Last thing. I need someone to roll me Evade danger. So 2d10-2 for your Keen. The Goths have… strange weapons. :)
I think it would make the most sense to "collide" for half damage.

Edit: 2 Damage!

Edit 2: Actually full 4 damage, I thought it was a partial.
Texas Red threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
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5-5 Give and Take
There was a white monoplane on a head on collision with you, looking like they were pushing their engine to the limits with the black smoke pouring from the sides. That, or they just took very poor care of it. You banked hard to the right, knowing you'd force your opponent to make a left turn and hopefully dissuade most of the fire. Glancing behind you though, you saw they were forcing a left turn by nosing down while banking left to avoid the painfully slow 270° turn. Red tracers zipped around your plane, tattering a bit of your wings and canvas. Didn't hit anything important, thankfully. You identified the plane as an Arntwerke c.10 in your dashboard mirror, seeing it was right on your tail. Ironically, this felt like a better position to be in than if your positions were reversed.

You nosed up and swung another right turn, feeling gravity remain largely the same, even as your horizon shifted to the sky, an upside down mountain range, and then the earth itself as you made your plane commit to a backflip and opened fire when you were close enough to see the pilot's terrified eyes. You opened fire as he tried to twist out of the way, getting a few good shots off and continuing the spray, until your gun was just making a soft clinking sound from the lack of ammo. The c.10 looked damaged, and you had the upper hand now, but it was still combat capable, and there was at least one more around you two in this dogfight.

You turned slightly, as the flapping canvas of your damaged wing was making your drift, and suddenly a roar followed by a tearing sound whizzed by the left side of your plane. Your plane rocked and you jostled the stick to not go into a spin, seeing that the side of your plane's fuselage had been torn open like someone took a knife to the canvas. Looking over, you saw what had done it, another monoplane, almost all white, other than a red stripe down the middle of the fuselage, with what looked like two enormous blades bolted to the the wings, extending from the ends. Blades. On the wings of his plane. What were these idiots on? He clearly took damage from that, his wing was dented and cracked at the front. It seemed you had two options if you wanted to continue fighting now, at least.

Current Altitude: 35/29
Current Speed: 13/17 (Altitude)
Toughness: 1/7
Strain: 19/19
Fuel: 7/7
RPM: 1/7
Wear: 0/5
Current Plane

Tell me what's going on next! Also, side note.

Eyeball: You're allowed to just ask a question and roll +Keen+Visibility, so just 2d10-2. This will give you advantage forward to react on the answer, if you roll well the answer will put you in a position of advantage, but if you roll poorly than the answer puts you at a disadvantage. Not mechanical, just narrative.

You're allowed to vote for more than one in the form of a Plan if you want to plan out your turn.

[ ] MOAR MAGIC (You already know, tell me)
[ ] Dogfight! Pursue and attack (Roll +Hard) close to knife to BLAST em. Clarify if you want to shoot the gun one or the wing blade one.
[ ] Stay on Target and leave the fight, will take a hit but will bring you in range of the airship.
[ ] Boost to take 1 RPM and increase your speed by 2. Can be voted for along with something else.
[ ] Somethin' Else (Write In)
I'm in favor of dealing with the escorts before we go for the airship, and also letting our friends catch up.

[X] Eyeball: How is Ria doing? Does she need help?
If she's doing good, let's target the guy we shot up with the smoking engine. Otherwise, let's hit the plane targeting her.
[X] MOAR MAGIC: So that one guy is damage and his engine is smoking. Let's make that worse. Turn the smoke into fire.
[X] Boost: Speed is life!

We also need to reload before we can shoot someone again, so Dogfight! won't work so well. That takes a narrative action, but we can do things like Eyeball, Boost, or Stay on Target while we reload.
[X]Plan: Tetragrammic
-[X] Eyeball: How is Ria doing? Does she need help? If she's doing good, let's target the guy we shot up with the smoking engine. Otherwise, let's hit the plane targeting her.
-[X] MOAR MAGIC: So that one guy is damage and his engine is smoking. Let's make that worse. Turn the smoke into fire.
-[X] Boost: Speed is life!
[X]Plan: Tetragrammic
-[X] Eyeball: How is Ria doing? Does she need help? If she's doing good, let's target the guy we shot up with the smoking engine. Otherwise, let's hit the plane targeting her.
-[X] MOAR MAGIC: So that one guy is damage and his engine is smoking. Let's make that worse. Turn the smoke into fire.
-[X] Boost: Speed is life!
I am having a hoot and a half following this story, thank so much for sharing your writing!

I got a little confused during the iron damage magic portion, does anytime we use magic on an enemy plane count as iron magic? Cause that would kind of cripple the whole witch class, right?
I got a little confused during the iron damage magic portion, does anytime we use magic on an enemy plane count as iron magic? Cause that would kind of cripple the whole witch class, right?

It was because you were explicitly setting fire to an engine which basically takes them out of the fight. But like, turning your hand into a flamethrower would not, it would just be like making your hand into a flamethrower. The balance reason is because setting fire to a plane would fuck it up completely, the lore reason is because you're targeting a piece of industry.

I am having a hoot and a half following this story, thank so much for sharing your writing!

