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You've done it. You've finally done it! The Archimedes is fully armed operational at last. Just...
Prologue 1: You'll Show Them All


The Necromancer
You've done it. You've finally done it! The Archimedes is fully armed operational at last. Just in time for that irritating NCR attack too. Now, how to show them all? Naturally, you'll tell them all to Witness the Power of your Fully Armed and Operational Orbital Laser System. The question is when and how to do so.

300 Knights
100 Paladins
100 Veteran Paladins
50 Security Robots

~3000 NCR Grunts
~750 Well-Equiped NCR Grunts
~250 ???
~100 NCR Rangers

[X] Pull your forces back inside the buildings and activate the defense system as soon as the NCR engages. (No Brotherhood Casualties, Light NCR Casualties.)
[X] Order the Paladins to make a fighting retreat from the outer perimeter to the buildings. When they reach the buildings activate the defense system to annihilate the fully engaged NCR forces. (Light Brotherhood Casualties, Heavy NCR Casualties.)
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)

[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the enemy command center. The fools think they're safe setting up in plain sight just because you have no snipers or artillery. Time to demonstrate the utility of controlling the orbitals. (NCR Command Structure Decimated, Attack Disrupted.)
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but their snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, Brotherhood Casualties reduced by one degree.)
-[X] Aim for the greatest concentration of enemy soldiers. The best defense is a good offense. Remove the NCR's reserves from play. No they do not have reserves. (Increase NCR Casualties by one degree.)
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*Shrugs* Elijah is just not gonna make it without inflicting severe NCR casualties.

I'd say go either 'Counterattack' + 'Aim for the rangers' or 'Counterattack' + 'Aim for the greatest concentration'. Not sure what one degree above 'Massive casualties' would be, but it's probably enough to get some breathing room. On the other hand, the rangers are probably a lot harder to replace so that's probably the better option. Going for the command structure is pointless, it might end the current NCR attack but if the NCR army isn't severely hurt they're just going to come back with reinforcements in short order.

[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, Brotherhood Casualties reduced by one degree.)
*Shrugs* Elijah is just not gonna make it without inflicting severe NCR casualties.

I'd say go either 'Counterattack' + 'Aim for the rangers' or 'Counterattack' + 'Aim for the greatest concentration'. Not sure what one degree above 'Massive casualties' would be, but it's probably enough to get some breathing room. On the other hand, the rangers are probably a lot harder to replace so that's probably the better option. Going for the command structure is pointless, it might end the current NCR attack but if the NCR army isn't severely hurt they're just going to come back with reinforcements in short order.

[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, Brotherhood Casualties reduced by one degree.)
Taking out the command isn't exactly pointless. It will seriously disrupt their operations across the Mojave until they reorganize and gives the potential to further rout the enemy for even more casualties if you pick the counterattack option. It has the most variable impact on the overall battle as the immediate term impacts are mostly in morale and organization.
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, Brotherhood Casualties reduced by one degree.)
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, BrotherhoodCasualties reduced by one degree.)
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, BrotherhoodCasualties reduced by one degree.)
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, BrotherhoodCasualties reduced by one degree.)

So are we going to be Canon!Elijah who's a massive tool and general douchebag, or are we actually going to try and do right by the Brotherhood? Like don't get me wrong, I wouldn't even mind questing to find the Sierra Madre like he did originally. The Sierra Madre has some awesome potential when it comes to tech, but immediately using the Cloud to genocide the region is a pretty dick move.

I'm also curious what those ??? are, the first instinct is to assume they're NCR Heavy Troopers in gutted PA, but AFAIK those only became a thing after the war with the Brotherhood.
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, BrotherhoodCasualties reduced by one degree.)

So are we going to be Canon!Elijah who's a massive tool and general douchebag, or are we actually going to try and do right by the Brotherhood? Like don't get me wrong, I wouldn't even mind questing to find the Sierra Madre like he did originally. The Sierra Madre has some awesome potential when it comes to tech, but immediately using the Cloud to genocide the region is a pretty dick move.

