Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising (Game of Thrones x Skyrim)

Your MC is over 18. You're already on safer ground than 99+% of Worm fics (but obviously could != should).

Sexualizing Babette would be account suicide, though. Not that Dany is likely to join the Brotherhood, but the vampire assassin could still pop up during transit or an unrelated quest.
As long as I don't flashback to Daenerys and her nonconsensual wedding night at age thirteen, I'm safe in text format - agreed.

I was referring to the lack of images and video. I couldn't embed or link pictures of Emilia Clarke wearing nothing but a smile. That would get me slapped down.
Sexualizing Babette would be account suicide, though. Not that Dany is likely to join the Brotherhood, but the vampire assassin could still pop up during transit or an unrelated quest.
Sexualizing Babette is a bad move no matter if you're a writer or in universe. As a writer, it's likely to get you smacked, in universe she's not interested and is the Dark Brotherhood's master of poisons.
Then there was much rejoicing. Save for those who bemoaned the loss of bare boobs. And HRPR said unto them, "Beware the wrath of the mods."
Wait, you mean to say that there aren't supposed to be bare boobs in Skyrim? :V

Just trying my hand at writing some Vivek style meanderings.
Far too coherent, 6/10 for effort though.

Babette is a centuries old vampire assassin, she knows very well how to use her assets to her advantage and has no shame about doing so.
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Wait, you mean to say that there aren't supposed to be bare boobs in Skyrim? :V
What's next? Not milking your housecarls? :p
Babette is a centuries old vampire assassin, she knows very well how to use her assets to her advantage and has no shame about doing so.
"Shame" is not likely something an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood much indulges in whether or not they're undead.
Gah! No. Boobies are one thing, but I have limits.

Some of the mods out there... I just... why...
Obviously they're realism mods. How can you have a functional economy with out milk and regional price differences?
Thank anything holy for MxR. He downloads that crap, so I can make jokes about it without having to screw up my own game with it. I don't really care about nudity, but those LL mods change so much stuff they're really likely to screw up your game.
Of course, to be fair there's also the other side of 'Wat. Why?' Skyrim mods, like the one that adds HDT physics to chicken breasts.

But we are going waaay off topic, probably best to end it here.
Interlude A - Faralda
Interlude A

The discussion with Archmage Savos had been exhausting and disheartening. The headmaster was entirely willing to settle this matter by having their newest student risk her life in a trial by combat. He displayed none of the misgivings that she felt sending her pupil into battle against the Jarl's champion. While Winterhold's city watch was small compared to other holds, the Jarl still had thanes. After Daenerys proved herself capable of taking out three of his guards, he would no doubt send his best warrior, and equip him with armor enchanted to resist fire if he could. Daenery's Shout of Yol was lethally strong. She knew, because she had tested the girl's ability thoroughly, but Daenerys was by no means assured victory. Her range was short. If she Shouted too soon, her opponent might survive. If she waited too long, he would run her through before she could Shout. It wasn't right to put this burden on her. However, it was the girl's choice. She was an adult and it was her decision. She would back Daenerys, but it was infuriating. Not only was the girl risking her own life, but the greatest magical discovery of the era might be lost all because a stupid jarl couldn't let go of his father's grudges. The College should not be relying on a mere apprentice to fight its battles.

Faralda took deep calming breaths as she marched through the College to check on her new apprentice. While she had urged patience on Daenerys time and again, Faralda was fast losing all of hers. In fact, she was approaching the conclusion that it was time to leave. The College wasn't what it had once been.

The Archmage was a puissant mage, gifted in all the magical arts save Alchemy, but he didn't tolerate fools and considered anyone less brilliant than himself to be a fool. He also had no patience for the political aspects of his job. Enrollments had fallen off dramatically under his tenure. He made no effort at all to encourage the holds of Skyrim to send the magically talented to the College to be trained. He had left the post of Master of Alchemy vacant for almost a decade. The White Star 'incident' was only the latest in a series of cover-ups. Relations with the city of Winterhold had only worsened under his time in office. Worst of all, he had allowed the accursed Thalmor to place a spy amongst their number.

