Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising (Game of Thrones x Skyrim)

Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Tirdas, the 2nd of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Life went on; that was a lesson Daenerys had learned already. The wheel turned. You either kept pace or were ground beneath it. The bastards who had tried to rape her were dead. She wasn't like Vigga or Jarl Korir, always dwelling on the wrongs of the past. She moved forward.

She told Brelyna almost everything, even more than she had told the arch-mage, Mirabelle, and Faralda. She only held back that she Shouted. She poured out the details, the words they had spoken, and the cruel way they planned her rape. In the retelling, what bothered her the most was what a fool she had been. She had gone along with being imprisoned so meekly. She should have known better. She had dealt with the likes of Cersei Lannister and the masters of Meereen. Why had she expected to be imprisoned with respect, like a noblewoman? Korir had made has lack of respect for mages very clear.

"You couldn't have known," consoled Brelyna. "You hear of that happening in prison, but only in places like the Cidhna Mines where they put away people to forget about them. At worst you were guilty of making threats and dueling inside the city. Nords do that all the time. Usually, you are released after a few days being locked up for such things. I was worried for you, but not as worried as I should have been. I was afriad you would be starved, beaten, or left in an unheated cell. I'm sorry, I didn't know that your danger was that grave."

For a Dunmer that was a downright optimistic view of the world. "I think it happens more than you believe. Men think with their cocks at the best of times. Most men will force a woman if they think they can get away with it. I've seen it happen before during war and wherever slavery is legal. That doesn't make it right."

Brelyna's eyes got wide. "Where have you been that slavery is legal? Since Helseth Hlaalu outlawed slavery in Morrowind it has been illegal everywhere in the Empire."

Daenerys started to give her usual line, 'I prefer not to talk about it,' but Brelyna deserved better. Brelyna had become too close to her to simply brush off like that. "Maybe I'll tell you someday, Brelyna, but not today."

Brelyna nodded. "I have my own secrets, that I may share someday as well." She paused for a moment brow creased in thought. "Not today. There is a time and a place for secrets. Still, they were warriors in the service of the jarl. They should have upheld the law, not broken it. They should be better than that."

"They should have, but they didn't. Whoever is on top always takes and hurts those on the bottom. Sometimes the wheel turns. The one on top falls, another rises, but still those on bottom suffer." For a moment the memory of the burning of King's Landing returned. Instead of breaking the wheel, she had become the wheel herself. She shook her head and sighed. "You're right. The guards should have been better. People should be better. It's a cruel world. Not that excuses the cruelty. I'm glad those bastards are dead. I hope they all suffer in Oblivion. Is there a Daedra Prince of Rape?"

"Yes, Molag Bal, the Prince of Domination is also called the King of Rape."

"Good. I hope he claimed their souls." Although if their souls were damned, what awaited her in the afterlife?


Daenerys was certain that Brelyna didn't spread any gossip, but it was obvious that word had gotten out. When she returned to classes the after taking a rest day, conversations stopped, and people stopped to stare whenever she walked in. Once she sat down, conversation would restart in quiet whispers. It wasn't surprising. Her friends had already made it public that she had been arrested for defending herself. They couldn't hide that she had returned to classes, or that Faralda had taken her as an apprentice. That she was still required to supervise her charges would be enough to start rumors by itself. Normally, senior novitiates supervised the initiates. Apprentices still had duties, but they were assigned by their master.

Sofja approached her during an afternoon practice in the Hall of the Elements that day while she was practicing using the Frost spell. She could cast it readily now, but it was still more difficult to channel her anger into a Seeming than to use her knowledge of a Shout. The Nord girl approached but stood out of the way of the icy spray of cold flowing from her hand. Casually, Sofija crossed her arms and leaned against a column waiting to be acknowledged. This was unusual behavior for Sofija. Afternoon practices were loosely supervised. Students could practice whatever spells they wished, as long as there was a Master Wizard present and they watched their aim. Some students spent most of their practice time in conversation and gossip, but not Sofja. Despite her hostile attitude she trained hard, mostly with Conjuration. Sofja could cast Bound Dagger and had been trying and failing to cast Bound Sword. While Sofija was one of her charges, Sofija had never come to her for help before, nor was she one to gossip.

"Hello, Sofija." Daenerys cut off the flow of Frost with satisfaction. She held up a hand. "I'll be with you in a moment." She closed her eyes and took in deep cleansing breaths and exhaled her anger. It was a relaxation exercise that had become important now that she was casting Frost and using anger as a Seeming. After several breaths she felt better. She opened her eyes. "Thank you. Now, can I help you with something?"

Sofija uncrossed her arms and nodded. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but those few of us who follow the spellsword path meet in a training hall on the third floor on some afternoons for exercises and weapons practice. Adept Malak leads the sessions. I heard about the duel, and I thought you might want to join us."

Daenerys wondered why she had never heard of the sessions or a training hall before. For that matter she had never heard of spellswords before. "What is the difference between a spellsword and a battlemage?"

Sofija scowled. "I forget you're an outlander sometimes. A battlemage is almost always a master of Destruction and often Conjuration as well. They may wear heavy armor, but it is highly enchanted. They almost never engage their foes hand-to-hand. They blast them from a distance. The armor is to protect them from arrows and from the spells of other mages. A spellsword, on the other hand, is the perfect balance between magic and combat. Spellswords wade right into melee, a sword in one hand and a spell in the other."

"I guess that explains why they teach us to cast spells like Bound Dagger and Bound Sword then. I thought they were rather useless. If you don't know how to use a weapon, then conjuring one does you little good."

Sofija shook her head. "That's not entirely it. Spellswords often use conjured weapons. There are some advanced techniques that make them even more powerful, but a powerfully enchanted blade is superior to any conjured one. Being a spellsword is more than just conjuring weapons. It's a way of life."

Daenerys had never heard Sofija so passionate about anything. She barely spoke most of the time. She wasn't sure what to make of the offer. Back on Planetos she had never sought to gain skill with weapons. Learning to wield a sword took years, and she had commanded trained and dangerous warriors. She shouldn't need a weapon for her duel. However, she had been warned that her opponent would likely be very heavily armored. What if he survived her Shout? Also, she was beginning to wonder if the College was really the place for her. She had proved that she had the capability of learning magic based on a Seeming, but it was slow going. Learning Shouts from word walls would be faster, but that meant exploring Nord barrows. If she was going to be exploring crypts full of the dead, being able to use a weapon was a wise idea. Draugr didn't pause their attacks while you rested to recover magicka.

"I'm not very good at weapons," Daenerys admitted. "Nor am a warrior maid like you, but I am interested."

Sofija frowned. "If you're not skilled with weapons, how do you plan to survive the duel? You know you can't use magic, don't you? It's not honorable. They'll kill you."

"Leave that to me." Daenerys smiled. If it was good enough for Ulfric, it was good enough for her. "I'm going to win, but it wouldn't hurt to know how to use a weapon, and not just for the duel."

Sofija shook her head. "You're confident. You must have a plan. You're not going to tell me, are you?"

Daenerys just smiled.

"I hope you know what you're doing. I want to see you gut whatever champion they put up to defend those cowards."

"I can promise that you won't be disappointed. So… where and when does this spellsword practice happen?"


The training room was easy enough to find. She had even walked past the door showing one hand holding a sword and another hand casting a spell without even noticing it. When she opened the door, the training room turned out to be a mostly empty classroom. Along one wall stood weapon racks filled with various melee weapons: swords, axes, hammers, knives and such. Some circles were painted upon the floor and there were the students.

Instead of a score of young boys working hard under the eyes of old warriors there was only Adept Malak and four pupils. Five, if she included herself. In addition to Sofija, she recognized one of the others as Thedyn, a dark-haired Nord that was one of Onmund's charges. The other two were new to her, so probably apprentices, a blonde Breton lass and a brown-haired Bosmer. The two of them had matching facepaint and appeared to be a couple.

Adept Malak was a young and powerfully built Redguard. He wore traditional Redguard clothing in browns and oranges with a turban hiding his hair. He greeted her with a smile showing lots of perfectly white teeth. "Daenerys Targaryen." He bowed formally. "I am glad you have chosen to join us this day."

"Thank you for teaching us." She bowed in return. What had she gotten herself into?

"We start," said Malak. "By stretching as always. I will guide you today. The rest of you, no slacking. I'm still watching."

Malak showed her how to stretch every part of her body. He seemed most focused on the arms and legs, but he kept emphasizing that it was important to stretch all the muscles. "Flexibility, agility, skill. These are more important than brute strength for a spellsword."

After the stretching they ran sprints back and forth across the room. That was followed by odd exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, squats. She was tired and drenched in sweat long before he even allowed to pick up a wooden sword. She hadn't managed to keep up with the exercises, but she hadn't quit. Malak set his students to practicing against each other while he walked her step by step through the basics – how to stand, how to hold a sword, how to slash, and how to thrust. He made her repeat those moves again and again and again. She hadn't even known there was a right and wrong way to stand.

"Alright, rest a bit. I'm going to check on the others." Marak started circulating around the room as the others continued to fight mock duels. The Bosmer and Breton fought with conjured blades, but both Thedyn and Sofija used real steel. Marak critiqued, complemented, and corrected their form.

Daenerys watched the students square off. Did she really want to take part in this? She was awful even compared to all of them. Was the time spent learning to stick another person with a sharp bit of metal really time well spent? She wanted to say no, that she could just rely upon Shouting and magic, but it might save her life in the duel. She was also still planning to explore Nord barrows in search of word walls someday. She would never be a master of the sword, but having some skill would help her survive.

"Keep practicing," said Malak. "Daenerys. You've had enough time watching. Join me in the circle and come at me."

What followed was embarrassing. She tried to stab and slash the way he had shown her, but she didn't even come close to touching him once. Sometimes Malak stepped aside. Sometimes he blocked. Most embarrassing were the times he just stood there and watched as her swing went wild. After every failed attack, he said the same word, "Again." It was a simple word. He didn't say it harshly or mockingly, but she got sick of hearing it. She tried over and over and never touched him.

After she tripped and fell on her face, he finally called a halt to everything. "Enough. Go sit down." He raised his voice. "Everyone, time to stretch again."

Adept Malak led them through more stretches at the end of class, and then dismissed everyone. "Good workout, everyone. Elistan, would you mind healing anyone who needs it, please?"

"I can and I will," agreed the Bosmer.

Daenerys cursed herself for not thinking of that. Rather than waiting she used Healing on herself. She only had a few bruises, and they healed easily. Healing also took some of the aches in her limbs, but didn't cure the exhaustion.

Malak approached her as the rest of the class started to leave. "Daenerys, you've obviously never done this before, but you never gave up. You have promise. Is this something you are going to stick with?"

She had promise? She had been awful. "I don't know if you heard, but I have a duel coming up. I shouldn't need a weapon, but I would like to know enough by then not to stab myself." Also practicing just how close she could let an enemy approach would help her time her Shout. However, in the long term? "If I do something, I want to do it right. Will I ever be good just exercising and practicing a couple of hours a few afternoons a week?"

Malak shook his head. "No, but you might be able to defend yourself. Real warriors spend hours practicing every day and it takes years to build skills. When is this duel? You're not going to pick up how to use a weapon in just a few hours."

"A week, maybe two. The date isn't set you. Having a sword is more of a back-up plan."

He shrugged. "You could join us for morning sessions as well, but even then, you won't see much progress for a week or so. If you somehow survive a duel with no skill in weapons, you would still be well-served to attend every practice."

Daenerys glanced over at Sofija who was listening with interest. Somehow morning sessions hadn't been brought up during her little introduction. "When are the morning sessions?"

"During the sixth hour every morning except Sundas. I might be able to give you a couple of extra weapons, but you just won't learn much in a couple of weeks. It just isn't enough time."

"Don't worry." If she needed to use a sword at all, it would be to finish off a severely injured opponent. "I'll come to the morning sessions as well. After the duel, I'll decide whether I want to continue or not."


Daenerys was surprised when Faralda asked that they meet in her office instead of the Destruction training room. She had never been to her office before. It was very much like her, strictly organized and regimented, a place for every book and item, and everything in its place.

"Please, be seated." Faralda beckoned her to a seat before her desk. It was made of a dark wood, polished and lacquered until it shone. Faralda didn't sit down, but instead she went to a tea service set in its own alcove. She poured out two cups of a dark brown liquid that was obviously hot from the wisps of steam coming off the cups. She then added a small amount of honey to each cup and stirred. "Calen tea. It's merish and very hard to come by here in Skyrim. I save it for special occasions." She returned to her desk sitting a cup in front of Daenerys before sitting herself. "Such as when I take a new apprentice."

Daenerys took a cautious sip. For some it might be too hot to drink, but she savored the heat. The flavor was almost too strong, but the honey made it tolerable. "It's interesting. I think I could learn to like it."

Faralda nodded approvingly. "It does make a pleasant change from beer, wine, and mead. Now, to business. While I rushed things by making you my apprentice, I don't regret it one bit. You have the makings of an excellent mage. Setting aside your ability to cast spells based off Shouting, you have successfully cast two spells based off Seemings with only a little over a month of instruction. Granted you were in an extremely stressful situation, which does speed learning, but it is still remarkable progress."

"Thank you. I also gather that you made the offer to protect me, and I appreciate that as well. Even though I don't understand how it protected me."

"The bylaws of the College are old and cannot be readily ignored even by the Archmage. A novitiate can be expelled by the archmage alone. For an apprentice to be expelled, both the apprentice's master and the archmage must agree to expel the student. It was not complete protection. Archmage Savos could have stripped me of my title and fired me first. That happened recently to the previous Master of Conjuration. Maybe you heard of the incident?"

"I did," agreed Daenerys. "Something involving a Daedric artifact, Azura's Star?"

"I see the school rumor chain is still effective. Yes, Azura's Star was involved. A student died and several more left when Malyn Varen was removed from his post."

"I heard the student was sacrificed, yet he was allowed to leave. He wasn't handed over to the jarl for murder was he?"

"No, no he was not." Faralda frowned. "I don't think he should have been handed to the jarl. It would have set a bad precedent. That the student was ritually killed is beyond doubt. The problem was there was no proof that Malyn Varen was the one who performed the sacrifice. The archmage was more interested in covering things up and protecting the College's reputation than finding the culprit. Instead, he expelled all involved."

"So, where did they go? Are they just out there somewhere in Skyrim sacrificing people and giving mages a bad name?"

"Unfortunately, that is likely the case. At any rate we have drifted off the topic. While circumstances rushed my decision, I would have made an offer to you as soon as I thought it wouldn't turn heads. There are several things I want to discuss, and we'll get to them, but first…" Faralda's expression softened with concern. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. I have been through worse. They're dead. I'm alive. The archmage isn't handing me over to the jarl, and I'm going to make Jarl Korir choke on his decision."

"The duel?" Faralda frowned. "He won't be happy to lose his champion… Ah, I see. You'll win by Shouting and he won't be able to say a word because Ulfric Stormcloak won his duel the same way."

"Only in part." She sipped her tea and smiled. "Trust me, you'll see."

"I hope you're right. You know that you don't have to do this. We can find another way. You can win by Shouting, but if you Shout too soon or too late, you can lose."

"I know." She shrugged. "I won't miss. Those who attacked me paid. The jarl hasn't yet, but he will. It will change things, but I am no rabbit. I will hide behind a pair of floppy ears no more."

Faralda's brow furrowed. "And are you going to reveal how Shouts are connected to your casting? Do you want the Thalmor learning that?"

"There is a difference between not hiding what I am and revealing all my secrets. The secret of casting spells based on shouts remains between us."

"Good. Next question. Now that you can cast spells using a Seeming, do you have any insights on how it is different basing them on Shouts?"

"The spells I cast based on Shouts are easier to get started, but once started the rest is the same. She cast around for a way to explain it. "Suppose you had a cart you needed to get downhill, but you didn't have a horse. You strain and push until, finally, you move it a few feet. Then it rolls downhill. That's using a Seeming. With a Shout, you just tell the horse to giddy-up."

Faralda nodded. "I'm not surprised. I rather expected as much after all our conversations, but until you could cast magic both ways, we couldn't be certain. So, not only is Shout-based magic less harmful to the caster's sanity, but also easier to cast." Faralda sipped at her tea for a moment. "That's good for you, and for everyone if it can be taught." She abruptly set her tea down. "What do you want, Daenerys? We were partners before. Now you're also my apprentice. Do you want to learn Destruction magic under my tutelage?"

"I think that I would rather we remain partners. Coming here to the College wasn't a mistake. I learned about Seemings, and now I know my magic is different. That's important. However, I think I would be better served to search out word walls and pursue my own Shout-based magic. However, I'm not ready to explore Nord barrows on my own yet, and I can't afford to hire bodyguards."

"Partners?" The corners of Faralda's mouth turned up just a little. "I'd like to remain partners, even if you're my apprentice now. I'm afraid that my research into Shouting has reached a dead end. There are three roads forward. One, I let you shout directly at me, but I am not suicidal. Two, we seek out the Greybeards. And three, we seek out word walls, and I see if I can learn their lesson. I propose that I change my research to locating word walls. In spring I will take a sabbatical from the College, and we seek them out together."

Daenerys smiled broadly. "I like this plan, but two mages alone in Nord barrow? We'll need guards. I'll contribute what I have, but it isn't much."

"I think it will be easier to hire guards than you might think with a Mistress of Destruction coming along. Unfortunately teaching at the College pays more in prestige and research opportunities than gold. I could probably afford enough to pay for two good mercenaries. However, I hope we can recruit from the College. Most apprentices choose to leave once the College once they make adept. A few more mages to join us would make things even safer.

"How about Adept Malak? He's a spellsword. I've started attending his lessons."

"Have you indeed?" Faralda shrugged. "Perhaps, but I doubt he'll leave. He has been here for several years. I'm not sure if he simply prefers to teach, or if he is hoping to join the faculty. However, you might look into some of his students. Since you're in his class, why not sound them out?"

Daenerys nodded. "I'll give it a try. I will start by getting to know them better. No one is going anywhere for a few months."

"True. Now, let's talk about your magical education. I agree that Shout-based magic is your best long-term plan. However, we're snowed in for a while yet. So, let's talk about what spells you should focus on to help us both survive better while exploring Nord barrows."


As Daenerys entered the Restoration classroom, she waved goodbye to Brelyna and went to sit with her charges. She noticed immediately that something was wrong. The dynamics of the group had changed. Sofija sat leaning back in her chair, arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Tailour sat beside her looking a bit queasy. Matilda and Enja set together and a little apart from the other two.

Enja quickly looked away when she spotted Daenerys entering and spoke to Matilda. "Really, noble? Who does she think she's fooling? I looked it up in Noble Houses of the Empire. There is no such house. Never has been. She can't even speak properly. She's making it all up." Her words were pitched loud enough to carry to half the room.

The room grew suddenly quiet and Daenerys knew that she had to respond. Enja had chosen her ground purposefully. Enja was the favorite pupil of the Mistress of Restoration, so Daenerys couldn't simply slap her charge across the face, no matter how tempting a response that might be. "I never claimed to be from the Empire, child." She kept her response calm and at a normal tone, even knowing the whole room was straining to listen.

"Oh, so where are you from? Could it be the Aldmeri Domion?" She made a fake gasp and brought one hand to her cheek. "But you're not an elf! Oh, perhaps you're an escaped slave from Akavir… but they killed all the humans and slaves aren't nobles. Did you know that it is a crime to pretend to be noble when you aren't? The punishment for breaking that law is death."

"An Imperial law, I'm sure," replied Daenerys. "And we're not under Imperial law right now, are we? We're at the College of Winterhold. By ancient custom I can leave my past behind if I choose. Also, by ancient custom you are my charge, and I have certain punishments I can assign as needed. You are on scullery duty starting now until Saturnalia is over." That was about as severe a punishment as she could lay on the girl, but Enja was being publicly disrespectful. What had she expected to achieve?

"Now, now," interjected Collette. "I agree she was disrespectful, but you did breach the custom yourself in claiming noble birth. Two weeks including Saturnalia day seems excessive. As this is my classroom, I have the final say in here. One week of scullery duty will suffice."

Daenerys held Collette's gaze for a brief moment. She didn't glare but the steel behind her eyes caused the Mistress of Restoration to falter. "I make no claims. I am Daenerys the Unburnt, of the House Targaryen. Our words are 'Fire and Blood' and we bear a three-headed red dragon as our symbol. I come from no lands that you know of, and I intend on leaving my past behind." The more she spoke, the firmer her voice became. "I suggest you... educate your student. Lest she insults someone less forgiving than I."

Collette paled but nodded in agreement. She clapped her hands. "Very well. I apologize for my words and on Enja's behalf. Now, let us move on to meditation."
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Fredas, the 5th of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Faralda kept her posted on the negotiations between Archmage Savos and Jarl Korir. The negotiations dragged out for days. The jarl kept demanding Archmage Savos appear before him in his longhouse. The archmage kept claiming he was busy, but he would counteroffer to meet with the Jarl Korir in his office. Neither man budged so they ended up wasting time exchanging messages. It took three days before Jarl Korir even admitted his men had been killed. He accused the archmage. Savos denied it immediately. Two days later he revealed that Daenerys had killed the guards when they attempted to rape her. The jarl denied that his guards were rapists and insisted that Daenerys be handed over for execution. Savos revealed she had sanctuary and ignored the increasingly strident jarl for a few more days before countering with trial by combat. Then there was more bickering. In all three weeks passed before they finally agreed that the duel would take place on the afternoon of Saturnalia. Apparently, the duel would be entertainment for the celebration.

By the time the date was set Daenerys just wanted to get the duel over with, but the delays had probably been a good thing. While she was still a novice with the blade, she was certain that she had a good feel for how quickly a trained warrior could close with her. She felt that she could time her Shout to guarantee a kill without being run through herself. That didn't mean she was unconcerned. She still didn't know who she was going to fight. She expected someone in plate armor. When Nords usually favored lighter armor, a champion fighting a duel would no doubt wear the best armor available.

The upcoming duel stole the joy out of Saturnalia morning, or at least it did among her friends. She exchanged gifts with Brelyna, Onmund, and J'zargo. She found more pleasure in the gifts she gave than the ones she received. Her friends tried to stay in good spirits, but their cheer was forced. While everyone else feasted and drank freely at lunch, she ate lightly and only had one glass of wine. After that it was time.

The fight was taking place in the city, but almost the entire College was coming to watch. Master Wizard Mirabelle was busy sorting and organizing a procession apparently following some kind of prearranged plan. Archmage Savos led the way along with Phinis Gestor, the Master of Conjuration, both of them summoned fierce red-faced demons wearing armor who led the way. Several apprentices and adepts followed commanding atronachs of flame and frost. The message wasn't at all subtle – start a fight and the College will end it. The people of Winterhold seemed to get the message. They were quiet and subdued as the procession of mages entered the town.

Daenerys came behind the vanguard. She had spent a good bit of time considering what to wear before deciding to wear the repaired leather armor that Araena had enchanted for warmth. While her novitiate robes had some useful enchantments, they were not an option in this duel. It wasn't merely because they lacked protection. Image would be more important in this fight than defense, and her repaired and stained armor was something a common Nord warrior might own. She also chose to forgo a helmet and leave her hair visible. She wanted everyone to see that she was a woman.

Malak marched at the head of the rest of the spellswords who acted as her honor guard. They all wore armor and carried swords and looked very martial. That was sensible. Nords would likely respect spellswords more than other mages. What surprised Daenerys was Sofija. The fierce girl was dressed in full leather armor and her face was painted with what was clearly a red three-headed dragon. It wasn't drawn the way the symbol for House Targaryen was supposed to be drawn. One dragon head sat in the middle of her forehead like a third eye. Two more were painted as if crawling out of her eyes and down her cheeks. Her facepaint was obviously a very big statement of support, and possibly even a declaration of allegiance. Despite living amongst Nords for months, she was by no means an expert on all their customs. She would have to ask after the duel.

The agreed location for the duel was the main street of town just outside the Jarl's longhouse where the Jarl had arranged his own show of force. A large company of armored men stood outside. There were also multiple archers stationed on the nearby roofs. It would be so easy for this situation to get out of hand and turn into open warfare. Although, now that she considered things, that might be why the illusionists were just behind the front lines. They might be able to stop hostilities with calming spells before they got out of hand.

