To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
[X] "Well don't just stand there. We have a witch to kill." (Accuracy 1)

Hm. I want to approve of plan "Comedy Hijinks" where we delay the reveal for the lulz, but I'm also afraid that the narrative is going to punch us in the face with serious consequences if we do that.
Finding out that you already knew your SO's parent is awkward as fuck, but it's not "my life is over", grief spiral inducing awkward.

It's normal, everyday, teenager "my life is over" awkward. Something that's kinda in short supply when you're essentially an alien bunnycat's child soldier/nuclear power fuel cell.

Just the kind of thing to remind you that you're human, at the end of the day, no matter what else you happen to have going on.
[X] "Well don't just stand there. We have a witch to kill." (Accuracy 1)

So long as Little Green doesn't bite it, there'll be time for a crash course. Talking is not a free action and while the witch is still off-balance from us just kind of disregarding it we should definitely finish it off.

You know, before it turns into a Black Hole, or reveal there's a second witch in its roots, or a massive beehive that we didn't notice because reasons. Witches in a Moid Quest are nerve wracking.
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[X] "Well don't just stand there. We have a witch to kill." (Accuracy 1)

If there's one thing I learned from SQ, it's that Witch Time Is Serious Time. Explaining now instead of after the witch is dead is a risk we don't need to take, so let's just... not take that risk, however small it is.
Argggh we're dead we've doomed ourselves we made a bad choice we're dead dead dead dead...

Oh yeah, there are failstates and deaths.

But for the most part, most actions will just have you fail forwards.

I tend to find that more interesting than just "u ded lol"

...That said, BAD ENDS were still pretty fun to do sooooooooo~

[X] "Well don't just stand there. We have a witch to kill." (Accuracy 1)

"Well, what are you waiting for?" You clap your hands and flex your fingers. She looks you up and down, utterly shocked.

"Y-you're an adult-!"

"And we have a witch to kill." You throw your sword into the air first, before you follow suit. The blade spins rapidly, before it shatters into a ring of musical notes and lines. Your jump was just enough to reach it, and with a quick backflip your feet reach the center of the ring. The circle starts glowing gold, before it slowly transforms into a familiar blue ripple.

Then it rockets you forward at high speed. The tree stands right in front of you, branches waving wildly as it realizes just how much of a threat you are. The branches come descending down upon you all at once, and in that same split second, you form a new blade and slot it right into your shield. The shield warps and twists and transforms, elongating your handle as the mechanical pieces fuuuuuuuse together into a single, oversized greatsword. The seams and patterns of the shield melt into the heart of the blade, as you take your momentum and carry it into a gigantic swing.

The branches are no match for your swing. Immediately, a chunk of tree is just gone, and a branch the size of a school bus is trimmed from the tree. Behind you, the girl charges forwards behind you, punching the smaller familiars left and right, before finally, you bring yourself upwards with a charging leap. The blade dips into the bark of the tree, before you pump some magic into the slice. Suddenly, a beam rips through the trunk, down the center, and out the back.

The momentum of your jump only takes you about halfway, but you can still run. You plant your feet into the bark, and charge upwards. You drag the blade further and further and further, as the tree groooooooans and the bark squeals and whines. The smaller familiars flicker and fall, as the rest of the tree falls to halves.

Finally, you reach the top. You tear the blade upwards in an arc, and in the same motion, the tree's halves fall by the wayside. At the base, the magical girl punches at the base of the tree, each shotgun blast weakening the trunk's halves before they fall sideways, crashing with a thunderous boom and a spray of splinters.

You hit the ground hard as she pants, flexing her hands and rolling her neck. "H-holy moly." She huffs. "W-we made short work of-"

"Don't be too sure." You say. "Witches in Mitakihara tend to have a few tricks up their sleeves." You look around, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Your armor rustles as you move, and the cape around your shoulders billows in the wind. "And if it were dead, we'd have a grief seed by-"

The trees in the background fall over just as this one did, as the sun in the sky rumbles and howls. The air turns heavy, and the sky grows just a little bit duller. You take an instinctive step backwards, and then the tree itself widens just a little. The twisting vines around you keep moving, the splinters themselves rustle and hiss and whine as the tree's halves quiver and quake.

The sun itself turns pitch-black, as the sky turns a blinding white. Three eyes roll open, simple geometric shapes on an impossibly black sun, so dark is it that it looks like someone just threw a hole in the sky and called it a day.

The eyes stare at the both of you, unblinking, almost curious at the little enemy in front of it.

And for a few seconds, that's exactly what they do.

Then the tree beneath you quivers. You grab the girl next to you by the hand on instinct, and you throw her away. The tree itself closes around you, snapping shut like a pair of jaws. The girl yelps in shock, as you throw your sword sideways and dull one of the ends. The tree crashes against your blade, unable to close fully as the sword bends and breaks just over your head.

The girl behind you stares at the blade, then back at you as it threatens to close and crush you wholesale. Suddenly she charges around the side, punching at the base of the tree with her shotgun gauntlets. You grin; this girl clearly has some idea of what she's doing if she doesn't just stand gormlessly at the adult meguca.

But that still leaves you in the jaws of this wooden familiar.

[] Throw the new girl at the witch. (1 Accuracy, runs risk of getting crushed.)

[] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)

[] Obliterate the base of the tree. (2 Difficulty, can blow yourself and the girl up.)

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 10, 2019 at 4:12 PM, finished with 20 posts and 16 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 10, 2019 at 4:52 PM, finished with 25 posts and 16 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 10, 2019 at 5:02 PM, finished with 30 posts and 19 votes.
[X] Throw the new girl at the witch. (1 Accuracy, runs risk of getting crushed.)

She has shotgun gauntlets and probably needs to get in close, and I trust our chances better than hers here?
Fucking Mitakihara Witches
Every single one of them
[X] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)
Also, nobody pointed it out, probably because everyone has Google and five minutes to spare, but in case someone doesn't

The Witch calls herself Aspen

Yes, she's a tree and the sun and whatever freaking hole in reality that is, but she calls herself Aspen
[x] Make a new sword and keep charging. (1 Difficulty, gets you out of the jaw.)

The duckling's doing great so far, but she's got much less experience to fall back on, and I don't want to throw her off balance. So; simple plan, executed with maximum violence.
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@TheOneMoiderah, could we make a double-ended Blade Block and jam the jaw open with it before charging? And if so, what would it do the difficulty/accuracy?
I have but one thing to say.

[X] Throw the new girl at the witch. (1 Accuracy, runs risk of getting crushed.)

[X] Make a giant double-ended sword and jam the jaws open with it.
-[X] Then make a new sword and keep charging.
-[X] Detonate the sword behind us once we're clear.
[X] Throw the new girl at the witch. (1 Accuracy, runs risk of getting crushed.)

Sayaka can handle getting crushed. The new girl does seem to know what she's doing to an extent. So leave it to her while the witch is distracted with Saka.