Not when his suspicion doesn't actually accomplish anything of note compared to the costs required to maintain it.I'm not arguing to kill Nilul; I just don't want to blindly trust her to do the right thing for us when she's proven in the past that our interests are not perfectly aligned. What you don't know can and will kill you in Creation. She's a member of a secret class of Exalt designed for subversion; why should Ulyssian put an excess of faith in such an individual? Isn't it far more in-character for him to suspicious?
So Evocations and Solar circle sorcery then, well we still have some leeway after hitting the essence 5 cap though crossing it might take some doing.
I'm also for getting it. But speaking of Lore Charms, Heaven-Turning Calculations: it isn't necessary to get to the capstone, but it would be quite useful if we are getting Sorcery and/or Wyld-Shaping Technique. If we get a Lore -title, would that particular Charm be included to it, or would be a part of a Sorcery -title?
It looks like you guys are dead set on attending the Feast. You will do a lot better if you have a good strategy going into this. Pretend to be the cocksure Sesus asshole with the skill to back up his claims? Show a more genuine side of yourself? Or try to avoid talking at all and let Nilul handle things for you? She may take liberties, but it's likely to work well... For a given value of "well."
We have it from her own mouth that we're good at detecting the truth. We discerned her Anathema nature even before we Exalted, and we recently invested in Better Listener. We have the skillset, it's just a matter of making use of it.That does seem somewhat questionable.
She will know that we continue not to trust her, can find ways to work around that or even use it to her advantage and, while Uly has lots of areas to improve upon and a ridiculous amount of challenges to take care of, she focuses on nothing but improving her ability to scheme and would be putting all of her resources and attention into any betrayal plans.
That's fair. It does take energy, but it's a relatively insignificant investment, and totally worth it if it can forestall or mitigate a betrayal. It's not as if Ulyssian is lacking in dedication and focus; why not spend some of that focus attenuating a risk?Even if one were to assume that, yes, she is indeed going to betray us at some point, the sheer amount of energy we keep putting into double-checking everything she's saying could very well not be worth the effort, especially not compared to just stopping to associate with her at all, which past experience has shown is clearly not going to happen.
We've relied on Nilul for small stuff in the past, and she's always seemed to be genuine in her aid, but she's also demanded favors in return. Now that the stakes are higher, I'd say she merits closer surveillance, not more latitude.Nilul has been central to so many of our safety nets, attempts at damage control and operations that continuing to distrust her is starting to have some serious costs.
We're about to enter a situation with socially specced Elder DBs present, are going to be around for an entire week, have only Nilul for support and have on top of that apparently decided to start things off by getting Uly out of his comfort zone and into a situation where he has to rely very heavily on Nilul to have any chance of coming out ahead. Trusting Nilul here will give a signficant bonus to our cooperation and we do kind of need whatever advantages we can get for this.
So, what, the option is without benefits? If that were true, it wouldn't have been offered. Rihaku outright told us to be more paranoid.We have solid reasons to trust her regardless of what the case is, because the alternative is not really guaranteed to do much against a betrayal and can do a lot to speed it up or cause it regardless of which is the truth.
Her skills inform her behaviors, and her behaviors are the basis from which habits are built. As for the relationship being strained? I don't see it. Nilul claims she's more open than ever before; there is a sort of happy equilibrium and mutual respect between the two that I don't want to taint with the introduction of foolhardy trust.Not to mention that at this point continuing with distrusting her mainly because she's good at the skillset that makes her so useful is honestly becoming more and more dof a straing on their relationship for Uly to do.
And if Nilul were genuine and wanted to prove it, she had an opportunity to do so, but did not. Either she's being deceitful or her nature is such that she can't bring herself to trust Ulyssian to the degree that we would be trusting her. Both are arguments against her.Yes, Nilul completely avoided the questions we actually asked her, but that's not something you can really use as an argument against her, because it fits both a genuine Nilul with her trust issues and a competent Nilul planning on betrayal.
I think Nilul's grasp of social graces is sufficient to easily understand that Ulyssian would respond well to forthrightness; that she could not bring herself to make that overture even when Ulyssian offered her an olive branch and a chance to him clean is on her, not him.The only thing that incident really shows is that Uly continues to have no social grace whatsoever.
