To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
Depends a lot on how the enemy teleporter functions. If they're not able to teleport over en-masse then its a choke point that either needs to be forced through or Rin's forces need to be on boats, which is probably our artillery forces perfect target.
Their teleporters only work for soul gems, grief seeds and weaponry. Any magi that want to approach will have to do so either through the bridge, via boat, or trying to get there on-land, which is...absolutely not a good approach.

Is there a train/tram control station or something?

Yes. It'll be shut down at the end of Evac, but it's still possible to use it logistically, if need be. Such as, say, if you want to have a train-car artillery cannon riding around the city at 400 kmh
Alright so Kasamino is north of Mitakihara, and the (maglev) railway is the red lines. Mitakihara is slightly larger than Kasamino, and there is a five-kilometer bay separating the two.

Near the center, slightly north of the major downtown area of Mitakihara, is the Walpurgisnacht seed, very close to Minako's school and the Miki-Sakura apartment.

There are some rails that are not on this particular map (trams, monorails and old rail lines are not included) but these are the places that handle a lot of Mitakihara's food production. They're also currently being used to ferry people out of the city.
Okay, this is good! We can in fact use our end of the bridge as a choke point, between a sizable portion of Defense and Artillery Teams holding there with the rest watching the bay along with Flank Team and Info Team holding our flanks and rear areas, and Strike Team can still be the operational reserve.

It's starting to take shape boys.
Oh you don't hold a choke-point for the whole of a fight, we'd defend it until the witch seeds/meguca that Rin is teleporting in or around us make it untenable and then we fall back and blow it up so Rin can't cross anyway.
Well yeah, but the point stands we need to plan that going in.
That's... good, if we can ensure the evacuation finishes soon we can shut that down and close off that angle of approach.
Their teleporters only work for soul gems, grief seeds and weaponry. Any magi that want to approach will have to do so either through the bridge, via boat, or trying to get there on-land, which is...absolutely not a good approach.
Oh yeah this is basically a defender's wet dream.

We can't afford to be incautious about this, but I'm optimistic.
Em, why would Walpurgisnacht even awaken?

If OP's saying it might, then it might. If anything, Rin probably plans on using it as a weapon of last resort, either as a threat, or simply activating it without warning. But she'd have to be really desperate for that, methinks.

Here's my prototype of a plan. Moid, do we have any megucas who are good at flying and hitting hard?

[X] Two Million Relief Plan
- [X] An artillery and strike team, consisting mostly of ranged units, should hold the bridge for as long as possible. As soon as the position becomes untenable, destroy the bridge.
-- [X] Other, smaller teams on the beaches to fend off amphibious landing attempts.
- [X] Trains should be shut down (in easily assaulted areas) or destroyed if this is not possible in a timely manner. Leave them running or reactivate them to use as traps.
- [X] Defense-in-depth - Allow Kasamino to gain ground and overextend, opening them to counter-attacks, after the bridge is lost.
-- [X] Any time ground is lost, obliterate it with Artillery as soon as you've finished retreating from that sector.
-- [X] Strike team and Artillery heavy-hitters should only be used in areas where Kasamino's big guns are present, with the exception of Rin who in all likelihood will stay away from the front lines to command her own info units.
--- [X] Strike team otherwise focuses on harassment attacks of regular forces. Any areas where Kasamino seems stretched thin, they hammer alongside Artillery.
-- [X] Flank team surrounds enemy pockets and destroys them with support from Artillery, or helps break out our own megucas from pockets.
-- [X] If possible, info team snipes Kasamino info forces, otherwise they stay out of the fight if possible.
--- [X] One info team at least should be monitoring Walpurgisnacht at all times Just in case.
Grief Seeds siphon grief to rehatch, right? So even if Rin doesn't want that to happen, if the Walpy seed is an energy field too big for her head or something, it seems like a risk to me.

