable position. My friends and I decorated your beautiful tree in honor of the solstice and its beauty. You wanted more. My work has insured your tree will be the must beautiful in forest for years. In return? You attempt to end the Solstice truce ends in death and despair, in trickery and broken deals. This town works to prevent the kind of apocalypse that ended the world, we came her to help them test ways to heal the world! If we come to harm, this will become like the cities your mothers warned you about. Places were the wilds are shunned and feared, where trees are not decorated, but burned in huge bonfires, the smoke and ashes mingling with the pollution blasting from their factories. It'll mean she'll never see another human face again, not until the last time, when they arrive carrying axe and torch and drive her out forever."

I love the combo of the two suggestions from Ebbor! And it's very dramatic! I might not quote it exactly, I'd put more Injured Hilda Cadence™️ into it, but I'll definitely hit all those points!
Check In
As always, the first thing you did when you awoke in the morning was slide your hand under your pillow in search of your mask. Your heart briefly picked up in pace when you thought you couldn't feel it, until touching its sticky rubber face and breathing a sigh of relief. Lord, pillows felt nice with your skin against them. You jumped as you heard a knock on your door, and yanked your mask out from under the pillow.

"Who is it?" You called, ready to put the mask back on.

"It's just me, Tomas," Lisa called from behind the door. You breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, walking to the door. The hum of the airship's engines always reminded you of the air filters, it made you feel safer to sleep with your mask off. You opened the door a crack, seeing it was just her. She was holding two plates of eggs and toast. "I brought breakfast in case you wanted to eat in your room." You gently took the plate, and then remembered manners were a thing you were learning about.

"Thank you." You said, going to close the door, but then remembering what you wanted to try with Lisa. "Want to eat with me?" She beamed at you. You still weren't used to smiling with your mouth.

"Sure!" You opened your door and let her inside, still keeping your face behind the door in case anyone passed by. You closed the door behind the both of you and sat down on your bed with your food. You immediately began eating, remembering to pace yourself but still being hungry and wanting to eat, so you scarf it down anyway. Sweet Sigvird, you could never get over how flavorful the food out here was. You managed to pace yourself on the toast, letting out a sigh when you were finished about thirty seconds after starting. Lisa always paced herself a lot more than you did with food, so she was still eating. You turned around and looked out your window, watching the rolling brown hills pass by behind a fog of falling snow. "How did you learn to fly?" Lisa asked.

"I sometimes slept in a theater when I was far from my bunker. They had a bunch of instructional films for how to fly a plane." You replied.

"Don't forget your water." Lisa said, holding the cup for you. You took it and drank from it. "You learned to fly from a moving picture?" She questioned.

"Five of them." You replied blankly. The snow gave you anxiety, even though it wasn't poison. You weren't sure why you were still looking at it. "They were my favorites to watch." You chugged the rest of the water.

"My dad taught me. He was a pilot before the end." She replied, setting her plate on your nightstand. "Douglas wanted us to scout ahead for bandits after breakfast. Would you be alright for some flight through the snow?" She asked, standing up, and pulling her own gas mask over her face, a leather hood with a breathing hose that connected to a filter on her chest. You grabbed your own mask off the bed and put it back on. You took a deep, slightly restricted breath. You immediately felt a little safer. But you were starting to feel safer in your room too. And around Lisa.

"Mhm. Do you think I could try to eat lunch with you guys today?" You asked.

"Of course, but only if you're comfortable with it." She replied in a comfortingly muffled voice.

"I don't know if I am, but can I try?" You asked, checking the gas seals with your fingers, up and down your body.

"You don't need anyone's permission. Everyone would love to see you. Even if you need to keep the mask on." She said, opening your door.

"You sure?"

"Yours is cooler than mine. Wish I didn't need the chest pack."

I wanted a little check in with Tomas since he never really got much of an arc. Also I wanted everyone to know that he's doing better now.
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Did you mean Timothy? Also thank you so much! Additionally, GREAT monologue!
Shit, I did. *hangs head in shame* thank you fir the comment on the monologue @10ebbor10 wrote a wonderful piece, I am at best an editor (at worse a damned theif)

I love the combo of the two suggestions from Ebbor! And it's very dramatic! I might not quote it exactly, I'd put more Injured Hilda Cadence™️ into it, but I'll definitely hit all those points!

