Do you mean life giving? What does that mean exactly? And I'll probably try to write up a list of things he can do with magic in a pm ( don't want to give all my tricks away :p) as well as change Guardians of Yggdrasil to something a bit more interesting.
Yeah, key board had a bit of a hiccup there. Sure we can talk over PM

Human scraps, he says.

I'll take the earth dragon and the darkness summoner.

Alright I'll reserve them for you. Welcome to the game, Partner ;) . Thank you for showing your interest
When's IC go up? I'm a bit busier than normal tonight and I don't think I'll be able to get to my sheet..

I don't want to hold anyone up though.
When's IC go up? I'm a bit busier than normal tonight and I don't think I'll be able to get to my sheet..

I don't want to hold anyone up though.

it's okay, I don't think we will be starting today anyway. Right now people are just reserving spots before they make their characters. As soon as you are set on what Summoner you know you would like just let me know (BTW earth was claimed when you said you didn't care what you wanted, so if you want I can give you something else)
Well, water, air, nature, or ice, huh.

By the Power of the Dice!

@Theaxofwar we are destined, it would seem

I'll Assume that's for Nature summoner? either I'll reserve i'll for you if thats the case
Oh I misspelled your character in the Opening post, sorry about that. fixed it though. Btw I think your character is fine. no issues on my end. Looking Forward to your Bio
I actually changed my first ability to something I'm calling Yggdrasil's Blessing, so you may want to look at that. I really want to see a battle between the shadow dragon and the nature dragon so we can reenact Plants vs. Zombies, but also with animals this time.
it's okay, I don't think we will be starting today anyway. Right now people are just reserving spots before they make their characters. As soon as you are set on what Summoner you know you would like just let me know (BTW earth was claimed when you said you didn't care what you wanted, so if you want I can give you something else)

I'll Assume that's for Nature summoner? either I'll reserve i'll for you if thats the case

I'm tempted to make a hippie.

Very tempted
I actually changed my first ability to something I'm calling Yggdrasil's Blessing, so you may want to look at that. I really want to see a battle between the shadow dragon and the nature dragon so we can reenact Plants vs. Zombies, but also with animals this time.

I looked it over, I din't see many issues with it... Approved


I'm tempted to make a hippie.

Very tempted

I wouldn't be opposed to it. I have actually done this RP on other forums (mainly to see just how diverse and different a story can be just from other players, I love that about role playing.) And I have had, Self Centered Construction Workers, Crooked cops, and Even A Crazy occultist who sacrificed their neighbor's cat. At this point, I don't think I'll ever see everything people come up with :)

@TyrantX what Dragons and Summoner spots are available?

Water & Ice for both Dragons and summoners

When's IC go up? I'm a bit busier than normal tonight and I don't think I'll be able to get to my sheet..

I don't want to hold anyone up though.

It's okay, I don't think we will be starting today anyway. I'm giving you the Air summoner so we don't get any rule conflicts
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Amber Smith
Name: Amber Smith
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Nationality: America
Element: Fire
Status: An arsonist.
Bio: Amber was born to a normal family and had a relatively happy life, up until her house burned down. The way the fire had started meant that young Amber was trapped in her room with no escape, with the fire closing in. However, just before she died, her magic awakened, and the fire started swirling around her, yet it didn't burn her once. At that moment she realized something, fire is beautiful.

