Except Space also fails under the domain of Azure Flair, so it super counters majority of what he can do.
Not necessarily:
There is still the issue of matching enemy utility effects even if you have greater bodily power. All the strength in the world doesn't matter if Kang Zong can ensure that all your attacks miss while his land unerringly! It might take him subjective years to kill you, but he'd manage eventually! Remember that Act as Truth only allows you to act as Truth, which is greater than the Fates, but the Endless Sky may be greater still.
But let's say it does work. It would still require us to constantly be using Azure Flair, which is not ideal. Furthermore, it wouldn't help if he just teleported himself instead of spacial warping, since the effect would end before we could Act as Truth.
Moreover, Zang Kong isn't really our primary focus right now, it's the Divinities and the Empire. Azure Flare would be ideal if we were targeting the Heroine but it's likely to be overkill for the Fates and really doesn't help to preserve the world.
Acting as truth is nice and all, and probably lets us sacrifice our entire cultivation base to kill someone really powerful.
Can we not use this much hyperbole, please?
True Spell costs are negligible anyway - as in, they have never been factored in or mentioned anywhere.
That's because we've only been used them on a Grand Diagrams, which has a one time cost. We haven't actually gotten any others yet. Considering the description explicitly describes them as taxing, I don't think this is a safe assumption.
It seems like more people are in favour of invading Heaven. While I would really prefer to kill the Heroine, I've outlined some of my thoughts on our potential builds.
Azure Flare
Use vs. Fates: Extreme. We've had it explicitly stated that the Truth is greater than them and with an amplified Vengeance from wielding the staff, we'd be acting in accordance with our self. This would have the highest chance of killing them dead. On the other hand, it doesn't really have much ability to exploit their deaths since Baenlixnaire likely wouldn't be satisfied with just killing them.
Use vs. Kong: Minimal, possible nil. On the other hand, it would help significantly if we chose to negotiate with him. Between speaking as Truth, killing the Fates and Aurelia's charisma, we might find be able to come to a peaceful solution even without a value restructuring Oath.
For the Empire: Low. Both Truthsaying and Flaring would help but they both weaken us and it lacks the utility effects necessary to truly change things.
Combat focused Extrusion
vs. Fates: High(?): They apparently require esoteric vectors and this is pretty solid in that regard. Doesn't really help us exploit their deaths though.
vs. Zang Kong: Moderate-high. It boosts our flexibility and our combat stage, meaning we're not totally hosed if he counters physical power.
For the Empire: Minimal. There's pretty low marginal returns on increased power in this regard.
Utility focused Extrusion
vs. Fates: Low. If we could find and resurrect some useful people or empower our Lieutenants to a sufficient degree, it could be helpful but those aren't too likely. It does help us exploit the fuck out of defeating them though, with the ability to drain their Essence or torture their shades.
vs. Zang Kong: Low. See above about resurrection or empowering our Lieutenants. On the other hand, it could be a very helpful bargaining chip during negotiations.
For the Empire: Extreme. It lets us resurrect the dead and create Titans from Beasts. What did you expect?
True Incarnation (general)
This really depends on the specifics of what we choose. A .25 Stage boost is quite a lot at this level but it's limited to Ego Barrier. Fated Love is really the only esoteric mental effect we should be worried about right now and we're already resistant to that.
vs. whatever: Medium-High? These are pretty hard to evaluate due to their absolute effects and unknown capabilities. I don't think any of them would let us dunk a problem by themselves but they'd help significantly at whatever we need them to do with diminishing marginal returns.
Magnum Opus
vs. whatever: Extreme. A scaling Magnum Opus will be amazing at whatever we make it to do. It's up to you if it's worth the cost though.
If we're going to invade Heaven, I'd pick combat Truespells and a utility focused Extrusion to get the benefits of Baenlixnaire's Vengeance. I don't really have a horse in this race though.