I'm also curious what those ??? are, the first instinct is to assume they're NCR Heavy Troopers in gutted PA, but AFAIK those only became a thing after the war with the Brotherhood.
You're still the canon Elijah, but you've had more success. As long as the Brotherhood is still taking your orders you aren't going to cloud everything. Of course, you may want to cloud the NCR and other opponents. You'll still try to do right by the Brotherhood, but it will be your right. In the best case you can force it to replace the reactionary aspects with the best revolutionary aspects and revitalize its role in the wasteland. In the worst case you can take on the worst aspects of revolution and cause untold amounts of death and suffering. Of course, the first option will still have some collateral damage. There are also many "third option" that stand somewhere in-between.

The ??? could be anything. Your scouts are fairly sure there are around 4000 troops in the enemy force, but have only identified around 3750 of them. The other 250 could be more grunts or they could be Light Artillery.
[X] As above, but have your forces launch a counteract as soon as the defense system has finished disrupting the enemy, (Manageable Brotherhood Casualties, Massive NCR Casualties.)
[X]Where do you aim the Archimedes II? You only have one shot, although the Archimedes defense system can be activated repeatedly.
-[X] Aim for the rangers. They may be short-sighted idiots, but they're snipers can penetrate the armour of a Paladin locked into combat with the chaff. (NCR Rangers Decimated, BrotherhoodCasualties reduced by one degree.)

I'd go for hitting the command structure, but it doesn't look to have a chance of winning, so going with wiping out most of the Rangers.
Prologue 2: Witness the Power of this Fully Armed and Operational Battle-Station
You consider a conservative strategy but conclude it unworkable. The NCR will require more than a slap on the wrist to discourage them from further interfering with your operations, and ARCHIMEDES will only be a surprise once. Of course, you cannot afford to take many losses yourself either. The NCR isn't the only threat to your interests, and you need soldiers to recover and operate the technology you study. Perhaps if you hit the Rangers with ARCHIMEDES II? It won't cause quite as many casualties, but their snipers are one of the few forces capable of breaching a Paladin's armour.

You order your troops to form a three layered perimeter. The first layer consists of 100 Paladins, the second of 150 Knights, and the third another 100 Paladins. You instruct them to organize a fighting retreat with the first two layers gradually falling behind the third, with the first and second layer switching position once behind the new front lines. Once that is accomplished, they are to repeat the process with the newly formed ranks until they reach the interiors of the buildings. They are to keep the Knights behind the Paladins at all times, in order to protect them from small arms fire, and deploy the security robots to the heaviest fighting to minimize losses among the Brotherhood proper. Hardin complains that you should just abandon the area, but he isn't willing to ignore an Elder's order just yet. Finished giving your orders, you return to the control tower to oversee the firing of ARCHIMEDES.


When the NCR arrives they do so from all directions. They seem to have decided to cut off your retreat and attempt to overwhelm your limited numbers by opening as many fronts as possible. From the West comes the primary force of 1500 grunts ahead of the enemy command staff, which appear to be establishing a command center a few kilometers from HELIOS. From the East come the force's entire ranger group, with 500 grunts as support. They seem to be trying to cut off your primary avenue of retreat. Luckily, you won't be the one retreating. From the North comes a throughly unimpressive group of 1000 grunts, probably intended purely as additional pressure. From the South comes all 750 of the well-equipped grunts, as well as 250 troopers in what appears to be double layered combat armour. You suspect the enemy hopes that they will be able to more directly challenge your Paladins.


The NCR grunts charge forward bravely. However, your clear technological edge proves decisive as the Paladins and Knights lead a steady retreat while inflicting large losses on the enemy.

-100 NCR Grunts


Things do not go quite as well for your southern force. While the enemy armour proves ineffective against your forces, any weapons incapable of simply blasting through piercing the lightly armoured joints, the heavy weapons distributed among the enemy force prove capable of breaching your own armour. While the veteran Paladins are quick to organize the troops to avoid the heaviest enemy fire while concentrating their fire on those equipped with heavy weapons, the enemy missile launchers still claim multiple lives.

-3 Paladins
-1 Veteran Paladin
-5 Knights

-50 NCR Heavy Troopers
-50 Well-Equipped NCR Grunts


The east nearly turns into a disaster. The enemy grunts are able to bog down your Paladins and slow the retreat, while the Rangers reap a steady toll on your force. Fortunately, Head Paladin Hardin realizes that the situation is unsustainable and organizes a suicide charge by the security bots. This forces the rangers to concentrate their fire on the bots and ties down the Grunts long enough for your troops to make good their retreat.

