Alright, let's talk about what you're going to buy before the adventures that await you! All of these are highly relevant no matter which option wins. All Titles cost 240,000 Normal XP unless otherwise noted.
[ ] Wake the Sleeper - The greatest of the options in terms of raw personal power. Can be used on Ambition, to greatly enhance your offensive / utility powers, or on an appropriate armor to ensure that you can survive being hit, rather than just avoiding them. Can yield more Evocations when used on an armor rather than Ambition, because of Ambition's high Wake difficulty. This grants the highest amount of combat strength, for an individual combatant, by far. With access to the deeper powers of a mighty Artifact, Odyssial will begin to recapture a portion of his glory that was.
Also yields Heaven-Turning Calculations, which helps greatly in scholarship, administration, and certain Sorcerous workings.
Also yields Sacred Relic Understanding, which grants knowledge of the function and safe operating protocols for any artifact below N/A touched (Artifact N/As give one clue). For example, someone using Sacred Relic Understanding on Ambition would learn that it always bends its wielder to Odyssial's purpose or will.
[ ] Immortal Commander - War is in Ulyssian's future, no matter what path he sets upon. Such may perhaps be the destiny of the Dawn Caste. In that case, the proper management of a war will be of great interest to him. With this Title, he becomes a master of tactical and strategic maneuver - an army that fights under his command can roll nations over and fell the mightiest of foes. Through his exhortations, ten men could fight with the ferocity of fifty, or a hundred men with the strength of five hundred. Moreover, he becomes a peerless master of the circumstances surrounding the battlefield, allowing him to outmaneuver even Exalted opposition with near-certainty. This Title costs 40,000 less experience to purchase.
[ ] Absolutely Unbreakable - Odyssial faces the fell and esoteric magics of the Fair Folk, Abyssal, and Lunar Exalts. He struggles against the twin burdens of grievous responsibility and burdensome destiny. Be it in Lusang or the River Province, he will be tested against magics, mental or metaphysical, that seek to attack the very core of his being: altering his memory, his body, or his very self. Though he possesses some degree of protection against such effects already, that protection is far from comprehensive. This Title would grant him the ability to comprehensively resist twisting and warping magics with no clear defense: Fae curses or social Psyche effects that cannot be resisted by spending Willpower. Some such effects, such as Memory-Reweaving Discipline, would induce extreme complications if not overcome.
Also grants the Protection of Celestial Bliss, allowing him to employ Heavenly Guardian Defense even when the tide of momentum has turned fully against him, once per scene.
Also improves his Willpower regeneration.