Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful Quest)

Personally i think Tears resonates much better with Emma's mental state that storms, but nobody seems interested in that. She doesn't feel rage or
hate, only depresion and fear. The promise of safety of tears fits much better than the promise of revenge of storms.
But tears doesn't promise safety for for you, only those you love.
Personally i think Tears resonates much better with Emma's mental state that storms, but nobody seems interested in that. She doesn't feel rage or
hate, only depresion and fear. The promise of safety of tears fits much better than the promise of revenge of storms.

Yeah, I was thinking that myself, but no one likes Tears.

Part of the problem with going with Tears is that like Mirrors using it and its charms directly leads to insanity and, worse, becoming a Dethroned.
Personally i think Tears resonates much better with Emma's mental state that storms, but nobody seems interested in that. She doesn't feel rage or
hate, only depresion and fear. The promise of safety of tears fits much better than the promise of revenge of storms.

Yep. Arguably very true.

It's just I find Tears less sympathetic than Storms. Storms' problem is that they go too far - it's very, very easy for Radiant to say "There but for the grace of God I go". Tears, on the other hand, basically makes you a Dark General a la Jadeite or Nephrite (this was something entirely deliberate).

Plus, Storms basically gives you more agency as a player. See, Tears mean you have superiors, you have people giving you orders, and you have a social structure of Alhambra giving orders. Storms, on the other hand, leaves you mostly on your own allowing you to pick your own way of doing things more. And it also means you don't get the Alhambran habit of "taking your loved ones to Alhambra for safety" (ie, also as hostages) interfering.

So, yes, I choose to argue that her Blossoming shocks her into getting angry at the world that let something like that nearly happen to her, and angry at the people who nearly did this to her, and hating that something like that happened and could happen to anyone so she has to stop it all. It immediately gives us a starting point of things to do which is clearly sympathetic as well as morally problematic - it's understandable.
Beyond ES_Corp's position, I don't get the feeling she has the... conservatism? She doesn't seem to have something or someone she would protect in that way. That said, it fits her better than Mirrors or most of the Radiants.
It's just I find Tears less sympathetic than Storms

Meh, i prefer tears over storms by far. At it's core, the philosophy of "Protect what you love, no matter the cost" Is much more sympathetic that storms "Destroy what you hate, no matter the cost".(And is a more apropiate theme for a dark magical girl, too) Of course the particulars are horrible, but that goes true for both sides.

it fits her better than Mirrors

Oh, she fits Mirrors too, in a different way. Is actually the path she followed in canon, where she "solved" her issues when Sophia told her that she was strong. Just substitute Sophia with destiny.
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Since Swords is so far behind...

[x] Grace
- [x] Presence
[x] Hearts

Beyond ES_Corp's position, I don't get the feeling she has the... conservatism? She doesn't seem to have something or someone she would protect in that way. That said, it fits her better than Mirrors or most of the Radiants.
Been a while since I read Princess, but IIRC, Hearts isn't about conservatism. It talks about the importance of customs and traditions, but they don't have to be ones that currently exist. If current traditions don't work, you're supposed to replace them with ones that will.
Meh, i prefer tears over storms by far. At it's core, the philosophy of "Protect what you love, no matter the cost" Is much more sympathetic that storms "Destroy what you hate, no matter the cost". Of course the particulars are horrible, but that goes true for both sides.
There's a bit of distinction here. I think that Lacrima and Tempesta are equally bad, but the Queen of Tears is far more evil and destructive than The Storm.
[X] Grace
-[X] Presence
[X] Storms

Emma's father is a divorce lawyer who brags that winning in court is just about having the most money in front of children. She isn't going to view institutions as something that brings them together, quite the opposite in fact.

Then she just has to MAKE the system work either by fixing it or making a NEW one via Hearts social stuff
Rereading her interlude, one thing that stands out is her complete lack of faith that there is anything good about brockton bay, or the world in general.

pre attack
"Everything's falling apart. It's like… show me any house, and I can point out ten things that are wrong with it."

before meeting sophia
"The world was an ugly place, filled with ugly scenes, and unlike before, she couldn't shut it out, couldn't shake the idea that something horrible was happening around every corner. Thousands of people suffering every second, around the world.

What got her, the nebulous idea that haunted her, was the impact those scenes had. There were so many defining moments, so many crises, big and small, that shaped the people they touched. The biggest and most critical moments were the sorts that wiped the slate clean, that ignored or invalidated the person who had existed before, only to create another."

I can't see anyone that cynical or apathetic picking any of the radiant queens on her own. And I defiantly don't see hearts with the level of jerkassery her dad exhibits
So you're saying she can't be motivated to go out and fix the problems she sees in the world? If that's the case, why pick Storms and burn out the corruption she perceives instead? Why would she Blossom at all if she couldn't face those problems?

Being a Princess, even in a Twilight Court, isn't about wallowing in your own pity, it's about seeing a problem in the world and doing something about it. Even a Princess of Mirrors has something to believe in beyond her own self-image.

If the problem Emma sees is that the world is falling apart because people don't believe in each other any more, and the people who should be doing something about it can't or won't? Then as a Princess, she should be driven to fix it herself, to set the world straight.

There, "Flourish in Community," "Authority Must be Earned," and "In the End, Only People Matter" expressed through the lens of Emma's cynicism.
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So, yes, I choose to argue that her Blossoming shocks her into getting angry at the world that let something like that nearly happen to her, and angry at the people who nearly did this to her, and hating that something like that happened and could happen to anyone so she has to stop it all. It immediately gives us a starting point of things to do which is clearly sympathetic as well as morally problematic - it's understandable.

I will just point out that if we are ready to stunt her emotions away and substitute them for others more convenient for our vision, we can justify her joining any court.
I will just point out that if we are ready to stunt her emotions away and substitute them for others more convenient for our vision, we can justify her joining any court.