-5 Paladins
-1 Veteran Paladins
-10 Knights
-50 Security Bots

-100 NCR Grunts


The fighting in the west goes well, although not perfectly. The enemy force is well-supplied with officers and is quick to adapt to your tactics. Luckily, there is only so much organized numbers can do against a superior force retreating in perfect order.

-1 Paladin
-1 Knight

-100 NCR Grunts


As the last of your forces enter the HELIOS complex, you grin and activate ARCHIMEDES. As the satellite powers up, you raise a pre-war milspec megaphone to your lips and announce "Now witness the power of this fully armed and operation Orbital Laser System". The NCR reacts to your declaration with a few seconds of confusion. Just long enough for ARCHIMEDES to finish its charge sequence and begin firing. The NCR Grunt surrounding the installation are annihilated as you line up the offensive laser's targeting system. Just as the light of ARCHIMEDES dies down, you fire ARCHIMEDES II at the NCR Rangers, throwing the enemy force into further disarray. As they reel, you raise your radio and give Hardin a single order. "Charge". Naturally, the fool responds by asking "Why? What? The hell just happened?". You politely tell him to shut up and quickly explain that you need to hit the NCR while they are disorganized if you want to sufficiently discourage them from future interference in situations where you lack so large an advantage. Thankfully, he agrees in time to take full advantage.

-300 NCR Grunts

-200 NCR Heavy Troopers
-100 Well-Equipped NCR Grunts

-350 NCR Grunts
-75 Rangers

-400 NCR Grunts



The performance of your forces in the northern section of the the counterattack is mediocre, to say the least. You suspect they are in almost as much shock over ARCHIMEDES as the NCR is. However, if your forces are mediocre, the enemy force is worthless. The Paladins tear through them like a thresher through wheat, burning entire squads of slack jawed soldier to ash.

-300 NCR Grunts


While the more experienced NCR troops to the south hold together better than their northern comrades, your Paladins, supported by Knights, perform admirably. They tear through the enemy like an nuclear combine harvester through mutant man-eating wheat. Incidentally, it occurs to you that you may need to work on your metaphors.

-5 Paladins
-1 Veteran Paladin
-10 Knights

-500 Well-Equipped NCR Grunts


The east is clearly the best theater for your forces. The stricken remnants of the rangers are unable to mount resistance as your Paladins take revenge for their earlier near defeat.

-50 NCR Grunts
-25 Ranger


At first the western front seems to go well. Your troops don't perform as well as you would like, but there are no major issues. Then, the enemy command staff manages to rally their reserves. They successfully pull off a fighting retreat, albeit with heavy casualties.

-5 Paladins
-5 Veteran Paladins
-10 Knights

-300 NCR Grunts

265 Knights (Recon)
81 Paladins (T-45d)
91 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

1300 NCR Grunts (NCR Combat Armour)
100 Well-Equiped NCR Grunts (Reinforced Combat Armour Mark 2)

AN: The "inflict massive losses with minimal risk" option lived up to its hype. Things were close with the rangers, but burning the security bots and Hardin's hero bonus got you past it and they didn't get a second chance to destroy you. You also lucked out by destroying the missile launchers before they got permission to risk the integrity of the facility. OTOH, the NCR command force is almost entirely intact, so what forces remain will be well-organised. Voting will occur after the post-battle update.
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I really want to call BS on the NCR having enough Reinforced Combat Armor Mk2 to supply hundreds of soldiers considering it offers just as much protection as the Salvaged Power Armor the NCR considered their best armor years later with none of the downsides.

It was supposed to be high tech Pre-War let alone now.
Are you rolling somewhere for how forces perform? Because I don't understand what's going on with the wildly varying performances.
*Raises eyebrow* Wow. I get the feeling that could have gone badly. I understand why people wanted to go for their command, just for more breathing room, but if this is light losses we probably couldn't have survived heavy ones. As it stands, the Brotherhood is probably still a functional force and the NCR won't be recovering from losing all those Rangers and well-equipped troops quickly. Should be tons of salvage.

I would not want to be the ones burying all those bodies though. Holy crap.

On another note, I did like the pacing of combat here. There's this feeling of a frenetic pace as the fight turns around in seconds that matches very much with real large-scale firefights in Fallout games.
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I really want to call BS on the NCR having enough Reinforced Combat Armor Mk2 to supply hundreds of soldiers considering it offers just as much protection as the Salvaged Power Armor the NCR considered their best armor years later with none of the downsides.

