Evermark Underground: RPG Brothel Management

-[X] There's clean money, and then there's dirty money. If you spend too much dirty money, well… That's how Vice gets you. Look into organizing some form of money laundering.
-[X] The front of house needs staff badly: Edie and Viv still can't keep up with the harbour traffic. Hire a prep cook and two serving girls for the front of house. Expected return 10 Æ/mo.
-[X] You don't know what gangs are around, you don't have a bouncer save Varielle, and you're right on the docks next to a bunch of drunken sailors. If you don't want more incidents like Viv's to happen, maybe you should hire some muscle. 20 Æ/mo.
-[X] Having witches and wizards on your side can only ever help. Try to make contacts in the magical community.
-[X] Leah still wants to bless the building with an ecstatic ceremony, but she needs supplies and time. Give her 10 Æ and a month to plan it.
-[X] Filia may not be half the spymistress you are, but perhaps something can be made of her. Educate Filia on spycraft, Markish and the Revolution. ??? success, ??? fail.
-[X] Kalinsha: Take him in.

Hey, an Evenstar Quest! This will be fun!
[X] Building Up

Has everything I want, although I will say that if we can fit it in that I want to try looking into Halcyon to see if we've passed up an opportunity or avoided a threat. As long as we don't fail, looking into her has a positive outcome no matter what we do. Either we confirm she's legit and get another shot at a great opportunity or we get information on a threat and confirmation that the opposition are at least aware of us enough to try and sneak a girl in.
Okay, so we're building up our business. Either way I would like in the near future to work more on our front as a tea house for more clean money and to hide in plain site better.
Farthing 1900
At the beginning of Farthing, you gather everyone together around your meeting room's cheap wooden table, and get to work.

"Holly, you start us off. What about money laundering?"

"So," says Holly. "There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that it's possible. The bad news is that we won't be able to launder much alone. It's all about sending money through a bunch of confusing transactions to conceal its source, and that means many hands - many, many hands. Gambling is a classic way, as is a cash business like ours… but while I can cook our books a little to make space for some of the money, maybe 5 Æ worth a month, the rest you're going to need help with. I wouldn't suggest approaching the Mob, but…"

"This is something that they'd know how to do."

"Very much so." Holly gives you a half-smile over his ledger.

"I'll see what I can manage through my contacts."

"I'm sure you will."

You turn to Edie. "How are the front of house staff settling in?"

"I hired the cook out of the fish and chips restaurant that closed down just around the harbor, but I could only find one server. We'll have to keep one of our girls on front duty for the moment."

"That's alright, it helps Lillienne to have a chance to rotate positions. Is revenue as high as expected?"

"The lower capacity is offset by the lower pay. We're still making another ten æther clean per month."

"Glad to hear it. What about our bouncers, Filia?"

"Found a really good one. Ex-Quester. Still has his mission sword, I believe him. He's Quayshi Borah, real fighter. Cost every penny you gave me, but worth it."

You smile a little, hearing the results of hours upon hours of conversation practice you'd done with Filia over the past few weeks. She's really improved.

"Not done yet though."

You blink.

"A couple of toughs from the Mob came round asking for protection money."

Everyone at the table winces.

"How much?", you ask.

"Five Æ a month. Don't think they know about the brothel yet, or they'da charged more. Whatcha gonna do about it?"

"Not sure yet," you muse. "Let's table it for now. Varielle, how did searching for magical contacts go?"

"Very interestingly. I asked around for anyone free-spirited who was interested in Orbites, magic or herbalism, and was directed to a man who told me about a group of freethinking people…"

You sigh internally.

"... who go by Innumerable Aspect."

It takes most of your willpower to keep from blurting out "four!?".

Leah meets your eyes seriously across the table, and your gaze slides smoothly to Edie. Leah's hand seems to have slid into her lap; you nod in thanks.

"...So what are they about?"

"Freedom of Orbite, apparently. I was told that if I came back in a week I could get a pamphlet."

"I see. Well, let's table that for now; I'm not sure we want to get involved with that kind of people just yet."

"I found what I heard most intriguing, honestly. I don't know much, but -"

"Thank you, Varielle. Leah, how did the ceremony planning go?"

"Excellently. I ran into an… old friend of mine, and we had a chat, and long story short I came by all the reagents I'd have needed for free. We can hold the ceremony tonight for those not… opposed to my predilections."

