Was there any changes occurred regarding Emperor's personality due to two same soul resonating but with radically different personalities and experience?
Only those any person would have if they had all their failures, both past and future, thrown in their face by their future self.
With the future to the God Emperor severed what does that mean for potential vision quests?
The Future is a free for all, Kaleidoscopic mess. No one knows what is going to happen next and for future Vision Quests, well, lets just say, chaos is not willing to open doors in case something else walks through it.
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Only those any person would have if they had all their failures, both past and future, thrown in their face by their future self.

The Future is a free for all, Kaleidoscopic mess. No one knows what is going to happen next and for future Vision Quests, well, lets just say, chaos is not willing to open doors in case something else walks through it.

Ah... Chaos is afraid to do something you say? So it begins. :V
Mask of winters is a liar, but we don't need him to mess things up anymore he did the job we needed him to do, he made victory possible in more then one path.
I tried writing this and found that the Mad God Empetor is less a character who is suffering the consequences of his choices and more a plot device.

I thought hard and thats why I blanked out the date.

Easy way to match this up with canon 40k is that this the Emperor's last act of sanity in M41.999.999. He used the brief power surge that occurred when Cadia died and the great Rift opened to send a message back in time but the strain of doing so snapped his mind so that when a newly awakened Gulliman reached him he was totally out of it…and it's also the reason the Daemons of Khorne were able to invade Terra immediately after in M42.
Anyway looking towards the future I am hoping we might stumble across one of the many Dark Age of technology Ships that got lost in the Warp. There are two that I know of off the top of my head the Spirit of Eternity and the Blade of Infinity. They were small 300 meter scout ships equipped with Stcs and AIs that got lost in the warp in 24th millennium. The former got flung throughout time, it witnessed the formation of the Galaxy and the eventual destruction of the universe by Chaos. The ship eventually reemerged into the Galaxy at some point after the Horus Heresy, where the captain decided to rendezvous with a nearby Human inhabitated planet. However much to their shock, the captain and crew were captured, tortured, and murdered by the superstitious Humans. The AI aboard the Spirit of Eternity witnessed this and became horrified and fled. Over time it developed a fierce hatred for Humanity and hoped to escape the accursed galaxy. Eventually the ship became entangled within the Space Hulk Death of Integrity. In 887.M39 Imperial forces consisting of Novamarines and Blood Drinkers under Magos Explorator Vardoman Plosk and Chapter MasterCaedis cleared the Death of Integrity of Genestealer infestation. They discovered the Spirit of Eternity and the AI, now fuming with hatred of Humanity. After a battle the Imperials escaped and the Spirit of Eternity was able to escape into the Warp. Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl, however, is rumored to have later found the Spirit of Eternityand bested its AI in a game of wits. Info on it here:


The blade meanwhile is its sister ship and was apparently lost in the warp for 20,000 years according to its chronometer bouncing back and forth in the warp. It's apparently still loyal to mankind as it keeps trying to warn us about major chaos incursions every time it re-emerges.

There's also the matter of Dark Age ships that are not in the warp but just lying around broken like the the Sperenza which apparently has a time warping BLACK HOLE GUN.

A massive vessel the size of a continent, it houses vast manufactoria that makes it more of a mobile Forge World than a mere starship. The vessel possesses an ancient Machine Spirit that is far more advanced than the rest of its kind; even linking with the spirit risks ones mind being consumed wholly.

The vessel was discovered by the Mechanicum by accident at the Forge World of Palomar. After extensive explorations, it was revealed the vessel was incomplete. Lexell Kotov led the effort to complete the vessel. When activated, the vessels machine spirit unleashed a birth scream that saw the entire world of Palomar destroyed in a radioactive hellstorm. Its Machine Spirit became a gestalt entity, absorbing the many machines that made up its new structure. Complete with a deposit of knowledge from the Dark Age of Technology, the Speranza was equipped with radical weaponry which included temporal and black hole manipulation.

And then of course there is the Imperial Fists Phalanx which is also rumored to be DAOT in origins.
Don't the dark angels have some stuff from the dark age that were given to them by the Emperor

Yes, they have a lot of otherwise forbidden tech in their arsenal and are the only people besides the Custodes allowed to use them because while the Space Wolves job was to make public examples of their enemies the Dark Angels job was to not only kill but completely and utterly obliterate any and all traces of an enemy's existence. That's why they had stuff like the Excindio robots which were literally lobotomized men of Iron equipped with kill switches in case they went rogue.