Once again thank you very much for the compliment!!
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Well, I suspect thing are about to go very wrong.

We should make more fire, that's clearly the solution.
Magic! Dicey Dice dice.
But at least we have Advantage from Eyeball.
Total 15!
Tetragramm threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10+3 (Highest 2) Total: 13
8 8 1 1 4 4
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Magic! Dicey Dice dice.
But at least we have Advantage from Eyeball.
Total 15!

Unfortunately No. You have advantage forward to react to the information given by Eyeball, not just straight advantage forward. So that's a 12. Still a partial!! But I thought I'd clear that up. You still have the advantage to react to what I tell you next round though!

Edit: Nevermind, the plan explicitly says target the guy targeting her if she's not doing well.
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5-6 Iron Poisoning
[X]Plan: Tetragrammic
-[X] Eyeball: How is Ria doing? Does she need help? If she's doing good, let's target the guy we shot up with the smoking engine. Otherwise, let's hit the plane targeting her. 3
-[X] MOAR MAGIC: So that one guy is damage and his engine is smoking. Let's make that worse. Turn the smoke into fire. 15
-[X] Boost: Speed is life! +2 Speed, +1 RPM

Ok. Finally. A moment to breathe. You reached under your seat and pulled another heavy box magazine out, taking the empty one and shoving it back under the seat. Most pilots just chucked them off into the Wild but you wouldn't contribute to that. While steering with your knees, looking around, trying to get your bearings, all while trying to lock in a box mag and slide the belt into the chamber, you finally saw the familiar sky-blue boat-shaped monoplane with two engines locked in a dogfight, on the back foot, against two other planes on your left. One of her engines was trailing black smoke with a stuck prop. She could still fly, she was maneuvering and twisting and trying to avoid fire, but she was flying slow enough to be wobbling like she was about to stall out.

Not good. NOT FUCKING GOOD! You reflexively extended your hand again, taking a deep breath, and exhaling just as deeply while your eyes locked on the monoplane taking its turn at shooting tracers her way. It, in turn, burst into flames, and before you could let out another cackle an agonizing sharp pain pierced your stomach, nearly making you let go of the stick. The nausea came back again, this time too much to suppress, and you folded over, vomiting blood onto your boots and plane pedals. You managed to suppress the dry heaving and swallowed the burning stomach acid and blood painting the inside of your mouth, before finishing locking the ammo into place, gripping the throttling and quickly accelerating to quickly build up speed, at the expense of your engine's long term health, and trying to think of what to do next.

You have taken 1 Wound from worsened magical consequences. -1 Ongoing until healed.

Current Altitude: 35/29
Current Speed: 15/17 (Altitude)
Toughness: 1/7
Strain: 19/19
Fuel: 7/7
RPM: 2/7
Wear: 0/5
Current Plane

I want to remind you fellas that you do have a seashell, so hypothetically you could use take a stress to turn it into a magical water focus, and then cast a healing spell using water magic.

Let's decide the next actions! As a reminder, I suggest you all to pick multiple so we can speed this up. You can only cast one spell per turn.

[ ] MOAR MAGIC (You already know, tell me)
[ ] Turn Seashell Into A Water Focus +1 Stress, access to water magic.
[ ] Dogfight! Pursue and attack (Roll +Hard) close to knife to BLAST someone. Clarify who you want to shoot.
[ ] Stay on Target and leave the fight, will take a hit but will bring you in range of the airship.
[ ] Boost to take 1 RPM and increase your speed by 2. Can be voted for in the same line as something else. For example, "dogfight while boosting to keep speed."
[ ] Somethin' Else (Write In)
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[X] Dogfight! Pursue and attack (Roll +Hard) close to knife to BLAST someone. Roll in and dive to shoot the not on-fire fucker trailing Ria. Boost to catch up and keep speed.
-[X] Turn Seashell Into A Water Focus +1 Stress, access to water magic.

I don't know if this is a stupid idea, but the Dice Gods shall surely favour our daring.
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[X] Dogfight! Pursue and attack (Roll +Hard) close to knife to BLAST someone. Roll in and dive to shoot the not on-fire fucker trailing Ria. Boost to catch up and keep speed.
-[X] Turn Seashell Into A Water Focus +1 Stress, access to water magic.
[X] Dogfight! Pursue and attack (Roll +Hard) close to knife to BLAST someone. Roll in and dive to shoot the not on-fire fucker trailing Ria. Boost to catch up and keep speed.
-[X] Turn Seashell Into A Water Focus +1 Stress, access to water magic.
You have to specify what to use the magic for. I.e.
[-] MOAR MAGIC - Use Water Magic to Heal Ourselves.
-[-] Turn Seashell Into A Water Focus +1 Stress, access to water magic.

And the QM has asked us to pick multiple actions (stil only one spell per turn) to speed this up. Hence my example being both spellcasting and making a focus.
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Alright, let's start some rolls! Dogfight first. As I said before, you've got a -1 Ongoing from the injury of extended iron magic use. I'll roll that, then you guys can roll open fire assuming I succeed.

Edit: Oh no
Texas Red threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Dogfight! Pursue (-1) Total: 9
8 8 1 1
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