Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Equestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience
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You are part of a cult. In Equestria. What started out as a very interesting book club meeting finally crossed "that" threshold when you realized the ceremonial knife on the wall wasn't just ornamental.
But by then, you had already started agreeing with their point of view.
The only thing you DO miss though is that you no longer join into the singing whenever it breaks out in the streets.
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Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Background and Beginnings


A bodhisattva, by definition, must die to move on.
Tusita Heaven
Equestria! A land of peace and harmony, where any species and everypony can coexist. A place where anyone can find something in which they are truly special, be you an earth pony who tends to the land, a pegasus who tailors the weather or an unicorn who performs great feats of magic for the good of all. And all of that under the benevolent leadership of the alicorns, the princesses of the land, ponies with the gifts of all three races who can move the very sun and moon every day.

That is, as far as you know, what everyone can somewhat agree on when it comes to the nation where you were borne. That is the gist of it, the general idea, the underlying theme based on which everyone lives their lives.

But that's the thing about it, its just an idea isn't it…?

But in all honesty, is that how things really are? How things should be? After all, one does not need to go too far for part of those ideas to reveal themselves as facades.

After all, for example, Equestria is full of dangers (and someponies might even say "horrors") that immediately dispel the notion of safety everyone has grown accustomed to. Great beasts roam the untamed lands, some of which, like Ursa Majors, are the easiest to comprehend, being "simple" (even if unstoppable) monsters of rampaging destruction. But that's not mentioning others that are far more subtle… Some even downright intelligent and malevolent like the Changeling threat, and many, many more.

Likewise, as soon as any one of those things start causing trouble, ponies are almost always helpless to fend for themselves. No pegasus knight or unicorn mage can compete against most of those threats, with only the timely intervention of some sort of hero, or maybe even a Princess, being enough to turn the tides.

Ponies, one needs not think long to realize, are soft, innocent creatures, living in a hostile world and kept safe by a very specific number of individuals.

And yet, they live with honest conviction of the idea that they exist in a peaceful land of magic and harmony.


An idea, you have learned, is something very powerful. It can creep into a pony's mind and plant roots that can sometimes reach into the very soul, roots that will shape your very being if they are planted when you are young enough.

Roots that require a great amount of effort to pull out, once you realize they are there, and just how wrong they are.

- - -

You wake up in the morning. Today is a very special day, but for some reason the first thing that comes to your mind was how this all began.

It was… years ago. The whole town was abuzz with the latest news, and it would be no exaggeration to say that literal festivities were popping all around at the drop of a horseshoe, parades forming spontaneously on the streets as ecstatic ponies brought out their instruments and joined each other in songs. Food was practically being distributed for free by merchants and bakers, and everywhere one went the repeated cheers could reach even the ears of the most inattentive creature.

"A princess! A new princess has appeared! A pegasus became an alicorn! Hail princess Cadance!"

The story spread like wildfire, and you couldn't help but to overhear bits and pieces of it, slowly forming the bigger picture as you went into a bar. You weren't about to turn down free drinking, after all, especially as you had just left your work after a long day.

Apparently, from what you heard from several ponies around you, a certain pegasus named Cadance had performed some deed. The details on what exactly were a bit confusing, something about a potion and whatnot. But the bottom line was that in the end she turned into an alicorn. Horn appearing in her head and magic coming to her like second nature.

Nopony was really sure of the details. Some insisted that princess Celestia transformed her, while others said it must have been some sort of personal merit or magic, but the most important part was there: a new Princess had presented herself to help rule Equestria. A new all-powerful, immortal alicorn had come to watch over the land alongside the Princess of the Sun.

"But isn't everypony being a bit too hasty about the whole thing? I mean, I hear this Cadence mare is quite young, maybe too young! And besides, is having another Princess really a good thing?"

You were startled out of your drinking, and your innocent eavesdropping from the background chatter, by a mare sitting by your side. It took you a few moments to realize that she was talking directly to you, and not just to herself or the ambient in general.

"What do you mean 'is it really good'?" you asked back, turning to look at the mare, and realizing by the slight blur in your vision that maybe you had a bit more to drink than you should have in such a small amount of time, "she's a Princess now. I mean, look at Princess Celestia, she has ruled Equestria for as long as history goes, and everything is fine. Why would having another Princess be a bad thing?"

The mare looked at you, taking a sip from the mug she was holding, and for some reason gave you a smile. "Well, I asked you if it was something good, you asked me how could it be something bad," she said, with an amused back-and-forward tone, "and it's true that things have been the way they are for a really long time," she took another sip, inching towards you slightly before continuing to talk, "but the point is... is Equestria itself the way it was supposed to be?"

You couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow at that.

The mare sitting right next to you looked normal, a light pink (even if a bit hard-looking and curly) mane against dark red fur, drinking something that might have been just as strong as the drink you were having, sitting in a bar that occasionally erupted into cheers as someone hailed the name "Cadance" or threw bits at the bartender while saying something about serving another round for everypony.

She was a totally unassuming, normal earth pony mare, except for the slight weirdness of what she was saying.

"I mean, we live in a world that is so full of mysteries, so filled with unexplainable things… Is the way that Equestria currently looks like, the way that Princess Celestia keeps it, truly the nature of the world? Or maybe… it is just kept like that through constant effort?"

Her eyes met yours for longer, now, that same pleasant smile on her face. And when she found what she was looking for in your gaze, she began to talk, and her words resonated with whatever it was that she realized was inside you.

What did she see inside you?

[This defines the "aspect" of the cult you will join, which CANNOT be changed without great pains. The cult's philosophy, as well as what it can offer you, will be based on this. Your initial affinity will also be aligned with your cult's, since that is where your initial interest came from, but that can be changed easily as you learn more about the world and pursue the other aspects.]

[ ] She spoke about this world, Equestria, and the many other worlds that ponykind knows to exist, and the secret passages that connect them. Figuratively, when referring to other countries, and literally, speaking about far away realms that most ponies believe to be only fairy tales. (KNOCK is the principle of openings, and of finding hidden passages and portals. It entails secrets that both locksmiths and burglars share, even if they do not realize it.)

[ ] She spoke about knowledge, and about how some realizations can be so shocking that normal ponies might even shy away from trying to discover them. She wondered aloud about how could the ponies of Equestria claim to know so much, and yet not even be able to answer a question as simple as "from where does a Princess comes from?". (LANTERN is the principle of knowledge, and of its light that is both illuminating and unkind. It entails secrets that are held by oracles, even if they do not realize it, and scholars, even if they later regret it.)

