Called vote in favor of [X] Plan Howdy Neighbor.

[X] Over the Rainbow

ST 90: 13, Major Success. [8 DoS]

[X] Magical Mystery Tour
-[X] REPCONN Test Site
--[X] 10 Paladins

ST 100: 82, Minor Success. [2 Dos]

[X] Magical Mystery Tour
-[X] Hidden Valley Bunkers
--[X] 35 Knights

ST 105: 37, Major Success. [7 DoS]

[X] Building Ties
-[X] Novac

ST 70+10=80: 75, Bare Success. [1 DoS]

[X] Buying Happiness

ST 50+25=75: 71, Bare Success. [1 DoS]

[X] Greasing the Wheels

ST 60: 80, Minor Failure. [2 DoF]

[X] Salvage: Money my boy

ST 90: 13, Major Success. [8 DoS]

[X] Power is Knowledge

ST 90: 2, Penultimate Critical Success. [9 DoS+PC]

[X] The old world has burned.
-[X] Old World Medicine

ST 85: 89, Bare Failure.

-[X] Old World Agriculture

ST 95: 15, Major Success. [7 DoS]

[X] Now watch this drive!

ST 75: 9, Major Success. [7 DoS]

AN: Wow, those rolls were all over the place. What is with you guys and Electronic Warfare? Congratulations on finding every important installation in the Mojave. Yes, that includes the Remnants Bunker and House's Horde. You still need to get inside and what not, but still; why do the dice want to remove exploration?
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Well shit. This is actually amazing if we can seize House's Bunker and subvert it, we'll have a military capable of holding back both the NCR and the Legion.
I really want the medicine, stimpacks are bullshit and a huge boon both to us and for trading/negotiation

Hmm, though don't you need the Platinum Chip to take control of them?

The chip was to update their software so they could utilize their full capabilities ie missiles, self repair functions, and laser gatling
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Ahh, gotcha. Hopefully we should be able to do that another way with enough research :drevil:
We might be able to actually find the Chip ourselves. It was in Sunnyvale before the Mojave Express found it and went to bring it to House- it's not impossible for us to find out about the Chip and deploy a small team of Paladins and Knights to recover it. It's certainly a long term goal but we have at least a year before the First Battle of the Hoover Dam took place, and 4 years until NV proper.

The big thing here is that we absolutely shattered the NCR's presence in the Mojave, which means we need to be ready to bear the brunt of Caesar's Legion ourselves.

@Isaacssv558, how long is each turn?
Ahh, gotcha. Hopefully we should be able to do that another way with enough research :drevil:
There is a reason house couldn't just do it manually. The development tools for building an OS don't even exist anymore, even finding a copy of the source code is difficult. If you want to use a new OS you will have the recreate the entire development pipeline for everything from scratch. You can avoid this somewhat by scavenging old code, but even then you run into issues like (to use a IRL example) C compilers being compiled with C compilers. The source code for a C compiler doesn't help you much unless you have a working version of the compiler. You face a similar problem if you want to manufacture power armour, albeit somewhat reduced by the possibility of replacing parts of the process with Artisan work. Needless to say, compiling modern code by hand (or whatever else the issue may be) isn't practical.

Also, the people who wrote the code in the first place were extremely paranoid about Chinese spies. Getting anything not blackboxed to all hell will be a challenge in and of itself.
Caesar was attracted by New Vegas, if House doesn't set it up then he has little reason to go there.
To be fair, the Hoover Dam in and of itself is pretty important in terms of being one of the few major power plants intact. Even if Caesar doesn't move on the Mojave, he might try and seize the Dam- and that means he'd block off access to House's Vault.
In other words- Old World Programming is a research project that would be incredibly helpful

To expand on things- the Remnant Bunker is also incredibly huge. In addition to the Enclave gear and supplies there- there's Vertibirds and the facilities to launch and refuel them there. That's it's original purpose after all. Now getting a chance to reverse engineer Vertibirds in and of itself is awesome, but it get's better. With Black Mountain, we have near perfect comms in terms of reliability- whereas anyone else can't expect even short range radio to reliably work if we don't want it to.

