[Exalted, ?] Most High

I must say, I love the depiction of Lea and Odyssial's first meeting. It feels like a peek into an age of myth, and I've been reading too much Fate to draw any comparisons other than the tired old Gilgamesh/Enkidu thing. They have an obvious chemistry and both are far beyond human. Terrific is the right word, I think.

[X] The Blade of the Battle-Maiden - Pearl's chief rival, Ascendant Rosary, grows in prestige and power. Though he harbors a magnificent hatred for Pearl herself, he is somewhat indifferent against Odyssial and mostly Lea, working against them half-heartedly. Still, the bizarre shenanigans this conflict breeds helps bring Odyssial and his Sidereal adviser closer together, while also adding a touch of much-needed levity to their work. In a somewhat misguided bid to drive a wedge between Odyssial and Pearl, Rosary delivered to him a peerless Sword-banner of the Maiden of Battles, which was well-integrated into the Unfinished Blade.

[X] Petals of the Rose
- Accompanying Lea on many of her own missions, Odyssial learns something approximating social graces and more intimately deepens his relationship with the Queen of Masks. Lea's influence over matters at court is expanded considerably, with Odyssial around to serve as the somewhat awkward iron fist to her velvet glove. Their love is strengthened to one capable of surviving menace, tribulation, and the passing of the ages: not even the Age of Sorrows can diminish this one shining answer.

The epic tragedy of Odyssial's tale is that his will outweighed the rest of him, and burned out all the life he could have enjoyed to fuel his ambitions. His vast, unequaled might is still magnitudes less than what he needs to realize his perfect utopia, but he hasn't realized that no one needs a perfect utopia. So here's a vote for less heartlessness and more friends, since his current integrity magics and heartlessness make it unlikely he'll ever look back on his inhuman drive as a mistake.
I really don't get it, we can most likely safely spend 500,000 XP reducing Heartlessness and still reach Greatness 10 and yet they're still adverse to preventing Odyssial from torching Creation.
That half a million experience would come out of Ulyssian's stockpile. There are two pools of experience: the intangible Greatness experience awarded by these options and the part that carries over into the Age of Sorrows.
I must say, I love the depiction of Lea and Odyssial's first meeting. It feels like a peek into an age of myth, and I've been reading too much Fate to draw any comparisons other than the tired old Gilgamesh/Enkidu thing. They have an obvious chemistry and both are far beyond human. Terrific is the right word, I think.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hadn't considered the Gil / Enkidu angle, that's very interesting. They weren't particularly inspired by any given duo; I've moved Ulyssian away from being Gil-inspired since Sword, since Gil pretty much exemplifies the exact opposite of Ulyssian's combat style!

The epic tragedy of Odyssial's tale is that his will outweighed the rest of him, and burned out all the life he could have enjoyed to fuel his ambitions. His vast, unequaled might is still magnitudes less than what he needs to realize his perfect utopia, but he hasn't realized that no one needs a perfect utopia. So here's a vote for less heartlessness and more friends, since his current integrity magics and heartlessness make it unlikely he'll ever look back on his inhuman drive as a mistake.

No one needs a perfect utopia? How can you know if you haven't tried? If it's boring, it's not perfect!
His vast, unequaled might is still magnitudes less than what he needs to realize his perfect utopia, but he hasn't realized that no one needs a perfect utopia. So here's a vote for less heartlessness and more friends, since his current integrity magics and heartlessness make it unlikely he'll ever look back on his inhuman drive as a mistake.
Nor should he! It's his most appealing trait. Lea wouldn't have fallen for him, if he didn't casually jump to how her inhuman mindset can be be used for optimization.

And man, speak for yourself, but I could sure use a perfect utopia! Pity the Autarchy isn't giving out visas.
Nor should he! It's his most appealing trait. Lea wouldn't have fallen for him, if he didn't casually jump to how her inhuman mindset can be be used for optimization.

And man, speak for yourself, but I could sure use a perfect utopia! Pity the Autarchy isn't giving out visas.

I'm not sure you'd want to actually live there! It's the world that follows that may be kinder, if Odyssial hasn't warped his definition of kindness.
Really wanted to go with all the X will remember your name... and fear it. Choices, but -1 heartlessness, that's a whole 'free' choice! and I had to take battle maiden, as long ago I set a core principle for myself, always take the sword. So sadly the wyld will have to reign free, Inexhaustible Ember is to blame for this, as his name simply wasn't inspiring enough. If his slightly superiorly named brother had been in charge perhaps none of this would've happened.

[X] Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle
[X] Apex Flight
[X] The Blade of the Battle-Maiden
[X] Petals of the Rose
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[X] Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle
[X] Apex Flight

[X] The Blade of the Battle-Maiden
[X] Petals of the Rose
But it does harm our material interests. A high heartlessness means more stuff. Passing up on an advantage would almost certainly qualify as harm to Odyssial. It makes sense that he becomes a heartless bastard. Relentless striving for self improvement is crazy even for a Solar when done to the extent Odyssial does.
This just in, not helping a cause is the same as harming that cause.