"Thank you, Leah. Dependable as always." You pointedly don't ask what kind of favour she would have done to earn a month's wages overnight.

"Finally, what about the Kalinsha?"

Holly sighs. "Having him in the high-class room all day is more than slightly awkward, but we can manage so long as we don't need it for anything else important."

You nod. If the Libertines need the room, they can book it themselves: in the meantime, the heavy-duty wards on it are keeping the Kalinsha safe.

"Two months and we're starting to get established. Don't worry about the Mob: I'll handle them personally."

[ ] Refuse to pay protection money. This will definitely piss off the Mob, but it's the principle of the thing.
[ ] Pay 5Æ per month, as if you were a restaurant rather than a brothel. Will keep the mob off your back, but if they find out about your brothel they'll take it badly.
[ ] Tell the Mob about your brothel, but try to stay independent from them. You'll probably be charged a 20% cut (about 20 Æther per month) but should be largely left alone… if you trust the Mob.
[ ] Get in bed with the Mob. Come to them with your money laundering problems and try to negotiate a deal. This could lead to serious Mob interference in your business.

All tithes to the mob are paid in Dirty Æther, since extortion makes the money dirty anyway.

Madam's Room, occupied by M. Estellé
Kitchen, Edie & Geoff Cooking
Restaurant, Viv & Mary Serving
Clerk's Room, occupied by Holly
Saferoom, occupied by Kalinsha
Business Room - Lillienne using
Business Room - Ms. Moran using

Bookkeeper - Holly
Front of House - Edie
Spymaster - Filia
Healer - Leah
Mage - Varielle
Serving Girls - Viv, Mary
Working Girls - Lilliene, Ms. Moran
Maids - Halli
Cooks - Geoff
Bouncer - Victor

85 Clean Æther
120 Dirty Æther

Current Monthly Income:
30 Clean Æther from Tea
70 Dirty Æther from Sex
5 Clean Æther from Cooked Books

Current Monthly Expenses:
-10 Clean Æther Maid Service
-5 Clean Æther Weekly Checkups
-5 Dirty Æther Cooked Books
-20 Clean Æther Bouncers

Current Monthly Net:
0 Clean Aether
65 Dirty Aether

Control under Holly:
[ ] You're going to need more room for expansion fairly soon. Build another back of house room, at a cost of 75 Æther.
[ ] Call in a favour with the Libertines and have a room built on the cheap. Cost: 30 Æ, 1 Libertine Favour
[ ] Holly, despite his best efforts, is really a bit of a charity case at the moment. Search for a Back of House manager who won't squat on your property.
[ ] Even after Edie's work on her, Viv still needs some coaxing out of her shell. Task Holly to train her for better self-confidence.
[ ] Develop the private rooms more, in order to appeal to a higher-class crowd. 30 Æ. Front of house must be renovated first.
[ ] Improve our cover (and room quality) by renting rooms out as a hostel. +10 Clean Æ/mo, +20 Dirty Æ/mo. Requires at least 5 business rooms.
[ ] Search for contacts who sell goods & services under the table. (IE, that you can pay in dirty money.)

Charm under Edie:
[ ] Right now, we have enough to serve tea and sandwiches and not much else. A proper kitchen setup will let us vary our menu more and also help us look legit. Upgrade the kitchen quality for 30 Æ.
[-] Purchase fresh fish and potatoes, and add fish and chips to the menu at Harbour Tea. Expected return 5Æ/month. Requires upgraded kitchen.
[ ] We're already seeing a lot of visitors thanks to our prime harbourfront location, but if we want to attract good clients the aesthetics and quality of furnishings must be attended to. Renovate the front of house for 40 Æ.
[ ] Though we're getting plenty of traffic already, it would be nice to have a proper sign on the building now that we're known to be "Harbour Tea" air quotes. Get one installed at a cost of 10 Æ.