Yeah, it's a risk for Rin. Walpurgisnacht, however, should be able to eat Rin without sauce and not even stir. Her current lowball capacity is theorized to be 50 Megucas dumping Grief into it for a hundred years. Unless Rin's Gem is something like Madoka's monstrosity, there's simply not enough Grief in her to make it overflow. Yeah, even with all her band put together.

Okay, I'm going to rationalize it with Walpurgisnacht thinking it'd be a really flashy move to wake up after Rin fails to take control of her.
Her current lowball capacity is theorized to be 50 Megucas dumping Grief into it for a hundred years. Unless Rin's Gem is something like Madoka's monstrosity, there's simply not enough Grief in her to make it overflow. Yeah, even with all her band put together.

I still wouldn't put it past Rin to try. Or use whatever stockpile of gems she may or may not have.
[X] Two Million Relief Plan
- [X] An artillery and strike team, consisting mostly of ranged units, should hold the bridge for as long as possible. As soon as the position becomes untenable, destroy the bridge.
-- [X] Other, smaller teams on the beaches to fend off amphibious landing attempts.
- [X] Trains should be shut down (in easily assaulted areas) or destroyed if this is not possible in a timely manner. Leave them running or reactivate them to use as traps.
- [X] Defense-in-depth - Allow Kasamino to gain ground and overextend, opening them to counter-attacks, after the bridge is lost.
-- [X] Any time ground is lost, obliterate it with Artillery as soon as you've finished retreating from that sector.
-- [X] Strike team and Artillery heavy-hitters should only be used in areas where Kasamino's big guns are present, with the exception of Rin who in all likelihood will stay away from the front lines to command her own info units.
--- [X] Strike team otherwise focuses on harassment attacks of regular forces. Any areas where Kasamino seems stretched thin, they hammer alongside Artillery.
-- [X] Flank team surrounds enemy pockets and destroys them with support from Artillery, or helps break out our own megucas from pockets.
-- [X] If possible, info team snipes Kasamino info forces, otherwise they stay out of the fight if possible.
--- [X] One info team at least should be monitoring Walpurgisnacht at all times Just in case.
We've got a week lets not rush into the plans.
However to critique, defending the bridge sounds like exactly what the defense team exists for. The entire length of the fight the Glow will be teleporting witches into us so it makes more sense to use strike team as a response force to those and to reinforce any dangerous looking assaults.

Also what do we know about their heavy hitters and can we throw together some counters. Like do we have a light based magic girl we can make sure is on hand if we have to fight shadow girl?
I think the plan is taking a much too military minded approach to this, and that's coming from me who's entire planning is about taking a military minded approach to this.

The problem is that this is an oversized platoon/understrength company a side (there are, what, fifty or so meguca in our force overall? I legitimately have forgotten the precise number.) engagement between universally highly mobile forces across potentially the breadth of a significant portion of a city. There aren't going to be pockets because due to the nature of the combatants they can just stage a breakout immediately and at the very least turn it into a running battle. We'll be luck to have anything resembling a front line at all, actually.

Speaking of, I think we should commit slightly more to the bridge with melee units. The longer we can keep the bulk of the enemy in sight and roughly contained the better, I've only ever been concerned about overcommitting our operational reserves to the engagement.
I mean.
We can always nuke the bridge, so that they'll have to get across on boats, that we will shoot at.
Yeah, the thing is, this is like a military game... where every single unit is a Hero Unit with unique abilities that at most can be vaguely classed with other somewhat similar abilities., not really much for military planning at all.
Actually I've cracked the code. Combatants of vastly different capabilities in small number fighting along a vast front but with the ability to communicate over distances and where fights last for longer than a typical small-scale infantry engagement.

We need to ignore army metaphors, this is mostly naval combat in practice. As much as it's like any conventional military engagement, anyway, which isn't very. And also that kinda ignores the whole chokepoint situation.

But hey, you work with what you have.
I mean.
We can always nuke the bridge, so that they'll have to get across on boats, that we will shoot at.
Do you want to try and have maybe two dozen people scan five kilometers of waterfront with the Mark One Eyeball in the dark as your primary strategy?

