Dragon Sheet
Name: Vieldrynur
Title(s): Queen of Sylphs, Consort of Zephyrs, Aeolus' Sentinel, the Northern Winds, the Howling Gale
Gender: Female
Element: Wind
Age: 343,343
Dreago-skill: Vieldrynur can use her breath to form either five Zephyrs, stalwart warriors of living cloud strong enough to shove aside cars or smash through buildings; or, five Sylphs, more ethereal beings with robes of air which can exert control upon the weather around them.
Dreago-soul: Vieldrynur can become a living hurricane, able to both cause mass destruction and move across vast distances in mere minutes due to her speed. This ability can last for up to fifteen minutes, although she can cancel it sooner if she chooses.
Bio: Vieldrynur's earliest memories were not of her corporeal dragon form, but in fact, of being the wind itself. She remembered whistling between high mountain peaks, our being trapped in deep ravines. She remembered rustling across countless leaves, or lambasting the sands of the desert, or flowing across the great oceans. Her birth came when she mustered together enough consciousness, enough individuality, that she pulled herself together into a single physical form; and that form was the dragon Vieldrynur.

Human Sheet
Name: Richard Dupree
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half-French, Half-Greek
Element: Earth
Status: Professor
Bio: Richard Dupree grew up knowing his whole life that he was a member of the generation which would see the dragons return. Like many of his peers who had a similar shadow looming over their heads, his early life was rambunctious, fraught with petty crime and more than a few trips to juvie. It would have surprised anyone who knew him back then that Richard ultimately drew up to become a professor at a moderately-reputable college, whose specialty was the study of the ancient dragons, and the threat that they posed to modernity.
Other: Great Dragon, I summon you!

Excellent characters you have created, I do believe Vieldrynur is our first female Dragon, and Richard our first male summoner. I Approve of both of them and look forward to what you do with them. WElcome to the game and thank you for showing your interest :)
Excellent characters you have created, I do believe Vieldrynur is our first female Dragon, and Richard our first male summoner. I Approve of both of them and look forward to what you do with them. WElcome to the game and thank you for showing your interest :)
Hey, if Ferrum had been female, everybody would have complained about her being a Dragon rip-off/stealth-pun.

Not to say that the shapeshifting dragon has never been female, but you get my point.
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Excellent characters you have created, I do believe Vieldrynur is our first female Dragon, and Richard our first male summoner. I Approve of both of them and look forward to what you do with them. WElcome to the game and thank you for showing your interest :)
I just felt Yggdrasil sounded more masculine then feminine.
Oh shit, only one more spot left!

I need to get going on those sheets!

And maybe look over my partner's sheet :V
Oh shit, only one more spot left!

I need to get going on those sheets!

And maybe look over my partner's sheet :V

Take your time, @TheFanficAddict hasn't worked on their characters either, So until they do so AND until we get that last slot filled we won't be starting. Not to mention I sill need to write up the IC thread, No rush but do get that done when ever you can ;) Also finish up your dragon character
William Oliver Dundee
"Oi, bugger off, ya'- *hick* -bloody duffers, 'ahm off on a- *hick* -benda' ta git plastered."
Name: William Oliver Dundee
Age: 19
Gender: M
Nationality: Australian
Element: Wind
Status: Hobo "Sightseer"
Bio: A vagabond, a vagrant, and an alcoholic, William Oliver Dundee has traveled the world, doing odd jobs and running from debt collectors his dark and mysterious past.

Born in the slums of Melton, Victoria, the boy grew up in an orphanage, picking fights with children twice his size. In this period of his life, he learned to fight dirty, biting legs and punching throats. An unruly boy, he watched as what little friends and peers he had leave the orphanage one by one as he was left to rot. He hid his bitterness with an air of laid back mischief, slowly moving away from fights and into pranks, not that it made his punishments any less severe.

At the age of 11, having given up any hope of being adopted, a strangely dressed man walked through the doors of the termite ridden orphanage, asking to adopt him. Hesitant, but inwardly giddy, the boy instantly agreed. Forms were signed, hands were shaken, and in less than a week he was sitting in the back of a car cleaner then anything he had ever seen in his life, being driven to his new home in Melbourne by his new foster father. Things were looking up for William.

