[Exalted, ?] Most High

Thinking about the feast, our relevant stats are CHA 2, MAN 2, APP 3, Performance 1, Presence 4 (+1 Intimidating), Socialize 3 (+1 Realm Culture).

With our horrible manipulation, we probably aren't going to really be able to deceive people. To make the most use of our stats, we should probably just walk around looking intimidating while Nilul does all the talking.
Thinking about the feast, our relevant stats are CHA 2, MAN 2, APP 3, Performance 1, Presence 4 (+1 Intimidating), Socialize 3 (+1 Realm Culture).

With our horrible manipulation, we probably aren't going to really be able to deceive people. To make the most use of our stats, we should probably just walk around looking intimidating while Nilul does all the talking.
I'm reminded of that one Rocky movie, with Ivan Drago, where his wife does all the talking and he speaks, like, 4 times throughout the entire movie, but every word is memorable and terrifying.

Take our cue from him, why don't we?
It seems a bit surprising that Odyssial would only focus on intimidation as the focus of social combat. I would have thought that he would have mastered other types of social combat simply given their pure utility, the limitations of only using intimidation, and the sheer amount of time that he would have had available to broaden his abilities.
It seems a bit surprising that Odyssial would only focus on intimidation as the focus of social combat. I would have thought that he would have mastered other types of social combat simply given their pure utility, the limitations of only using intimidation, and the sheer amount of time that he would have had available to broaden his abilities.
If you intimidate people badly enough, eventually you push past the limitations and reach entirely knew realms of potential.
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It seems a bit surprising that Odyssial would only focus on intimidation as the focus of social combat. I would have thought that he would have mastered other types of social combat simply given their pure utility, the limitations of only using intimidation, and the sheer amount of time that he would have had available to broaden his abilities.
He had Lea for that.
It seems a bit surprising that Odyssial would only focus on intimidation as the focus of social combat. I would have thought that he would have mastered other types of social combat simply given their pure utility, the limitations of only using intimidation, and the sheer amount of time that he would have had available to broaden his abilities.

He still had room to grow even near the end in his areas of focus.
Since there is a limit to the number of charms that can be bought, I think branching out into Sorcery would be useful in allowing to gain more utility abilities. However, after hitting E4, we can only buy 13(?) charms. If we want to get Wake The Sleeper, it would cost us 8 charm purchases. That would include Prophet Of Seventeen Cycles and one other lore charm. Sorcery would take us 3 charms. So if we get both Sleeper and Sorcery, we can only get 2 other charms. Combat charms can be covered by Evocations, so we would be better off looking for charms which provide utility to us.
Since there is a limit to the number of charms that can be bought, I think branching out into Sorcery would be useful in allowing to gain more utility abilities. However, after hitting E4, we can only buy 13(?) charms. If we want to get Wake The Sleeper, it would cost us 8 charm purchases. That would include Prophet Of Seventeen Cycles and one other lore charm. Sorcery would take us 3 charms. So if we get both Sleeper and Sorcery, we can only get 2 other charms. Combat charms can be covered by Evocations, so we would be better off looking for charms which provide utility to us.

Since Occult isn't favored, if you take Celestial Circle Sorcery, you can only take a maximum of 12 Charms.
Are we still making a plan for what to do at the feast? If we have nothing at all it probably won't go as well.

Do we have any idea who is going and out of those people who we would desire to talk to? We should have a disscussion with Nilul before hand to see if she has any last minute advice as even that should improve ulys social interaction..
Isn't Ambition even more like "One Ring-ish" than the One Ring in the sense that it always serves the best interests of its true master? That is, even if someone other than Odysseus that is now Ulyssian wields it and is completely corrupted by having so much power, they would still end serving our interests and doing what would be good for us, because that's how it rolls?

So, if we really don't trust someone, best thing we could possibly do is actually give them Ambition, wouldn't it? :p
[x] Trust Nilul
Can't help it, i'm a sucker for "redemption" options. Will we succeed? I honestly don't know. Would rather at least make the attempt though.
[x] Attend the Feast
Hilarity ensues.... and by hilarity i mean tragedy.
Are we still making a plan for what to do at the feast? If we have nothing at all it probably won't go as well.

Well, if you have no plan (or at least something approaching a consensus), Nilul will just implement HER plan! Which is great!