Excindio - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

The reason for this trust of the Dark Angels was because not only were they the first legion and helped purge the Thunder Warriors but many of the original Terran members of the Dark Angels were soul bound to the Emperor so their loyalty was unquestioned and the Lion himself proved himself loyal. Unfortunately Emps never got around to rescinding his permission for the weapons due to the Heresy so even though the Terran born Dark Angels are all dead the legion still has the go ahead to use them.
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To be it looks like the Lion can Wyld-Quest in the context of this quest, it fits with the knightly aesthetic he has going on, though I do have to say I disagree with the video that the Daemon primarchs somehow stop advancing when they join chaos. In terms of development joining chaos is the end game, or rather an end game. The Gods allow them to cheat in exchange for the small price of their humanity.

So speaking of informative videos I have a random question, do you folks think the other Warhammer Fantasy/ Age of Sigmar entities exist in 30k/40k besides the big 4 and Malal/Malice? I am talking like Hashut and the Horned Rat. The reason I ask is that the new Skaven army book dropped recently for AOS and it was revealed that the emotion the Horned Rat feeds on is Desperation, and I imagine given the horrors of Old Night that occurred in the sci-fi universe he must exist in some capacity in the 30k/40k verse…even more so in 40K when the Imperium is rotting away.

This vid gives insight into the nature of the Horned Rat but basically he's desperation, desperation to survive and be noticed, treachery, and ruinous progress at all costs in an attempt to survive:

View: https://youtu.be/VbZx8n0cQgA?si=Y8QQpMj6qqwxzxBn

FYI for those who don't know, the other Fantasy entities include Hashut who embodies tyranny and greed and was probably a demon of Khorne who went Rogue and started to use dark magic, Nehoco who is paradoxically powered by the refusal to believe in a higher power…which ironically means his biggest champion might be the Emperor unknowingly, Zuvassin who embodies simply destruction and the urge to destroy everyone, and of course Malal/Malice who embodies anarchy, terror and how self destructive chaos is to the point of screwing itself over and who unlike the other mentioned lesser deities is confirmed to exist in 40k still.
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So speaking of informative videos I have a random question, do you folks think the other Warhammer Fantasy/ Age of Sigmar entities exist in 30k/40k besides the big 4 and Malal/Malice? I am talking like Hashut and the Horned Rat. The reason I ask is that the new Skaven army book dropped recently for AOS and it was revealed that the emotion the Horned Rat feeds on is Desperation, and I imagine given the horrors of Old Night that occurred in the sci-fi universe he must exist in some capacity in the 30k/40k verse…even more so in 40K when the Imperium is rotting away.

This vid gives insight into the nature of the Horned Rat but basically he's desperation, desperation to survive and be noticed, treachery, and ruinous progress at all costs in an attempt to survive:

View: https://youtu.be/VbZx8n0cQgA?si=Y8QQpMj6qqwxzxBn

FYI for those who don't know, the other Fantasy entities include Hashut who embodies tyranny and greed and was probably a demon of Khorne who went Rogue and started to use dark magic, Nehoco who is paradoxically powered by the refusal to believe in a higher power…which ironically means his biggest champion might be the Emperor unknowingly, Zuvassin who embodies simply destruction and the urge to destroy everyone, and of course Malal/Malice who anarchy, terror and how self destructive chaos is to the point of screwing itself and who unlike the other mentioned lesser deities is confirmed to exist in 40k still.

If Setra exists they certainly do, I think the larger question is are they more like the Four and thus can reach into 40K or are they more like Sigmar and co and bound to the Mortal Realms. Given that both of them are kind of soft locked to their races I would not expect to see much of them unless their worshipers also show up. Unless and until we figure out how Setra got here it is hard to tell if anyone could or would pull the same trick.
If Setra exists they certainly do, I think the larger question is are they more like the Four and thus can reach into 40K or are they more like Sigmar and co and bound to the Mortal Realms. Given that both of them are kind of soft locked to their races I would not expect to see much of them unless their worshipers also show up. Unless and until we figure out how Setra got here it is hard to tell if anyone could or would pull the same trick.