Daenerys searched the Jarl's party. She still didn't know who she would be facing in single combat. The Jarl had a problem. By Nord tradition it should be the Jarl's housecarl who fought duels like this to settle matters of honor. However, Jarl Korir had married his housecarl. Under Imperial law that hadn't been a problem as only nobles could insist upon a trial by combat, and trial by combat just didn't happen that often. Any challenge would have been more likely to be aimed at him for the throne. However, Winterhold followed Ulfric Stormcloak and Nord customs. So, Korir's wife Thaena should be his champion. Yet, for any Nord to send his wife to fight for him screamed cowardice. The two customs conflicted leaving Korir with nothing but bad choices. As Daenerys scanned the Jarl's party, she didn't see any other possible champions. She was surprised to see what looked like a mage in his party, but then she noticed that his plain brown robe was marked with the sword-axe symbol of Talos, a priest no doubt. She also noticed a young muscular blond dressed in leathers and a dangerous air about him, but he stood apart from the Jarl's party surrounded by his own group of followers. Not the behavior she would expect of a champion.

Archmage Savos and Jarl Korir met and exchanged not-so-pleasant salutations. They both agreed that the duel would proceed. Each party withdrew to their own side and a dueling circle was drawn in the snow.

Thaena stepped forward to the edge of the dueling ring. She wore a cloak of red over polished and engraved steel plate. Not an inch of skin showed. The only thing that marked her as feminine was the exaggerated curves on her breastplate. Her shield was huge, a tower shield almost as tall as she was. Tower shields were normally seen only on the battlefield to protect against arrows and other ranged attacks. It was not the shield that a warrior would typically bring to a duel due to their bulky. Thaena clearly expected her to cheat.

Daenerys eyed the tower shield warily. She had tested both Yol and Fus against round and kite shields, but she hadn't tested her shout against a tower shield. Mostly because the College had only a limited armory that Faralda could discretely raid for supplies. Could a tower shield provide enough protection that Thaena could survive a Shout unharmed? Daenerys doubted it, but she was about to find out.

"People of Winterhold!" yelled Jarl Korir above the noise of the crowd. "We are gathered here in the sight of the gods to settle a matter of justice. Daenerys the Unburnt, you are accused of cravenly threatening a citizen of Winterhold with magic, of jailbreak, of the murder of Stefan the Stalwart, his son Jaako, and Naudgari, Warden of the Chill. You are further accused of conspiring with your lover Sagyval to raid a caravan outside of Winterhold, which you did by calling down a dragon to attack the caravan. I also warn you. We do not follow Imperial law. Magic is not permitted in duels. If you cast a spell, my archers have orders to kill you on the spot. May the gods determine the right!"

Daenerys immediately launched a response before Archmage Savos could speak for her. "I am Daenerys of House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt. I defended myself against a coward who spread lies, attacked me from behind, and threatened me with bared steel. I submitted myself to peaceful arrest. When I was out of sight and chained, the cowards: Stefan, Jaako, and Naudgari, attempted to rape me. I defended myself as is the right of any woman. Naudgari and Stefan both bragged of having raped prisoners many times before, both male and female. Sagyval is no lover of mine, nor did I call down the dragon that attacked the caravan." She paused for a deep breath to be sure her last words carried. "And I shall fight as honorably as Ulfric Stormcloak himself! May Talos determine the right!" She wasn't happy about tying herself to the Stormcloak cause with such a public statement, but the presence of archers and Korir's threat made it necessary. She had no time to fret about it now.

Thaena stepped into the dueling ring, her tower shield in front of her like a mobile wall. She advanced slowly, step-by-step with her guard up.

Daenerys took a step into ring and advanced slowly.

"Scared mage? You're going to die today. Even if you cheat, you'll die afterward and prove that mages cannot fight with honor."

"Speaking of honor, how does it feel to be married to a man who hides behind his wife? Jarl Korir could have met me in battle himself, but he sent you instead."

"I'm his housecarl!" she snarled. "It's an honor to fight for my jarl." She surged forward to the center of the ring, but she still kept the shield in front of her.

Daenerys backed up. She wanted Thaena to come to her. "You fight for the honor of rapists. Of men who need to bind a woman in chains and force her to get laid. You betray all women."

"If you're so confident, why don't you fight me?" Thaena charged with the shield held in front of her.

Daenerys took a breath and held it to the last moment when Thaena's shield was in her face before she Shouted, "Yol!" and the Shout burst forth in a cone of fire.

The Shout slammed into Thaena's shield. She went flying back and tumbled across the icy ground. She ended up face down, one hand still gripping the shield, but her arm was twisted around at an impossible angle.

The crowd went silent saved for awed murmurs that she had shouted. Jarl Korir wasn't silent. He started screaming. "Cheater! Cheater! Shoot her! Fill her full of arrows! Kill her now!"

Daenerys rushed forward because Thaena wasn't dead. Despite her arm obviously being broken, the jarl's champion was pushing herself to her feet with her sword arm. With every step she expected to feel the sharp pain of arrows piercing her body.

"No!" cried out the Priest of Talos. "She used a holy Shout, just as Ulfric did when he struck down the High King!"

Daenerys reached Thaena before the housecarl could stand and swung her sword at Thaena's arm. Rather than hitting her, Thaena suddenly moved with surprising speed and parried hard. Daenerys barely kept hold of her sword and backpedaled as Thaena surged forward. If her arm wasn't broken and still locked into the tower shield, the housecarl's lunge would have likely gutted her like a fish. Instead, the blow glanced off her armor.

"Coward! Cheat!" screamed Thaena. "Do your duty and shoot her!"

Daenerys circled left, which forced Thaena to move toward her injured arm. She lashed out at the tower shield, knowing her blow wouldn't break through the shield. Thaena cried out in pain and tried to bring her sword to bear, but Daenerys kept circling. She started smiling as she struck out against the shield again and again. With each blow Thaena would grunt in pain as the impact jarred her broken arm. She tried to rush forward and reach Daenerys, but with her tower shield dragging she couldn't manage it.

Circle left, strike the shield, pull back. Again and again Daenerys repeated the same maneuver. If she was more skilled with the sword, there would be no need to draw this out, but Thaena was still dangerous. So, she kept striking her shield. She didn't even have to tire Thaena out. All she had to do was draw this out long enough for her magicka to return.

The noise of the crowd grew louder. Mages from the College were chanting her name in unison. Other cries were simply bloodthirsty crying out to finish her and end this. Thaena started to flag. She moved slower and staggered more with each blow.

Daenerys felt she could have won a battle of endurance, by continuing to punish Thaena's broken arm, but she didn't have to. She had finally gathered enough magicka to Shout again. Carefully she maneuvered back toward the edge of the ring. She did not want to strike the audience at this point. She even circled a little more so that Thanea's back was to Jarl Korir.

"This is over, Thaena. You're slowing. You're already lost. Yield, and you don't have to die today."

"You know nothing of honor!" Thaena bellowed. "I fight for the honor of my jarl! I will die before I yield!"

"As you wish." Daeyners quickly switched directions circling to the right. With her arm broken, Thaena couldn't raise her shield. This time she aimed higher. "Yol!"

Fire exploded in a cone angled up. It passed over Thaena's shield and struck her in the face. She was thrown back again. Her body landed in one place, while the force of the Shout blasted her head from her body and completely out of the ring. It sailed directly to where Jarl Korir and his party stood.

Ironically, it landed right at the feet of the priest. He snatched it up and held it high in the air. "Behold! The judgment of Talos!"

Jarl Korir was livid with rage. "No! That was not a real Shout. She faked it with magic." He stared at her with eyes full of hate while ignoring a small boy who knelt on the snowy ground crying and hugging at his leg.

"That was Shouting," insisted the priest of Talos.

Daenerys looked about. The spellswords stood with swords drawn, clearly ready if this turned into a battle. Several other mages held up hands that glowed with fire.

"Jarl Korir," called out the blond man wearing leathers that she had noticed before. "You are a coward who hid behind your wife when honor demanded you fight for yourself. You are unwilling to abide by the clear judgment of the gods." He waved a hand to the roof. "Even your own men did not obey you. You are unfit to be the Jarl of Winterhold. My claim to the throne is as old and noble as yours. I call challenge upon you in the old ways. Face me or be proven a coward."

Jarl Korir threw off his polar bear cloak. "You picked a good day to die, Kraldar. Mage, get out of the challenge ring, and watch how true Nords fight."

The fight was of strength and armor versus youth and agility. Kraldar's strategy was obvious from the start. Force his plate wearing opponent to keep circling and moving until he wore himself out. It was a risky strategy requiring superior skill and endurance. However, Kraldar appeared capable of pulling it off. He fought with an axe in each hand versus Korir's sword and shield. It helped that the crowd was unmistakably for Kraldar. The few cries for Korir were lost in a sea of voices chanting, "Kraldar. Kraldar. Kraldar." Daenerys was among them. However, it was Jarl Korir who drew first blood with a vicious cut to Kraldar's right arm. Kralder dropped his axe and fought on one-handed.

The fight ended abruptly as duels often do. Both men were slowing, but Jarl Korir was tiring faster in his armor. He overcommitted and Kraldar chopped off the Jarl's swordarm at the wrist. Jarl Korir's gauntleted hand fell to the snow still gripping his sword. Kraldar followed up by burying his axe in the jarl's neck. He backed up, retrieved the axe that he had lost earlier, and waited for the jarl to die.

The Talos priest stepped into the circle. "Talos has passed judgment. Jarl Korir is dead. Long live, Jarl Kraldar."

"Long live Jarl Kraldar!" echoed everyone.
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Turdas, the 25th of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Someone, most likely Archmage Savos or Master Wizard Mirabelle, gave the order for the mages to return to the College. That was probably a good idea. While the people of Winterhold seemed overwhelmed by the turn of events, they had no great love of mages. Daenerys stayed with the other spellswords as they all returned to the College. Sofija in particular stayed by her side. Daenerys shushed Thedyn when he started to ask questions. However, she didn't hush Malak.

"I had wondered pwhy you were so confident that you could win. While that was not proper sword technique, it was still well planned. I had no idea you could Shout. Did you study with the Greybeards?"

"No, I never studied with the Greybeards. It was... more of a fluke than anything. I happened upon the Word, and it resonated with me. Also, I would very much appreciate it if you would continue to treat me as just one of your students, Adept Malak. Your lessons most likely saved my life today. I intend to continue."

Malak gave her a slight bow without breaking stride. "If that is what you wish, then that is how I will treat you. I may very well be the only one. After today I doubt the rest of the College will think you just another student." He shrugged. "Put away your worries. It is Saturnalia and the gods have blessed you with a victory. You are the winning champion of the College of Winterhold. Surely that merits a celebration in your honor."

It seemed that the entire College agreed with Malak. Everyone wanted to shake her hand or press of flagon of mead into her hand. She was given little choice but to join an impromptu party in the dining hall. Drink and song flowed freely. She managed to push her way to her friends and claim a table for herself, Brelyna, Onmund, and J'zargo. Faralda claimed a place there as well. Sofija stayed close, but she stood stoically a short distance away simply watching. Many asked about her past and where she had learned to Shout. The presence of her mentor kept most of them in line. More than once she was asked if she was Dragonborn. Most of those who asked were Nords, but not all of them. She added a new reply for that question, "I have never claimed that title."

Eventually, everyone who wanted to shake her hand, to slap her on the back, to stare at her, or to ask her questions had done so. The party continued, but now it was more general merriment and celebration. Some of the students even broke out some musical instruments and before long many were dancing. Onmund was well into his cups and kept retelling the story of both duels with increasingly flamboyant hand gestures. J'zargo had disappeared somewhere, no doubt gambling with students who were drunk enough to be easy marks. Daenerys was enjoying herself and feeling the wine in more ways than one. That was her sign to stop. Unlike Tyrion she did not enjoy drinking to excess. When she got up to visit the privy, Daenerys noticed that Sofija was following. She decided it was high time to confront Sofija about her facepaint and self-appointed guard duty.

She waited until she passed a side corridor, turned down it, then immediately spun around to face her stalker. "Sofija, what is going on? I don't need an escort to the privy."

Sofija dropped to one knee and bent her head. "I misjudged you when I first saw you. You were tiny and polite and pretty. I thought you were weak, but you didn't act weak. I still underestimated you. You killed three 'warriors' who tried to rape you with both hands tied behind your back." She paused and took a deep breath. "That's when I knew that you had the heart of a warrior. I watched and listened. Then you said it in the open for all to hear. The symbol of House Targaryen, your house, is a three-headed dragon. They all heard, yet they did not listen. I knew then and there why you were so confident that you would win the duel. You are Dragonborn, and rightful heir to the Empire." She stayed kneeling but looked up. "I am penniless, exiled for kin-slaying, and even my magic is weak. I have only my service to offer, but I would pledge myself to you. If you would have me."

Daenerys had half expected this from the facepaint. Sofija wouldn't have been her first choice for a follower. She was sullen and rude, and still only a student. While she was somewhat skilled with a blade, her magic was weak. She wasn't a spellsword. At least not yet. However, she was undoubtedly earnest. Nords weren't that different from Northmen. They valued the ideal of the honorable warrior, but few managed to live up to it. While Sofija's gesture might seem impulsive, Daenerys had no doubt she was sincere. Exiled, penniless, and a kin-slayer. Daenerys held none of that against her. It meant that Sofija would work harder to reclaim her honor. "I am not an Empress today, nor do I seek that title. I have no lands. While I am nobly born, the Empire will never acknowledge my titles. I cannot promise you glory or riches, only hard work and danger. Knowing all that, do you still wish to serve me?"

"By the Nine, yes."

"Then I accept your service."

Sofija bent so low she was almost kissing the ground. "My life for you, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt, Dragonborn."

"Rise and stand, Sofija Ēlī Vokēdrie. In Valyrian that means First Faithful for you are the first in all of Tamriel to swear unto me."

Sofia hastily stood up. "Eli Vokedrie, I will live up to that name."

"I know you will. Understand that I have no wish to claim titles yet, so for now that name must remain sealed between us two. It will not be long before you can claim it. I give you another secret as an act of trust. I will be leaving the College in spring. We will have companions, but we will be going into Nord barrows in search of knowledge buried in the past. We will be facing traps and draugr, so my first command to you is to study hard, both with the sword and magic. When we leave the College in spring, I expect you to be ready to defend my life with sword and spell."

Sofija pounded her chest with a fist in salute. "My lips are sealed, and I will be ready."

"Good, now go back to the dining hall and have a few drinks. I won a great victory today. Celebrate. I don't need you to guard my back within these walls."


As Daenerys returned to the Dining Hall a golden-skinned figure glided out of the shadows to confront her like a spider creeping forward to a snare a fly caught in his web. Long white hair, dark robes embroidered with threads of gold, and a sneer upon his face – Ancano, the Thalmor 'advisor' to the archmage. Daenerys wondered if she had been too hasty in dismissing Sofija's self-appointed role as her bodyguard. However, she doubted Ancano intended to attack her within the walls of the College. Especially when he had no doubt just witnessed the power of her Thu'um.

"Justiciar Ancano, what an unpleasant surprise, are you lurking around the privy now to hide your stench?"

"What?! How dare you! You insolent human child."

"Oh, I beg your pardon. Were we supposed to pretend to be polite and exchange veiled insults first? Why bother? You already know that I called upon Talos to judge my duel, and that I can Shout. I am sure that you have already added my name to a very long list of people to be arrested, questioned, and executed." Thankfully, this world didn't have ravens. By most measures Tamriel was ahead of Westeros. Ravens and cavalry were among the few exceptions. Ancano wouldn't be able to get word out for weeks at least. Even when he did, word would spread at the speed of horse and ships.

"So, you admit it to my face, then. You are a Talos worshiper!"

She shrugged. "And you're a bigot actively working to undermine the Mede Empire by encouraging the Stormcloak rebellion."

"The Admeri Dominion does nothing of the sort. The Mede Empire is weak and falling apart. It is a pile of festering garbage collapsing under its own weight. The Thalmor merely ensure that the terms of the White-Gold Concordat are upheld."

"Yes, yes, and you're hastening the collapse as much as possible. Was there a point in confronting me, or did you just want to gloat about your obvious plotting?"

"You are going to regret your tongue. You are a mere apprentice here. I'm an honored advisor. I will be having words with the Archmage about your insults."

"Good luck with that. Yesterday, I was a troublemaker. Today, I am the Champion of the College of Winterhold."

"You are a fool! I am not a stupid warrior like the one you defeated today. I am a master of the arcane arts. I could strike you down now." A bit of electricity flickered in his hand. "And tell everyone you attacked me. That worked very well for you, did it not?"

"That's an empty bluff. I have no doubt that you're a powerful mage, but can you strike me down before I can Shout? Funny thing. Shouts are loud. There is a dining hall full of drunken Nord mages just down that hallway drinking in my honor. What do you think would happen if they came running out here and saw you flinging lightning at me?"

"Fool! You have made an enemy today!" Ancano turned and stomped off.

Maybe she was a little drunk on wine and victory, but she couldn't resist getting the last word. "No, I made an enemy when I won that duel by Shouting. This was just us being honest about it."


In hindsight Daenerys was surprised that Sofija was the only Nord to come forward and ask to be sworn to her service. Every Nord at the College treated her with great respect now. Even Onmund treated her differently. He no longer joked as he did around her. When she spoke, he listened intently as if he expected her to suddenly spout the wisdom of the ages. Matilda, much to Daenerys' bemusement, had fallen to her knees almost in tears and begged forgiveness. Enja had delivered an obviously rehearsed apology. Daenerys couldn't tell if the quaver in Enja's voice was real or faked, but she didn't real care that much one way or another. Quite frankly she had more important issues to be concerned with than a foolish girl who didn't know her limits. Perhaps treating the girl with the indifference that she felt was the best way forward, so she simply dismissed the girl.

The rest of the student population was more curious than reverent. Wherever she went conversations died and heads turned. Few were bold enough to ask her questions about Shouting or her past, and a frosty gaze served to silence most of them. Most of them were in awe of her and contented themselves to staring and fawning over her. Even the faculty were not immune. Collette kept Daenerys late to apologize for the Enja incident. Drevis Neloren, the Master of Illusion, spent almost half of one class helping her with the Clairvoyance spell. Even Urag gro-Shub, the College librarian had congratulated her on a well-fought duel.

And then there were the spellsword lessons. Enja, Matilda and Taillour all joined the class, as did Brelyna, Onmund and many others. Malak took things in stride and set everyone to stretching and exercising. Most of the newcomers dropped within two lessons. Enja and Matilda barely made it through the first lesson. Onmund stuck through to the end of the second session before he quit. However, Brelyna and Taillour seemed determined to stay with it. Taillour was quietly and stubbornly determined to stay. Brelyna was more vocal about her reasons. "I am here to master Conjuration. It does me little good to be able to summon a sword and not know how to wield it. I should have been attending all along. Your duel, especially the way you were vulnerable, opened my eyes to the fact that depending upon my magic alone is foolish."


Three days after Saturnalia, Faralda pulled her out of class to attend another meeting in the Archmages sanctum. In addition to Faralda and the archmage, Master Wizard Mirabelle, and Jarl Kraldar were also present. A bald middle-aged Breton dressed in leather stood at attention behind Jarl Kraldar. A round table large enough to sit everyone had apparently been brought in for the occasion.

Mirabelle smiled as Daenerys and Faralda took their seats. "Thank you both for coming. Jarl Kraldar wanted to speak with you both, particularly Apprentice Daenerys."

The new Jarl of Winterhold was dressed in the same leather armor that he had worn on the day of the duel. However, this time he wore a white polar bear cloak. It may have been the same one that Jarl Korrir had worn before he died. "Daenerys of the House Targaryen, I have been looking forward to speaking with you. I trust you will understand that I had many matters to attend to once I took the throne of Winterhold."

Was he apologizing for not talking to her sooner? "Of course, I understand. Assuming control of a city is a very busy time for a ruler. Everyone has questions, and everyone is reluctant to make decisions. They all stall waiting to see how the wind blows, so everything ends up in your lap."

"That is very perceptive of you. Indeed, it has been like that, but meeting with Archmage Savos was always high on my agenda. The College and the Hold have been at odds for too long. It is past time old grudges were put aside. We are natural allies, not enemies."

"Hear, hear!" agreed Mirabelle.

Savos merely waved a hand.

"I also wanted to extend the apologies of Winterhold to how you were treated. You have already dealt with the rapists who dishonored the good name of Winterhold. However, you were still thrown into prison without reason. I would like to offer you a gift for the terrible harm you almost suffered. Thonjolf, the case please."

The bald man standing guard behind the jarl took a few steps back to where a long narrow wooden case leaned against the wall. He set it down on the table in front of Daenerys.

Daenerys smiled politely. Whatever it was, she was obligated to receive it. Refusing a gift like this would be an insult and a sign that she still held Winterhold accountable. She released the latches and opened the box to reveal a large wooden staff with a blue and pink crystal orb at the apex resting in a fur-lined box. Daenerys ran her hands across it. Sergius Turrianus, Master of Enchanting, was teaching them to read enchanted objects. Being able to identify the magic in an item was the first step in learning Enchanting. "I am sorry. Unfortunately, I am still a beginner at Enchanting. I can tell that this staff really does not like the undead."

"It is a Grand Staff of Repulsion," explained Mirabelle. "It will cause most undead to flee. Only strong spirits can resist."

Daenerys stood up so she could curtsey. "Thank you, it is a noble gift indeed. Please, let us consider the matter between us settled and forgotten. I am glad to hear that a new era of civility has begun between the College and City of Winterhold." She also had to wonder how much the jarl knew. Had her plans leaked? Because few items would be better suited for exploring Nordic barrows.

"You are welcome. Please, be seated. We have more to discuss."

"Very well." She returned to her seat as Thonjolf closed the case and took it away. She was hardly surprised that the jarl had questions, but this looked to be a much friendlier interrogation that she had undergone at the hands of Jarl Korir. However, she wasn't about to volunteer more than she must.

Jarl Kraldar stared at her a moment before speaking. "I suppose we might as well start with the mammoth in the room. Are you Dragonborn?"

"Wait!" interrupted Faralda. "Before she answers that question, we have still not decided who will hear the answer to the question. Lest you all forget, Ancano is here at this college as an emissary from the Thalmor. Her answer to that question could put her under the sentence of death. As she is my apprentice, I will be obliged to protect her."

Archmage Savos rolled his eyes. "As if she would be any more trouble than she is already for invoking Talos when she dueled Jarl Korir."

Faralda wasn't having it. "She can be made a higher priority target. The Thalmor are known to employ assassins."

"Wait, wait," said Jarl Kraldar. "Let me rephrase that question. Do you claim the title of Dragonborn?"

Daenerys had informed Faralda about the confrontation with Ancano days ago. Faralda had once again vented her fury on some practice dummies. While Daenerys appreciated that her mentor was trying to protect her, she doubted it would make much difference. Drunk on victory and wine, she had been more antagonistic than was wise. However, she couldn't bring herself to regret her words. Ancano had already been her enemy from the moment she used the Thu'um in public. The real question was if she was ready to live up to the title Dragonborn. The answer was not quite yet.

"I have not claimed that title. To be honest, I am not entirely certain how that title gets bestowed. Jarl Ulfric has not claimed the title, but he can Shout. I am certain he would have claimed the title if he could."

"Jarl Ulfric was taught to Shout by the Greybeards," replied Jarl Kraldar. "That makes him a Tongue. He is greatly respected for his ability to Shout. The Dragonborn, on the other hand, is an old legend. In the very oldest tales, the Dragonborn would steal the power of dragons they slew. Dragonborn do not need the years of training others must undergo to master shouting. There have been few Dragonborn to ever walk Tamriel: Saint Alessia, Reman Cyrodiil, and Tiber Septim are the most notable among them."

Daenerys realized that she had obviously failed at research. She had only known of Tiber Septim who became Talos, God of War, and prompted the Eight to become Nine. What interested her a lot more than the new names was the whole possibility of stealing the power of a dragon. Why hadn't she heard that before? "Well, I am afraid that I have never slain a dragon. I can tell you that I did not learn how to Shout from the Greybeards, but I did learn it." By being Shouted at by the Dragon of Helgen. "So, I guess that means that I am not the Dragonborn?"

Jarl Kralder stroked his beard. "Apparently not. I will not be surprised if you are not hailed as a Dragonborn anyway. This returning of dragons has all the bards singing the old songs of dragons. That settles the most important question. However, you are still a Tongue, even if you are not Dragonborn. That means your opinions will carry weight and you invoked both Talos and Ulfric during your duel. If I were you, I would beware the Thalmor."

"Thank you for the warning. Ancano has already threatened me." She shrugged. "Perhaps it is the Thalmor that should beware of me. As for invoking Talos, I did do that. Just to be clear, I am more of the opinion of Jarl Balgruuf. The people should be free to worship Talos, but we should not take up arms against the Empire because of it."

"And what good does that serve?" questioned Jarl Kralder. "The war drags on and Nords kill Nords."

