[X] Negotiate (Write in what you want) Roll +Daring
-[X] Any bonus for destroying the airship?

I'm very curious to know what this item is.
[X] Negotiate (Write in what you want) Roll +Daring
-[X] Any bonus for destroying the airship?
Seems unanimous. Someone wanna roll the dice? You have a +4, as a reminder.
Alright, there will be a bonus of 4þ for destroying the airship. You're free to salvage whatever you want from it, they just want the package.

[ ] Negotiate For More (Roll +Daring, along with a -1 for this being the second negotiation roll, so only +3)
[ ] Take The Job
[ ] Walk Away (Permanent lose this job opportunity)
Just wondering, how evil are the Goths?

Imagine you combined Caesar's Legion from FNV with the War Boys from Fury Road. Incredible misogyny, their infrastructure is kept up by slave labor, they kill/enslave/conscript anyone that doesn't agreed with them, and in Whispers of The Deep, the original Flying Circus story, the main character, a woman, was told to buy a revolver when going up against them, not to fight, but to not let herself be captured if she loses the fight, because suicide is a preferable alternative to being captured by them.

Alsp, it's strongly implied that the goths anre often "rewarded" with time with a female prisoner by their commanders for "exemplary service."

TLDR: Cartoonishly evil but not cartoonish at all cause they feel scarily real, and represent nearly EVERYTHING horrid about the old world.

I'm editing this a lot but I want to mention that most lower ranking goths aren't exactly evil, just super fucking brainwashed. I'm gonna say most of them can be deprogrammed. There are some true believers though, and the higher ups are always UNFATHOMABLY evil. Plus they think the mad max fashion makes them look cool.

Another TLDR: Kill the conscripts if you must, take them prisoner of you can, take as long as you want to kill the officers and above.
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4-7 Die On Your Feet
"What if we just destroy the thing?" You ask, wondering why they'd go through all the trouble of trying to take it from the Goths if you could just wreck it.

"Acceptable, but we'd have to cut pay in half. Half the job is getting the package back here." The Colonel responded bluntly.

"Ok… and if we blow up the airship too? Would we get a bonus for that?" You question, thinking depriving some jerks of an airship might be a great way to make a few more pucks.

"Good point… I'll give you four Thaler for destroying the airship too. Shouldn't be too hard, the quartermaster can assist with incendiaries if you need some." Sigmund responded, before turning back to the table with the map on it. "Major, could you assist in informing our prospective assistance what the plan is?" He asked, looking at one of the other men at the table, this one with a fierce scar over his nose and on his neck.

"Certainly, sir." He says plainly, pointing to a smaller topographical map on the corner of the table, labeled Fokker Mountains at the top. There were two labeled Xs, Festung Frosthöhe and Enemy Encampment located about fifteen centimeters north. The Major spoke with a strong and grating bearing, exactly how you imagined a higher-up military man too. He used a wooden pointer to direct attention to the map. "The enemy is too well defended to be struck directly at their temporary airbase, they have AA guns and enough monoplanes to take on our entire base's squadron, so our only option is to attack in transit. Even so, expect heavy resistance in the air and on the ship. If you kill their leaders, they won't know what to do. Most of the time they simply crumble like a bridge without a keystone. I recommend shooting for the command deck. Scouts tell us the ship they'll be on shouldn't hold a crew over 8, but Goths tend to pack like sardines into whatever they can, so that's just our guess."

"So... Disable the airship, but not to the point where it crashes?" Edgar asks, stepping forward and examining the map closer. Several general acknowledgments of approval came from the officers in the room. Edgar turned back to the rest of you. At least he understood you and Riya were the ones making the decisions.

"Well... do we need to kill them? I mean, like, I know they're jerks, but do they deserve to die over something like this?" You ask. Everyone immediately looked at you like you just insulted their mothers.

"Is she unfamiliar with this subject?" Sigmund asked Edgar, looking concerned. Edgar looked like he didn't know what to say, thankfully, so Riya spoke up.

"She's from an isolated community, don't blame her. I'll explain later. But yes, they deserve to die. I genuinely don't know if anyone on the continent deserves it more than them." Riya explained, putting a hand on your shoulder. It felt comforting, rather than demeaning.