Eh I'm not sure about the racial soft lock thing…it was outright confirmed that the Rat ascended to status equal to the big 4 of Chaos in Age of Sigmar because it fed on the desperation of every single sentient being in the realm of fire to survive when its followers nuked half the continent to draw Blight city out of the warp and into the mortal realms…plus the original ancestral Skaven are theorized to actually be humans twisted by warpstone who in turn bred with mutated rats. This is due to the fact the Skaven originated in the ruins of the fantasy Roman Empire land of Tylos which was the ancestor of the Warhammer Fantasy equivalent of Medieval Italy aka the land of Tilea, and the Skaven society replicated a bit of its medieval nature. Plus there are human worshippers of the Horned Rat as insane as that sounds and they can get blessings.
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Turn 9: End (Part 1) New
Colchis - 832.M30

The day Colchis finally broke free from the grip of its own gravity, the air was filled with the weight of centuries of yearning. Above the bustling surface of the planet, four orbital space elevators stood as testaments to the combined will of its people and the wisdom of their leaders. These immense structures, restored to their former glory, reached into the uppermost atmosphere, allowing ships, supplies, and the dreams of Colchis to ascend toward the heavens. Beyond them, the Ring of Iron, an orbital network that cradled the planet in a protective embrace, sparkled like a crown in the dark void.

You stood at the heart of these developments, alongside Lorgar, Thalassa and Dharok, whose combined expertise in diplomacy, technology, and leadership had transformed Colchis from a world shrouded in religious mysticism to a beacon of technological prowess. Now, the people of Colchis, united in purpose, were about to embark on their greatest journey yet, the exploration of their own star system, and beyond.

The system of Colchis was not particularly vast compared to other stellar domains, but it held its own share of mysteries. Centered around a yellow-white main-sequence star, colloquially named Solus, Colchis orbited at a comfortable distance, giving the planet a temperate climate ideal for both agriculture and industry. Though the system had been largely dormant during Colchis's long isolation, it was now teeming with possibilities.

Closest to Solus were two scorched planets, Zarath and Varush, both barren and hostile. Zarath, the smaller of the two, was little more than a ball of molten rock constantly wracked by volcanic activity. Its atmosphere was thin, and the few probes that had returned data from its surface showed little promise for colonization. However, the planet's rich veins of rare metals, cobalt, platinum, and even hints of adamantium, caught the eye of Colchis's mining guilds. Plans for automated mining facilities, combined with machine spirits capable of withstanding the planet's searing heat, were already in motion.

Varush, on the other hand, was a more enigmatic world. Larger than Colchis, it was tidally locked to Solus, with one hemisphere perpetually bathed in sunlight and the other cloaked in eternal darkness. The day side was a hellscape of superheated desert and toxic winds, but the night side held something far more intriguing, a layer of frozen, dense atmosphere. Beneath the ice, scans indicated the presence of liquid water, suggesting that Varush's night side could harbor life. It was too early to tell what form this life might take, but scientific expeditions were being prepared to uncover the planet's secrets.

Further out in the system were three colossal gas giants, each more magnificent than the last. These behemoths had long fascinated Colchisian astronomers, and now, with the restoration of spacefaring technology, they were within reach for exploration.

Pelagia, the closest, was a blue-green gas giant with swirling storms that seemed to reach deep into its atmosphere. Its vast system of moons, numbering over thirty, included at least four candidates for colonization. One moon, Marelis, had oceans beneath its icy surface, kept warm by tidal forces from Pelagia's gravitational pull. Early probes suggested that this moon could be an ideal location for both scientific research and the establishment of underwater colonies.

Further out was Damos, a stormy giant with red and yellow cloud bands circling its equator. It was the largest of the three gas giants and home to powerful electrical storms that sent arcs of lightning through its upper atmosphere. Some of the moons orbiting Damos were pockmarked with craters from past collisions with asteroids, but one, Scyron, had a thin atmosphere that hinted at the possibility of terraforming.

The outermost giant, Haelon, was a pale, ringed world. Its rings sparkled with ice, dust, and rock, forming a mesmerizing halo that stretched thousands of kilometers wide. Though it had fewer moons than the other gas giants, Haelon's icy satellites were rich in water, a resource that would be critical for future colonists. It was also said that the rings of Haelon hid something ancient, remnants of a forgotten civilization or perhaps artifacts from before Colchis's isolation. Investigations were still in their infancy, but rumors spread quickly among the explorers.

