Evermark Underground: RPG Brothel Management

[X] Gradentine, Capital of Evermark. It lies on the north coast's Gerald Bay, west of the Sea of Storms.

I like the idea of us operating right in the heart of enemy power it will definitely give a challenge!
[ ] Patience, the traveler's town between Fort Gracious and Purewater.
Is what I would pick based on my own tastes, but we picked the revolutionary for a reason, we might as well stick to it.
[X] Gradentine, Capital of Evermark. It lies on the north coast's Gerald Bay, west of the Sea of Storms.

Nations have been overthrown and wars started by people listening to their libido before, I don't see why it can't happen again. Plus, this way we're within an ideal proximity of our presumed win condition of overthrowing the nobles. Though the idea of just getting as many adventurers as possible and marching to the capital is an amusing one, it's best to have our end goal more easily able to be worked towards versus as an abstraction in the distance.
[X] Dust, the station town at the fork of Fort Halling and Gradentine.

I love slice of life stories!
[x] Aurica, the frontier trading town just west of the Interior proper.
[x] Aurica, the frontier trading town just west of the Interior proper.
[X] Gradentine, Capital of Evermark. It lies on the north coast's Gerald Bay, west of the Sea of Storms
[X] Dust, the station town at the fork of Fort Halling and Gradentine.

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.

Okay, okay. In all seriousness, I prefer the more slice-of-life focus, though going gangsta does sound like... a possibility.
[X] Gradentine, Capital of Evermark. It lies on the north coast's Gerald Bay, west of the Sea of Storms
[X] Gradentine, Capital of Evermark. It lies on the north coast's Gerald Bay, west of the Sea of Storms.

Do you smell that? It smells like… Revolution.
Come on Gradentine! Give us some of that Peaky Blinders-does-October Revolution goodness!