Intrigue under Filia You:
[ ] Let's be blunt, Filia's poor Markish does her no favours, and you can still run rings around her. Hire a better spymaster.
[ ] You're newly established in the underworld here, and need to orient yourself quickly. Cultivate contacts so that you know what's what.
[ ] Continue cultivating contacts along the local waterfront. Surely there's something more interesting than the fish market next door?
[ ] All Faiths Harmonious exists to promote freedom of religion and creed. Make contacts among them and learn more.
[ ] The Succubus Liberation Front claims that the succubi are badly mischaracterized. Make contacts among this crazy cause and learn more.
[ ] Make an under-the-table donation to the cause. 100 Dirty Æ becomes 1 Libertine Favour.
[ ] Try to find contacts among the Libertines able to launder your dirty money. They must have a solution, right?

Lore under Varielle:
[ ] Have Edie and Varielle collaborate in order to research the succubus trinkets Edie has on hand.
[ ] Continue investigating the enspelled bottle and try to replicate its concealment effect.
[ ] You have a perfectly decent smuggler and a perfectly decent alchemist. Look into setting up a magic shop as a sideline.
[ ] Having witches and wizards on your side can only ever help. Try to make more contacts in the magical community.
[ ] Innummerable Aspect seeks to promote freedom of Orbite, encouraging the unbanning of proscribed Aspects. Reach out and try to make more solid contact with them.
[ ] Set up a hidden lab to make the research of proscribed technologies and magics possible. It'll cost 100 Æ: the best shielding is solid earth.
[ ] Call in a major favour to excavate a large cellar beneath your property, perfect to conceal a hidden lab in with space left over. 5 Libertine Favours. Not enough favours.
[ ] Purchase a smuggled load of succubus artifacts in order to research them. 100 Dirty Æther, success has a chance at unique items. Requires a hidden lab.

Faith under Leah:
[ ] While Varielle's done her best work, wards are strongest when they draw from both reason and emotion. Have Leah reinforce the wards at a cost of 10 Æ.
[ ] As a member in good standing of All Faiths Harmonious, and a personal friend, Leah might be able to teach you a lot if you gave her the time to.
[ ] The beastkin have their own religion, this much is well known. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try and cultivate connections with their church?
[ ] Reach out and try to connect with the local preachers, magical girls, temples and shrines.
[ ] Idols, Magical Girls, and the radio broadcasters who make them famous can all be found here in Gradentine. Try to get closer to that brilliant glamour.

[ ] Holly needs training on how to handle a business like this one, and you have experience. Perhaps between the two of you you can find a better way. ??? if successful, if failed increases Holly's Control.
[ ] Take some time alone to cultivate your Aura and Orbite.
[ ] It's a teahouse. Your teahouse. You should at least get to experience tea at it. Take tea at Harbour Tea.
[ ] Take Edie aside and try to talk her out of succubus liberation. It's just a bad move.
[ ] This Libertine meeting is going to happen in your teahouse: you want a seat at that table. Negotiate, and see if there's anything you can do about it.
[ ] Keep an eye on Ms. Lillienne and see she doesn't overexert herself.

