[Exalted, ?] Most High

Interesting thought, if Uly trusts Nilul, he may tell her he's a mostly perfect reincarnation of Ody. And the Yozi didn't do much to scrub the infernal Exaltations of their past memories. Trusting her may be the best way to prevent her betrayal.
Sure. It's just, with the powers after her the two might just as well be equivalent? I just hope she recognizes the great possibilities of allying with Ulyssian to achieve it.

With Lea on the other side of the world, Nilul is an acceptable subtitute.
1895 words

Honestly have no real idea what this is referring to.

On a spring day, a rare day of crisp sunlight, in a month full of booming thunderheads and charcoal-tinged skies...
Always like how descripitve the scenes are being set here.

Sesus Ulyssian was training.
Especially when it's a lead-in for a joke about how Uly doesn't even remotely care about the scenery because he's finally doing what he really wants to do and doesn't care fr distractions right now.

The de facto heir of legendary Headmaster Zao sat in the lotus position, index fingers holding him aloft from the ground, on the grassy fields of the Naval Academy where the sprigs and new shoots of wildflowers were cautiously beginning to sprout. The Incompetents Society had assembled again, Sesus Ulyssian and Tepet Nilul and Mountain Hero. They sat together on a picnic blanket, the Tepet sipping wine, beneath the overturned bowl of the sky, porcelain blue streaked with clouds of porcelain white.
So not only is he ignoring the wonderful scenery for the sake of training but he also isn't really engaging the people he's hanging out with.
I suppose if you can see past enough of all the other issues that come with being Uly's friend you start to look past this kind of thing and appreciate it as part of his charm.

Sesus Ulyssian was training, and Tepet Nilul was chattering on happily, and Mountain Hero listened with good-natured forbearance. Suddenly it struck Ulyssian, like an abrupt ray of sunlight released from a sky covered by clouds, that he was happy. That he was a Solar Exalt, with boundless room for growth in every field of endeavor, surrounded by his friends, secure as a Solar could be in this Realm, and his enemies far away.
It does really say a lot about him that what he apparently really wants in life is his friends simply being around and him being able to effectively train.
And for all that it really showcases how goddman weird he really is, it's also rather admirable how simple his needs and wishes really are.

Immediately he became suspicious. He became suspicious because Odyssial knew that he was presently far too weak to be happy for long.
Well, that certainly stopped being a serene scene to watch quickly.
I suppose the hilarity of how paranoid Odyssial is makes up for it, but that hilarity is sadly tinged with how depressingly accurate he is in his paranoia.

A peasant of the Realm might live their days in contentment, if they were spectacularly lucky, but the Solar Exalted were a different affair. That was the way of the world - not mere Fate, but the interactions of the powerful.
Yeah, it really stops being funny when you have well reasoned arguments for why such periods of peace and relaxation can only be temporary and need to be entirely focused on preparing yourself for the next challenge you have to overcome.

He ought not be happy anyway, not when they were lying to Hero. The gentle giant had been so overcome, so grateful on Ulyssian's behalf, when it had been revealed that Sesus Ulyssian was actually a Prince of the Earth. It had helped reconcile his devotion to the Immaculate Faith with his respect for a mortal. Zao did not want them spreading the truth any further, though. He had already been irritated to hear that Ulyssian had promised to tell Saery the truth in four months.
I have to wonder whether Uly here is subconsciously bringing up his guilt here to make himself stop being happy so that his paranoia stops bugging him about how being happy just means you aren't seeing the next threat coming.
A bit surprised that Hero was actually feeling conflicted over his relationship with Uly. I mean, we admittedly were told pretty clearly how devoted he was, but I kind of thought that disconnect just... didn't occur to him?
Probably means I both consider him a lot more stupid than he actually is and that I actually know hialriously little of him as a person.

Four months. His thoughts turned to the Equinox Invitational, which now was less than two months away. He needed to train harder. He had grown faster than Odyssial of old, yes, but Odyssial of old had had a war to wage, and had still been figuring things out for the first time. Ulyssian had no such excuses.
You know someone is being ridiculously demanding of themselves when growing faster than Odyssial himself did is not satisfactory.
High Expectations Asian Father ramped up even harder, indeed.