Seriously, he asks a question that a deceitful Nilul is neither going to give a straight nor an incriminating answer on and one that a genuine Nilul is going to give an evasive half answer to and, as was to be expected, all he really got out of it was nothing substantial, if she's being deceitful, and a Nilul that feels like shit because she can't bring herself to be upfront about the whole thing, if she's being genuine.
That's not really something you can be upset over not getting an answer to, that's just Uly once again being a dick to his friends.
What? Is your opinion of Ulyssian truly so low that you think he would murder an ally in cold blood because she was insufficiently persuasive? Even aside from that being not at all in character (he's curt and anti-social, but loyal almost to a fault), she's his second for the tournament. How would he explain that? There's no way he would kill her; that outcome was never even in the same room, much less on the table.It's starting to get to the point where you can really question whether Nilul is neither falling back on her Manipulation skills during friendly conversations because she can't bring herself to do otherwise, nor because she is still deceiving him, but simply because Uly is kind of an asshole, doesn't really trust her and might just decide to kill her if she fucks up her Charisma roll too badly.
My central objection is that she didn't ask for consent, even when Ulyssian would have understood her reasons and been totally okay with it.Just like there were very good reasons for her to put all her effort into making sure someone as socially incompetent as Uly doesn't give her very dangerous secrets away (which is honestly more than enough to justify her Charm use, whether it was really "mindrape" or not), there are very good reasons for her to make sure she has her entire dicepool to throw at dealing with someone as dangerous and capable of ruthlessness as Uly that doesn't even trust her.
We might need a bit better Social stats to fool people to who he would do this, if they are any close to each other. Even short interactions might give him away.You guys really should buy Flashing Ruse Prana at some point, too. It's just too good to pass up! Being attacked by a Wyld Hunt? Assassinate one of its members and replace them in secret!
But what if we want to blow it up even more?If you're going for Flowing Mind Prana, then you'll get First Knowledge's grace for the second Lore Charm pre-req of Wake the Sleeper. The first being, of course, Prophet of Seventeen Cycles. If you're not, you'll probably get Heaven-Turning Calculations regardless in that slot. Though, it's just bonus dice, so eh. You already have Fate-Shifting Solar Arête + Peerless Skill or astrology combo to blow the top off important non-battle rolls.
And if Nilul were genuine and wanted to prove it, she had an opportunity to do so, but did not. Either she's being deceitful or her nature is such that she can't bring herself to trust Ulyssian to the degree that we would be trusting her. Both are arguments against her.
We might need a bit better Social stats to fool people to who he would do this, if they are any close to each other. Even short interactions might give him away.
But what if we want to blow it up even more?
I'd like to be the Sesus asshole that doesn't interact for the most part, leaving that to Nilul.
"You get to talk to me if you make Ro32, until then, refer to my second."
Hopefully she can parlay that into making them feel bad about their lives, and thinking we'd be a good role model. . This is of course a strategy that heavily depends on actual success in the tournament...
As for build considerations, I'm not to big a fan on spending for evocations on our current armor, but depending on how things shake out in the future it may be that some of training time wouldn't have been used anyway so it could be alright. Of the Adamants I like Peerless Skill more, though I'm far too shaky on the mechanics to know if it's actually the better choice. If we did end up getting it though I'd be a lot more keen on the heaven infiltration mission after the tournament. Oh what folly a single line of text can lead mortals to!
And yet, her performances for us are flawless, no? We detect nothing false about them at all.We have it from her own mouth that we're good at detecting the truth. We discerned her Anathema nature even before we Exalted.
And there are enormous opportunity costs and risks to blithely assuming that she has our best interests at heart, which I have elaborated on at length. Also, and this is kind of callous, but if Nilul's known us for months and we already know her true nature, and she ours, and she still can't bring herself to do it in this setting... maybe it's just not worth it? Redemption is a long shot that isn't consistent with our nature to begin with. That time could be better spent in training or cultivating actual friends, people who respond to gestures of trust with more of the same.Dude they're called TRUST ISSUES for a reason you don't just "get over them" and if she doesn't trust us enough to be honest with us then the proper solution is to continue on and SHOW HER that she can trust us.
