Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising (Game of Thrones x Skyrim)

Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Tirdas, the 2nd of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Life went on; that was a lesson Daenerys had learned already. The wheel turned. You either kept pace or were ground beneath it. The bastards who had tried to rape her were dead. She wasn't like Vigga or Jarl Korir, always dwelling on the wrongs of the past. She moved forward.

She told Brelyna almost everything, even more than she had told the arch-mage, Mirabelle, and Faralda. She only held back that she Shouted. She poured out the details, the words they had spoken, and the cruel way they planned her rape. In the retelling, what bothered her the most was what a fool she had been. She had gone along with being imprisoned so meekly. She should have known better. She had dealt with the likes of Cersei Lannister and the masters of Meereen. Why had she expected to be imprisoned with respect, like a noblewoman? Korir had made has lack of respect for mages very clear.

"You couldn't have known," consoled Brelyna. "You hear of that happening in prison, but only in places like the Cidhna Mines where they put away people to forget about them. At worst you were guilty of making threats and dueling inside the city. Nords do that all the time. Usually, you are released after a few days being locked up for such things. I was worried for you, but not as worried as I should have been. I was afriad you would be starved, beaten, or left in an unheated cell. I'm sorry, I didn't know that your danger was that grave."

For a Dunmer that was a downright optimistic view of the world. "I think it happens more than you believe. Men think with their cocks at the best of times. Most men will force a woman if they think they can get away with it. I've seen it happen before during war and wherever slavery is legal. That doesn't make it right."

Brelyna's eyes got wide. "Where have you been that slavery is legal? Since Helseth Hlaalu outlawed slavery in Morrowind it has been illegal everywhere in the Empire."

Daenerys started to give her usual line, 'I prefer not to talk about it,' but Brelyna deserved better. Brelyna had become too close to her to simply brush off like that. "Maybe I'll tell you someday, Brelyna, but not today."

Brelyna nodded. "I have my own secrets, that I may share someday as well." She paused for a moment brow creased in thought. "Not today. There is a time and a place for secrets. Still, they were warriors in the service of the jarl. They should have upheld the law, not broken it. They should be better than that."

"They should have, but they didn't. Whoever is on top always takes and hurts those on the bottom. Sometimes the wheel turns. The one on top falls, another rises, but still those on bottom suffer." For a moment the memory of the burning of King's Landing returned. Instead of breaking the wheel, she had become the wheel herself. She shook her head and sighed. "You're right. The guards should have been better. People should be better. It's a cruel world. Not that excuses the cruelty. I'm glad those bastards are dead. I hope they all suffer in Oblivion. Is there a Daedra Prince of Rape?"

"Yes, Molag Bal, the Prince of Domination is also called the King of Rape."

"Good. I hope he claimed their souls." Although if their souls were damned, what awaited her in the afterlife?


Daenerys was certain that Brelyna didn't spread any gossip, but it was obvious that word had gotten out. When she returned to classes the after taking a rest day, conversations stopped, and people stopped to stare whenever she walked in. Once she sat down, conversation would restart in quiet whispers. It wasn't surprising. Her friends had already made it public that she had been arrested for defending herself. They couldn't hide that she had returned to classes, or that Faralda had taken her as an apprentice. That she was still required to supervise her charges would be enough to start rumors by itself. Normally, senior novitiates supervised the initiates. Apprentices still had duties, but they were assigned by their master.

Sofja approached her during an afternoon practice in the Hall of the Elements that day while she was practicing using the Frost spell. She could cast it readily now, but it was still more difficult to channel her anger into a Seeming than to use her knowledge of a Shout. The Nord girl approached but stood out of the way of the icy spray of cold flowing from her hand. Casually, Sofija crossed her arms and leaned against a column waiting to be acknowledged. This was unusual behavior for Sofija. Afternoon practices were loosely supervised. Students could practice whatever spells they wished, as long as there was a Master Wizard present and they watched their aim. Some students spent most of their practice time in conversation and gossip, but not Sofja. Despite her hostile attitude she trained hard, mostly with Conjuration. Sofja could cast Bound Dagger and had been trying and failing to cast Bound Sword. While Sofija was one of her charges, Sofija had never come to her for help before, nor was she one to gossip.

"Hello, Sofija." Daenerys cut off the flow of Frost with satisfaction. She held up a hand. "I'll be with you in a moment." She closed her eyes and took in deep cleansing breaths and exhaled her anger. It was a relaxation exercise that had become important now that she was casting Frost and using anger as a Seeming. After several breaths she felt better. She opened her eyes. "Thank you. Now, can I help you with something?"

Sofija uncrossed her arms and nodded. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but those few of us who follow the spellsword path meet in a training hall on the third floor on some afternoons for exercises and weapons practice. Adept Malak leads the sessions. I heard about the duel, and I thought you might want to join us."

Daenerys wondered why she had never heard of the sessions or a training hall before. For that matter she had never heard of spellswords before. "What is the difference between a spellsword and a battlemage?"

Sofija scowled. "I forget you're an outlander sometimes. A battlemage is almost always a master of Destruction and often Conjuration as well. They may wear heavy armor, but it is highly enchanted. They almost never engage their foes hand-to-hand. They blast them from a distance. The armor is to protect them from arrows and from the spells of other mages. A spellsword, on the other hand, is the perfect balance between magic and combat. Spellswords wade right into melee, a sword in one hand and a spell in the other."