"Uly?" Nilul's voice. He turned his attention to her.
Well, at least he's not gruffly telling her not to interrupt his training.
I suppose that's a rather visible sign of how happy with his life he currently happens to be.

"Uly, what's wrong?" She briefly mimicked his expression, a standard scowl of concentration, with disturbing efficacy. "You seem more grim than usual."
Man, Nilul is just hilarious, even or perhaps especially when she's broaching such an otherwise serious topic.
It's also interesting that he can in fact recognize his standard scowl of concentration.

"I'm not working hard enough," he grumbled. "And don't call me Uly."
The fact that he thinks this apparently is a sufficient answer to a friend showing concern over his worries makes it rather obvious how bad he really is at this whole not being a bad friend thing.

"Oh, of course!" Nilul exclaimed. "I should have known. Sixteen hours of nonstop training a day, that's downright laggardly. It's not as if you do anything else but eat and sleep. You're training right now, aren't you?"
But if he had worked hard enough at training the necessary skills he could be spending less time sleeping!
And it's not like his rampant paranoia and Odyssial's version of the High Expectations Asian Father will really be satisfied with excuses like there literally not being enough time in the day to train more than he does.

She eyed his fingers suspiciously.
As hilarious as this is, I'm honestly a bit surprised that Ulyssian was actually happy in a situation where the only training he was allowed to do was covert training.
Then again I suppose keeping his training secret from Nilul counts as training of a different kind as well.

"I knew it. Drink!" She commanded, imperious, and her voice had never resembled the Empress' so much before that moment.
Nilul's reactions to Uly's particular brand of insanity never cease to amuse me.

Shifting his balance so that he could hold himself up with one hand, Ulyssian accepted the glass and sarcastically drank. With his Solar constitution, it would have almost no effect, but one-handed balancing was a good high-intensity regimen anyway.
How devious of him.
Luckily Nilul is probably more interested in amusing herself than actually making him stop training or the wine might have bee drugged.
Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Uly also used this opportunity to train his skill at spotting attempts to poinson him and was therefor reasonably sure this wasn't the case.

"Uly already works really hard," Hero added, looking concerned. "You shouldn't worry too much about the Tournament, Uly. Even Professor Verona didn't win, when he entered last time. Headmaster Zao is strong, but he couldn't expect you to win when you're so young."
When even Mountain Hero notices that the guy who always spent all his time each and every day training is pushing himself even harder, it becomes rather clear that you may in fact be pushing yourself too hard.
I suppose it's possible I'm just underestimating Hero again, but I'm more than a bit suspicious that the Stress we've accumulated so far is growing rather visible.
On another note, it's a bit depressing we can't even tell Hero how much is actually at stake here and have to leave him in the belief that Uly is pushing himself so hard just for the Tournament itself.
Then again, I suppose he might in fact realize how significant it is for Uly's advancement in the Realm without having to know about all the Solar stuff and that Creation will end in two decades and he's just trying to calm Uly down. I've just made way too many incorrect assumptions about Hero recently not to consider the possibility.

"Since you are going, though," Nilul interjected, raising an eyebrow, "I've been meaning to ask you. Who are you going to take as your second?"
Nilul to the rescue!
Seriously though, the change of subject is appreciated since the points Hero raised could have easily gotten uncomfortable to discuss with him, even if Nilul has an ulterior motive in raising the subject.

She knew already who he'd like to take, if he could, but Zao had forbidden him from being seen in public in Moon. His second thought had been Pearl, honestly, but it would be more than a little strange, for Reminiscent Ivory, who had studied under Zao for decades, to second a student who had only studied for years. Nonetheless, there was nothing stopping him from declaring it, or her from accepting.
The little interlude detailing the issues with the two other candidates that would easily spring to mind is rather appreciated.
Uly's musings here really do help get away from the immediate "I wanna take X!" reaction one can easily get upon hearing we can take someone with us, which while having it's place in the discussion of our options, is probably not something you should be thinking about when in the middle of this scene.