That's hardly equivalent - this isn't just "if one change works, any change could work". The stimuli for Storms are well-known and common - going from grief to anger is a very common reaction and entirely understandable. We know she did something not entirely dissimilar in canon and it fits with the general theme of Worm and the WoD.

By contrast, Hearts is a poor fit, is hard to fit to her existing personality or her known reactions, and only appears to have wound up as the block supporting opposition to Storms because it took an early lead before the Storm surge happened. Legitimately Spades could be a better-justified Radiant, if you go with the idea that the Blossoming gave her the hope for some of her former less serious personality to come out of her shell and let her feel like she could laugh again (the same personality we see twisted in canon to cruel jokes and bullying).
So you're saying she can't be motivated to go out and fix the problems she sees in the world? If that's the case, why pick Storms and burn out the corruption she perceives instead?
If she doesn't think that the world has much chance of being saved, then Burn the world to Save the world makes a lot more sense. Collateral damage is easier to accept if you think that the world offers mortals nothing but pain and suffering. Storms appeals to cynicism, and Emma has more than her share of cynicism for a girl her age.
If she doesn't think that the world has much chance of being saved, then Burn the world to Save the world makes a lot more sense. Collateral damage is easier to accept if you think that the world offers mortals nothing but pain and suffering. Storms appeals to cynicism, and Emma has more than her share of cynicism for a girl her age.
How does that kind of cynicism fit with this?

You feel hope.

The hope spreads through you, through your body, mind and soul, and threatens to erupt.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but Isn't the theme of Hopeful is about going against the themes of WoD?

There are currently two versions of Hopeful. one where with enough work and sacrifice the darkness can eventually be beaten at horrific cost, the other where the Nobles are fighting a losing battle that they can never win.

Also very important, Sailor Nothing was a major inspiration for both versions.
The system is so corrupted on Worm that a Heart strategy would be pointless without an army to back you up as the powers that be actively want to stop you even more than in World of Darkness. The court of Hearts would be useful once the current powers that be have been taken down but they need other courts to break their stranglehold on power first. Storm is arguably more constructive than heart is in this setting as a heart either has to pretend to be normal and hold back to just human limits or join the PRT which doesn't want things to get better and has a glass ceiling to prevent her from making it better.

Swords and Spades both have rejecting authority as part of their themes when it gets in the way of morality so they can ideologically fight the current system. Clubs at least doesn't attach them to the problem. Mirrors are self important enough to strike out on their own.

Keep in mind that Burn The World To Save the World isn't pointless destruction it is a mandate that evil must be destroyed even if doing so causes some damage in the short term in order to prevent the evil from doing more damage in the long term. Storm is about being willing to be ruthless to win. Storm wants the darkness gone forever and intends to burn it out. They believe they are a doctor that amputates limbs to save the patients life while other doctors let them die while trying to save the limb.

It should be noted that Storms are the magical girl court that gets along best with the Hunters splat and have the largest and most organized support structure in the real world along with the most Sworn (empowered mortals). The other courts have some local friends, Storms has giant conspiracy to back them up.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but Isn't the theme of Hopeful is about going against the themes of WoD?
Nope. It is about trying to be a good guy in a world that doesn't reward it and keep hope anyway. It very much embraces the darkness of the setting. The backstory is "things were great, then good people became gradually corrupts and evil showed up and destroyed almost everyone and the survivors are, evil, or insane and the dead had their souls trapped in limbo."

Princesses are far from the strongest WoD splat and their small wisp pools and slow active regeneration rates means they can't use their powers often. (This is why the permanent charms that let them apply their invocations to mundane rolls are great)

They are actively hurt by their powers when they see suffering and their mission requires them to expose themselves regularly. Being a Princess sucks and they have to keep hope anyway. It may or may not be a false hope but it isn't easy either way. Sailor Nothing, and Madoka are major influences in the setting.

That is part of the reason young Princesses often go to Mirrors she grants them some protection from that.
Been a while since I read Princess, but IIRC, Hearts isn't about conservatism. It talks about the importance of customs and traditions, but they don't have to be ones that currently exist. If current traditions don't work, you're supposed to replace them with ones that will.

I was talking about Tears, which ES has explicitly called out as the conservatism to Storm modernism.
The system is so corrupted on Worm that a Heart strategy would be pointless without an army to back you up as the powers that be actively want to stop you even more than in World of Darkness. The court of Hearts would be useful once the current powers that be have been taken down but they need other courts to break their stranglehold on power first. Storm is arguably more constructive than heart is in this setting as a heart either has to pretend to be normal and hold back to just human limits or join the PRT which doesn't want things to get better and has a glass ceiling to prevent her from making it better.

Not this fucking fanon again and one of the goals of the PRT is to GRADUALLY integrate capes into normal life and part of that is EVENTUALLY having a cape lead the PRT.
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If she doesn't think that the world has much chance of being saved, then Burn the world to Save the world makes a lot more sense. Collateral damage is easier to accept if you think that the world offers mortals nothing but pain and suffering. Storms appeals to cynicism, and Emma has more than her share of cynicism for a girl her age.
If she doesn't think the world can be saved, she wouldn't Blossoming at all, as a Storm or anything else.

Which leaves the question of how she chooses to save the world, and fundamentally, the problem Emma sees is one that can't be solved by violence, because you can't beat people up until they start being better people. Getting rid of all the bad people won't solve anything either.

Swords and Spades both have rejecting authority as part of their themes when it gets in the way of morality so they can ideologically fight the current system. Clubs at least doesn't attach them to the problem. Mirrors are self important enough to strike out on their own.
Hearts is still perfectly fine working outside of the system if the system doesn't work.