Using the understanding of a Shout to replace a Seeming was a major magical breakthrough. One that could change the way they did magic forever, but because of the thrice-damned spy, she couldn't bring her colleagues in to help her. Although in truth, it appeared there wasn't much more they could do here. There was the suicidal method of allowing oneself to be Shouted at directly. The other alternatives were seeking out a word wall, or going to the Greybeards. She hadn't informed Daenerys yet, but unless something turned up by spring, that she would take a sabbatical and the two of them could seek out word walls in Nord barrows or other places in Skyrim.

Faralda brought herself to a halt in front of the dormitory room belonging to Daenerys and Breylna. She took a moment to calm her thoughts and then knocked softly on the door.

A moment later Breylna Maryon opened the door a crack. The Dunmer held a finger to her lips, stepped out into the hallway, and quietly closed the door behind her. She stood with her back to the door as if to bar anyone from entering. "Good evening, Master Wizard Faralda, how can I help you?"

"How is she?" asked Faralda.

Breylna sighed. "She's exhausted. She's sleeping now. She told me everything. I don't know why she isn't a quivering wreck right now."

"Good." It wasn't good that she was exhausted, but at least she was resting. "When she wakes, tell her she is excused from classes tomorrow."

"I will, Master Wizard." She paused. "Ma'am she said that you have taken her as an apprentice. I'll help her pack as well. Do you know which room she'll be moving to?"

"None. She's still be rooming with you. She'll also still be supervising the novitiates. Until a new senior novitiate joins or one of the novitiates is promoted to senior novitiate."

"That's… unusual."

"The circumstances are unusual," agreed Faralda. Apprentices had other duties. That's why they even had a senior novitiate position. They also weren't likely to get any new students for some time. Travel to Winterhold in the winter months was just too difficult. The oldest female novitiate was Sofija and she would not make a good senior novitiate. This basically kept Daenerys in the position until Spring at least. While the archmagi had cited the unfair burden on Breylna, Faralda wonder how much of it was out of pettiness that she hadn't consulted with him before she took Daenerys as an apprentice.

"Will there be anything else, Master Wizard?"

"No… Wait, yes. Let her know that I would like to speak with her in my office. Not tomorrow, the day after, once she's rested."

"I'll let her know."

"Thank you." Faralda left as Breylna slipped quietly back into the room she shared with Daenerys. Yes, she had a great deal to discuss with her new apprentice. Decisions had to be made.

So, I decided to try a Worm style interlude where I told the story from a different PoV, but it just wasn't going that well. If I was writing for publication, this little interlude would have probably just been cut from the final version altogether. Since I am not writing for publication, I decided to go ahead and post it, even if it isn't up to my usual quality.

No Beta for this one, so all errors are mine.
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Still like it, even if you didn't. I liked seeing Faralda's thoughts on the whole situation, including the stuff on Savos and the Thalmor.
While the interlude is entertaining enough, I do agree it's not quite your usual quality. I think it's the conversation with Brelyna that falls a bit flat, with how the most meaningful section of the dialogue is internal exposition on the organization of senior novitiates and apprentices. Despite being from Faralda's point of view, it reveals very little new about Faralda's character. In fact, now that I think about it, her internal monologue actually seems a bit too calm compared to what I'd expect of what I'd imagine from a stressed out or frustrated Destruction mage. I'm not saying she shouldn't be able to keep her seeming-anger masked the whole time (and especially in front of Brelyna), but I'd expect something a bit more aggressive than just going through (exposition of) the Archmage's faults in her head, given the outburst she had in front of Daenerys.

