Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

Wait. So you thought that the cult was being led by a child? I could understand it if the Master looked like an adult but...

I thought that maybe she's an advanced cultist who 'has shed her mortal form and this is merely a fleshy disguise', or got stuck in a body of kid due to a bad ritual, or... something. I knew she's not actually a kid, but there are a bunch of levels between "kid" and "world ending eldrich entity".
Another History: Turn 1 - Results, Part 2
[X] Plan: Hidden training.
-[X] On work and the challenges it entails.
--[X] You'll work your hours and no more (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[X] On the goal. (All of the following options are suspicious. This only applies if you are caught)
--[X] Do some research, watch some tapes of the fighting (Minor suspicion)
-[X] On furthering the cause.
--[X] Train the fodder, get them up to snuff
-[X] On learning the Lores.
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth

-[X] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[X] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets

Work. It was a busy thing that let this city keep on moving, and you'd certainly clocked in your hours for the day. Yet, just because you had been in meetings and plugged away at your computer didn't mean your day was over. There was still more to do; you wanted to take a peek at some of the Endbringer fights. If you were going to kill them, you had to understand them first. And so, you found yourself wandering down the hallways toward the storage area, where all the old tapes and other things that most people forgot about.

The storage room was tucked away and rarely visited. In fact, it was archaic in its methods of cataloging and storing data. Physical disks and tapes in a world that had long since moved on to digital files. But you didn't mind. You weren't the best with computers and the fancy new technology, there was also a tangibility to physical disks you liked. A weight of sorts that a digital file didn't have.

The musty smell of old paper and plastic greeted you as you entered the room. The fluorescent lights flickered slightly, casting a dull yellow glow over the shelves. Turns out that in a place very few people visited, replacing lights wasn't the highest priority. Rows and rows of shelves greater you, each packed to the brim with boxes that held files and disks., They were labeled with notes following a system you had no doubt was confusing, but you had been here for some time. You knew the system well enough.

Your feet carried you down to the end of the aisle. Running your thumb over the notes, you find one of the earlier ones. In fact, this may have been the first Endbringer fights on record. As you removed the box, you coughed as dust emerged, but you waved your hand in front of your face as you pulled out the first disk. It was labeled August 12th this year. You frowned and set it aside before digging into the box. You managed to find the earliest one, 1992.

Slipping the tape into your suit jacket, you glanced around. You weren't doing anything wrong—technically. But it wasn't exactly typical for someone to be poking around in these archives, and you had no desire to explain yourself if someone caught you. So, with a nonchalant stride, you left the storage room, doing your best to look as though you hadn't been poking around back there.

However, nobody paid you any mind, so you returned to your office, ensuring your door was firmly closed as you sat down at your desk. The soundproofing here was pretty good, so you weren't worried about the noise causing any problems. Sliding the disk out, you gently pushed it into your computer. Thankfully, you had thought to ensure everything else was ready before you went, so you grabbed this so you could just turn on the video and start watching.

[Picking up clues: Breakpoints 40/80/120]

[Roll: 40+8(Learning)+1(LANTERN) = 49]

The screen flickered to life, and soon the grainy footage began to play. It was chaos. The fight was a mess of screams, explosions, and destruction, the camera barely capturing any of it in a coherent way. Bodies scattered like leaves in a storm, smoke clouding the screen. It was hard to watch, not just because of the poor quality but because of the sheer devastation unfolding before your eyes. You had been in fights before, even if you hadn't necessarily killed anybody. This massacre was unlike anything you had seen, and it made you faintly sick.

Still, you kept your focus, your sharp eyes scanning the footage for anything useful. It wasn't until a few minutes in that something caught your attention. Behemoth. It was getting hit hard. Alexandria delivered a punch, a blow that would've caused buildings to crumble. The camera barely caught it, but you could tell it was powerful.

But something was off.

You rewound the tape, watching that specific moment again. Alexandria's punch landed—Behemoth recoiled, but only just. For a blow of that magnitude, he should have stumbled or faltered, but instead, he merely stepped back. You frowned, your fingers pausing the video as you leaned in closer.