Beyond the gas giants lay the frozen reaches of the Colchisian system, where comets and icy bodies drifted in the Marius Belt. This region, though largely unexplored, promised to be a treasure trove for those willing to brave the cold and the unknown. One particular body, Arktan, a dwarf planet at the edge of the system, had already piqued the interest of the scientific community. Its elliptical orbit brought it periodically closer to Solu, where the ice on its surface sublimated into vapor, creating temporary atmospheres. The presence of organic compounds suggested the possibility of primitive life, or at the very least, a rich source of hydrocarbons that could fuel the growing Colchian fleet.

With the system mapped and its secrets gradually being unlocked, attention inevitably turned to the stars beyond. The nearest star systems, known collectively as the Periphery, held tantalizing prospects for exploration and potential colonization. Among them, three stood out as prime candidates for diplomatic and exploratory missions.

The closest neighboring system, Irios, was dominated by a binary star, with two suns locked in a dance of fiery energy. Around these twin stars orbited a habitable planet named Sundar, which had been long rumored to be home to a human population that predated Colchis's colonization. Early signals from Sundar indicated a highly developed civilization, one that had maintained stability through the centuries of isolation.

Sundar's people were known to be spiritual, much like the Colchisians, but their beliefs were centered around the binary stars, which they worshipped as divine entities. There were whispers of vast temples made of crystal that captured the light of the twin suns, and the Sundarans' mastery of optics and solar energy was said to be unmatched. Diplomatic overtures to Sundar were already being prepared, as Colchis sought to forge alliances with other human civilizations in the galaxy.

Beyond Irios lay the Bireen Void, a vast expanse of empty space that stretched for light years. It was a place of mystery, with little known about its inhabitants or potential resources. However, scattered among the stars of the Bireen Void were faint signals, echoes of long-lost civilizations that had once thrived in this region before disappearing without a trace.

One such signal, originating from a derelict space station orbiting a dead star, was being actively investigated by Colchisian expeditions. The station, known only as The Silent Beacon, had been dormant for millennia, but the faint hum of ancient machine spirits still lingered. The secrets of the Beacon and what it once monitored could hold the key to understanding the fate of the Void's lost civilizations.

Further still lay the Velos system, a region shrouded in both awe and dread. At the heart of the system was Velos Prime, a massive, luminous star surrounded by a nebula of iridescent gas. The Velosians, a highly advanced race of post-humans, were said to inhabit this system. They were known for their genetic modifications and technological prowess, having pushed the boundaries of what it meant to be human.

The Velosians had long isolated themselves from the rest of the galaxy, believing that their evolutionary path was superior. However, recent shifts in their politics had made them more open to diplomatic contact. Lorgar himself had taken a keen interest in the Velosians, seeing in them both a potential ally and a mirror to what Colchis could become. Reaching out to Velos was seen as both a great opportunity and a significant risk, for the Velosians were known to be ruthless in their dealings with those they deemed inferior.

As the Colchisian fleet grew in size and capability, the people began to prepare for their first steps into the wider galaxy. The Ring of Iron buzzed with activity as ships were constructed, fitted with both human and Machine Spirit technology. Dharok's recruitment efforts had borne fruit, with new generations of engineers, explorers, and diplomats eager to take part in the grand exodus from their homeworld.

Thalassa, who had played a key role in integrating the Machine Spirits into Colchisian society, oversaw the final preparations for the diplomatic missions. She had been deeply involved in the delicate dance between human will and Machine Spirit guidance, ensuring that the spirits would work in harmony with their human counterparts. The ships that would leave Colchis carried within them not only the hopes of the people but also the voices of the Machine Spirits, whispering of the stars.

At last, the day came. The people of Colchis gathered at the base of the space elevators, watching as the first diplomatic vessel, the Courage of Solus, began its ascent. Onboard, a small delegation of explorers and diplomats prepared for their journey to the Irios system, ready to establish contact with the Sundarans and learn what lay beyond their borders. Other ships were already being prepared for the Bireen Void and the Velos system, each tasked with uncovering the mysteries of these distant stars.

You, Lorgar, Dharok, and Thalassa stood together in the command center, watching the screens as the Courage of Solus passed through the atmosphere and into space. The path to the stars had been opened, but the journey was just beginning.

As Colchis looked toward the heavens, it was not only the stars that beckoned. The restoration of their planet, the revival of their technology, and the newfound unity among their people had given them the strength to reach out beyond their world. Diplomacy, exploration, and discovery awaited them in the depths of space, but so too did challenges and dangers they could not yet foresee.

