To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
[X] Throw the new girl at the witch. (1 Accuracy, runs risk of getting crushed.)
[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)

I feel like we should solo this as much as possible so the mysterious girlfriend plot doesn't turn into heartbreak.
[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)

Now see, I would be for yeeting the newbie towards the sun...

...except I can't help but worry that the witch might have something else up its sleeve waiting for the first person to make the approach. So, yeah, no.
Eh, fine. I'll vote.

Yeah, we really don't know what this witch will do if we yeet the newbie towards the sun.

[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)
@TheOneMoiderah, could we make a double-ended Blade Block and jam the jaw open with it before charging? And if so, what would it do the difficulty/accuracy?

You could.

The rolls would be individually for each action.

Make a giant double-ended sword and jam the jaws open with it.

+1 Difficulty (How long the sword lasts,)

Then make a new sword and keep charging.

Neutral since the initial action would be taken care of and the roll is to determine whether or not you get to The Sun

Detonate the sword behind us once we're clear.

+1 Difficulty since you would presumably be getting Takane clear, too. It wouldn't be quite as risky.


Yeah the more actions you stack on, the more rolls you will need to actually perform successfully.
Actually that should be a rule.

You can make list actions, but each individual action will require its own separate roll. If any of the previous actions fail, that means that the rest of the list will not be completed.

I will also make it clear what the Difficulty/Accuracy of each action is.
So, I wasn't part of the previous quest but I feel I need to ask but I'm also a bit afraid
What the hell kind of puns where people making that there had to be a rule about it?
[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)
[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)
[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)

Might as well keep it simple, in this case.

[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)

You pull a chunk off of the oversized sword just over your head and whip it down. There's another flash of sparks and dust before you widen your stance.

"Get away from the tree!" you shout. There's a loud bang, and you decide to take a chance; she probably got away from the familiar in time. You sloooooooowly drag the tip of your blade down the open splinters of the tree before whipping it across the sword over your head. The oversized blade bends under the sudden pressure and you charge right past the halves of the tree.

Just as you do, the halves snap shut. The branches rattle under the force, some of them falling right off of the familiar as the black sun's eyes rotate around you. The world is engulfed by black as you rumble forwards, right towards the center of the three eyes.

The witch has barely any time to react as you crash into the center of the sun. The "beams" around it ripple and shudder like rope as you enter a hollow sphere. You spin and spin and spin, each rotation granting you more and more momentum as you reach the other side of the witch.

It detonates in a shower of glass. The tendrils fall away as the sphere of the witch lets out one final, ringing cry. It sounds like a faint chime in the distance, and the trees begin to wither and die.

You still keep your momentum as you hit a brick wall with enough force to put a dent in it. You grumble to yourself; should have slowed down before you did that. You grab a nearby pipe and let yourself sliiiiiiiiiiiiiide back down to the ground.

The grief seed follows you down and hits the ground with a light tap.

"Could've gone faster," you mutter. "That could have gone worse in so many different ways."

The girl just stares at you in awe, looking you up and down, from your sabatons to the treble clef pin in your hair to the billowing cape. "H-how-!"

"Experience," you say. "Lots and lots of experience."

She nods rapidly, clearly a bit too excited to see holy shit an adult magical girl oh my god. "H-how much experience?"

"A lot."

She frowns. "Well uh..." She bows. "I'm Hiruma Takane!" she says rapidly and sticks out a nervous hand. "I-I'm new here!"

You stare at her hand. Then you awkwardly reach out to shake it. She does so right back, extremely enthusiastically.

"You're an older magical girl?! How long have you been doing this? Oh my god you'resocool that witch was taking a while to take out oHMYGOD."

You take a bewildered step back. This young woman is clearly a bit too excited to see you and you honestly have no idea why. She doesn't seem like she has an ulterior motive but this is honestly just bizarre.

So you take a risk. You raise your hand...and descend it upon her shoulder with a tap.


She stares at you, kind of bewildered. It takes her a second, before she frowns. "...that meme is like fifteen years old."

For a second it feels like she stabbed you in the heart. You take a deep breath. "Well I mean I guess it is. But hey. Least I lived long enough to get old."

She nods repeatedly at you. "O-Oh! Uh-"

"Actually, I need to ask you." You breath in. "How long have you been contracted?"

"Right! Right." She breathes in. "A few months."

You whistle. "Kasamino?"

"Yeah." She looks behind her. "I just got off of a date with someone and I sensed a witch. I was having some trouble because I don't have a lot of crowd-control."

"Your shotguns don't work with that?" You quirk a brow up.

"Well the issue therein is that I can deal with single-targets really well at close-mid range. But long-range and mass targets are kind of a weakness." She taps her chin.

She's weirdly self-reflective for a teen. You quickly take a look at her body language. She's glancing around the alleyway, looking absent-minded, but the way her eyes dart around seem more like she's nervous. Like she's expecting something to attack. You tap her shoulder.

Immediately she jumps. "Oh! Apologies!" She bows at you again. "Just getting lost, you know."

Yeah she's high-strung.

[] Press in. (Write in your questions. How invasive/personal they are determines your Accuracy/Difficulty per question. This is exempt from the "All Steps Must Succeed" rule)

[] Don't bother further. This girl's frazzled and honestly you don't need much more than her name, her skillset and maybe her wish.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 11, 2019 at 1:06 AM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Press in.
    -[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
    --[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
    ---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
    ----[X] Does she need a place to crash?
    [X] Press in.
    -[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
    --[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
    ---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
    [x] Don't bother further. This girl's frazzled and honestly you don't need much more than her name, her skillset and maybe her wish.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 11, 2019 at 2:38 AM, finished with 15 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Press in.
    -[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
    --[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
    ---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
    ----[X] Does she need a place to crash?
    [X] Press in.
    -[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
    --[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
    ---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
    [x] Don't bother further. This girl's frazzled and honestly you don't need much more than her name, her skillset and maybe her wish.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 11, 2019 at 8:17 AM, finished with 18 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Press in.
-[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101
--[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us
---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
Find out if she is woke to any of the Meguca InfoBombs (lich, witch, kyubey), possibly alert her to the Mega Grief Seed (if that isn't a secret or something, you'd think there'd be a flood of megucas in this city, that's a system breaker), see if she needs help with anything. After making our full introduction of course, so she knows how awesome her senpai is.
[x] Don't bother further. This girl's frazzled and honestly you don't need much more than her name, her skillset and maybe her wish.
[X] Press in.
-[X] Introduce yourself.
--[X] Ask her if anyone taught her meguca 101; the truth about witches, Kyuubey, etc.
---[X] Ask if she wants to meet up at some point in the near future.
----[X] Offer her a way to contact you (telepathy, phone number, etc.) in case she needs backup or just wants to talk to us.
-----[X] Does she need a place to crash? You've known more than a few meguca who've had to live on the streets for one reason or another, so...

It feels a bit untoward, but I doubt this would be the first time Sayaka's played den-mother seeing as she's keeping tracking of 50+ Megucas. If the girl needs a place to stay I don't think it's crazy to offer, especially if the girl seems half-way decent. Taking in magical girls is kind of the foundation of most of her major relationships. Sounds natural to me.

I didn't even think of the awkward situation that creates until after the fact, but it's a natural progression. And it might lead to some fluff, exposition for the girls and probably puts a wrench in whatever nonsense Kyubey's got cooked up.
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