"That I cannot answer." At least not here. Either the Archmage or Mirabelle had loose lips. Word about her having noble blood had spread awfully quickly. She also wasn't sure how friendly the Archmage was with Ancano.

"In war there are often no good answers, lass," replied the jarl.

"Ah yes, and now we're exchanging empty platitudes. Spare me the politics," complained Archmage Savos. "Are you done talking with Apprentice Daenerys?"

"For now. Although…" He eyed Daenerys. "If you are ever in the city, stop by the Jarl's longhouse. We should have a long talk when things are not so hectic. I think a certain priest of Talos would like to speak with you as well."

"Yes, yes. That's well and good. Another time." Savos waved a hand at Daenerys. "Apprentice you can leave now."


The final day of the year was another holiday. This one would not be celebrated in the dining hall, but in small gatherings scattered across the college. Daenerys wasn't attending any of them. Brelyna had something important she wanted to discuss, but she was being strangely vague about it. Even more curious, Brelyna had asked her to wait outside while she 'prepared' the room.

After several minutes of waiting Brelyna finally opened the door. "You can come in now."

Their room looked completely different. A small round table with two chairs had been moved into the center of the room. Brelyna had stored most of their possessions away and covered the furniture with blankets so there was nothing personal visible in the room.

Brelyna moved to the table and sat down. "Please, join me." She looked very Dunmer, all dour and serious.

Daenerys set down in the chair opposite. "Brel, what's all this about?"

"Today is the last day of the year. Tomorrow, we celebrate the New Life festival, a time for looking ahead to the future. Today, we celebrate the Old Life festival. For my family this is a time to look back on our past, to remember and reflect. We have been roommates for months now and I trust you as much as I have trusted anyone in my life. The time has come for me to tell you my story."
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19
Middas, the 31st of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Daenerys could tell that Brelyna was serious about wanting to share her story. It also made her nervous. "Brelyna, I would be honored to hear your story, but I'm not sure I'm ready to share my own. I don't want to make things awkward between us."

Brelyna smiled. "And that is one of the reasons that I have decided that I can trust you because you understand the power of secrets. Sometimes secrets are bartered, and their worth is more than any coin. I know you have many secrets. They lurk about you like bats in the night. I do this freely, asking nothing in return. This is a gift of trust from me to you."

"I understand." Even though this was a gift, Daenerys knew she would feel almost obligated to reciprocate. However, to refuse would be an insult to their friendship, and that was far too precious for her to throw away. "I am honored to listen."

"Then first a small secret. It is not much of one as I am Dunmer, but I honor the Three Good Daedra. I would like to invoke Mephala, if that would not offend you."

"She is the goddess of secrets, correct? Go ahead." She was already involved with Azura. What was one more Daedra?

"The goddess of secrets is an oversimplification, but thank you. Please stay seated while I make a few preparations." Brelyna stood and opened a chest that was almost invisible in the darkness of the room. She took from the chest two candles, one white and the other black. Then she removed a bundle of herbs and set them alight. She made a circle about the room waving the bundle of herbs and filling the room with their scent and smoke. She then lit a wooden taper and in one swift motion doused the torch by plunging it into a water bucket. The darkness seemed to gather about. The only light was the tiny flame dancing at the end of the wooden taper. Brelyna sat down holding the taper between them.

"Mephala, Dark Mother, one of your children calls to you. Goddess of Creation. Goddess of Destruction. I call to you on this night, the turning of the year. Tonight, the old year dies. Tomorrow, the new year is born. It is a time for reflection upon the past. Secrets long held will be shared this night. Let them bind us in darkness. We invite you to witness." She touched the taper to the wick of the black candle, and it caught immediately. With a flick of her wrist, Brelyna snuffed the taper so only the black candle remained burning.

"Mephala, Dark Mother, we honor you. It is through you that we know the secret that should be no secret. Pain, sorrow, decay, death, and destruction cannot be overcome by denying them. They cannot be explained away. They are inevitable parts of life. Denying them is futile. We must accept these parts of existence. Your gift is freedom. The freedom of the child to dance in the moment, because moments are all we have. We accept that death will come. We live surrounded by a web of lies, of practicality, of rationality. You are our Dark Mother. You are the Webspinner. From you we learn to weave instead of being ensnared."

Brelyna then picked up the black candle. "Darkness is a cloak to protect secrets, but the power of secrets comes from their truth." She touched the black candle to the white one, lighting it. "Burn away illusion from our minds and vision. Let us speak with clarity so the truth is manifest."

Daenerys watched the ritual with interest. It was all very dramatic and also very religious. Whether Mephala was actually listening or not, she couldn't say. After all, a goddess of secrets could hardly be expected to loudly announce her presence.

Brelyna set the black candle back down. "My name is Brelyna Maryon of House Telvanni. I was born in Tel Mithryn, on the island of Solstheim in the home of my enemy. I name him. My enemy is Neloth of House Telvanni. My story is the story of two great mages. Neloth is the first. He is very old and very powerful. He is without question the most powerful wizard in House Telvanni, perhaps the most powerful Dunmer wizard now living. Like a rare few other powerful mages throughout history, he seems to age very slowly, and he does not sleep. Only two things matter to him: knowledge and power.

"This is the story of another mage. He lived in Morrowind before Baar Dua fell, before the Red Mountain erupted, before the Third Era ended. He was renown as a Master of Conjuration and a teacher of magic. Other mages came from far away to study from him, for there were spells that he was known to teach to those who had both the talent and the gold. Spells powerful and dangerous that are now almost lost to time. He was also a member of House Telvanni. While he was also a powerful and wise man, he was loyal to his family. I name him. He was Felen Maryon, and he was my great-grandfather.

"As the third era was drawing to a close, my great-grandfather started studying another path – Shadow Magic. About the magic of Shadows much is claimed, but little is known. That shadows can be used to drain the life of others and strengthen the caster is most likely true. That Shadow Magic can be used to reach other realms, other worlds… so it has been claimed, but there is little proof."

Daenerys was enthralled by the entire story, but she certainly noticed the mention of other worlds. She kept listening and didn't interrupt, but she would certainly be looking into Shadow Magic.

"I don't know how deeply my ancestor dived into Shadow magic. I just know that Neloth coveted his knowledge, and when Neloth wants knowledge he will let nothing stand in his way. So, he had some of his agents kidnap the family of Felen Maryon. Then he sent back some of them in pieces and demanded that my great-grandfather reveal all he knew of Shadow Magic.

"I believe that Felen Maryon would have yielded, for he loved his family. However, fate intervened. Baar Dua fell, Red Mountain erupted, and my great-grandfather died taking whatever he might have known about Shadow Magic with him to the grave. Neloth was left with a great many hostages for which he no longer had much use. Some he used for his experiments. Some he set free. A few he kept on and made into servants, forcing them to tend his farms, raise his crops and wait upon him in Tel Mithryn. One such unwilling servant was my grandfather, Zion Maryon.

"Time passed. Zion Maryon had a daughter of his own, Derayna, who is my mother. It is difficult to speak of my mother… I have heard she was very beautiful, but also vain and arrogant in the way that beautiful women can be. She never really developed herself either physically or magically, but she didn't have the chance. One day, when she was younger than I am now, she simply disappeared. A few days later she returned home to my grandfather. In those few days she had aged. She looked a century older: her hair was grey and brittle, her skin wrinkled, and her mind broken. My mother is a simpleton now. Nothing ever bothers her. She is always pleasant. You can slap her face and she'll just smile back at you. She works as a maid, cleaning, cooking, and emptying chamber pots. Some days, she recognizes me. Most of the time she doesn't. No one says anything about her disappearance. No one saw anything, but I know Neloth did that to her. Perhaps he stole her youth to stay young. Perhaps it was just one of his experiments. I doubt that I will ever know. I am her only child, born some months after the incident.

"Neloth is my enemy. He kidnapped my family. He made us his servants. He broke my mother. He is also my father. I don't think he even knows. My mother meant so little in his eyes, that he did not notice her pregnancy or my birth. She was just an ingredient that he needed. Someday, Mephala help me, I am going to end him." Brelyna took a deep and bowed her head a little.

Daenerys met her friend's gaze. "And when you do, I will be by your side." She meant it with every part of her being. Missandei had given her loyalty. She had taken it and given nothing in return. Brelyna had given her friendship. This time she wasn't going to take and not give back. "It is a night for secrets. You said that truth makes secrets powerful. I believe that. I also believe that when two people share their secrets, it binds them together. Tonight, it is time for me to speak of my secrets and the person I choose to hear them is you."

Brelyna bowed her head. "I am honored to listen to your secrets, and I will seal them in my heart, in the darkness, and keep them."

"Before I begin, I'm curious. We have been roommates for months. You know me better than any in Skyrim, and you are one of the most intelligent people I know. What you have deduced about me?"

Brelyna smiled. "Oh, you are a mystery, Dany. At first, I thought you were from a sleepy backwater of the Empire. There are places in Morrowind where Dunmeri is the only spoken tongue, but it doesn't fit. You struggle with Cyrodilic, but there is so much more you don't know. Like the holidays, the gods, and even the seasons. You are not from Tamriel. I am pretty sure you aren't from Akavir, Aldmeris, Pyandonea, or Yokuda, although you could be. We know more about Oblivion than we know of those lands. However, you don't fit the little we do know. I considered Atmora in the frozen north, but you wear furs enchanted for warmth, yet you still shiver. So, you seem to be from no known continent.

"However, there are islands. Many in the Eltheric Ocean to the west of Tamriel, but you arrived in Skyrim, so instead we should look to the Padomaic Ocean to the east and north. There we find some possibilities. We know of one island to the north, Roscrea. Conquered by Uriel Septim V in the third era, it was later annexed by Solitude and is still technically part of Solitude. Although I imagine the people who live there would be surprised to hear it. However, you're obviously not comfortable with the cold, so instead, we should look east. There we find three islands known to be inhabited by men: Cathnoquey, Yneslea, and Esroniet. These were also conquered by Uriel Septim V with his armada during his failed attempt to invade Akavir. We still trade with Esroniet, spices mostly: nutmeg, cloves and hot peppers. It's a tropical land inhabited by men of short stature and tanned skins. You are short, but tan you are not. About Cathnoquey and Yneslea I could find almost nothing. They were inhabited by men, had settlements large enough to be called cities, and were conquered by Uriel Septim's armada. You could easily be from one of those islands, or some other island between here and Akavir. It's a large ocean. So, that's possible"

Daenerys smiled. "You say it like you don't believe it."

"That's the sensible theory, but we have lived together for months. You are not like any other human that I have ever met. For a long time, you were trying to hide, now you barely bother. I suppose you might be some noble in exile, but why walk from Whiterun to Winterhold just to attend the College? I think there is another explanation."

"Go on then," urged Daenerys. This was interesting.

"I doubt you have read them, but the 36 Lessons of Vivec are sacred texts. They are challenging to read, part political commentary, part religion, part history, and part utter nonsense. They are often allegorical, but full of truth. In these lessons Vivec sometimes mentions the Adjacent Place, a world next to ours, but one that cannot be reached by any cardinal direction. A world that is sideways from our own. I think you are from an Adjacent Place because even when you tried to hide, you made ripples. Now that you aren't hiding you are making waves. Wherever you came from, you were someone important, and I cannot believe any island was big enough for you."

Daenerys was just speechless. She hadn't thought it possible for anyone to ever guess that she was from another world. However, Brelyna had just proved her wrong.

"Ha!" crowed Brelyna. "The look on your face! By the gods I was right!"

"You were right," acknowledged Daenerys. "I was born somewhere else entirely. Even the stars were different and the seasons. Yours are so strange. Three months of winter, three months of spring, three months of summer, and three months of autumn, a repeating yet predictable cycle. In the land of my home, the seasons lasted for years and we never knew for how long. Nations stored food in summer and autumn against starvation in winter. Nirn cannot possibly be the same world as Vys."

"Vys," repeated Brelyna. "That's the name of your world?"

She shrugged. "It depends on who you ask. Vys in Valyrian, Planetos in Westerosi, Rhaesheseres in Dothraki. I'm sure it has other names in other languages that I never learned."

Brelyna laughed. "Oh, that's hilarious. There were some fools who thought you were a dullard when you first arrived because you didn't speak proper Tamrelic, and you're fluent in four languages."

"Almost five, I've been studying Dovahzul." Although she knew she wasn't pronouncing things correctly. The codex she was studying merely approximated the way the Words were spoken.

"And you're learning the Dragontongue." Brelyna laughed so hard she started coughing.

Daenerys stood up and patted her friend on the back. "Easy there."

"I'm fine. I just can't believe I was right. You're truly from another world."

"Do you think others suspect?" Daenerys hadn't even considered it a possibility, but Brelyna had proved her wrong.

Brelyna gave a short bark of derisive laughter. "No. I still can't believe that I was right. Most think you're from some backwater province of Tamriel. Some Nords argue for Atmora. A few who are wiser believe you are from an island in the Padomaic Ocean. I'll take your secret to the grave, and I would be deeply honored to hear your story."

She sat back down and gestured at the candles. "I don't know the proper ritual words. Would you do the honors?"

"None are needed. I know that you don't follow Mephala. You can just speak."

"I don't follow her, but you do. She is obviously important to you. We didn't profane the ritual just now did we?"

Brelyna shook her head. "A friendship bound stronger by secrets? Vows in the darkness to kill an enemy more powerful than either of us? Mysteries of another world? All of these would honor Mephala. We're still in the circle, so there is no need to invoke her again, but I will say a few words."

She bowed her head and resumed talking in solemn tones. "Mephala, Dark Mother, we honor you. Tonight, at the turning of the year, two have come together in the darkness. One has shared a secret freely. One wishes to share in return. Secrets are lighter than a spider's web, but they bind together more surely than love or hate. Tonight, secrets will be spoken that have never before been given voice in the history of this world." Brelyna gave a little nod.

Daenerys picked up the cue. "I am Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Uncrowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. My father, King Aerys the Second, died months before I was born. His death ended a bloody civil war. My mother, Rhaella, pregnant with me fled to our ancestral home, Dragonstone. She gave birth to me at the height of a violent storm and died shortly after…

She didn't even try to tell her entire story. She touched lightly on her childhood both in exile and as a beggar on the streets. Just enough to make it clear that while she was of royal blood she had not been raised as a princess. She slowed down to describe the first turning point of her life when her brother sold her to Khal Drogo for the promise of an army of Dothraki warriors to reclaim the Iron Throne. She had to explain the whole concept of Dothraki, of nomads so fierce that none dared settle in the fertile lands of the Great Grass Sea. She described how her wedding was followed by being taken against her will in front of the whole Khalasar. She was brutally honest that Khal Drogo had treated her as nothing but a slave at first. How she had learned to submit and please him. That in doing so she had not only tamed her savage Khal but even found love herself. She told of his wound that had festered and the treachery of Mirri Maz Duur. She spoke of how she walked into the fire, an act of pure faith in her dreams and intuitions. She had not been certain she would survive but survive she did and walked out the Mother of Dragons.

She continued on telling her story in more detail than she had planned, but she found herself swept up in the retelling. The Red Wastes, the warlocks of Qarth that had thought her but a foolish girl and had tried to steal her dragons. The masters of Astapor who had thought to cheat her, and how she had betrayed them and stolen her army of Unsullied.

As Daenerys spun out her story, it was not the events that touched her, not her victories, nor her defeats. It was the people. Jorah Mormont; betrayer, would-be lover, almost father that she had never had. Barristan Selmy; acknowledged the greatest warrior in the world and the most honorable of man – struck down by an ambush. Gentle Missandei, loyal Grey Worm, and Drogo Hizdahr zo Loraq. Looking back her second marriage had been so sad. She had never loved or trusted him, but she had been willing to pay any price to buy peace for her people – yet that had failed. As she continued events built upon events. The ones who were truly loyal were pushed away and others took their places. It was so hard at the end, speaking of how the victory over the Night King had all fallen apart.

And then she came to the bitter tragic end. "If Jon Snow killed me for burning King's Landing, I think that I forgive him. I don't know why I thought it necessary. King's Landing isn't like the 'cities' of Skyrim. It was the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. Hundreds of thousands lived in the city, and they had called in all the peasants from the countryside, so more than that were sheltering for the siege. I burned them. Some lived, but I killed hundreds of thousands and thought it necessary, even good. I set out to break the wheel, and I crushed everyone beneath me to gain the top." And she still couldn't explain why she had thought it necessary to make them bow. Was that why she'd hidden in Riverwood for so long? Why she had continued to be meek? But she couldn't hide from herself. "I think that I went mad, because… I just can't understand why. It wasn't necessary, or good, but selfish and evil, so why?"

"I cannot judge you, Daenerys. You have already been judged by the gods themselves. They found you worthy of a second chance, or you would not be here. I know this, you are not evil. Would you tell me the rest? About how you came to be here?"

"I don't know. I woke up naked in a pile of hot ashes in a large basin of stone. I was found by Imperials. I couldn't speak the language, but they caught me and forced me to march barefoot and naked for miles. They whipped me when I didn't go fast enough. I thought that it was punishment. The Imperials were going to execute me. I was literally bent over the chopping block waiting for the axe to fall. Then the dragon of Helgen attacked. He was old, powerful, magnificent. He saved me. That's where I learned the Shout, Yol."

"Wait, wait. You were reborn, and the dragon of Helgen, the first of the returning dragons, saved you? That cannot be coincidence. The rumors must be true. You really are Dragonborn."

Daenerys nodded. "Yes, I am."
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Sundas, the 4th of Morning Star, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

Apparently, Jarl Karldar had been sincere in wanting to speak with her. A letter on parchment bearing his seal was delivered to the College requesting her appearance in his court on Sundas. Despite being worded as a request, the letter was clearly a summons. That the jarl had specified Sundas, the one day she was free to leave the College without requesting permission, was also significant. It was no secret that Jarl Kraldar had met with Archmage Savos multiple times. He could have easily asked for her to be excused, but he had not. Perhaps the new jarl was more perceptive than she'd given him credit for being.

Daenerys decided to bring only Sofija with her. While Sofija was only a novitiate, Jarl Kraldar would have his followers. Unless she was greatly mistaken this meeting would be about politics. While she was a minor piece, she was now caught up in the game of thrones. Bringing a follower of her own was a statement about her influence. It also meant that she had a witness on her side. Daenerys pulled the hood of her cloak down to cover her face and wrapped herself tightly to keep warm. Given that it was still winter, she didn't attract notice. Even many of the Nords wore cloaks pulled low against the icy winds coming off the Sea of Ghosts.

When she arrived at the Jarl's longhouse, she was ushered into a war room adjacent to the throne room. The main fixture of the room was a table bearing a large map of Skyrim laid marked with little red and blue pennants showing the status of Imperial and Stormcloak forces. A serving girl offered to bring her refreshments and shortly returned with a mug of mulled wine. Daenerys studied the map and sipped the hot spiced wine while she waited. She didn't have to wait long.

Jarl Kraldar entered with a gracious wave and a smile. "Daenerys of the House Targaryen, thank you for accepting my invitation."

Daenerys rose and gave a curtsey out of respect for his position. "Thank you, for inviting me." She returned to her seat.

The jarl's housecarl, Thonjolf, entered and closed the door behind him. He silently went to stand behind Jarl Kraldar, mirroring the position that Sofija took behind her. Now all the pieces were in place. Daenerys sipped her wine and waited for the jarl to explain why he wanted to see her.

Jarl Kraldar didn't disappoint. "I had the feeling that there was more that you wanted to say to me when we last spoke, but you held back. Is that correct?"

Daenerys smiled. "Indeed. I'm pleased you understood. Archmage Savos is a powerful wizard, but he is not a politician. Nor should he be; the College of Winterhold should stand above such things. However, I don't think he appreciates that some discussions should be kept discrete, especially with Justiciar Ancano visiting the College."

"Are you saying that Archmage Savos would tell the Thalmor?" He seemed upset by the suggestion.

"No, no, no, not at all. I'm suggesting that he would likely tell his faculty, who he trusts, but that's seven mouths who might gossip. I'm not speculating widely. In a private meeting with him and his deputy, I mentioned being of noble blood. Within days the entire College knew. Just because he is a magical genius, does not mean he is adept at politics."

Jarl Kraldar nodded sadly. "Ah, that I understand. Yes, with Ancano in the College I agree that it is best that certain sensitive discussions be kept close." He sighed. "Very well. You were discussing that you were more of the opinion of Jarl Balgruuf. You came here from Whiterun. What do you know about his neutrality?"

"I do not know anything as such, but I will tell you of my own beliefs. Jarl Balgruufs actions lead me to believe that he is of a similar mind. The people should be free to worship Talos as they please, but we should not be fighting the Empire. That's what the Thalmor wants. Skyrim fighting the Empire only benefits the Aldmeri Dominion. After the secession of Hammerfell, the Empire can hardly afford to lose another province."

He sighed. "So you said, but meanwhile Nords are killing Nords. The Empire is already here in Skyrim hunting down the Stormcloaks."

"Is the Empire really doing that? They could be attacking cities, but they are not. In fact, they seem mostly content to hold the territory that has declared for them. They're trying not to escalate things. There is fighting in the open land between holds, but this war is not being actively fought by either side." Daenerys paused weighing her words carefully. "If anything, the Empire is being retaliatory instead of taking the fight to Ulfric."

"There is some truth to that, but I don't see your point."

Daenerys sipped her wine. "Simply this. Don't press the war. Instead, the Stormcloaks should consider suing for peace. Have the Empire recognize Skyrim's right to religious freedom and recognize Ulfric as High King. Skyrim agrees to rejoin the Empire under the same terms Morrowind joined – they get to keep their religious beliefs."

"That breaks the White-Gold Concordat," replied Jarl Kralder, but he sounded intrigued.

Daenerys shrugged. "It's just a treaty. If the Empire recognizes Skyrim's right to religious freedom, that's another treaty. The Thalmor will be upset, but I doubt they're ready to go to war. If they were, they would be doing so now instead of turning Skyrim against the Empire. What's more, it has already been one human generation since the White-Gold Concordat was signed. How many mer generations has it been?"

"Half a generation for Altmer at best. Other mer are more fertile and shorter-lived." He wagged a finger. "I've heard this argument. You believe The Aldmeri Dominion would not have sued for terms if they could have continued fighting, and while both empires are still recovering, humans recover faster."

"Indeed, that was my point. We know the war is coming. If we wait until the Aldmeri Dominion is ready, then we have already lost. That's why the Thalmor wants Skyrim to rebel. That's how they keep us weak while they grow stronger. Avoid their trap. Do you think the Empire wanted to ban Talos worship? They try to ignore that law as much as they can. Give the Empire a chance to have Skyrim returned to the fold without bloodshed and thumb their nose at the Aldmeri Dominion? What would you do in the Emperor's place?"

"It's more than likely that the Empire didn't care if Talos was worshipped in secret, but the moment Ulfric made his move, they were forced to react. Something which the Thalmor has taken ruthless advantage of by driving the purge, yet only offering peripheral support of their own," Daenerys explained. "With Skyrim in open revolt, the Empire is weakened, and the Dominion gains the advantage. The Thalmor won't stop until they see Ayleid Empire restored and every human in chains. Who is the real enemy?"

"It's a fair point, but I doubt the Empire would grant Skyrim independence when only four holds are in rebellion. It's also for Ulfric Stormcloak to decide. I cannot change policy from here in Winterhold. My people are going to join the Stormcloaks if they want."

"Not if you give them something else that needs doing. I can think of at least two things I would do in your place."

"Really, now?" Jarl Kraldar leaned forward. "And what would you do? Rebuild Winterhold?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't make that a priority. I would build towers around the city and place ballista on top of them. That is more for defense against dragons more than to protect against an Imperial invasion. Dragonhide is too thick for arrows to pierce unless you are incredibly lucky. A ballista bolt can kill a dragon. That would be my highest priority because even after you build the towers and ballista, it will take time to train men to use them. If you want to rebuild Winterhold, the towers can later be incorporated into a wall around the city."

"Would that do any good? Dragons are fast flyers from what I've heard."

"They are, but they'll also hover in place to attack. I was at Helgen, I saw it happen. Archers did nothing. Imperial battlemages did nothing. Right now if a dragon attacked, all you could do is pray to the gods." Perhaps with all the mages in the College, it would be different. Especially if they didn't attack a dragon with fire, but still this was something the jarl could easily do to protect his people.

"It's good advice. If that is your first priority, what is your second?"

"Let me ask you a question, how big is your navy?"

"Navy? Winterhold doesn't have a navy to speak of. I believe Jarl Korir had a personal vessel for hold business. That defaulted to me, but I haven't given it any thought."

