To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
Ah yes of course, the plan. Based on what's been suggested and my own opinions, a baseline:

[] Operation STARLIGHT
-[] Akane and Artillery Team are to blow the bridge between the two cities immediately in order to cut off an easy access route into Mitakihara.
-[] Trains should be shut down (in easily assaulted areas) or destroyed if this is not possible in a timely manner. Leave them running or reactivate them to use as traps.
-[] Spread out Info, Defense, and Artillery Teams across the waterfront in small tactical units in order to watch the most likely angle of approach. Attempts to force a crossing should be intercepted and dealt with by the closest joint task force as they come.
-[] Flank Team are of course to watch the sides for possible alternate entries. Strike Team is to remain as a concentrated operational reserve, as was their intent.
-[] Flank Team are to move into battle once it is joined to begin their harassment tactics. Strike Team is only to deploy part of its reserve forces if one of the enemy's elite is sighted or a major breakthrough of our lines is successfully made.
-[] Rin is the main priority. If she goes down, it's likely that the rest of her forces go down with her, and the risk from her interacting with the Walpurgisnacht Seed is nullified. If we can confirm her presence in a particular part of the battle area, our reserves are to deploy in force to try and take her down quickly.
-[] Keep a small combined force from Info and Defense Teams near the Seed to look at maps and coordinate the battle from base, but more importantly to act as a final line of defense if the enemy manage to pull a fast one on us.
just to clarify, did anyone take note of the concept of artillery rails? BULLET TRAIN MOUNTED ARTILLERY IS A VIABLE OPTION WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL MOID.

if the idea was considered and discarded, please ignore this post. if nobody else saw moid's invitext, then for shame, the lot of you.

for shame.
just to clarify, did anyone take note of the concept of artillery rails? BULLET TRAIN MOUNTED ARTILLERY IS A VIABLE OPTION WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL MOID.

if the idea was considered and discarded, please ignore this post. if nobody else saw moid's invitext, then for shame, the lot of you.

for shame.
I think that could fall under keep the trains in reserve for potential trappage, but...

No you have a point. Looking at the map again, the rail network does in fact run broadly across the waterfront. It could be a serious help to rapid response if nothing else.

I mean, artillery sure, but logistics is the killer here. Hmm, it's an idea.
So I just (over the course of the last week or so) read through Sayaka Quest and caught up on this story, and have enjoyed both a good amount. While I don't feel I could propose a complete plan I would like to mention an idea I had. If we decide to leave the bridge intact I think that one girl we should try to use on the bridge is Yoko, I don't think she's appeared in this story yet, but I think she's still living in Mitakihara. I would imagine her structure altering powers would be pretty useful when the entire thing the enemy is standing on is a structure. If we decide to blow the bridge her powers may also assist in making train artillery if we wanna do that.
So I just (over the course of the last week or so) read through Sayaka Quest and caught up on this story, and have enjoyed both a good amount. While I don't feel I could propose a complete plan I would like to mention an idea I had. If we decide to leave the bridge intact I think that one girl we should try to use on the bridge is Yoko, I don't think she's appeared in this story yet, but I think she's still living in Mitakihara. I would imagine her structure altering powers would be pretty useful when the entire thing the enemy is standing on is a structure. If we decide to blow the bridge her powers may also assist in making train artillery if we wanna do that.
She still lives in town, yeah. I actually completely forgot about her. I forgot about a lot of SQ1 characters actually, with a few exceptions.
Reading through all this, it's a bit weird how there's all this emphasis on how quickly things can go bad for magi and how life is usually short and brutal when you're one, but most of the engagements end up with Mitakihara having a negative number of losses. Though I've come in at a time where if that trend's gonna be broken, it's probably now.
Reading through all this, it's a bit weird how there's all this emphasis on how quickly things can go bad for magi and how life is usually short and brutal when you're one, but most of the engagements end up with Mitakihara having a negative number of losses. Though I've come in at a time where if that trend's gonna be broken, it's probably now.

Mitikihara has been bucking that trend on the weight of a strong stable magi pair running things, and the massive resource advantage of the Walpy Seed. Rin and Kyubey both consider this going against the nature of things and basically an aberration, so it almost works thematically?

They've been eating the odds for too long, and is the system gonna let them keep getting away with it?
Mitikihara has been bucking that trend on the weight of a strong stable magi pair running things, and the massive resource advantage of the Walpy Seed. Rin and Kyubey both consider this going against the nature of things and basically an aberration, so it almost works thematically?