Then he was knocked out, drugged, and strapped to a circle of chalk.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in a ramshackle boat off the shores of Melbourne, debris and blood scattered among the tides as sirens rang in the distance. Terrified, confused, and utterly bitter, he ransacked the boat's alcohol storage and drank himself to sleep, allowing the winds to guide his boat through the sea.

Eventually rescued by a passing cargo boat, the boy soon learned that nothing was free, not even goodwill. As the "cargo" ship went from country to country, William got the feeling that their dealing weren't exactly clean, or even normal. Nothing as far as human trafficking or organ trade, but items that summoned demons and granted magical powers weren't exactly legal. Nonetheless, as long as the boy had food in his stomach, he couldn't have cared less. By picking up his own weight and doing odd jobs for the crew of the ship, they dropped him off on his 13th birthday with a list of contacts, a keg of beer, and a pat on the back, wishing him well.

Years later, in the alleyways of some dingy slum, as William ran to escape some debt collectors on his tail, he dove through a skylight, only to find himself in the midst of some very confused cultists in robes, a set of Crested Ibis feathers in the middle of a strangely marked circle. Frozen at the sight of the memorable sight of a chalk circle, William failed to realize in time that he had accidentally interrupted an occult gahering at an inopportune -or would it be opportune?- moment, and becoming victim to the ritual, a mysterious mark branding itself to his arm.

Other: Willy fights as if locked in a bar battle, using whatever dirty trick or object he can find to reach his objective, most of the time to simply knock his opponent out before they could keep him from fleeing the scene. With chairs, tables, knives, bottles, and once in a while small firearms, the boy has years of experience on the road. Somewhere along the line, Willy took a trip to Asia, learning martial arts to compliment his usual bar-fight/knifing style, and along with it, the ire of the Chinese magical community. Obviously, his tricks and knives would have no effect on something as powerful as a Dragon, but he could reasonably hold his own against a group of armed fighters.

Despite his drunken and disheveled demeanor, William is far more observant and cunning then at first glance, and is surprisingly knowledgeable, knowing German, Spanish, Latin, Chinese, Taiwanese, a bit of Japanese, and British/Australian slang, which basically counts as a language of it's own.

William Oliver Dundee picked his own name from the "Whirly Whirly" winds in Australia's Outback, his favorite book character, Oliver Twist, and his favorite film character, Crocodile Dundee.

He dreams of wrestling a crocodile to the ground.

"Ey', you! Yeah, you ya big'ol bastard! Oy summon ya', ya' ovahgrown gahden snake!"


Now on to fixing up the Dragon sheet! To be honest, I did the Dragon sheet when I had gone without 2 days of sleep, so I wasn't really at my best :V
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"Oi, bugger off, ya'- *hick* -bloody duffers, 'ahm off on a- *hick* -benda' ta git plastered."
Name: William Oliver Dundee
Age: 19
Gender: M
Nationality: Australian
Element: Wind
Status: Hobo "Sightseer"
Bio: A vagabond, a vagrant, and an alcoholic, William Oliver Dundee has traveled the world, doing odd jobs and running from debt collectors his dark and mysterious past.

Born in the slums of Melton, Victoria, the boy grew up in an orphanage, picking fights with children twice his size. In this period of his life, he learned to fight dirty, biting legs and punching throats. An unruly boy, he watched as what little friends and peers he had leave the orphanage one by one as he was left to rot. He hid his bitterness with an air of laid back mischief, slowly moving away from fights and into pranks, not that it made his punishments any less severe.

At the age of 11, having given up any hope of being adopted, a strangely dressed man walked through the doors of the termite ridden orphanage, asking to adopt him. Hesitant, but inwardly giddy, the boy instantly agreed. Forms were signed, hands were shaken, and in less than a week he was sitting in the back of a car cleaner then anything he had ever seen in his life, being driven to his new home in Melbourne by his new foster father. Things were looking up for William.

