The Internet
[X] Maximum Revelry
[X] With the help of Nilul
Besides the fact that this would be hilarious beyond words, this will only strengthen Uly's cover that he had Exalted a long time ago, and was made to play the role of a mortal by Zao, poor Ulyssian wasn't allowed to drown himself in drinks, drugs, and whores as his birthright demands what with mortals not being able to handle such excesses without weakening themselves, but now that he has been set free, the Academy shall fall under the weight of his glorious repressedSolarDragon-blooded partying!
Solar Dragon partying? Now that I can get behind.
And, in its spite, it turns its canon upon it's cruel attacker!
Only the good ship Saerly survives, a simple and unremarkable dinghy while the great ships burn in the night.
Are you rly Saeing that?
8 for Wild Revelry, 5 for MAXIMUM Revelry, 5 for Raw Power, 2 for No More Than Moderate Revelry.
Uly the Party Animal has apparently arrived.
Hm. Looks like Raw Power is being underestimated by SV.