[ ] She spoke about change, and its necessity. After all, it is not enough to keep a tool sharp for it to be useful, sometimes it is necessary to smelt it down and forge a new one. And about the fact that, surely, that must also hold true for greater principles. Perhaps even the world itself, no? (FORGE is the principle of transformation, fire and destruction, and of reshaping on all levels, be them physical or spiritual. It hold the secrets that both blacksmiths and rebels share deep down in their cores).

[ ] She spoke about conflict, and about how even in a place as "peaceful" as Equestria it is inevitable. The friendly competition that allows fillies to grow into adulthood, the clashing of interests that occur in daily life, and even combat itself, although Princess Celestia seems to insist on bearing the brunt of that last one on her own shoulders. But what rewards might be reaped from conflict, if it is so natural? (EDGE is the principle of violence and cunning, and of strengthening through confrontation, no matter what shape it takes. Its secrets are shared by soldiers and merchants, and any creature who sees itself as a predator.)

[ ] She spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall her words, you realized she didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)

[ ] She spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures, ponies most of all, seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of Equestria itself. Neither her words nor her smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her hoofs kept beating against her mug. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)

[ ] She spoke about how dry and dull Equestria truly was, even if nopony was willing to admit it. About how nothing new is ever created by ponykind, only maintained, and about how the world itself seems to have forgotten about what can be learned from the satisfaction of desire. Your eyes almost didn't leave her while she spoke, to the point where you almost didn't listen to what she was saying. (GRAIL is the principle of desire, seduction and thirst. It knows about all things succulent and treats both charisma and seduction as the most pleasant of tools.)

[ ] She spoke about secrets, about how the world hides its own in the most unusual of ways, and about how those secrets change and transform while the world isn't looking. She didn't talk in circles, but she didn't talk in a straight line either, and at the end of it you were left with the irrevocable impression that something was in the wrong shape. Although you couldn't tell if it was the world, or yourself. (MOTH is the principle of unreason, secrecy and change. It understands chaos by understanding nothing at all and can only be learned by following your own whims. But inevitably, it leads you to where you truly desire to be.)

[ ] She spoke about the history of this world, and how it looks sometimes more like a knot than a straight line, and about how sometimes it even contradicts itself. It is a commonly held belief that the present can go towards many futures, but is it also possible for the present to be connected to many pasts? (SECRET HISTORIES is the principle of the world itself. It is the study and knowledge of the frailty of cause and effect, and of the secret places where more than one possibility took place.)

After that you kept in touch with Copper Secateur, the somewhat unusual mare with which you had spoken on that fateful night. At first it was just the atypical meeting, the normal chit-chat over a hay sandwich that usually marks the beginning of a friendship. But not long after, she invited you to a "party", a small get together with several other ponies, in which you had some very interesting conversations.

Then, another invitation, this time to a much more "selected" group. Only a fraction, you would later realize, of the very same ponies that Copper Secateur had invited to that party. And this time, she spoke freely and in depth about certain things that were wrong with Equestria, and the world at large. The very same things that had peaked your interest on the first time that you had met her.

One of the ponies she had invited left, then and there, and you never heard of him again. But the others, together with you, she later invited to a meeting of a "group" she was part of.


Hello everyone, and welcome to my humble attempt at a Quest. I'm a long time lurker, but never really started a thread before, so I'd appreciate your patience and understanding as I learn how things work.

As you may have noticed, this will be based on a show that is terribly famous, but also on a certain game that is not quite as widely known.

Still, for the purpose of this quest, it takes place in an AU, loosely based on both universes. Canon will not be strictly adhered to, but will be mentioned a lot. Yet, keep in mind that all that happens will be from your character's point of view. Your beliefs of certain truths might prove to be false, or certain events might later reveal themselves as not quite... how you thought they had played out.

Still, this is the general gist. You are have been recruited into a cult, a few years ago, and this cult believes that the way Equestria currently is very unaligned with how it should be.

The problem is... that you have seen evidence for that. The world around you is crooked, and your cult works towards making it right, whether if your personal aspirations align themselves with that or not.

Posts will not yet be "separated" for editing purposes. And Character Creation proper will be right on the next post. So voting can begin without any further ado.

Considering this is a single choice with 9 options, post your votes based on preference, with the lowest number (1 first, 2 second, etc) being the one you prefer the most. Vote to as many options as you like, including none!
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So voting can begin without any further ado.
I very highly recommend the use of preference voting (1, 2, 3, etc, where lower numbers are the options you like more) instead of X for this. There are so many options that, without it, you are very likely going to get some serious vote-splitting.

EDIT: In other news, wow. You've definitely held out for a while. Welcome to non-lurker status, I suppose?
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I very highly recommend the use of preference voting (1, 2, 3, etc, where lower numbers are the options you like more) instead of X for this. There are so many options that, without it, you are very likely going to get some serious vote-splitting.

EDIT: In other news, wow. You've definitely held out for a while. Welcome to non-lurker status, I suppose?
And if it is indeed divergent, tallying it will be fun into itself.

EDIT: I'm not sure if it counts as holding out. The account may be a few years dated but I mostly lurked without using it.
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[1] She spoke about the history of this world, and how it looks sometimes more like a knot than a straight line, and about how sometimes it even contradicts itself. It is a commonly held belief that the present can go towards many futures, but is it also possible for the present to be connected to many pasts? (SECRET HISTORIES is the principle of the world itself. It is the study and knowledge of the frailty of cause and effect, and of the secret places where more than one possibility took place.)

[2] She spoke about this world, Equestria, and the many other worlds that ponykind knows to exist, and the secret passages that connect them. Figuratively, when referring to other countries, and literally, speaking about far away realms that most ponies believe to be only fairy tales. (KNOCK is the principle of openings, and of finding hidden passages and portals. It entails secrets that both locksmiths and burglars share, even if they do not realize it.)

[3] She spoke about knowledge, and about how some realizations can be so shocking that normal ponies might even shy away from trying to discover them. She wondered aloud about how could the ponies of Equestria claim to know so much, and yet not even be able to answer a question as simple as "from where does a princess comes from?". (LANTERN is the principle of knowledge, and of its light that is both illuminating and unkind. It entails secrets that are held by oracles, even if they do not realize it, and scholars, even if they later regret it.)

[4] She spoke about secrets, about how the world hides its own in the most unusual of ways, and about how those secrets change and transform while the world isn't looking. She didn't talk in circles, but she didn't talk in a straight line either, and at the end of it you were left with the irrevocable impression that something was in the wrong shape. Although you couldn't tell if it was the world, or yourself. (MOTH is the principle of unreason, secrecy and change. It understands chaos by understanding nothing at all and can only be learned by following your own whims. But inevitably, it leads you to where you truly desire to be.)