We can have air-support we can reliably contact while ensuring our would be enemies can't coordinate a response against it. Brotherhood strike teams capable of deploying anywhere in the Mojave in under an hour, while ensuring our enemy won't even know about them or be able to warn others. Now we just have to get the Boomers on our side and we'll have artillery, air support, and comms stupidly ahead of anyone else in the region.
We might be able to actually find the Chip ourselves. It was in Sunnyvale before the Mojave Express found it and went to bring it to House- it's not impossible for us to find out about the Chip and deploy a small team of Paladins and Knights to recover it. It's certainly a long term goal but we have at least a year before the First Battle of the Hoover Dam took place, and 4 years until NV proper.

The big thing here is that we absolutely shattered the NCR's presence in the Mojave, which means we need to be ready to bear the brunt of Caesar's Legion ourselves.

@Isaacssv558, how long is each turn?
Turns are 1 month. Also, you can't look for the chip unless you find out about it IC. This will probably require either finding out about it directly from House or waiting till closer to NV when rumors about the search start circulating (albeit very obscurely and in very small quantities) and Benny starts to get antsy.

The Legion is definitely going to be a major threat. The chances of the NCR making a push for Hoover are basically nil at this point. Holding the river was a strain in canon, it simply isn't possible now. Best case for them (in terms of territory) is a deal with Caesar in which they get HELIOS and he gets the dam. Doesn't rule out their potentially fighting Caesar, but they definitely won't be in an alliance with you.

OTOH, if the NCR decides to take things out the California Brotherhood, you'll be getting a lot of reinforcements in the form of refugees. You could also help fight the NCR in California with Black Mountain and ARCHIMEDES II. You only need one action on HELIOS ONE to unlock the ability to start aiming ARCHIMEDES II at the NCR's industrial and economic centers. You could probably shatter them as a cohesive entity in the long term with a few months of orbital bombardment.
Caesar was attracted by New Vegas, if House doesn't set it up then he has little reason to go there.
New Vegas is already established, although it isn't as prosperous without years of draining money from the NCR's pockets.
You only need one action on HELIOS ONE to unlock the ability to start aiming ARCHIMEDES II at the NCR's industrial and economic centers. You could probably shatter them as a cohesive entity in the long term with a few months of orbital bombardment.
:o Oh wow :evil:
Hmm House has a rather low opinion of the Brotherhood but with our control over helios he is going to have to take us more seriously. If we can pacify the region and generally make it safer people will come to Vegas from the NCR anyway, as long as we don't harass them that is. That would also work in both our favors so maybe we can come to some kind of agreement with him.
Turns are 1 month. Also, you can't look for the chip unless you find out about it IC. This will probably require either finding out about it directly from House or waiting till closer to NV when rumors about the search start circulating (albeit very obscurely and in very small quantities) and Benny starts to get antsy.
I'm kinda curious how House would respond to a resurgent, progressive BOS. He might not jump for joy or anything- but I doubt he'd be outright hostile at first.
OTOH, if the NCR decides to take things out the California Brotherhood, you'll be getting a lot of reinforcements in the form of refugees. You could also help fight the NCR in California with Black Mountain and ARCHIMEDES II. You only need one action on HELIOS ONE to unlock the ability to start aiming ARCHIMEDES II at the NCR's industrial and economic centers. You could probably shatter them as a cohesive entity in the long term with a few months of orbital bombardment.
This is a bit of a conundrum- we dislike the NCR, but destroying it would cause more problems than it would solve and the Brotherhood doesn't have the resources to benefit from the NCR breaking up. Honestly, I think our best bet in this regard is a few blasts as a show of force and a push for Status Quo Ante-Bellum. Then use our leverage from saving the California sect to tie them closer to us- with vertibirds and the Black Mountain maintaining trade and communication between us should be relatively straightforward.
Also, you can't look for the chip unless you find out about it IC
I figured as much.
You know...If we can reach the NCR heartland with Helios after another upgrade, then we should probably be able to reach a pretty good distance East too.