"I guess that explains why they teach us to cast spells like Bound Dagger and Bound Sword then. I thought they were rather useless. If you don't know how to use a weapon, then conjuring one does you little good."

Sofija shook her head. "That's not entirely it. Spellswords often use conjured weapons. There are some advanced techniques that make them even more powerful, but a powerfully enchanted blade is superior to any conjured one. Being a spellsword is more than just conjuring weapons. It's a way of life."

Daenerys had never heard Sofija so passionate about anything. She barely spoke most of the time. She wasn't sure what to make of the offer. Back on Planetos she had never sought to gain skill with weapons. Learning to wield a sword took years, and she had commanded trained and dangerous warriors. She shouldn't need a weapon for her duel. However, she had been warned that her opponent would likely be very heavily armored. What if he survived her Shout? Also, she was beginning to wonder if the College was really the place for her. She had proved that she had the capability of learning magic based on a Seeming, but it was slow going. Learning Shouts from word walls would be faster, but that meant exploring Nord barrows. If she was going to be exploring crypts full of the dead, being able to use a weapon was a wise idea. Draugr didn't pause their attacks while you rested to recover magicka.

"I'm not very good at weapons," Daenerys admitted. "Nor am a warrior maid like you, but I am interested."

Sofija frowned. "If you're not skilled with weapons, how do you plan to survive the duel? You know you can't use magic, don't you? It's not honorable. They'll kill you."

"Leave that to me." Daenerys smiled. If it was good enough for Ulfric, it was good enough for her. "I'm going to win, but it wouldn't hurt to know how to use a weapon, and not just for the duel."

Sofija shook her head. "You're confident. You must have a plan. You're not going to tell me, are you?"

Daenerys just smiled.

"I hope you know what you're doing. I want to see you gut whatever champion they put up to defend those cowards."

"I can promise that you won't be disappointed. So… where and when does this spellsword practice happen?"


The training room was easy enough to find. She had even walked past the door showing one hand holding a sword and another hand casting a spell without even noticing it. When she opened the door, the training room turned out to be a mostly empty classroom. Along one wall stood weapon racks filled with various melee weapons: swords, axes, hammers, knives and such. Some circles were painted upon the floor and there were the students.

Instead of a score of young boys working hard under the eyes of old warriors there was only Adept Malak and four pupils. Five, if she included herself. In addition to Sofija, she recognized one of the others as Thedyn, a dark-haired Nord that was one of Onmund's charges. The other two were new to her, so probably apprentices, a blonde Breton lass and a brown-haired Bosmer. The two of them had matching facepaint and appeared to be a couple.

Adept Malak was a young and powerfully built Redguard. He wore traditional Redguard clothing in browns and oranges with a turban hiding his hair. He greeted her with a smile showing lots of perfectly white teeth. "Daenerys Targaryen." He bowed formally. "I am glad you have chosen to join us this day."

"Thank you for teaching us." She bowed in return. What had she gotten herself into?

"We start," said Malak. "By stretching as always. I will guide you today. The rest of you, no slacking. I'm still watching."

Malak showed her how to stretch every part of her body. He seemed most focused on the arms and legs, but he kept emphasizing that it was important to stretch all the muscles. "Flexibility, agility, skill. These are more important than brute strength for a spellsword."

After the stretching they ran sprints back and forth across the room. That was followed by odd exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, squats. She was tired and drenched in sweat long before he even allowed to pick up a wooden sword. She hadn't managed to keep up with the exercises, but she hadn't quit. Malak set his students to practicing against each other while he walked her step by step through the basics – how to stand, how to hold a sword, how to slash, and how to thrust. He made her repeat those moves again and again and again. She hadn't even known there was a right and wrong way to stand.

"Alright, rest a bit. I'm going to check on the others." Marak started circulating around the room as the others continued to fight mock duels. The Bosmer and Breton fought with conjured blades, but both Thedyn and Sofija used real steel. Marak critiqued, complemented, and corrected their form.

Daenerys watched the students square off. Did she really want to take part in this? She was awful even compared to all of them. Was the time spent learning to stick another person with a sharp bit of metal really time well spent? She wanted to say no, that she could just rely upon Shouting and magic, but it might save her life in the duel. She was also still planning to explore Nord barrows in search of word walls someday. She would never be a master of the sword, but having some skill would help her survive.

"Keep practicing," said Malak. "Daenerys. You've had enough time watching. Join me in the circle and come at me."

What followed was embarrassing. She tried to stab and slash the way he had shown her, but she didn't even come close to touching him once. Sometimes Malak stepped aside. Sometimes he blocked. Most embarrassing were the times he just stood there and watched as her swing went wild. After every failed attack, he said the same word, "Again." It was a simple word. He didn't say it harshly or mockingly, but she got sick of hearing it. She tried over and over and never touched him.

After she tripped and fell on her face, he finally called a halt to everything. "Enough. Go sit down." He raised his voice. "Everyone, time to stretch again."

Adept Malak led them through more stretches at the end of class, and then dismissed everyone. "Good workout, everyone. Elistan, would you mind healing anyone who needs it, please?"

"I can and I will," agreed the Bosmer.