"Alright, sure, I'll do it." You said warily, not understanding why this seemed like such a touchy subject. You turned around to look at your masked friend, who was standing with his back to the wall next to the door. "Tomas?" He gave you a simple thumbs up. "Alright, guess we agree. We'll take it." You said, extending a hand to shake. Sigmund firmly took your hand and shook your arm around, smiling.

"Good hunting Fraulein! Take a look at the quartermaster's office if you need more firepower, you're going to need it!" he said as you all started to move to the door.

"Ok, Hilda, I don't know where to begin with this," Riya said as she examined one of the quad-edged knife rounds she was loading her plane's heavy machine gun with. You in turn were sorting through a box of LMG rounds they had lying around at the airfield, picking the duds out of your box mag and putting them in a bean can you found lying on the ground.

"About the goths?"


"What about them?" Riya ran a skinny hand through her hair and took a deep breath.

"After the bombs dropped, and the world was killed, some generals up in the Gotha territories wanted to keep power. Everything other than the military was gone, so it was pretty easy to turn the military into the government." Riya began, before tossing a bent knife round into the bucket at her feet.

"So they're a dictatorship?" you asked as you closed a box and took out another.

"I don't even know what to call them. I'm honestly not doing the gravity of the situation justice. They arrive at a settlement, kill anyone who resists the takeover, and drain its resources dry. They take little boys, down to fucking toddlers if they can hold a gun, and get in their heads until they think they're invincible and think everyone other than them is the enemy and must be corrected or killed. They take..." Riya looked across the airfield and put her hand over her mouth like she couldn't even bear saying what she was planning to. "They're monsters. If we lose, you cannot let yourself be caught, do you understand me?" As she spoke, she looked you in the eyes with a degree of fear and intensity you hadn't seen from her yet. You thought you understood what she meant. You could feel anxiety fill your stomach and creep up to your chest. You continued sorting your ammo box with shaky hands.

Alrighty fellas, time for preflight shit! I heard a few of you talking about buying things for this mission, so tell me what you want! You currently have 5 Thaler, which you can spend on things like, I don't know, firearms, grenades, special ammo, etc. If you choose special ammo I expect ya'll to do the math for how it changes your LMG. I think how this should be done is a "plan" write-in, where you list the shopping list along with the resulting cost in total. For example:

[X] Plan Bullshit
-Rubber Ducky 1 Thaler
-Basic Bitch Revoler Scrip
-Incendiary Grenade 1 Thaler for 3
-A knife Scrip
Total: 2 Thaler, 2 Scrip

[ ] Write in what you want to buy, buying nothing is a valid vote.

Next! I suggest you vote on this as well as the first one, Introspection! You have 6 XP to spend, I suggest you do something with it! Same structure as the vote above, you can write in multiple things if you'd like, though your options are limited on that front.

[ ] Write in what you want to spend XP on. If you've never played and don't know what to spend it on, I suggest you listen to the other voters suggestions and choose one that feels right.

Lastly, vote on your altitude. You'll be fighting over mountains, so the ground will be 20 Altitude as a base. So fly above it. Your ideal altitude ceiling is 29, as a reminder.

[ ] Write in Altitude
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[X] Plan Don't Die
- Light Helmet and Vest (3 Thaler)
- Medical Kit (1 Thaler)
- Revolver (1 Scrip)
- Flare Gun (1 Scrip)
- Total 4 Thaler 2 Scrip
I'm thinking we are not the close-in type. We support with magic and from the air. This should make sure we don't die when if things go wrong, and can help keep others from dying.

[X] Practice Makes Perfect - Spend 4 XP on Mastery Progress and learn Head to Head. (2 XP Left)
It goes well with Nerves of Steel, and last mission we did not react well to being shot at. So we should practice what to do next time it happens.
(Edited based on Texas Red's note below.)