Thankfully, no one was hurt in the fire, but Amber was a changed woman. She practiced her magic relentlessly, and got to the point where her fire magic was strong enough to burn down houses with ease. After that, she started working as an arsonist, burning down buildings for money and enjoyment. She actually learned of the ritual from a client, and rather hastily performed the ritual, using a house as tribute. (What? She burns down houses all the time, and this one is nice and wooden.) She decided to summon the fire dragon simply to see its flames, and her wish will simply be to become the ultimate wielder of fire magic.
Other: She is not nearly as strong as a dragon. She can create very hot flames and compress those flames into swords but that is basically it.
"Great Dragon, I summon you!"
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Name: Amber Smith
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Nationality: America
Element: Fire
Status: An arsonist.
Bio: Amber was born to a normal family and had a relatively happy life, up until her house burned down. The way the fire had started meant that young Amber was trapped in her room with no escape, with the fire closing in. However, just before she died, her magic awakened, and the fire started swirling around her, yet it didn't burn her once. At that moment she realized something, fire is beautiful. After that, she practiced her magic relentlessly, and got to the point where her fire magic was strong enough to burn down houses with ease. After that, she started working as an arsonist, burning down buildings for money and enjoyment. She actually learned of the ritual from a client, and rather hastily performed the ritual, using a house as tribute. (What, she burns down houses all the time, and this one is nice and wooden.) She decided to summon the fire dragon simply to see its flames, and her wish will simply be to become the ultimate wielder of fire magic.
Other: She is not nearly as strong as a dragon. She can create fairly hot flames and compress those flames into swords but that is basically it.
"Great Dragon, I summon you!"
I forgot to ask this in the character post, but can you please index the character sheets @TyranntX?
Can you give us the links to these? I'm honestly quite curious what other people came up with for the Nature Dragon:)

I could give you one of the Interest Checks that never took off (solely from a lack of communication) IWAKUROLEPLAY

Here I rolled the same characters, but never got to use them on the account this never got off the ground on that site (because of a lack of communication. this is also the only inactive one I can find, (I don't remember where the other ones took place) But I do like what they came up with, They also had a Tree for their Dreago Soul
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I could give you one of the Interest Checks that never took off (solely from a lack of communication) IWAKUROLEPLAY

Here I rolled the same characters, but never got to use them on the account this never got off the ground on that site (because of a lack of communication. this is also the only inactive one I can find, (I don't remember where the other ones took place) But I do like what they came up with, They also had a Tree for their Dreago Soul
What do you think of the backstories. The human one especially is a bit weaker then my usual stuff, but I'm tired. Basically, she's just a pyromaniac because FIRE! I'll most likely write something better tomorrow though.
What do you think of the backstories. The human one especially is a bit weaker then my usual stuff, but I'm tired. Basically, she's just a pyromaniac because FIRE! I'll most likely write something better tomorrow though.

Actually I think you are the first Pyromaniac I've seen, and the first pyromancer for that matter. And I don't think I've seen anyone use a house as tribute. So I can defiantly say your character is unique ;).

Name: Ferrum
Titles: Prometheus, Cold Iron, The Martyred, Ally of Man, Enemy of Nothing.
Gender: M
Element: Earth
Age: 20,000 (A more theological individual might perhaps peg him at 4.6 x 108​)
Dreago-skill: His love of the works of man represents itself in his right to shape his element on grandiose scales: Although a more shortsighted individual might see this power as the ability to drop a mountain on a foe or redirect a river, an intelligent one would realize that the entirety of human civilization works to unlock ever more applications for it, and through it himself. As long as it requires only material from the earth to create, he is capable of its spontaneous formation and remote utilization.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he can make things out of the Earth. He is surrounded by many billions of people whose job is to make this ever more awesome.

Dreago-soul: He is not a physical form which possesses a body, he is a Soul which possesses physical form. This is not limited to the draconic sculpture he animates as a focal point for his consciousness. Through the computers which surround him, his thoughts race. Every gun that roars is the flare of his breath. The strength of the mountain is his, and as humans create their own so do they pay homage to him.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he can just sort of go and possess something else if he feels like it, where something else is anything made out of Earth. Or he can just drastically change the shape of his own body. But if you kill him while he's, say, busy being or possessing a mobile phone, he's going to have the durability of a mobile phone.