Come on, dude, this is the worst kind of 'For us or against us' thinking.
Frankly, I just want to see what kind of synergies would exist from having close friends from the entirety of the Exalted Host. That existed at the time and were actually relevant anyway. Exigents are less Exalts and more "Oh fuck oh fuck shit damn" buttons that were pushed on occasion by Gods to activate a "Press Buttan to recieve Champion" effect that the UCS could provide if he felt the need was great enough.

Interestingly enough, Exigents aren't Anathema by default in the Immaculate viewpoint. While below a Dragon Blood, it's more of an "Original Sin" kind of thing (Because an Exigent needing to exist in the first place is a failure on their part). It's a "Well, you're going to be set back for your reincarnation by default here, but you can totally work it off by good deeds and virtue with that power" kind of thing.
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The Subduer seems a bit underappreciated. I just want to lead an expedition into the howling maw of chaos and beat up fairies, until the horrifying monsters from beyond the edges of the world acknowledge that our victory is a cosmic constant. Is that too much to ask?
This just in, not helping a cause is the same as harming that cause.
I can totally see Odyssial conceiving of not living up to his maximum potential as actively harmful. I don't necessarily disagree, either.
Really wanted to go with all the X will remember your name... and fear it. Choices, but -1 heartlessness, that's a whole 'free' choice! and I had to take battle maiden, as long ago I set a core principle for myself, always take the sword. So sadly the wyld will have to reign free, Inexhaustible Ember is to blame for this, as his name simply wasn't inspiring enough. If his slightly superiorly named brother had been in charge perhaps none of this would've happened.

[X] Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle
[X] Apex Flight
[X] The Blade of the Battle-Maiden
[X] Petals of the Rose

What? She's a great ally! Way better than her brother, that guy is way too hot-headed for his own good. Did you know he got beaten by a mortal once?

That's the kind of stuff that you never stop being reminded of, unless you reach "Einstein was bad at math as a kid"-levels of greatness.
What? She's a great ally! Way better than her brother, that guy is way too hot-headed for his own good. Did you know he got beaten by a mortal once?

That's the kind of stuff that you never stop being reminded of, unless you reach "Einstein was bad at math as a kid"-levels of greatness.
Oh, we get to make the predecessor to Flame's sister unflaggingly loyal to us? This... this I have to see.
The Subduer seems a bit underappreciated. I just want to lead an expedition into the howling maw of chaos and beat up fairies, until the horrifying monsters from beyond the edges of the world acknowledge that our victory is a cosmic constant. Is that too much to ask?
I can totally see Odyssial conceiving of not living up to his maximum potential as actively harmful. I don't necessarily disagree, either.

I want Subduer too, but I also want Apex! And I also want Blade of the Battle Maiden! All these together put us at the "Oh shit, let's try not to exceed this" level of Heartlessness that even Rihaku, patron saint of "Provide incentives for players to make selfish and short-sighted choices" says is Not Recommended going over.

The Lea Option is Basically free, but it reduces our flexibility in the final Epoch, because we have no further room to take more Titles or Events without hitting the "OH SHIT SON" option, and we won't even have the option of spending XP to reduce Heartlessness!

And the thng is, I imagine the final Epoch is going to be "You've done all this, now what do you save in the Usurpation". It'll be a really silly thing if we end up having dumped all of our give and ended up losing most of what we fought for due to random chance because we didn't have enough flexibility left over to save our most important possessions.
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I want Subduer too, but I also want Apex! And I also want Blade of the Battle Maiden! All these together put us at the "Oh shit, let's try not to exceed this" level of Heartlessness that even Rihaku, patron saint of "Provide incentives for players to make selfish and short-sighted choices" says is Not Recommended going over.

The Lea Option is Basically free, but it reduces our flexibility in the final Epoch, because we have no further room to take more Titles or Events without hitting the "OH SHIT SON" option, and we won't even have the option of spending XP to reduce Heartlessness!
Yeah... I might be on board with buying down Heartlessness, actually, if we can get everything except Petals in this epoch. Even I don't want to hit 11; 11 is the bad news bears. 10, attenuated by Apex is good, but I suspect that I'll have to compromise and hit 9 on the final count, due to the general sentiment of the thread. Would that be agreeable to you?
Yeah... I might actually be on board with buying down Heartlessness, actually. Even I don't want to hit 11; 11 is the bad news bears. 10, attenuated by Apex is good, but I suspect that I'll have to compromise and hit 9 on the final count, do the general sentiment of the thread. Would that be agreeable to you?

I am willing to Tolerate ten in the sense that I'll just grumble for a few posts and get on with it like I do most defeats, but would prefer nine or lower, I most Certainly want to avoid 11 like the plague though, and in the interest of ensuring that we have enough give for emergencies, we kind of have to avoid spending more then 1 more Heartlessness here.
I am willing to Tolerate ten, but would prefer nine, I most Certainly want to avoid 11 like the plague though, and in the interest of ensuring that we have enough give for emergencies, we kind of have to avoid spending more then 1 more Heartlessness here.
Eleven apparently carries over into the Age of Sorrows and wreaks havoc on Ulyssian's personality and relationships, which I am invested in emotionally to an enormous degree, so we are in accord there. By the way, I think it is worth noting that canonical Odyssial probably did not have the Apex, as he was 'stuck' at a flat nine Greatness.