[X] Altitude 35
We lose some performance, but not much, and I'm just spitballing, but 15 Altitude over the ground is about right? We can always dive down if we need the edge.
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Oh, shit, I just realized that Dogfight mastery counts surrenders as victories too. You actually have 3 masteries currently, so you'd still have 2 XP left over.
[X] Plan Don't Die
- Light Helmet and Vest (3 Thaler)
- Medical Kit (1 Thaler)
- Revolver (1 Scrip)
- Flare Gun (1 Scrip)
- Total 4 Thaler 2 Scrip
I'm thinking we are not the close-in type. We support with magic and from the air. This should make sure we don't die when if things go wrong, and can help keep others from dying.

[X] Practice Makes Perfect - Spend 4 XP on Mastery Progress and learn Head to Head. (2 XP Left)
It goes well with Nerves of Steel, and last mission we did not react well to being shot at. So we should practice what to do next time it happens.
[X] Plan Don't Die
- Light Helmet and Vest (3 Thaler)
- Medical Kit (1 Thaler)
- Revolver (1 Scrip)
- Flare Gun (1 Scrip)
- Total 4 Thaler 2 Scrip
[X] Practice Makes Perfect - Spend 4 XP on Mastery Progress and learn Head to Head. (2 XP Left)
I have no complaints to this
[X] Altitude 25
Good performance with room to maneuver.
[X] Plan Don't Die
- Light Helmet and Vest (3 Thaler)
- Medical Kit (1 Thaler)
- Revolver (1 Scrip)
- Flare Gun (1 Scrip)
- Total 4 Thaler 2 Scrip
I'm thinking we are not the close-in type. We support with magic and from the air. This should make sure we don't die when if things go wrong, and can help keep others from dying.

[X] Practice Makes Perfect - Spend 4 XP on Mastery Progress and learn Head to Head. (2 XP Left)
It goes well with Nerves of Steel, and last mission we did not react well to being shot at. So we should practice what to do next time it happens.

[X] Altitude 35
We lose some performance, but not much, and I'm just spitballing, but 15 Altitude over the ground is about right? We can always dive down if we need the edge.

I do think Tetra has the right of this.
5-1 Escalation
[X] Plan Don't Die
- Light Helmet and Vest (3 Thaler)
- Medical Kit (1 Thaler)
- Revolver (1 Scrip)
- Flare Gun (1 Scrip)
- Total 4 Thaler 2 Scrip

[X] Practice Makes Perfect - Spend 4 XP on Mastery Progress and learn Head to Head. (2 XP Left)

[X] Altitude 35

Alright, side note, I want you guys to be able to participate in the boarding action, so I'm giving you a Zeppelin Hook for free. It's temporary, when this mission is over it's returned to the base. Here's your temporary plane for this mission, it hasn't changed much other than 1 less handling. Temp Plane

After packing your box mags and belts of 4-blade knife round belts for the next day, you and Riya headed back from the airstrip into the base to ask for the quartermaster for some new equipment. You eventually found him, he was just some old man who managed the resource stockpile of the base, willing to sell equipment to approved outsiders. You were one, thankfully, so he let you peruse the stockpile to look for what you needed. You grabbed a steel helmet and a thick cloth vest you were told could stop a 9-millimeter round or knife at point-blank range, which sounded promising for what you were planning. It set you back three out of your five Thaler, but you had money coming in assuming you completed this mission, it would be fine. You decided your sword might not be as effective as you hoped, so you bought a flare gun for signaling, and a revolver for your left hip to compliment the straight blade on your right. You thanked the goddesses for your ambidexterity. Riya's near-desperate words about not being caught echoed in your mind as you fastened your holster onto your belt. You didn't know if that would be something you were willing to do, even if you were confident you'd be reborn someday. Finally, you grabbed a medical kit. You were planning on attuning to that seashell you found back in Schwartzstrand to get some water magic, but if that failed you, you needed to have the option to stop bleeding at the very least. There was thankfully a small pamphlet inside with infographics of how to dress common battlefield injuries, as bodily humors were never a subject you studied closely. That set you back another Thaler, leaving your company with only a single one left to spend.