Daenerys cursed herself for not thinking of that. Rather than waiting she used Healing on herself. She only had a few bruises, and they healed easily. Healing also took some of the aches in her limbs, but didn't cure the exhaustion.

Malak approached her as the rest of the class started to leave. "Daenerys, you've obviously never done this before, but you never gave up. You have promise. Is this something you are going to stick with?"

She had promise? She had been awful. "I don't know if you heard, but I have a duel coming up. I shouldn't need a weapon, but I would like to know enough by then not to stab myself." Also practicing just how close she could let an enemy approach would help her time her Shout. However, in the long term? "If I do something, I want to do it right. Will I ever be good just exercising and practicing a couple of hours a few afternoons a week?"

Malak shook his head. "No, but you might be able to defend yourself. Real warriors spend hours practicing every day and it takes years to build skills. When is this duel? You're not going to pick up how to use a weapon in just a few hours."

"A week, maybe two. The date isn't set you. Having a sword is more of a back-up plan."

He shrugged. "You could join us for morning sessions as well, but even then, you won't see much progress for a week or so. If you somehow survive a duel with no skill in weapons, you would still be well-served to attend every practice."

Daenerys glanced over at Sofija who was listening with interest. Somehow morning sessions hadn't been brought up during her little introduction. "When are the morning sessions?"

"During the sixth hour every morning except Sundas. I might be able to give you a couple of extra weapons, but you just won't learn much in a couple of weeks. It just isn't enough time."

"Don't worry." If she needed to use a sword at all, it would be to finish off a severely injured opponent. "I'll come to the morning sessions as well. After the duel, I'll decide whether I want to continue or not."


Daenerys was surprised when Faralda asked that they meet in her office instead of the Destruction training room. She had never been to her office before. It was very much like her, strictly organized and regimented, a place for every book and item, and everything in its place.

"Please, be seated." Faralda beckoned her to a seat before her desk. It was made of a dark wood, polished and lacquered until it shone. Faralda didn't sit down, but instead she went to a tea service set in its own alcove. She poured out two cups of a dark brown liquid that was obviously hot from the wisps of steam coming off the cups. She then added a small amount of honey to each cup and stirred. "Calen tea. It's merish and very hard to come by here in Skyrim. I save it for special occasions." She returned to her desk sitting a cup in front of Daenerys before sitting herself. "Such as when I take a new apprentice."

Daenerys took a cautious sip. For some it might be too hot to drink, but she savored the heat. The flavor was almost too strong, but the honey made it tolerable. "It's interesting. I think I could learn to like it."

Faralda nodded approvingly. "It does make a pleasant change from beer, wine, and mead. Now, to business. While I rushed things by making you my apprentice, I don't regret it one bit. You have the makings of an excellent mage. Setting aside your ability to cast spells based off Shouting, you have successfully cast two spells based off Seemings with only a little over a month of instruction. Granted you were in an extremely stressful situation, which does speed learning, but it is still remarkable progress."

"Thank you. I also gather that you made the offer to protect me, and I appreciate that as well. Even though I don't understand how it protected me."

"The bylaws of the College are old and cannot be readily ignored even by the Archmage. A novitiate can be expelled by the archmage alone. For an apprentice to be expelled, both the apprentice's master and the archmage must agree to expel the student. It was not complete protection. Archmage Savos could have stripped me of my title and fired me first. That happened recently to the previous Master of Conjuration. Maybe you heard of the incident?"

"I did," agreed Daenerys. "Something involving a Daedric artifact, Azura's Star?"

"I see the school rumor chain is still effective. Yes, Azura's Star was involved. A student died and several more left when Malyn Varen was removed from his post."

"I heard the student was sacrificed, yet he was allowed to leave. He wasn't handed over to the jarl for murder was he?"

"No, no he was not." Faralda frowned. "I don't think he should have been handed to the jarl. It would have set a bad precedent. That the student was ritually killed is beyond doubt. The problem was there was no proof that Malyn Varen was the one who performed the sacrifice. The archmage was more interested in covering things up and protecting the College's reputation than finding the culprit. Instead, he expelled all involved."

"So, where did they go? Are they just out there somewhere in Skyrim sacrificing people and giving mages a bad name?"

"Unfortunately, that is likely the case. At any rate we have drifted off the topic. While circumstances rushed my decision, I would have made an offer to you as soon as I thought it wouldn't turn heads. There are several things I want to discuss, and we'll get to them, but first…" Faralda's expression softened with concern. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. I have been through worse. They're dead. I'm alive. The archmage isn't handing me over to the jarl, and I'm going to make Jarl Korir choke on his decision."

"The duel?" Faralda frowned. "He won't be happy to lose his champion… Ah, I see. You'll win by Shouting and he won't be able to say a word because Ulfric Stormcloak won his duel the same way."

"Only in part." She sipped her tea and smiled. "Trust me, you'll see."

"I hope you're right. You know that you don't have to do this. We can find another way. You can win by Shouting, but if you Shout too soon or too late, you can lose."

"I know." She shrugged. "I won't miss. Those who attacked me paid. The jarl hasn't yet, but he will. It will change things, but I am no rabbit. I will hide behind a pair of floppy ears no more."

Faralda's brow furrowed. "And are you going to reveal how Shouts are connected to your casting? Do you want the Thalmor learning that?"

