[Exalted, ?] Most High

Hmm. Something that gives him an advantage fighting against large numbers?

Something that helps him fake burning stuff so well that he actually burns things?
More Evocation ideas:

Continuing from Saber Mirror Shield as an upgrade, an Evocation that gives a bonus to our attacks based on the reversed onslaught penalty (with conditions and limits, of course)?

A once per story Evocation that turns aside a blow that would otherwise kill Ulyssian?
Like Blind Impulse Strike? I'm not sure how permissible such effects are going to be in 3E, with the increased emphasis on social combat mattering and not being trivially deflected. I'll consider it.

Make it a clash perhaps? Whoever rolls better? *throws idea's at the wall* Also this is a first age artifact N/A, so trivially deflecting UMI technically is something that fits since it was before 2E...
Wake the Sleeper rolls
To Resolute Flame, the day he met that mortal was a day he would remember for the rest of his life.

To Sesus Ulyssian, it was Tuesday.

I think it was actually Friday?

Also, since Stunt levels above 2 give successes instead of dice, we can go ahead and roll for Wake the Sleeper now! Peerless Skill makes it TN 6, Fate-Shifting Solar Arete targeting 2s and 3s, spend a point of WP for one auto-success. 23 + 4 dice to roll.
Rihaku threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Wake the Sleeper Total: 73
6 6 4 4 6 6 4 4 10 10 5 5 2 2 4 4 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10
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My god, those are some disgusting early rolls. 15 more dice to throw.

EDIT: Holy shit, my Fate-Shifting Solar Arete decision to target 2s and 3s has paid of disgustingly. That's 27 successes from dice alone. My god.
Rihaku threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Wake the Sleeper Total: 58
2 2 6 6 9 9 7 7 1 1 10 10 3 3 3 3 1 1 5 5 1 1 10 10
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I think it was actually Friday?

Also, since Stunt levels above 2 give successes instead of dice, we can go ahead and roll for Wake the Sleeper now! Peerless Skill makes it TN 6, Fate-Shifting Solar Arete targeting 2s and 3s, spend a point of WP for one auto-success. 23 dice to roll.

I think that proves it point. Basically he has already forgotten any important details about the encounters...
24 dice thrown, need to throw 3 more for Heaven-Turning Calculations. Total 29 successes before stunts, Willpower, and Harmonious Academic Methodology. 35 with a level 2 stunt, 36 with a level 3 stunt. So, you'll get 13 free Evocations with a level 2 stunt composite, and 14 free Evocations with a level 3 stunt composite.
Rihaku threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Wake the Sleeper Total: 16
7 7 8 8 1 1
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You devil's advocated for this, man. We were gonna pass up WtS for Immortal Commander or something, then you came in preaching the brokenness of WtS. Now look what you've done, you've woken the sleeping dragon!

A Solar Dragon.
Maybe some sort of artifact/weapon damaging/destroying ability? Brought to you by my thoughts that these E4 Abyssals with resources yes probably have some decent 4/5 dot artifacts.
Fanwork## 419 words
I'm happy others like Meinmaru were inspired because I wasn't. And thanks Rihaku for those rolls !
what follows is also bullshit...not the awesome kind though I fear.

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In a warrior, the boundaries between a man and the tools of his craft tended to blur past a certain threshold. With use any armor could become a second skin, seemingly weighting no more and no less than what it covered. Weapons could become true extensions of one's hands. With talent and practice, reaching such mastery was possible to many, indeed, as a Mortal he had attained such heights. His swordsmanship was such that plunging into a lunge, point seeking a throat, came as easily and naturally as breathing to him. There was nothing but the gesture, no thought before nor after, only the cuttings motions following each other in a seamless rhythm.

This closeness , paradoxically, did not foster any kind of relationship between weapon and wielder, for without distance, as they came to blend into each other, becoming as one, no link could be forged, no alliance struck. The strange mathematics of this type of mastery led to one and one coming together, not to give two but to blend into one anew.

Since the Tournament, he had learned as much.
From the splintering of Ambition's intent and his own he had gained a new awareness. Seized more of the Odyssial that was than he ever had before. Living in recollections the life of the man he had been left little room for a clear view of his past self. Knowing Ambition to be his had meant remaining blind and deaf to it. To truly see and hear, distance had been needed.

Where he had moved alone before, he danced now. Ambition and him twirled in the bowels of the ship, flowing from stance to stance upon its creaking woods. The shadows they cast under the torchlight for sole witness, they moved together at an increasingly faster pace. Soon, it was as if a dozen, then an hundred of them danced in harmony under some unknown choreography. A familiar sight for whoever had seen the speed Ulyssian could attain, only this time, all the afterimages he left in his trails did not fade. Indeed a careful watcher would have remarked that one of the "dancing couple" remained beside the original partners, and diverged from all the others. Arcing left when they twirled right, cutting low when they struck high, they behaved in a strangely autonomous manner: As the original struck, committing to their blow against a phantom adversary in such a way that they left themselves open, their mirror-images slid seamlessly behind them to guard their undefended back.

- - - - --

Semi-sentient Ambition who animate a shadow-clone style Ulyssian in battle, yeah ?
Hmm. Something that gives him an advantage fighting against large numbers?
What is better than an Ulyssian armed with Ambition? Many Ulyssians.

An evocation to form mirror images for defense, or ghostly Ulyssians armed with swords for offense...

Maybe even cavalry he can order around, playing off Odyssial's banner and past as Strategos.

EDIT: or something like... Bladewind March, pick a location and run there, getting one attack off on every enemy you charge past to get there?
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