Rewinding further, you began looking for another impact. Someone else had gotten in close, another heavy hitter. You found the moment—a man walking through fire, his body regenerating even as it was scorched by Behemoth's kill aura. He wasn't as invincible as Alexandria, but his regeneration was impressive, allowing him to keep moving forward, even as his skin melted off his bones.

He landed a punch. The camera didn't capture much, but it was clear that it was weaker than Alexandria's blow. And yet, Behemoth flinched more. His foot moved, his body jerked back, almost as if the strike had actually affected him. You played it back again, slower this time, watching closely as the impact played out. You just couldn't see why.

Why had Behemoth reacted more to a weaker blow? Your mind raced. There was something here—something about powers or perhaps a hidden vulnerability. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you knew this was important. Scribbling on a scrap of paper, you marked this anomaly down for future reference.

Behemoth's control over energy wasn't as perfect as it seemed, or perhaps there was more to the way he responded to attacks. Either way, you had a lead. It wasn't much, but it was a start. You could piece it together later, but for now, it was time to head home. The day had dragged on, and you still had to return the tape before anyone noticed it was missing.

[Covering your tracks: CD 40]

[Roll: 26+8(Piety)+5(MOTH) = 39]

The records room is just as deserted as it was when you picked up the disk, so it's a matter of a minute to slide it back into place. You then turned on your heel and left the room. Your briefcase was in your hand, and it looked like you were just heading out; a normal contractor was about to leave.

That's when you bumped into somebody who just turned the corner. They stumbled back, shaking their head as you took a single step back, more to prevent them from harming themself than any real force from him.

"Apologies," the man said as he adjusted his glasses. I wasn't looking where I was going," he continued before reaching out to shake his hand. You reached out as well, giving him a firm shake.

"Strong grip?" he asked as he massaged his hand. "Anyway, sorry for that, and have a good day," he said as he nodded his head and headed towards the records room. You frowned ever so slightly but kept walking. There was not much you could do, so you headed outside towards your car, ready to head home.

This had been a long day, and while you were going to do the same tomorrow, that didn't mean you wanted to spend more time here than you had to. You were looking forward to dinner.

Scissors do not seem like a threatening tool; they are used to cut hair, trim bears, and ensure things are well kept. Yet now you know a bit more. You know that they can be used to invoke a subtle magic of their own, a strange magic that flutters but magic nonetheless.

You lay back in your bed, scissors held to your chest as you close your eyes. You were going to visit the Woods tonight. You have only been there once, and despite the tall trees of birch and spilling black crystals, you knew that there was knowledge there you couldn't attain here.

So you raised the twin blades to the side of your head and, with a soft snip, cut a lock free. It didn't feel any different than what you normally did; just a soft noise and a few scraps of your past self were gone. You ignored those musings and headed to bed, with sleep taking you quickly.

The Woods arrive quicker than you thought.

You look around, taking in the tall birch trees that seem to arch towards moonlight and the twisting spires of black crystal. You hesitate, unsure of which direction to go in. The first time you had accessed the Woods, you had been with another, and now you weren't.

You decide to head deeper, away from that brilliant glow of Glory's light. It almost pains you to do so, but you are searching the Woods for knowledge, so you turn your back and start walking. The muck under your feet and the moonlight that shines down is discomforting but you keep moving.

You then stop. You hear movement in the distance and through the trees. You crouch and start to move closer. You hadn't seen a living thing here when you were here last. Was it another member of your cult or something else? You kept creeping closer until you stopped behind a tree and peered out.

It was a corpse, about thirty, as it stood still, looking up past the treetops and towards the moon. No, you amended after a second; it was looking towards Glory. That was understandable; that brilliant light was beautiful, but something about the way its skin seemed to twitch and writhe unnerved you.

You then saw it shift; it started moving, and you saw something in its stomach that was torn open. Dozens of writhing worms sat in its gut, and now that you knew where to look, you could tell that more of them were crawling around inside the corpse.