Caesar's Legion starts causing trouble, when suddenly POWER OF THE SUN :D
You know...If we can reach the NCR heartland with Helios after another upgrade, then we should probably be able to reach a pretty good distance East too.

Caesar's Legion starts causing trouble, when suddenly POWER OF THE SUN :D
Definitely, we'd need to secure and fortify the Hoover Dam- or at the very least force the Legion to consolidate their forces in one central location like The Fort was in canon NV- then we can glass it with the Archimedes and use it to glass Flagstaff for good measure.

The big thing is holding that in reserve so that the Legion doesn't actually know about the threat it represents until it's too late- otherwise the risk of Helios being sabotaged is too great. Another reason I'm wary of spamming the shit out of it on the NCR- it's one hell of a super weapon but it's ultimately pretty fragile.
Definitely, we'd need to secure and fortify the Hoover Dam- or at the very least force the Legion to consolidate their forces in one central location like The Fort was in canon NV- then we can glass it with the Archimedes and use it to glass Flagstaff for good measure.

The big thing is holding that in reserve so that the Legion doesn't actually know about the threat it represents until it's too late- otherwise the risk of Helios being sabotaged is too great. Another reason I'm wary of spamming the shit out of it on the NCR- it's one hell of a super weapon but it's ultimately pretty fragile.
I totally agree. Can't overuse our trump card.
The benefits of having radar/satellite coverage of the most of the west coast.
You know...If we can reach the NCR heartland with Helios after another upgrade, then we should probably be able to reach a pretty good distance East too.

Caesar's Legion starts causing trouble, when suddenly POWER OF THE SUN :D
There is a reason the Pre-War military was so interested in the concept. Rechargeable Orbital Artillery with precision targeting, no fallout, and the potential to bind unprepared soldiers? What isn't to like. Sure, nukes do more damage, but they're harder to deploy and who knows what ARCHIMEDES III might be capable of? What happens when ARCHIMEDES IV is online? ARCHIMEDES goes from a small local defense grid to tactical orbital bombardment in a single iteration. ARCHIMEDES III might make bigger satellites with built-in Fusion Reactors or it might make many smaller ones with enough wireless power from an orbital distribution system to fire once an hour.

NOTE: These upgrades would require the might of Pre-War America. They're not your shiny.

I'm kinda curious how House would respond to a resurgent, progressive BOS. He might not jump for joy or anything- but I doubt he'd be outright hostile at first.

This is a bit of a conundrum- we dislike the NCR, but destroying it would cause more problems than it would solve and the Brotherhood doesn't have the resources to benefit from the NCR breaking up. Honestly, I think our best bet in this regard is a few blasts as a show of force and a push for Status Quo Ante-Bellum. Then use our leverage from saving the California sect to tie them closer to us- with vertibirds and the Black Mountain maintaining trade and communication between us should be relatively straightforward.

I figured as much.
House's main issue with the Brotherhood is that they pose a threat to his dominance over the region. In canon he was sure they'd oppose him because he uses advanced Tech. You can probably see why the Elijah!Brotherhood would still concern him.

Assuming you even get involved at all, ARCHIMEDES could definitely be used in an attempt to force a peace. You'd have to be careful to make them too afraid to attack you without making them too hateful not to. If you get Vertibird production going you could even evacuate them wholesale and consolidate power under Elijah in the Mojave. I'm thinking the California Brotherhood has maybe 3 or 4 times as many people as you, about half what they had at the start of the BoS-NCR wars. They would certainly make holding the Mojave easier.
Assuming you even get involved at all, ARCHIMEDES could definitely be used in an attempt to force a peace. You'd have to be careful to make them too afraid to attack you without making them too hateful not to. If you get Vertibird production going you could even evacuate them wholesale and consolidate power under Elijah in the Mojave. I'm thinking the California Brotherhood has maybe 3 or 4 times as many people as you, about half what they had at the start of the BoS-NCR wars. They would certainly make holding the Mojave easier.
Would the California Brotherhood accept falling back and consolidating in the mojave under Elijah? Even if he did pull their asses out of the fire?

