Having a really great time right now
For the vote, despite Me Time granting an N/A artifact sword, and Night Time granting a renewal of the Sepulchral Pearl friendship, I actually want to pick the choice that will grant us the least power,
[X] Family Time
It just feels like Odyssial's Sword and Sepulchral Pearl should come in their own time, not hurried, you know?
I might try and write up something about Nalaar, Relian and Paran - Uly's jackass cousins in the Academy - sometime this weekend, to that end.
[X] Family Time
It just feels like Odyssial's Sword and Sepulchral Pearl should come in their own time, not hurried, you know?
I might try and write up something about Nalaar, Relian and Paran - Uly's jackass cousins in the Academy - sometime this weekend, to that end.