They've been eating the odds for too long, and is the system gonna let them keep getting away with it?
I do like the angle of managing to carve out their own little bit of relative peace and order in a hostile world, but the villains have felt a little toothless to me when I think so far the only thing they've done is make the Mitakihara crew stronger.
just to clarify, did anyone take note of the concept of artillery rails? BULLET TRAIN MOUNTED ARTILLERY IS A VIABLE OPTION WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL MOID.
Thought about it but not really discussed. Whether its any good seems to depend on how much this world runs on Rule of Cool as for the majority of its length the train is circling around to come for another run, its lines of fire are potentially very restricted by the buildings around and if it gets derailed then all the Magi in the train are going to crash and burn at 400kmph, and due to those other failings Rin's forces will get no shortage of opportunities to destroy the monorail.
On the other hand I don't think Moid brought it up as a trap option so I'm having a hard time gauging if this is a good idea, a good idea that we can only do once or a bad idea. And since I'm unsure thats why I haven't really commented.
Reading through all this, it's a bit weird how there's all this emphasis on how quickly things can go bad for magi and how life is usually short and brutal when you're one, but most of the engagements end up with Mitakihara having a negative number of losses. Though I've come in at a time where if that trend's gonna be broken, it's probably now.
It's because, unlike the enemy, we don't bring mooks to our fights, we only bring the best.
I do like the angle of managing to carve out their own little bit of relative peace and order in a hostile world, but the villains have felt a little toothless to me when I think so far the only thing they've done is make the Mitakihara crew stronger.
Bwuh? Sure they haven't murked a protagonist, but they still threatened us. Like, by this logic basically no villainous group in the history of media has had teeth.
Thought about it but not really discussed. Whether its any good seems to depend on how much this world runs on Rule of Cool as for the majority of its length the train is circling around to come for another run, its lines of fire are potentially very restricted by the buildings around and if it gets derailed then all the Magi in the train are going to crash and burn at 400kmph, and due to those other failings Rin's forces will get no shortage of opportunities to destroy the monorail.
On the other hand I don't think Moid brought it up as a trap option so I'm having a hard time gauging if this is a good idea, a good idea that we can only do once or a bad idea. And since I'm unsure thats why I haven't really commented.
I'm definitely coming around to the idea of Logistics Train for rapid response duties.
I'm gonna preface this vote by saying I've no idea what the fcuk a magi 'war' would look like. Magi have all these abilities that fly in the face of human limits, which would dictate conventional warfare. So Idk what to the point that Idk how to start discussing magi war plans without saying something dumb.

That out of the way :V...

[X] Mitakihara Magi:
-[X] Differentiate between enemy 'conscripts' and 'elites'. While numerical superiority is preferred, 'conscripts' may be engaged without, at an experienced magi's discretion.
-[X] Rin is the main target. However, she will be well protected; her elite units must be taken out first.
--[X] Watch over the Walpurigsnach Seed. Neither Rin nor the teleporter (who can transport Seeds) must be allowed access to it, at all costs.

[X] Defense Team:
-[X] Have a healer tag along with every other group, if possible.
-[X] Confront large groups of enemy magi head on. Give ground as needed in order to set up flanking strikes by the Flank Team.

[X] Artillery Team:
-[X] Coordinate with the Flank Team and the Strike Team. Sow chaos enough for them to do their work.

[X] Strike Team:
-[X] At first, perform hit and run tacticts, conserve and hide strength, watch out for counter-ambushes.
-[X] Coordinate with the Info Team in order to take out enemy elite units.

[X] Info Team:
-[X] Prioritize: Finding the enemy elite units; coordinating ambushes.
-[X] Mitakihara is big. Find out if enemy magi are entering through unexpected routes and angles, and if some might already be in the city.

[X] Flank Team:
-[X] If possible, remain hidden during the initial phase of combat.

[X] Special considerations:

[X] Self-Sabotage:
-[X] Make a show of destroying or shutting down "all" means of easy access to the city, including bridges, transports, sewers. Not actually all. Choose a few to remain intact, and for magi with appropriate skills to use (eg.: Mami - artillery train; leave open and watch some means of access to between the cities so you can send an infiltration team; etc.).

[X] Pirates of the Caribbean:
-[X] In the case of enemy elites being detected or suspected to approach underwater, magi with appropriate skills will be sent to deal with them. Non elitescan be allowed to pass and be fought aboveground, as normal.
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It should be remembered that despite everything they're probably not actually meaningfully weaker than they were at the start of the story, even with Oriko gone.
That out of the way :V...
My thoughts:

-I remain unsure on if we should give our specific low level tactics. It feels a lot like saying "everyone should do their job". True, but also redundant.
-How easily can we differentiate between the enemy Magi's strength levels? We know some of their heavy hitters on sight it's true, but it's not immediately obvious who's who, especially for our peeps on the ground level. Especially since they may have called up some hard hitting reinforcements for the operation.
-Counter attack? No, we don't have the manpower. It's asking for a defeat in detail operation. I feel especially confident in this because the last time we tried an infiltration mission it went... perhaps less than ideally.