The ceremony will be added as a separate post, since it deserves some real time and attention; instead of delaying things with it, I wanted to get the vote up early.
I say for the Mob we just pay the 5 Aether to them and try not to let them catch on to us being a brothel.
[X] Plan Moar Contacts
-[X] Tell the Mob about your brothel, but try to stay independent from them. You'll probably be charged a 20% cut (about 20 Æther per month) but should be largely left alone… if you trust the Mob.
-[X] Search for contacts who sell goods & services under the table. (IE, that you can pay in dirty money.)
-[X] Though we're getting plenty of traffic already, it would be nice to have a proper sign on the building now that we're known to be "Harbour Tea" air quotes. Get one installed at a cost of 10 Æ.
-[X] Try to find contacts among the Libertines able to launder your dirty money. They must have a solution, right?
-[X] Having witches and wizards on your side can only ever help. Try to make more contacts in the magical community.
-[X] The beastkin have their own religion, this much is well known. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try and cultivate connections with their church?
-[X] Holly needs training on how to handle a business like this one, and you have experience. Perhaps between the two of you you can find a better way. ??? if successful, if failed increases Holly's Control.
I have no plan idea here. I don't think we should tell the mob about the brothel, and that's why we need to build more of our tea house foundations.
[X] Plan More Contacts
-[X] Refuse to pay protection money. This will definitely piss off the Mob, but it's the principle of the thing.
-[X] Search for contacts who sell goods & services under the table. (IE, that you can pay in dirty money.)
-[X] Though we're getting plenty of traffic already, it would be nice to have a proper sign on the building now that we're known to be "Harbour Tea" air quotes. Get one installed at a cost of 10 Æ.
-[X] Try to find contacts among the Libertines able to launder your dirty money. They must have a solution, right?
-[X] Having witches and wizards on your side can only ever help. Try to make more contacts in the magical community.
-[X] The beastkin have their own religion, this much is well known. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try and cultivate connections with their church?
-[X] Holly needs training on how to handle a business like this one, and you have experience. Perhaps between the two of you you can find a better way. ??? if successful, if failed increases Holly's Control.
We have a bunch of reasonably powerful people and wards and such - we should be able to deal with the mob just fine. Otherwise, the original plan seems sensible. I want to refurbish the front of the house soon though - we just don't have enough clean money for it at the moment.
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[x] Plan Totally Legit Business
Control under Holly:
-[x] Holly, despite his best efforts, is really a bit of a charity case at the moment. Search for a Back of House manager who won't squat on your property.
Charm under Edie:
-[x] We're already seeing a lot of visitors thanks to our prime harbourfront location, but if we want to attract good clients the aesthetics and quality of furnishings must be attended to. Renovate the front of house for 40 Æ.
Intrigue under Filia You:
-[x] Continue cultivating contacts along the local waterfront. Surely there's something more interesting than the fish market next door?
Lore under Varielle:
-[x] Continue investigating the enspelled bottle and try to replicate its concealment effect.
Faith under Leah:
-[x] Idols, Magical Girls, and the radio broadcasters who make them famous can all be found here in Gradentine. Try to get closer to that brilliant glamour.
-[x] Take some time alone to cultivate your Aura and Orbite.
[ ] The Succubus Liberation Front claims that the succubi are badly mischaracterized. Make contacts among this crazy cause and learn more.

This the only option to learn what the deal even is with succubi @Evenstar ?
[X] Plan Moar Contacts

I have no idea why I'm picking it. Maybe because I don't want to pay so much to the mob. Sure, screwing them over is a really bad idea, but maybe we'll have some luck?

Edit: Changed plans. I'd rather not piss off the mob.
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Ok, let's give it a try…

[X] Plan: Fingers Crossed
-[X] Pay 5Æ per month, as if you were a restaurant rather than a brothel. Will keep the mob off your back, but if they find out about your brothel they'll take it badly.
-[X] Call in a favour with the Libertines and have a room built on the cheap. Cost: 30 Æ, 1 Libertine Favour
-[X] Though we're getting plenty of traffic already, it would be nice to have a proper sign on the building now that we're known to be "Harbour Tea" air quotes. Get one installed at a cost of 10 Æ.
-[X] Try to find contacts among the Libertines able to launder your dirty money. They must have a solution, right?
-[X] Innummerable Aspect seeks to promote freedom of Orbite, encouraging the unbanning of proscribed Aspects. Reach out and try to make more solid contact with them.
-[X] The beastkin have their own religion, this much is well known. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try and cultivate connections with their church?
-[X] Holly needs training on how to handle a business like this one, and you have experience. Perhaps between the two of you you can find a better way. ??? if successful, if failed increases Holly's Control.
Sword 1900
CW: frank & detailed description of ritual sex.

It's evening, and the hearth that keeps away the sea breeze has died down low. The shop is closed for the night: though normally you'd still be accepting "customers", tonight you need to be safe from prying eyes. Only you, Edie, and Leah are invited: everyone else has the night off.

All the tables and chairs in the front room have been taken to one side, and a single mattress has been laid out before the fire. Leah and Edie stand beside it; you sit cross-legged on the hardwood.

"Well," says Leah. "It's time we got started. Edie, you can simply kneel on the mattress; I'll handle the rest, so long as you…?"

Edie nods shakily, and forces a smile. "I wasn't expecting them to be so close," she says.

Leah steps in and kisses her softly, and when they part there's a new blush on Edie's cheeks and a new determination in her eyes. "A-alright," she says. "I'll do my best!"

"Good girl," says Leah, and you swear you can see the words hit Edie like a backhand. She falls to her knees on the mattress, and obediently stays.

"Good girl," says Leah again - and then she starts stripping, pulling off her thin blouse and unbuttoning her ripped jeans. Shucking off her panties with simple, efficient motions, she stands nude, then dips to retrieve a clay jar from behind her in a movement you much appreciate.

