I'm going to post a teamup plan: Trick Shot, Southern Pride, the Valkyries, and any other humans we can find join forces to show off one of the biggest reasons we're apex predators: tactics. Teamups sell and that looks like enough juice for an explosion the viewers back home will feel in their back teeth or the equivalent.
Feel free to vote for it...
My understanding is that we've been getting (bronze or lower) loot boxes on a not-irregular basis: this is how we keep up our supply of explosives. Do we know roughly how quickly we get them, what we do that gets them, etc.?- I'm not sure what you're thinking of. You've executed on all the achievements that you're aware of, and made sure to copy them among the whole team.
This is a good idea. I'll incorporate it.
It's maybe a little wordy but most of that is the romance subplot where I spent wordcount trying hard to make sure that this wasn't, like, gross.[X] Do You Want a Medium or Large Crater With That?
- We need views - even if we can't all hit 1T, getting at least some of us to that point would be good.
- What do people love? Explosions. The bigger, the better. (Also, Moose.)
- Spend our remaining time gearing up for a single big explosion. Farm loot boxes (trade achievement notes with other teams?) and do some more fun chemistry.
- We probably have some flammable gasses with us, or we can make them: hydrochloric acid and iron sulfide make hydrogen sulfide, which is very dangerous stuff. Paraffin wax and sulphur works, too.
- Scout the area for somewhere we can turn into a good kill zone.
- Lure a bunch of Vespa as possible, detonate, and get the fuck out of dodge.
- Moose-towed Calliope is a great lure.
- Acetic acid and isobutanol attracts wasps, as well as mundane stuff like sugar water. Talk it up, get the AI on board.
- Keep the bare minimum to survive the first few minutes of floor 3 but use everything else.
- Reach out to the other humans. Explain the race/view stuff - are they close?
- Valkyries: how'd you like to be famous for something other than feet?
- If everyone agrees, ask Southern Pride if they wanna show these bastards some good ol' fashioned American firepower.
- Others they know are welcome.
- Pool resources and execute on the plan.
- People like romance subplots, too.
- If the age gap wouldn't be weird, and with Drew's consent, see if you can get one/some of the Valkyries flirting with Drew, or him flirting with them. Sanity-check with Calliope, too.
- Lovable stoner and tough-as-nails warrior woman is trope-adjacent.
- This is a fictional romance arc for the sake of views etc. Negotiate boundaries and scripts in advance.
- The intention isn't an actual relationship. Drawn out will-they-won't-they gets views, and shows hit their low points when their romantic leads get together.
- Be clear this is business and not a proposition. Drop it with apologies if there's any hesitancy.
- Encourage Drew to go after this - or if not this, something else that's grabby. We need him alive, and views mean survival.
The melting furnace sure although there's only a couple tanks of propane. The aluminum, sure. Makes sense to bring some aluminum for casting light/strong objects and some lead for casting ammunition etc.[X] Do You Want a Medium or Large Crater With That?
Would we be allowed to have brought these in our inventory?
10kg Deluxe Propane Melting Furnace Kits
Cast Master’s 10kg melting furnace kits are ideal for anyone ready to commit to high-temperature and quick melting of large quantities of metals.castmastereliteshop.com
Replacement Bulk Potassium Permanganate for Air Filters 50 lbs
The melting furnace sure although there's only a couple tanks of propane. The aluminum, sure. Makes sense to bring some aluminum for casting light/strong objects and some lead for casting ammunition etc.
The potassium permanganate seems dubious. What are you looking to do with it? Unless I'm missing something in my googling, the only dungeon-relevant use it has is to be mixed with ethelyne glycol in order to burn. EG in turn has no relevant use except that, so this is a high-volume low-use item that could have been better replaced with more gasoline.
He was told that food and water wouldn't be an issue, nor medicine, so I don't think he'd being it just for that. A modest amount of common useful metals seem plausible, so cast iron is a yes.From Wikipedia:
"Potassium permanganate is sometimes included in survival kits: as a hypergolic fire starter (when mixed with glycerol antifreeze from a car radiator;[23][24][25] as a water sterilizer; and for creating distress signals on snow"
I figured it would make sense to have some just in case clean water became an issue, and having a water sterilizer that can also spontaneously combust gives it versatility.