[5] She spoke about how dry and dull Equestria truly was, even if nopony was willing to admit it. About how nothing new is ever created by ponykind, only maintained, and about how the world itself seems to have forgotten about what can be learned from the satisfaction of desire. Your eyes almost didn't leave her while she spoke, to the point where you almost didn't listen to what she was saying. (GRAIL is the principle of desire, seduction and thirst. It knows about all things succulent and treats both charisma and seduction as the most pleasant of tools.)

[6] She spoke about change, and its necessity. After all, it is not enough to keep a tool sharp for it to be useful, sometimes it is necessary to smelt it down and forge a new one. And about the fact that, surely, that must also hold true for greater principles. Perhaps even the world itself, no? (FORGE is the principle of transformation, fire and destruction, and of reshaping on all levels, be them physical or spiritual. It hold the secrets that both blacksmiths and rebels share deep down in their cores).

[7] She spoke about conflict, and about how even in a place as "peaceful" as Equestria it is inevitable. The friendly competition that allows fillies to grow into adulthood, the clashing of interests that occur in daily life, and even combat itself, although princess Celestia seems to insist on bearing the brunt of that last one on her own shoulders. But what rewards might be reaped from conflict, if it is so natural? (EDGE is the principle of violence and cunning, and of strengthening through confrontation, no matter what shape it takes. Its secrets are shared by soldiers and merchants, and any creature who sees itself as a predator.)

[8] She spoke about life, and its unceasing energy and continuity. About how all creatures, ponies most of all, seem to be dancing a grand dance in pace with the heartbeat of Equestria itself. Neither her words nor her smile stopped for even a moment, and during the whole conversation her hoofs kept beating against her mug. The rhythm was almost hypnotizing. (HEART is the principle of life, preservation and protection, as well as of the dance that must never cease. It is known, even if subconsciously, by any creature that knows happiness and perseverance in the face of adversity, and it is put into practice by dancers.)

[9] She spoke about life, and how it inevitably leads to death. About stories, and how they inevitably lead to endings. And how all of that was so very beautiful. But whenever you tried to recall her words, you realized she didn't speak much at all. (WINTER is the principle of endings, cold, beauty and silence. It encompasses all things that have already ended and waits patiently for all things that will end. But one knowledgeable on its ways might figure out how to work around endings, and perhaps death itself.)
Character Sheet

Name: Velvet Covers
Species: Unicorn (female)
Cutie Mark: A spread open book, with purple covers and blank silver pages. A few white butterflies float around the edges
Appearance: A tall and slender unicorn mare, with light brown coat and a long white mane.
As seen through the lenses of many Histories

by @Mage of Eyes

by @Mersy


Martial: 8 + 1 (EDGE)
Diplomacy: 11 + 1 (GRAIL) + 1 (HEART)
Stewardship: 11 + 1 (WINTER)
Intrigue: 10 + 1 (MOTH) + 1 (KNOCK)
Magic: 12 + 1 (FORGE)
Learning: 12 + 1 (LANTERN) + 1 (SECRET HISTORIES)

(On Status Level, an 8 represents a perfectly average pony, 10 is a pony trained on that particular field, 15 is a pony who can be considered an expert, and 20 is a master of the art involved)

Current/Maximum Health: 2/2
Total personal combat: +29 (+9 martial, +20 EDGE)

-Graduated: You have graduated from an institution of higher education (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship, already applied);
-Beautiful: +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant (+2 Intrigue, already applied);
-Gifted: +5 when trying to cast your racial magic (+2 Magic, already applied);
-Well Read: +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls or books (+2 Learning, already applied);
-Frightened [MALUS]: -10 to Personal Combat; (Cut away by The Incision of the Heart)
-Scarred [MALUS]: -1 base Health;
-Favored in Canterlot (Mi Amore Cadenza) [Possible Malus]: +20 for certain rolls in the city of Canterlot. You will be immediately recognized as a supporter of the crown;
-Above All Suspicion: The alicorns trust you, in a time where trust is a precious and scarce resource. Do. Not. Break. That. Trust;
-Mare Administrator: +10 when organizing projects that span large areas, or that involves the efforts of several ponies (+2 Stewardship, already applied);
-The good Velvet: You are immune to your family's complicated reputation, having sufficiently distanced yourself from it... you hope;
-Murderer: "This one's hoofs have taken a life";
-Mirror Keeping Techniques: "Thrice clockwise, then across, till the sheen evaporates. Lay it flat on the ground, then..." (All rituals involving Lantern cost -5 bits, already applied)
BRANDED by the SECRET HISTORIES: Your cutie mark is no longer merely that... You will be recognized by those in the know, and in turn you will now recognize them back (further effects unknown);
MOTH: Mundane darkness no longer affects you (Level 3);
SECRET HISTORIES: "Book/Artifact Search" actions upgraded, even when performed by servants, and no longer cap when performed by yourself (Level 3);
LANTERN: You may read three books per turn, or study two artifacts, and you will generate slightly less suspicion towards the family head. You now can (try to?) learn (learn... what?) from objects you can touch (Level 3);
KNOCK: Mundane locks no longer work against you, and Mansus actions now allow for two choices to be picked, or for the same choice to be picked twice (if -> else action plans are also acceptable) (Level 3);
WINTER: Physical discomforts no longer hinder you, thought they will still affect or harm you. You are unnaturally resistant to cold. You may now summon Flourishing Risen and Torn Risen from dead bodies (Level 3);
FORGE: Max level of reagent is based on Forge Level, and the combination of Lores infused may not pass your personal level on each individual Lore (Level 3);
EDGE: You are immune to ambushes, and you are able to "smell" certain kinds of nearby creatures up to a reasonable range regardless of physical obstacles between you and your mark (Level 3).
GRAIL: You gain one "Leash". A "Leashed" pony will act towards you as if they were one step higher on the "Acquaintance - Friend - Close Friend - Confidant - Minion" scale. (Level 3).
HEART: If you reach zero health, you will enter a state of "Dancing with Death" instead of immediately dying. (Level 3).

A STAIN UPON THE SOUL [3/7]: Should this counter ever reach 7/7, Velvet Covers will immediately reach the ending "The Mother of Wolves".
"Like a piece of parchment that was put too close to a fire, or wool that was grazed by a candle's flame. This one's soul is marked, now, and that mark is an ugly thing that cannot be taken back."​

-[Wolf, thy name is Evil]: "An old malice has been reintroduced to Equestria, like a wind that brings misfortune or a day where the sun just doesn't shine as bright."
(Equestria is now a worse place.)