It was supposed to be high tech Pre-War let alone now.
The R Mk2 combat armour is supposed to be standard issue for the US army pre-war, and even available to licensed civilians. As for salvaged power armour having the same DT, that was ridiculous and I treat all FNV power armour as having double the DT and weight as well as the FO2 strength boosts.

IIRC, the height of pre-war armour tech was Elite Riot Gear, T-51b Power Armour, and the Chinese Stealth Suit. (Unless you include gear not in full production, such as big MT gear or certain uniques.)
Are you rolling somewhere for how forces perform? Because I don't understand what's going on with the wildly varying performances.
There is rolz room named "Elijah Quest" with all the rolls.
*Raises eyebrow* Wow. I get the feeling that could have gone badly. I understand why people wanted to go for their command, but if this is light losses we probably couldn't have survived heavy ones. As it stands, the Brotherhood is probably still a functional force and the NCR won't be recovering from losing all those Rangers and well-equipped troops quickly. Should be tons of salvage.

I would not want to be the ones burying all those bodies though. Holy crap.
It could have gone extremely badly. The counterattack was a very do or die type choice. The ranger option significantly reduced the risk in the second phase, but it didn't change the first phase at all. If the east hadn't been the only place you rolled badly your losses would have increased dramatically. As it is, the NCR is either going to want to keep going until they have your head on a pike or stay the fuck away from your chapter of the Brotherhood. Luckily for you, even if the NCR public decides crucifying you is worth the losses it will take them months to organize another expedition into the Mojave.
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Hm. Well, yay? Big victory?

Let's hope we can use those months to come up with some more surprises... And hopefully find some new recruits.

Given the odds, we did REALLY well, but let's hope we don't have too many close calls like this in the future. I suspect given we're talking about Elijah here, 'more surprises' shouldn't be too hard to come by. On the other hand, the NCR won't be our only problem and even if we can open up the chapter to new recruits it's not going to be too many too soon...
Random fact. The point of divergence that led to Elijah pulling this off was the defeat of the eastern brotherhood by the Enclave after some asshole from a local vault infiltrated their liberty prime project and "corrected" the programming. (A pro-enclave PC with maxed sneak and science.)
So, what are some decent sources of manpower we could tap into? The Great Khans surprisingly come to mind as they're weak enough to not have a means of really fighting us, but they have a large fairly well organized population while hating the NCR a fair amount. This should be before Bitter Springs, so they should have a lot more people than they did by the time of the Courier.

Along with that, considering we've effectively secured the Helios power station, and the NCR as far as I'm aware hasn't occupied the Hoover Dam yet we're in control of the only major power source in the region. That's a pretty enormous amount of leverage if we use it right.
Random fact. The point of divergence that led to Elijah pulling this off was the defeat of the eastern brotherhood by the Enclave after some asshole from a local vault infiltrated their liberty prime project and "corrected" the programming. (A pro-enclave PC with maxed sneak and science.)
Augustus Autumn making America great again? Always my biggest peeve with fo3 is I could never join the Enclave
So, what are some decent sources of manpower we could tap into? The Great Khans surprisingly come to mind as they're weak enough to not have a means of really fighting us, but they have a large fairly well organized population while hating the NCR a fair amount. This should be before Bitter Springs, so they should have a lot more people than they did by the time of the Courier.

Along with that, considering we've effectively secured the Helios power station, and the NCR as far as I'm aware hasn't occupied the Hoover Dam yet we're in control of the only major power source in the region. That's a pretty enormous amount of leverage if we use it right.
Using them as a proxy against the NCR has some potential, but they'd make terrible recruits. They're not really civilized, and they have a strong culture of drug use, contempt for education, and rule by the strongest that doesn't fit Brotherhood ideas- and in particular Elijah's ideas. Hell, Elijah even considers Hardin a meathead. But I guess in terms of manpower they work- just not as Brotherhood recruits.

I'd actually love to move into Freeside. The Kings are a much more civilized group and none of their peculiarities really conflict with our goals or ideals. House and the Families can try to stop us, but without the Platinum chip he's still a paper tiger and the Families are a mess. We might even be able to recruit a few Scholars from the Followers of the Apocalypse in the area if we play nice. (Maybe Mick & Ralph?) Even if we don't storm the Lucky 38 there's a lot of things in the New Vegas area the Brotherhood would love to get ahold of like Cerulean Robotics.