You did not want to touch that, so you kept low and waited for it to leave.

[Hiding from something: CD 30]

[Roll: 10+8(Intrigue)+5(MOTH) = 23]

You weren't sure how long you stayed there, but eventually, it started to shuffle off following whatever reason it did. You sighed and leaned back against one of the black crystals that had claimed one of the birch trees.

That was when your foot slipped.

There was a loud scrape as crystals were moved across each other, and your eyes snapped up toward the infested corpse. Its head had snapped over to you, and it was moving, not incredibly fast, but fast enough you'd have to fight.

[Infested Dead has initiated combat]

[Michael Donovan's current health: 4/4]

[Infested Dead current health: 1/1]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 0, Infested Dead – 0]

[Michael: 42+37(Total Combat Bonus) = 79]

[Infested Dead: 57+15(Total Combat Bonus) = 72]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 7, Infested Dead – 0]

[Michael: 27+37(Total Combat Bonus) = 67]

[Infested Dead: 83+15(Total Combat Bonus) = 98]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 7, Infested Dead – 34]

[Neither combatant wishes to perform any actions]

[Combat will continue as normal]

You shot up to your feet and held out your hands. Your Master had spoken of conflict, of the endless burning and churning that it invoked. You used that knowledge as you swung, slamming a fist into its chest and breaking a bone. However, it didn't care as it lunged at you, its mouth locking around your wrist.

However, it didn't bite down, and you could see the writhing worms inside of its head were slowly moving down. You wrenched your arm back, slamming your elbow into the black crystals behind you and swearing. You then kept moving, trying to get away and get some space from this thing.

It was slow, sloppy, and fragile. A single good hit would put it down, but you did not want those worms to touch you. Something about them felt wrong, foreign to the Woods around you, and you didn't want them trying to dig inside of you.

It then lurched forward once again, heedless of the collarbone you had damaged.

[Michael Donovan's current health: 4/4]

[Infested Dead current health: 1/1]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 7, Infested Dead – 34]

[Michael: 35+37(Total Combat Bonus) = 72]

[Infested Dead: 40+15(Total Combat Bonus) = 55]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 24, Infested Dead – 34]

[Michael: 28+37(Total Combat Bonus) = 65]

[Infested Dead: 83+15(Total Combat Bonus) = 98]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 24, Infested Dead – 67]

[Michael suffers one wound (-50 to Infested Dead's overflow)]

[Michael attempts to escape…]

[Infested Dead successfully intercepts]

You ducked under the lung and hammered your fist into its gut, punching right through its body. You then wrenched out your arm, feeling whatever black slime counted for blood in this thing's body drop off your arm. When it kept moving, you snarled and raised your hands, ready to continue fighting.

It clawed at you, and you danced back, keeping outside its range before darting in for a one-two combo. However, it also moved, and instead of your fist breaking ribs, it slammed directly into the spine, causing your fingers to jam. You hissed as it used that chance to bite deeply into your shoulder, drawing blood.

You grabbed its head and shoved it off you as you stumbled back. Your crimson lifeblood dripped from your shoulder and hit the ground. Your heart pounded, and you could feel something heady rising in your chest.

You ignored it as you turned to book it. You knew when to fold them, and this thing didn't seem all that killable. It would be best to leave it and find a place to wake up. You'd be able to figure things out in the morning.

Unfortunately, you weren't quite that lucky, as when you turned your head to see how far away it was from you, your foot slipped in the muck. You were much faster than this thing, but pure raw chance screwed you over as it lunged at you again, trying to tear out your throat for what must be the third time.

[Michael Donovan's current health: 3/4]

[Infested Dead current health: 1/1]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 7, Infested Dead – 17]

[Michael: 87+37(Total Combat Bonus) = 124]

[Infested Dead: 33+15(Total Combat Bonus) = 48]

[Current overflow (damage occurs on 50): Michael – 100, Infested Dead – 17]

[Infested Dead suffers two wounds (-100 to Michael's overflow)]

This time, you spun, and despite your shoulder creaking in pain, you grabbed its head. Then you slammed it into one of the nearest trees. You felt its head splinter and crumble in your grip, but you raised it again and slammed its head back down. It cracked like an egg, with brain matter spraying across the tree like yolk.

