Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful Quest)

[X] Grace
-[X] Presence
[X] Storms

Now, I urge you to consider this combination. Emma matches Storms very nicely in initial temperament, but a Champion? No. That's not her.

Storms isn't just fighting. Far from it.

On the other hand, a street demagogue, a teenage girl whose's driven by her trauma and her hate for what those people nearly did to her - and who can draw on that to make other people feel the same way and lead people to form vigilante groups who can take back the streets, block by bloody block? That's a role she can play rather better.

This world? It's rotten. Stinking. Decaying. The Endbringers are ruining everything, but they're nothing compared to what people - normal human beings - will do to each other. There's crime everywhere. Murderers. Thieves. Sick twisted people who... who... they nearly...

No. Don't let them win. They need to... to go. Be gone. The world would be a better place if they were gone. But just hurting them wouldn't be enough. People have to be made to care. People need to be made to fight. If people just stood up, things wouldn't be so bad. So I'll make them care. I'll make them stand up to... to the people out there.

And if people don't want to fight back? If people think it's okay to let gang members nearly manage to grab people off the street? If they help the criminals?

Then they're bad guys too. The problem isn't just that there are bad guys out there. The problem is that no one's stopped them yet. The problem is that people let them do that. I'm going to change that. I know I can.

You're either with me or against me. Pick a side.
[X] Grace
-[X] Presence
[X] Storms

Now, I urge you to consider this combination. Emma matches Storms very nicely in initial temperament, but a Champion? No. That's not her.

Storms isn't just fighting. Far from it.

On the other hand, a street demagogue, a teenage girl whose's driven by her trauma and her hate for what those people nearly did to her - and who can draw on that to make other people feel the same way and lead people to form vigilante groups who can take back the streets, block by bloody block? That's a role she can play rather better.

This world? It's rotten. Stinking. Decaying. The Endbringers are ruining everything, but they're nothing compared to what people - normal human beings - will do to each other. There's crime everywhere. Murderers. Thieves. Sick twisted people who... who... they nearly...

No. Don't let them win. They need to... to go. Be gone. The world would be a better place if they were gone. But just hurting them wouldn't be enough. People have to be made to care. People need to be made to fight. If people just stood up, things wouldn't be so bad. So I'll make them care. I'll make them stand up to... to the people out there.

And if people don't want to fight back? If people think it's okay to let gang members nearly manage to grab people off the street? If they help the criminals?

Then they're bad guys too. The problem isn't just that there are bad guys out there. The problem is that no one's stopped them yet. The problem is that people let them do that. I'm going to change that. I know I can.

You're either with me or against me. Pick a side.

This is why Taylor and Emma were originally friends. :V
[] Grace
-[] Presence
[] Storms

I suppose this is truer to Emma's current personality than swords, while being less likely to end with her dying alone and reviled than champion.
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[X] Grace
-[X] Presence
[X] Storms

We need more than a Champion fighting the Darkness. We need a Leader of men and women, someone who will galvanize the people to stand with us. Worm has taught us we need a leader who has the resolve to make the hard calls, no matter the cost. Worm doesn't need a girl scout; it needs a dark knight.

Emma is the hero Brockton Bay needs, but not the one it deserves.
[X] Grace
-[X] Presence
[X] Storms
One needs to unite the people of BB, to show them right and wrong again and cast out those hidden in there mid preying on them!
The Scorpion speaks sense. Hopefully enough to turn things towards Storms over Hearts!
[X] Grace
-[X] Presence
[X] Storms
[X] Grace (Choose Presence or Manipulation for one Transformed Attribute dot)
-[X] Presence
[X] Hearts

Storms is boring, NO COMPROMISES! BURN EVERYTHING! DESTROY EVIL! Its just magical girl Rorschach and as for this
Burn the World to Save the World

The final statement is one of their purpose, and, again, it is both instruction and warning. Although the nature of their powers is such that they frequently cause collateral damage, it does not matter, as long as they are doing it to save the world. The opposite also stands; they are not like the Traitor Queen of Tears, and they do not drain the world for their own selfishness. Even in the rage-filled mind of the Queen of Storms, burning down an apartment to destroy the Tainted Site within it is completely different from random violence. Collateral damage is acceptable - indeed, even meaningless - but if it doesn't hurt the Darkness (as filtered through her warped perspective), it'swrong.