Walking clockwise around the bed, she spills a deep red fluid onto the floor, smelling of copper and cinnamon and nutmeg. Eight long strides mark out a rough circle on the floor - and then she plunges her hand into the mixture, daubing it into her hair, across her chest, down past her navel and finally against and even into her sex. She dumps the rest out onto Edie, and she squeaks in protest as both her and the mattress are dunked in unnameable fluid.

Then Leah kneels behind her, and pulls Edie hard against her own naked, red-spattered body.

"Shhhh," Leah whispers. "Here, let me help you."

Edie hesitates, and looks for a moment like she might bolt - but then she falls back into Leah's arms, squirming against her and blushing fiercely.

"Y-yeah, go ahead," she manages.

Leah starts with Edie's top, working off one white sleeve from the collar, then the other, before finally slipping in a hand to undo her bra. Leah's lips kiss at red-dyed skin, drawing little coos and moans as she nibbles and suckles at the nape of Edie's neck and wanders along her shoulders. Her hands come up to cup Edie's breasts, and as she begins to caress them, she begins to chant.

"Vel'cha halla va, halla va den ten'kur,
ten'kur me vadr'tach, vadr'tach me Vel'cha…"

Goddess give to me, give to me this worship,
worship of the bone and flesh, bone and flesh of the Goddess,

Leah's hands slip lower, teasing along the waistband of Edie's skirt, and you feel a thrill of electric energy even from where you're sitting. Edie moans, her legs slipping apart, and turns her head to kiss at Leah's cheek and face - but she somehow manages to continue chanting even with Edie's bottom lip between her teeth.

"...vedr tel'cha Vel'cha va, Vel'cha va me tel'cha,
tel'cha ten'kur vadr'tach va, va-dr'tach vedr ten'kur…"
for this woman is my goddess, my goddess is this woman,
(the) woman worshipped is bone and flesh, my bone and flesh to worship,

Leah strips off Edie's skirt, and her fingers fall in between her legs, softly caressing her lower lips before dipping in and thrusting inside her, smooth, broad strokes that grind up against her g-spot: and as Edie's fluids mix with the red spread across her body, the mess begins to glow a bright cherry, spreading up from between her legs, along her stomach and over her breasts, and even back onto Leah's skin. Edie gasps and squirms against Leah fighting back a cry that you're sure would be heard down the street –
and finally, the chant completes:

"...vedr Vel'cha vadr'tach va, Vansaga me ash!"
As the bone and flesh of the Goddess, [[Loveliest]] you are!

Leah repeats those last three words over and over, worming them into Edie's ear like a mantra. You are loveliest. You are loveliest. You are loveliest. Her fingers move skillfully inside her, her other hand shifting in to better tease at her clitoris: and as the red glow builds, Leah shifts forwards, Edie turns her head, and the pair share a deep and passionate kiss.

"Oh, fuck," Edie moans — and the red glow burns brilliant gold, a flash of something divine that leaves stars on your vision and heat between your legs. Leah keeps stroking, stroking, and eventually Edie comes down from her climax.

When she does, the pair fall over onto a clean mattress, all the red mixture burnt away and a black circle left behind on the restaurant floor. "Vel'cha din tiel" is inscribed within it: The goddess lives here.

"You didn't warn me about that," you chide Leah.

She shoots you a dirty look over Edie's shoulder. "So throw a carpet over it. Can't you see I'm still busy here?"

"Sorry," you say, and watch awkwardly as Leah bundles Edie up and moves her over to one of the business rooms to recover.

You stand, and tap the circle that seems to have been burned into your floor with one foot.

"... curious."

+1 Vansaga Blessing

"What's all the fuss outside?", you ask Edie on your way through the newly-besigned Harbour Tea. "Something about a festival?"

"In three months, yeah. Some noble family is paying for it, a 'seaside festival of the arts.' They're already clearing land for a festival pavilion, and security is tight. Whole dockside's crawling with cops, which is a good thing since I'm fairly sure they've scared off those unsavoury gentlemen I mentioned to you earlier."

Unsavoury gentlemen? She must mean the mobsters. You hadn't been planning on paying them anyway, but now you won't have to worry about that. So while that's a nice windfall...