-[The Benefits of the Mother]: Velvet Covers may now perform Regrettable Actions.
(Velvet Covers may be offered additional actions to further this path.)

"Deeper now. Darker now. This one's mark has grown. But not out of ignorance or innocence, but by intention and design. And that intent, perhaps, might be worse than the mark itself."​

-[Wolf, thy name is Paranoia]: "I will speak the words you taught me, in the ears and in the minds and in the souls of ponies. Until they fall upon each other in frenzied fear."
(All non-alicorn ponies, in all of Equestria, will receive a "-5 (Paranoia)" malus whenever they perform an action that requires them to cooperate with another non-alicorn pony.)

-[The Benefits of the Mother]: "The son is not required where the Mother treads, for the progenitor's actions will always eclipse that of the progeny."
(Paranoia will not affect Velvet Covers herself, or anypony near her, in a very large radius. The "location" where Velvet covers is, be it a city or an expedition or a place of import, is immune to the above Malus.)

"Like anything else, the third is time is always the most meaningful. This is the last time it will hurt. Because the next time this one crosses the line, the filth within this one will be a greater part, compared to what remains."​

-[Wolf, thy name is Ash]: "The Wolves gnaw around the walls of the Mansus. As any student of Histories know, they will kill you if you linger."
(All creatures not aligned with Velvet Covers will be harmed, or will risk being harmed, whenever they attempt to enter the Mansus.)

-[The Benefits of the Mother]: "Give me their scent, Mother. Tell me your will. The ashes will consume them until only the flavor of their bones remains."

Relevant items and temporary assets:

Current bits (money): 61
Current monthly income: 160 bits/month + (Dividends from Rarity)/month
-A "Leash", currently used with: Captain Shining Armor
-2x "Wrong Key" (to expire at the END of turn 20)
-2x "Expensive Gift" (each can be "burned" to pay for 50 bits in a Lore-related action. Any "overflow" is wasted. Will anger Velvet Pride if not gifted to/used towards the Daughter-of-Axes)
-Mareinette, Our Lady of Wires (Permanent summons) (Obedience bindings to expire at the END of turn 19)
-Baldomare (summoned creature) (to expire and the END of turn 20)
Artifacts only apply their effect when they are "usable", "in your person", "in range" or otherwise available to you personally, depending on their nature.

"The skin of a furred animal worked into a large blanket, or perhaps a thick carpet. The salespony insists that whoever sleeps under it (or over it) will wake up feeling refreshed."
Appraised cost: 200 bits
Special properties: +30 on tests to recuperate health or cure lasting debuffs. Applies on contact.

"A large hardcover book, or perhaps a grimoire, that displays the content of a different book every time its pages are turned. Some of the things written on it, you are pretty sure, are not true, or never happened."
Appraised cost: 200 bits
Special properties: Gives a variable bonus (from +5 to +15) for any rolls that involve "research" or "study", of any subject.

"A hoof-sized tuning fork... or at least a tuning-fork adjacent. The thing has three prongs instead of two, arranged in a triangular pattern. Striking it yields no sound, none that you can hear at least, even though the thing clearly vibrates."
Appraised cost: Unknown (not studied)
Special properties: Unknown (not studied)

"Old. Sturdy. Strained from use, but still reliable. These are definitely not the words you would like to use when describing a noose, and yet here you are. You know it has already been used at least twice, and you realize it can still be used at least once more."
Appraised cost: none. You will burn it if you ever want to get rid of it.
Special properties: None.

"A piece of metal, whetted by the heavens themselves. Pulverized into thick dust. Kept around the neck, in a fur-colored pouch."
Appraised cost: 200 bits.
Special properties: If a character carrying this artifact fails an "Escape" attempt during combat by a difference of 50 or less, destroy this artifact and automatically succeed at escaping.

HEART Level 1 (Reagent)

"WRONG KEY" (Wrong Keys are explained here, since they are curios, but any Wrong Key you hold will be listed in together with your other "temporary items" and summons)

Consumable Item

-Can be used as a "Knock 3" reagent
-Single use (breaks when used)
-Can be used reactively to completely deny an enemy offensive ritual aimed at you or at ponies near your immediate physical vicinity.
-Can be used to instantly inflict a single wound to a summoned creature if used in combat.
-Breaks at the end of its fifth month of existence.
-Using a Wrong Key as a sacrifice to summon the Daughter-of-Axes will decrease the ritual cost by 50 bits, and will give you one level of [Priority] over any opposing rituals.
-([Priority] meaning that, if an opposing party attempts to summon her as well, you will not "compete" for the summoning and will always "win", as long as you successfully roll the minimum required for her summoning and have a [Priority] level greater than your foes).
Your Forge realization allows you to produce "reagents". Disposable, single-use items that can be used to boost rituals, or in very specific narrative circumstances. They possess the following characteristics:
-Reagents may be safely stored away, indefinitely.
-Reagents may have "mixed" Lores. Mixed and matched to your heart's content.
-The "total level" of your a reagent you wish to craft (the added sum of all its Lores) is capped at your Forge level.
-The individual level of each Lore you wish to infuse a reagent with is capped at each individual Lore level you possess

For example, If your levels were Forge 3, Grail 2 and Edge 2, you would be able to craft a "Grail 2, Edge 1" reagent. But NOT a "Grail 3" reagent (because your Grail level is insufficient), and NOT a "Grail 2, Edge 2" reagent (because your Forge level is insufficient)

Crafting ONE reagent is a free action, THREE reagents costs one action, FIVE reagents costs two actions, etc.

Reagent's cost in bits is: 5 -> 20 -> 45 -> 80, etc.