Plus, HELIOS is already set to bring power into Freeside.

(If this strategy involves Elijah donning an Elvis costume and lip-synching 'Playing for Keeps' I will not be disappointed.)
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Looking for some good sites in Vegas to loot there's the repconn hq and test site, the vaults (though those are a mixed bag) the h&h tool factory, the non boomer airfield.
Planning 1: It Begins
With the NCR driven off, the administrative tasks of the Brotherhood once agains fall to you. Such a bother...

Martial: 4 Actions (1 Elijah, +2 Hardin, +1 Ramos)
[X] Over the Rainbow
Your intelligence on the general area is lacking. Send out some patrols to search for pre-war technological sites and gather info on potential threats.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
Reward: Data on nearby factions and loot.

[X] Garrison Duty
When you let McNamara leave with the non-combatants for the Hidden Valley bunker you insisted on keeping the Paladins and Knights at Helios. It would probably be wise to garrison some of the survivors in the bunker for protection. That way McNamara won't have a reason to come back to HELIOS and complain at you.
Time: Continous (Choose a leader to maintain the action.)
Chance: 100%
Reward: Bunker Secure, Second Base Fully Established, McNamara mollified.

[X]Spoiling Attack
If you deem a faction to be a threat you can choose to launch a spoiling attack. This requires your subordinates to agree that the faction poses sufficient threat to warrant the attack.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: Variable
Reward: Enemy Hurt, Loot Obtained

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
There are many sites across the Mojave potentially filled with valuable technological relics. Send an expedition to one of them in hopes of great returns.
-[X] Black Mountain
There is an old pre-war monitoring and broadcast station on a nearby mountain. While the rumors of mutant occupation are troubling, there is sure to be pre-war tech present. In addition, you could potentially make use of the old broadcasting equipment yourself.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 25% per 10 Paladins assigned. (Knights count 1/5x, Veteran Paladans count 2x.)
Reward: Loot, Access to powerful sensors and broadcasting equipment.
-[X] REPCONN Test Site
There is a rocket launch site and testing facility near your base of operations. While it has been thoroughly looted by the locals, some tech may still remain and the facility itself may be of some use.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Access to pre-war launch site and testing facilities.
The REPCONN HQ is at the the edge of your ability to easily project power but has great potential for old world technologies. You are particularly hopeful for discoveries pertaining to robotics and rocketry. You're not sure how pre-war space rockets were fuelled, but you're eager to find out.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 40% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.
-[X] Vault 11
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, ???.
-[X] Hidden Valley Bunkers
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 30% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Additional Opportunities related to Hidden Valley bunkers.

Diplomacy: 0 Actions (0 Elijah)
[X] Building Ties
Send an emissary to meet with one of the factions inhabiting the wasteland.
[X] A new order.

Stewardship: 1 Actions (1 Elijah)
[X] Activate the Accountant Signal
With McNamara gone you find your administrative duties increased significantly. Set up a radio link and periodic transport with the Bunker so he can resume his duties.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: +1 Stewardship Action, +1 Diplomatic Action, Increased Integration with Bunker.

[X] Salvage: Money my boy
The NCR was unable to gather its dead after the recent battle. As such, their equipment remains unclaimed. Order your Knights to recycle the equipment for resources and tradable goods.
Time: 1 Month (Repeatable)
Chance: 90%
Reward: More raw materials, more trading goods.

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part I.
Veronica has shown some promise in economic negotiations. Perhaps you could have her trained as a procurement specialist?
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: +1 Stewardship Action.

[X] Fires of industry.
The Bunker is only one of many in Hidden Valley. Given the large amounts of machinery present, it may be possible to turn at least one of them into some sort of factory.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 25%
Reward: Basic Factory. Can be upgraded to produce more advanced goods with less human labour.

Learning: 2 Actions (2 Elijah)
[X]Training, Mark I
You could benefit greatly from promoting more specialized lab assistants to assist in your research.
-[X] Senior Knight Lorenzo
Specialized in military engineering.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
Reward: +1 Learning Action, +1 Stewardship Action.
-[X] Senior Scribe Ibsen
Specialized in research and data archival.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
Reward: +1 Learning Action, Additional Learning Actions (History).