You then stumbled back as the corpse collapsed, the silvery worms inside of it writhing as if screaming now that their host was dead. You were not going to stay around as they started to move and flee the corpse. You were not in the mood to be infested.

When you awoke later, you bandaged your wounds and kept any scissors far away from your head. You'd have to ask just what was that later; right now, you were going back to bed and getting some real, proper sleep.

You have fought and slain something beyond normal mortality. You understand just a little bit more about that motion and burning that propels people towards conflict.. Gain 1 scrap of Edge lore.

You have spilled your lifeblood onto the floor of the Woods and felt your heart thump in your chest. You understand just a bit more about the dance and beat that encompass the entire world. Gain 1 scrap of Heart lore.

Heart lore is now level 1
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We are somehow too unlucky. Now we have to wash our hands of suspicion, so I guess we need to take Grail lessons.
But more worryingly, worms seem to have infiltrated Mansus and roam freely on its outskirts.
Oh wow, we took Moth so we would be hidden and failed both times. At least we got some Lore from combat.

We are somehow too unlucky. Now we have to wash our hands of suspicion, so I guess we need to take Grail lessons.
But more worryingly, worms seem to have infiltrated Mansus and roam freely on its outskirts.

No, they can't be the same worms. First, the color is wrong, second, if the Worms were here we would be already dead and always deader.

I could be wrong though, author liberty and all that.
Oh, update, wasn't expecting one so soon.

Endbringer research was... less than satisfactory, we only reached the first breakpoint(those are high, we need more Lantern ASAP) and that failed Moth roll to avoid suspicion by 1 point is just plain frustrating.

Did we just meet a Worm infested corpse in the Woods? That isn't good and another failed Moth roll, Michael really needs more luck or we shouldn't even bother going to the Mansus again before All-1.

How is it possible that there are Worms in the Mansus? At least this confirms the Hours are incapacited in some way.

And before I forget it @Witherbrine26 is Book of Hours content involved in this quest?

No, they can't be the same worms. First, the color is wrong, second, if the Worms were here we would be already dead and always deader.

I could be wrong though, author liberty and all that.
Considering this:
but you did not want those worms to touch you. Something about them felt wrong, foreign to the Woods around you, and you didn't want them trying to dig inside of you.
It is a pretty safe bet to say those are the real deal.
It is a pretty safe bet to say those are the real deal.

Just because they are foreign and worms doesn't mean they are the Worms and if only something felt wrong about them instead of "OH HELL GET THE F AWAY!" then that means they are not the real deal or they are severely weakened.

Given that we are going to ask what that was I suppose we will find out soon anyway.
Has anyone considered that the Entities are often described as 'Worms' and that this may be their first forays into the Mansus? After all, Eldritch and Occult knowledge is KING in exploring that place, and while Entities are Masters of the Physical World, they are exceedingly poor at creativity. They also lack a teacher and our own seemingly species-wide ability to connect to the Mansus.

If- BIG IF- these are the early signs of such things, then we are in trouble.

As for Hours being taken out by Scion or his wife? Unlikely. If you look at the Quest that somewhat inspired this one, the Hours has a big fight with each other and are mostly gone or otherwise unable to affect the Wake for the time being.

If something similar happened here, then that explains the Entities being unaffected by the Hours, implies The Wolf is caged somehow, and gives a good reason why we might be able to save the world- if The Wolf has no voice but to work through his only Name, the other Hours may be similarly bound or absent. In which case…

Well. Concerning.

Also: Update has proven that we need much more of that sweet, sweet learning ability that was passed up in character creation. It'll be a difficult struggle to overcome, but an interesting challenge as well… Lantern and possibly actual studying- if that can even improve our base stats other than Lores- are going to be required… Besides that, we were very close on both Moth rolls. I think many of us misunderstood how Moth would play into the rolls.

