(Booting Drone Program HE-3679 "Henry")
(Completion at... 4%... 14%... 31%... 49%... 81%... 100%)
(Boot complete. HE-3679 is online.)
(Opening Chat Functions)
(Henry: Ello lads! Sorry I missed the first wave, though looks like I can catch this one.)
(Henry: Despite the costs, Half Inside and Half Outside has the best of both worlds. See, less plants inside the ship mean that not only does our mainframe have complete control of the inside plants, she can hopefully easily eject the plant if it acts up. We also would still have the outside plants if such a thing happened.)
[X] {Group} Half Inside, Half Outside
(Henry: As for me... well, not much survives being cut! Granted, I prefer the recoil of a good ballistic weapon...)
[X] {Riot} Cutter Drone
(Henry: Going to leave where we go to the first wave. Hopefully, their experience of the local fauna will lead us true!)
Ooc edit: and the votes been called... crap, curse my impulse to dive before I look!