Dungeon Mapper Quest [COMPLETE]

Room 6-Skeleton, I chose you!
You take a combat stance.

The dogs rush towards you, and you draw your sword. You reach out, and tangle the onrushing pack in your magic, sapping vital necromantic energies from them.

You hold out your hand, and speak the words of power, summoning a SKELETON WARRIOR with some of your own life-energy.

The dogs are still moving towards you. You call forth another SKELETON WARRIOR, and settle into a proper fighting stance.

BONEYGUARD steps forward, longsword swinging, and lays into the dogs with solid blows. SKELETON 1 moves to support BONEYGUARD finishing off the stragglers.

You find a SHORT BOW. You do not have enough DEX to equip a SHORT BOW. Yet.
You gain +1 WIS.

You speak the words of power, and pull the animating energies from SKELETON ONE and SKELETON TWO, reinvigorating yourself.

There is nothing else in the room. Exits are NORTH and SOUTH. You have previously explored SOUTH.

ZOMBIE DOG initiative 4
DREGAN initiative 3

ZOMBIE DOGS move from Range 3 to Range 4

DREGAN uses Mind Flay, DC 14 ZOMBIE DOGS fail (7) ZOMBIE DOGS lose 1 member
DREGAN uses Imbalance, ZD gets -1 to attack
ZERO grants DREGAN an extra action! DREGAN uses SKELETON WARRIOR to summon a Skeleton.
DREGAN has used an ANIMATE DEAD skill for the first time in the encounter, and takes 1 damage. Legs are 3/4.

ZD move from range 4 to range 5

DREGAN uses SKELETON WARRIOR to summon a Skeleton.
DREGAN takes a defensive stance, and gets +4 to Defense!
ZERO grants DREGAN an extra action! DREGAN takes an aggressive stance, and gets +4 to the next attack.
BONEYGUARD attacks ZD for Half(7), Max(18), Miss(4), Crit(19) for 5, 7, 0, 11. ZD takes 1, 1, 0, 1.
SKELETON ONE attacks ZD for Half(10), Half(9), Miss(4). ZD takes 1, 1, it ded.

DREGAN destroys SKELETON ONE and SKELETON TWO to heal 2.
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Room 7-Corrupt Priests
You head NORTH.

You enter a round room. Exits are SOUTH and WEST.

There are two CORRUPT PRIEST standing by the WEST door, their vestments tattered and faded. They stride towards you.

Will you FIGHT or RUN?

Now, purely hypothetically, because you seem to be a tad belligerent and will probably pick FIGHT if the last three monsters were any indication, if you choose to run, again, purely hypothetically, you would need to make an ESCAPE check, and, if successful would count as resolving the encounter using the ancient method of GTFO. If you failed the check, combat would happen anyway.
The monsters rush toward you, clubs a-glow with foul energies.

You toss out a quick hex before summoning a pair of Skeletons with which to defend yourself.

The CORRUPT PRIESTs continue their advance, and you meet it with one of your own, sword thrusting out and catching one of them through the ribs. On a normal human, such a blow would almost invariably be fatal, and so to it is with the creature as it slumps off your blade.

BONEYGUARD steps forward, and with some deft footwork and skillful feints, cleaves the foes head from their shoulders, allowing the once-again-lifeless corpse to fall to the ground.

Folded in the belt of one of the corpses is a pair of sturdy GLOVES. You are not currently wearing anything on your ARMS, so you equip the GLOVES.

You gain +1 WIS.

Given that you keep choosing to push further into the dungeon, instead of backtracking, you head WEST.

A group of SKELETON ARCHERS begin stringing up their bows as you enter.

You are in a room with exits to the NORTH, SOUTH, and EAST. Will you FIGHT or RUN?

CORRUPT PRIEST initiative 2
DREGAN initiative 1

CP ONE moves from Location 2 to Location 3. CP ONE is at +2 to hit.
CP TWO moves from Location 2 to Location 3. CP ONE is at +2 to hit.