"There is a difference between not hiding what I am and revealing all my secrets. The secret of casting spells based on shouts remains between us."

"Good. Next question. Now that you can cast spells using a Seeming, do you have any insights on how it is different basing them on Shouts?"

"The spells I cast based on Shouts are easier to get started, but once started the rest is the same. She cast around for a way to explain it. "Suppose you had a cart you needed to get downhill, but you didn't have a horse. You strain and push until, finally, you move it a few feet. Then it rolls downhill. That's using a Seeming. With a Shout, you just tell the horse to giddy-up."

Faralda nodded. "I'm not surprised. I rather expected as much after all our conversations, but until you could cast magic both ways, we couldn't be certain. So, not only is Shout-based magic less harmful to the caster's sanity, but also easier to cast." Faralda sipped at her tea for a moment. "That's good for you, and for everyone if it can be taught." She abruptly set her tea down. "What do you want, Daenerys? We were partners before. Now you're also my apprentice. Do you want to learn Destruction magic under my tutelage?"

"I think that I would rather we remain partners. Coming here to the College wasn't a mistake. I learned about Seemings, and now I know my magic is different. That's important. However, I think I would be better served to search out word walls and pursue my own Shout-based magic. However, I'm not ready to explore Nord barrows on my own yet, and I can't afford to hire bodyguards."

"Partners?" The corners of Faralda's mouth turned up just a little. "I'd like to remain partners, even if you're my apprentice now. I'm afraid that my research into Shouting has reached a dead end. There are three roads forward. One, I let you shout directly at me, but I am not suicidal. Two, we seek out the Greybeards. And three, we seek out word walls, and I see if I can learn their lesson. I propose that I change my research to locating word walls. In spring I will take a sabbatical from the College, and we seek them out together."

Daenerys smiled broadly. "I like this plan, but two mages alone in Nord barrow? We'll need guards. I'll contribute what I have, but it isn't much."

"I think it will be easier to hire guards than you might think with a Mistress of Destruction coming along. Unfortunately teaching at the College pays more in prestige and research opportunities than gold. I could probably afford enough to pay for two good mercenaries. However, I hope we can recruit from the College. Most apprentices choose to leave once the College once they make adept. A few more mages to join us would make things even safer.

"How about Adept Malak? He's a spellsword. I've started attending his lessons."

"Have you indeed?" Faralda shrugged. "Perhaps, but I doubt he'll leave. He has been here for several years. I'm not sure if he simply prefers to teach, or if he is hoping to join the faculty. However, you might look into some of his students. Since you're in his class, why not sound them out?"

Daenerys nodded. "I'll give it a try. I will start by getting to know them better. No one is going anywhere for a few months."

"True. Now, let's talk about your magical education. I agree that Shout-based magic is your best long-term plan. However, we're snowed in for a while yet. So, let's talk about what spells you should focus on to help us both survive better while exploring Nord barrows."


As Daenerys entered the Restoration classroom, she waved goodbye to Brelyna and went to sit with her charges. She noticed immediately that something was wrong. The dynamics of the group had changed. Sofija sat leaning back in her chair, arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Tailour sat beside her looking a bit queasy. Matilda and Enja set together and a little apart from the other two.

Enja quickly looked away when she spotted Daenerys entering and spoke to Matilda. "Really, noble? Who does she think she's fooling? I looked it up in Noble Houses of the Empire. There is no such house. Never has been. She can't even speak properly. She's making it all up." Her words were pitched loud enough to carry to half the room.

The room grew suddenly quiet and Daenerys knew that she had to respond. Enja had chosen her ground purposefully. Enja was the favorite pupil of the Mistress of Restoration, so Daenerys couldn't simply slap her charge across the face, no matter how tempting a response that might be. "I never claimed to be from the Empire, child." She kept her response calm and at a normal tone, even knowing the whole room was straining to listen.

"Oh, so where are you from? Could it be the Aldmeri Domion?" She made a fake gasp and brought one hand to her cheek. "But you're not an elf! Oh, perhaps you're an escaped slave from Akavir… but they killed all the humans and slaves aren't nobles. Did you know that it is a crime to pretend to be noble when you aren't? The punishment for breaking that law is death."

"An Imperial law, I'm sure," replied Daenerys. "And we're not under Imperial law right now, are we? We're at the College of Winterhold. By ancient custom I can leave my past behind if I choose. Also, by ancient custom you are my charge, and I have certain punishments I can assign as needed. You are on scullery duty starting now until Saturnalia is over." That was about as severe a punishment as she could lay on the girl, but Enja was being publicly disrespectful. What had she expected to achieve?

"Now, now," interjected Collette. "I agree she was disrespectful, but you did breach the custom yourself in claiming noble birth. Two weeks including Saturnalia day seems excessive. As this is my classroom, I have the final say in here. One week of scullery duty will suffice."

Daenerys held Collette's gaze for a brief moment. She didn't glare but the steel behind her eyes caused the Mistress of Restoration to falter. "I make no claims. I am Daenerys the Unburnt, of the House Targaryen. Our words are 'Fire and Blood' and we bear a three-headed red dragon as our symbol. I come from no lands that you know of, and I intend on leaving my past behind." The more she spoke, the firmer her voice became. "I suggest you... educate your student. Lest she insults someone less forgiving than I."

