Varielle comes up to you while you're sitting in a polished-wood booth having a morning cup of oolong tea.
"You wanted an update on those hellish-aura contract magicians?", she asks.
You set down your tea. "Certainly."
"Read the morning paper. It was a succubus summoning cult; fifty or so slaves under some degree of contract, two succubi running the show with a half-dozen human stooges and collaborators. They caught and summarily executed one of the succubi; the other escaped. The collaborators are looking at the death penalty for slavery, soul trading, enthrallment, heresy, treason and conspiracy against the crown; the stooges may get better sentences, but most of them are still looking at 10 years or more of hard labour up at Fort Point. I almost feel bad for them."
You raise an eyebrow. "Interesting. What about the slaves?"
"They've been released and are being rehabilitated by medical and magical experts. Many of them need serious help to repair the damage done to them and to their auras."
"And for our part in this…?"
"We get 200 shiny new Æther and our names kept out of the papers."
"Wait, two hundred?"
Varielle nods. "Apparently our information cracked the case. They were able to use it to narrow down the succubi's summoning location to one of two places. They investigated both carefully, and picked the right one."
"Well, that's a nice little bonus." You take a sip of your tea.
"Indeed it is."
"Well," says the Kalinsha, after you finally throw the most experienced student on the class. "I suppose I can't delay for any longer."
You blink, still catching your breath from the workout you just had. "Delay what?"
"Delay naming you a
Kashava. It means "warrior.""
"What's the issue?"
"To be
Kashava is to be respected by the Ceverra. It is not a title to be conferred lightly, and it is very rare for such a title to be given to a non-ceverra. I will be scrutinized and criticized for this. But I believe you have earned the title. Do not make me regret my decision by neglecting your training."
"Yes, Kalinsha."
"You have great potential. You could even become a master one day. Don't squander it."
"Yes, Kalinsha."
You bow low, and then the Kalinsha is gone, on to another student in the sandpit of the beach. You find your eyes drawn to the rough-cut broken fang in the tree stump that your teacher brought you here to see almost two years ago. It feels calming, somehow.
You stand up, and walk over to the symbol. You touch it, feeling the rough bark… and something else, something glassy and deep blue, dark like an ocean, soft like the slapping of waves on the beach behind you. It feels…
You take a breath, and the feeling shivers a little, and when you take your hand away from the tree, the symbol is glowing blue.
When you turn around, every single student in the advanced class is looking at you. For the first time, you really notice that you're alone, a single human in a sea of Ceverra.
The Kalinsha turns, and bows to you.
… so this is what it means, to be kept by faith. To be a channel for something you don't really understand. To feel that sea-deepness…
It's still there, in the back of your mind. Something as constant and untroubled as the sea.
You touch it, lightly, and words tumble off your tongue.
"Hach, Estellé baira dolen."
So, the stars are an ocean.
Stellebaira!" the Kalinsha barks.
Stellebaira," the other students repeat. And now they bow too.
"Congratulations," says the Kalinsha. "You've graduated. Now go where your faith takes you."
Broken Fang Way II 10/10
Broken Fang Way III 0/25
Filia notices your new aura when you come in the door for your daily Markish lesson.
"So that crusty old goat finally gave you the title! Can I get a fist bump?"
"Sorry, no."
"Aww. What's your title? Mine is
bairashe, seasurf."
Stellebaira. Starsea."
Filia whistles. "That's a strong one. Any weird aura stuff?"
"I have this sense of the sea in the back of my head…"
"That's your Unfanged training connecting you to him. He's strong and deep, and when you become strong enough to bear that you'll be able to invoke him like a Kalinsha. Normally I'd say
if, but with a title like starsea…"
"Don't flatter me, miss. And in any case, we have grammar to review. You brought your books this time?"
"Then let's get down to business."
When you get out of your practice session with Filia, you call a general meeting to review the rest of the month's plans. Though installing the patio in late fall doesn't seem like a real moneymaker, you're sure it'll pay dividends come spring and the festival; as for the VIP room, you're already seeing returns from discerning guests. The meeting splutters out after that, without really enough meat to get started; you head downstairs and listen to the band play instead.
After basic interviews with all your staff, you've compiled
This Spreadsheet regarding them.
Tier 3 Wards
Tier 2 Warded Strongboxes
Tier 1 Signage
Tier 1 Silken Wonderland
Tier 1 Landscaping
Tier 1 Renovated
Tier 1 Exclusive
Tier 1 Cosmetics
7 Discretion
260 Clean Æther
490 Dirty Æther
1 Vansaga Blessing
1 Unfanged Blessing
3 House Galero Favours
1 All Faiths Favour
8 Ostmarkian Tea
7 Blackroot Tea
7 Blackroot Coffee
7 Silk Bolts
Current Monthly Income:
30 Clean Æther from Tea
200 Dirty Æther from Sex
5 Clean Æther from Cooked Books
5 Clean Æther from Fine Cuisine
20 Clean Æther from Harbour Laundry
10 Clean Æther from Ostmarkian Tea
10 Clean Æther from Hostelry
25 Clean Æther from The Band
5 Clean Æther from Blackroot Tea
10 Clean Æther from Blackroot Coffee
30 Dirty Æther from VIP
10 Clean Æther from VIP
Current Monthly Expenses:
-15 Clean Æther Maid Service
-5 Clean Æther Weekly Checkups
-5 Dirty Æther Cooked Books
-10 Clean Æther Bouncers
-20 Dirty Æther Harbour Laundry
-20 Dirty Æther Gang Sponsorship
-10 Clean Æther Chef
-15 Clean Æther Gardeners
-1 Ostmarkian Tea (Served)
-1 Blackroot Tea (Served)
-1 Blackroot Coffee (Served)
-10 Clean Æther Exclusivity
-10 Dirty Æther Exclusivity
-5 Clean Aether Cosmetics
Current Monthly Net:
60 Clean Aether
175 Dirty Aether
-1 Ostmarkian Tea
-1 Blackroot Tea
-1 Blackroot Coffee
Control under
[ ] Build another back of house room, at a cost of 75 Clean Æther.