"Why?" he rejoined, "are you interested?"
I'm actually a bit surprised Uly managed to figure out her angle. Then again when he's actually trying he's only shit at social stuff by Exalted standards and it's not like Nilul was even trying to hide what she wanted.

Nilul hmmmed speculatively. "I might be. I wouldn't be able to attend otherwise, with classes, and you know how dreary those are," she rolled her eyes, adopting an air of spoiled indolence.
Especially when she's clearly intending to milk him asking her as much as she can for playing coy and pretending it's him that wants her there.

"Plus," she added, perking up, "it would be a good opportunity to network! You'd need my help, Ulyssian. We both know you're not going to bother keeping track of who you offend, the allies you could be making."
Of course, that doesn't stop her from giving actual arguments, which is probably important whenever you're trying to convince Uly of anything.
Interesting that she's calling him Ulyssian here, even though how latest infraction was so long ago. Nice hint at her not wanting to annoy him too much right now.

"Such poor academic diligence does little to recommend you," Ulyssian countered dryly, switching hands. "Not to mention your complete uselessness in a fight."
At first I thought Uly was just being a bit sore for Nilul messing around a bit before she brought her actual arguments, but now that I think about it, given the way they do kind of keep track of favours owed, it's kind of important to make clear who is doing whom a favour here, which puts Nilul's attempts to make it look like he's asking her into an entirely and not that favourable different light, though I suppose, given her true competence at manipulation, the fact that it's so easily noticed likely means she was really just messing around.

Nilul pouted dramatically, voice breaking. "But, isn't that exactly why we formed this Society, Ulyssian? So that we could help each other confront and overcome our weaknesses, and grow strong together?"
And of course to spread rumors that Hero, Uly and Nilul had some sort of threeway relationship going, but sadly Uly made Nilul stop those rumors in their tracks.
Seriously though, for all that it's disguised as messing around, she does make a rather good point about his Second mainly having to cover his weaknesses anyways.

"You founded this Society," he pointed out. "Hero and I are just here for the free food."
And it's also interesting that he doesn't really respond to her (admittedly more thna a bit playful) arguments so much as he just ignores them and snarks at her.
Is this how Uly using his high Integrity to get out of social situations usually looks like?

"That's not true," Hero said amicably, stuffing a six-inch long sandwich into his mouth. He spoke between bites. "U'm, um, here for my fwends, and, um, duh fwood."
Hero is a really nice guy isn't he?
And it's kind of hialrious how his attempt to defuse the situation largely works because it reminds people that if you keep fighting and snarking at each other Hero will be sad.

Hero swallowed. "Excuse me," he said politely, before inserting an entire cheese wheel into his maw.
He's also a pretty hilarious guy in general.
Makes me want to reread his previous scenes again.

Yes, things were entirely too relaxed around here. He needed to grow stronger, fast.
And of course Uly just takes how nice the atmosphere in this scene was as prrof that he needs to start working even harder.
He's really hopeless, isn't he?

It had been a while since he'd sparred with Moon. He missed it: her face fully determined, holding nothing back; the dangerous elegance of her movements; the near-terror that thrilled through him at the sight of her eyes, focused with the intent to kill. But sparring was noisy, even in a place with as many nooks as the Academy, and so they studied together instead. He still remembered vividly their first day in the library, when the impression of her grace had been seared into him like cold fire. Now that effortless command of the material was his, also, to wield.
Really liking these callbacks to what Uly loves about Moon so much.
They're both very nice to read and probably help as a refresher given that this is really only the, what, second scene he and someone this important to him interacted with each other?

Moon had devoted much longer to refining her academic technique, but still he was easily able to keep pace with her. For so long he'd struggled even to understand the work she produced. This new equilibrium was strange.
The reminder of how much Uly has grown even outside of martial pursuits now, of how different their time spent studying together was before and of how new this parity of theirs is are also rather appreciated.
I mean, the mentioned first day of the library was so long ago it's really easy to forget how much has really changed since then.