Collette paled but nodded in agreement. She clapped her hands. "Very well. I apologize for my words and on Enja's behalf. Now, let us move on to meditation."
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Enja quickly looked away when she spotted Daenerys entering and spoke to Matilda. "Really, noble? Who does she think she's fooling? I looked it up in Noble Houses of the Empire. There is no such house. Never has been. She can't even speak properly. She's making it all up." Her words were pitched loud enough to carry to half the room.
Good going gossip train. I doubt Faralda said, anything so either Mirabelle or the Arch mage were the source of her claim to nobility. Fun as it is to imagine I don't think a group of mages with their ears pressed to the door is not likely.

Yes, totally unlikely. Teenaged mages in training would never eavesdrop. More seriously, the archemage closed the school. No one goes into town any more until this was resolved. The faculty had to have an explanation about that. Several of them passed it along to their students, etc.
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Yes, totally unlikely. Teenaged mages in training would never eavesdrop. More seriously, the archemage closed the school. No one goes into town any more until this was resolved. The faculty had to have an explanation about that. Several of them passed it along to their students, etc.

Yeah but "Also she claimed to be part of a noble house that no ones ever heard of" doesn't have to be part of it since nobility isn't needed for the rite of combat.
Yeah but "Also she claimed to be part of a noble house that no ones ever heard of" doesn't have to be part of it since nobility isn't needed for the rite of combat.
That's just teenaged gossip bitches being gossip bitches; standard 'under the same circumstances I think I would lie, so therefore she must be lying as well because everyone thinks like me' teenager thinking.
That's just teenaged gossip bitches being gossip bitches; standard 'under the same circumstances I think I would lie, so therefore she must be lying as well because everyone thinks like me' teenager thinking.
All evidence points to it being a lie. Its just that spreading part of that story was not something that needed to be spread around.
All evidence points to it being a lie. Its just that spreading part of that story was not something that needed to be spread around.
The speed of rumor is well known to exceed that of even the sprightliest elementary particles, and you'd be amazed at the ability of bored teenagers to somehow acquire information they should not have access to even without magical assistance.
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Fredas, the 5th of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Faralda kept her posted on the negotiations between Archmage Savos and Jarl Korir. The negotiations dragged out for days. The jarl kept demanding Archmage Savos appear before him in his longhouse. The archmage kept claiming he was busy, but he would counteroffer to meet with the Jarl Korir in his office. Neither man budged so they ended up wasting time exchanging messages. It took three days before Jarl Korir even admitted his men had been killed. He accused the archmage. Savos denied it immediately. Two days later he revealed that Daenerys had killed the guards when they attempted to rape her. The jarl denied that his guards were rapists and insisted that Daenerys be handed over for execution. Savos revealed she had sanctuary and ignored the increasingly strident jarl for a few more days before countering with trial by combat. Then there was more bickering. In all three weeks passed before they finally agreed that the duel would take place on the afternoon of Saturnalia. Apparently, the duel would be entertainment for the celebration.

By the time the date was set Daenerys just wanted to get the duel over with, but the delays had probably been a good thing. While she was still a novice with the blade, she was certain that she had a good feel for how quickly a trained warrior could close with her. She felt that she could time her Shout to guarantee a kill without being run through herself. That didn't mean she was unconcerned. She still didn't know who she was going to fight. She expected someone in plate armor. When Nords usually favored lighter armor, a champion fighting a duel would no doubt wear the best armor available.

The upcoming duel stole the joy out of Saturnalia morning, or at least it did among her friends. She exchanged gifts with Brelyna, Onmund, and J'zargo. She found more pleasure in the gifts she gave than the ones she received. Her friends tried to stay in good spirits, but their cheer was forced. While everyone else feasted and drank freely at lunch, she ate lightly and only had one glass of wine. After that it was time.

The fight was taking place in the city, but almost the entire College was coming to watch. Master Wizard Mirabelle was busy sorting and organizing a procession apparently following some kind of prearranged plan. Archmage Savos led the way along with Phinis Gestor, the Master of Conjuration, both of them summoned fierce red-faced demons wearing armor who led the way. Several apprentices and adepts followed commanding atronachs of flame and frost. The message wasn't at all subtle – start a fight and the College will end it. The people of Winterhold seemed to get the message. They were quiet and subdued as the procession of mages entered the town.

Daenerys came behind the vanguard. She had spent a good bit of time considering what to wear before deciding to wear the repaired leather armor that Araena had enchanted for warmth. While her novitiate robes had some useful enchantments, they were not an option in this duel. It wasn't merely because they lacked protection. Image would be more important in this fight than defense, and her repaired and stained armor was something a common Nord warrior might own. She also chose to forgo a helmet and leave her hair visible. She wanted everyone to see that she was a woman.

Malak marched at the head of the rest of the spellswords who acted as her honor guard. They all wore armor and carried swords and looked very martial. That was sensible. Nords would likely respect spellswords more than other mages. What surprised Daenerys was Sofija. The fierce girl was dressed in full leather armor and her face was painted with what was clearly a red three-headed dragon. It wasn't drawn the way the symbol for House Targaryen was supposed to be drawn. One dragon head sat in the middle of her forehead like a third eye. Two more were painted as if crawling out of her eyes and down her cheeks. Her facepaint was obviously a very big statement of support, and possibly even a declaration of allegiance. Despite living amongst Nords for months, she was by no means an expert on all their customs. She would have to ask after the duel.

