7-4 In Sights
You quickly removed the ammo plate and grabbed a second one, locking it into place and racking the charge.

"HOW MANY ARE LEFT?" Edgar screamed, craning his head and looking around. You also swung your head around, searching in the dark for more contacts. Looking straight up, you saw a monoplane flying right above the both of you, maybe a hundred meters up, against the moon Elba in the sky. You couldn't see any others. When you swung your head back to the Mammut, you saw the upper turret rotate and begin to track the Osprey. Two balloon machine guns were pointed your way, with gas tubes connecting them, suggesting they were linked with a Gast Principle pressure exchange. That would essentially double their firing speed, it could melt your old plane with ease and probably reduce the Osprey to scrap in a short burst.

"ONE IN THE SUN! UH, MOON, I GUESS! BUT, LOOK!" You said, pointing at the Mammut, whose guns shook a bit like they'd been cocked from inside the closed turret position.


Current Altitude: 25/29 (Ground is 21)
Current Speed: 16/21 (Altitude)
Toughness: 1/9
Strain: 40/40
Fuel: 9/9
RPM: 3/7
Wear: 0/5
Edgar's Plane
Status Effect: Pooned!

[ ] KEEP IT GOING!! NEXT PLAN OF ACTION! It can be longer than just one action by the way! I feel like this system is going pretty well actually!
I bet the lower gunner climbed up to the top guns. That means the bottom is defenseless!

[X] Dive into the Clouds
- Edgar: Dive down to put us under the Mammut directly opposite the other monoplane, then shoot the bomber.
- Hilda: Air is deception. Magic a cloud around us to hide our maneuver, then turn the guns up and fire into the Mammut.

If things go really well, the fighter will try and dive on us and hit the Mammut instead. We always roll well, right?
Could we use Air magic to blast the Mammut with wind/ generate a cloud and disrupt the turret's aim?

Meanwhile have Edgar draw a bead on the turret?
Could we use Air magic to blast the Mammut with wind/ generate a cloud and disrupt the turret's aim?

Meanwhile have Edgar draw a bead on the turret?
I think we'd be better of not effecting the Mammut, because remember, backlash is based on the nature of the object we're casting on.

Right now, we have 4 focuses at our disposal
- Riya's scarf, an air focus
- The seashell, a water focus
- The flame pendant, a fire focus
- Ourself, a blood focus

We can use air to move the plane out of the way, water to repair it, or blood to aid Edgar in dodging.
I like the idea of the cloud possibly making the other monoplane crash. Let's cast a spell.
  • Full success: Create a cloud big enough to engulf you and the Mammut. The monoplane will crash trying to chase you.
  • Partial: You escape in a puff of smoke and get advantage forward on Open Fire against the Mammut. No crash.
  • Fail: Edgar tries to get into a position to shoot too late and takes a knife range burst from the Mammut before you can escape.
Welp. That's a fail. Roll Take Fire as Edgar, so use his Keen. So you roll 2d10+2. Lower numbers are better.
Yikes. Crit time.

Edit: 32 Damage and a double crit. Holy fuck.

Ok, let's have the controls and the radiator hit.
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crits +16 Total: 15
15 15
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crits +8 Total: 13
13 13
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crits +4 Total: 3
3 3
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Ok, well, you can still fight. You can deal with the consequences of your failure later. I need two open fire rolls, one for Edgar (Keep in mind he has a +1 because of a gunsight) and one for Hilda. Absolute range knife.
Ok, well, you can still fight. You can deal with the consequences of your failure later. I need two open fire rolls, one for Edgar (Keep in mind he has a +1 because of a gunsight) and one for Hilda. Absolute range knife.
Shooting for Edgar! Rolling with rapid fire!

edit: Yeah, rapid fire was a good choice, +3 Hard, +1 from gunsight, for a total of 14
StoneSaint threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Roll 3d10+4 (take 2 highest) Total: 11
1 1 7 7 3 3
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Awesome! That's 12 damage and +3 to crits!

No dice but still good damage.
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: +3 Crit Total: 15
15 15
No Rapid Fire, we'll need the bullets for the other fighter.

Edit: And it's not like it would have helped, would it? Still a few plinks though.
Tetragramm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Open Fire! 2d10 Total: 6
2 2 4 4
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4 damage and 2 hits, let's roll crits.

Almost a jam, would have been if you rapid fired, good call.
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crits +2 Total: 2
2 2
7-5 Hole In The… Radiator
"TURN AND DIVE! IVE GOT AN IDEA!" You screamed, grabbing the scarf out of your bag in a ripping motion and wrapping it around your arm, extending the hand towards the Mammut and concentrating on becoming hidden. You tried to concentrate the water vapor surrounding the battle to create an at least short lived cloud to hide your escape. A cloud began to spread from your hand, but too slow and too late as Edgar nosed the Osprey down and the Mammut opened fire. The bullets were like small canon balls, violently blasting apart the supports and canvas. You heard a single BANG and a loud hiss from back in the engine, suggesting an holed radiator, and two control wires from the wings snapped. Not good. Really not fucking good. You swung around underneath the Mammut to build speed, and then nosed up.

"BLAST IT!" Edgar said as he unleashed the wrath of his heavy machine gun, so you swung your gun rail around and unleashed your own, short lived, meager hell until the gun went click from the ammo plate running dry. Edgar leveled it and looked back at you. "WHAT NOW?!" He asked, panting. That maneuver clearly took a lot out of him.

Current Altitude: 25/29 (Ground is 21)
Current Speed: 19/21 (Altitude)
Toughness: 0/9
Strain: 9/40
Fuel: 9/9
RPM: 3/7
Wear: 0/5
Edgar's Plane
Holed Radiator: Autofail all Cool Off rolls.

[ ] Next plan of attack! I suggest building up altitude and taking care of the radiator before it spells your doom.
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Where's Riya? Now would be a great time for her to swing by and see us with that scarf she doesn't know we stole. Ya know, all wrapped around our arm.