Moon was happy for him, effusively so, but at the same time her rivalrous instinct had been awakened, and yet this embarrassed her, so she wholeheartedly tried to suppress it. He found himself surprised by how well he understood what she felt.
And of course the two of them continue to be incredibly adorable together.
It's just lovely to see how Uly's Exatation just opened up one more way for their relationship to be even more heartwarming to watch.

It was late, now, and they had been working for many hours. Moon had resolved to graduate by the end of this semester, the same time as him - the workload was immense. A towering stack of books loomed before them, and even the formidable volume of material they'd already covered seemed minuscule in comparison.
To be honest until now I was basically just abstracting graduating in six months as having to spend X actions studying in order to do so. This much being the work of a studying session when even one action is doing this for an entire month does drive the point home of how much work it really is and why Uly and Moon are really the only ones with a hope of actally managing it.
It's also rather impressive that they've managed to do this much work with both of them embarrassedly trying to supress their competitiveness. I can only imagine what they'd accomplish if they didn't have to deal with that distraction.

Outside, the rains had returned, beating a steady rhythm against the Academy walls.
It surpsises me again and again how much just mentioning that it's raining steadily does for setting the mood.

Moon finished her present tome, sighing slightly. Her indefatigable academic energy was beginning to wane.
And only after all that time. Moon's academic energy is such bullshit.

"Uly," she whimpered, sagging against him slightly.
She makes up for being so obviously unfair by being really adorable though.

He hugged her gently with one arm, having given up and retreated into a battle-trance meditation a half-hour ago. "The mighty Empty Moon, finally felled by her fearsome workload. I didn't think I'd see the day."
I honestly never grow tired of Uly doing such ridiculous things like retreating into his battle-trance meditation, when he's too exhausted to continue studying.

She shook her head gently. "Not felled, just... taking a break. This is quite difficult, and you're going to be gone next month for the Tournament as well. I'll, um, summarize the material I cover in that time, so you can review it faster when you come back."
Man, this almost makes me feel bad for getting her to study this hard at all.
Then again, this is adorable enough that I can't get myself to feel even remotely bad about it happening.
It does make upset with Uly for not being there next month and adding to Moon's workload though.

"You're always looking out for me," he said, abashed.
Gotta love how she keeps getting to him this much even after he Exalted and regained at least some of Odyssial's memories. Really goes to show how strong Uly's relationship with her is.

"I said I'd always protect you," she said softly, with a hint of willfulness. "And I always will, as long as I can."
It's almost ridiculous how she says this kind of thing without even a hint of exaggeration or overestimating herself. She just decide she'd protect Uly and will now throw everything she possibly can at that goal regardless of how difficult it is or how ridiculous the notion of a young Dragon-Blooded protecting Odyssial's reincarnation that even surpasses his old growth rate is.

"I don't deserve someone like you," he replied, after a moment of companionable silence. "You're too good, it's unfair."
And it's very nice to see just how much Uly appreciates having someone as amazing as Moon. I can't wait until they're allowed to meet whenever they want again. Here's to hoping Anys Syn doesn't fuck everything up before then.

The maiden smiled gently up at him. "The world isn't always fair," she said earnestly.
Really loving how much this turns Odyssial's fundamental source of fury at the world around.

"Not always," agreed Ulyssian.
And that parallel to Pearl's scene is just precious. Makes it very clear that Moon is just as important to Uly/Ody as Ody's other companions.
We're so close to some kind of compromise option on the trust issue! But you guys really, really need plans for attending this Feast! Seriously, your chances aren't good right now if you just yolo it.

And with absolute power, she can be absolutely safe and happy!

Also absolutely corrupt, but who's counting?

Nah, that's too ambitious! You may not trust her not to unleash titanic enemies upon you, but trust at least in the humbleness of her ambitions.

Unless you do something like GIVE her Ambition, of course.
Sure. It's just, with the powers after her the two might just as well be equivalent? I just hope she recognizes the great possibilities of allying with Ulyssian to achieve it.

With Lea on the other side of the world, Nilul is an acceptable subtitute.