As for what I'm actually trying to do with it, I want to have a container with a brick or something to set to crucible of molten aluminum on next to the KMnO4 and set a distributor cap on it. Nano-thermite thermobaric explosion follows. I can make do with smaller quantities or even without it as long as he's also got some cast iron to melt.
I'm still trying to figure out the lethal radius to make sure Leo's gravity manipulation will let her skate away fast enough to survive activating it, but it seems promising.
This is a thing I worry about, actually. Various things I've written have had me researching "where to buy heroin in Boston", "how to make explosives", and "how to destroy the American power grid". I'd be shocked if I've never gotten at least a quick review.I wonder how many people of this quest has gotten on some watch lists. (Jokes)
Hello, FBI this is just completely normal sv questers.
The no solids rule pretty much killed my plans for now. I'll think about potential workarounds tomorrow.He was told that food and water wouldn't be an issue, nor medicine, so I don't think he'd being it just for that. A modest amount of common useful metals seem plausible, so cast iron is a yes.
The Distributor Caps are really intended for liquids and gels, not due disintegrating random objects. I suppose it could stretch to molten metal, but not a brick.
This is a thing I worry about, actually. Various things I've written have had me researching "where to buy heroin in Boston", "how to make explosives", and "how to destroy the American power grid". I'd be shocked if I've never gotten at least a quick review.
From Wikipedia:
"Potassium permanganate is sometimes included in survival kits: as a hypergolic fire starter (when mixed with glycerol antifreeze from a car radiator;[23][24][25] as a water sterilizer; and for creating distress signals on snow.
The reason I wanted it was this quote from the Wikipedia article on nano-thermite:KMn04 makes some okay low explosives. I don't remember trying it with aluminum but it might be better than some of the mixtures I did try. I tried a several because we had a well when I was a kid and KMn04 was one of the ingredients used by the water softening equipment. As I remember, it was used to remove excess iron which we had a problem with. In any case, I knew where to get it in large amounts. Mixed with powdered sugar it makes a lackluster explosive except that its slowish burn rate makes it good for wicks. I didn't actually make wicks much since I strongly favor electrical ignition. Prepackaged model rocket igniters were my standard go to. I was, in fact, trying to make my own rocket fuel but, sometimes when you try to make a rocket, you get a bomb.
When I started reading this sentence, I thought you were referring to the player base. It seems accurate.
Do we have any particular plans for the get out of dodge part? And using Moose and Leo as bait is likely to get both of them killed. The wasps are faster than us and will presumably be coming from all directions.
- Scout the area for somewhere we can turn into a good kill zone.
- Lure as many Vespa as possible, detonate, and get the fuck out of dodge.
- Moose-towed Calliope is a great lure.
- Acetic acid and isobutanol attracts wasps, as well as mundane stuff like sugar water. Talk it up, get the AI on board.
- Keep the bare minimum to survive the first few minutes of floor 3 but use everything else.
The wasps are faster than a human but not faster than Moose with Calliope skitching on him.Do we have any particular plans for the get out of dodge part? And using Moose and Leo as bait is likely to get both of them killed. The wasps are faster than us and will presumably be coming from all directions.
Not really, no - maybe we can get a Valkyrie to maintain a pathway to the exit but I'm a little dubious. If this winds up being nonviable then so be it, but I trust the characters to figure things outDo we have any particular plans for the get out of dodge part?
I'm personally less sure about this - for one, if we lure them onto prepared ground then we can set up impediments to their movement and for another, we don't know if the wasps are faster than Moose dragging effectively-frictionless Calliope.And using Moose and Leo as bait is likely to get both of them killed. The wasps are faster than us and will presumably be coming from all directions.
Given that we now know Moose can it run them I'm less worried about it.Not really, no - maybe we can get a Valkyrie to maintain a pathway to the exit but I'm a little dubious. If this winds up being nonviable then so be it, but I trust the characters to figure things outand that EJ will want to write a big explosion.
I'm personally less sure about this - for one, if we lure them onto prepared ground then we can set up impediments to their movement and for another, we don't know if the wasps are faster than Moose dragging effectively-frictionless Calliope.
The point of trying to bottleneck them is that they're primarily coming from one direction - one we control because we lured them there, that way.
Maybe this works, maybe it doesn't, but it's enough of a plan IMO. I could flesh it out some but I feel like that's getting into fine-grain detail stuff that we can just delegate to the characters. @eaglejarl, thoughts?