Daenerys nodded. That was what she expected. She had seen the beach around Winterhold and the little island north of the College held only fishing boats. "We eat a lot of fish at the College. I imagine you do as well in the city. This isn't good land for farming. The Empire does have a navy. So does Solitude. What would happen if they simply parked two warships off the coast and sank every fishing boat that tried to sail?"

Behind Jarl Kraldar his housecarl went suddenly pale.

"By Ysmir! We could survive without the fishing fleet at least during the summer months, but we'd starve come winter, and we could do nothing to stop them."

She merely nodded her agreement. Jarl Kraldar had taken her bait. "Then my advice to you on what to do about the civil war is to put your people to work and build some ships. Perhaps on that fishing island north of the College. If Ulfric asks what you are doing for the war, tell him you're preparing to take the fight to Solitude." Which would help Winterhold in the short term, but more importantly would trigger a naval build-up. All the kingdoms of men should be focusing more on their naval forces. Why nobody seemed to realize that obvious military truth was beyond her.

"I will certainly be telling him that. To be honest the thought of taking the fight to Solitude by sea is a damn good idea as well. Fat merchant ships sail in and out of Solitude every day. Winterhold could fill its coffers raiding that trade and send a stronger message to the Empire than all of Ulfric's posturing. Let the East Empire Company lose a few cargos and the Empire would surely take notice."

"I think you might be counting your ships before they're built."

"True enough!" Jarl Kraldar laughed loudly. "Still it's worth thinking about. Although…" He paused and stroked his beard. "There are a lot of pirates operating on the Sea of Ghosts. I wonder how many would like to call themselves privateers, give Winterhold a cut in return for a safe harbor and a place to sell their goods."

It was a good idea. She didn't approve of pirates. They were just thieves with boats, but it cost Jarl Kraldar very little, would hurt the Imperials, and enrich his coffers. In the long term it would help trigger a naval build-up. Something she should at least mention. "You do realize the Empire will counter by authorizing privateers of their own?"

"Naturally, but that will take time. By then Winterhold could have a few ships of our own. Although first I'd have to find pirates willing to sit still and talk to make the offer."

Daenerys shook her head. "You obviously haven't been to the fishing village north of Winterhold lately. Those people are dirt poor and hostile to outsiders. I'd bet that staff you gave me that some of them are smuggling at least. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them aren't related to pirates or actual pirates themselves. It's not like anyone in Winterhold keeps watch of what comes in by sea."

"No, we haven't been." He sighed. "You were a ruler somewhere, weren't you lass? Before you were forced into exile? You grasp this too well."

Daenerys thought of Brelyna and how secrets shared bound them together. "What I say here does not go beyond this room? Not even to Ulfric?"

"I swear, not even to my wife."

"I was Queen of Meereen in the lands of the East once." For that was what Essos meant, the lands of the East.

"I knew it!" He grinned. "I don't suppose you'll share the story?"

Daenerys shook her head. "Maybe someday, but not today."

"Then I won't press you, but you have proven to me to be both wise and honorable. The people of my hold call you a hero. Daenerys of House Targaryen, I name you Thane of Winterhold."

For a moment she was shocked, but she recovered quickly. "I am grateful for the honor, Jarl Kraldar, but I am an outlander. I am not sure that I can live up to the responsibilities of that title. What are the duties of a thane?"

Behind her she heard Sofija give a little sigh of frustration. No doubt she had just asked something stupidly obvious to Nords.

"A thane is a title of recognition for those who have done great deeds and service to the hold. Thanes are considered unlanded nobles. It entitles you to dine at my table and means that I may call upon you at times for advice, to lend aid in war, or in some other service."

That was about what she thought. "I would like to respectfully decline. I am first and foremost a student of the College of Winterhold. I will gladly advise you, but I am not prepared to swear fealty to you."

"Ah, I understand now. You were a queen. It's not so easy for you to bend the knee, or even to tie yourself to one place, perhaps? While thanes usually swear to the Jarl, it is not a requirement. I grant you the title with no strings, Daenerys Targaryen. I may ask for your help or advice, but it will be a request, not the order of your jarl."

"Then I accept." She didn't have much choice. Refusing a second time would be unforgivably rude.

"Good!" Jarl Kraldar stood up. "Now, would you introduce me to your retainer? If she is to be your housecarl, then I should know her name."


Daenerys made a stop at the Frozen Hearth before returning to the College. As soon as she entered all eyes turned upon her. Several of them bowed their heads deeply out of respect. The attention was unwelcome as she wanted to be discrete, but it was not unexpected. Most of them just looked.

The innkeeper came out from behind his bar to greet her. "Lady Targaryen. Look. I'm sorry about the… unpleasantness the last time you visited. It won't happen again. Whatever you would like, food, drink, it's on the house."

This was the first time anyone in Skyrim had called her Lady. Apparently, the people of Winterhold held more respect for her than the students at the College. "Thank you, I may have some mulled wine before I leave, but first I would like to speak with one of your guests, a mage by the name of Nelacar."

"Oh, of course. His room is right here." The innkeeper knocked on the door. "Nelacar, Nelacar, open up."

Nelacar opened the door suddenly. He was an Altmer, gold of skin with sharp features and a haughty air about him. "What?! I've already paid for the week, and I already told you the smell was just a minor miscalculation. It won't happen again."

"It's fine. Actually, no it's not fine, but that's not why I'm here. You have a guest, the Lady Targaryen."

Nelacar looked over at her. "Oh, well that's different. I'm always happy to meet a lady." He bowed formally. "Nelacar, at your service. Won't you come in?"

Daenerys entered with Sofija following behind her. The room was a bit larger than most for an inn, but still just a single room. There was a small bed in the corner, a bench covered with enchanting supplies, a large bookshelf, and a small table with only one chair. "It's rather cozy, but this will do." She looked at the innkeeper. "Would you bring in another chair, please?"

"Oh, of course. Right away." He hurried off and returned shortly with another chair.

"Thank you." Daenerys sat and waited for the innkeeper to depart. The fewer people learning she was interested in a Daedric artifact the better.

Nelacar sat in the other chair. "So, how can I be of assistance? Are you interested in my research?"

"Actually, I'm interested in an incident that happened at the College before I arrived. I understand it involved Azura's Star and a student's death."

"Who sent you? Was it the College? The Jarl? We agreed there would be no more questions."

This is where she needed to tread lightly. "None of those. Since the duel, I have found myself caught up in politics between the new Jarl and the College. When you're involved in politics, it helps to know where the skeletons are buried."

"Politics." Nelacar crossed his arms. "And the people distrust mages. Why would I want these skeletons uncovered? What's in it for me?"

Did he want gold? She had brought her coin purse with her. Inside was half her remaining funds, money she would need to hire mercenaries, but even then it wouldn't go very far. She reached into her purse and grabbed a handful of coins without bothering to count and placed them on the table. "Would that help make it worth your while?"

Nelacar sighed. "A few coins for my soul? If only you understood the irony. What do you know about soul gems?"

"Not much. I know they're used in enchanting. Basically, they're the fuel, but I'm still learning to identify the enchantment upon an item. I don't know the details."

"You know more than most. They are indeed used to power enchantments. The problem is that the gem is always consumed. They're frail. Except for one, Azura's Star. A Daedric artifact that allows any number of souls to pass through it. Some of us wanted to find out how. I was working under Malyn Varen, then. If only we knew what he was really planning. Malyn wanted to alter the Star. He was dying. Disease. He thought he could store his own soul inside and become immortal. I mentioned how the Star is a soul gem, only it never gets depleted? There's another rule the artifact follows. You can only store white souls in the Star, belonging to the lesser creatures. Azura's magic won't allow black souls to enter it. As a mortal, Malyn's soul was black, so part of his work was breaking past Azura's rules. He was close before it drove him mad."

"It? Dying or the Star?"

"The Star. You need to understand that Azura is no ordinary Daedra. She commands an entire realm inside of Oblivion. The more Malyn worked on the Star, the more she was able to damn him. It started slowly at first. Malyn would see things that weren't there. Then he would yell at students over words they hadn't said. Then one day I walked in and Malyn had... killed a student, and in a horrific moment of inspiration, he started using her soul for his work."

"So, you killed him?"

"What? No! I reported him to the Archmage. She wasn't his first victim. The College expelled him. He took a few loyal disciples to Ilinalta's Deep and vanished."

Ilinalta's Deep! That was what she came for. She had a location now. However, she still had to play out her role. "But why simply expel him? If he was guilty of murder, he should have been tried and executed. Isn't he probably still out there? Still murdering people for his experiments."

"I don't know! Maybe. There. You have your 'skeleton', and I have my gold. Now leave me be."

Daenerys rose. "As you wish." She left the mage in his room with his regrets. She wasn't that impressed with him. Nor with what she had learned about Archmage Savos. She had her location, Ilinalta's Deep. She could research that in the College library. However, taking on a coven of mages sounded more dangerous than exploring a Nord barrow. Was she really destined to retrieve Azura's Star? Or was Azura manipulating her?
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Chapter 21
Chapter 21
Sundas, the 4th of Morning Star to Fredas, the 27th of Sun's Dawn, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

With Faralda's guidance Daenerys managed to cast Sparks before the month of Morning Star was over. Faralda was especially pleased because Daenerys had now met the minimum standards that she demanded of her apprentices: Flames, Frost, and Sparks, plus one apprentice level spell. Since they were planning on leaving the College in a few weeks, Faralda suggested that Daenerys focus on learning magic from other schools. She would still be able to tutor Daenerys in Destruction magic as they traveled, but Daenerys would no longer have access to the wisdom of the masters of the other schools. She also wanted Daenerys to teach her to cast the Shove spell to see if could cast it based on a Seeming instead of Fus.

Daenerys followed this advice, but like anything worth learning, mastering magic was a slow process of both study and practice. She studied the theory, attended all her classes, and practiced diligently. She also decided to select one spell at a time and focus on mastering it. Clairvoyance was the obvious first choice. She could already manage a wisp of smoke. She took the brute force approach, drilling the spell over and over until she was finally able to cast it successfully. The Master of Illusion, Drevis Nerloren, was quite pleased, but Daenerys found the Seeming difficult to maintain. The caster had to convince themselves that what they knew was false, was actually true. It was quite different from the anger and rage of Destruction or the wish for the pain to stop of Restoration. While Drevis claimed that she had made good progress, Daenerys was content to have mastered Clairvoyance and shifted her focus to other schools of magic.

After some consideration Daenerys decided to focus upon learning Bound Dagger next. Both Brelyna and Sofija claimed that Daenerys had the will and determination needed to succeed. Conjuration had numerous applications. She had seen some of the students in spellsword training using conjured blades and with the right advanced techniques, conjured weapons were better than steel. She was also interested in the ability to conjure minions to fight for her.

From the Unsullied and Dothraki to Sniel in Bleak Falls Barrow, people kept dying for her. Back on Plaentos she had been so certain of her cause that the cost hadn't bothered her. That had led to the burning of King's Landing. Never again would she discount lives like that. She would learn to fight on her own. She would not ask more of others than she did herself. Yes, she would still need trained warriors to help her fight. Summoning creatures was slow, and they didn't last long. Nord barrows were dangerous, and Dragur could attack with little warning. However, she could use disposable creatures to help pay the blood cost – if she could master the spells.

Despite her focus on mastering novitiate spells, Daenerys did not neglect her spellsword lessons. She attended every lesson and worked hard to master the techniques. Her duel with Thaena had proved that relying completely upon magic was foolish. After only a few weeks she could feel her body changing in response to the lessons. The aches and pains of exercises were resulting in hard muscle under her softer curves. The stretches were becoming easier as well. In their practice duels, she was still well behind most of the students, but she was getting better. The lessons were also excellent for practicing Restoration. It wouldn't be long before she would be ready to race the dangers of Skyrim.


The 13th​ of Sun's Dawn was minor Nord holiday, the Feast of the Dead. The celebration was for remembrance of fallen Nord heroes. Nords being Nords, this remembrance was accomplished by drinking and feasting while the names of all Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor were recited along with their known deeds. The holiday also featured competitions among bards for both the best story and the best song about the Companions. Like other Nord holidays, the Feast of the Dead was mostly ignored by the College of Winterhold. However, Daenerys, as a Thane of Winterhold, was obligated to attend.

Daenerys had expected it to be a boring affair full of drunk Nords boasting about the heroism of their ancestors. She was only half-right. The Nords were drunk and they did boast loudly about their ancestors, but it wasn't entirely boring. Jarl Kraldar had neglected to tell her that this was her introduction to Nord politics. While most of the population drank heavily and celebrated, she was introduced to all the jarl's thanes and landed nobles of Winterhold. All of them wanted to congratulate her on her duel and ask her advice about every issue that was facing Winterhold because Jarl Kraldar had not only acted on all her advice but also credited the ideas to her. The town had already built three ballistae and was training men to use them. They were also raising a tower and laying the keels for two new ships. Daeneys was also unsurprised to learn that her idea to spread the offer of pirates turning privateer in the fishing village had born fruit. One pirate had already accepted the Jarl's offer and two more were negotiating through intermediaries.

Now they all wanted advice about a new threat – vampires. In the process of clearing some of the old ruined homes to make way for a tower, they had uncovered two vampires sheltering in the basement. While there were only two found, vampires were now presumed to be the cause of the disappearances that had happened at isolated farms and even inside the town. More than one thane offered her cautious condolences on the loss of her 'lover' Sagyval. It disturbed her that her friend might now be a vampire, but she considered it likely. He had vanished without a trace. He had also mentioned only coming into town at night in his letter. She didn't have much advice to offer about vampires. She knew almost nothing about them. She made obvious suggestions about having everyone home before dark, locking doors, having the watch patrol in parties of two or more, and trying to contact the Dawnguard for advice. She found herself repeating this same obvious advice over and over. She plastered a smile on her face and reminded herself that these were important people in Winterhold. Nords weren't tolerant of outsiders in general, but because of her duel and her ability to Shout, she was being treated as one of them.

At the end of the day, Jarl Kraldar thanked her for sharing her wisdom with his court. He had a smug smile on his face as he did it. Maybe he was just a bit drunk, but she had the feeling that the jarl had used her reputation to smooth everything over. If it had been intentional, then there was a canny politician hiding behind the image of a Nord warrior. She wasn't even that upset. While it had been tedious, she had also made connections that might serve her well in the future.


Students were encouraged to practice outside of regular classes in the Hall of Elements. For most schools of magic, as long as the student was careful in their aim, only light supervision was needed. The exception to that rule was any form of Conjuration magic. All students of apprentice rank and lower had to be under the direct supervision the Master of Conjuration, Phinis Gestor. There was often a line waiting for a turn when he was supervising an open practice day.

Phinis was a middle-aged Breton, perhaps in his early forties, young for a faculty member, but already almost bald. He was a cold-hearted man and the strictest teacher at the College, and for good reason. It was all too easy for novitiates to accidentally summon an unbound Dremora. It hadn't ever happened to her, but she had seen it happen twice, once in Conjuration class and once in open practice. The Master of Conjuration had immediately banished the unbound Dremora on both occasions. That wasn't even the worst danger. It was possible for a mage to lose the battle of wills and end up the slave of the Dremora they tried to summon. However, willpower wasn't the part of Conjuration that gave Daenerys difficulty.

"Well, well, Daenerys Targaryen. Ready to make another attempt?"

"Yes, Master Phinis." That should be obvious. Why else had she been waiting her turn in line?

"Before you begin, what have you learned from your previous failures?"

"I'm still struggling with the invitation portion of the Seeming. As you've described in class, it's much like fishing. First, one must be sincerely open and inviting – baiting the hook. Then you wait until they're committed. You don't strike at the first nibble. Only after they take the bait, do you slam down your will and bind them. I'm fighting back too soon."

"Good. At least you understand your limitations. I think you're also not being inviting enough. They're cautious about taking the bait. Try focusing more on what you will let them do. Daedra are not fools, they know that mages will try to bind them. They hope to slip the noose, but they expect the attempt. It's the promise of the violence they can do that makes the commit. You want to bind a dagger. Focus on how you will use it, to cut and slash at your enemies, that it will drink blood."

"I understand." Daenerys gathered her will. The invitation was part of the focus, she wanted a Daedra to cut, to slash, to rip open her enemies, to feast upon blood. It really was a little like baiting a hook. The problem was that she was the bait. No sooner had she made then invitation than something slimy and filthy accepted. It slipped inside her body using her as an opening into Mundus. She hated the feeling. The spirit was nasty, impure, and hateful. This is where she always failed. She closed the connection too soon. She wanted to fight back, but she didn't. She let it wriggle inside her. It was vile and evil. She could feel it corrupting her. Letting it remain inside her was just felt so wrong. The longer it stayed, the worse it felt. She couldn't take it any longer! She slammed down her will and forced it out of her and into the form she had chosen, a small vessel shaped like a dagger. All the filth squeezed forth from her like lancing a boil and appeared in her hand – concentrated evil malice in the form of a dagger.

"There you go." He nodded in approval but didn't seem to really care that much. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

She held the thing shaped like a dagger in her hand. She forced a smile in acknowledgment although she felt sick inside. "No, it wasn't hard," she lied.

"Now, it should only last a few minutes the first time. Let's make sure you got the binding right."

Daenerys nodded and swung the dagger about a few times. Her victory felt so hollow. It wasn't as bad now that it was outside her body. Although it still reeked of hate and murder. It still wanted to drink blood, but at least it was no longer inside her corrupting her. She held onto it for a minute or two just wanting it to go away. Finally, after what seemed like forever, it vanished.

"Well done, Daenerys. It only took you a few months. That's really good progress. Get to the back of the line. You can probably get another two summons in before open practice is over."

Daenerys nodded. She felt used and dirty. It had only been inside her a few moments, but still the sensation lingered.

Brelyna patted her on the back. "It gets easier."

"I'm sure it does," agreed Daenerys, but was it getting easier a good thing? She had known from her earlier attempts what Conjuration meant. Mages summoned draemora every day. It was like building up a tolerance to poison. However, the feeling of being defiled still lingered. She had wanted disposable minions, but she wasn't sure the cost was worth it. She understood now why Masters of Conjuration became unfeeling and numb.

Daenerys practiced Bound Dagger three more times to be sure she could cast it, but she couldn't do it again. The more that she studied casting magic with a Seeming, the more she understood why Faralda was so excited at the prospect of Shout-based magic. The Nords weren't wrong to distrust mages. To master Conjuration she would have to continue to allow Draemora to use her body to access Mundus, and the Draemora would only grow in power and evil. If she persisted, there might come a day when she no longer needed warriors of flesh and blood to protect her, but at what cost? She had already fallen to madness once. She feared that if she continued down that path, there would come a day when she simply no longer cared about anything except power. That was not a price she was willing to pay. No, she had been a fool to think she could let corruption inside her and not be stained by it. This was not a path she could safely tread.

Having firmly turned her back on Conjuration, Daenerys had to decide what to study next. While Candlelight was obviously useful, Daenerys had never had more than a flicker of light. The Seeming for Alteration required one to embrace the wonder of childhood and endless possibility. While being reborn in Skyrim should be proof of that anything was possible, Daenerys found it hard to embrace that kind of naivety. She was simply too cynical. After considering what would help her survive Nord barrows the most, Daenerys decided to focus on learning Fast Healing. While it was technically an Apprentice level spell, it would be undoubtably useful. She also had ample opportunity with her spellsword training to practice healing herself.

She had also taken to spending more time in the library. Originally it had been to determine the location of Ilinalta's Deep. It was located, not surprisingly, on Lake Ilinalta west of Riverwood. That had led her to look up more information about Skyrim and Tamriel. There was much that she still didn't understand. Her reading speed still wasn't that good, but she no longer required a dictionary multiple times a page. There was much she wanted to know about dragons and Dragonborn. Faralda guided her to some books, but they were vague and disappointing. She only found two references of Dragonborn absorbing the souls of dragons but details were completely lacking. There were a lot of references to Nord oral tradition and songs that nobody had apparently ever bothered to write down.

Sofija was also studying and practicing diligently. She had clearly taken the command from Daenerys to be ready seriously. While she didn't have a preferred school of magic, Sofija had picked up quite a few spells that were useful to spellswords: Bound Dagger from the Conjuration School, Fury from the Illusion School, Healing from the Restoration School, and Oakflesh from the Alteration School. She had begged Brelyna for tutoring and finally mastered Bound Sword. Sofija pushed herself even harder in spellsword lessons than she did at studying magic. She had somehow convinced Malak to give her private tutoring and was now holding her own against the better students in the class during their duels.

Sofija wasn't the only one who seemed more determined. Brelyna was also studying hard. In truth she should be an apprentice already. She was working on apprentice level spells and could summon a Flame Atronach. She was focusing on mastering the Soul Trap spell, something which would aid Brelyna in advancing her enchanting skills. It was only the lack of anyone capable of taking over the senior novitiate position that kept Phinis Gestor from taking her as one of his apprentices. However, everyone knew it was only a matter of time until she was accepted.


Since taking Daenerys as an apprentice, Faralda had made it a point to meet at least once a week in her office to discuss her overall progress. These meetings had gradually become less and less formal. Although Faralda was still her mentor in learning Destruction, she treated Daenerys as an equal partner. Of course, Daenerys teaching her to cast the Shove spell had helped that along greatly.

Daenerys took a sip of her Calen tea before congratulating Faralda. "You've obviously mastered the spell. We've tested it thoroughly. Even though you're using a Seeming the results are identical to my casting."

"Yes," agreed Faralda with more than a bit of self-satisfaction. "Which is an interesting result. The hard part is conceiving of force as a separate thing in and of itself. While it has some similarities to telekinesis, it clearly belongs in the Destruction school."

"I admit that it's interesting, but did it really get us anywhere?" Daenerys sighed. "I'm becoming more and more convinced that we won't find the answers to shout-based magic here. We'll only find them out there in Tamriel. Maybe at Word Walls, maybe with the Greybeards." And with the weather finally growing warmer travel would soon be possible again.

Faralda just grinned over her cup of tea.

"What? Did you actually base your Shove off Fus?"

"Oh no, nothing that grand." Faralda chuckled. "I agree with you. I just know something you don't. Arniel Gane, one of our Alteration Adepts has been researching the nearby Nord ruins of Saarthal. It's one of the oldest Nord cities in Tamriel. In fact, according to legend, it is the first Nord city in all of Tamriel. While it is not a barrow, I think it is highly likely there is a Word Wall there. It's a day's journey to the north and wouldn't require going through any dangerous passes. There don't appear to be any draugr present. At least Arniel hasn't found any yet. Tolfdir has suggested that some additional hands and eyes might be helpful. Naturally, I put my weight behind the suggestion." She paused and sipped her tea.

"And? Was it approved?"

"It was indeed. In two weeks we'll be taking a half-dozen or so interested students. Apprentices and senior novitiates are eligible. It will be a four-day trip. A day there, two days exploring the ruins, and a day back. They haven't described anything like a Word Wall, but I'm hopeful."

"That is good news." She had thought they would be waiting for another month for the snow to melt enough for the passes to be clear. "Will I have difficulty getting one of the open spots?"

"Oh, no." Faralda smiled. "You're already on the list."

"I know it is supposed to be safe, but I'm going to bring the jarl's gift, the Grand Staff of Repulsion, just in case."

"Good," agreed Faralda. "You know, it's a pity the expedition isn't happening a few weeks later. There is a dragon peak a few days west of Saarthal. If the passes were clear we could go there after Saarthal."

"We shouldn't go near the dragon peaks." Daenerys knew even as she said the words that Faralda would require reasons which would mean speaking about things she hadn't even told Brelyna yet. Faralda had accepted that despite her secretive past she had shared everything important, but Faralda wouldn't let this go easily.

"Why not?" asked Faralda. "It's just a name. It doesn't mean they have dragons atop them."

"They do." She sighed. "I have dreams. Dragon dreams. They're true dreams, and in my dreams he is waiting atop a mountain. He's not the dragon from Helgen, but he's almost as strong. He's old, powerful, scarred. His wings are torn, his scales are dull, he's missing teeth and his horns are chipped, but he's deadly dangerous. He's waiting for me."

"Daenerys, lots of people dream."

She shook her head sadly. "I know, but when I dream of dragons, I dream true. I've done so in the past. It's a part of my heritage, my bloodline. I've told you that my family has links to dragons. All Targaryens have dragon dreams."

"I see. Well, we can cross off the dragon peaks then. Anything else you want to share?"