Isn't Ambition even more like "One Ring-ish" than the One Ring in the sense that it always serves the best interests of its true master? That is, even if someone other than Odysseus that is now Ulyssian wields it and is completely corrupted by having so much power, they would still end serving our interests and doing what would be good for us, because that's how it rolls?

So, if we really don't trust someone, best thing we could possibly do is actually give them Ambition, wouldn't it? :p

Unless they are powerful enough to overcome it, or capable enough. Sauron's ring would do little enough against Tulkas, or Melkor.
I'm going back to basics with this.

Do you know what trusting someone is? It's assuming they will act in a trustworthy manner. Do you know why we trust people? Because that assumption appears to be valid. Do you know someone for whom that assumption would not and has jot been valid? Nilul.

And @Rihaku as you probably already know, I will be supporting getting Sorcery with every fibre of my being.
I'm going back to basics with this.

Do you know what trusting someone is? It's assuming they will act in a trustworthy manner. Do you know why we trust people? Because that assumption appears to be valid. Do you know someone for whom that assumption would not and has jot been valid? Nilul.

And @Rihaku as you probably already know, I will be supporting getting Sorcery with every fibre of my being.

I bet you will!

There will be an update tonight, though I don't know how late it will come. Probably late.
Well, since using Presence + Intimidation seems to be the only thing we are socially good at, as well as the only social stat we have an excellency in, we should probably make use of that. We also have an investigation excellency that might be useful.
Can we get a final-ish vote tally? The update's already being written, but I want to calibrate your (mis)trust of Nilul level.
Trust: 29 + 7 = 36
Dont Trust: 7 + 9 = 16

Vote tally:

##### 3.18
[X] Trust Nilul
No. of votes: 29
CharlBaal, cyberswordsmen, Candesce, Emerald Oracle, afterthought53, Dream Logic, Fumbles, Serous, Pipeman, Van Ropen, useofstrike32, Felius, Daniel14541, aja318, 1986ctcel, Elero, LordOfMurder, Quizer, trekbook, Coaxmetal, Nezi karaketas, SometimesMaybe, Ridiculously Average Guy, Random Asian Person, dragon, Gerrou, Brekouh, Reckless_Sun, me.me.here

[X] Attend the feast
No. of votes: 29
CharlBaal, Alectai, cyberswordsmen, Candesce, Emerald Oracle, Garlak, afterthought53, Serous, Pipeman, Van Ropen, useofstrike32, Daniel14541, aja318, 1986ctcel, inventive alias, Elero, Quizer, Thomasfoolery, trekbook, Coaxmetal, Nezi karaketas, SometimesMaybe, Ridiculously Average Guy, Random Asian Person, dragon, Gerrou, Brekouh, Reckless_Sun, me.me.here

[X] Don't Trust Nilul
No. of votes: 7
TheOtherSandman, Orm Embar, Savonarola, Dark Lord Bob, Khaos, Vitaris, CrawlingChaos74

[X] Register and Get Out
No. of votes: 5
TheOtherSandman, Fumbles, CrawlingChaos74, LordOfMurder, Grimmair

[X] Trust Nilul - She has exposed more of herself than she ever has before, you will have to content yourself with that, and the strength of your friendship. Nilul has never betrayed you, despite her clear strengths in the area, even when it would have been convenient to do so. With the mental energy you spend managing your distrust for her freed up, and full faith in each other, you will be a far more effective team.
No. of votes: 7
Robotninja, Usernames, Alectai, tripleofive, Yzarc, veekie, inawarminister

[X] Attend the Feast - Why did you take her along, if not for occasions like this? Regardless of whether she can be trusted, her adeptness in the social arena is supreme. She wields her words like you wield a sword, and that is no light compliment to make. While you are still friends, it would be foolish not to seek advantage wherever you can. She is not Lea, but Lea is not here, and the absence of someone like Lea is keenly felt, to Odyssial.
No. of votes: 7
Robotninja, Usernames, tripleofive, kinglugia, Yzarc, veekie, inawarminister

[X] Don't Trust Nilul
No. of votes: 9
Guile, VanusDraco, Daxxt, SirLagginton, Diller, inventive alias, Grimmair, Thomasfoolery, vel10