Regardless, the bonus is appreciated, and it'll still help us in the future. If only so we can learn to whisper Fascination out of our companions. Fighting their physical and mental battles in tandem!
Also: Update has proven that we need much more of that sweet, sweet learning ability that was passed up in character creation. It'll be a difficult struggle to overcome, but an interesting challenge as well… Lantern and possibly actual studying- if that can even improve our base stats other than Lores- are going to be required… Besides that, we were very close on both Moth rolls. I think many of us misunderstood how Moth would play into the rolls.

Look, we aren't built much for learning, so we should butter up someone who is built for it. Get to know people, communicate, build up a cadre, that sort of thing, y'know?
Another History: Turn 2
A suit and tie, normality against the world. Weapons and armor that don't actually defend you, yet your bandages go unnoticed under them. You've been given a few looks, but you are a hearty man, and it wasn't a bad wound.

"Do you need help?" Charlotte asked, and you huffed. She had been the main exception. You knew that she wasn't trying to be infantilizing or annoying, but there was a part of her that saw that you had been wounded and would accept that no matter your talk of being fine.

"No, I've told you that," you replied, trying to keep your anger out of your voice but failing as some slipped in anyway. She stared back, unflinching, and you sighed as you pressed the start-up button on your computer. Your arm was just lightly wounded. You'd heal in a month or so, and you had felt worse before.

However, as you started working, with Charlotte still hovering over you annoyingly, your phone rang. You frowned, and when you pulled out your phone and saw the caller was labeled Barkeep, you gestured for Charlotte to leave. She narrowed her eyes but followed your orders. You then flipped your phone open and picked it up.

"Hello, what's the problem?" you asked. Anatoly would never call you unless he needed help and in a manner that you could provide.

"An investigation has been opened into the bar," he told you curtly, his accent thicker than normal. Your lips tugged down at that; you had no clue just why the police would start poking around the bar, but if they stormed the Master's den, that would be distance for everybody. The PRT would start asking why the hell an entire prescient got massacred, and your Master would be very pissed.

"Why are the police looking into the matter?" you asked, pressing for further details.

"Not police, PRT."

"Shit!" you swore under your breath as your hand tightened around your phone, causing it to creak. You immediately relaxed your grip as you breathed in through your nose and out through your mouth, calming yourself.

"Do you know why the PRT are looking into you?" you hissed at him, your emotions were buried under cold, but that didn't mean you weren't confused and concerned about how the hell he could have gotten them on his ass.

"They claimed it was a simple check, something about possible financial crimes," he replied, and you leaned back, rubbing your forehead. You spot Charlotte peeking in through the window on the sides of the door. You wave her away as you think of a response; once again, you are thankful for the thick walls.

"Right, that's a problem. They wouldn't be poking around for simple financial crimes. Do you have anybody on your end?"

"Ai, she's offered to help. She also suggested calling you, said you could pull a few strings."

You weren't sure how she knew about your job. You hadn't told them, but you made a mental note to maybe take a look at that as you fiddled with your computer for a few moments. You could take over the case. It'd be a bit finicky to get them to drop the investigations, but at the very least, if it became something bigger, you'd be able to steer it around.

"I'll figure something out; if I can't get in charge, I'll let you know," you tell him, and when he grunts back in affirmation, you hang up the phone. Rubbing your forehead, you sigh; this was a clusterfuck, and you didn't want the PRT anywhere near the Master.

"Is everything okay?" Charlotte asked as she stepped inside the office. Your mind spun as you rose your head and let lies spill from your lips.

"Everything's fine, just a few issues."

She looked at you for a moment before nodding, "Alright, let me know if you need any help."

That caused you to chuckle lightly, "I will, I will," you told her, lying as you returned to your work.

This month was going to be a busy one.

Vote by plan

Possible Actions: You have 4 Actions each month, more can be gained by spending less time at work.

You have 1 month until the cult reconvenes, it is expected you have accomplished at least one thing of note by then.