"No, not today." She really didn't want to talk about dragon dreams. Her dreams had led her to walk into Khal Drogo's funeral pyre and walk out the Mother of Dragons. However, dragon dreams had driven many of her ancestors mad. Aerion Targaryen had thought that drinking wildfire would turn him into a dragon. Her father, Mad King Aerys, had tried to burn King's Landing, and she… she had succeeded where her father had failed. But this dream, she knew to be true. Somewhere, atop a lonely mountain, a dragon waited. Someday, she would scale that mountain and face that dragon. Not now. She was not yet ready. But one day, soon, she would be.
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Tirdas, the 10th of First Seed, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

Time seemed to slow as she waited for the expedition to Saarthal to depart. It turned out that almost every apprentice and all the senior novitiates wanted to come on the expedition. Daenerys could understand why. She was tired of being locked up inside the walls of the College for the long months of winter. From what she had heard most of the students were looking forward to any excuse to get out. After some debate Archmage Savos decided there would be multiple excursions. Each excursion would consist of a small number of students supervised by a faculty member. Daenerys and the other senior novitiates were assigned to the second group. Tolfdir had originally been slated to be in charge, but Faralda swapped with him.

The day after the decision was announced Sofija informed Daenerys that she would be coming along to protect her thane. Daenerys knew Nords well enough to know that this was a matter of honor. She took Sofija's request to Faralda to try and get her housecarl added to the expedition. It turned out to be easier than she thought. Since Daenerys was an acknowledged Thane of Winterhold, that made her de facto nobility. Faralda dusted off the College bylaws and discovered an entire chapter on the rights of students who were nobles. As a mere thane, Daenerys was only allowed one retainer. Had she been a landed noble she would have been allowed three retainers, a concubine, and a private suite. Sofija was approved to join the expedition.

The journey to Saarthal wasn't difficult. They only had to cross one low rise of hills and then it was a long downward journey. The land was cold, bleak, desolate, and unsettled. They were attacked once by wolves, but Faralda sent them fleeing with a couple of fireballs. The sun was setting by the time they arrived at Saarthal. The entrance to the city itself looked like a quarry. She doubted it was the original entrance, but rather one that had been uncovered by excavation.

"Was Saarthal always like this?" asked Daenerys.

"No," replied Onmund. "Look, you can see the remains of supports. A large part of the city was above ground. That part didn't survive the Night of Tears when the Snow Elves descended upon the city and slaughtered everyone who lived here, and now we're here to pick over the bones of my ancestors."

"Onmund," growled Faralda. "We've been over this. You volunteered to come on this expedition. If it bothers you to explore these ruins, you're welcome to tend the camp instead of exploring with us."

"No, I'm fine," stated Onmund although he obviously wasn't.

Sofija shook her head slightly when Onmund turned his back. Clearly, she wasn't impressed by his complaints.

They spent the night inside the ruins in the first chamber. Arniel Gane joined them and showed some of the artifacts that had been uncovered. Nothing particularly exciting as far as Daenerys was concerned: broken pots, tools, and old weapons. Most were well preserved. Just not that remarkable. In the morning they finally got to explore the ruins. While Arniel Gane claimed it was safe, Faralda was more cautious. She assigned J'zargo and Onmund to help Arniel while she watched over Daenerys and Brelyna. As for Sofija, she quietly shadowed Daenerys everywhere while keeping a watchful eye on every dark alcove.

Arniel Gane didn't really seem to want or need their help. "Fine. Just... Just don't make a mess of my work. I've only looked through a portion of this section. You, uh, you can look around in the chambers just north of here. Try and be careful, all right? We don't want to damage anything."

"As you wish," agreed Faralda.

The northern corridors were dusty and looked empty until Brelyna bent down and picked up an object. "I found a ring! It has an enchantment on it. Very old and weak. Fortify Health, I believe."

Faralda nodded. "Good find. Daenerys, can you read the enchantment?"

"I'll try." Daenerys accepted the ring. "I can tell it's old." She tried to feel the magic, but she simply hadn't made much progress at reading enchantments. "I would have guessed Fortify Strength."

Faralda took it and felt it. "And you would have guessed wrong. Brelyna is correct. It fortifies the health of the wearer." She handed it back to Brelyna. "You can keep it. The enchantment is very weak. Let's look around here some more."

They happened upon two more rings with the same enchantment, so Faralda gave the second to Daenerys and the third to Sofija. Then Daenerys spotted a golden amulet in an alcove.

"Hey, I found something." She picked up the golden amulet and as soon as she did there was a loud rumbling sound and a slab of stone dropped down trapping them at the end of the corridor.

Sofija spun around and conjured two Bound Blades holding them at the ready, but nothing attacked them. They were just cut off.

Brelyna looked at the wall of stone that now blocked their escape. "That's not good."

"No, it's not," agreed Faralda. "So much for this site being safe. Daenerys, hand over the amulet."

Daenerys did so immediately. If she had let someone who could read enchantments observe it before she just grabbed it, they might not have triggered the trap.

Faralda turned it over in her hands. "Hmm, it makes it easier to cast spells. All spells for that matter. Which is rather unusual. It's not very strong, so the enchantment is probably weakening after so much time. Something else… Ah, it's a key." Faralda ran her hand over the alcove. "Yes, I think so. Everyone back."

They all backed up and Faralda tossed a Firebolt at the alcove. It didn't just impact stone like a Firebolt normally would. It blew the alcove apart and revealed a roughhewn tunnel behind it. "Well, it appears the only way out is forward."

Daenerys looked down the tunnel. "Three mages and a spellsword. I'll lead because I can Shout, and I have my staff that I can use on draugr. If we run into dragur, or spiders or anything else, I'll Shout and then pull back. Sofija, I know you'll want to protect me first, but you're our best fighter. If we encounter more numbers than we can easily handle, it will be up to you to keep them off all of us while we cast."

Faralda frowned. "I don't like it, but it makes sense."

Sofija saluted, thumping her chest with a fist. "Yes, my thane."

Brelyna merely nodded. She looked composed, but Daenerys knew her well enough to know that she was nervous.

Daenerys set off down the corridor exercising the caution that might have saved her before, but saw nothing but a round tunnel in the rock. The tunnel ended abruptly at a burial chamber with three upright coffins. "Spread out so we're not in each other's line of fire. I wouldn't be surprised if we find draugr down here." She looked out to see that Faralda was on her left and Brelyna was on her right. Daenerys cast flames at one of the coffins.

The coffin opened and a draugr staggered out. It was immediately met by Firebolts from Faralda's hands. However, one of the other coffins opened as well and released a second draugr. Daenerys stepped up to it and Shouted, "Yol" and it went flying back. It slammed into the wall as a burning heap. Sofija was all over it, slashing with two conjured blades and hacking it into pieces. The fight was over before Brelyna finished casting and her familiar, a blue spectral wolf, appeared.

"So, you were right about the draugr," noted Faralda with a lack of concern. "And still no way out but forward."

Daenerys nodded feeling relieved. That hadn't been too bad, but she remembered Bleak Falls Barrow. Dragur weren't always considerate to come at you in ones and twos.


As they continued exploring the ruins, her worry about the dragur attacking in numbers proved true. Fortunately, her Grand Staff of Repulsion lived up to its name. They didn't find just draugr, but chests with gold, potions, and weapons. They looted what they found as they went. Sofija had no hesitation at all about looting her ancestors. In fact she was downright eager to kill and loot them.

At first they had little choice in direction, but they came to a strange room where a stone bridge spanned a pit covered by an intricate lattice of metal bars. The room also housed several draugr. Once they were dead, they paused to investigate. Six corridors had originally led this room: the one they entered by, four that led off in cardinal directions, and one that led down. Two of the corridors were blocked by rubble. They also examined the chasm below. A mist swirled below that made it hard to make anything out. Along the sides were odd projections that all sloped down into the darkness.

"How far down do you think it goes?" wondered Brelyna.

"Let's find out," replied Faralda. She stuck a hand through the lattice and cast a fireball straight downward. The roaring ball of flame lit up a perfectly circular well that extended down as far as the eye could see. The fireball simply dwindled in size becoming fainter and fainter until it vanished.

"By the gods," whispered Brelyna.

"Possibly," agreed Daenerys. "I don't think that was made by human hands."

"The first age was full of wonders," said Faralda. "But I never heard of anything like this. I would think it was the work of the Dwemer, but dwemer metal is golden in hue. Also, I never heard of the Dwemer being associated with Saarthal. This was supposedly the first city of men. I suppose it could be the work of the Snow Elves, so little is known about them, but as far as we know they preferred to live above ground, unlike their Farmer descendants."

"More importantly, is there a way out?" asked Sofija joining the conversation for the first time. "I admit the big hole is impressive, but we can't eat rocks and darkness."

Daenerys chuckled at Sofija's joke, but it was no laughing matter. They could starve down here, although they would likely die of thirst before that happened. With a wave of her hand, she tried Clairvoyance asking for how to reach Winterhold. A smoky white rope of magic grew out of her hand and extended into the corridor leading down. "Yes, there is a way out. So, do we explore the other corridors on this level? Or find the exit first?"

"We find the exit first," said Faralda. "Clairvoyance can be temperamental. There is no telling how difficult it will be to follow that path."

Nobody could fault Faralda's logic, so they took the downward path. They stopped at every intersection and someone cast Clairvoyance to keep them on the path that would lead out. As they continued, it became clear that there was a whole underground city around them. In addition to draugr they found broken pottery, stone furniture, and other relics of ages ago.

Once Brelyna triggered a trap that shot them all full of darts. It was painful, but they all knew Healing and survived to continue. They passed through two different puzzle rooms and fought more draugr. Compared to Bleak Falls Barrow it was easy, mostly because Faralda was a Mistress of Destruction. Daenerys had known that Faralda was powerful, but seeing her fight was beautiful to behold. The only thing she could compare it to was watching one of her dragons.

As they continued Faralda suddenly froze. "Stop. There is something up ahead. Something powerfully magical."

"I don't-" began Daenerys.

"I feel it," interrupted Brelyna.

Daenerys paused trying to feel whatever it was the mer felt. Sofija looked equally clueless. "I don't feel it. Regardless, let's be cautious."

As they crept down the corridor, the darkness was broken by a greenish glow that grew brighter Daenerys could feel the magical energy that the two mer had picked up on earlier. Quietly they reached the end of the corridor and stepped out onto a balcony overlooking a vast room. The dominant feature of the room was a massive glowing magical barrier. Behind the barrier a huge orb carved with runes and glowing with magical power floated in midair. So impressive was the orb that Daenerys almost didn't notice the dragur sitting on a throne before a table directly below them. He was slumped over as if he'd just fallen asleep and wasted away. However, even as she noticed him, he started to move.

"Dragur!" Daenerys hurried down the stairs, to cut it off. Once she hit a draugr with a Shout, the fight was mostly over. Some of the tougher ones survived, but they were still knocked down and injured. Even as she dashed down the stairs two at a time, she had a moment of doubt. This felt wrong. The draugr marching up the stairs to meet her wore a helmet with a long set of horns. It carried a battle axe held high waiting to strike, and it was glowing green – the same shade of green as the barrier. Something about it reminded her of the draugr lord in the final chamber of Bleak Falls Barrow. Too late to change tactics, Daenerys met it halfway down the stairs. She stepped in close and shouted "Yol"! Her word caught fire, striking it with the force of her Thu'um.

Nothing happened. The draugr was completely unaffected. She was wide open as it swung it's axe down at her in a vicious overhead strike.

Daenerys frantically parried but lost her balance in doing so. The stairwell was too narrow, and she fell off the stairs as the draugr's second slash cleaved the air where she had stood. She fell five feet and landed roughly on the hard stone floor. The impact with the floor knocked the wind out of her and sent her staff flying. Once she regained her breath, it was her hands that hurt the most. She had reflexively thrown her arms up to try and catch herself and landed on them. Both her hands were raw and bloody, but she forced herself up. She remembered all too well that the last draugr lord she'd fought had been able to Shout. That was when Sniel died. Even worse, this one had been immune to her Shout.

She glanced up the stairs. Sophia was fighting the draugr with two conjured blades against its one battle axe, but she was barely holding her own. A ghostly wolf popped into existence at the draugr lord's back. The conjuration started harrying it from behind, but the draugr lord didn't seem to notice. Suddenly from atop the balcony, a bright bolt of lightning lashed out at the green glowing barrier. The barrier held briefly, then exploded in a green flash of light and magic. Daenerys couldn't see anything for a moment. She blinked trying to clear her vision, which slowly resolved from darkness to magenta-colored blurs.

She heard a scream and saw someone else falling from the stair. Still partially blind she hurried to the fallen figure. Up close she could tell that the fallen person was Sofija. The brave but foolish girl was bleeding from a large abdominal wound. Back on Planetos that kind of injury would be certainly lethal. Even if the bleeding could be staunched, injuries like that always became infected. However, Niirn was a world of magic.

As Firebolts slammed into the draugr lord one after another after another, Daenerys gathered her will. Sofija would not die today! The Seeming was so simple, compassion and caring, a wish for Sofija to be made whole. Healing magic flowed from her and into Sofija. She poured everything she had into it. Golden light washed over Sofija's wounds healing her. As the healing magic flowed from Daenerys her own vision cleared up as well.

Sofija's eyes opened and she groaned.

Daenerys felt immense relief that her magic had worked. "I'm sorry, Sofija Ēlī Vokēdrie, you'll have to wait another day to join the heroes of Sovengarde."

Sofija laughed. "Thank you, my thane, but you won't be getting rid of me that easily."

The charred and smoking corpse of the draugr suddenly tumbled down the stairs and fell into a heap beside them. Daenerys spun to face it with a hand raised to blast it, but it clearly already dead. She looked up the stairs.

Faralda was walking down the stairs. She gave a little wave and didn't look at all bothered. "Apprentice, what's the first rule of Destruction magic?"

Daenerys laughed as she recalled Faralda's first rule. "When in doubt, kill it with fire."

"Quite," agreed Faralda.


With the draugr lord dead they searched the room. By unspoken agreement they left the enormous glowing ball of magic for last. They found a staff laying on the table that Brelyna and Faralda both found to be impressive. It was a Staff of Lightning with an additional enchantment to make it even more damaging to magicka than lightning usually was.

"And it's named," commented Faralda. "Jyrik Galdurson's Staff, or the Staff of Jyrik Galdurson if you prefer."

"How can you tell that?" asked Daenerys.

"It's possible to weave a name into an enchantment, like a smith adding a maker's mark to a weapon," explained Faralda. "Many don't bother, but some believe there is power in names, and it adds to the power of an enchantment."

"They may not be wrong," added Brelyna. "There are many who think that belief has power. Some say that even the gods derive some of their power from the belief of their worshipers. Some believe that is the true reason that the Thalmor wanted Talos worship banned. They believe he exists, but they want to starve him of power by denying him worship."

"Fools," muttered Sofija. "Banning Talos worship only drove away the weak. The faithful have become even more devoted."

The name of the staff matched the note they found lying on the table:

Be bound here, Jyrik, murderer, betrayer​
Condemned by your crimes against realm and lord.​
May your name and your deeds be forgotten forever​
And the charm which you bear be sealed by our ward.​

The charm was found seared to the dragur lord's neck. Faralda examined it. "There was an enchantment that keyed it to the ward, but it's broken now. There is a second enchantment, also broken enchantment, but it's odd. It will help magicka, but I really can't tell what it should be. Let's not use it until I have Sergius check it out when we return to the College. Broken enchantments can sometimes behave unpredictably."

Daenerys nodded. "So, do you think he has something to do with that?" She pointed at the huge metal ball spinning slowly as it floated in the air. Sometimes it would flare brighter and runes could be seen inscribed in intricate patterns across its surface.

"I have no idea. The orb was powering the wards, and the guardian was drawing power from it indirectly through the wards. When I hit the wards with lightning, they collapsed, but that orb seems completely unaffected. I can still feel the power coming off of it."

"Maybe you should hit it with lightning again," suggested Brelyna.

"Really, Brel?" asked Daenerys. "We have a stupidly powerful artifact and you think we should just zap it with lightning and hope for the best?" Sometimes Nords were right to distrust mages.

"It might work. Lightning disrupts magic. It took down the ward." She sighed. "But I concede your point."

"Yes, I agree with Daenerys," added Faralda. "We're not going to be experimenting on it with lightning. Let's start by trying to read it's magic shall we." She walked over to the metal orb and held her hands up to it without touching it. "Ohhhh," she sighed blissfully. "The magic. It's so strong. Almost overpowering. Too strong to read."

"Faralda!" Daenerys barked in command. "Get back here now."

Faralda blinked and backed up.

"What was that? You sounded like you were in the arms of a lover."

Sofija chuckled and muttered something that made Brelyna snort with laughter.

"It was not like the arms of a lover, but the magic is so strong. It's more like being wrapped like a child in the arms of a parent. Try it yourself before you judge me."

They all tried it. Daenerys and Sofija could just sense that it was powerfully magical. Brelyna's reaction was similar to Faralda's. Both mer claimed it was simply because they were more sensitive to magic. While their reactions were interesting and a little amusing, it didn't help them decide what to do with the thing. The idea of reporting it to the College where Ancano would eventually learn about it did not appeal to her. She was honestly tempted to drag it back to the pit and drop it inside. Nobody having it was better than the Thalmor getting their hands on it. However, she had no clue how to move it. The runes were of no help. No one could read them, or even identify them.

"Considering where we found it, they may be Snow Elf runes," suggested Faralda.

"Adept Enthir back at the College would know," said Brelyna. "He is one of the few living experts on the Falmer language."

Daenerys sighed. "Having him try to read the runes is a much better idea than poking around at it blindly, but it might be best to keep this secret – if we can. For now, let's leave it alone and find the way out."

They had been down here for hours at least without food or water. No one was suffering yet, but they also hadn't found an exit yet. Clairvoyance was a temperamental spell and didn't care how dangerous a path might be – as evidenced by it leading them straight to this room. They continued down a twisty tunnel. They didn't need Clairvoyance because there was only one path.

Then Daenerys heard a faint noise. Two steps more and she recognized it. "Stop. Does anyone else hear chanting?"

Faralda and Breylna shook their heads. Sofija looked puzzled. That's when Daenerys realized that she had never told Sofija exactly what secrets she was seeking in Nord barrows. "There is a Word Wall up ahead. I encountered one before in Bleak Falls Barrow. That's where I learned the Shout, Fus."

"You mean, I could learn to Shout?" asked Sofija.

"I don't know. That's what I'm hoping we'll find out. If others can learn from Word Walls or just me. We advance slowly from here. Feel with your magic."

"I'll lead," said Faralda firmly.

"Agreed," said Daenerys, and she followed Faralda as she walked slowly down the tunnel which was opening up into a chamber. As they got closer to the chamber, the chanting started to make sense. "It's in Dovahzul, Dragon tongue." Yet, they were still too far away.

"I hear nothing," replied Faralda. She had a slight snap in her voice that Daenerys recognized as her mentor keeping a sharp grip on her anger.

"Nor do I," said Brelyna.

Sofija cocked her head to the side as everyone looked to her. "Nothing." She sighed.

"Let's keep going," said Daenerys. While she was eager to learn another Shout herself, it seemed that hearing the chanting from a Word Wall was a gift the others didn't share. That was not a good sign for Faralda's dream of learning shout-based magic.

The Word Wall was obvious when they entered the chamber, and Daenerys could hear the chanting increase in volume and grew clearer. She started to pick out words. They resonated within her with undertones and nuances that had been missing from the Dovahzul codex she studied.

Morokei Vukein – Glorious Combat. Munax Haalvut – Cruel Touch.​

And there was a Word. One Word that was glowing as the chant continued.

Liiv Krasaar – Withering sickness. Het nok – Here lies. Kopraan – Corpse.


While the other words in Dovahzul resonated this one vibrated her entire being. The other words she heard, but word rang with meaning. Iiz. Ice. Not the merely chill or cold, but the way wet moving water changed its being to become as hard as stone. The word seemed to freeze her in place by the sheer weight of its majesty. She felt her tongue stick, but she had to voice the word. She had to set it free. Still facing the wall she gave it voice, "Iiz!"

Fus and Yol exploded out into the world. Iiz wasn't Force or Fire. It didn't rip into the world. It flowed. Like a rock dropped into a tranquil pond changed the surface from smooth to rippled, Iiz changed the air and wall. The air stilled and became cold. The rock surface of the wall changed little save for a bit of frost. Despite the lack of visible effect, Daenerys knew that Iiz was as powerful and dangerous as either of her other two shouts.

Kudos to MadGreenSon for beta.
Last edited:
Chapter 23
Chapter 23
Middas, the 11th of First Seed, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

Now that she had released Iiz, the shout settled down inside her to wait until she called it forth again. The Word Wall was silent now, and everyone was staring at her. "I suppose it is obvious, but I learned a new Shout. It's Dovahzul for ice. It means the freezing of things, not just the coldness, but whatever power existed in the wall is quiet now. At least it is for me. I can even read the inscription:

"Here lies the body of
Iglif Ice-Blood who met his end
not in glorious combat, but at
the cruel touch of the withering sickness."​

It frustrated her a little that she hadn't heard all the words pronounced. However, now that the chanting was done, she was puzzled. Why had only Iiz affected her so deeply? Why hadn't morokei vukein, glorious combat, or any of the other words been etched upon her being like Iiz? Had the words not been fully and correctly pronounced? Were some words more important than others? She didn't know.

And they were still staring at her. "Maybe you should all try getting closer to the wall? Maybe it only fell silent for me once I learned the word."

"It is worth trying, I suppose," agreed Faralda, but her words smoldered with suppressed anger.

Faralda and Brelyna felt nothing. That obviously bothered Faralda greatly, but Brelyna not at all. More surprisingly, Sofija did feel something.

"I can't hear it, but when I place my hand on this word, Ice, I can feel a faint vibration. Does that mean I have some talent for Shouting?"

Daenerys shrugged. "I don't know."


Clairvoyance guided them out a tunnel on the other side of the Word Wall chamber and along a path that led generally up. They encountered more draugr, but Faralda made short work of them. They eventually emerged from a corridor that overlooked the entrance chamber. It was blocked by a portcullis which opened by a lever. From there they just had to climb down to return to where they had made camp. No one was there. No doubt Onmund, J'zargo and Arniel Gane were out looking for them.

"Before we climb down, we need to decide what we will say about the orb," said Faralda.

"What is there to decide?" asked Daenerys. "Arniel Gane isn't going away, and we're only the second of five planned expeditions to Saarthal. We don't have a way to move the orb, nor can we collapse the corridors leading to it. It is going to be found. If we lie about it, then we tarnish our reputations for nothing." Which she would not do. Honor was very important to Nords. While it was not as important to her, she wasn't going to lie for something so pointless. "We could simply not mention the orb and hope that it somehow isn't discovered, but when has just hoping things turn out right ever worked?"

Faralda nodded. She laid a hand on Daenerys's shoulder. "I know you are not impressed with Archmage Savos, but he is a very powerful and talented mage. The College of Winterhold has many resources at its disposal. This could be an important discovery. I hate that Ancano and through him the Thalmor will become aware of the existence of the orb, but he is only one mage. The College is dedicated to the study of pure magic and not politics. While they have their flaws, I can think of no better custodian for this object."

Daenerys noted that Faralda referred to the College as 'they' and not 'we', a clear sign that Faralda's allegiance had shifted despite the obvious frustration she felt at not being able to learn a Shout at the Word Wall. She was also arguing as an advisor to a leader instead of a partner. When exactly had that happened?

"My thane?" interrupted Sofija. "If you want another option, you are a Thane of Winterhold, even if you are not sworn to Jarl Kraldar. You could take it to him instead."

"No," replied Daenerys with a shake of her head. "Jarl Kraldar has but one mage in his service and that mage lacks the skills to study the orb. No, Faralda is right. Alerting the College is the only reasonable choice. Although I will inform the jarl. Come on, everyone is probably worried about us. Let's tell them we're safe and get something to eat."


Naturally, everyone wanted to see the orb, so the next day Daenerys led the entire expedition back to the chamber where they left it. Arniel Gane, J'zargo and Onmund were all impressed but just as clueless. The next day they returned to Winterhold. Daenerys, with Sofija following her, stopped to have a private audience with Jarl Kraldar. It was a friendly audience, just her, the jarl and their housecarls in a private room. He even served her mulled wine without her having to ask for it.

"That is a very interesting tale," said the jarl after Daenerys shared the discovery. "You will keep me posted of what the College discovers?"

"For as long as I remain at the College, although that won't be much longer."

"Really? You were only recently promoted to apprentice. Are you going to make adept so soon?"

Daenerys paused and weighed how much to reveal. The fact of her departure would hardly be a secret, but should she reveal her plans? Nords didn't particularly like raiding Nord barrows, but Jarl Balgruuf had ordered an expedition, and his soldiers had no problem looting the dead. While Winterhold wasn't near the size of Whiterun, Jarl Kraldar still had numerous warriors sworn to his service. If she could convince him to lend her just a few of them, it would eliminate the need to hire mercenaries.

