Really, as appealing as war is, and as unprepared as everyone else is for it... Zao is not anticipating this. Would he be okay with us making such a drastic decision based on the results of an accident? He would certainly go along with it, because the alternative is unpalatable, but we've made a number of impositions of Zao lately and I think we could probably do better as far as alpha strikes go.
Both? Neither? It's more a general statement that Odyssial-that-was is batshit crazy anyway and Fate doesn't dare inconvenience him for fear he will perceive such inconvenience and create an anthropomorphic manifestation of it to enact a punishment that is neither finite nor bearable while still allowing it to function properly.
Rihaku, since its possible to learn evocations for Glorious solar saber, are we able to get free ones for it from Wake the Sleeper?
Sure we can't really use GSS since its usually an obvious solar effect but once we attain an high enough position of power we can break it for out for two sword combat. Or perhaps we give it evocations that let its tags change as needed for the situation. Given the example of Heartflame in the book with its limited Ghost Eating Technique evocation, we could try for some limited solar charm effects.
Perhaps we shape our GSS to be a small throwing dagger and get some evocations mimicking the Thrown charms.
'Asphyxiatingly pissed', eh? Not a turn of phrase I've heard before, though it does conjure up unpleasant images of Zao using his mastery of the winds to do a passable Darth Vader impression. He's not going to die, though! Not if I have anything to say about it!He would certainly be asphixiatingly pissed at you in the beginning, but that would not stop him from seizing the moment and taking as much advantage from the situation as he could. I doubt it would affect your long-term interactions in any way,since he is going to die
Didn't you say that certain Realm savants and scholars would likely see through such deceptions, though?Btw guys, don't forget that Magma Kraken's Control Spell would let you simulate a Fire Aspect's anima!
Probably not, Wake the Sleeper is about studying an actual artifact. I would be more inclined to allow it if GSS were your primary weapon, but Odyssial kind of replaced his GSS with Ambition anyway, it's just that he can use GSS if he really wants to, but it's dramatically inferior in almost every way...
Btw guys, don't forget that Magma Kraken's Control Spell would let you simulate a Fire Aspect's anima!
Didn't you say that certain Realm savants and scholars would likely see through such deceptions, though?
You can fight Fate but can you fight... Tropes?He's not going to die, though! Not if I have anything to say about it!,
We're a Solar Exalt; we can fight anything we damned well please.
Actually, on reflection, Odyssial did kill tropes. Haha.We're a Solar Exalt; we can fight anything we damned well please.
That's nice and all, but I'd prefer to go with the group teleport.Btw guys, don't forget that Magma Kraken's Control Spell would let you simulate a Fire Aspect's anima!
Really? That few? I would have guessed an order of magnitude or so more, even only counting Exalts(most demons and gods are effectively in another world). Most of those were probably Sidereals killed in the Wracking, though. They always had an infrastructural advantage in teaching sorcery, and more reasons to use it than most.Put it this way; The Strategos makes you a wizard of sheer competence, whereas The Sorceror makes you a literal wizard. Also, there are only a handful of Celestial Circle Sorcerors in the entire world, maybe 6-7. Raksi is one. Ayala is one. I'm not sure if Ivory will be one; she might only be Terrestrial Circle. Lea may not even be one.
Argh. Having to choose between Sorcery and Lex Luthor / Batman -build. Well, if I have to choose one over the other, I would say that the Strategos, regardless of whatever we go to war now or not. Ulyssian hypercompetence shenanigans on the scale of the whole world sound just too awesome to pass.
[X] The Strategos
Also, its kind of funny how the system works:
Exalted-Newb: So, my character wants to conquer the whole Creation and unite people under one, glorious Solar flag. Grand strategy and all that. So its pretty obvious that I should take War as my Supernal Ability, yeah?
GM: Eh, you could, but I would suggest either Lore or Bureuacracy over it.
Exalted-Newb: Wait, what?
GM: Here, take a look at few of these Charms from those Abilities.
Exalted-Newb: *reads* I can just announce that specific projects I don't like grind to an almost complete halt, even if I don't know if they even exist?!
GM: Check the next one after it. Or God-King's Shrike from Lore.
Exalted-Newb: ...What the actual fuck.
GM: If you want to win battles, get War. If you want to win wars, well, I think you get the picture.
Y'know that's kind of sad actually. I mean, I dig that Logistics and Strategy have a place, but it's a bit unfortunate that the place they have isn't in the skill explicitly FOR THEM. Meh. This whole discussion has made me decide to go for Strategos, I will of course campaign mightily for Solar Power when we hit E5 if such a time ever comes, but for now peerless excellence is good times. Lore Charms will probably help with passing the exam too... if that's even relevant anymore.Argh. Having to choose between Sorcery and Lex Luthor / Batman -build. Well, if I have to choose one over the other, I would say that the Strategos, regardless of whatever we go to war now or not. Ulyssian hypercompetence shenanigans on the scale of the whole world sound just too awesome to pass.
[X] The Strategos
Also, its kind of funny how the system works:
Exalted-Newb: So, my character wants to conquer the whole Creation and unite people under one, glorious Solar flag. Grand strategy and all that. So its pretty obvious that I should take War as my Supernal Ability, yeah?
GM: Eh, you could, but I would suggest either Lore or Bureuacracy over it.
Exalted-Newb: Wait, what?
GM: Here, take a look at few of these Charms from those Abilities.
Exalted-Newb: *reads* I can just announce that specific projects I don't like grind to an almost complete halt, even if I don't know if they even exist?!
GM: Check the next one after it. Or God-King's Shrike from Lore.
Exalted-Newb: ...What the actual fuck.
GM: If you want to win battles, get War. If you want to win wars, well, I think you get the picture.