While you have managed to get the ARCHIMEDES system working, HELIOS is far from fully operational. Attempt to find a way to unlock the power output for other usage when the weapon isn't in use. Also, see if you can aim ARCHIMEDES II without direct line of sight.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
Reward: HELIOS ONE capabilities further expanded. Potential research projects.

[X]Old Classics
While the Brotherhood has traditionally relied on energy weapons, you now have a massive supply of ballistics and explosives on your literal doorstep. Perhaps you should investigate them?
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%

[X]The old world has burned.
The Brotherhood has much old world technology, but their understanding is lacking. Research the nuances of an artifact possessed by the Brotherhood.
-[X] Old World Medicine
You have previously had your minions gather samples of pre-war medical technology. With a little effort you could research the basics and uncover some more advanced avenues of research.
Time: 1 Months
Chance: 85%
-[X] Old World Manufacturing
You have previously had your minions gather samples of pre-war manufacturing technology. With a little effort you could research the basics and uncover some more advanced avenues of research.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 95%
-[X] Old World Agriculture
You have previously had your minions gather samples of pre-war agriculture technology. With a little effort you could research the basics and uncover some more advanced avenues of research.
Time: 1 Months
Chance: 95%
-[+] Energy Cells and Electron Packs
These surprisingly simple devices simply store electricity in a standard battery.
-[+] MicroFusion Cells
These advanced batteries utilize a minuscule amount of ultra-high pressure plasma for power. While some fusion does occur, increasing efficiency, most of the power comes from the thermal energy stored within the plasma during the manufacturing process.
-[X] MicroFusion Packs
These rare examples of pre-war power technology provide a nearly inexhaustible source of energy. Unfortunately, while the Brotherhood is capable of repairs, you are incapable of manufacturing new packs. Time to solve that problem.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 75%
-[X] Fusion Reactors
The Bunker includes a priceless example of pre-war tech, a fully operational fusion reactor. While your research is limited by the need to keep the reactor operational, you might still be able to learn something from it.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 10%
-[+] Old World Materials
The Brotherhood understands the basics of pre-war material science.
-[X] Old World Chemicals
Perhaps studying some pre-war chemistry experiments might be helpful?
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 25%
-[X] Old World Alloys
Studying the alloys used by pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
-[X] Old World Composites
Studying the composites used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
-[X] Old World Ceramics
Studying the ceramics used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 40%
-[+] Old World Computers
The Brotherhood understands the basics of pre-war computer science.
-[X] Old World Electronics
Studying the electronics used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
-[X] Old World Programming
Studying the programming used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
-[X] Robots
Most of your robots were destroyed in the recent battle but you could probably still research the basics.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 30%
-[X] Recon Armour
The standard armour of Brotherhood Knights, Recon Armour is relatively simple to manufacture and can be worn under Power Armour for additional comfort and protection.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
-[X] T-45d Power Armour
The T-45d Power Armour is the less advanced of the Brotherhood's two armours. Commonly issued to those who lack the seniority to obtain a set of T-51b Armour, it remains an extremely powerful piece of gear despite its lesser protection and the necessity of periodic recharging.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 85%
-[X] T-51b Power Armour
The T-51b Power Armour is one of the most advanced artifacts common among the Brotherhood. The shining plates from which the Brotherhood takes its name can stop most small arms fire short while the inner hydraulics allows the bearer to hit harder and carry more gear for longer. With a TX-40e MicroFusion Pack to provide centuries of power and an air filtration system to protect from airborne weapons, the T-51b equipped Paladin is capable of operating in the most hostile of environments.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
-[X] Basic Laser Weapons
Laser weapons on one of the holy trinity of Brotherhood energy weapons. They are extremely accurate and fast-firing, although damage can lag behind other weapons.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
-[X] Basic Plasma Weapons
Plasma weapons on one of the holy trinity of Brotherhood energy weapons. They are deadly but suffer from accuracy problems and have a lower rate of fire than lasers.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
-[X] Basic Gauss Weapons
Guass weapons are both damaging and highly accurate. Their only downsides are low fire rates, rarity, and specialized ammo.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%

[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II.
Veronica has shown some promise in scientific matters. Perhaps you could train her further in reverse-engineering?
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: +1 Learning Action, Potential impact on relationship with Veronica.