"No, I am still an apprentice, but I am leaving the College anyway. As soon as the mountain passes thaw, I am going to be exploring some old Nord barrows." She held up a hand to cut off any objections. "However, I'm not a simple graverobber. Have you ever heard of Word Walls?"

The jarl shook his head. "No, I can't say that I have."

"They are stone walls inscribed in Dovahzul, the Dragon Tongue, I encountered a Word Wall in Bleak Falls Barrow and learned a Shout from it. I have researched Word Walls at the College. They are located all over Skyrim, but particularly in barrows. I'm going to seek them out." Of course, she would also be looting the tombs for everything of value, but at least she had justification for being down there.

"Interesting. I have two questions. First, why not simply seek out the Greybeards?"

"I will be heading south. I may indeed seek out the Greybeards. However, I have no intention to devote my life to quiet contemplation atop a mountain.

"Understandable," agreed Jarl Kraldar. "You have the bold heart of a warrior. I never thought the path of a mage suited you. I can't see you simply studying atop a mountain until you are old and grey."

Daenerys didn't know about having the heart of a warrior. She was born to rule, not to fight… and she remembered burning King's Landing and where dreams of power had led her. She forced a smile she didn't feel and continued the conversation. "I don't know if they would even teach me unless I commit to joining their order. I'm not sure how they select students or if they even accept women."

"They do," said Kraldar. "You will have to climb the Seven Thousand Steps up to High Hrothgar. and present yourself. The Greybeards will then test you to see if you have the gift for Shouting. I made the journey when I was in my teens, as do the sons of many Nord lords and thanes."

"But their order is not restricted to Nord noblemen?" Daenerys had wondered about that, but she hadn't found anything written down.

"No, they will test anyone who climbs the Seven Thousand Steps. Noble, commoner, man, woman… as far as I know they'd test a mer or even a sload if one managed to climb the steps. It's just that few commoners can afford to make the pilgrimage and few who aren't Nords ever try. You can Shout. They'll accept you."

"But only if I join their order?"

He nodded. "True, but you can also leave at any time. Jarl Ulfric did. He spent a decade studying with them but left to fight in the Great War."

Daenerys nodded her head. "Thank you. I probably will visit them eventually. I have a route planned and I will be stopping at several barrows along the way first."

"Ahh, and that brings me to my second question, what barrows do you plan to explore?"

"Ygnol barrow first. I have the key to its central chamber in my possession. After that I'll head west past Windhelm. There are three barrows along the path to Whiterun: Ironbind, Silverdrift, and Korvanjund." The Nightgate Inn was also centrally located to those barrows. The small village and trading post that was located there would be a good place to rest and sell any loot they found. However, Kraldar didn't need to know those details. "I might visit Volunruud and Silent Moons Barrow as well."

"You have the key to Ygnol Barrow." Jarl Kraldar laughed. "Oh, how the gods favor you, Daenerys Targaryen. How would you like to depart this week? I'm heeding your advice about lacking a navy. We're building two new ships, but we'll have to man them. So, I've kept our one ship, the Sea Dagger busy to train more sailors. It's just a karve, only fourteen seats, but I've been sending it out on patrols with a mix of experienced and fresh sailors. Yngol Barrow is at the mouth of the White River. We could set sail in the next few days and accompany you there."

"We?" Daenerys was amazed by this offer. A large part of the reason that she hadn't left yet was because the passes were still frozen. Not only was Jarl Kraldar suggesting that they sail there saving her weeks of waiting and walking, but he seemed to be offering to come himself and bring along a more help than she dreamed possible. "You would be coming as well? With fourteen warriors? And just to drop me off at Yngol Barrow or joining me inside?"

"Fourteen warriors?" Jarl Kraldar laughed again. "The Sea Dagger has fourteen seats. Two oars to each seat. It takes a minimum of twenty-eight men to man her oars, but it will accommodate two men for each oar. That's how we have been training, one experienced sailor and one novice per oar. That's fifty-six men just for the oars. Then we have room for a few more near the mast. And, yes, I meant joining you in Yngol barrow. Nord longships do fight at sea by ramming, but Imperial ships with their mages and ballistae often have the advantage when fighting at sea. Where Nord longships excel is at raiding. Our ships have shallow drafts and can come ashore on almost any beach. Assaulting Yngol Barrow would be good training for my men."

For his men? This was still far too generous. Fifty-six men would tear through Yngol Barrow like her Unsullied cut through the slavers of Astapor. "But why would you accompany us personally?"

This time Jarl Kraldar smiled and wagged a finger. "Not this time. I do have a reason for going to Yngol Barrow myself, but you have your secrets and I have mine. If you come with us, you'll find out."

"Very well, keep your secrets." She was more amused than offended. "I can wait a few days to find out at Yngol Barrow."

"Good." He clapped his hands together. "And afterward we can take you all the way to Windhelm. I need to tell Jarl Ulfric that I have taken over as Jarl of Winterhold. I planned to send a messenger, but Yngol Barrow is but a short distance from Windhelm. I may as well continue on and swear my allegiance to his face. If you come with us, that will take you farther in the direction that you wanted to go. I can also present you to Jarl Ulrfic while we're in Windhelm. You had good insights into the war. If you really want the Stormcloaks to pursue peace, this would be your chance to speak with the man who could make that happen."

"Jarl Ulric… I have actually met him before – at Helgen. I couldn't speak Tamrelic then." He was the reason she almost got her head chopped off. To be fair he was only part of the reason. The larger part was Imperials not caring enough to even try to sort the innocent from the guilty. She wasn't entirely comfortable at the prospect of meeting him at his seat of power. She wasn't sure if he was merely hungry for power, or if he really believed in his cause. Was he the kind of king who would throw her into prison or even kill her merely for suggesting an alternate path? She was reminded of the diffident way Varys and Tyrion would advise her. Speaking truth to power was a dangerous occupation. It wasn't her war. She had no obligation to put her neck on the line. Except, that people she cared about lived in Skyrim. Yes, it would have some risk, but she could speak her mind without three dragons watching her back. "It will be an… interesting challenge to try to explain my views to him, but I accept. My party and I will be glad to accompany you."

"Your party? How many do you plan to bring? There is little room for passengers on a longship. Also, I should warn you. You will lose the respect of the crew if you don't take a turn rowing. I'll take a turn rowing myself. If Jarl Ulfric himself traveled in a longship, he would take a turn rowing. I can pair you with a strong and experienced rower, and let you rotate out frequently. That will be acceptable considering that you are slight young woman, but you'll need to row some of the time."

Rowing a longship wasn't something she was looking forward to doing, but it would save her time. When ruling Meereen she had followed their customs. This Nord custom at least made sense. It proved that a leader was willing to undertake the same burdens they asked of their men. "Then I'll row. As for how many I plan to bring: myself, Sofija, of course, plus Faralda, who is a Mistress of Destruction, maybe one other, Brelyna, an apprentice of Conjuration." Daenerys looked back behind her to where Sofija stood. "I assume you would take a turn rowing."

Sofija nodded. "Yes, my thane. As the jarl said, any true Nord warrior takes a turn rowing on a longship."

"So that would only be one or two passengers." Jarl Kraldar nodded in approval. "And no sailor would object to having a Mistress of Destruction onboard. Masters of that school are particularly feared in naval warfare. With her not taking a turn, no one will complain too much if an apprentice joins as well."

Since Jarl Kraldar seemed very pleased about whatever secret he was keeping, Daenerys decided to push for a little more. "After Yngol Barrow, if there are some of your warriors who still need to be blooded, I could use some warriors to accompany my party to the other barrows."

"Hmm, I will think upon that Daenerys Targaryen. I'm sure that many of my men would be glad to follow you for a share of the loot, or even for the glory and honor alone. However, I need all the experienced sailors I can find. Building up a navy from almost nothing is no easy task."

Daenerys nodded. "Of course, I understand your need." She even thought that building up naval forces was important. That's why she'd planted the seed. "I can always hire mercenaries, but one man who fights for honor is worth three who fight for gold. If you could spare even two or three, it would help my cause greatly."

"Perhaps, Daenerys Targaryen, after Yngol Barrow, but tell me first – what is your cause? You seek to learn Shouts, but is power and personal gain all you seek?"

Daenerys frowned. While Jarl Kraldar looked like a warrior, he had a brain behind that bushy beard. She still didn't know why she had been brought to Tamriel, and she was still reluctant to fully declare herself. However, she was growing tired of hiding, and she trusted Jarl Kraldar more than most. Besides, if she wanted the soldiers, she had to give him an answer. "You asked me once if I was Dragonborn. I told you that I have never slain a dragon. I think the gods are guiding me and that someday soon I will face a dragon. On that day we'll find out whether I am Dragonborn or not." It wasn't just the dragon on the mountain that haunted her dreams. She had seen others, and sometimes she fought them. "I know that I am not yet ready. The stories say that Nords died by the thousands when they warred against the dragons, but they won. I need to learn how to kill a dragon, so I seek to master the Thu'um."

Jarl Kraldar took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Some say that Alduin himself is behind this return of dragons, and we're living in the end times, but I chose hope. Nobody else is doing anything about the dragon attacks." For a long moment, he just stared at her. "I could write you off as a crazy fool, but there is more to you than meets the eye. You'll have your men, Daenerys Targaryen. May you find what you seek."


Daenerys knew that Faralda had been disappointed by not being able to feel anything from the Word Wall. She even thought that it was possible that her mentor would choose to stay at the College and study the orb rather than follow their plan to leave. Her fears proved to be groundless.

"I will admit that it is a setback. I had hoped to be able to learn a Shout from a Word Wall, but if it had been that easy, then others would surely have discovered it by now. Hela Thrice-Versed would certainly have noticed and mentioned it in her book on Word Walls. We can experiment. The next time we find a Word Wall, you approach to activate it, but then back off. Maybe once you have activated it, then I can learn the word. The plan is still to go to the Greybeards eventually?"

"Yes," agreed Daenerys.

"Then I will accompany you. I doubt the Greybeards would indulge the curiosity of an Altmer, but I believe they will accept you."

Daenerys nodded firmly. "And I will do what I can to convince the Greybeards to assist you in learning to Shout."


Brelyna chose to stay and study at the College. It wasn't really a surprise to Daenerys. Conjuration magic was in Brelyna's blood the same way that dragon's blood was in hers. Brelyna had her own path to follow. Daenerys expected they would meet again. After all, she had sworn to aid Brelyna when she was ready to pursue her revenge against Neloth.

Word of her leaving swept through the school. She was asked about her decision and simply said that she was following her master on her sabbatical. That was even true. The discovery of the orb also overshadowed rumors of her departure. While the school rumor mill hadn't yet determined exactly what they had found under Saarthal, it was common knowledge that they had discovered a powerful magical artifact.

She was taken aback when Taillour offered to swear allegiance and join as well. Although it wasn't a complete surprise. Taillour had joined spellsword training and stubbornly kept attending. While she didn't have a natural aptitude, she had been making up for it with determination. The girl wasn't even gifted at Conjuration. Her strength was Illusion magic. While Daenerys was touched by the offer, the younger girl was simply far too young. Rather than simply turn her down she had Taillour walk with her as she went up one of the towers that opened onto the roof.

Taillour looked around puzzled. "It's a nice view, but why are we here?"

"I appreciate your determination, but I am afraid that you are still too young and inexperienced to come with me. However, I have another job for you. It's important and your skill at Illusion magic would be an asset."

The young girl smiled broadly showing a lot of teeth. "Really? What is it?"

Daenerys pointed to some nests under the eaves of the roof. "What do you see up there?"

"Bird nests?"

"Yes," agreed Daenerys. "But not just any birds. Those are raven nests. I want you to raise ravens for me. You'll need to buy or have a blacksmith make you a cage for them. It will need a roof to keep out the rain. Set it up here, use your Calm spell to make the birds docile. Move their nests, eggs and all into the cage. Then you'll need to come up here regularly to feed them. Make sure they have a source of water as well. Once the eggs hatch you can open the door so they'll come and go. You won't have to feed them quite as often. They won't abandon their young. By the time their fledglings are ready to leave the nest, they should be used to getting free food from you."

"You're just making this up." Taillour kicked at the roof. "I thought you said this was important."

"Taillour, this is important. I'm going to be giving you thirty gold for the cage. I'm not rich enough to spend thirty gold on a made-up story. I would like you to keep it as quiet as you can. Nobody really comes up here. If you're found out, just say it's a project for Brelyna. I'll clear it with her. If you want to go over and beyond, learn about ravens, what they eat, how to care for them."

"I don't understand. Why would ravens be important? Is there some kind of magic ritual that involves ravens?"

"No, not magic, but this is no small thing. It will take a long time to get started, but it has a power of its own. Something that can be more powerful than magic in its own way." While Taillour looked skeptical, timely information was vitally important in both war and peace. "You will be the first Master of Ravens that Tamriel has ever seen."

"Master of Ravens? I'd rather come with you," replied Tailour sulkily. "But, I'll do it."


Three days later at dawn, a small group from the college saw them off. J'zargo wished that the moons watch and smile on them. Onmund awkwardly wished them good-bye. Daenerys and Brelyna exchanged tearful hugs reassuring each other that they would meet again. Similar good-byes were being said up and down the wharf where the Sea Dagger was moored. Wives, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, and grandparents, all wished the departing warriors safe sailing and success in battle. They kept well back from the ship as it was getting ready and loaded up.

The Sea Dagger itself was different from any ship she'd ever seen before. It was tiny compared to the ship that she sailed upon when she'd taken her armies across the Narrow Sea. It had a shallow draft and rode low in the water. There was no deck or holds, just a hull with a mast and benches for the rowers. Supplies were stowed under the large benches, and near the mast where the ship was broader and wider. For a raiding vessel, there didn't seem to be much space to store any plunder.

The ship was crewed by more than the fifty-six men and a few women that manned the oars. In addition to herself and Faralda, a half-dozen others clustered near the mast. The captain, Vitus the Large, sat at the stern and manned the rudder. His name must have been a joke because he was small for a Nord. Jarl Kraldar sat on one of the seats manning an oar as the Sea Dagger rowed out to sea. Quietly Daenerys asked Sofija about the others standing with them near the mast. One of them was an old relic of a Talos priest. He was understandable, but the rest looked fit to her.

"They're taking it easy on us, my Thane. We're women and the others are young boys. It's not meant as an insult. Those boys likely haven't been to sea before. They will let us rotate in and take our turn at the oars after the crews have found their rhythm. We also won't be rowing the entire way. The wind is from the north, so we just need to clear the coast. Then they will hoist sail and let the wind do most of the work. Although we'll still need to break out the oars frequently. There are icebergs, many small islands, and barely submerged sandbars all the way to the White River."

Daenerys nodded feeling relieved. While the rippling muscles on display was a sight worth watching, she hadn't been looking forward to rowing for hours on end. However, she had to admit that they seemed to be moving at considerable speed. She was no sailor, but it felt like they were moving faster than any horse. Sofija proved to be correct as Jarl Kraldar soon called for them to ship their oars and set sail.

A few hours later Daenerys got her first turn at the oars.

Sitting beside her on the seat was a solid of an oak tree of a man with hair almost as blond as hers and old enough to be her father. He introduced himself as Val, son of Lars. "So, I hear this is your first time. Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"Well, that would make you different from my first husband. He was rough and callous, but he improved with time." Daenerys deliberately exaggerated her words, she expected that the crudity would appeal to the caliber of men rowing the Sea Dagger.

The barks of laughter around her confirmed that she had judged her audience correctly. "She got you there, Val!"

The rest of the conversation was cut off as the drum began to beat marking time. Daenerys felt like she was contributing very little to moving the oar, but she put her back into and rowed. This was a rite of passage in Nord culture. She may have lacked the muscle of the men around her, but she wasn't the only woman rowing. Val son of Lars was certainly pulling more than her, but she was determined not to give up. She thought that all her mornings and afternoons practicing and exercising would have prepared her for this, but before long her arms, legs, belly, and back were all burning with the effort to propel the Sea Dagger across the ocean.

The Talos priest stopped beside her. His hands and face were deeply wrinkled and his narrow white beard fell down to his belly. He gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Talos be with you."

Suddenly all the pain and exhaustion washed away in a flow of healing. Leaving her refreshed and renewed. Before she could thank him, the priest had moved on. She had seen him walking slowly up and down the ship, pausing at times to heal a rower before, but she hadn't thought much of it. Now she was deeply thankful to be on the receiving end. When she healed herself after practicing with a sword, her healing only took away the pain. Her muscles remained tired from the workout. However, when the healing she had just received left her feeling as fresh as when she had first started rowing. With her renewed energy she put her back into it. When the captain called for them to ship oars and raise sail, she was drenched with sweat despite the cold, but she hadn't stopped rowing.

"You did good, lass. Better than some their first time," complimented Val son of Lars.

"Thank you." She rested in place while stretching the way Malak had taught them during spellsword training. However, she couldn't take credit. "I would not have made it without the priest healing me, or without you doing most of the work."

"You also probably weigh half what I do. You did more than most and didn't complain. As for Grandfather, he heals everyone."

Daenerys frowned. Val looked to be in his middle ages, which would make the Talos priest ancient. "He's your grandfather?"

Val laughed. "He's everyone's grandfather. That's what we all call him. He settled here in Winterhold after the Great War. He doesn't preach, he just heals. I'm surprised he came along on this voyage. He never has before."


Daenerys was relieved that the wind held steady from the north. Since they wanted to go south, they could sail most of the way. However, she did have to row two more short stretches as they navigated around the coast of Skyrim. She did her best to keep up and contribute, but she knew that Val was doing most of the work.

As the sun was setting, Jarl Kraldar ordered that they beach the ship on some nameless island rather than risk traveling the ice strewn Sea of Ghosts at night. After they beached the ship Daenerys had to suffer through another cultural rite of passage – eating a raw herring. Some of the men seemed to expect her to complain, but it honestly didn't bother her that much. The taste was strong, but she had worked hard enough rowing to build up an appetite. She ate it with enthusiasm, to the cheers of some of the crew. While she preferred her meat and fish cooked, her stomach was glad to be filled and showed no sign of rebelling. She wondered how well some of these hardy warriors would do eating the entire raw heart of a stallion. While the crew sang various Nord songs, she sat upon her sleeping roll and amused herself with feeding some of the scraps of her fish to a scrawny grey cat with black spots that had somehow stowed away and was begging for food.

Faralda shook her head. "I see you've acquired another follower, apprentice. You should never feed a stray. You'll never be rid of it now."

Daenerys shrugged. Between the rowing and the mead she'd drunk, she was feeling pleasantly mellow. "I've been a stray myself. It's not an easy life, never knowing when your next meal will come, or if there will even be a next meal. Besides, I can always use another loyal follower. At least I can afford to pay this one."

She wasn't as amused in the morning when she awoke feeling sore all over and with the cat breathing in her face. "Yuck, fish breath!"

To her irritation the crew adopted Fishbreath as the cat's name.
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Tirdas, the 17th of First Seed, Year 202 of the 4th Era
Their second day of sailing started off easy compared to the first. The Sea Dagger had passed the most dangerous section of coastal waters. The sandbars, icebergs, and small islands grew fewer and farther between. The wind stayed steady out of the north and they were able to sail before the wind most of the time. Only twice did Daenerys have to row, and only for a short while each time. Their smooth sailing ended once they reached the mouth of the White River at a little past noon. The wind remained from the north and there wasn't enough room to tack upstream. They had no choice but to lower sails, put out oars, and row up the White River.

They were far from the only ship on the river. They rowed past several merchant ships rigged with triangular sails struggling to tack upstream. They also met ships and barges floating downstream on the current. A patrolling longship flying Windhold flags intercepted them before they had rowed very far upriver. The patrol ship was a much larger vessel, a skeid with forty seats, meaning it took eighty men minimum to man the oars. However, Daenerys counted three men per oar, six per seat, or two-hundred and forty men total – enough manpower for the much larger skied to either crush their ship by ramming or swarm them in a boarding action. At Jarl Kraldar's command the Sea Dagger shipped oars, threw out the anchor, and submitted to being boarded. The patrolling ship came alongside and they hailed them and demanded to come aboard and inspect the Sea Dagger. Although the demand was far from hostile. Apparently, longships crewed by Nords were assumed to be friendly. From her perspective the inspection was largely an excuse for the Nords to brag about their mighty ships. There were also congratulations offered to Jarl Kraldar on claiming the throne of Winterhold. She welcomed the opportunity to rest while the men crowed about their ships like a bunch of roosters. Eventually, the Nords had their fill of strutting, and the Sea Dagger was free to continue rowing upriver.

By the time they finally reached Yngol barrow, all Daenerys wanted to do was collapse. Grandfather, the Talos priest, had healed her once, but that had only gone so far. She was pleased to see that she wasn't the only one exhausted. Most of the crew collapsed on their oars once they finally halted. Thonjolf, the housecarl wasn't impressed. He berated the crew. "Useless the lot of you! If this was a real raid, we'd go straight into fighting as soon as we hit land. Not one of you look ready to swing an axe."

"Thonjolf's right," agreed Jarl Kraldar. "But that is why we train. We rest today and tomorrow morning we'll go into Ygnol Barrow."


In the morning Jarl Kraldar selected a dozen men to come with them into the barrow. That was more than enough. The corridors were too narrow for more than two men to walk abreast. Dany and her party were delegated to the end of the column, which suited her just fine. There was a bit of a commotion at first about a small glowing green orb floating about in mid-air. The glowing orb seemed to either be taunting them or luring them into the barrow. Some of the men claimed it was a wisp, but none of them managed to harm it. Even when the Jarl's men attacked it, the small green orb did nothing except zip around and chime softly. As they went deeper into the barrow more of the green lights appeared. In addition to leading the way, the lights seemed to take a particular interest in Daenerys. They would zoom over to her, chime, and swirl about. Perhaps they were simply examining her. Perhaps they wanted her to do something, but what they truly wanted remained a mystery.

They passed through a puzzle room with little difficulty. In another room they found a chest behind a locked gate. Three Nords with crowbars popped the lock easily. The few draugr they found died quickly. Locked chests were easily bashed or pried open. In a surprisingly short time, they arrived at the door to the inner sanctum. Daenerys used the coral claw and it opened. Inside they were attacked by some kind of dark ghost that the Nords called a shade. Half a dozen Nords including Jarl Kraldar surrounded it and hacked it to pieces. Only one person was even injured. Daenerys healed him, glad that she was able to contribute something.

Thonjolf bent down to scoop up a helm that fell to the floor when the shade disintegrated. "My Jarl, this doesn't look like the crown we seek."

"No", agreed Jarl Kraldar. Spread out and search the alcoves. See if any of the dead were buried wearing a crown."

Daenerys looked to Sofija who shrugged, and they joined the search. She sought out the far end of the room searching for a Word Wall or corridors leading deeper into the barrow. However, all she found was a dead end.

A short while later one of the Jarl's warriors let out a shout. "I found a crown!" He held up a three-pointed crown in his hands.

Thonjolf pushed through. "Let me see it. Yes, this is it!" He grabbed it from the man's hand. "This is the long-lost Crown of Winterhold. The last man to wear it was a descendent of Ygnol, son of Ysgramor. He was entombed here after his death. Now at long last, it returns to Winterhold!" He knelt down and presented it to Jarl Kraldar. "My jarl, the Crown of Winterhold."

"Well, now we know why Jarl Kraldar was so interested in Yngol Barrow," remarked Faralda quietly as the jarl placed the crown upon his head.

"Yes, but I can't really complain. We arrived here in days instead of a week or more. While we could have managed the draugr on our own easily, that shade survived a long time considering it was fighting six men. We would likely have had a hard fight of it."

"True enough," agreed Faralda. "But Jarl Kraldar wouldn't have gotten past the locked door without your claw. That doesn't bother you?"

"I have no complaints," Daenerys said with a complete lack of concern. "I bought the claw for 30 gold at Brina's Oddments. I would have paid more to book passage for three on a ship this far, and I still own the claw. I thought clearing this barrow would be easy with all the manpower the jarl was bringing, and I was right. This is proof that what I plan to do will work. If we can recruit just a few warriors, we can clear barrows at little risk." Daenerys smiled. Jarl Kraldar could have his crown. He had promised her a few men. While this barrow had no Word Wall, she expected others would. They would also be likely to turn a handsome profit by clearing barrows. While gold was not an end that she aspired to, it was often a means to ends. In the short term she could use it to recruit more men. Perhaps she could also even outfit them with better weapons and armor. She would need them before long.

