If Sorcery means that Odyssial has greater reincarnation fidelity I pity the Sidereals.Look we're going to be exalting in a probably public fashion in the middle of a Dragonblooded Academy, we do not need to make things even harder by having a fate ninja hitsquad being sent after us.
Personally, I'm kind of a sucker for past lives more directly impacting reincarnations, which is why I rather like the thought of Ody succeeding and all those other ripple effects Sorcery would cause, whereas I just don't think the Fae alone remembering us is enough to make me choose Subduer because they seem a bit more peripheral than the other stuff.
Not impossible, but challenging even for Odyssial's abilities, especially as there is no mechanical way to exceed 5 dots in an Attribute or Ability while you're on a human chassis (Though mastering Charms to allow you to effectively do so is a thing, and it's likely that Odyssial would have all of them.)
EDIT: I actually tried simulating it, he could pull it off within 10-12 rolls, but actually getting that many to try for it would require years of prep time and a full year actually implementing it where he wasn't doing anything else, plus materials on par with a Deathlord's corpus and another Adamant Circle Sorcerer he was willing to trust to cooperate.
I see this and wonder why we're going to all this trouble to have a sword installed in our anima when we could have an army of ten thousand fully equipped, fanatical First Age elite dragonbloods sitting in there instead just going by RAW. Plus our own custom-designed Incarna 2.0 to lead them.
Yeah, but it is one of the more intrigueing consequences of Sorcery, seeing how I don't care that much for the raw power increase, and there's a signficant danger that the sunk-cost fallacy and other stuff drives people to choose it just because they can.Bearing in mind that I haven't been keeping track of your reasoning, specifically:
You can still get Sorcery and keep the Wracking.
Don't forget the X.[ ] Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle - Inaugerated into the Adamant Circle, Odyssial numbered among the greatest willworkers ever to live. Countless workings he wove into himself, power beyond the furthest reaches of mere superhuman skill, and the denizens of Hell learned to fear one summoner in particular. Sorcerous enlightenment became relatively common in his realm, and it is a stranger and more wondrous place, steeped in arcane traditions and myth.
… This is the most terrifying combination.Rihaku said:Lea: I have no true self. Behind the mask, I am nothing.
Ody: That's awesome. Can you teach me?
Jesus Christ, how horrifying."You're right," she finally said, and there was something in her voice that had not been there before. "I just developed that power. I think I like you, Odyssial."
*Assuming the fetal position*"You can't like me," he interjected, "you don't have likes or dislikes."
"I just gave myself one, on a whim. And then I marked it as true, and inviolate."
The thing about Lea is that she can probably manage both of these at once.He supposed, in time, they would be able to look back upon this day and judge whether things had gone terribly, terribly wrong, or terribly, terribly right.
Too late Guile.… This is the most terrifying combination.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
*Assuming the fetal position*
*breathing into a paper bag*
The thing about Lea is that she can probably manage both of these at once.
So? I don't see the difference between the two honestly.The more complete the reincarnation is, the more likely ulyssian persona would just collapse under the weight of Odyssial's
How can you say it's important the Wracking be stopped, when we don't even know for sure what it is? Anyway, it's observed effects are not all deleterious to us; the death of most of the Elder Sidereals not only removes the people most likely to fear and hate a returned Odyssial, it gives us more freedom to work in the absence of the omnipresent threat of teacup ninjas. From a narrative standpoint, a Creation imperiled makes for a better story.Preventing the Wracking is more important than carving out some more land.
How can you say it's important, when we don't even know for sure what it is? Anyway, it's observed effects are not all deleterious to us; the death of most of the Elder Sidereals not only removes the people most likely to fear and hate a returned Odyssial, it gives us more freedom to work in the absence of the omnipresent threat of teacup ninjas. From a narrative standpoint, a Creation imperiled makes for a better story.
1. It's Uly, not Udy.Too late Guile.
Lea is an total Yandere. Now, it's either reincarnation with sorceory and keeping her as an ally or not reincarnate and her not acknowledging udy=ody thus wasting all our actions.
Also I would really like Ody to live through Udy.
She can't modify her the principals marked as permanent with her power though, only the 'masks' she creates around that.Heh, so Lea can modify her principals about as easily as Adojani internals can.