The agreed location for the duel was the main street of town just outside the Jarl's longhouse where the Jarl had arranged his own show of force. A large company of armored men stood outside. There were also multiple archers stationed on the nearby roofs. It would be so easy for this situation to get out of hand and turn into open warfare. Although, now that she considered things, that might be why the illusionists were just behind the front lines. They might be able to stop hostilities with calming spells before they got out of hand.

Daenerys searched the Jarl's party. She still didn't know who she would be facing in single combat. The Jarl had a problem. By Nord tradition it should be the Jarl's housecarl who fought duels like this to settle matters of honor. However, Jarl Korir had married his housecarl. Under Imperial law that hadn't been a problem as only nobles could insist upon a trial by combat, and trial by combat just didn't happen that often. Any challenge would have been more likely to be aimed at him for the throne. However, Winterhold followed Ulfric Stormcloak and Nord customs. So, Korir's wife Thaena should be his champion. Yet, for any Nord to send his wife to fight for him screamed cowardice. The two customs conflicted leaving Korir with nothing but bad choices. As Daenerys scanned the Jarl's party, she didn't see any other possible champions. She was surprised to see what looked like a mage in his party, but then she noticed that his plain brown robe was marked with the sword-axe symbol of Talos, a priest no doubt. She also noticed a young muscular blond dressed in leathers and a dangerous air about him, but he stood apart from the Jarl's party surrounded by his own group of followers. Not the behavior she would expect of a champion.

Archmage Savos and Jarl Korir met and exchanged not-so-pleasant salutations. They both agreed that the duel would proceed. Each party withdrew to their own side and a dueling circle was drawn in the snow.

Thaena stepped forward to the edge of the dueling ring. She wore a cloak of red over polished and engraved steel plate. Not an inch of skin showed. The only thing that marked her as feminine was the exaggerated curves on her breastplate. Her shield was huge, a tower shield almost as tall as she was. Tower shields were normally seen only on the battlefield to protect against arrows and other ranged attacks. It was not the shield that a warrior would typically bring to a duel due to their bulky. Thaena clearly expected her to cheat.

Daenerys eyed the tower shield warily. She had tested both Yol and Fus against round and kite shields, but she hadn't tested her shout against a tower shield. Mostly because the College had only a limited armory that Faralda could discretely raid for supplies. Could a tower shield provide enough protection that Thaena could survive a Shout unharmed? Daenerys doubted it, but she was about to find out.

"People of Winterhold!" yelled Jarl Korir above the noise of the crowd. "We are gathered here in the sight of the gods to settle a matter of justice. Daenerys the Unburnt, you are accused of cravenly threatening a citizen of Winterhold with magic, of jailbreak, of the murder of Stefan the Stalwart, his son Jaako, and Naudgari, Warden of the Chill. You are further accused of conspiring with your lover Sagyval to raid a caravan outside of Winterhold, which you did by calling down a dragon to attack the caravan. I also warn you. We do not follow Imperial law. Magic is not permitted in duels. If you cast a spell, my archers have orders to kill you on the spot. May the gods determine the right!"

Daenerys immediately launched a response before Archmage Savos could speak for her. "I am Daenerys of House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt. I defended myself against a coward who spread lies, attacked me from behind, and threatened me with bared steel. I submitted myself to peaceful arrest. When I was out of sight and chained, the cowards: Stefan, Jaako, and Naudgari, attempted to rape me. I defended myself as is the right of any woman. Naudgari and Stefan both bragged of having raped prisoners many times before, both male and female. Sagyval is no lover of mine, nor did I call down the dragon that attacked the caravan." She paused for a deep breath to be sure her last words carried. "And I shall fight as honorably as Ulfric Stormcloak himself! May Talos determine the right!" She wasn't happy about tying herself to the Stormcloak cause with such a public statement, but the presence of archers and Korir's threat made it necessary. She had no time to fret about it now.

Thaena stepped into the dueling ring, her tower shield in front of her like a mobile wall. She advanced slowly, step-by-step with her guard up.

Daenerys took a step into ring and advanced slowly.

"Scared mage? You're going to die today. Even if you cheat, you'll die afterward and prove that mages cannot fight with honor."

"Speaking of honor, how does it feel to be married to a man who hides behind his wife? Jarl Korir could have met me in battle himself, but he sent you instead."

"I'm his housecarl!" she snarled. "It's an honor to fight for my jarl." She surged forward to the center of the ring, but she still kept the shield in front of her.

Daenerys backed up. She wanted Thaena to come to her. "You fight for the honor of rapists. Of men who need to bind a woman in chains and force her to get laid. You betray all women."

"If you're so confident, why don't you fight me?" Thaena charged with the shield held in front of her.

Daenerys took a breath and held it to the last moment when Thaena's shield was in her face before she Shouted, "Yol!" and the Shout burst forth in a cone of fire.

The Shout slammed into Thaena's shield. She went flying back and tumbled across the icy ground. She ended up face down, one hand still gripping the shield, but her arm was twisted around at an impossible angle.