Higher level reagents may have unforeseen/unknown narrative or mechanical effects.
BOOK, HEART Level 1. "A small book that covers a particular kind of elegant dancing".
BOOK EDGE Level 1. "The title is self-explanatory: 'Four self-defense spells every unicorn should know'. You doubt they are anything more than different variations of concentrated telekinesis."
BOOK, FORGE Level 1. "A small handbook on camping, explaining the basics of how to build a tent and start a small fire".
BOOK KNOCK Level 2. "A fairly recent, and short, book about dream interpretation. You know it is recent because it was dedicated to Princess Luna's return".
BOOK FORGE Level 3. "A real guide to beginner's level blacksmithing. The bookstore owner almost seemed excited in having this reach your hoofs via your servants."
BOOK FORGE Level 3. "The book is simply titled 'Chemistry', and your servants reluctantly admitted that was the only word they understood in it. Of course you know they were being dramatic, but that also means that the contents of the book must be way, way beyond what they teach at schools."
BOOK UNKNOWN LORE (if any). "An old book, hoof-written and bound with rusty metal pins. Found in the cavernous undergrounds of the Royal Castle. The language written in it is strange, but the alphabet itself is not. This is clearly from this age." (REQUIRES DECIPHERING, unknown if it will grant Lore-knowledge. From Current Era: "-20" malus while deciphering. Current Progress 0/50)

Lore level:

("This world is not as most ponies believe it is", but the difference between the henchman and the mastermind is that one blindly believes that fact, and the other understands it and unveils the truth)

KNOCK - Current Bonus: May access the Mansus, +20 when attempting to open something. +1 Intrigue. Mundane locks no longer work against you, and Mansus actions now allow for two choices to be picked, or for the same choice to be picked twice. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You understand that there are other Worlds, and secret paths between them. But the only one you know is the World in your dream, the Mansus, and perhaps that is the only World that matters. (Allows access to the Mansus)

Level 1: A door is not a passage, it is a thing that denies the passing of something, the opening behind a door is the true passage. And all passages share certain characteristics with wounds, as well as certain words. (+5 when attempting to open something)

-Level 2: A door always bears a price. Most of them demand their prices be paid when they are created, as is the case with wounds and portals. But the doors of the Mansus always were, they were never made, so their prices must always be paid upon passage. (Further +5 when attempting to open something. +1 Intrigue.)

-Level 3: It is not about simply opening something, no. The manner in which something is opened is also of equal importance. You have the impression that the reason as to why something is opened might be even more important, but, for now, you have learned the secret that allows you this much. (Further +5 when attempting to open something. Mundane locks no longer work against you, and Mansus actions now allow for two choices to be picked, or for the same choice to be picked twice.)

-Level 4: Some connections are unions, because they combine "here" and "there" into a single thing. Other connections are divisions, for the existence of a bridge is what transforms a single river into two separate shores. But all of those situations share the similarity of there being a path itself, and the creation of that path is what truly matters. (Further +5 when attempting to open something. Gains a single re-roll for Knock per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 2/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

LANTERN - Current Bonus: +20 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. +1 Learning. May study 3 books or 2 artifacts per turn, generate less suspicion to family head, and might be able to learn from objects you can touch. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You know that there is more to knowledge than the simple sciences and magics known to ponies and the other races, and although you have no idea what it is you have been warned that it can easily blind the careless. (+1 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object)

-Level 1: A physical object exists, whether if it is bathed in light or cloaked in shadows. But what of knowledge, or ideas? If those are not illuminated, if a mind does not bathe them in light, do they truly exists? (Further +4 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object)

-Level 2: You know that radiance of Glory escapes from the Mansus, sometimes, away from the Woods and into the Wake. You even think you can see it, whenever light is reflected at the correct angle from a mirror. You try not to look for such angles, or not to stare at it so intently whenever you catch a glimpse. (Further +5 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. +1 Learning.)

-Level 3: You have learned the secret that allows you to see through shadows. Even the shadows that you cannot see. (Further +5 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. May study 3 books or 2 artifacts per turn, generate less suspicion to family head, and might be able to learn from objects you can touch.)

-Level 4: Knowledge is light. Its source cannot help but shine, and everything it touches cannot help but distort it. You may only trust mirrors to properly carry it. (Further +5 when attempting to learn the secrets that are within an object. Gains a single re-roll for Lantern per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 0/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

FORGE - Current Bonus: +15 when attempting to destroy something. +1 Magic. May craft Reagents to boost Rituals. Max level of reagent is based on Forge Level, and the combination of Lores infused may not pass your personal level on each individual Lore.
-Level 0: You have heard that nothing is truly eternal, and yet nothing can be truly destroyed. While the true meaning of that still eludes you, you have heard that fire can whisper you the answer. (+1 when attempting to destroy something)

-Level 1: What are the words that fire sings as it burns? Ponies knew those words, long ago, much like they knew how to move the clouds and how to befriend the earth so that it might bear fruits. And although they might have forgotten those particular words, you know it is possible to learn them once again. (Further +4 when attempting to destroy something)

-Level 2: Heat, you now know, is the physical representation of change. A metal bends and melts when heated not because of the temperature, but because change is being presented to it, inserted into it. You have learned, now, that it is possible to enact changes to certain things through other mediums, which are both more exotic and more effective than fire. (Further +5 when attempting to destroy something. +1 Magic)

-Level 3: A modern alchemist is no different than a foal, experimenting through trial and error in the hopes of stumbling upon something worthwhile. This, what you now know, is the correct way, in which a deeper understanding of the base elements and the base rules is used to produce the desired result. (Further +5 when attempting to destroy something. May craft Reagents to boost Rituals. Max level of reagent is based on Forge Level, and the combination of Lores infused may not pass your personal level on each individual Lore.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 2/4.

EDGE - Current Bonus: +20 to Personal Combat. +1 Martial. Immune to ambushes, and limited sensorial skills regardless of nearby obstacles. One re-roll every six combat rolls.
-Level 0: You have learned that conflict is not only inevitable, but also natural. There is a certain sobriety to be gained from that realization. (+1 to Personal Combat)

-Level 1: Combat is not merely to take, or to end, or to divide. It is not only cunning, or strength, or agony. But there is also no way to describe combat without being intimate with all of those. (Further +4 to Personal Combat)

-Level 2: Every life, every living being, is but a confluence of a thousand crucial factors. Cut one, be it artery, passion or sanity, and said life will be ended. You can see them now, every so often, sticking out of those around you like a sore hoof. It chills you now, every so often, when you identify those factors on your loved ones. The factors, you see, seem to beg to be cut. (Further +5 to Personal Combat. +1 Martial)

-Level 3: Combat never ends. Or rather, you are in a combat that has been going on during your whole life, and that has not stopped or paused for even a single moment. Everypony is. It is a battle that began the moment you were born. And that will only end, in humiliating defeat, when you die. Now that you have realized this, you will never be caught unaware again. (Further +5 to Personal Combat. You are immune to ambushes, and you are able to "smell" certain kinds of nearby creatures up to a reasonable range regardless of physical obstacles between you and your mark.)