Riya, seeing you buying a revolver, must have been inspired to get one of her own, as she bought a self-loading pistol for herself with your last remaining Thaler. Your finances were deep in the red now, all you had was a few slips of purple repurposed propaganda fliers, this town's form of currency, to your name, but you both agreed it was necessary with the upcoming danger. You still weren't satisfied, you still felt like you haven't prepared as much as you could have, so you filled your gas tank up about halfway and decided to practice some stunt flying. In particular, you practiced hard turn maneuvers until you could flip 180° on a dime without crushing yourself into your seat or throwing yourself out of the cockpit. This felt different than your granted skill of flying. You were actually sharpening your own skills, flying high around the mountains and challenging yourself to find purchase in the thinning air. It was exhilarating to push yourself like this, doing flips, seeing everything so small beneath you, it felt right. It would have been relaxing, if your entire body wasn't burning like crazy from the exertion.

You collapsed back in your hammock after landing, pulling your dress off after the fact, and then immediately pulling it back on as it was freezing in there. It was late, your practice run had turned into stunt flying, and you knew you needed a good night's sleep before the mission. Before shutting your eyes, you reached into the neck of your dress to try an experiment. You pulled out the goggle glass on a string that had helped you for so long, you know, four or five days, and hung it on a wooden hook on one of the wooden support beams hanging up your hammock. You didn't feel any different, though it made you a little nervous to not have it on your person. You stared at it in the dark for a while, watching the light of Elba coming through a porthole reflecting off the glass.

No dreams. Well, there was one, some regular, faded, half remembered dream about watching Gunther arguing with the Colonel about… something. But it wasn't like the dreams you'd been having since making the deal with Frau Madeline. You woke up in the same position as you went to sleep, feeling rested and feeling the sun rising at your back. You sat up, looked around, and saw Gunther who seemed to be in the process of creating a circle of sticks on the ledge he'd been sleeping on these past few nights. You guessed he realized this was becoming your home as well. You rolled out of your hammock, got your boots back on, and tried to figure out where to go to get something to eat.

You found Riya already at the base's mess hall, the hotel's grand ballroom now filled with all manner of large tables to eat at. Today's breakfast was a surprisingly appetizing soup, comprised of vegetables that could travel well and probably three different forms of salted meat. It burned the bottom of your throat from the salt but made you invigorated for the day's festivities. You, Riya, Tomas, and Edgar all ate at the same table, mostly silent, aside from comments on the food, all clearly contemplating what was coming next. Including you.

Whatever. You pulled yourself out of a spin two days ago, put out a fire on your wing, avoided getting your head blown off by a bandit, and made a deal with a nymph. You could handle some fascists. After breakfast, your squad headed out to the airfield. There was a tall metal hook behind the seat now, which you thought was strange, but Riya informed you that she had it installed to help with the boarding action. All zeppelins had places for parasite fighters to hook onto, which could be exploited to help with boarding. It was a rental though, you needed to give it back after the mission. You strapped your cloth vest into place around your torso, tight enough to almost restrict your breathing, donned your helmet, checked your plane and revolver's ammo one last time, committed your medical pamphlet to memory, fueled up, made sure the plane was ready to roll, and told the attendant the switch was on. He threw the prop, and you heard five different bangs as everyone's engines ignited in near unison, and began to roll down the runway and towards the next mission.

Following the map you were given, you flew through the mountain range, following the common trade valleys, before ascending to above your plane's Ideal Altitude Ceiling towards where the blimp was expected to be traveling. Your instruments didn't seem to be as precise at this altitude, but you got the estimation you were about three and a half kilometers above sea level.

Give me the plan of attack. I need 3-6 stages to the plan, to make a battle clock, starting with battling the escort fighters yourself along with the rest of the crew, or having Edgar and Tomas handle it while you and Riya board, and culminating in recovering the package. The plan decided on will be the structure of the mission we run with until shit hits the fan enough that we need to improvise.

[ ] Plan Big Wigs
-Take out the escort
-Blast the bridge sterile
-Board the ship with Riya and clean any not-crumbled soldiers out
-Load the package onto Edgar's plane and take out the airship with a flare on your way out.

[ ] Write in if you have another plan!

Once the votes are in we'll roll engage.
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We don't need to kill every Goth. We just need the box.

That said, if we don't clear the ship might get ambushed securing it.