@Rihaku Is the "separate sub-bureau devoted to the endings Odyssial caused" a reference to Jade Empire?
Orm wants a lot, because he wants to play a Quest where the PC is a complete sociopath and monster, he's frequently made statements to that point that seeing this is his chief motivation in making votes.
Myself, I don't want to go All In when we don't even know what's available in later Epochs, and I see Lord Strategos as a trap that'll force us to spend more resources defending it then we'd really want to. It would really be mud in our eye if we end up in a position where "Spend an action defending your claim or accept a huge penalty to your Greatness from being defeated on this point, and lose the access to the Sword of Creation to another department or a rival"
And as awesome as having access to the Sword of Creation would be, it is Not worth the energy we'll have to spend defending it, that Rihaku already hinted we'd have to do in future Epochs if we had too many major "Titles" to our name.
Personally, I'm fine with having lots of Heartlessness but I'm not seeking it out, as it does come with disadvantages. That's one of the reasons I'm choosing Lord Strategos (other than being the ruler of the entire Exalted host. I mean, goddamn): as you mention, there are additional epochs incoming. We are likely to choose at least 1 Heartless Might option, and that would boost our XP by 20% at minimum; we should at least be benefiting from any increase in Heartlessness.
So revoting (I don't know if I'll be changing anything, as I'm rereading the voting options as I decide):
[X] Lord Strategos - The thoroughness and genius of his tactics, culminating in the episode of the Odyssian Horse, led to Odyssial's ordination as the Lord Strategos of the Exalted Host, the highest of High Command. His dictates would shape the very nature of the Primordial War, and by its end the Titans indeed began to wish that they had never heard the name Odyssial.
It makes us pretty much the most politically powerful dude, including giving Uly access to the weapon that founded the Scarlet Empire. It opens up further options in later epochs; these options will likely be of great power considering that they are based on the greatest political power ever. Also, the Primordials fear us personally. How cool is that?
Plus, in all likelihood we will be taking a Heartlessness Might option. This means that each Heartlessness might option gives us 100k+ XP.
[X] Protector of the West - As one of the most formidable of the Host, Odyssial was granted the mandate of a Directional Protectorate. With authority to monitor, investigate, and defend an entire Direction of Creation, his rightly paranoid self was able to install countless caches of arms, equipment, and loyalist cells throughout the archipelagos and beyond.
This gives Odyssial complete control over the West direction, and
increases the spread of his legend. Odyssial is going to be a Greatness 10 Solar who is personally feared by Primordials and lead the entire Exalted host, and we can increase his legend. Reputation OP, plz nerf! Also it gives us sleeper cells across the West, ready to flock to our banner should we take any action, and will be fermenting discontent in the face of Immaculate propaganda. Plus there's the weapons caches we've seeded over the West.
Honestly, I'm not even that worried about the ship.
[X] The Conquering King - Acquiring much territory in the countless conflicts of this Era, Odyssial learned how to conquer and rule. In the millennia to follow, his peoples would want for little, and never suffer the deprivations of a triumphant aggressor, not even as a part of Odyssial's schemes.
This has great synergy with the Protector of the West. It increases our rulings fourfold, which is great when combined with the huge holdings granted by the Protector. This increase in ruling size, plus the increase in the loyalty of our populace, will likely serve to increase the amount of still loyal Odyssial cells, and the amount of surviving caches. Plus it grants 100k XP.
I figure with this we'll be sitting at at least 900k XP.