Bio: The Secret Of Steel is an eternal being, half physical and half ideal. It is reborn in accordance to the redefinition of the Earth by those who inhabit it, and as such is simultaneously ancient and ever-renewed. The multiple recent technological revolutions of Humanity have granted it great intelligence and cunning, as they seek to surround themselves not with the Stone of old, but grand and shining pathways of Metal.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he basically always looks like the most awesome manifestation of the Earth. Mountains are the toughest thing? Mountain dragon. No, it's castles? Castle Dragon. Metal, heck yeah? Metal Dragon. But every time that definition changes, it's basically like becoming a new person. Humans have kind of been throwing it for a doozy the last couple millennia, so it isn't really as old as its actual age would imply, not by a long shot.

He is a defender of People from Meteors, Earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, and other devastating natural disasters. He likes humans, because they aree awesome. He doesn't like things that don't like humans, because things capable of disliking other things are also typically willing to go out of their way to kill those things. He abhors supernatural evil, and is slightly smug towards the Dragon of Air, for he knows something that he believes they do not.

Other: His mind is like that of a computer, in the sense that he is very good at calculations and surfing the internet.

So he does math in his head really fast, and he's got access to a theoretically infinite number of cat pictures.

Right, does this look right? Or does the fluff make it sound too powerful?
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Name: Ferrum
Titles: Prometheus, Cold Iron, The Martyred, Ally of Man, Enemy of Nothing.
Gender: M
Element: Earth
Age: 20,000 (A more theological individual might perhaps peg him at 4.6 x 108​)
Dreago-skill: His love of the works of man represents itself in his right to shape his element on grandiose scales: Although a more shortsighted individual might see this power as the ability to drop a mountain on a foe or redirect a river, an intelligent one would realize that the entirety of human civilization works to unlock ever more applications for it, and through it himself. As long as it requires only material from the earth to create, he is capable of its spontaneous formation and remote utilization.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he can make things out of the Earth. He is surrounded by many billions of people whose job is to make this ever more awesome.
Dreago-soul: He is not a physical form which possesses a body, he is a Soul which possesses physical form. This is not limited to the draconic sculpture he animates as a focal point for his consciousness. Through the computers which surround him, his thoughts race. Every gun that roars is the flare of his breath. The strength of the mountain is his, and as humans create their own so do they pay homage to him.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he can just sort of go and possess something else if he feels like it, where something else is anything made out of Earth. Or he can just drastically change the shape of his own body. But if you kill him while he's, say, busy being or possessing a mobile phone, he's going to have the durability of a mobile phone.

Bio: The Secret Of Steel is an eternal being, half physical and half ideal. It is reborn in accordance to the redefinition of the Earth by those who inhabit it, and as such is simultaneously ancient and ever-renewed. The multiple recent technological revolutions of Humanity have granted it great intelligence and cunning, as they seek to surround themselves not with the Stone of old, but grand and shining pathways of Steel.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he basically always looks like the most awesome manifestation of the Earth. Mountains are the toughest thing? Mountain dragon. No, it's castles? Castle Dragon. Metal, heck yeah? Metal Dragon. But every time that definition changes, it's basically like becoming a new person. Humans have kind of been throwing it for a doozy the last couple millennia, so it isn't really as old as its actual age would imply, not by a long shot.
Other: His mind is like that of a computer, in the sense that he is very good at calculations and surfing the internet.

So he does math in his head really fast, and he's got access to a theoretically infinite number of cat pictures.

Right, does this look right? Or does the fluff make it sound too powerful?
I don't quite understand what his backstory is, but I do like the premise. Draego-skill seems a bit powerful, but it's limited to three uses, so I think it's fine as long as you don't do anything crazy with it. Of course, I'm not the GM, so it's really up to him. :)
Actually I think you are the first Pyromaniac I've seen, and the first pyromancer for that matter. And I don't think I've seen anyone use a house as tribute. So I can defiantly say your character is unique ;).
You forgot to threadmark her. Also, I'm going to sleep now, so I won't be able to respond to anything for a little while.

