Drone Swarm in a Magical World (Riot Quest) ALWAYS RECRUITING

[X] {Riot} Gather Energy (High gain)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
[X] Request Cutter Drone protection for energy gathering mission
[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)

[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
The deadlocked argument paused as the drones rotated to stare at the lone drone that had just interrupted. Query?

Answer: Flesh things are fun!

The drones glance at each other, not sure what about any flesh thing they have found on this world so far had been fun. They were gathering their courage to ask when the ship butted in.
When everyone wonders if you wandered away for your own fun, or if you think differently from everyone else.

[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)

[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
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[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting
[X] {Group} Return to Ship

A swamp isn't really a great place to build a defensive location.
[X] {Riot} Gather Energy (High gain)

[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one

Observation: The native lifeforms of this world are strange and dangerous. Suggesting chemical analysis of the environment at a later date. Sonar may help detect material differences between substrate and lifeforms. (Secondary Observation: "Lifeform" may not be accurate. New designation required; queuing for later processing, priority low.) Declaration: Activating broad reconnaissance protocol to collect further data.
[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one

I think this upcoming period should be enough to fill the battery drones, so we could head back, but the local... necrofauna(?) are much more interesting than the rest we've seen. Sticking around provides the chance to learn what kills the locals and what unkills them. Also probably experience in rekilling them, because apparently this planet's fauna evolved for the sole purpose of attacking innocent, inedible drones. Flying around a hostile swamp full of invisible, violent corpses? Still sounds like a better time than dealing with the living locals!
[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one

New designation required; queuing for later processing, priority low.
Assertion: They're zombies, and you can't tell me otherwise. None of that freaker/walker malarkey.
I think this upcoming period should be enough to fill the battery drones,
Assuming that 7 energy on a half turn means 14 energy on full turn and that all the Battery drones gather energy, they'll fill up halfway into Period 9, Period 10 or a bit after if they can store energy they harvested into other drones.

Sticking around provides the chance to learn what kills the locals and what unkills them. Also probably experience in rekilling them, because apparently this planet's fauna evolved for the sole purpose of attacking innocent, inedible drones. Flying around a hostile swamp full of invisible, violent corpses? Still sounds like a better time than dealing with the living locals!
I mean, nothing is stopping us from leaving and coming back, and I doubt we met the last of these zombies.
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[X] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)

[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
[X] {Riot} Materials: Construct Defenses (Special: You have been attacked. Perhaps some defenses against another attack would be in order. No Materials gained or lost, bonus to dice if attacked drone group can fall back to fortified area.)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one

Stop the bodies, then cut them if necessary.
(Cutter V1)

[X] {Riot} Materials: Construct Defenses (Special: You have been attacked. Perhaps some defenses against another attack would be in order. No Materials gained or lost, bonus to dice if attacked drone group can fall back to fortified area.)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
[X] {Riot} Gather Energy (High gain)
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
[x] {Riot} Gather Information: Scouting (Special: Something weird is going on and you want a bird's eye view of what's happening. Gain half the Information you normally would, but on a much broader area.) (Drones with Fast only)

[x] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one

So undead lands. I wonder where the core of it is.
[HA-1 Battery Drone] Got an upgrade from my last battery chassis. (certainly not because I forgot the previous designation number I used, that would be silly)
[X] {Riot} Gather Energy (High gain)
Sweet, delicious electron charge.
[X] {Group} Stay and gather for another Period after the next one
Well, at least it's not spiders, right?
Assuming that 7 energy on a half turn means 14 energy on full turn and that all the Battery drones gather energy, they'll fill up halfway into Period 9, Period 10 or a bit after if they can store energy they harvested into other drones.
Ah. I had thought it was 2 resource per turn from a properly specced drone, and 1 otherwise, but apparently it's 1 and 0.5. My bad.

I mean, nothing is stopping us from leaving and coming back, and I doubt we met the last of these zombies.
Yeah, but leaving and coming back costs as much travel time as a full period of gathering here, and meeting more necrofauna is preferable to dealing with the normal fauna.
@Hangwind what did happen with the plants? Out, in, half and half?

Also, is it wrong that I kind of want to take a zombie? It'd be like a pet!
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[X] {Riot} Materials: Construct Defenses
[X] {Group} Return to Ship
This place sucks. Let's find a better place.