The Cold Room, a place to hold prisoners, has been constructed. It can hold up to three people, although they can attempt to escape each month.
The Chief of Police has been recruited, local, non parahuman illegal activities will be ignored, buried or otherwise not investigated.
The Cold Room holds two people, courtesy of Dismas and the Dappled Wing.
Licit has been recruited; so long as his vices are supplied, he will be loyal.
The Cold Room, a place to hold prisoners, has been constructed. It can hold up to three people, although they can attempt to escape each month.
The Cold Room holds two people, courtesy of Dismas and the Dappled Wing.
The Cold Room: Up to 3 people can be kept here at one time. At the start of each month they can roll against a DC of 70 to try and escape. Current captives: 2/3
The Chief of Police has been recruited, local, non parahuman illegal activities will be ignored, buried or otherwise not investigated.
Licit has been recruited; so long as his vices are supplied, he will be loyal.
-Licit: A cape capable of conjuring forcefields and remains constantly aware of them. He is willing to take subtle actions to aid the cult, however he will not join on any Expeditions or overt actions.
The handful of PRT agents stationed in town have been subverted.
More people have been recruited, roughly half of all the people in town. (Bonus to some actions improved to +6)