Intrigue: 1 Action (1 Elijah)
[X]Little Brother
You confess a lack of knowledge of or interest in the local gossip. However, it occurs to you that said gossip may contain useful information on potential technological treasure troves. A self-sustaining network of Knights integrated into various wasteland communities would provide you with valuable intel.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 70%
Reward: Rudimentary Intelligence Network.

[X]Murder over New Vegas
You know what the Brotherhood always needed. Well, besides better technology. The Brotherhood needs assassins to deal with those who threaten to ruin your their plans.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: Assassins.

[X]Above Suspicion
It is much easier to spy on someone if they don't think you're capable of doing so. Spread the Brotherhood's reputation as naive, straight-laced, honour-bound, goody-two-shoes with heavy weaponry. You think there are a few Paladins from the East Coast among your chapter, you hear they're great at propaganda.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 75%
Reward: Reduced Suspicion.

Piety: 0 Actions

AN: Leaders can be assigned to specific actions if you wish. having a two action leader spend both actions on a single choice will give a small boost. If a chance % is very low you probably need to do something else first.
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[X] Over the Rainbow
Your intelligence on the general area is lacking. Send out some patrols to search for pre-war technological sites and gather info on potential threats.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
Reward: Data on nearby factions and loot.

[X] Garrison Duty
When you let McNamara leave with the non-combatants for the Hidden Valley bunker you insisted on keeping the Paladins and Knights at Helios. It would probably be wise to garrison some of the survivors in the bunker for protection. That way McNamara won't have a reason to come back to HELIOS and complain at you.
Time: Continous
Chance: 100%
Reward: Bunker Secure, Second Base Fully Established, McNamara mollified.
-[X] Ramos

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
There are many sites across the Mojave potentially filled with valuable technological relics. Send an expedition to one of them in hopes of great returns.
-[X] REPCONN Test Site
There is a rocket launch site and testing facility near your base of operations. While it has been thoroughly looted by the locals, some tech may still remain and the facility itself may be of some use.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Access to pre-war launch site and testing facilities.
--[X] 10 Paladins
-[X] Hidden Valley Bunkers
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 30% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Additional Opportunities related to Hidden Valley bunkers.
--[X] 35 Paladins

[X] Salvage: Money my boy
The NCR was unable to gather its dead after the recent battle. As such, their equipment remains unclaimed. Order your Knights to recycle the equipment for resources and tradable goods.
Time: 1 Month (Repeatable)
Chance: 90%
Reward: More raw materials, more trading goods.

While you have managed to get the ARCHIMEDES system working, HELIOS is far from fully operational. Attempt to find a way to unlock the power output for other usage when the weapon isn't in use. Also, see if you can aim ARCHIMEDES II without direct line of sight.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
Reward: HELIOS ONE capabilities further expanded. Potential research projects.
[X]The old world has burned.
The Brotherhood has much old world technology, but their understanding is lacking. Research the nuances of an artifact possessed by the Brotherhood.
-[X] Old World Medicine
You have previously had your minions gather samples of pre-war medical technology. With a little effort you could research the basics and uncover some more advanced avenues of research.
Time: 1 Months
Chance: 85%

[X]Little Brother
You confess a lack of knowledge of or interest in the local gossip. However, it occurs to you that said gossip may contain useful information on potential technological treasure troves. A self-sustaining network of Knights integrated into various wasteland communities would provide you with valuable intel.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 70%
Reward: Rudimentary Intelligence Network.
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[X] Plan Derek58

[X] Over the Rainbow

Gotta learn more about the area.

[X] Garrison Duty
-[X] Ramos

Secure the bunker and keep McNamara out of our hair. Going with Ramos since I'd like to keep Elijah and Hardin free.

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
-[X] Hidden Valley Bunkers
--[X] 35 Paladins

Clearing out the other bunkers will give us secure places to set more stuff up.

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
-[X] Black Mountain
--[X] 20 Veteran Paladins

And Black Mountain is pretty close too. Taking it over, and getting access to that equipment would be really useful. 20 Veteran Paladins for the same as above.

[X] Activate the Accountant Signal

Linking up with the Bunker for more actions, especially Diplomacy, sounds excellent.

[X] Training, Mark I
-[X] Senior Knight Lorenzo

Getting 2 more actions is worth the 50% chance IMO.


Helios is our trump card, gotta keep improving it.

[X] Little Brother

Knowledge is Power.
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