As for forcing a peace, one doesn't simply conjure an army out of nowhere. Any offensive campaign against the California Brotherhood is going to involve a staging ground of some sort where the NCR consolidates its forces for an offensive. I'd hit that- it shows the NCR can't afford to concentrate its forces to deal with the Brotherhood, demonstrates the danger in picking of a fight with the Brotherhood, and is ultimately a defensive measure. No doubt people will hate us for killing their family sent off to fight us, but it's demonstrably a defensive action where the Brotherhood didn't target non-combatants or anything. It implies the capacity to escalate along with a desire that things don't escalate.

Now would we collaborate with the CBOS to enable such a situation that is conducive to blasting the NCR FOB? Probably, but no one would be able to prove it and it would still be done with an earnest desire to end the war as opposed to escalating.
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Would the California Brotherhood accept falling back and consolidating in the mojave under Elijah? Even if he did pull their asses out of the fire?

As for forcing a peace, one doesn't simply conjure an army out of nowhere. Any offensive campaign against the California Brotherhood is going to involve a staging ground of some sort where the NCR consolidates its forces for an offensive. I'd hit that- it shows the NCR can't afford to concentrate its forces to deal with the Brotherhood, demonstrates the danger in picking of a fight with the Brotherhood, and is ultimately a defensive measure. No doubt people will hate us for killing their family sent off to fight us, but it's demonstrably a defensive action where the Brotherhood didn't target non-combatants or anything. It implies the capacity to escalate along with a desire that things don't escalate.

Now would we collaborate with the CBOS to enable such a situation that is conducive to blasting the NCR FOB? Probably, but no one would be able to prove it and it would still be done with an earnest desire to end the war as opposed to escalating.
To the first part, it wouldn't be easy but if the alternative is dying in their bunkers...

To the second part, it is certainly possible to walk the line between fear and hate. I was mostly intending to warn against the possible repercussions of using it on population centers. Hitting Hub is definitely possible and it would pretty conclusively show that the NCR has no chance in a conflict, but you'd also be reintroducing the concept of Total War.

By Total War, I mean the idea that the destruction of the enemies will to fight is the primary goal of the war and that all possible means should be used in pursuit of this. The first part seems fairly obvious, the second has fallen out of favour in the wake of the Atomic Bomb and WW1/2. Personally, I think the fact the US can get away with the modern attitude towards civilian casualties is proof of how secure we are. Similarly, the fact Israel can afford to actively attempt to prevent civilian casualties (with varying degrees of enthusiasm) while Hamas resorts to encouraging losses within their own population is proof of just how unbalanced the two side's military might is. A conflict has lasted half a century after a clear victor emerged because they won't crush their opponents will to fight.

NOTE: I do not in any way support Israel crushing Hamas' will to fight; reenacting the Firebombing of Dresden on Gaza (or any one of a hundred ways Israel could crush it.) would be a horrible atrocity. My point is merely that Israel could end the war in a long weekend if they were willing to use stratagems employed by the Allies in the World Wars.
I agree for the most part, but at the same time I feel there are enemies where engaging in Total War is the correct option for the Brotherhood- namely the Legion. Kill Caesar and shatter his military and you'll decapitate them, glass Flagstaff for good measure and the Legion collapses.

The Legion is a military with 'a country' as opposed to the other way around, and can't really be brought to the table for any measure of lasting peace.
I agree for the most part, but at the same time I feel there are enemies where engaging in Total War is the correct option for the Brotherhood- namely the Legion. Kill Caesar and shatter his military and you'll decapitate them, glass Flagstaff for good measure and the Legion collapses.

The Legion is a military with 'a country' as opposed to the other way around, and can't really be brought to the table for any measure of lasting peace.
Pretty much. The Legion making a long-term peace is about as likely as Hamas ever making peace with Israel. i.e. Never going to happen unless you count internal collapse as "making peace".