Each world, each system, held its own secrets, its own trials, and its own opportunities. The people of Colchis, once content to look inward, now turned their gaze outward, determined to carve out their place among the stars. But as they ventured forth, one truth remained constant: the galaxy was vast, and they were only just beginning to understand their place within it.

The era of Colchisian isolation was over. The age of exploration had begun.

The voting format has changed now that its government has taken shape. In the earlier stages, when the planet was still being restored and its political systems were in flux, every action had to be voted on directly. Only the actions that received enough votes would be carried out, meaning you had to carefully prioritize and engage with every decision, no matter how small.

Now that Colchis has a functioning government and much of its basic infrastructure is automated, the voting process has streamlined significantly. Most routine actions, such as resource management, small trade deals, and basic governance, are now handled automatically by the systems you've put in place. This allows you to focus on the larger, more impactful decisions. Instead of voting on every small action, you can now choose up to two key actions for each Circle Member. These actions represent the strategic moves and initiatives your characters will personally oversee, while the rest of the planet's operations continue to run smoothly in the background.

This change frees up your decision-making power, allowing for more focused gameplay and narrative development. The foundation of Colchis is strong enough that not every step requires hands-on attention, giving you more space to explore diplomacy, exploration, and trade without being bogged down by the everyday details of planetary management. The government you've built will handle the routine, and you can now push your characters toward bigger goals and greater discoveries.

CHOOSE: 2 options per Circle member

[] One option for exploration is establishing mining operations on the planet Zarath, where rare metal veins could provide essential resources for shipbuilding. However, the planet's volcanic activity makes such ventures perilous.
Risk: The environment is highly volatile and dangerous for both workers and equipment.
Reward: Successful mining could secure vital materials for industrial growth and trade.

[] Exploring the frozen night side of Varush could reveal hidden oceans beneath the ice, possibly containing new forms of life. The extreme cold and unknown ecological threats make this mission fraught with hazards.
Risk: Potential equipment failure or crew loss due to the planet's harsh conditions.
Reward: Discovering life or water resources would be a major scientific breakthrough.

[] Diplomatic overtures to the people of Sundar in the Irios system could yield new alliances. Their devotion to the twin suns and spiritual practices may cause friction with Colchisian beliefs.
Risk: Miscommunication or cultural conflict could lead to diplomatic failure.
Reward: Establishing an alliance could lead to technological exchange and trade opportunities.

[] Investigating the derelict station, The Silent Beacon, in the Bireen Void could uncover lost knowledge from ancient civilizations. However, the station's age and potential dangers lurking inside pose great risk.
Risk: Malfunctioning systems or security measures could jeopardize the expedition.
Reward: Recovering valuable information or advanced technology could enhance Colchis's capabilities.

[] Setting up underwater colonies on the moon Marelis could allow Colchis to extract resources from its hidden oceans. The unknown nature of the underwater terrain and potential wildlife creates operational challenges.
Risk: Technical difficulties or unexpected natural phenomena could threaten colonization efforts.
Reward: Access to valuable aquatic resources and a foothold in the Pelagia system.

[] Engaging in diplomacy with the Velosians, a post-human race, could expand Colchis's influence into new realms of science. Their superiority complex and isolationism make negotiations delicate and unpredictable.
Risk: Velosians may react negatively to perceived inferiority, causing a diplomatic incident.
Reward: Gaining Velosian technologies could push Colchis to new heights of advancement.

[] A trade mission to Scyron, the moon of Damos, could help establish a supply route for rare minerals. The moon's unstable surface and occasional meteorite impacts make establishing a permanent presence hazardous.
Risk: Physical danger to mining operations from external impacts.
Reward: Access to rare minerals needed for advanced technologies and shipbuilding.

[] Exploring the icy satellites of Haelon could unlock vast water resources for future colonists. However, long-term exposure to the cold and the unpredictable nature of the outer system create logistical difficulties.
Risk: Equipment breakdowns or crew exhaustion in the harsh environment.
Reward: The discovery of abundant water sources to support further colonization efforts.

[] A diplomatic mission to the starport city of Velon on Sundar could open up trade with their highly advanced solar technology sector. Velon's strict trade laws and isolationist tendencies present a barrier to negotiations.
Risk: Cultural misunderstandings or reluctance from Sundarans to engage in trade.
Reward: Access to cutting-edge solar technology for energy production.