DREGAN uses Imbalance on CP TWO.
DREGAN uses SKELETON WARRIOR to summon a Skeleton. DREGAN has used an ANIMATE DEAD skill for the first time in the encounter, and takes 1 damage. Head is 1/2
ZERO grants DREGAN an extra action! DREGAN uses SKELETON WARRIOR to summon a Skeleton.

CP ONE moves from Location 3 to Location 4. CP ONE is at +3 to hit.
CP TWO moves from Location 3 to Location 4. CP ONE is at +2 to hit.

DREGAN moves from Location 6 to Location 5.
DREGAN attacks CP ONE torso with Short Sword for Half(14), Min(7), Miss(5), Min(8) for 6, 4, 0, 4. CP ONE takes 1, 1, 1 to Torso. It ded.
DREGAN attacks CP TWO torso with Short Sword for Miss(1), Half(15), Miss(3), Miss(1) for 0, 6, 0, 0. CP TWO takes 1, Torso at 2/3.
Companion BONEYGUARD attacks with Longsword for Max(16), Half(12), Crit(20) for 7. 5, 11. CP TWO takes 1 to Torso, 1 to Legs, 1 to Head. It ded
Room 8-Arrows
ESCAPE check Failed!

You turn and try to run, but the archers are faster. Pain lances along your leg as the arrow hits home, making you stumble. That puts you in line or the second arrow to catch you in the ribs. It feels like it bounced off of the bone, which is good because it means it won't get lodged, but is also bad because it hurts. You struggle to bring your shield up to block the final arrow.

There is nothing for it. You turn and lunge, shadow flickering around your blade as you hack and stab.

Whoever put these together must have skipped on the reinforcement, because once you get your blade on them, they just kind of fall apart.

You gain +1STR! You find a SHORT SWORD. You currently have a BUCKLER in your OFF HAND.

Exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and EAST. You have already explored EAST.

DREGAN Initiative 1

SA move from Location 2 to Location 3

DREGAN attempts to retreat, difficulty is increased by 1. ESCAPE check Failed!

SA move from Location 3 to Location 4

DREGAN attempts to retreat, difficulty is increased by 2. ESCAPE check Failed!

SA fire bows for Crit(20) AFFLICTION forces reroll-Miss(6), Half(15), Max(18), Max(18) for 0, 3, 4, 4. Dregan takes 1 to Torso, Torso is 4/5 . Dregan takes 1 to Legs, Legs are at 3/4. Dragon blocks 1 with a shield, durability reduced by 2

DREGAN moves from Location 6 to Location 5.
DREGAN attacks with Short Sword, for Crit(19), Half(15), Min(8), Min(9) for 12, 6, 4, 4. SA take 1, 1, 1, 1. They ded.
Room 9-Another locked door
You head SOUTH.

The corridor turns to the right, leading you to a wooden door. A search turns up nothing else in the room. Testing the door reveals that it is locked. The door does not look to be especially sturdy, and does not look to have any sort of traps or magical wards.

You may attempt BURN, LOCKPICK, or SMASH the door or BACKTRACK. If you fail to BURN, LOCKPICK, or SMASH the door, you will need to BACKTRACK and will do so automatically.

Exits are NORTH and WEST. You have already explored NORTH.
Room 10- Ding!
BREAK test passed!

You gain +1 WIS! Normally this would be STR, but your magical minion smashed instead of you smashing, so your magic gets the buff.

You have gained a LEVEL! Dregan is now level 3!
You gain 1 SKILL POINT! It may be spent on a COMMON SKILL or CLASS SKILL. Naturally, since you are a NECROMANCER who is having fun with BONEYGUARD and ZERO, you will automatically invest SKILL POINTS in ANIMATE DEAD when that option is available.
You are standing in an empty room. The only exit is EAST.