I was thinking if the fighting goes well enough, it might be possible for a strike team to get into Kasamino and strike whatever important magi are coordinating the attack there? This is with the expectation that the fighting in Mitakihara is going well enough to spare this team, and after confirming the positions of most of the glow's inner circle. But I guess this probably could only work near the end of the conflict, if at all.

On another note, we should prepare some one liners, specially for when kicking Rin's butt.

[Q] "No terfs in my turf!"

I was thinking if the fighting goes well enough, it might be possible for a strike team to get into Kasamino and strike whatever important magi are coordinating the attack there? This is with the expectation that the fighting in Mitakihara is going well enough to spare this team, and after confirming the positions of most of the glow's inner circle. But I guess this probably could only work near the end of the conflict, if at all.
But the most important Magi, the ones we need to stop, are coming to us. That's fairly important!
True. I was hoping we could turn it around though. Have it go back and forth.
The Mitakihara train system is capable of rapid deceleration and acceleration. The problem therein lies in the fact that those trains can't do it for long and it would splatter people; the acceleration is akin to a drop at terminal velocity.

But that is not a problem for Magi. It would still mean some serious strain for the trains though.
The Mitakihara train system is capable of rapid deceleration and acceleration. The problem therein lies in the fact that those trains can't do it for long and it would splatter people; the acceleration is akin to a drop at terminal velocity.

But that is not a problem for Magi. It would still mean some serious strain for the trains though.
I mean that's fine, we don't need it to go that fast. Even at just the modern Japanese high-speed rail top speeds of about 200 mph, we can move from one end of the waterfront to the other in a minute or so, we shouldn't need much higher speeds. (I think said waterfront is about 5km across.)
That sounds like a stupidly designed train but since it works in our favour I'll blame corrupt police officials selecting the design for precisely this occasion. :p
Uuugh. Spent an hour and a half formulating plan and drawing it on the copy of the map before realizing there's fuck all I can do to change the background of a transparent image with my shitty editing skills, since the default background color is white, same as the road color.

[X] Preparations
-[X] Destroy the bridge from your side.
-[X] Jury rig the railway to only travel from the eastern intersection to the western edge of the city and back again if you can

[X] Info Team
-[X] Position
--[X] Position them South of Walpurgisnacht on the roof of the closest skyscraper you can find.
---[X] Attendum: if there any Magi capable of sensing Soul Gems from a distance, array them against the northern shoreline. If they spot anyone from Kasamino, retreat immediately, transmit the enemy position by any means possible: telepathy, burn phones, group chats, etc.
-[X] Action
--[X] Prioritize relaying information to and coordinating response of other teams. Send strike teams to attack where the defense team requests support, direct artillery team, signal the flank team when it's time to attack.
[X] Defense Team
-[X] Position
--[X] On the skyscrapers nearest to the northern shoreline.
-[X] Action
--[X] Stall the attacking forces. Maim, don't kill. Make more work for the enemy healers, blunt their momentum. Call in the strike teams to disrupt the attackers as required. Call in the artillery team on big or important targets: Rin and her cohort.
--[X] Retreat towards the Walpurgisnacht Seed. Cover the retreat of other teams.
[X] Artillery Team
-[X] Position
--[X] Everyone capable of making strikes without seeing the enemy directly: on the skyscraper next to Info Team.
--[X] Everyone else: hop aboard the train. Next station: pain!
-[X] Action
--[X] First group: artillery strikes at positions called in. Second group: bullet hell train at the attackers traveling at subsonic speeds, weeee! If the railway or the train is under direct threat, evacuate and retreat towards the Walpurgisnacht Seed under cover of Defense Team.
[X] Strike Team
-[X] Position
--[X] Divide into two-three teams two blocks behind the defense teams. Maintain the relative distance at all times except for when assisting. Slowly retreat in general direction of Walpurgisnacht Seed.
-[X] Action
--[X] When called in, bail out the defense team. Use lethal force on the attackers as required, use your best judgement. ( if anyone doesn't feel they need or want to kill someone on the enemy side, don't, and that's it. Create injuries lethal to normal humans then. )
[X] Flank Team
-[X] Position
--[X] Two teams two blocks east and west to the Walpurgisnacht Seed.
-[X] Action
--[X] If the enemy attempts to flank your forces, flank them. Coordinate counterattacks with Strike Team and Defense Team.
--[X] Otherwise, wait until the rest of the teams retreated to Walpurgisnacht Seed and counterattack with the rest of the teams there. Attempt to flank the attackers from east and west. Don't let the Rin in the vicinity of the Seed. If possible, gang up on her all together.

Advise, additions, criticisms? One day left.
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