Ah, the main point there was TMoverload was talking about using Nilul's Past Life memories to impress upon her the... debilitating boldness of attempting to betray Ulyssian, who was Odyssial. But that may not be viable, if she simply doesn't have Past Life memories due to a non-Infernal Exaltation!
We're so close to some kind of compromise option on the trust issue! But you guys really, really need plans for attending this Feast! Seriously, your chances aren't good right now if you just yolo it.
Hm. Ulyssian's strengths lie in gathering intelligence; with Better Listener, he doesn't need to truly engage others in conversation, just suss out other peoples' weaknesses through careful observation. Would taking a more passive role be an option, or is Zao's student unlikely to fly under the radar?
Unless you do something like GIVE her Ambition, of course.
Man, Nilul with Ambition would have been the bad news bears.
Hm. Ulyssian's strengths lie in gathering intelligence; with Better Listener, he doesn't need to truly engage others in conversation, just suss out other peoples' weaknesses through careful observation. Would taking a more passive role be an option, or is Zao's student unlikely to fly under the radar?

Unfortunately, that would fit better with not going at all, which seems to have lost... spectacularly.
Huh. Is the Feast a sort of buffet with mingling crowds or is there a seating arrangement? What is known about it at all?
Is there interest in picking up Sorcery, which Odyssial didn't? If so, you may want to bank Solar XP to spam workings later on, especially if you get Heaven-Turning Calculations. With Fate-Shifting Solar Arête, Willpower Expenditure, and stunting, you could crank out Ambition 3 Solar Circle Workings once per month!
I'm definitely interested. Sorcery is pretty useful, and we already have or are considering the charm choices that make spamming workings a viable choice. The ones that make it clear why Solar Sorcerers are so terrifying. The ability to enhance ourselves or particularly our friends is not to be underestimated.

Also, just considering spells, Unity of the Closed Fist effectively lets five people wield Ambition at the same time. They don't even need to learn any Evocations for it, they can use Ulyssian's. It would be quite a force multiplier in the right circumstances.
We're so close to some kind of compromise option on the trust issue! But you guys really, really need plans for attending this Feast! Seriously, your chances aren't good right now if you just yolo it.
I'm kind of inclined not to talk too much and try to let Nilul handle things, mostly because I'm way too tired to come up with anything reasonable myself and because this entire networking thing was her idea, so she should have at least some kind of plan, but that is kind of connected to the whole trust discussion and it honestly seems more than a bit lazy, as hilarious as the outcome of allowing Nilul to take liberties would undoubtedly be.

Pretending to be the Sesus asshole doesn't attract my interest too much, since I'm not too confident in Uly's acting skills and he can just be himself if he wants to be an asshole. Just ramp up the grumpiness and the inability to be consistently impressed by anyone but Zao and he's enough of a dick to be memorable on his own.
Going from the option's description, Uly was going to actively use Nilul as a social machete, which he somehow coudn't do without his presense at the feast. Like pointing out the targets to her? But then I am not familiar with the Realm's VIPs.
Does everyone forget that trusting Nilul basically gives her the okay to just throw any Shennagins her daddy sends over to her at us instead.

Judging by how last quest Ebby sent Ulyssian of all people to get her, he's probably going some of the best Infernals to come after her if Torment is a thing. Even if not I have no doubt he put a huge bounty on her.

We have enough trouble dealing with Anys bullshit. We don't need the Yozi and the Infernals making our life difficult right now too. Especially if the Yozi learn who we once were.

That's just asking for Ebby to work towards a plan that reveals our Anathema status. Which would affect Zao as well and make getting Nilul that much easier so it's all the more likely he would do it to "get two birds with one stone" as the saying goes.

This wouldn't be too much of a problem if Ulyssian in-character knew he had to be ready for that type of shit. Unfortunately Nilul's mostly likely to only tell us about just how fucked her situation is when she throws us at an Infernal coming for her.

Our relationship as it is now is perfectly fine until we learn more about her situation IC. Then trusting her night scone more viable.

To say nothing of how Rihaku repeatedly remind us her betrayal is all but inevitable and that we should be more paranoid. He might like playing Devil's advocate but he makes good points and makes sure we know what we're getting into with options.