I think this should be "archmage", since Savos is the only one in the College?
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I guess the problem with this as an interlude is that Faralda isn't doing much interesting however we're sort of reaching the climax of this arc with Dany, Wildbow tended to use interludes to show the reactions of other characters to major events so it seems this should have come after arrest to maintain and raise tension or else it should come next to show off the duel.
I guess the problem with this as an interlude is that Faralda isn't doing much interesting however we're sort of reaching the climax of this arc with Dany, Wildbow tended to use interludes to show the reactions of other characters to major events so it seems this should have come after arrest to maintain and raise tension or else it should come next to show off the duel.
Yeah, and that's just retreading the same ground from a different PoV, which I find to be of limited usefulness to actually telling a story. It's filler. Better to not have these sort of interludes unless they actually advance the story in some meaningful way. Characterization or plot, either one. Filler is bad when it's in a meatloaf and terrible in a story.
While the interlude is entertaining enough, I do agree it's not quite your usual quality. I think it's the conversation with Brelyna that falls a bit flat, with how the most meaningful section of the dialogue is internal exposition on the organization of senior novitiates and apprentices. Despite being from Faralda's point of view, it reveals very little new about Faralda's character. In fact, now that I think about it, her internal monologue actually seems a bit too calm compared to what I'd expect of what I'd imagine from a stressed out or frustrated Destruction mage. I'm not saying she shouldn't be able to keep her seeming-anger masked the whole time (and especially in front of Brelyna), but I'd expect something a bit more aggressive than just going through (exposition of) the Archmage's faults in her head, given the outburst she had in front of Daenerys.

I think this should be "archmage", since Savos is the only one in the College?

The whole thing was coming across too flat. It needed more intensity. You're spot on that Faralda should be more of a Destruction volcano beneath a grip of Altmer control it just wasn't happening.

And MS Word keeps autocorrecting archmage to archmagi. I obviously missed one.
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Yeah, and that's just retreading the same ground from a different PoV, which I find to be of limited usefulness to actually telling a story. It's filler. Better to not have these sort of interludes unless they actually advance the story in some meaningful way. Characterization or plot, either one. Filler is bad when it's in a meatloaf and terrible in a story.

Agreed. Which is why I cut this. I might try another interlude sometime, but this one just didn't do much for the story. Sure, there were bits about how Archmage Savos is a petty man and that's part of the problem with the College, but I've been showing that pretty clearly with his actions. I didn't need this honking big tell.
Surprised nobody's noticed totally not Sophia, Emma, Madison, and Taylor yet, or at least deigned to drop an "Aha!" in the thread.
Surprised nobody's noticed totally not Sophia, Emma, Madison, and Taylor yet, or at least deigned to drop an "Aha!" in the thread.

It was noticed after chapter 10 when I first introduced Sofija, Enja, Matilda and Taillour. I really meant them as more of shout out to Worm than anything, but I've built upon the characters. They've become a bit of a subplot. Don't expect Taillour to develop insect control, but she was being bullied by the other three.

Speaking of subplots, one of my goals as a writer in doing the College of Winterhold plotline was to allow weeks and months to pass. One of my weaknesses as a writer is following the protagonist day by day. I wanted to work on letting time progress. One of the keys to enabling that feeling of time passing is to have subplots. It's not enough to have three months pass and Daenerys poof knows spells. Instead I've been experimenting with swapping between subplots: Daenerys & Faralda and the nature of magic/shouting, Daenerys making friends, introducing professors, etc. I think it is giving the whole College of Winterhold arc a more realistic feeling.
Any name resembling Sofia in a Skyrim 'fic immediately makes me think of her:

But I don't think that's a place you want to go to. :p

Well, unless your story needs an alcoholic hedonist who starts trouble everywhere she goes and talks shit 24/7.

Yes, I'm avoiding custom content. I've already done a crossover by dropping Daenerys into Skyrim. I am adding characters to the College of Winterhold as I flesh out the storyline. There should be a lot more students there than an almost empty school, but not going to add characters straight from mods. I'd be more likely to lift characters from other media if I need another minor character added.