And yet, her performances for us are flawless, no? We detect nothing false about them at all.
And there are no opportunity costs incurred by expending the continuous mental energy we currently do on trying to assess her motives and accomplishing little since we rarely know what's real and what's fake and never know what's meant to be real and what's meant to be fake?And there are enormous opportunity costs and risks to blithely assuming that she has our best interests at heart, which I have elaborated on at length. Also, and this is kind of callous, but if Nilul's known us for months and we already know her true nature, and she ours, and she still can't bring herself to do it in this setting... maybe it's just not worth it? Redemption is a long shot that isn't consistent with our nature to begin with. That time could be better spent in training or cultivating actual friends, people who respond to gestures of trust with more of the same.
And yet, her performances for us are flawless, no? We detect nothing false about them at all.
She's good, but not impenetrable to Ulyssian's insights.Rihaku said:Despite her total insincerity, it was a genuinely moving image.
Yeah, I thought that was him intellectually knowing she is telling a falsehood but it appearing perfect.
We have gotten genuine insights into her in the past. She is good, but so is Ulyssian when it comes to piercing deception.And there are no opportunity costs incurred by expending the continuous mental energy we currently do on trying to assess her motives and accomplishing little since we rarely know what's real and what's fake and never know what's meant to be real and what's meant to be fake?
That's not the case. A mutually beneficial alliance based on respect is in our best interests; I've never denied that she's useful, it's just that everyone else seems to suddenly be denying that she's dangerous after this little display of evasion and faux openness, which is not the case.I am glad you finally reached this point though, because your argument this entire time basically seemed like "why we should just avoid Nilul entirely and have done so from day one", which we haven't at all been doing.
Who is denying she's dangerous?!That's not the case. A mutually beneficial alliance is in our best interests; I've never denied that she's useful, it's just that everyone else seems to suddenly be denying that she's dangerous after this little display of evasion and faux openness, which is not the case.
Consider it mechanically as her using mostly baseline deception when dealing with us, and dropping a lot more charm power in when dealing with Important stuff. She decieves because it's her nature, but she doesn't seem to be really trying that hard with us. Or even trying.Yeah, I thought that was him intellectually knowing she is telling a falsehood but it appearing perfect.
Like, her saying "but the sky is hot pink!" and being entirely moving while doing so...but obviously she's not sincere about the sky being pink.
Unless I'm overthinking things?
All those people who seem to think that if we just put faith in her everything'll be peachy keen, filled with sunshine and rainbows and a total absence of her abusing our ill-considered trust?
No, it's a cost-benefit analysis. Increased chances of her fucking us over vs the effort spent trying to prevent that, factor in opportunity cost and potential impact on relationship, etc - worth it, y/n?All those people who seem to think that if we just put faith in her everything'll be peachy keen, filled with sunshine and rainbows and a total absence of her abusing our ill-considered trust?
...I didn't realize trust implied obedience.Part of respecting the tiger is acknowledging the risks and knowing what you're getting into. We can not trust her and still be her friend. We can even choose to aid her against Malfean forces. But when we do it will be an actual choice, not because we were pre-committed to aiding her because we decided to let Nilul lead us about by the nose.
We're entering into a situation that is very much her wheelhouse, so if Ulyssian decides to increase the level of trust placed in her, the chances of him deferring to her when he perhaps shouldn't go up. There are moderate tradeoffs in efficiency of teamwork and a small investment of energy devoted to analyzing her motives; to me, that's enough to justify Don't Trust.
Look. There was talk earlier about how Zao trusts her so we should - it was shot down because with significant effort, she can fool even him, yes?We're entering into a situation that is very much her wheelhouse, so if Ulyssian decides to increase the level of trust placed in her, the chances of him deferring to her when he perhaps shouldn't go up. There are moderate tradeoffs in efficiency of teamwork and a small investment of energy devoted to analyzing her motives; to me, that's enough to just Don't Trust.
In trusting her, we are committing to help her against her enemies. That might not be obedience exactly, but it is unconditional aid, which is not dissimilar.