Remember just because we vote a certain way doesn't mean it'll turn out the way we expected. For a recent example, the Syryns situation. A major reason she was spared was the hope we'd get her on her side. However
Ulyssian left her to Zao and Rihaku said Zao would just kill her unless Uly was there to social fu him into sparing her. As he didn't care anymore, she is likely dead. Hope I'm wrong because that would make me mad we gave up 50L XP but I won't hold my breathe.

Trusting Nilul will not ensure she won't
betray us at the most opportune moment. Rihaku said it is a very slim chance that she won't betray us even if we trust her.

Besides I like their current interactions and she didn't take the olive branch to come clean. She have tried to but failed miserably or she might have tried to bullshit us. That the problem with the princess of Lies she lies even when she's telling the truth. So until she is more open with us, I want to err on the side of caution. It's not like we can't cooperate with her.
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Also, just considering spells, Unity of the Closed Fist effectively lets five people wield Ambition at the same time. They don't even need to learn any Evocations for it, they can use Ulyssian's. It would be quite a force multiplier in the right circumstances.

As if Uly would allow valuable training time to be wasted in that form!

I'm kind of inclined not to talk too much and try to let Nilul handle things, mostly because I'm way too tired to come up with anything reasonable myself and because this entire networking thing was her idea, so she should have at least some kind of plan, but that is kind of connected to the whole trust discussion and it honestly seems more than a bit lazy, as hilarious as the outcome of allowing Nilul to take liberties would undoubtedly be.

Indeed, the rumors that would start! Poor Moon... or lucky Moon, I suppose?
Interesting thought, if Uly trusts Nilul, he may tell her he's a mostly perfect reincarnation of Ody. And the Yozi didn't do much to scrub the infernal Exaltations of their past memories. Trusting her may be the best way to prevent her betrayal.
She is a Breeding 6 Dragonblood with access to Infernal Charms (Ebon Dragon), not a full Infernal though.
Most likely, she has no previous memories.

To be honest, I'd rather take a wide shot to "redeeming" her, especially since she's only 19 - 5 years old.
Having her trust on us would be a big one, I assume.
We really do need Social ally we can trust absolutely and warn each other of ours follies. She'd be great for that.
Mayhaps Lea would do better, but eeeeee

Moon can't do it though.
Giving Nihul Ambition would ensure that we can trust her. It bends your every action towards benefiting us, after all.
Also, just considering spells, Unity of the Closed Fist effectively lets five people wield Ambition at the same time. They don't even need to learn any Evocations for it, they can use Ulyssian's. It would be quite a force multiplier in the right circumstances.
Two birds with one stone??
Going from the option's description, Uly was going to actively use Nilul as a social machete, which he somehow coudn't do without his presense at the feast. Like pointing out the targets to her? But then I am not familiar with the Realm's VIPs.
I think the issue would have been that actually getting into meaningful conversations with meaningful people would have been a lot harder without Uly, because he's the one others will be interested in.
There's not too much point talking to his socally capable aide on her own, unless you think you can get something useful about Uly out of her, but in a situation likely full with socially capable Exalts she'd have to show her own capabilties too soon for that to really last.
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For the party, I'm thinking that we should probably decide if we bought Peerless Skill Evocation, as well as trained in any attributes or abilities, since that would be affect how effective we are in the party.
For the party, I'm thinking that we should probably decide if we bought Peerless Skill Evocation, as well as trained in any attributes or abilities, since that would be affect how effective we are in the party.
Attributes and Abilities are not actually an option since we committed to spending all the XP we could on combat stuff in preperation for the Tournament.
When Odyssial started developing Social Charms seriously, (at like, E6) he probably focused on inflicting fear and paralyzing doubt. He's already good at intimidation, but Odyssial has a Charm that causes anyone he intimidates to gain a Defining Intimacy of (Terrified Helplessness) towards him, instead of being allowed to choose the context of the intimidation-derived Negative Intimacy.

And remember, as a Dawn Caste, he can terrify things that are immune to fear, like rocks and the fabric of reality.