The crowd went silent saved for awed murmurs that she had shouted. Jarl Korir wasn't silent. He started screaming. "Cheater! Cheater! Shoot her! Fill her full of arrows! Kill her now!"

Daenerys rushed forward because Thaena wasn't dead. Despite her arm obviously being broken, the jarl's champion was pushing herself to her feet with her sword arm. With every step she expected to feel the sharp pain of arrows piercing her body.

"No!" cried out the Priest of Talos. "She used a holy Shout, just as Ulfric did when he struck down the High King!"

Daenerys reached Thaena before the housecarl could stand and swung her sword at Thaena's arm. Rather than hitting her, Thaena suddenly moved with surprising speed and parried hard. Daenerys barely kept hold of her sword and backpedaled as Thaena surged forward. If her arm wasn't broken and still locked into the tower shield, the housecarl's lunge would have likely gutted her like a fish. Instead, the blow glanced off her armor.

"Coward! Cheat!" screamed Thaena. "Do your duty and shoot her!"

Daenerys circled left, which forced Thaena to move toward her injured arm. She lashed out at the tower shield, knowing her blow wouldn't break through the shield. Thaena cried out in pain and tried to bring her sword to bear, but Daenerys kept circling. She started smiling as she struck out against the shield again and again. With each blow Thaena would grunt in pain as the impact jarred her broken arm. She tried to rush forward and reach Daenerys, but with her tower shield dragging she couldn't manage it.

Circle left, strike the shield, pull back. Again and again Daenerys repeated the same maneuver. If she was more skilled with the sword, there would be no need to draw this out, but Thaena was still dangerous. So, she kept striking her shield. She didn't even have to tire Thaena out. All she had to do was draw this out long enough for her magicka to return.

The noise of the crowd grew louder. Mages from the College were chanting her name in unison. Other cries were simply bloodthirsty crying out to finish her and end this. Thaena started to flag. She moved slower and staggered more with each blow.

Daenerys felt she could have won a battle of endurance, by continuing to punish Thaena's broken arm, but she didn't have to. She had finally gathered enough magicka to Shout again. Carefully she maneuvered back toward the edge of the ring. She did not want to strike the audience at this point. She even circled a little more so that Thanea's back was to Jarl Korir.

"This is over, Thaena. You're slowing. You're already lost. Yield, and you don't have to die today."

"You know nothing of honor!" Thaena bellowed. "I fight for the honor of my jarl! I will die before I yield!"

"As you wish." Daeyners quickly switched directions circling to the right. With her arm broken, Thaena couldn't raise her shield. This time she aimed higher. "Yol!"

Fire exploded in a cone angled up. It passed over Thaena's shield and struck her in the face. She was thrown back again. Her body landed in one place, while the force of the Shout blasted her head from her body and completely out of the ring. It sailed directly to where Jarl Korir and his party stood.

Ironically, it landed right at the feet of the priest. He snatched it up and held it high in the air. "Behold! The judgment of Talos!"

Jarl Korir was livid with rage. "No! That was not a real Shout. She faked it with magic." He stared at her with eyes full of hate while ignoring a small boy who knelt on the snowy ground crying and hugging at his leg.

"That was Shouting," insisted the priest of Talos.

Daenerys looked about. The spellswords stood with swords drawn, clearly ready if this turned into a battle. Several other mages held up hands that glowed with fire.

"Jarl Korir," called out the blond man wearing leathers that she had noticed before. "You are a coward who hid behind your wife when honor demanded you fight for yourself. You are unwilling to abide by the clear judgment of the gods." He waved a hand to the roof. "Even your own men did not obey you. You are unfit to be the Jarl of Winterhold. My claim to the throne is as old and noble as yours. I call challenge upon you in the old ways. Face me or be proven a coward."

Jarl Korir threw off his polar bear cloak. "You picked a good day to die, Kraldar. Mage, get out of the challenge ring, and watch how true Nords fight."

The fight was of strength and armor versus youth and agility. Kraldar's strategy was obvious from the start. Force his plate wearing opponent to keep circling and moving until he wore himself out. It was a risky strategy requiring superior skill and endurance. However, Kraldar appeared capable of pulling it off. He fought with an axe in each hand versus Korir's sword and shield. It helped that the crowd was unmistakably for Kraldar. The few cries for Korir were lost in a sea of voices chanting, "Kraldar. Kraldar. Kraldar." Daenerys was among them. However, it was Jarl Korir who drew first blood with a vicious cut to Kraldar's right arm. Kralder dropped his axe and fought on one-handed.

The fight ended abruptly as duels often do. Both men were slowing, but Jarl Korir was tiring faster in his armor. He overcommitted and Kraldar chopped off the Jarl's swordarm at the wrist. Jarl Korir's gauntleted hand fell to the snow still gripping his sword. Kraldar followed up by burying his axe in the jarl's neck. He backed up, retrieved the axe that he had lost earlier, and waited for the jarl to die.

The Talos priest stepped into the circle. "Talos has passed judgment. Jarl Korir is dead. Long live, Jarl Kraldar."

"Long live Jarl Kraldar!" echoed everyone.
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Kraldar is some guy sympathetic to the College in Winterhold. He normally takes over as Jarl if the Imperials take control of the hold. It'll be interesting to see what happens from here on out, since I doubt he'll pledge allegiance to the Empire while surrounded by Stormcloak holds on all sides without any Imperial troops already inside to defend the hold.
Hm. I remember exactly nothing about this guy. The Jarl of Winterhold is so very insignificant in the grand scheme of things that I've never bothered with him.
He isn't all that memorable.