-Level 4: Decisiveness is crucial. Even the sharpest blade will only cut as deep as you push it into a body, and a blade that is pulled backwards only risks cutting yourself. Once you make a commitment, the only direction you can go is forward. (Further +5 to Personal Combat. One re-roll every six combat rolls during a fight.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 2/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

WINTER - Current Bonus: +20 when resisting things that would harm your mind. +1 Stewardship. Physical discomforts no longer hinder you, thought they will still affect or harm you. You are unnaturally resistant to cold. You may now summon Flourishing Risen and Torn Risen from dead bodies. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You know that death is not the end, although you know not how you came to learn that. (+1 when resisting things that would harm your mind)

-Level 1: There is something curious about stillness. When the air is still you have quiet, when the mind is still you have peace, but what might happen when the spirit is still? Whatever the answer is, you know that it must not be taught with words, for if the answer breaks the quiet then it is, by principle, incorrect. (Further +4 when resisting things that would harm your mind)

-Level 2: Sometimes when your breath exits your mouth it is as cold as a midnight chill, and you know that it is because you have learned certain words. This might happen because the words wish to be spoken, or this might be because your body wishes for you to be silent. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your mind. +1 Stewardship)

-Level 3: The secret without which the first Crossings, past the crossroads and through the great mountains beyond the horizon of the Mansus, would not have been possible. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your mind. Physical discomforts no longer hinder you, thought they will still affect or harm you. You are unnaturally resistant to cold. You may now summon Flourishing Risen and Torn Risen from dead bodies.)

-Level 4: A music may only be shared after its composition is finished. A trail may only be mapped after it is completely walked. A life may only have meaning after death. The nuance, however, lies in understanding what death truly is, for a pony may die several times throughout his life. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your mind. Gains a single re-roll for Winter per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 1/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

HEART - Current Bonus: +15 when resisting things that would harm your body. +1 Diplomacy. If you reach zero health, you will now enter a state of "Dancing with Death" instead of immediately dying.
-Level 0: There is a dance that never ceases, and those who dance it cannot be ceased. You know it rhymes with heartbeats and rolls with the beating of drums, but apart from that you know nothing else. (+1 when resisting things that would harm your body)

-Level 1: What is the difference between a the stomping of a hoof against the ground during a dance and a thunderclap, apart from the scale of it? Both follow a rhythm, both accompany the motions of nature itself, both are a herald to the next one that will soon follow. (Further +4 when resisting things that would harm your body)

-Level 2: To be alive is to continue. To die is to stop. It might be possible to exist without being alive, or to exist without movement, but that form of existence is both unnatural and not right. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your body. +1 Diplomacy.)

-Level 3: Nopony ever really dies, as long as the song continues to be sung. This is the secret hymn that hearts sing, as they beat. This is the secret that allows you to sing back to your heart, when it gives up on singing. (Further +5 when resisting things that would harm your body. If you reach zero health, you will now enter a state of "Dancing with Death" instead of immediately dying.)

-Level 4: PROGRESS 1/4.

GRAIL - Current Bonus: +20 when attempting to convince someone of something. +1 Diplomacy. You gain one "Leash", a leashed pony will treat you differently in a positive way. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You have heard whispers that there is never any wrong in accepting one's own nature. Your rationality denied such a thing, and yet your body agreed. There might be some deeper knowledge to that. (+1 when attempting to convince someone of something)

-Level 1: There are words that beg to be spoken, and actions that beg to be performed, and they share characteristics that are deeper and more complex than the base and carnal aspects that most might attribute to them. What further things might we discover if we learn these similarities? (Further +4 when attempting to convince someone of something)

-Level 2: You have come to realize that there is a circle, of sorts, present in the lives of all ponies. Your desires beget your cutie marks, and then your cutie marks bring forth your desires. For the longest time you have tried to understand which came first, but now you understand that the answer is "neither". The two things are one and the same. The two things are a commemoration of Birth. (Further +5 when attempting to convince someone of something. +1 Diplomacy.)

-Level 3: A pony's desire is a powerful thing. It guides their will through their lives. It guides their bodies in drawing their cutie marks. This is the secret to begin touching it. (Further +5 when attempting to convince someone of something. You gain one "Leash". A "Leashed" pony will act towards you as if they were one step higher on the Acquaintance-Friend-Close Friend-Confidant-Minion sliding scale.)

-Level 4: Everypony, no matter how young or old, is driven by their blood. It runs through their bodies, nourishing their limbs from within. It sings to their souls, granting them gifts of lust and ambition and desire. It is the endless river that they produce, which in turn also nourishes them back. Those who lack it are simply not alive. And that is why the dead, and the dull, do not bleed when cut. (Further +5 when attempting to convince someone of something. Gains a single re-roll for Grail per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 0/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

MOTH - Current Bonus: +20 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. +1 Intrigue. Mundane darkness no longer affects you. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: Everything within our minds is a part of us, being something that was both made by us and something that makes us, even the parts we do not understand. What can be learned from them? (+1 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found).

-Level 1: There are powers that are pleased by the constant changes within us, but to truly attract their attention there must be changes to our outside as well. Even a slight cut from a lock of a mane, if done correctly, may sometimes be enough. (Further +4 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found).

-Level 2: You have learned much from dreaming, but you are also starting to learn things from being awake. The night wind sometimes whispers against the trees, the moonlight paints the land in meaningful patterns at certain hours. But you can only ever notice those things after you have given up on searching for them. (Further +5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. +1 Intrigue.)

-Level 3: This is the secret known by those who understand what it means to become truly lost. (Further +5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. Mundane darkness no longer affects you.)

-Level 4: That which is not touched by light cannot be seen. That which is not reached by thought cannot be understood. Those are the truths behind the chaotic nature of the Woods, for it is neither touched nor reached by the ultimate light of Glory. But why, then does, the Woods so desire the Glory? (Further +5 when attempting to evade someone, or when you do not want to be found. Gains a single re-roll for Moth per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 3/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.

SECRET HISTORIES - Current Bonus: +20 when attempting to find something. +1 Learning. "Book/Artifact Search" actions upgraded, even when performed by servants, and no longer cap when performed by yourself. One re-roll per month/turn.
-Level 0: You have been taught that the history of this world is neither an open book nor a strand of rope, and yet it is full of knots, and parts where it has been written over by scribbles. (+1 when attempting to find something)

-Level 1: There seems to be a beginning to all of this, a place from where everything started diverging or a past that everything can agree on. Whatever its nature is, its making also carved the Mansus, and seeded the Woods. (Further +4 when attempting to find something)

-Level 2: There are several Histories, but only one Mansus, and this has taught you that no matter how tangled a web might be, there will always be a point of convergence. No matter what you search for, there will always be similarities to be found in other Histories. (Further +5 when attempting to find something. +1 Learning)

-Level 3: This is no secret at all, it is in fact something painfully obvious. The secret you have come to realize is, instead, the extends that ponies go to not realize it. (Further +5 when attempting to find something. "Book/Artifact Search" actions upgraded, even when performed by servants, and no longer cap when performed by yourself.)