Current Funds: 200
Income: 100 Funds/Month

[] You are injured (You currently have one wound. You'll make a roll at +5 against a DC of 70 You must select one of the below)
-[] Rest and recover (Cost zero actions, roll one recovery dice)
-[] Take a break here and there (Costs one action, roll two recovery dice. 0/-15)
-[] Sit down, take time to care for yourself (Costs two actions, roll three recovery dice 0/-15/-30)
-[] You're near death, you have to slow down (Costs three actions, roll four recovery dice 0/-15/-30/-45)
-[] Even breathing hurts, you'll just use your mind (Costs three actions, roll four recovery dice 0/-15/-30/-45/-60)
–-[] Your body will heal on its own terms (Costs nothing)
–-[] The medicine is dark black, it's easy to think you've been poisoned (Costs 30 Funds, one recovery dice will automatically succeed)
–-[] A touch here and there of something a bit stronger (Costs 60 Funds, two recovery dice will automatically succeed)
–-[] A stay at home nurse, to tend to your wounds and the more unpleasant tasks they require (Costs 90 Funds, three recovery dice will automatically succeed)
–-[] His services don't come cheap and his silence is even more expensive (Costs 120 Funds, four recovery dice will automatically succeed)
–-[] Potions may sound like fantasy, but this kind of healing comes with power (Costs 150 Funds, five recovery dice will automatically succeed)

[] On work and the challenges it entails.
-[] You'll work your hours and no more (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[] You'll cut a few corners here, leave a bit early (Gain an extra action, will not be noticed if not done often)
-[] You've got sick days, use them (Gain two extra actions, will be noticed by your direct superior, although the full extent is unknown.)
-[] Something has come up and you'll be out of the office for a week (Gain three extra actions, may be noticed by the Director although the response is not known)
-[] You can't even step foot in the office this month (Gain four extra actions, you will be called out on this)

[] On the goal. (All of the following options are suspicious. This only applies if you are caught)
-[] Do some research, watch some tapes of the fighting (Minor suspicion)
-[] Ask around, start seeing what folks know (Minor suspicion)
-[] Dig into the files, take a peek at confidential information (Major suspicion)

[] On furthering the cause.
-[] Train the fodder, get them up to snuff
-[] Search out the talented, teach them Edge
-[] Assist somebody else in their task
--[] Who? (Write in)
-[] Items and strange artifacts, go search for them. They could be useful
-[] You are the commander, but strong and stout men loyal to you alone would be useful
-[] You don't need fighters, you just need those who are willing to work for you

[] On learning the Lores.
-[] Search for books
--[] In the local libraries and bookstores
--[] Stranger and more hidden places
--[] Online, from places abroad (Will cost 10 Funds per book in shipping)
-[] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
--[] What lore? (Write in, she is willing to teach all Lores, except Heart, up to level two)
-[] The cult's library has a few texts, go read up on them
—[] The manuscript on Knock (You will gain 1 scrap of Knock)

[] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
-[] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
-[] Climb higher, Glory awaits

[] On matters outside the cult.
-[] Spend time with somebody
--[] Who? (Write in)
-[] Get to know somebody
--[] Who? (Write in, somebody from work, a low level person inside the cult, a random joe on the street etc)

[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
-[] Take over the Anatoly case, make sure nothing comes up
--[] Allow Ai to help you, it'll make this easier

[] Something else? (Write in, must be approved by QM)

Once again thank you to BirdBodhisattva for which I have borrowed the healing mechanics from. And go read their quest, it's amazing!
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[X] Plan: Troubleshooting issues
-[X] You are injured (You currently have one wound. You'll make a roll at +5 against a DC of 70 You must select one of the below)
--[X] Rest and recover (Cost zero actions, roll one recovery dice)
---[X] The medicine is dark black, it's easy to think you've been poisoned (Costs 30 Funds, one recovery dice will automatically succeed)
-[X] On learning the Lores
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Grail
----[X] Ask the Master about the creature you saw in Mansus
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
--[X] Take over the Anatoly case, make sure nothing comes up
---[X] Allow Ai to help you, it'll make this easier

We've already failed pretty badly in the last corner. So let's dedicate this turn to correcting these mistakes and self-improvement.
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Personally, I don't want to poke the Master with too many lore requests because she is terrifying and exudes an unending desire to kill us all. Especially since we don't have anything substantial to report to the cult yet and thus will have failed in her eyes at the end of the turn.
Definitely odd that we got investigated so soon. Maybe out enemy is involved? Or another cultist fucked up? Regardless we can use our position to make some differences but we still should be careful since some people may be suspicious.