@10ebbor10 's bit is damned a effective threat, and thanks to the dice gods it just might stick!

Also also: yeah Tomas! Best of luck buddy, you'll make it!
10-11 Beneath The Surface
[X] What's at Stake
- "When I deal, I deal square, and the Fae Prosper. My deal with Lady Madeline helped her expand her lands and further secure her already favorable position. My friends and I decorated your beautiful tree in honor of the solstice and its beauty.
You wanted more.
My work has insured your tree will be the must beautiful in forest for years.
In return?
You attempt to end the Solstice truce in death and despair, in trickery and broken deals.
This town works to prevent the kind of apocalypse that ended the world, we came her to help them test ways to heal the world!
If we come to harm, this will become like the cities my Mothers warned me about.
Places were the Wilds are shunned and feared, where trees are not decorated, but burned in huge bonfires, the smoke and ashes mingling with pollution blasting from factories.
It'll mean you'll never see another human face again, not until the last time, when they arrive carrying axe and torch and drive you and Goddesses know many other Fae out *forever*."

You grabbed his wrist with nearly the last of your strength.

"She's trying to bait you. Don't." His arm was tensed and shaking in a way you'd never felt from him before. He was breathing through his teeth, trying to not react. It reminded you of you, trying to contain your rage back before you were a pilot. You turned back to the dryad. "When I deal with the fae, I deal fair, and you benefit. I helped Lady Madeline expand her domain, I gave you a beautiful tree for years to come, and I let you visit this town that's working to prevent another apocalypse of Iron, and as soon as something doesn't go exactly your way, you try to make me or my friends give you cause to kill us?" You pulled yourself out of Edgar's grip and stepped forward. She was significantly taller than you, but you weren't even scared now. "If you don't fuck off right now, and think about what you've done until the next batch of humans stumbles onto you, you won't see a single human again until they send a beast of Iron or come themselves with axes to tear your forest down." You gently, in a non threatening way, grabbed the neck of YOUR dress and pulled her down to your level to speak into your ear. "Or you'll spend half of your life choking on the smog of factory smokestacks when I convince them to leave you a grove to live." You whispered. You let her go, and she looked absolutely terrified of you. You weren't sure exactly from what. "Now give me what's due." You demanded.

"Fucking, fine, you madwoman." She said, placing a shaking hand on your head. She closed her eyes and looked like she was concentrating. "Hm… your souls are bound together in an… odd way. It's not like there's just another soul in here, but like your brain was grown with giving this other essence space in mind."

"What does that even mean?" You asked.

"It means part of your brain isn't yours anymore. It's home to this other consciousness." She explained.

"Does that mean he's like… alive in me?"

"Depends on your definition of alive. He's semi-conscious, somewhere in there."

"Can you let him move on?"

"I can't just take it out via magic, you're bound together by blood now. That's beyond either of our capabilities. But… I can bring him more to the surface. Im not sure how he can help you, but it might be better to have him be actually aware of what's going on past a purgatory of living through both of your memories on repeat."

[ ] Bring him to the surface (you will talk to him at some point)
[ ] Leave him dreaming (work things out without him, let him rest, to some degree)
Excellently handled and I'm excited to see how this ultimately resolves with using Madeline's name!

[X] Bring him to the surface (you will talk to him at some point)
Wake the fuck up, pilot.
"Fucking, fine, you madwoman." She said, placing a shaking hand on your head. She closed her eyes and looked like she was concentrating. "Hm… your souls are bound together in an… odd way. It's not like there's just another soul in here, but like your brain was grown with giving this other essence space in mind."
gotta let the doctors know I guess .

Then again, I suspect most of them have included "Fae bullshit" as part of the standard contraindications for taking medicine.

[X] Leave him dreaming (work things out without him, let him rest, to some degree)

Hilda's had enough trouble for one day, I think