-Level 4: Coincidences do not exist. Alignments exist. Cause and effect exists. The logic that determines where a lightning is most likely to strike exists. But coincidences do not exist. Not, at least, in the superstitious way that most ponies believe they do. (Further +5 when attempting to find something. Gains a single re-roll for Secret Histories per month/turn, to be used on the result that would benefit Velvet Covers the most.)

-Level 5: PROGRESS 4/4. SACRAMENT 0/1.
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Aye. As it was timely advised, voting was understandably split and all nine aspects were mentioned at least once as the top three (except for EDGE).

But so far the top contenders are as follows:

SECRET HISTORIES with 03 "first option"

KNOCK with 05 total votes (three "second options" and two "fourth options)

MOTH with 06 total votes (one "first option", two "second options", one "third" and two "fourth")

(LANTERN came close, but it was at best third option, so i'll cut it out.)

I'll once again remind you all that i have no idea of what i'm doing advice on how to mediate such occurrences would be helpful, but i'll just use GM prerogative to lay down how it will go.

Vote for ONE of the best placed aspects (barring LANTERN). Resulting ties (or lack of votes whatsoever) will be resolved by a dice roll.
Presenting a name for the cult is welcome, and it may be adopted if agreed upon.

This secondary voting will be closed in one hour, when Character Creation will be carried on.
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It looks like people have not played the cultist simulator if they choose such a dull, flawed and useless aspect as secret stories

[X] Moth

You can like an option without being wrong. Sometimes simpler is better, or maybe it's not that simple at all. In all cases, it's better to make one's case politely.

This is merely what I prefer. And doesn't it sound sort of Cutie-mark related, the way it was put? Moth is the aspect that leads you to your true desires.
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She spoke about secrets, about how the world hides its own in the most unusual of ways, and about how those secrets change and transform while the world isn't looking. She didn't talk in circles, but she didn't talk in a straight line either, and at the end of it you were left with the irrevocable impression that something was in the wrong shape. Although you couldn't tell if it was the world, or yourself. (MOTH is the principle of unreason, secrecy and change. It understands chaos by understanding nothing at all and can only be learned by following your own whims. But inevitably, it leads you to where you truly desire to be.)

You are part of the Wildhoof Club, but details about it will follow shortly.
For future reference, it's usually best to have longer voting periods then that, because if the periods are so short people can't notice them until they're over they're going to stop participating because they never get to vote anyway.
Character Creation
[ ] She spoke about secrets, about how the world hides its own in the most unusual of ways, and about how those secrets change and transform while the world isn't looking. She didn't talk in circles, but she didn't talk in a straight line either, and at the end of it you were left with the irrevocable impression that something was in the wrong shape. Although you couldn't tell if it was the world, or yourself. (MOTH is the principle of unreason, secrecy and change. It understands chaos by understanding nothing at all and can only be learned by following your own whims. But inevitably, it leads you to where you truly desire to be.)

- - -

And that was how things started. And that's why you are here now, waking up on a holiday morning to go to a cult meeting.

You had struggled with the word "cult" at first. After all, you are a perfectly normal citizen of Equestria. You have your house, your job, and would not at all look out of place in the background of any bustling city scenario.

But in the end, you accepted things as they are. You have had your eyes opened, even if at some moments you wished they were not. You learned about just how crooked this calm and peaceful land is. You have already even… seen certain things for yourself. But you share in a belief, so there's no point in trying to spin words around it.

Although… that's what is so curious about ideas. They live within you, they form a core part of you, and yet nopony can divine what they are just by looking at you.

Hell, looking at the mirror, you see nothing but a…


Name: [WRITE IN]

[ ] Male

[ ] Female

Cutie Mark: [WRITE IN]


[ ] Earth Pony: Those who say your species is "grounded" and without magic are dead wrong. Your species is the strongest of the three, and your connection to the land is second to none. (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship).

[ ] Pegasus: Not being contained to the ground gives you a different view of the world. And while the etiquette of using doors instead of windows has been hammered into you from a young age, you at least will always have the option of choosing. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, flight capable).

[ ] Unicorn: You were borne with a gift. It came in the shape of a horn on your forehead, and the ability to manipulate the world with your thoughts. (+1 Magic, +1 Learning, magic capable)

But you are more than just what you see in the mirror, you are also the culmination of a whole life of experiences. Some of them may have marked you, but others just made you stronger.

Looking into your own eyes you can count more than a few. You are also…

(You have four coins. Everything costs a single coin unless stated otherwise. VOTING FROM HERE ON IS IN PLANNED FORMAT)

Notable characteristics:

[ ] a Workhorse: Lean or robust, tall or well built. You stand a full head over other ponies. (+2 Martial, +5 on tests that require physical strength, and personal combat).

[ ] Beautiful: You are used to heads turning to follow you when you walk around, and that means knowing how to get away with certain things. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant).

[ ] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 Diplomacy).

[ ] Gifted: There is a flame inside every creature. Yours appears to burn just a bit brighter. (+2 Magic, +5 when trying to cast your racial magic)

[ ] Attentive to Details: You actually use your pocketbook, and your financial life is thankful for it. (+2 Stewardship, +5 when negotiating a commercial deal)

[ ] Well Read: You are fond of the smell of libraries, and books reveal their secrets more easily to your touch. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from scrolls and books)

[ ] Healthy: "Healthy as a horse" is more than literal when it comes to you. (+1 health)

[ ] Naturally Talented: Just a bit faster, just a bit sharper. Some ponies are simply borne better than others, and you are one of them. (+1 on all status) COSTS 2 COINS

Your parents were… (this gives a little nudge towards what kinds of contacts you can call upon, but mostly determines your background PICK ONE)

[-] Regular ponies: The lifeblood of any city, your parents never really amounted to much. But they raised you the best they could, and always loved you very much. (Default option) COSTS ZERO COINS

[ ] Soldiers: Not members of the royal guard, but the sight of spears and armors was normal for you as you grew up. Not many ponies can count "polishing helmets" as a household chore. (+2 Martial, +5 personal combat, -1 Stewardship)

[ ] Farmers: Your upbringing was simple, full of hard work, but for some reason you always thought that gave you a deeper connection to the world around you. (+2 Magic, +1 Martial, -1 Learning)