Then he was knocked out, drugged, and strapped to a circle of chalk.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in a ramshackle boat off the shores of Melbourne, debris and blood scattered among the tides as sirens rang in the distance. Terrified, confused, and utterly bitter, he ransacked the boat's alcohol storage and drank himself to sleep, allowing the winds to guide his boat through the sea.

Eventually rescued by a passing cargo boat, the boy soon learned that nothing was free, not even goodwill. As the "cargo" ship went from country to country, William got the feeling that their dealing weren't exactly clean, or even normal. Nothing as far as human trafficking or organ trade, but items that summoned demons and granted magical powers weren't exactly legal. Nonetheless, as long as the boy had food in his stomach, he couldn't have cared less. By picking up his own weight and doing odd jobs for the crew of the ship, they dropped him off on his 13th birthday with a list of contacts, a keg of beer, and a pat on the back, wishing him well.

Years later, in the alleyways of some dingy slum, as William ran to escape some debt collectors on his tail, he dove through a skylight, only to find himself in the midst of some very confused cultists in robes, a set of Crested Ibis feathers in the middle of a strangely marked circle. Frozen at the sight of the memorable sight of a chalk circle, William failed to realize in time that he had accidentally interrupted an occult gahering at an inopportune -or would it be opportune?- moment, and becoming victim to the ritual, a mysterious mark branding itself to his arm.

Other: Willy fights as if locked in a bar battle, using whatever dirty trick or object he can find to reach his objective, most of the time to simply knock his opponent out before they could keep him from fleeing the scene. With chairs, tables, knives, bottles, and once in a while small firearms, the boy has years of experience on the road. Somewhere along the line, Willy took a trip to Asia, learning martial arts to compliment his usual bar-fight/knifing style, and along with it, the ire of the Chinese magical community. Obviously, his tricks and knives would have no effect on something as powerful as a Dragon, but he could reasonably hold his own against a group of armed fighters.

Despite his drunken and disheveled demeanor, William is far more observant and cunning then at first glance, and is surprisingly knowledgeable, knowing German, Spanish, Chinese, Taiwanese, a bit of Japanese, and British/Australian slang, which basically counts as a language of it's own.

William Oliver Dundee picked his own name from the "Whirly Whirly" winds in Australia's Outback, his favorite book character, Oliver Twist, and his favorite film character, Crocodile Dundee.

He dreams of wrestling a crocodile to the ground.

"Ey', you! Yeah, you ya big'ol bastard! Oy summon ya', ya' ovahgrown gahden snake!"


Now on to fixing up the Dragon sheet! To be honest, I did the Dragon sheet when I had gone without 2 days of sleep, so I wasn't really at my best :V

And now we have an Alcoholic minor (well he would be if he was in the states, I don't know the drinking laws in Australia) Character Approved
And now we have an Alcoholic minor (well he would be if he was in the states, I don't know the drinking laws in Australia) Character Approved
18 is the limit in the Outback, but lots of people drink below that.

But technically in a lot of places he's still an alcoholic minor.
So, Our Current Summoners cast includes

An Art Student in mourning
A Cos playing Witch
An Alcoholic Australian Minor
A Pyromancing Arsonist
And A Professor who believes in magic

... You know In Retrospect Sabrina and Richard are the normal ones, And we don't even know what @munchkinomatic or @TheFanficAddict are going to come up with... then there is also The Unclaimed Ice summoner
This one's a work in progress...


What should I pick?



Getting serious.


Name: Frosntur
Title(s): She Of The Frost, The Frozen Bringer, White Fury, Surtr's Terror, Kryo, She Who Brings Joy(An odd one..)
Gender: F
Element: Ice
Age: 500,0000

Dreago-skill: [Cryost]-Frosntur is able to cause a massive wave made of below sub-zero blizzard to blast away from her, blowing away, and freezing anything within her range over time. Is only usable in quick, bursts, and only THRICE, but has a radius of 20,000 km around her.

Dreago-soul: [GLASHIOUS]-Ice, thick like a whale, jagged as spines, grow all around her, hardening and forming into high unbreakable ice, while her form within glows with unrestrained power, the temperatures around her reaching a fatal -217.15°CC

Bio: Old and Strong. Cold and Staltwart. Some might say she is unemotional, yet harsh, but beneath that exterior is a fair and kind being who finds a respect for Humans, watching them brave the cold and ice, to explore new lands, find shelter, sustenance, homes, to simply enjoy the winter...