They left for Windhelm right after clearing the barrow. Unsurprisingly, sailing upriver again involved a lot of rowing. Daenerys wasn't too proud to sit out sometimes and rest near the mast. During one of her rests, she struck up a conversation with the priest of Talos. "Sir?" Calling him Grandfather didn't feel right, but she respected his age and abilities. "I was wondering about your healing. When I heal myself or others, I heal injuries, but I don't cure exhaustion like you do. Why is that?"

The old man chuckled. "If you paid more attention at that College of yours, they would call it an 'advanced healing technique'. They even have a name for it, Respite." He shrugged. "There are even some of the faith who think of it that way, but not me. I don't use techniques or Seemings. I don't focus on a desire for surcease or compassion. I put my faith in Talos, and he is strong enough to cure exhaustion, wounds, and disease. You could do with a bit more faith."

Daenerys should have expected that answer. She had hoped for details on the mechanics, not platitudes. Although in this world faith seemed a much greater force than on Planetos. "I find it hard to put my faith in gods," she admitted.

"Who said I meant the gods? You could start by finding some faith in yourself. I can't see ten feet away anymore, but I can see that you're holding yourself back. You'll never be the Dragonborn until you let go of your fear."

"I never claimed that title," she responded immediately.

"Exactly." He replied. "You should think about that." He turned and shuffled off.

Daenerys had thought about it. How could she not? All too often she dreamed of dragons: dragons of ice and fire roaming the land, the ancient dragon who waited for her atop a mountain, and even more powerful still – the dragon of Helgen. She knew that she would face them someday, and it scared her. While she had some ideas for fighting dragons, to dance with a dragon was to dance with death. If she claimed the title of Dragonborn, then everyone would expect her to deal with the dragons now. She wasn't ready yet, and it felt like time was running out.

They didn't quite reach Windhelm before darkness, but they could see the lights of the city off in the distance as they camped for the night. While the old priest had healed her twice more, she was still exhausted. However, the next morning she took her place on the seats as they rowed the rest of the way and moored at the docks.

The Sea Dagger was met by several armed guards. That was not a surprise. A longship filled with warriors docking should be a matter of concern for a city even if the river was patrolled. However, the dozen guards who appeared on the docks was an inadequate response as far as Daenerys was concerned. The gates to the city stood open, and the sixty-plus men that Jarl Kraldar brought with him could have plowed through the guards easily. Had they been an invasion force, they could likely have stormed the gates before they were secured. Daenerys filled the tactic away for possible use another day.

Even from the docks, it was clear that the city of Windhelm was much larger than Whiterun. She had expected as much. The past few days they had sailed up a fertile river valley dotted with farms. They had also passed a steady stream of vessels. Seeing the extensive walls and the docks merely confirmed her estimate. The docks were busy with multiple vessels docked. She counted three large trade ships, two longships, and more small ships than she could easily count. Two of the trade ships were being unloaded. Interestingly, many of the dockworkers were Argonians. Perhaps they made superior dockworkers because they were strong swimmers and could breathe underwater? While Captain Vitus divided the crew into shifts for shore leave, Daenerys, Faralda, and Sofija joined with Jarl Kraldar and his escorts and set off directly to the Palace of Kings to meet with Jarl Ulfric.

Winterhold was built more like Meereen than Whiterun. There were few broad avenues and little unused space. Houses and shops were built stacked up two or three high and shared common walls. It was also obvious that the city walls had been expanded multiple times over the centuries. They passed through multiple sections of wall that had no doubt been outer walls long ago before the city outgrew them. The internal walls naturally divided the city into districts. It was obvious to Daenerys that the districts were divided by race and social class. The poorest district seemed to be mostly inhabited by Dunmer. They passed through a gate in a wall into another section that was mostly Nords and not quite as poor. Daenerys wondered if the segregation was due to like seeking out like, or if it was enforced by law. The walls made it difficult to estimate the population, but at a guess she would say three hundred thousand called the city home.

The Palace of the Kings was impressive. It also reminded her a bit of Bleak Falls Barrow with its many stairs and levels each slightly higher than the one before it. Perhaps that was simply the Nord style of architecture. Although it was called a palace, it had clearly originated as a fortress. The inside was in keeping with Nord tradition for a longhouse. Long tables full of chairs for feasting filled the main hall. Even though the hall was almost empty, a few places were set with food. No doubt it was some kind of status signal that Jarl Ulfric always had food for any guests. As a means of displaying social status, it was at least practical. The food would probably all be eaten. If not by the jarl and his guests, then by the servants when they cleared it away.

Jarl Ulfric was not holding court. He was meeting with his military advisors about the war. His steward congratulated Jarl Kraldar on his ascension to the throne of Winterhold and then arranged rooms for them. Daenerys was pleased with that outcome as it gave her the chance to make herself more presentable for court. She was even happier to have a hot bath and the help of a servant that actually knew something about how to braid a lady's hair. While she had become more adept at braiding her own hair, for an audience with Jarl Ulfric she wanted to look her best. In the courts of power, appearance could be a weapon. Although as she talked with the servant braiding her hair, she learned that Jarl Ulfric cared little about such things. He was a warrior at heart.

While the bath and clean clothes were welcome, once Daenerys was clean and properly dressed, she did not take well to waiting. She did not plan to remain in Windhelm for long, and she wanted to use that time wisely. Instead, she was kept waiting for Jarl Kraldar to arrange her audience with Jarl Ulfric. She checked on Sofija and Faralda. Despite the fact that they were inside a castle surrounded by guards, Sofija was patiently standing guard outside her door. Faralda had departed on her own errand. She had left to consult with Jarl Ulfric's court-wizard, Wuunferth the Unliving. One of the duties of any mage who graduated from the College of Winterhold was to help locate new students. If Wuunferth had found any prospects, they could accompany the Sea Dagger back to Winterhold.

After speaking with Sofija for a bit, Daenerys chased out the maidservant assigned to her and spent the afternoon contemplating Iiz. The word was different from Fus or Yol. Those words were raw brute manifestations of Force and Fire. Iiz was more subtle. It was like the cold of winter sinking into you. It also didn't combine well with her other words. While she had managed to make a Fire Bolt spell based off Yol and Fus combined, Iiz and Fus simply wouldn't work to make Ice Spear. However, she felt she could make a spell based on Iiz alone that would freeze things. After a lot of contemplation and effort, she managed to make a metal goblet grow cooler in her hand – a good first start, but still a long way to go before she created an effective spell based on the Word. She was so involved in her meditation that a firm rap on the door startled her. A glance at the sky past her window showed that hours had gone by and it was growing dark.

She stood and arranged her dress before she responded. "You may enter."

Kraldar opened the door and walked in. He was wearing the newly recovered Crown of Winterhold. "We've been invited to join Jarl Ulfric for dinner with his court. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me?" He held out his hand.

Daenerys considered the offer of his hand. Was he flirting? Jarl Kraldar was single. Was he merely offering to escort her? Was he casually flirting? Or was this a more serious proposal? She had witnessed Nord commoners flirt with each other at the Sleeping Giant Inn. They were blunt about matters of the heart. However, she had no clue how Nord nobility acted. Regardless, she took his hand. Kraldar had done right by her so for.

She had to admit that he was also the kind of man who attracted her. In appearance Jarl Kraldar looked like the typical Nord: blonde hair, blue eyes, muscled with a well-trimmed beard. She found the mind that lurked behind that generic appearance to be more impressive. Kraldar was both dangerous and clever. He also possessed power which he used wisely, and he knew how to seize opportunities. However, it didn't matter if this was an expression of real interest, or if she was just another opportunity that Kraldar was trying to grasp. They would be parting ways within a few days. She didn't plan to linger around Windhelm for very long. While Kraldar did have an allure to him, she had no interest in having a fling. Had he made a move earlier… perhaps, but not now.

Kraldar took her hand and tucked it into the crook of his left arm. "Well now, shall we go?"

"Lead on," Daenerys found herself smiling. Whether it had romantic significance or not, arriving to dinner on his arm was certainly a sign that he supported her. Besides, she wasn't so calculating that she couldn't enjoy the simple pleasure of being escorted by a man she found attractive.

Sofija and Thonjolf fell in behind them, but Kraldar walked right past the room that had been assigned to Faralda. Surely, she was back by now. "What about Faralda?"

Kraldar shook his head. "I spoke to her already. Altmer are not exactly welcome at the High King's court. I know she is your mentor, and on the faculty of the College of Winterhold, but she is still an Altmer. As things stand now with the Thalmor she would not be well-received."

What he said was true, but Faralda wasn't just her mentor. She was her partner and friend. Daenerys wasn't going to exclude her because her race was politically inconvenient. Daenerys pulled away from Kraldar's arm. "Excuse me a moment."

She walked back and knocked on her mentor's door. "Faralda, it's me, Daenerys."

After a few moments, Faralda opened the door. "Yes?" she asked tersely.

"I have been invited to dine in Jarl Ulfric's hall. Jarl Kraldar just informed me that he recommended for you to stay behind. However, I am not so fond of parties where my friends aren't invited. Would you like me to join you for dinner?"

Faralda looked nonplussed for a moment, but then she smiled broadly. "No, I think that Jarl Kraldar is correct. It would be best for me to stay behind, but thank you, for asking me. Please, go on without me."

"If that's what you wish." But she didn't leave yet. "So, how did your talk with Wuunferth go? Did you find any new initiates?"

"Two," replied Faralda still smiling. "Both Dunmer. There was a young Nord, but his family was opposed to him learning magic. We can talk about it later. You should go to dinner. I know that is important, and jarls don't like to be kept waiting."

"If you're certain." Faralda had made her choice clear, and Daenerys had made her displeasure clear by keeping Kraldar waiting. "I will come talk to you afterward and fill you in."

"I would like that," agreed Faralda. Then she closed her door.

Daenerys turned back to Kraldar. "Thank you for waiting."

He let out a sigh. "You show her great loyalty, but it is better that she's not coming."

"She hates the Thalmor as much as any Nord. I would say she hates them even more than most."

Kraldar nodded. "I know that, and you know that, but the thanes and nobles of Jarl Ulfric's court do not know that." He offered his arm to her again.

She took his arm and let him escort her. Despite being on his arm, it felt like they were more distant now. While she understood the politics behind Kraldar's reasoning, she still didn't like it. She especially didn't like him trying to make decisions for her by going to Faralda directly. She folded her distaste away inside. This would be far from the first time she had to do something that was necessary that she disliked. She did not want her first impression to Jarl Ulfric's court to be that of a cross woman.

Dinner was a large affair. More than thirty people sat at the table. Most of the guests were warriors and most of them were men, but there were a few warrior maids, courtiers, and ladies in fine dresses mixed in. Kraldar guided her to the head of the table where two spots were noticeably empty beside Jarl Ulfric.

The High King was a bear of a man. He had a presence about him that many men aspired to, but few managed. He was powerful, dangerous, and competent. He wore a metal breastplate and curious bracers that resembled gauntlets but left his hands bare. Over his armor he wore a coat lined with gray fur, most likely wolf. His face was showed signs of age, but he still had the build of a powerful warrior. When he spoke, he had a deep powerful voice. "Welcome to my table, Jarl Kraldar of Winterhold. Please, sit, eat, and introduce me to your companion."

Kraldar bowed deeply. "Thank you for sharing your bounty, my king. My companion is the Lady Daenerys Targaryen, the Unburnt, and a Thane of Winterhold."

Daenerys curtsied and then smiled. "We've met before - at Helgen. It might help if you imagine me naked."

Jarl Ulfric threw his head back and laughed loudly. "Indeed, we did. I never forget… a face." He laughed again and everyone at the table laughed at his joke.

Daenerys accepted the innuendo with good grace. She had all but invited it. Nords loved bawdy humor and the ability to make fun of oneself. "Indeed, I have a good memory for faces as well. I will never forget the ones that would have ended our lives that day."

"Well said! There will be a reckoning with General Tullius someday soon. Welcome to my table." Jarl Ulfric waved a hand. "Please, sit. Eat." He paused for a moment while his guests sat. "All jesting aside, I do remember you. I have seen many a wonder in my day, but seeing you roasted in dragonflame and standing up afterward as if nothing had happened – that is a sight that I will never forget. How did you survive?"

"I'm a Targaryen. We're born with an affinity for fire. At least those of us who breed true to our bloodline. Just as many Nords are resistant to cold and frost."

"As simple as that. Resistance to fire is usually a Dunmer gift, not a human one." He grabbed a haunch by the leg and took a large bite out of it.

"I can assure you that I am human." Daenerys took advantage of the pause in conversation to eat herself. Unlike most of the Nords around her, she used a knife and fork to cut her food into bite-sized pieces. Watching Ulfric, she wondered how much was authentic and how much was an act. As Khaleesi and Queen of Meereen she had learned to act differently to fit her station. Ulfric claimed to be High King of the Nords, which came with its own expectations. Was his lack of manners his authentic self? Or was it merely the role he had to play?

While they ate, Jarl Ulfric inquired about Kraldar's duel with Jarl Korir. "To tell that tale properly, I must first tell of the honor duel between Daenerys and Thaena, the wife and housecarl of Jarl Korir. It started with Daenerys being sentenced to the Chill for defending herself…" He continued on spinning out the story. Being a Nord, he embellished everything a great deal.

Daenerys continued to eat while Kraldar told of her duel, but she made of point of making eye contact with the listeners. Kraldar was doing her a major favor here. She only wished that she had known it was coming. She would have worn her leather armor instead of a fancy dress, but it was too late for that. Instead, she nodded along to his telling and raised her glass in response to those cheering her story. Men leaped to their feet and cheered when he reached the end of the duel where she Shouted Thaena's head off her body.

Jarl Ulfric stood himself at the end and lifted a goblet. "To Daenerys Targaryen, Thane of Winterhold, a brave warrior maid and a Tongue."

"To Daenerys!" chorused the assembled guests surging to their feet.

Daenerys curtsied to the table. "Thank you, High King Ulfric, thank you everyone, and thank you Jarl Kraldar for the telling. I would like to repay the favor. Let me tell you now of how Karldar fought with Jarl Korir for the Throne of Winterhold!"

Her suggestion was met with cheers, but she looked to Jarl Ulfric who waved her on. Only then did she tell the story of the duel. She didn't have the eyes of a warrior to have noted every move of the duel, so she stuck to what she knew. She recited the grievances, how Jarl Korir had ignored the clear will of the gods, how he hid behind his wife, and even disputed the priest of Talos. She talked about how the duel played out as a battle between brute strength and armor against skill and agility. Maybe she didn't recount the actual battle as well as a bard could, but she still got plenty of cheers from the crowd.

When she was done, the gathered nobles and Jarl Ulfric toasted Kraldar as the new Jarl of Winterhold. She was quite pleased as she sat back down. While she wasn't sworn to Kraldar, he was still an ally. She was pretty sure that she had raised both of their statures by sharing the duel.

After her story there were more speeches and a lot more drinking. Nords being Nords many of the guests grew loud and drunk. Daenerys sipped her wine, preferring to keep a clear head about her. Eventually, Jarl Ulfric stood and took his leave. Before he departed Ulfric quietly invited the two of them to a more private meeting.

A short while later they gathered in a room with a large blazing fire and several comfortable chairs around a large round table. Whoever had decorated the room had taken the Nord custom of mounting dead and stuffed animal heads to the extreme. Dead elk, wolves, cats, and even a mammoth stared down at them from the walls. The centerpiece was an entire bear fully stuffed and posed rearing up on its hind legs as if it was about to attack. While the room was no doubt impressive to Nords, she found the display lacking in taste and subtlety.

A maidservant poured four huge tankards of mead from a cask in the corner, set them on the table, and then quickly exited the room. The remaining occupants of the room consisted of herself, Jarl Kraldar, Jarl Ulfric, and his housecarl Galmar Stone-Fist. Sofija and Thonjolf were both left standing guard outside in the hallway. Galmar Stone-Fist was a tough old Nord. He wore a bearskin cloak – which wasn't that uncommon among Nord nobles. Galmar took it a step further. The upper portion of the bear's skull was still attached and worn as the hood of the cloak. The thing still had its teeth, and he wore it inside the palace despite it being comfortably warm. She wondered if he had overseen the decoration of the room. He did seem to have a fascination for dead animals. Then again Daenerys didn't particularly like him. He spoke with an angry growl that most men only brought out when they were picking a fight, but that was his normal speaking voice. He was also well into his cups which did not impress her.

Once they were alone in the room, Jarl Ulfric turned to Kraldar and her. "Let's go ahead and get the formalities out of the way. I'll take your oaths now."

Daenerys wondered if she was being called upon to swear to Ulfric or not. Tamrelic, like Westerosi, used the same word for you-singular as you-plural. If they insisted on an oath, she'd have little choice, but she preferred to avoid it. She took a step back.

Kraldar knelt down and recite an oath. "I do swear my blood and honor to the service of Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm, and true King of Skyrim. As Talos is my witness, may this oath bind me to death and beyond."

As Kraldar rose Galmar Stone-Fist growled. "Kraldar, is there a reason your mistress isn't swearing? You said she was one of your thanes."

"Mistress?!" She had been aware that arriving on his arm might have some implications of romantic interest, but she hadn't expected that everyone would assume they were lovers. She turned on Kraldar. "You planned this! Offering your arm, escorting me. And I walked right into it!" In fact she'd made it worse by spinning the tale of his duel. "You… You…" She searched for an appropriate Nord insult. "You milk-drinker!" She punched him in the arm.

Kraldar didn't react much at all to her punch. He had an insufferably smug look on his face. "Peace, it was for your own good. It raised your status above that of a thane."

"Yes, because everyone assumes that you're bedding me."

Jarl Ulfric put a stop to the fight by laughing loudly. "So, you two aren't together then?"

"No!" insisted Daenerys. She had known that Kraldar was scheming, but not how merely being escorted would be taken. While it may have raised her standing some, the rumors would raise Kraldar's standing as well. After that show that she had unwittingly performed at dinner, the rumors that she and Kraldar were a couple would never go away. Mostly she was annoyed at herself for not heeding the warning signs.

"We are not now, nor have we ever been lovers," clarified Kraldar. "Daenerys is also an honor Thane. She is unsworn, free to swear to you or not as she wills. Although I expect she will not. She has a bad case of horizon feet."

Daenerys crossed her arms. "And what, pray tell, are horizon feet?"

"Wanderlust," clarified Kraldar. "It's common enough among Nords, the desire to get out and see more than the one place we were born, to experience all of Tamriel."

Daenerys was about to dispute that she had 'horizon feet', but then she realized that Kraldar had given her a way to avoid swearing to Ulfric without being thought a coward. Ulfric was already nodding along. Damn Kraldar. If she argued with him, she might argue herself into swearing to Ulfric. So, she swallowed her pride and accepted the excuse he gave her. "I have, in fact, already made plans to depart Windhelm in the morning."

Galmar Stone-Fist gave a disgruntled grunt but didn't voice any objections.

"Very well," agreed Jarl Ulfric. "I'm not forcing people to join who don't want to swear to me. However, we're about to discuss the war. You should leave now."

"My king," said Kraldar. "I believe you should listen to what she has to say about Jarl Balgruuf and about why the Empire isn't fighting harder. She has good insights that make a lot of sense to me."

"If she doesn't have the stomach to pick a side, why should we listen to her?" complained Galmar.

Jarl Ulfric nodded to Galmar. "Peace, old friend, I'll listen to these insights." He snagged one of the tankards of mead before sitting down at one of the chairs. Childishly he leaned back balancing the chair on two legs. "I'm listening. Speak quickly."

Daenerys dipped her head a bit, acknowledging the command, even as she hated it. "Very well, I will make this brief." This was not a fair hearing. Still, it was an opportunity. Despite her promise to be brief, she did not rush her words and come across as a babbling child. She spoke with deliberation choosing her words carefully. "Think of what the Empire is doing. They could be pressing this war. They are not. They merely hold to their territories and protect what is theirs. They could be fighting much harder, but they do not. Why?"

"Because the Empire is weak," growled Galmar.

"Not quite," said Ulfric. "They hold back because they aren't willing to pay the blood price. They have grown too fat and rich, too accustomed to measuring success by gold, treasures, and luxuries. War is a fight to the death, and they aren't willing to fight with everything they have. We're in a fight for survival. They're more worried about Colovian Brandy and burgundy doublets. War is only profitable when you win decisively. They know this war will be costly. So, they surrender bit by bit so they can hold on to what they have left even as it slips through their fingers."

She didn't believe that was true, or at least not entirely true. There probably were some short-sighted nobles, but if she could recognize that the Aldmeri Dominion was the true enemy, then so could the rulers of the Empire. "Say that it is true. Give them what they want. Give them a way where they can keep holding onto the little they have without having to pay the blood cost."

"And how would I do that? I'm not giving up on a free Skyrim with the right to worship Talos. I'm not turning my back on those who have died."

"I'm not suggesting you do. Make the Empire an offer that lets them avoid war but still gives you the freedom you want. Offer to return Skyrim to the Empire - under the same rights and privileges as Morrowind. The Empire acknowledges you as High King and accepts that Skyrim has the right of religious freedom."

"We tried that at Markarth!" bellowed Galmar Stone-fist. "They betrayed us! We were promised the right to worship Talos and they went back on their word!"

Daenerys would not be shouted down by a drunk. She simply ignored the outburst and kept laying out her proposal calmly. "Then don't take them at their word. Demand a signed treaty. Have them acknowledge Skyrim's right of religious independence in writing. Only then does Skyrim rejoin the Empire. The Thalmor will hate it, but you are asking for nothing more than what Morrowind has already been granted." She met Ulfric's gaze. "If they are cowards as you say who will not pay the blood price, they'll take that offer. Yes, it will cause them trouble with Aldmeri Dominion down the line, but it is not a price they have to pay today."

"You would have us bow down to the Empire for a temporary peace." Ulfric stood up. "I say no. The Empire had its chance, but its day is done. The right to worship Talos is only part of why we fight. The Emperor is weak. The Elder Council makes most of the decisions now. They betrayed the very founder of the Empire when they signed the White-Gold Concordat. War is never cheap. Men died in thousands to overthrow the Ayleid Empire. Those who rule the Empire today are but shadows of those men. I say no. No more compromises. No more half-measures."

"Peace is a pipedream for the young. War is the way of this world. This war is too far gone for what you suggest. It was too far gone once they let Thalmor justiciars roam our lands and kill our people for worshiping Talos. It was too far gone when they betrayed us after Markarth. It was too far gone when they gave away half of Hammerfell to the Aldmeri Dominion! When they sold out the Blades and Talos for peace! It was too far gone when the Empire signed the White-Gold Concordat. Have you forgotten that the Empire tried to cut off your head?! And still you would make peace with them? Begone. You may have won a duel, and you're a Tongue, but you have a soft woman's heart. You could never make the hard decisions that war requires. Go see what's over the horizon and leave war to the warriors."

How dare he?! She had made hard decisions. King's Landing burned in her memories. She had killed more people in an hour than he had in his entire life. She had been wrong then. He was wrong now. Sometimes there was no choice, but peace still had a chance. At least it could if someone other than Ulfric Stormcloak were in charge. However, there was nothing she could do to change his mind this day. "When you look upon the corpses of the Nords who die in this war of yours, High King Ulfric, I hope you remember this day when you were offered another path and you didn't even try. You will find that there is no greater burden upon the soul than the blood of the innocent. Have fun playing at war."
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25
Turdas, the 19th of First Seed, Year 202 of the 4th Era
Daenerys didn't regret her words to Ulfric Stormcloak. She stormed out slamming the door behind her. While she could have been more patient and persuasive, it was clear that Ulfric was set upon war. That he hadn't yet escalated just meant that he wanted to fight the Empire and not his fellow Nords. Given his attitude, she doubted that he would wait much longer. Give it a few months, a year at most and Ulfric would start the war fully – if the Empire or some random incident didn't launch it first.

She got a grip on her temper and glanced about. To her relief there were no servants close by. Only Sofia and Thonjolf had seen her storm out. They could be trusted not to wag their tongues. "Sofija, I believe I have worn out my welcome. We'll be leaving Windhelm soon. Thonjolf, Jarl Kraldar promised me some warriors to accompany me."

"Aye, he did lass," agreed Thonjolf. "But he hadn't decided on who yet and he may change his mind if you have worn out your welcome. I'll ask him when they're done meeting."

"Please do so. I plan to depart in the morning." While it might be healthier to depart immediately, she didn't want to leave without the men she was promised. Jarl Ulfric probably wouldn't have her thrown in prison after he had sung her praises at dinner. She would just make certain they left promptly and try to avoid meeting him on the way out. "Sofija, would you make some inquiries of where we would go to obtain a cart? And, please let Faralda know we leave in the morning."