[ ] Librarians: You didn't actually live in a library, but thanks to your parents books were never in short supply. It was also really useful once homework became a thing at your school. (+2 Learning, +1 Magic, -1 Martial)

[ ] Merchants: You remember the last time you were asked to restock supplies and carry crates, and the first time you were given a quill and a ledger. You soon learned the second is far heavier. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Magic)

[ ] Travelers: You and your parents were always on the move, carrying cargo and conducting business anywhere and everywhere. As you grew up you started to realize that perhaps your parents might not have been involved in the most legal of things, but by then you had learned a few tricks. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Learning)

[ ] Minor Nobles: You might have been borne into the political web of nobility, and perhaps you are just a pawn on some larger game. But your blood is blue, and that is all that matters. (Starts with a well-paying, albeit non-prestigious job. Starts with good contacts, and ponyservants to perform one free action for you, if they're not suspicious.) COSTS 2 COINS

And you do remember that time when… (Past experiences, circumstances that change your starting point)

[ ] You were promoted!: Lieutenant, not soldier. Manager, not clerk. There is a hierarchy in this world, and you climbed a step through hard work, not birthright. (Starts with a prestigious job. This job will be better paying albeit more demanding, but it WILL give you easier access to whatever your cult is after)

[ ] You went out on an expedition: Timberwolves are a stark reminder of how hard wood can be, especially when its sharp, sentient and bearing down on your throat. (+1 Martial, starts with personal combat gear)

[ ] You overperformed at work: Performing heroic act, being responsible for a great deal, turning a failure into a success. Whatever it was, you were rewarded handsomely for it. (Starts with two full months' worth of bits)

[ ] You helped to bust a crime operation: What started with innocent overhearing led to you snooping around for a bit, and before you knew it you had a whole case formed. (+1 Intrigue, starts with contacts good standing with local law enforcement)

[ ] You realized you are well liked: Ponies just gather around you, be it for advice or to resolve some quarrel of their own. You are something of a local, informal, leader. (+1 Diplomacy, starts with good standing with the local populace, easier to locate recruiting targets)

[ ] You joined a Guild: You thought it was just the equivalent of buying a library card, or a fidelity stamp to a certain store. Turns out it was more than that. (+1 Stewardship, starts with contacts among merchants)

[ ] You graduated!: Ponykind relies more on craftsmanship and knowing a particular trade, but you went out of your way to pursue higher education. (+1 Learning, +1 Magic, +1 Stewardship)

But of course, there are other things you must consider…

[ ] Married: You are married, and have a beautiful daughter. Your family demands your attention, and it sure would be a shame if something were to happen to them… (+1 coin)

[ ] Frightened: Maybe it is the result of some trauma, maybe you were borne like that, but the end result is the same. You are weaker than most. (-10 Personal Combat, +1 coin)

[ ] Scarred: You survived, but it is better if you do not try to do that again. (-1 Health, +1 coin)

[ ] Compromised: You did something, and your cult connections bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)

[ ] Enemies: Its not all friendship and magic. Someone out there is trying to get you. (+1 coin)

Aaaaaactually, when you look in the mirror you see… (only one option can be picked, overrides the initial race option. Fantastic racism may apply, and it's a lot harder to be subtle when you're a different race) COSTS 2 COINS

[ ] A (sick) dragon: You do not know why, but you will never grow any more than you already have, about a head taller than a normal pony. Maybe you joined a cult to find a purpose for your life, maybe you joined it to find a solution to this problem. (+4 martial, +2 magic, flight capable, +5 personal combat)

[ ] A gryphon: You're a long way from home, and when you first arrived you did turn a lot of heads. But you've been settled down for a few years now. (+3 martial, +2 intrigue, flight capable, +10 personal combat)

- - -

There appears to be wisdom in not putting out too many choices in a row, at least this early on. You will have a "role" on your cult, which will be based on one of the six Status (CK2-esque), and your cult will have an immediate "objective" in mind. Both of those will be voted on the next post so as not to give too many important options right now.

And just for clarification, this "objective" will be related to a specific alicorn. If you pick "You were promoted" your job will grant you easier access to said alicorn, and your residence will be in that city. If "You were promoted" is not picked, next post will also include voting for where you live.

As per advice, voting will be closed in at the very least six hours. More if advised otherwise.
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For future reference, it's usually best to have longer voting periods then that, because if the periods are so short people can't notice them until they're over they're going to stop participating because they never get to vote anyway.
Ah, gracie for the advice! So far having only read other (far longer) threads i'm not so sure how often they update. Especially early on. Even moreso considering it was a secondary voting from a first choice.
I'll exercise more patience.
For future reference, it's usually best to have longer voting periods then that, because if the periods are so short people can't notice them until they're over they're going to stop participating because they never get to vote anyway.
Ah, gracie for the advice! So far having only read other (far longer) threads i'm not so sure how often they update. Especially early on. Even moreso considering it was a secondary voting from a first choice.
I'll exercise more patience.
It's not a bad practice for later votes, or for votes that aren't sub-votes, but keeping the quest moving smoothly has its own charms. Spending more than a day or two in character creation can be a real drag for everybody involved; there's a reason a lot of new quests stall out in the first few pages.
Lots of choices to think about for this vote. I hope we pick something other than Unicorn because I bet it will be bandwagoned on account of magic.

For the choice after that, I like Librarian or Merchant for parents. Noble sounds good too, although I feel too many quests start with noble characters.
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It's not a bad practice for later votes, or for votes that aren't sub-votes, but keeping the quest moving smoothly has its own charms. Spending more than a day or two in character creation can be a real drag for everybody involved; there's a reason a lot of new quests stall out in the first few pages.
I see. But the last choice picking will be posted today, after that it will be proper action decision-making, so i think character creation will be finished shortly if everything goes smoothly.

Lots of choices to think about for this vote. I hope we pick something other than Unicorn because I bet it will be bandwagoned on account of magic.

For the choice after that, I like Librarian or Merchant for parents. Noble sounds good too, although I feel too many quests start with noble characters.
And on that matter, if unicorn is picked you will know "utility" magic. The equivalent of just handling things around and the most basic of combat utility (akin to basic "zaps" and thin "barriers" that justify your current Personal Combat). Learning actual specific spells will require work.
tldr: dont expect an extra "pick your spells" voting if you are an unicorn. You'll have to learn as you go.
I'm not going to make a plan right now but if anyone is, you have my vote if its for Pegasus. I think being able to fly anywhere would be a great asset if you need to go find an artifact or run away from someone. Plus theres no paper trail like taking the train or renting a balloon.