Name: Ferrum
Titles: Prometheus, Cold Iron, The Martyred, Ally of Man, Enemy of Nothing.
Gender: M
Element: Earth
Age: 20,000 (A more theological individual might perhaps peg him at 4.6 x 108​)
Dreago-skill: His love of the works of man represents itself in his right to shape his element on grandiose scales: Although a more shortsighted individual might see this power as the ability to drop a mountain on a foe or redirect a river, an intelligent one would realize that the entirety of human civilization works to unlock ever more applications for it, and through it himself. As long as it requires only material from the earth to create, he is capable of its spontaneous formation and remote utilization.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he can make things out of the Earth. He is surrounded by many billions of people whose job is to make this ever more awesome.

Dreago-soul: He is not a physical form which possesses a body, he is a Soul which possesses physical form. This is not limited to the draconic sculpture he animates as a focal point for his consciousness. Through the computers which surround him, his thoughts race. Every gun that roars is the flare of his breath. The strength of the mountain is his, and as humans create their own so do they pay homage to him.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he can just sort of go and possess something else if he feels like it, where something else is anything made out of Earth. Or he can just drastically change the shape of his own body. But if you kill him while he's, say, busy being or possessing a mobile phone, he's going to have the durability of a mobile phone.

Bio: The Secret Of Steel is an eternal being, half physical and half ideal. It is reborn in accordance to the redefinition of the Earth by those who inhabit it, and as such is simultaneously ancient and ever-renewed. The multiple recent technological revolutions of Humanity have granted it great intelligence and cunning, as they seek to surround themselves not with the Stone of old, but grand and shining pathways of Metal.

Or, if you want to boil that down, he basically always looks like the most awesome manifestation of the Earth. Mountains are the toughest thing? Mountain dragon. No, it's castles? Castle Dragon. Metal, heck yeah? Metal Dragon. But every time that definition changes, it's basically like becoming a new person. Humans have kind of been throwing it for a doozy the last couple millennia, so it isn't really as old as its actual age would imply, not by a long shot.

Other: His mind is like that of a computer, in the sense that he is very good at calculations and surfing the internet.

So he does math in his head really fast, and he's got access to a theoretically infinite number of cat pictures.

Right, does this look right? Or does the fluff make it sound too powerful?

You sir, Are very resourceful. I have NEVER seen any character with the power to possess earthly or metallic objects... or possess anything for that matter. I also like how your dragon changes ever so couple of years, Very Similar how Malitar's Reincarnation works, though I think you will find that you will be at a disadvantage when fighting the other dragons who's Dreago souls can be used once per battle while yours seems like it activates once it has been summoned (and stays activated once he is defeated), that my biggest concern. other than that Just don't go too overboard with your Dreago skill, maybe refine your backstory a bit. But I give it a pass overall
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I don't quite understand what his backstory is, but I do like the premise. Draego-skill seems a bit powerful, but it's limited to three uses, so I think it's fine as long as you don't do anything crazy with it. Of course, I'm not the GM, so it's really up to him. :)
Basically, he can summon a rock. It could be a very big rock. He could also, theoretically, move a very big rock.

Nothing says that he can't get creative with what, exactly, that rock looks like, or is made out of. Or that he can't ask his buddies to help out on designing better rocks.

Humans have gotten very good at designing fancy rocks, recently.

You sir, Are very resourceful. I have NEVER seen any character with the power to possess earthly or metallic objects... or possess anything for that matter. I also like how your dragon changes ever so couple of years, Very Similar how Malitar's Reincarnation works, though I think you will find that you will be at a disadvantage when fighting the other dragons who's Dreago souls can be used once per battle while yours seems like it activates once it has been summoned (and stays activated once he is defeated), that my biggest concern. other than that Just don't go too overboard with your Dreago skill, maybe refine your backstory a bit. But I give it a pass overall
His Ultimate Ability is essentially him deciding that his form is insufficient, and grabbing a new one. If the new form is terrible, he kind of deserves to be punished for being dumb, but I think he's got a lot of good options for it.

In order, the abilities are essentially Make Cool Rocks, and Be Cool Rocks.

It's just that Humans have made Lots and Lots of Cool Rocks recently.
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