Kraldar stopped by to see her later that evening. He tried to excuse Ulfric's behavior without actually apologizing for it. He did at least stand by his commitment and gave her a letter to present to Captain Vitus. "I promised you men and you'll have them. You can recruit up to three men from the crew of the Sea Dagger. I don't think you'll have trouble getting volunteers. I leave the choosing to you."

Daenerys gave him a slight curtsey in thanks. "Thank you, Jarl Kraldar. They will make a big difference."

He nodded. "I hope so. Despite Jarl Ulfric's rejection you remain a Thane of Winterhold. You are welcome in my court. You may have your doubts, but I believe in you, Daenerys Targaryen. You are the Dragonborn, and you may just be our best hope. May the gods watch over you."

They left Windhelm early the next morning. Sofija reported back that carts, whether pulled by horses or oxen, could be bought outside the city. Beasts of burden were not allowed within the walls of the city. Daenerys heartily agreed with that law. Cities were much more pleasant when they didn't reek of animal shit.

Their first stop was the Sea Dagger. Only a third of the crew was aboard, so she hoped that Kraldar was right about it not being difficult to find three of them willing to join her. She presented the letter to Captain Vitus first.

He read it and then nodded to her. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled shrilly. "Listen up! Thane Daenerys is not returning to Winterhold with us. Jarl Kraldar is sending three of you with her. Why she would want lazy asses like you, I don't know, but she does. Thane, choose your men."

The crew didn't come to military attention, but they all stood up straighter.

Daenerys looked them over. They weren't the quality of her Unsullied, but many of them could match her Dothraki. She needed their help. "You all know who I am. I rowed beside you. Now I ask that three of you fight beside me. I'm heading west. I am seeking lost knowledge buried in the barrows of Ironbind, Silverdrift, and Korvanjund. From there I will head south to Whiterun and then to the Throat of the World where I will climb the Seven Thousand Steps. If you come with me, you will face draugr and danger. You may even face dragons. If you would rather fight Imperials, sit down. If you would rather be safe, sit down. If you want to come with me step forward. I can only take three of you."

Almost as one they all stepped forward. A few heated discussions broke out. From what she could tell they were between fathers and sons. Two of the younger ones sat down. It still left her with too many to choose from. She turned to Captain Vitus. "Jarl Kraldar needs to train landlubbers into sailors. Pick your dozen best sailors. I won't deprive him of what he needs most. I'll choose from the rest."

"Aye." Vitus walked through and tapped twelve men and had them sit. "Those are the best sailors."

Daenerys nodded. She still had eight men to choose from. One of them she already knew she wanted. "Val, son of Lars. I rowed beside you. I will be honored to fight beside you." The man had the strength of an ox. When her own strength had faltered, he had rowed for both of them and had the discretion not to say a word.

Val smiled and strode over to her side. "Honor to serve, Thane!"

"The rest of you. All of you can swing an axe or a sword?"

There was a chorus of loud bragging from the seven remaining men.

"Dragons attack from the sky. Which of you can also wield a bow?" She'd seen bows on the ship, but not every man had one. Three of the men dropped out. That left her with four. "I'll take the two best archers. Captain Vitus can your men help me set up some targets. We'll see who has the best aim."

There were a lot of cheers and shouting at that. In a surprisingly short time, they had an archery range set up. Of the four one of them had worn a smirk ever since she announced archery as a requirement. He was a young dark-haired Nord. He didn't even have a full beard yet, but he handled his bow with practiced ease. He unleashed arrow after arrow in rapid succession. Every arrow hit within the bullseye. Daenerys asked discretely for his name.

"He goes by Ull the Hunter," replied Captain Vitus. "If what I've heard is correct, he would still be hitting the bullseye if you doubled the range of those targets."

Daenerys smiled. She should have thought to recruit someone with knowledge of tracking and woodlore. She was fortunate to have found one. "Ull the Hunter, come join me."

Ull strutted up to join her clearly pleased with himself. He was a young man, perhaps even still in his teens. When he reached her, he bowed with a flourish. "Honor to serve, thane."

Of the remaining three, one was a piss poor shot and was easily eliminated. The other two were closely matched. She regretted announcing that she would make her choice by archery. She would have liked to compare the combat skills of these two, but she wasn't going back on her word. After three rounds one archer prevailed leaving her with her final selection.

"Mikko," whispered Vitus without being prompted. "Just Mikko."

Daenerys wondered what was up with that. Most Nords would at least acknowledge their father and adopt a 'son of' cognomen. Family was very important to Nords. "Mikko, come and join me."

Mikko had brown hair that he had braided into many locks. Unlike most Nords he was clean-shaven. He was in his middle years and old enough to be her father. "Honor to serve, thane."

"Thank you, all. These are my chosen. Val, son of Lars; Ull the Hunter; and Mikko. I wish that I could take all of you, but my selections are made." It was a solemn moment that was somewhat spoiled when a grey cat with black spots started rubbing up against her legs and purring loudly.
Captain Vitus laughed. "It appears that Fishbreath insists on joining you as well. You're welcome to him."

"I'll look after him," declared the old Talos priest. He bent down slowly and picked up the cat. "Let's be off."

Daenerys frowned. While Grandfather was undoubtedly a good healer, he walked slowly and by his own admission he was nearly blind. He was also a priest of Talos, and she was trying not to take sides in the Stormcloak Rebellion. His mere presence in her party would imply she had decided to side with the Stormcloaks. However, she had also just recruited three Nord warriors who were proud to be Stormcloaks. They respected her. Daenerys knew that rejecting Grandfather would tarnish that respect. She couldn't even argue about Grandfather not being able to keep up. She already had plans to acquire a wagon before leaving Windhelm.

"Grandfather," she ventured. "We will be going into barrows. It will be dangerous. I don't know if we'll be able to protect you."

"If it's my time, then it's my time, but Talos isn't done with me quite yet."

"Very well, I'll be glad to have you along." It wasn't a complete lie. He was an accomplished healer. If she had more men, she would have been enthusiastic about having him along. However, with her small band she was afraid that things could go very badly. Exploring barrows was a dangerous business.

From the docks they went north to the bridge over the White River. The old Talos priest gamely followed. He leaned heavily on a walking staff in his right hand and carried Fishbreath in his left. While he managed a good pace for a man of his years, they had to slow to match his pace. Fortunately, they were already outside the walls. After a short walk, they arrived at the stables just on the other side of the bridge from Windhelm. At the stables she found several wagons for hire. She quickly determined that while she might have troubling hiring competent mercenaries, she could quite easily afford to hire an ox-drawn cart or even outright purchase one. In fact, the first wagoneer she approached just to get an idea of prices was downright eager to sell to her.

"Lady, don't go." He took his hat off his head and held it in his hands. "I know my trade. Wherever you want to go I'll take you. I'm not scared to risk the dragons. They're only attacking the larger caravans. Small ones are still getting through. I'll haul whatever you need hauling. You want to buy me out, I'll sell to you. Just don't walk away."

Daenerys frowned. Winter was no doubt not a good time for wagoneers in Skyrim, but she was surprised by this man's desperation. He was a young Nord, blond of hair, but he lacked the burliness of most Nords. Now that she looked past his rough exterior, there was a gauntness about him that meant he hadn't been well-fed in a long time. It wasn't hard to guess the reason. He'd mentioned dragons attacking caravans. Trading between holds had been mostly by caravan because of bandits. Now merchants had the choice of making themselves a target for dragons or traveling in small numbers and being a target for bandits. That had to be playing havoc on trade in Skyrim in general and on wagoneers specifically. Judging by how thin this man looked she was surprised that he hadn't butchered his oxen already for the meat. "If I buy your oxen and your cart, what will you do to make a living?"

He shrugged. "I'll find something. I could always join the Stormcloaks. I have a wife and a child to feed, and there is little work to be had."

"And what will your family eat if I hire your wagon for a long journey?"

"I'd expect at least half up-front."

She wondered if his family was near starvation as well. She hadn't planned to hire a wagoneer, but the price was low, and she could use someone to guard the cart. She didn't like the idea of just leaving the cart unattended while they went down into barrows. "What's your name?"

"Leif the Wagoneer."

"I will be taking the road west toward the Nightgate Inn and then south to Whiterun and beyond. We will be making several stops along the way. You would stay with the cart. We may be going as far as Riften, and I don't know when we'll return. I'll be traveling with a small party. We might run into bandits. How are you in a fight, Leif?"

"I'm a good shot with a bow," he replied immediately.

"Then I'll buy your cart and your oxen. I will also hire you to drive them for me. It won't be safe where we're going, but as you can see l have warriors coming with us. However, you'll need to swear to me."

He fell to his knees. "I'm your man."

Before they could depart Windhelm, Leif had to drop off the money she had given him with his wife. They lived outside the walls of Windhelm. It wasn't really a village, more a collection of small farms clustered outside the walls called Pigtown. The name was accurate, as most of the inhabitants seemed to raise pigs and other livestock not allowed within the walls of Windhelm. Pigtown stank, but beneath its squalid poverty Daenerys smelled opportunity. Lief's wife was young, perhaps in her mid-twenties. She was visibly pregnant and had two other children to watch over. She almost swooned at the bag of gold that Leif gave her. She jumped on the opportunity to be paid to raise ravens and eagerly swore to be as quiet about it as she could.

The road west from Windhelm was peaceful for Skyrim. Daenerys spent part of the journey working with her new followers on how they would arrange themselves when exploring barrows. She also trained them on a different plan for facing a dragon. She knew that no plan survived battle, but having even a simple plan was better than no plan. Her planning even got put to the test when they encountered an ice wraith. Val charged and flanked left. Mikko charged and flanked right. That left an opening in front for Faralda and Daenerys to unleash fire spells at the ice wraith. Ull unleashed a few arrows as well. The ice wraith didn't last long. The most difficult part of the fight was calming down the oxen who were panicked by the explosions. Daenerys was certain that fighting draugr would be much more difficult, but she felt confident that they could manage a barrow.

Daenerys also spent some of the journey contemplating Iiz while walking along beside the wagon. Fus and Yol acted like Destruction magic. They were energy released into the world. Iiz was more akin to Alteration magic. Iiz changed the world. Daenerys tried it out on some plants. Small ones would freeze sold. A sapling would be encrusted in ice, but a large tree wouldn't be affected very much. Of course, as spring had barely begun it wasn't easy to be certain.

After they made camp on the first day, Grandfather approached her. "Would you walk with me? I would like to speak with you."

Daenerys nodded her agreement. "Of course." She was curious about what the old Talos priest wanted to speak about in private.

Grandfather merely walked for a while, not saying anything until they were well beyond earshot of the camp. "I misjudged you. I thought you were trying to hide from your destiny. I have been listening. You're preparing these men to fight dragons. You are going into barrows to find Word Walls to master the Thu'um. You are not hiding from destiny. You are seeking a way to fulfill it."

"I am," agreed Daenerys.

"If you declared yourself as Dragonborn, then the Jarls would give you more men."

"Would they? The dragons are a problem, but Skyrim has many problems. Civil war, bandits, monsters in the countryside. Dragons are just one more problem. It seems like everyone is waiting for a hero, like the Dragonborn, to solve their problems. Jarl Kraldar knew. He gave me three men. Three. Jarl Ulfric all but threw me out of Windhelm. I plan to recruit more men as I gain the means to support them, but one dragon can destroy an army. When your ancestors rebelled against the dragons, they died in their thousands, did they not?"

"They did, but we won in the end. However, the dragons didn't all go away. A few still remained in Tamriel and men have fought and killed them. Every such deed was a battle of legend, but it didn't take armies, just men with skill and resolve."

"And luck. For every band of heroes, how many tried and failed?"

"In my experience there is no such thing as luck. The gods have placed a heavy burden upon you, Daenerys Targaryen. You told me that you find it hard to put your faith in the gods. They have put their faith in you. Be worthy."

A little after noon on the second day, they came to a strange ruin that looked very familiar to Daenerys. Several pillars of stones were arranged in a large circle. Stone steps led upward.

"That place, what is it?" asked Daenerys. "Some kind of magical place of power? Or Standing Stones?"

Faralda shook her head. "No, I don't feel any magic coming from it and I would this close. They aren't Standing Stones either. It looks a little like a burial mound, but I'm not sure."

Val grimaced. "It is a burial mound. A dragon burial mound. They're a cursed place."

That pretty much ended that conversation. Daenerys didn't feel like talking about it either. She remembered all too well waking up at a similar place lying naked on a bed of ashes wondering why she was still alive. Imperials had found her not long after. They were likely drawn by the trees burning nearby. Being forced marched dozens of leagues, almost beheaded, and then saved by a dragon had started a series of events that were still unfolding, but she still hadn't answered the question – why was she alive? The only explanation that made any sense was Grandfather's. The gods had brought her back for some purpose. She doubted it was the Stormcloak rebellion. That meant that they expected her to deal with the dragons.

The entrance to Ironbind Barrow didn't look like much. It was just a cave in the mountainside with four timeworn columns outside. The columns all had some kind of figure on top of them. The figure might once have been a dragon, but they were too weathered to make out much but a large snout. There was also a rickety lean-to just outside the entrance that someone must have built recently. That matched up with the tracks that Ull the Hunter had noticed on the way up the mountain path.

"Can you tell me anything else about them?" asked Daenerys.

Ull shrugged. "They camped here recently, more than a day, less than a week. One was an Argonian, the other wasn't. They went inside, but they didn't come out."

"Let's go inside and find out. We do it like we discussed. Lief, you're staying with the cart. Grandfather, are you sure you won't stay with Lief?"

The old Talos priest shook his head. "I'm old, and I can't see very far, but I have the strength for this. Don't worry so much. I'll see it through to the end."

"Very well." She wasn't happy about it. Combat could change very rapidly, and they might not be able to protect him. However, it was his life and his decision.

The first few rooms held dead frostbite spiders, the smaller ones the size of a dog. Ull reported that they had been drained of their venom. The next room held a live frostbite sider the size of a horse. The tactics she had drilled into them worked very well. Val and Mikko were able to engage it while leaving a gap where she and Faralda could cast at it. The giant spider died quickly.

When they searched the room they found two fresh corpses wrapped up in cocoons. One was a Redgard woman. She wore a very nice full set of steel plate armor. The bite marks on her face proved that choosing to forgo wearing a helmet had been a fatal mistake. The other corpse was an Argonian, presumably a mage of some kind as he or she hadn't been wearing armor. That matched with the Staff of Zombies they found in the room. Why the two of them thought they could take on a Nord barrow by themselves when they couldn't even handle a frostbite spider was anyone's guess. Sofija claimed the armor, as the dead woman was near her size and it would be a good fit. Although they left the armor and the unknown victims behind until they cleared the barrow. The previous owner had partially decayed in it, and Sophia refused to wear the armor until the woman had been given a proper burial and her armor thoroughly scrubbed out.

Past the spiders they fought their way through multiple rooms full of draugr without too much difficulty. Ironbind Barrow had larger corridors and rooms than Bleak Falls Barrow. That favored the tactics that Daenerys had drilled into them. Mikko and Val had ample room to do a pincer attack on slower moving druagr while leaving an opening for Daenerys and Faralda to blast the draugr to pieces. Her worry about Grandfather being a burden proved to be unfounded. In fact, he may have saved Mikko's life when he was skewered by a particularly nasty spear trap. While Daenerys could heal, she doubted she could have closed multiple deep stab wounds before Mikko bled out. Perhaps with both her healing and potions Mikko would have survived, but it was by no means certain. Grandfather healed him easily.

Daenerys eyed the large double doors ahead of them with suspicion. "Hold up, this may be the door to the central chamber." She wasn't certain. They hadn't passed one of the circular puzzle doors that required a dragon claw key. Ironbind Barrow was also built on a larger scale than Bleak Falls Barrow. All the corridors and doors had been larger. However, it had the feel of final door. "I know that it hasn't been a struggle so far, but draugr lords are much more powerful than their minions, so be wary." She waited until she'd received nods of agreement. "Very well open it up."

When the doors opened, the size of the room was an immediate indicator that this was indeed the central chamber. It was huge. They stood at the top of a large set of stairs going down to a large square pit that dominated the room. Right at the base of the stairs was a skeletal being wearing robes. Val and Mikko immediately charged. Val flanked to the left. Mikko flanked to the right. It was a strategy that had worked beautifully all the way through the barrow. However, this time the opening that allowed Faralda and Daenerys to attack also allowed the skeleton an opening for it to attack. Daenerys was still summoning up a Firebolt when a spear of ice flew from the hands of the skeleton. As Daenerys released her Firebolt, she heard Faralda scream in pain.

Daenerys released her firebolt and spun about to find her mentor partially frozen by a spear of ice. Leaving Mikko and Val to handle the attack, she grabbed a healing potion from her beltpouch and poured it down Faralda's throat.

Grandfather knelt down beside them. "I have her. Go!"

"Save her!" she urged even as she stood back up to rejoin the fight. She was immediately struck by pain in her ribs as she was struck by an arrow. She glanced down in shock at the arrow sticking out from her chest, but she had no time to gawk at her wound. The skeleton mage hadn't been alone. Archers hidden on both sides of the room were firing at them. Sofija was charging some of them and Val was returning fire.

In the midst of this confusion the draugr lord attacked. He dropped down from the far side of the pit and landed in front of Val and Mikko. No sooner had he landed than he Shouted. Fus! Ro! Dah! Val and Mikko were slammed back rolling across the room by the concussive force released as the draugr lord unleashed Force-Balance-Push!

Daenerys ran down the steps to confront the draugr lord. No one else was in position to confront him and left unopposed he would kill them. He held his axe high and ready as she descended the stairs. She felt tiny next to him, but she didn't let that stop her. She charged forward and shouted right in his face. "Yol!" Fire exploded and smashed into him.

He staggered back a little and threw his head back. Making a chattering sound that might have been draugr laughter. Then he Shouted,

"Fo! K…! D…!"
A hammer of frozen cold and pain slammed into Daenerys as she was slammed back into the stairwell. Her head hit hard stone and everything spun about. Cold and pain and the Word rang within her being. There had been more to his shout, but the first word, Fo – Frost, overpowered all the others. The cold chill of winter seemed to be eating her inside and out. Her teeth chattered and she shook uncontrollably.

And the draugr lord advanced upon her axe held high.

Lying on her side she saw Grandfather walking down the stairs as if he had all the time in the world. He lifted up his staff and slammed the end down onto the steps. "Talos, preserve us!" The golden light of healing magic radiated off him like the sun breaking through the clouds. The energy spread out into a circle filled with the warm glow of a midsummer day.

The draugr lord was cast out and pushed back, held at bay by the power that Grandfather had called down. The draugr prowled around the golden boundary like a caged beast. It shrugged off arrows from Ull and hardly staggered when Faralda roasted it with a powerful blast of flame. It stared at them in hate. Deliberately it raised its battleaxe high above its head and threw it at Grandfather. The axe tumbled end over end. Daenerys saw it as it hit Grandfather and sunk deep into his skull. The old Talos priest fell to the stone floor and landed beside Daenerys.

Faralda managed one more blast of fire before Val, Mikko and Sofija closed on the draugr lord, they surrounded it and hacked at it. The draugr lord went down to one knee as Sofija cut its legs from behind and then Val brought down his axe on his neck and the thing finally went down.

Daenerys was fighting her own battle. The unrelenting cold wind of Fo was blowing inside her, chilling her down to the bottom of her soul. She couldn't move. All she could do as she watched helplessly was try and draw up enough magicka and enough breath to release Frost. When Faralda reached her side, she tried to force a potion on Daenerys, but Dany pushed her back. She turned to face the wall. Through chattering teeth she finally managed to Shout the word, "Fo!"

The Word stopped fighting and settled down inside her. Numbly she accepted the potion from Faralda and downed it. She had claimed another word, but at what price?


In the aftermath of the battle, they found more loot and another Word Wall. Daenerys stayed back far enough that the chanting was barely a whisper while the rest inspected the Word Wall. Sofija again felt a vibration. Ull felt a vibration and could hear a faint muttering when he pressed his ear to the word. However, neither Mikko nor Val heard anything.

After they had all had a turn Daenerys walked up to the wall and learned Feim, a word that could be approximated by Fade. Feim was like Iiz. It altered her relation to the world distancing her from Mundus. She remained bound to the material, but while the power of Feim held sway she was distanced from the mundane world. Daenerys felt like she was dipping a toe in the spirit world and that she could almost spread her wings and fly. Under the effect of Feim the world faded and looked ghostly, but she couldn't pass through solid objects. When Fade wore off, she learned that she had looked like a ghost to everyone else while the effect lasted.

Daenerys wasn't sure how Feim would help her battle dragons. Fo seemed much more useful, especially against dragons who breathed fire, but she had already learned IIz. She wasn't sure that Fo added very much to her arsenal. As she helped carry Grandfather's corpse outside, she couldn't help but wonder. Was she being as foolish as the two simpletons who had died to the giant spider? If not for Grandfather, they all could have died to the draugr lord. A dragon would be so much worse. Was exploring barrows and learning Shouts really preparing her to fight dragons? Was she really the Dragonborn of Nord legend? Was she seeking atonement? Or another path to glory?

She kept her doubts inside. The last thing her small band of followers needed was for her to look indecisive. "We'll take the bodies with us rather than burying them here. It should be less than a day to Nightgate Inn and the trading post. Hopefully, there will be a priest there who can see that they are tended to properly." It seemed likely. "Maybe the two who died to the spider stopped there. We should at least try to notify their next of kin." There were nods of agreement to that, but the mood was somber despite their victory over the draugr lord.

After they had finished their evening meal, Leif the Wagoneer approached her. "My pardon, Lady Targaryen, but Grandfather left something for you. I'd seen it before in the cart, but with him dying and all, I forgot. I suppose you should have this, being it has your name on it." He offered her a scroll of paper tied with a ribbon. He held it so that "Daenerys Targaryen" was clearly visible.

She took the scroll from him. "Thank you, Leif." She sat down beside the campfire and angled the scroll so she could read it by the light it cast. The ruddy glow of a campfire was not the best light, but the writing was clear and precise.

Daenerys of House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt, Thane of Winterhold, Dragonborn,

By the time you read this, I will be dead. I wish that I could live to see you grow and fulfill your destiny. I wonder what kind of hero you will be. You have trained at the College of Winterhold, and you seem to be walking the path of a mage, but you also have Tiber Septim's ability to lead and inspire men. Do not weep for me. Talos has led me here, to stand one last time in battle. I am not afraid to die. Tonight, I will dine with the heroes in Sovngarde.

You told me that you do not have much faith in the gods. You should. They only send us a great hero when there is great need, and never has our need been this great. Alduin has returned. The gods have chosen you. Believe in yourself. You have the power to save us from the dragons. Only you can stop Alduin. I believe you have also been sent to save us from ourselves. You are the Dragonborn and rightful Empress. Save the Empire. Save Tamriel. Save Niirn.

I bequeath the few septims I have left in my pocket to Leif. He is proud but poor. I want you to have the amulet of Talos that I wear. It is not just a symbol of Talos. He has blessed it, and it will serve you well. Hide it under your clothes if you must, but always keep it near you.
I have one warning to give you. Beware the Daedric Princes. They love to meddle in the affairs of mortals, and they are especially drawn to doom-driven heroes. Beware their gifts and their promises. Believe in the Nine. The power of the gods is more subtle, but do not doubt that they are watching. The gods will aid you. They already have. Talos sent me to you to see you through this day.

Be bold. Be brave. Be fierce.

The gods have put their faith in you.

Be worthy.

Signed this day
Primate Örn, son of Hilmar

Daenerys looked up and realized two facts: she was crying uncontrollably, and everyone was watching her. "He knew. He knew he would die in Ironbind, but he went anyway, because Talos wanted him to go." She wiped at her tears. "He even told me not to weep, because he dines in Sovngarde… Lief, he wanted you to have whatever coin he has on him, and he asked me to wear his amulet of Talos." She couldn't tell them the rest. She wasn't sure what to make of it herself. She was already making plans to face dragons, but Alduin was called the World Eater. How was she supposed to face him? Yet, Azura's high priestess had believed she was sent to fulfill the prophecy. The World Eater wakes and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn. She wasn't ready.

She took a deep steadying breath. She had faced worse before. She had walked into a fire and walked out Mother of Dragons. She had a plan. She was gathering followers and training. When the time came, she would be ready. She rose and faced her followers. "We grieve his loss, but he died like a true Nord, on his feet, in battle, unflinching. Tonight, he dines in Sovngarde! Tonight, we rest and drink in his honor, but tomorrow we press on. We have much to do."
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