You nod grudgingly: while there's great opportunity here, there's also great risk. You could make strong connections or a lot of money, but if you were caught operating a brothel near a spoilt noble's favourite new plaything…

You crack your neck to ward off the mental image, and pass into your office with a little wave. This deserves deeper consideration.

You take the time to sit down with the Kalinsha and speak with him about the faith he keeps, and the silver-furred old fox shows you the gaps in his teeth.

"The Unfanged keeps me, you see." He smiles, flashing his missing canines. "We take oaths of nonaggression and servitude to others, then spend our time training to defend others. Some of us even have our fangs pulled and claws blunted, though both processes are quite painful. Declawing was too much even for me, and I'm called a Kalinsha!" He chuckles, and spreads his paws to show off his quite wicked claws. "I'm not in the mood to give these up, not even in the Unfanged's name. If they wanted me to they should have called him the Unclawed!"

"... so who exactly is the Unclawed, er, Unfanged?"

"An old, great spirit. An ancestor, a god. Both, maybe. Something worth keeping faith in, anyway. Do you want to hear some stories?"


"One day, the Unfanged was wandering down a riverbank…"

+1 Unfanged Favour

Holly steps into your office with a small smile on his face. "You'll never guess what I found," he says.

"Oh?", you say, barely looking up from your letters. "What?"

"I think I can stop the crackdown and let the Kalinsha go home."

You look up from your papers, and raise an eyebrow. "How?"

"The port authority is known to be very bribeable. We have dirty money we can't use. Hand over some dirty money to the Kalinsha, and let them bribe off the crackdown. It's a golden opportunity."

"How much of a bribe?", you ask.

"Probably about a hundred Æther," he says. "But we can easily absorb that since it would all be dirty money. You don't ask where the money you're taking as a bribe came from."

You nod. "I'll think about it."

[ ] Bribe off the Port Authority: -1 Kalinsha, +5 beastkin favours, -100 dirty Æther.
[ ] Do nothing.

Your contacts through the Libertines introduce you to a complex arrangement whereby you use dirty money to purchase certain shipping containers and then sell off the contents piecemeal. It's slow, it's cumbersome, and it doesn't have high enough throughput to do half your monthly income, but it's the best you're likely to get right now. So you use it.

+20 Æ/mo Clean
-20 Æ/mo Dirty

"You found a wizard who makes sex toys."

Varielle grins. "Yeah! And they're really high quality. These things are technically illegal, so I never got into making them, but I don't see why we shouldn't offer them if we're already in the prostitution business. They'd improve our customer experience while making our girls not have to do as much work: what's not to like?"

You frown slightly, but… you've heard of and seen and even written about these things without ever encountering one for real. Even if they're expensive as hell…

"Thanks, Varielle. You're dismissed."

She tosses a mock salute at you as she leaves. "Aye aye captain, I'll get out of your hair."

A letter arrives for M. Estellé. It contains nothing but a red rose and two words: This month.

Madam's Room, occupied by M. Estellé
Kitchen, Edie & Geoff Cooking
Restaurant, Viv & Mary Serving
Clerk's Room, occupied by Holly
Saferoom, occupied by Kalinsha
Business Room - Lillienne using
Business Room - Ms. Moran using

Bookkeeper - Holly
Front of House - Edie
Spymaster - Filia
Healer - Leah
Mage - Varielle
Serving Girls - Viv, Mary
Working Girls - Lilliene, Ms. Moran
Maids - Halli
Cooks - Geoff

75 Clean Æther
185 Dirty Æther
1 Vansaga Blessing
1 Unfanged Favour

Current Monthly Income:
30 Clean Æther from Tea
70 Dirty Æther from Sex
5 Clean Æther from Cooked Books
20 Clean Æther from Harbour Laundry

Current Monthly Expenses:
-10 Clean Æther Maid Service
-5 Clean Æther Weekly Checkups
-5 Dirty Æther Cooked Books
-20 Clean Æther Bouncers
-20 Dirty Æther Harbour Laundry