I thought people didn't like Cauldron and their methods? Worm is fucked up enough that it doesn't need us screwing it up any more, Hearts or Swords is better
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[] Grace
-[] Presence
[] Hearts

Storms won't lead Emma to any kind of sane mental state. Storms follows a pilosophy almost identical to Sophia, and we all now how well that worked in canon.
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Emma matches Storms very nicely in initial temperament
Not a good enough argument for me. The whole point of getting to vote on character creation, even though this is a established character and the choice here are very temperament-dependent, is to to be able re-define the character as we want to instead of being necessarily shackled by canon. Oh, by no means sticking to established characteristics is a bad or invalid way to play, but I think a big part of the attraction of quest or fanfic starring Emma Barnes is for a chance to see a different her.

I thought people didn't like Cauldron and their methods? Worm is fucked up enough that it doesn't need us screwing it up any more, Hearts or Swords is better
As @Amorous Intent put it,
Worm has taught us we need a leader who has the resolve to make the hard calls, no matter the cost.

it also Taylor's method.

Probably not helping my case there :V

EDIT: I wonder if Tears would not fit Cauldron more than Storms.

Anyway, I stick on heart because, well, I just want something more hopeful.
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Definitely not storms though. We lose our storms based powers for the day if we chose not to attack and kill those who have wronged us, no matter what danger that would pose to ourself and those around us.
Huh, didn't notice/forgot that. Folks, any chance some of you also don't read the splats write up till the end?

It also unavailable if we retreat from combat and cause anyone killed by it to become Tattered Ghost (whatever that is). To be fair, it is possible to buy and use invocations other than Tempesta.

edit: misread. Tactical retreat is allowed
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it also Taylor's method.

Probably not helping my case there :V

EDIT: I wonder if Tears would not fit Cauldron more than Storms.

Anyway, I stick on heart because, well, I just want something more hopeful.
Tears is indeed a better fit for Cauldron and Taylor than storms. Storms is "no compromise" and Lacrima is "it was necessary".

Huh, didn't notice/forgot that. Folks, any chance some of you also don't read the splats write up till the end?

It also unavailable if we retreat from combat (and the wording didn't give exception for tactical retreat) and cause anyone killed by it to become Tattered Ghost (whatever that is). To be fair, it is possible to buy and use invocations other than Tempesta.
First, it explicitly states that "Pulling back from a foe for tactical advantage is acceptable" so yes it does allow such retreat.

Second, all the invocations have a restriction like that. Clubs/Legno lose their invocation for the day if they knowingly fight on the side on an agressor in a conflict, no matter the reason, diamonds/acqua lose it for the scene deceiving others, hearts/terra lose it for the scene for committing faux passes, spades/aria lose it for a scene if they give someone a command or otherwise use authority, and swords/fuoco lose their invocation for a lunar month if they betray a loved one in any way (which can be cut short by the loved one's forgivness).

On the twilight queens, tears/lacrima takes your invocation away for (1+belief/3 rounded up) scenes if you refuse to do something to defend those under your protection because it would be immoral, and mirrors lose it for the day if they do not do their utmost to make everyone see them as the best.

Also, locking the invocation takes away our ability to use if for bonus dice, but we can still use all the charms that use that invocation just fine.

The tattered ghost thing (that might be outdated now, since the PDF just mentions transcending the reincarnation cycle) isn't taking about the people we kill. Tempesta has a lot of "cast from hit points" tricks, and if we die from those, we become one with the storm instead of reincarnating.

Finally, we can indeed use other invocations too, and probably should unless we want to become the stereotypical crazy storms princess. Personally, I was thinking of Fuoco, for both the synergy with Tempesta's passion and the connection with Taylor (the love of swords is in no way limited to romantic love), or perhaps Terra to represent our stewardship of both our hypothetical force of vigilantes and the bay as a whole.