Lorgar has True Faith lvl 10.

This is the lvl 9 power: Make yourself invulnerable to any action or power from supernatural evil, or whatever that may cause you harm from supernatural entities. You have to remain passive and concentrate. No violent action allowed. Works on your allies as long as they are not aggressive.

The vision quest will be a social threat. It is a risk but not an insane one. No trap options here.
That is really cool. I think I'm going to keep my vote the same if for no other reason that I'm mildly sure that having an active chaos cult on the face of the world is considerably more dangerous than the world wound is if no other reason then they could do things that might let more demons flow in even if we managed to close the world wound.
Hm, the threat is a social one, and Lorgar is primarily focused on social, after all.

[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
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To those who are wondering, to Qualify for Awakened Essence, a person MUST need the following:

Hmm. I wonder if any of them can be bestowed without using VEE. The three merits for using Quintessence seem like they might be something that a psyker can be taught to do. The others seem more likely inherent traits that we'd need some form of magitech/demonic biothaumaturge to grant. Possibly Iron Will can be taught by things like the hypno-conditioning canon marines amongst others receive.

Ah, the Enlightenment Aspect. Yin and Yang, Taijitu. Excellent. Martial artist, monk, philosopher, seeker of enlightenment. Given Lorgar's new insights, perhaps he could help Magnus when the time comes, via philosophical discussion if nothing else, noting that Magnus' Legion is imbalanced towards Yin.

Hm, as to styles to reinvent and teach Lorgar, one would very much like to teach Lorgar the five Dragon Styles practiced by the Immaculate Order. One would also like to teach Lorgar the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style and Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style. There is also Crystal Chameleon Style, along with Celestial Monkey Style and Ebon Shadow Style.

I think the Four Arguments of Virtue alongside Crane Style have the best thematic resonance with his Mythos.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.

Let's goooo.
Hmm. I wonder if any of them can be bestowed without using VEE. The three merits for using Quintessence seem like they might be something that a psyker can be taught to do. The others seem more likely inherent traits that we'd need some form of magitech/demonic biothaumaturge to grant. Possibly Iron Will can be taught by things like the hypno-conditioning canon marines amongst others receive.
Forgot a Merit so added that and fixed the Psyker requirement.

Yes the 3 can be thought but each takes a lifetime to learn. Lorgar can teach it quicker but still takes years and you need VEE or another training charm to speed it up.
Forgot a Merit so added that and fixed the Psyker requirement.

Yes the 3 can be thought but each takes a lifetime to learn. Lorgar can teach it quicker but still takes years and you need VEE or another training charm to speed it up.

Hmm. When we get CCP we'll have to see if we can create our own lesser demon genies who have versions of the Endowment spirit charm that can grant merits.
Lorgar's character sheet has been updated. He has the Enlightenment Aspect under Holy. Lorgar also has 10/10 Essence, along with the 3 Charms from Solar Hero Style.
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Lorgar's character sheet has been updated. He has the Enlightenment Aspect under Holy. Lorgar also has 10/10 Essence.
Also added Solar Hero Style. He will learn it quick by virtue of being a primarch and having an Archtype of light and Aspect illumination and Enlightenment.

So added it in advance as you do not need AP to teach it to him.
Hm, based on the current trajectory of Lorgar's Mythos development, might it be said that Lorgar is becoming a Buddha figure? At the least, a bodhisattva?
Also added Solar Hero Style. He will learn it quick by virtue of being a primarch and having an Archtype of light and Aspect illumination and Enlightenment.

So added it in advance as you do not need AP to teach it to him.

Hmm. So thinking of what styles would probably work well with these aspects:

Crystal Chameleon Style is all about light manipulation
Each of the Four Arguments of Virtue styles could be said to have a connection with faith and enlightenment as Lorgar sees them. Note sure if the Virtues exist here though.
Crane Style has connections with Enlightenment.

In terms of Terrestrial Styles, Golden Janissary has similar connections with light as Solar Hero, and Path of the Arbiter is stated to:

Those who practice the Path of the Arbiter Style only rarely study elaborate moves or intricate katas. Indeed, although she won't ignore her sheer martial skills, an Arbiter's physical training always takes a decided back seat to extended meditation and tests of faith. Anyone can be passionate, but characters with this style have been taught how to concentrate and use their passion.

The Terrestrial Styles would be a lot better if the Solar Hero charm that halves the X cost for them exists.

On that subject though, if we want to invent Martial Arts, do we need to raise our Close Combat ability?

One small potential labour saving option. CCP allows us to create enlightened essence 1 beings. I wonder if they can be created knowing the basics of terrestrial martial arts styles.
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[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
Social threats vs Social Primarch, let's go

[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
[x] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.

Let's set his Myth on the proper trajectory before we let him run away with it.
[X] Undertake the Vision Quest: You will accompany Lorgar with one another on the vision quest, facing the dangers of the umbral plains to help him gain control over his powers.
I wonder if Lorgar has an Essence rating as well as a Mythos rating.

Mortals in 2E could get up to an Essence rating of 3, but as a demigod, Lorgar may not be so limited.

As a side thought. I wonder if it's possible to grant Colchis' world spirits Enlightened Essence, and what it might do.