We want to fight them on the bridge, not force them to spread out and start penetrating our lines that are as porous as a sieve with about five giant gashes in it.
Eh? I, uh, don't remember it?
Oriko fidgets, fingers flexing around her champagne glass. She glances up to you, then at the glass. She sips at it a few times. " attempting to ascend."

You blink. "Beg your pardon?"

"Rin views herself as above magi, as the true successor to the Incubators. She believes she can control the power of both witches and magi without losing her humanity. She is under the impression that her soul is the true self, that the soul is the only part of a person that matters."

"Except that ain't true." Kyouko leans in. "As much as the soul is a powerhouse, it's just one aspect of the human condition, especially for magi. We've seen what happens when a body is destroyed; the soul can't continue. It's one part of the self, like the brain and the body."

"That matters little to the Lady." Oriko presses a hand into her temple. "She wants to fuse with the largest, most powerful witch she can find. Her soul gem directly interacts with grief seeds. You've seen it, right?"

"A white dot, yeah." You nod. "I've seen it before."

"It is a two-part soul gem: one gem, one grief seed. The grief seed is slotted in, and it enhances the scope of her control. Without it, while she would still be powerful, she would lose control when a magi left a one-hundred meter radius. But with it..."

"She can control an entire city of magi."

Oriko nods. "She was always dangerous, but that grief seed turns her from a concern to a danger."

"And she plans to slot in the Walpurgisnacht seed instead," Kyouko mutters.

"With a seed of that strength and power, she would not only have wider control, but the effects would be..." She trails off. Her eyes squint shut, her head tilting to the side as she bites her lip. She looks up to the ceiling, and you come in to press your hand into her shoulder.
Do you want to try and have maybe two dozen people scan five kilometers of waterfront with the Mark One Eyeball in the dark as your primary strategy?

We want to fight them on the bridge, not force them to spread out and start penetrating our lines that are as porous as a sieve with about five giant gashes in it.

I don't really buy that way of thinking. It implies that enemies are lemmings we can hoard however we want.

What I'm saying is, right now, they can get to us by walking on the bridge and sailing on boats. Oh, and flying.
If we destroy the bridge, we leave them only two options. It's about denying opportunities, not leaving elaborate traps so that we can hold the line.

About patrolling.

Honestly, we need maybe ten Gucas on the skyscrapers nearest to the water, each looking in different directions. Also, air.

Organize a group chat, whenever one of them notices something, ping a rapid response group assigned to them. Create immediate local numerical advantage, hit them hard, move on. Retreat towards Walpurgisnacht, regroup, repeat.

Eh, never mind, I'm not writing a plan for this, forget everything I'm saying.
I don't really buy that way of thinking. It implies that enemies are lemmings we can hoard however we want.

What I'm saying is, right now, they can get to us by walking on the bridge and sailing on boats. Oh, and flying.
If we destroy the bridge, we leave them only two options. It's about denying opportunities, not leaving elaborate traps so that we can hold the line.
If we can preemptively destroy the bridge to a point where they can't use it, which likely involves collapsing a significant portion of the structure mind you, then that forces them to take routes we can't intercept. I just fail to see how that's advantageous for our defence.

Especially because small row boats in the middle of the night are hard to spot. Since they have unlimited endurance, I think if they wanted to they could probably swim, and then we'd be in real trouble.
If we can preemptively destroy the bridge to a point where they can't use it, which likely involves collapsing a significant portion of the structure mind you, then that forces them to take routes we can't intercept. I just fail to see how that's advantageous for our defence.

Especially because small row boats in the middle of the night are hard to spot. Since they have unlimited endurance, I think if they wanted to they could probably swim, and then we'd be in real trouble.

And I'm saying, what prevents them from sending a token force through the bridge and doing the rest of what you're saying to sneak up on us and hit us from behind, while we're holding the bridge?

Unless Rin is fucking stupid and doesn't realize such an option exists until we destroy the bridge.

Eh, no. No, no, no, no. Maybe tomorrow, not today.