[] Investigating Arktan, the frozen dwarf planet at the edge of the system, could reveal valuable hydrocarbons and organic compounds. The planet's volatile orbit and ice storms pose significant threats to exploratory missions.
Risk: Harsh conditions and unpredictable weather could damage equipment or delay operations.
Reward: The discovery of fuel sources could sustain Colchis's expansion efforts.

[] Conducting a study of the electrical storms on Damos could lead to breakthroughs in harnessing energy from gas giants. The storms' intensity makes it difficult to safely approach or conduct research.
Risk: Ships or equipment could be destroyed by powerful lightning strikes.
Reward: Mastering storm energy could provide a nearly limitless source of power.

[] A mission to retrieve ancient relics from the ruins scattered across Haelon's rings could shed light on forgotten civilizations. The rings' instability and drifting debris create constant hazards for explorers.
Risk: Navigational hazards from the rings could result in ship damage or loss.
Reward: Acquiring relics could enhance Colchisian culture and serve as tradeable artifacts.

[] Sending a scientific team to study Pelagia's unique atmospheric phenomena could yield insights into gas giant ecosystems. The atmosphere's violent turbulence makes such studies extremely dangerous.
Risk: Turbulence and extreme pressure could result in equipment failure and loss of data.
Reward: Unlocking knowledge of gas giants could lead to new breakthroughs in atmospheric science.

[] Reaching out to the independent trade stations scattered along the edge of the Bireen Void could help Colchis establish new trade routes. The stations are known for lawlessness and the presence of pirate activity.
Risk: Potential for ambushes or hostile encounters with pirates or rogue traders.
Reward: Access to rare goods and resources could enhance Colchis's trade network.

[] Setting up an outpost on the dwarf planet Elyn, orbiting Haelon, could give Colchis a strategic base for further exploration. The planet's remoteness and lack of infrastructure make establishing a foothold difficult.
Risk: Logistical challenges and isolation could strain resources.
Reward: A forward base would allow for long-term expeditions deeper into the outer system.

Next turn is the XP spending turn.
So what happens to the bonuses that certain circle members have to gain more action economy?

Will they be a +X to rolls to simulate having extra time to work on a project?
2 only as things like Travel time now come into play. More on this later but you are now hitting the limits of personal power and will be hitting the same limitations that the Emperor is hitting as you expand more and more.
For Lorgar...?:
[?] Diplomatic overtures to the people of Sundar in the Irios system could yield new alliances. Their devotion to the twin suns and spiritual practices may cause friction with Colchisian beliefs.
[?] Engaging in diplomacy with the Velosians, a post-human race, could expand Colchis's influence into new realms of science. Their superiority complex and isolationism make negotiations delicate and unpredictable.
[?] A diplomatic mission to the starport city of Velon on Sundar could open up trade with their highly advanced solar technology sector. Velon's strict trade laws and isolationist tendencies present a barrier to negotiations.

...and one other.

Basically Diplomacy... and a bit of religion since I cannot recall if stars can have a Worldsoul-esque equivalent? Though probably going to be a mix with Fan Morgal really...

For Thalassa:
[O] Investigating the derelict station, The Silent Beacon, in the Bireen Void could uncover lost knowledge from ancient civilizations. However, the station's age and potential dangers lurking inside pose great risk.
[O] A mission to retrieve ancient relics from the ruins scattered across Haelon's rings could shed light on forgotten civilizations. The rings' instability and drifting debris create constant hazards for explorers.

Anything tech related... also under the purview of being from the Mechanicus I guess?

For Dharok:
[-] Reaching out to the independent trade stations scattered along the edge of the Bireen Void could help Colchis establish new trade routes. The stations are known for lawlessness and the presence of pirate activity.

...and one other. Dharok is pretty much the warrior/Champion so anything combat related or maybe any 'harsh conditions'? Though I'm not sure it applies to the workers, but any 'Space Marines' at this point could tag along to train survival skills in said conditions...? It does feel like a good time to do so to have them have a bit of combat / survival skill experience...
  • Command ●●● - She commands a number of Skiitari.
  • Retainers ● - She has a number of tech-priest followers.
Now I'm wondering how thalassa's followers are doing, have they learned anything following the circle?

Next turn is the XP spending turn.
Also have we been having fan granting VEE for 20 exp per turn?
Or granting the council of elders or other leaders skills to lead?
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