You have searched the room. There is nothing to be found here. It is not possible to SEARCH for secret doors right now. You must BACKTRACK to JJ or ML
Room 11-More Skeletons, More Arrows
You learned SHADOW WRATH. You probably won't get to use it for a while, seeing as you don't have an easy way to recover SANITY. That's the sort of thing that shows up in the DEMONOLOGY and RESTORATION skill trees. And yes, before you ask, the higher level skills from the SHADOW and DEMONOLOGY skill trees that restore sanity upon killing an enemy stack. Not that it is particularly relevant to you right now, though. M̴̢̭̘̖̹a̵̢̻̞̰̲͇̩n̸̷̟̗͚̘̞͓͞á̡̛̺̺͈̖͇̪g̷͙͜è̦̤̤͟m̶̨̼̯̪̮͎̻̣͇ḙ̵̖̰̖̠͞n̲̙̭̲͓̠̙̯ṯ̳ insists that you know all of your options, I maintain that it is immersion-breaking.

Now where were we? Ah yes.

You start trudging back through the dungeon, retracing your steps, weighed down by the expectations placed upon you. Why did you decide to take up this life, with long hours and poor rewards for life-threatening danger?

You are in a room with exits to the NORTH, SOUTH, and WEST. You have already explored SOUTH.

There is a SKELETON ARCHER leaning against the wall. Even though its face is just a skull, you are pretty sure it is grinning at you as it cocks its crossbow. Looks like introspection time is over.

Will you FIGHT or RUN?
Room 11- Snip snap
The archer levels the crossbow even as you start speaking the words of power, sending forth your magic to rend asunder the animating force of the skeleton.

It does so almost effortlessly.

You gain +1 WIS! You search the room, and find enough of the crossbow that can serve as a CLUB.

Exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and WEST. You have already explored SOUTH.

If things seem easy, it might be because the documentation from m̡͈̜̠̲̤̦͟ͅà͇̤̣n͎͎̖̱a͕͇̳͝g̴̛͔͚̮̪̘̺e̢͕͡m̵̛̰̺̭̳̙̙e̙̗̟͈̝͢n̛͘͏̰̗̞̙̩͍ͅt͓̮͉͇̯͓̱͢ isn't entirely complete. Also you haven't had more skill challenges, or found any treasure rooms, or even run into an NPC. I'm sure they are around here somewhere.

SA Initiative 3
Dregan Initiative 1

SA gathers power! It gains +1 to attack and +1 Def.

DREGAN uses Imbalance! SA is at 0 to attack!
DREGAN uses Mind Flay. DC 14. SA fails(12). It goes poof.
Room 12- Arrow trap go twang!
You head NORTH.

You enter a rounded chamber. PERCEPTION test failed! A stone beneath your boot makes a clicking sound, and then you are pelted with arrows!

You struggle to get your shield up in time, and grunt as the arrows drive the breath from your lungs. One arrow goes low, and strikes you in the legs. You are quite wounded. Another hit like that will absolutely kill you. Best get quicker with that shield. But, on the other hand, it was a trap that shot you full of arrows rather than yet another skeleton, so progress, maybe?

You gain +1 WIS! Your WIS MOD has increased to 2!

Exits are NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST. You have already explored SOUTH

Arrow Trap attacks for Crit(20), Crit(21), Half(14), Crit(19), Max(16) for 9, 9, 3, 9, 5. DREGAN takes 1, 1, 1, 1, to Torso and 1 to Legs
Room 13- Loot box?
You head EAST.

This room appears empty, except for the chest sitting in the middle of the room. No monsters, no traps, it's about time you guys caught a break. Interestingly, the odds of finding a trap and then a treasure in that order are one in four hundred. It seems like everything DREGAN tries, you either attain wild success or take several arrows to places you would prefer arrows to not be lodged.

The LOCKED TREATED HIDE CHEST does not appear to be trapped, or have any sort of magical warding.

You may attempt to LOCKPICK or SMASH the chest in order to open it. You may also decide to ignore it, but who are we kidding here?

Exits are EAST and WEST. You have already explored WEST.