Current Monthly Net:
20 Clean Aether
45 Dirty Aether

Control under Holly:
[ ] You're going to need more room for expansion fairly soon. Build another back of house room, at a cost of 75 Æther.
[ ] Call in a favour with the Libertines and have a room built on the cheap. Cost: 30 Æ, 1 Libertine Favour
[ ] Arrange lodgings for Holly that aren't on your premises taking up space. -1 clerk's room, +1 Business Room.
[ ] Even after Edie's work on her, Viv still needs some coaxing out of her shell. Task Holly to train her for better self-confidence.
[-] Develop the private rooms more, in order to appeal to a higher-class crowd. 30 Æ. Front of house must be renovated first.
[ ] Improve our cover (and room quality) by renting rooms out as a hostel. +10 Clean Æ/mo, +20 Dirty Æ/mo. Requires at least 5 business rooms.
[ ] Search for contacts who sell goods & services under the table. (IE, that you can pay in dirty money.)
[ ] Purchase sex toys to upgrade our "services" and improve their variety. Costs 50 Dirty Æ, adds 10 Dirty Æ/mo.

Charm under Edie:
[ ] Right now, we have enough to serve tea and sandwiches and not much else. A proper kitchen setup will let us vary our menu more and also help us look legit. Upgrade the kitchen quality for 30 Æ.
[-] Purchase fresh fish and potatoes, and add fish and chips to the menu at Harbour Tea. Expected return 5Æ/month. Requires upgraded kitchen.
[ ] We're already seeing a lot of visitors thanks to our prime harbourfront location, but if we want to attract good clients the aesthetics and quality of furnishings must be attended to. Renovate the front of house for 40 Æ.
[ ] Look into hiring on extra temporary staff for the festival. Requires upgraded kitchen.

Intrigue under Filia You:
[ ] Let's be blunt, Filia's poor Markish does her no favours, and you can still run rings around her. Hire a better spymaster.
[ ] You're newly established in the underworld here, and need to orient yourself quickly. Cultivate contacts so that you know what's what.
[ ] Continue cultivating contacts along the local waterfront. Surely there's something more interesting than the fish market next door?
[ ] All Faiths Harmonious exists to promote freedom of religion and creed. Make contacts among them and learn more.
[ ] The Succubus Liberation Front claims that the succubi are badly mischaracterized. Make contacts among this crazy cause and learn more.
[ ] Make an under-the-table donation to the cause. 100 Dirty Æ becomes 1 Libertine Favour.

Lore under Varielle:
[ ] Have Edie and Varielle collaborate in order to research the succubus trinkets Edie has on hand.
[ ] Continue investigating the enspelled bottle and try to replicate its concealment effect.
[ ] You have a perfectly decent smuggler and a perfectly decent alchemist. Look into setting up a magic shop as a sideline.
[ ] Having witches and wizards on your side can only ever help. Try to make more contacts in the magical community.
[ ] Innummerable Aspect seeks to promote freedom of Orbite, encouraging the unbanning of proscribed Aspects. Reach out and try to make more solid contact with them.
[ ] Set up a hidden lab to make the research of proscribed technologies and magics possible. It'll cost 100 Æ: the best shielding is solid earth.
[ ] Call in a major favour to excavate a large cellar beneath your property, perfect to conceal a hidden lab in with space left over. 5 Libertine Favours.
[ ] Purchase a smuggled load of succubus artifacts in order to research them. 100 Dirty Æther, success has a chance at unique items. Requires a hidden lab.

Faith under Leah:
[ ] While Varielle's done her best work, wards are strongest when they draw from both reason and emotion. Have Leah reinforce the wards at a cost of 10 Æ.
[ ] As a member in good standing of All Faiths Harmonious, and a personal friend, Leah might be able to teach you a lot if you gave her the time to.
[ ] Reach out and try to connect with the local preachers, temples and shrines.
[ ] Idols, Magical Girls, and the radio broadcasters who make them famous can all be found here in Gradentine. Try to get closer to that brilliant glamour.
[ ] Try to learn more about the Unfanged and the beastkin who worship them.

[ ] Take some time alone to cultivate your Aura and Orbite.
[ ] It's a teahouse. Your teahouse. You should at least get to experience tea at it. Take tea at Harbour Tea.
[ ] Take Edie aside and try to talk her out of succubus liberation. It's just a bad move.
[ ] The Libertine meeting is going to happen in your teahouse, this month: you want a seat at that table. Negotiate, and see if there's anything you can do about it.
[ ] Keep an eye on Ms. Lillienne and see she doesn't overexert herself.
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