I suppose the question is whether we can risk minimal preparation in the hopes that this is a scouting/ground mission, or if the possibility of air combat is enough to need expensive modifications.
I suppose the question is whether we can risk minimal preparation in the hopes that this is a scouting/ground mission, or if the possibility of air combat is enough to need expensive modifications.
I will say that this isn't a quantum state where I'll just decide the worse thing depending on what you pick, I have a very specific mission process in mind I've been planning for weeks.

So yes, it is a question of risk management cause you don't know what's gonna happen.
Question: Do we expect the plane to be in a flight-ready condition? Do we need to bring our mechanic?

Especially if there's a chance the plane can't be flown immediately:
[X] Negotiate for more (Write-in)
-[X] I may have to magic that plane off the mountain, do you have anything that could be used as a flight focus?

(B/c seriously, the ability to just make any item fly? We should be stockpiling as many air foci as we can get our grubby little hands on)
Question: Do we expect the plane to be in a flight-ready condition? Do we need to bring our mechanic?
If should be ready to fly, and Edgar can take drop-tanks on his bomb mounts to fuel it.
(B/c seriously, the ability to just make any item fly? We should be stockpiling as many air foci as we can get our grubby little hands on)
Short answer is yes, if you can argue endless objects with emotional significance to you that could be construed as having the element of air within them from your emotional attachment.
[X] Negotiate for more (5 more Thaler)

That deal with the fae went more smoothly than I thought. My guess is she would have fucked us up more if we had actually escorted us to the woods. I know the reason things went sour is because of the dice, but I'm wondering what the in-story explanation is for her being so malicious when we wouldn't escort her.
"I wanted to check in with my most generous trader. And thank you. I now possess most of the western forest. Well, what's left of it. It'll be back someday soon." She said with a giggle. "Let that deal be our little secret, ok? We don't need to involve the court~"

Alright. I'll say invoking Madeline's name will definitely make her wary. Might have some consequences later but that's future you's problem.

Well, I sure hope Madeline is more forgiving than that fae we just met.
Quick question: would we have to negotiate for salvage rights again? Cause it's a pre-war experimental plane and God knows what else lab. Could be lots of Shiny, and they aren't going to raid the place anytime soon, that's why they are hiring us
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Quick question: would we have to negotiate for salvage rights again? Cause it's a pre-war experimental plane and God knows what else lab. Could be lots of Shiny, and they aren't going to raid the place anytime soon, that's why they are hiring us
You don't need to argue for that but it's a glorified storage warehouse, so there may not be much.
Let's get a daring roll for negotiation. 2d10+1 cause injury and reduced daring.
When Hilda does finally remember her sword, I'm going to mentally picture it as her just randomly pulling it out of her belt or out of her bodice/skirt ruffles, like a whole-ass saber just appearing from basically nowhere. Cue Hilda insisting that it's been there the whole time, hanging from her belt or scabbarded inside her jacket, with magic bullshit keeping it hidden.
Well, now we know where Hilda learned Out Of Mind; she learned it from the sword!
When Hilda does finally remember her sword, I'm going to mentally picture it as her just randomly pulling it out of her belt or out of her bodice/skirt ruffles, like a whole-ass saber just appearing from basically nowhere.
I've referenced it before, you guys have it, she just hasn't had a reason to use it. But it's usually there, sword on her right hip and revolver on her left. Hilda is fully ambidextrous. Fae shit, most likely.
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Side note. I'm really happy that you guys chose Hilda as her name, cause honestly that was my favorite option for the name I set out. If I could do it again I'd just lay out the stat lines and have Hilda as our protagonist's name but I'm just glad it was picked when we first started. So thanks for letting me write a name I enjoy writing over and over again for thousands of words.
10-13 Questions and Negotiations
- Do we expect the plane to be in a flight-ready condition? Do we need to bring our mechanic?
- who owned the zep ?
- are they likely to send salvagers?
- How are we supposed to know what plane we're looking for if we don't know what it is. Militart bases trnd to have more than one.
- Any shades or emaining defenses?
- What's the expected weahter like ?
- How high are we talking? Do we need specific modifications ?

"I have questions." You began.

"Of course." She said, nodding.

"Is the plane just going to be ready to go when we get there? Will we need to bring our mechanic?" You asked, trying to chart a course in your head as to how you could get there. It was high. Near a peak of an enormous mountain, in the red of the map, suggesting over four kilometers up.

"It's been sitting in storage in a warehouse, it should be ready to fly. You should bring fresh fuel though."

"I can mount drop tanks on my plane." Edgar said offhandedly while finally locating his shirt that has somehow gotten lodged between the headboard of the bed and the wall.

"Who owned the zeppelin?" You asked next.

"Geinshoven." She looked at you like you should know what that was. "University." She said next.

"The town Simon is from?" You asked, looking at your friends.

"It's a school where you learn to be a doctor or something." Riya said.

"It's far more than that! A university is a place of companionship and siblingho- ok I'm not doing this right now. It's legitimate salvage. They crashed, and they're half a continent away. I doubt they'll even send anyone to get it."

"How are we supposed to know which plane to take?" You asked. "There tends to be more than one in a military base."

"There likely won't be. If there is, you will know which one we want. Trust me."

"Shades? Remaining defenses?" Edgar asked.

"None that our survivor saw. Their crash was just caused by a gust of wind and a loose prop, not enemy fire. There may be shades inside the base, but it's anyone's guess."

"Weather?" Riya chimed in.

"Clear skies until tomorrow. It should be fine."

The height at which you'd be flying unnerved you. "I remember flying up in the mountains a while back. My engine was gasping for air the whole time, I had to crank the air-fuel mixture down to basically fumes to keep it from drowning. This is even higher." You said, still staring at the map.

"How high?" Edgar asked.

"Four and a half kilometers. Up." You said, grimacing.

"We could barely breathe up there anyway." Edgar said, as you could practically hear the grimace in his voice.

"Groundpounders." Riya playfully, and smugly mocked.

"Well, I mean, you can just get some air tanks and fly lean, right?" Elena asked, looking like she was almost begging you not to back out on the job.

"We might need modifications to the aircraft. Air compressors." You suggested. "It'll cost us. Could you add a few Thaler to the pay? We'd be running close to the red with without the mods anyway." You asked, honestly just wanting a bit more for your troubles.

"Sure, yeah, I'll throw in five extra. Anything else?"

[ ] Take the job.
[ ] Negotiate for more, 2d10 flat
[ ] Walk away forever.
[X] Take the job.

I suppose it's time to do some math and figure out how the aircraft will handle at altitude without modifications, so we can decide whether we need something like altitude throttles or superchargers, or can get away with just oxygen bottles.

Are the aircraft and their condition listed anywhere?
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