[ ] Write in if you have another plan!
[ ] Plan Witch
-[] Step 1 : Call down the high altitude air to shroud the airship in mist and fog
-[] Step 2 : Strafe the parasite fighter as it is attached to the airship
-[] Step 3 : Strafe the front of the airship to unbalance it's lift. The nose will drop, and to avoid crashing into the mountains, the Goths will need to send crew aft to rebalance the weight
-[] Step 4 : Board the airship and hold the captain hostage until he relinquishes the cargo. The bridge should be relatively unguarded, as the crew will be aft.
-[] Step 5 : Skedaddle with the cargo. Destroy the airship with flares if any of the Goths are less than cooperative.

[] Plan Daring 4 Witch :
-[] Step 1 : Fly in plain view of the airship making rude gestures, to draw out the captain and officers
-[] Step 2 : Lead the escort fighters in a merry goose choose while Edgar and Thomas strafe the airship, disabling it's weapons, engines and most of the crew
-[] Step 3: Win against the escort fighters
-[] Step 4 : Enter the (hopefully not yet burning) airship and recover the cargo
[X ] Plan Big Wigs
-Take out the escort
-Blast the bridge sterile
-Board the ship with Riya and clean any not-crumbled soldiers out
-Load the package onto Edgar's plane and take out the airship with a flare on your way out.
5-2 Surviving Contact
Oh well, you know what they say, no plan survives contact with the enemy.

[X] Plan Witch
-[] Step 1: Call down the high-altitude air to shroud the airship in mist and fog
-[] Step 2: Strafe the parasite fighter as it is attached to the airship
-[] Step 3: Strafe the front of the airship to unbalance its lift. The nose will drop, and to avoid crashing into the mountains, the Goths will need to send crew aft to rebalance the weight
-[] Step 4: Board the airship and hold the captain hostage until he relinquishes the cargo. The bridge should be relatively unguarded, as the crew will be aft.
-[] Step 5: Skedaddle with the cargo. Destroy the airship with flares if any Goths are less than cooperative.

Even this high above the earth, mountains still surrounded your squadron at all angles, limiting visibility farther than ten kilometers in any direction. A mountain was directly in your way, and unfortunately, you and your circus hadn't really decided as to who was the leader, so you and Riya went right around it, while Edgar and Tomas went left. By the time you realized it was just you and her, the other two were black dots almost directly behind you, circling the jutting cliffs in the opposite direction.

Of course, that was the mountain the convoy was behind. The balloon looked old. it was ragged, covered in patches, and dirty white with a giant red stripe and sharp Gotha spade emblazoned down the middle. Planes circled the airship like a swarm of stinging insects, doing jerky, rapid maneuvers like they were participating in an airshow. The display was hypnotizing, for a moment, with the usual terror of finding the enemy, though this was the first time you hadn't been shot at before you were made aware of them. A booming, gruff voice was heard from the airship, though the words were unintelligible. Six flares shot from the top of the airship, three red, one blue, and two yellow, and immediately the chaos of the Goth airshow turned to surprising coordination as they swiveled around, towards YOU AND RIYA. At least you hadn't been caught off guard this time. The only issue was that Edgar and Tomas were still kilometers away, most likely circling the mountain. You'd need to handle this until they get here.

Enemy Advantage: Catch the enemy spread out

Current Altitude: 35/29
Current Speed: 17/17 (Altitude)
Toughness: 7/7
Strain: 19/19
Fuel: 7/7
RPM: 1/7
Wear: 0/5
Current Plane

Being spread out means you're not gonna be able to call on anyone else for advantage or provide overwatch on anyone else until I decide it's narratively appropriate to be able to. Essentially, Edgar and Tomas are on the way, Riya is gonna have shit to deal with, and so will you.

A couple of options:

[ ] Stay On Target towards the airship to cast your spell (Roll +Calm [+1]) and take a hit, but if you roll well you lessen the consequences.
[ ] Dogfight! an incoming plane and just start fighting (Say what you're doing, which will determine the stat used)
[ ] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what.
[ ] Write In cause ya'll often come up with ideas I never even see coming.
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[X] Cast A Spell
-[X] Ignite some enemy engines

We have our fire back, let's do something with it!
Let's roll some dice. Roll 2d10+Wild, which is +3. Upon a failure you won't combust or anything, but it'll be weird. Also you won't combust "some engines". Let's see what happens next!
5-3 Unearthly Rage
Yeesh. Alright, we can still come back from this.

As you accelerated towards the enemy, you reached into your dress with one hand, and tugged the payload of your two necklaces out of your dress and out into the open air. You gripped the amber while glancing at the engines of three incoming monoplanes, picturing in your head them all combusting into flames. You took a deep breath, targeting the delicate fuel lines in your head, and tensed your body as you waited for the fiery explosions.

Nothing happened. FUCK! AGAIN! WHY COULDN'T YOU DO A SINGLE FUCKING THING RIGHT WITH THE ELEMENT THAT DEFINES YOUR SOUL?! You screamed to no one in shrill rage and slapped your dashboard twice. You were clenching your jaw, completely seeing red now, and you needed to take it out on some deserving fascists.

Your current options are modified from the RAGE that failed spell is making you feel.

[ ] Stay On Target towards the airship to cast your spell (Roll +Calm [+1] at disadvantage) and take a hit, but if you roll well you lessen the consequences.
[ ] Head On Attack an incoming plane (Roll +Hard [+0] with advantage) and has to be knife range.
[ ] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)
[ ] Write In cause ya'll often come up with ideas I never even see coming.
[x] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)


Rolling with advantage is music to my ears!

[x] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)

[x] Nazi Scum Burn
- set the closest or most flammable looking Goth fighter on fire.
Rolling with advantage is music to my ears!
Format it like so for less confusion. Cuz the way you've done it may register as two seperate votes for two unconnected things.

[X] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)
-[X] Nazi Scum Burn - set the closest or most flammable looking Goth fighter on fire.
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[X] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)
-[X] Nazi Scum Burn - set the closest or most flammable looking Goth fighter on fire.

If at first you don't succeed? Burn burn again!