[ ] Call in a favour with the Libertines and have a room built on the cheap. Cost: 30 Clean Æ, 1 Libertine Favour
[ ] Call in a few favours with the Ceverra and get a room built for the price of materials. Cost: 10 Clean Æ, 2 Ceverra Favours
[ ] Search for more contacts who sell goods & services under the table. (IE, that you can pay in dirty money.)
[ ] Purchase cheap costume jewellery for all the escorts. 50 Clean Æther.
[ ] Install silk in a business room to make it a VIP room. 3 Bolts Silk, 30 Clean Æ.
Renovate the entire back of house into a silken wonderland. 17 Bolts Silk, 170 Clean Æ.
Charm under
[ ] Build a cellar to store more goods in safety, cold and quiet. 250 Clean Æ.
[ ] Search for contacts among the Ceverra.
[ ] Search for contacts in the city.
[ ] Upgrade the store to a fancy new neon sign. 50 Æther.
[ ] Put in some planter boxes outside the store. 10 Æther.
Intrigue under
You & Filia:
[ ] Continue Filia's education in Markish and Tradecraft.
[ ] You've grown accustomed to the underworld here, but more contacts are always a good thing. Cultivate more criminal contacts.
[ ] Continue cultivating contacts along the local waterfront. Surely there's something more interesting than the fish market next door?
[ ] The Succubus Liberation Front claims that the succubi are badly mischaracterized. Attend a monthly meeting and keep your ear to the ground.
[ ] Try to find a printer willing to print revolutionary materials for you. Didn't Innumerable Aspect have one…?
[ ] Make an under-the-table donation to the cause. 100 Dirty Æ becomes 1 Libertine Favour.
[ ] Make a major under-the-table donation to the cause. 500 Dirty Æ becomes 5 Libertine Favours.
[ ] Make a further "donation" to the struggling House Galero. 250 Dirty Æ becomes one House Galero favour.
Have a Writ of Patronage written naming your business. Costs five House Galero favours and requires that the premises be "of fine quality" beforehand. You would say your premises are of reasonably fine quality.
Ask that you be introduced to Court. Costs 10 House Galero favours and requires that you both have appropriate attire for Court and know the proper etiquette.
Lore under
[ ] Expand the front of house to add storefront for a magic shop. 250 clean Æ.
[ ] Having witches and wizards on your side can only ever help. Try to make more contacts in the magical community.
[ ] Innumerable Aspect seeks to promote freedom of Orbite, encouraging the unbanning of proscribed Aspects. Go to their monthly meeting and keep an ear to the ground.
[ ] Set up a hidden lab to make the research of proscribed technologies and magics possible. It'll cost 100 Clean Æ: the best shielding is solid earth.
Call in a major favour to excavate a large cellar beneath your property, perfect to conceal a hidden lab with space left over. 5 Libertine Favours.
Purchase a smuggled load of succubus artifacts in order to research them. 100 Dirty Æther, success has a chance at unique items. Requires a hidden lab.
[ ] Go make contact with the contract magicians & their Succubus Contracted.
[ ] Turn the contract magicians in to the authorities for a major bounty. +300 Clean Æther.
Faith under
[ ] Send Leah to attend this month's meeting of All Faiths Harmonious and keep her ear to the ground.
[ ] Reach out and try to connect with the local preachers, temples and shrines.
[ ] Idols, Magical Girls, and the radio broadcasters who make them famous can all be found here in Gradentine. Try to get closer to that brilliant glamour.
[ ] Build an outdoor stage for your house band to perform on. 25 Clean Æ.
[ ] Try to find your band a drummer.
[ ] Do extra band practices in preparation for the spring festival.
[ ] Call in a Caducite priest to bless the building. Surely All Faiths Harmonious knows someone liberal enough? 1 All Faiths favour.
[ ] Ask Leah what's going on regarding your new changes in aura.
[ ] Take more time alone to cultivate your Aura and Orbite.
[ ] Take some time to get to know one of the staff. (Write in a name.)
[ ] Spend some time relaxing and unwinding in the gardens.
[ ] Experiencing your own business from time to time can generate real insights. Take tea at Harbour Tea.
[ ] Take Edie aside and try to talk her out of succubus liberation. It's just a bad move.
[ ] Go to the local jeweller's and see if they have anything that strikes your fancy. (Opens jewellery store event; likely to cost a few hundred Clean Æ.)
[ ] Go to the local magic shop and see what trinkets and doodads they have on sale. (Opens magic store event; likely to cost a few hundred Clean Æ.)
[ ] Go to the proscribed apothecary and haggle over lines on spices, teas, medicines and potions. (Opens apothecary event; likely to cost a few hundred dirty Æ)
[ ] Try to find somebody selling silk, so that you can renovate the back rooms with it as well. (Opens silk merchant event; likely to cost a few hundred clean Æ)