She has seen Man do many things in the cold, and she finds herself a tad fond of Humanity, and with this fondness, she has given them the simple gift of Winter, finding the joy and happiness as they Marvel at her element, her home as she does, rather delightful.

But this does not mean that she would not strike Man ss well, as many times in past, that she had fought and torn asunder many cruel, rowdy, and vicious men and women, those who had earned it facing her cold, icy Wrath, and very scant few living to tell of the tales, mere whispers of her strength and powerful anger being told..
Other: (Extra information here [optional])
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What do you guys think of this?

Dreago-Skill: Name Pending: Ancalagon's physical form becomes fire itself, increasing his speed and making him intangible to all physical blows.

Dreago-Soul: Unlimited Forge: Absorbs all fire in the area by devouring it, giving him a massive temporary boost in power. It decreases his range and speed quite a bit, but up close it makes him a devastating threat as it condenses around his body into and aura of fiery weaponry as fast as flickering flames and as sharp as his claws.
I think I stated this with the air dragon, but invulnerability is a Soul ability, and even that needs a limit of some sort.

Considering this is your trump card, I see no reason for this part.
I meant for it to be immune to physical attacks, but not magic or elemental attacks. I can change it though.
But being fire wouldn't make you immune to physical damage. Just like how being a Hurricane won't save you from physical attacks.

Physics are scary.
Not all of us can reverse the air flow of a hurricane. In fact, I don't thing any of us could, so while it's theoretically possible, it's not something that any of us could deal with. Dealing with Fire is easier, but I still think that becoming fire seems more like a Soul ability.
This one's a work in progress...


What should I pick?

Name: Frosntur
Title(s): She Of The Frost, The Frozen Bringer, White Fury, Surtr's Terror, Kryo, She Who Brings Joy(An odd one..)
Gender: F
Element: Ice
Age: 500,000
Crest: Dreago-skill: [Cryost]-Frosntur is able to cause a massive wave made of below sub-zero blizzard to blast away from her, blowing away, and freezing anything within her range over time. Is only usable in quick, bursts, and only THRICE, but has a radius of 20,000 km around her.
Dreago-soul: [GLASHIOUS]-
Other: (Extra information here [optional])

The Second Image, Suits an Ice Dragon better in my opinion. Cain't wait for the final product

What do you guys think of this?

Dreago-Skill: Name Pending: Ancalagon's physical form becomes fire itself, increasing his speed and making him intangible to all physical blows.

Dreago-Soul: Unlimited Forge: Absorbs all fire in the area by devouring it, giving him a massive temporary boost in power. It decreases his range and speed quite a bit, but up close it makes him a devastating threat as it condenses around his body into and aura of fiery weaponry as fast as flickering flames and as sharp as his claws.

Your Skill seems a bit, powerful, but seeing as there are TONS of ways to extinguish fire (there is at least one way for most of the dragons from what I can think of) I'll allow it for now unless it becomes a problem. As for your soul... I don't see the speed or range de-buff necessary, this is your ULTIMATE power, the technique that made you FAMOUS throughout the history of magic.

But being fire wouldn't make you immune to physical damage. Just like how being a Hurricane won't save you from physical attacks.

Physics are scary.
Well it would if it was magic fire, it still would mean he has some of the other vulnerabilities as normal fire though... like water, lack of oxygen or an excess there of, just to name a few. but still it wouldn't make him inherently invincible.

Not all of us can reverse the air flow of a hurricane. In fact, I don't thing any of us could, so while it's theoretically possible, it's not something that any of us could deal with. Dealing with Fire is easier, but I still think that becoming fire seems more like a Soul ability.

Well, A hurricane is harmless to one that is in it's eye. But still, it is harder to deal with than fire
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The most common element on Earth is Oxygen.

You want to know what the second most common is?
Iron is only the fourth most. Also, I was talking about the hurricane for the most part, not fire. Dealing with fire is annoying, but you can still get rid of it.