[x] Plan: Persistence is a virtue
-[X] You are injured (You currently have one wound. You'll make a roll at +5 against a DC of 70 You must select one of the below)
--[X] Rest and recover (Cost zero actions, roll one recovery dice)
---[x] The medicine is dark black, it's easy to think you've been poisoned (Costs 30 Funds, one recovery dice will automatically succeed)
-[X] On learning the Lores
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Lantern
----[X] Ask the Master about the creature you saw in the Mansus
-[x] On furthering the cause.
--[x] Train the fodder, get them up to snuff
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
--[X] Take over the Anatoly case, make sure nothing comes up
---[X] Allow Ai to help you, it'll make this easier

We can definitely help train the fodder since we are only lightly injured. Also as seen in the last turn we do need lantern lore when investigating the endbringers and hearsay probably won't help us get anything concrete. We need hard analaysis.
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Had a dream that we set up our Master on a fishing stream to gather more funds for the cult.

---[X] A touch here and there of something a bit stronger (Costs 60 Funds, two recovery dice will automatically succeed)
We only have one injury, so I don't see why we need the 60 funds option.

--[] What lore? (Write in, she is willing to teach all Lores, except Heart, up to level two)
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth
Additionally the Master will only teach up to Level 2 in Lores, so this doubling up is likely wasted. And where's the work action?

Personally, I don't want to poke the Master with too many lore requests because she is terrifying and exudes an unending desire to kill us all. Especially since we don't have anything substantial to report to the cult yet and thus will have failed in her eyes at the end of the turn.
(emphasis mine) I don't recall reading this in the story. Even if she does want to kill us all, we currently have the same goals, so let's just work with her for now.

If we're not willing to further investigate the Endbringers for fear of suspicion, at the very least let's give our fodder a little more Edge.
[X] Plan: Try Softer
-[X] You are injured (You currently have one wound. You'll make a roll at +5 against a DC of 70 You must select one of the below)
--[X] Rest and recover (Cost zero actions, roll one recovery dice)
---[X] The medicine is dark black, it's easy to think you've been poisoned (Costs 30 Funds, one recovery dice will automatically succeed)
-[X] On work and the challenges it entails.
--[X] You'll work your hours and no more (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[X] On furthering the cause.
--[X] Search out the talented, teach them Edge
-[X] On learning the Lores
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Moth
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Grail
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions will never be available again)
--[X] Take over the Anatoly case, make sure nothing comes up
---[X] Allow Ai to help you, it'll make this easier
[X] Plan: Nothing to see here and working on goals
-[X] You are injured (You currently have one wound. You'll make a roll at +5 against a DC of 70 You must select one of the below)
--[X] Rest and recover (Cost zero actions, roll one recovery dice)
---[X] The medicine is dark black, it's easy to think you've been poisoned (Costs 30 Funds, one recovery dice will automatically succeed)
-[X] On work and the challenges it entails.
--[X] You'll cut a few corners here, leave a bit early (Gain an extra action, will not be noticed if not done often)
-[X] On the goal.
--[X] Ask around, start seeing what folks know
-[X] On furthering the cause.
--[X] Search out the talented, teach them Edge
-[X] On learning the Lores.
--[X] Search for books
---[X] In the local libraries and bookstores
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Grail
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Take over the Anatoly case, make sure nothing comes up
---[X] Allow Ai to help you, it'll make this easier

Grail for convincing everyone everything is a-OK, books for learning some Lore - we shouldn't annoy Master too much with handholding and continuing the Cult's overall goal.