Generally, targeting vital components is Iron magic, which I don't believe we have access to. We'd need an iron focus for that anyway.
As I understand, and I might be wrong, you don't need to have an iron focus to target an iron thing.

The nature of the target is important to figure out what reflects back on you when you fail, not to determine whether you can cast in the first place.

Targetting iron directly means risking iron backlash, which is bad enough.
[X] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)
-[X] Nazi Scum Burn - set the closest or most flammable looking Goth fighter on fire.

I will laugh if the dice fail us yet again.
Given that you're trying to target a plane, again, this time if you fail there's gonna be iron backlash. I now know what it is and it can be nasty. It's dangerous targeting technology!! Alright, ROLL 3d10+3 AND TAKE THE HIGHEST 2.
5-4 Unkind to Your Body
[X] Cast A Spell different from the fog spell, or the same! Just say what. (Roll +Wild [+3] disadvantage if not fire magic, advantage if so)
-[X] Nazi Scum Burn - set the closest or most flammable looking Goth fighter on fire.

You could do it. Your way. Not a moment of calm, this time your fire was useful. You extended your hand towards an approaching monoplane, the one directly approaching you, and you snapped your fingers, causing sparks to start popping from your hand like an ignited pile of gunpowder. You cackled like the witch you were, and pointed at the monoplane. The wings ignited like they were covered in gasoline, and they started maneuvering around, attempting to put out the summoned fire. That was most likely one out of the fight.

"FUCKING FINALLY!!" You shrieked as you approached the remaining fighters converging on your location. Suddenly, you felt physically ill. So nauseous you had trouble holding the stick. Must have been backlash from targeting a piece of technology so recklessly. Your coughed, hard, feeling like your throat was shredded, and when you opened your eyes you saw your dashboard was splattered with blood. Oh Goddesses, that couldn't be good. Whatever, the scouts were in range now and you needed to start fighting.

Someone roll me Dogfight!+Keen(-2) at disadvantage to avoid the incoming plane attacks.

  • -1 cause there's more than one
  • Disadvantage from Iron Sickness.
What dice is dogfight?

Usually 2d10+stat. But you have disadvantage, so it's 3d10 take the lowest 2, +stat. It's always 2d10 unless you're rolling for crits or rolling to attack with ground weapons, and advantage and disadvantage just add another d10, either taking the highest 2 or the lowest 2 respectively.

So the math here is 3d10(drop highest)-3. So odds do not look good for avoiding this.
Rolling some hopefully not cursed dice.

Edit: looks like 10.
digital2 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Dogfight + Keen (-2) Total: 19
6 6 6 6 7 7
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Ninja'd before I edited. :p

That's actually good!! You wanna roll low for take fire. Now it's extreme range effectively, so only 2 damage and a +1 to Crits! I'll roll that.

Edit: We're good!

Next vote on what to do, without a threadmark cause I want to condense them.

[ ] MOAR MAGIC (You already know, tell me)
[ ] Flip and Burn to take turn bleed, and do a knife ranged head on attack, meaning you'll take fire too but get an immediate attack roll without rolling dogfight.
[ ] Dogfight! Turn The Tables (Roll +Daring) not get shot and try and close to knife to BLAST em.
[ ] Stay on Target and leave the fight, will take a hit but will bring you in range of the airship.
[ ] Somethin' Else (Write In)
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crits +1 Total: 11
11 11
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[X] MOAR MAGIC (You already know, tell me): Plz fire-soul, plz. Just one fireball. A fireblast. I'll even take a firebolt at this point. Try to manifest a flamethrower and hose down the enemy plane.

The definition of insanity is being a wizard Harry Witch but then giving up on fire. Fire will work, Eventually. I beg the dice gods.
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[x] Dogfight! Turn The Tables (Roll +Daring) not get shot and try and close to knife to BLAST em.

Daring is still our highest stat, and I don't want to shot more than we already have
[X] MOAR MAGIC (You already know, tell me): Plz fire-soul, plz. Just one fireball. A fireblast. I'll even take a firebolt at this point. Try to manifest a flamethrower and hose down the enemy plane.

Either we burn or they burn, but someone's getting lit up today.
[x] Dogfight! Turn The Tables (Roll +Daring) not get shot and try and close to knife to BLAST em.

We can apply more fire later!
What's iron backlash? As in, what would it entail as consequences?
I was referring to this bit from the lore (for convenience's sake, the " consequences are told up front" thing is usually ignored in quests.
When you cast a spell, hold your Focus, choose a Target and describe a spell based on an effect from the Focus' Nature. The GM tells you up front what the magical consequences of a miss will be, based on the target's nature and the scope of the spell. If you accept, roll +Wild.

So, if you cast a spell on a plane whose nature is nature, you get some of that
• Burn, freeze, break, corrupt, infect, sever from magic.

Iron is nasty like that.

The definition of insanity is being a wizard Harry Witch but then giving up on fire. Fire will work, Eventually. I beg the dice gods.

Anyway, magic can do more than just direct damage. In fact, in direct damage it's usually inferior. The advantage of magic is that it is freedom. If you can describe it, and are willing to pay the price, you can do it.
We could boost our guns, for example, or something even more creative.

[x] Dogfight! Turn The Tables (Roll +Daring) not get shot and try and close to knife to BLAST em.
Alright then, let's dogfight!! Someone roll me Dogfight+Daring!
  • -1 for additional plane
  • -1 for worse handling than the enemy
  • +4 from Daring
  • You get a +2 in total to this roll.
After this roll, damage, crits, and all that, I'll summarize with a threadmark.
Alright, next roll is open fire. You're effective range of knife. If you fail the roll, just roll again. If you get a partial, and you're a true gambler that doesn't quit before they hit big, they can roll again. Nerves of Steel is an ability you have that lets you reroll open fire at knife range.

In addition, whoever is rolling open fire can choose to draw a bead if they wish, meaning they add calm instead of hard, for a +1 instead of a +0, and if they want to rapid fire, to spend more ammo for advantage on the roll. I leave it entirely in the roller's hands. Do keep in mind if you roll with calm, you take an additional hard move from yours truly, along with the one you get from closing to knife range.

Edit: I think from now on, I'm gonna roll dogfight and crits to cut down on the rapid fire rolling, but since Open Fire has so many options for you all, I want you guys to decide how it's done.
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Rapid fire is the name of the game! We're angry we do full auto!

StoneSaint threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10+0 take highest 2 Total: 15
8 8 6 6 1 1