Merc gonna merc ya
Without a scratch either.[X] "Don't worry, I struck you with the flat side of the- hm. Hmm."
Oops. You had heard much of the great general and elder dragonblood, Cathak Polemgaos. Of his strength. Of his luck. Of his immortality. In your excitement, you struck with the full of your power behind it and discovered that his vaunted immortality was... somewhat more mortal than advertised. It is a pity. You had thought that finally... well, nevermind. You'll have to offer House Cathak a... a fruit basket, or something. Perhaps Nilul will have ideas.
I like the shock and awe of "I meant to do that", but I didn't particularly like the idea that Zao's opening move was to have his protege slaughter a great hero of the Realm. No, Zao's protege accidentally a 15-time winner of the greatest fighting tournament in the Realm. The Zao Faction suddenly shows the fullness of its power. Everyone will question every action Zao has made in the last twenty years, for if he was hiding this light under a bushel, what else could he be hiding?
Ulyssian accidentally a 15-time winner of the greatest fighting tournament in the Realm without getting a scratch.
Thank you based Ambition.