Kraldar is a Nord noble who rises to the rank of Jarl of Winterhold if the Dragonborn sides with the Imperial Legion during the Civil War questline. If he becomes Jarl after the Dragonborn trades Winterhold for The Reach in Season Unending, and the Dragonborn later retakes the hold for Jarl...
He isn't all that memorable.


Kraldar is a Nord noble who rises to the rank of Jarl of Winterhold if the Dragonborn sides with the Imperial Legion during the Civil War questline. If he becomes Jarl after the Dragonborn trades Winterhold for The Reach in Season Unending, and the Dragonborn later retakes the hold for Jarl...


It's a Nordface!
Wow, seriously Korir, you're going to gainsay the fucking Priest of Talos about the legitimacy of a Shout? So much for respecting the old ways.

Any chance Korir had of keeping his head went out the window right there, no-one is going to respect a Jarl who not only whines about their Housecarl losing a duel (sending a Housecarl to duel instead of going personally is acceptable, though a bit shameful if there isn't a good reason for it) but then tries to tell a Priest of Talos that he is wrong about Shouting.

Even Imperial loyalists would disrespect that, and they're not even supposed to have priests of Talos in the first place.

I haven't heard this term before. I'm guessing its a NPC that uses a char creation preset face?
More so that particular face, I forget if it is the default Nord face or if it is just the most common one, but that face shows up all over Skyrim. It is The Nordface. The Skyrim version of the Saberface from Type/Moon; the face that just keeps showing up.
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Turdas, the 25th of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Someone, most likely Archmage Savos or Master Wizard Mirabelle, gave the order for the mages to return to the College. That was probably a good idea. While the people of Winterhold seemed overwhelmed by the turn of events, they had no great love of mages. Daenerys stayed with the other spellswords as they all returned to the College. Sofija in particular stayed by her side. Daenerys shushed Thedyn when he started to ask questions. However, she didn't hush Malak.

"I had wondered pwhy you were so confident that you could win. While that was not proper sword technique, it was still well planned. I had no idea you could Shout. Did you study with the Greybeards?"

"No, I never studied with the Greybeards. It was... more of a fluke than anything. I happened upon the Word, and it resonated with me. Also, I would very much appreciate it if you would continue to treat me as just one of your students, Adept Malak. Your lessons most likely saved my life today. I intend to continue."

Malak gave her a slight bow without breaking stride. "If that is what you wish, then that is how I will treat you. I may very well be the only one. After today I doubt the rest of the College will think you just another student." He shrugged. "Put away your worries. It is Saturnalia and the gods have blessed you with a victory. You are the winning champion of the College of Winterhold. Surely that merits a celebration in your honor."

It seemed that the entire College agreed with Malak. Everyone wanted to shake her hand or press of flagon of mead into her hand. She was given little choice but to join an impromptu party in the dining hall. Drink and song flowed freely. She managed to push her way to her friends and claim a table for herself, Brelyna, Onmund, and J'zargo. Faralda claimed a place there as well. Sofija stayed close, but she stood stoically a short distance away simply watching. Many asked about her past and where she had learned to Shout. The presence of her mentor kept most of them in line. More than once she was asked if she was Dragonborn. Most of those who asked were Nords, but not all of them. She added a new reply for that question, "I have never claimed that title."

Eventually, everyone who wanted to shake her hand, to slap her on the back, to stare at her, or to ask her questions had done so. The party continued, but now it was more general merriment and celebration. Some of the students even broke out some musical instruments and before long many were dancing. Onmund was well into his cups and kept retelling the story of both duels with increasingly flamboyant hand gestures. J'zargo had disappeared somewhere, no doubt gambling with students who were drunk enough to be easy marks. Daenerys was enjoying herself and feeling the wine in more ways than one. That was her sign to stop. Unlike Tyrion she did not enjoy drinking to excess. When she got up to visit the privy, Daenerys noticed that Sofija was following. She decided it was high time to confront Sofija about her facepaint and self-appointed guard duty.

She waited until she passed a side corridor, turned down it, then immediately spun around to face her stalker. "Sofija, what is going on? I don't need an escort to the privy."

Sofija dropped to one knee and bent her head. "I misjudged you when I first saw you. You were tiny and polite and pretty. I thought you were weak, but you didn't act weak. I still underestimated you. You killed three 'warriors' who tried to rape you with both hands tied behind your back." She paused and took a deep breath. "That's when I knew that you had the heart of a warrior. I watched and listened. Then you said it in the open for all to hear. The symbol of House Targaryen, your house, is a three-headed dragon. They all heard, yet they did not listen. I knew then and there why you were so confident that you would win the duel. You are Dragonborn, and rightful heir to the Empire." She stayed kneeling but looked up. "I am penniless, exiled for kin-slaying, and even my magic is weak. I have only my service to offer, but I would pledge myself to you. If you would have me."

Daenerys had half expected this from the facepaint. Sofija wouldn't have been her first choice for a follower. She was sullen and rude, and still only a student. While she was somewhat skilled with a blade, her magic was weak. She wasn't a spellsword. At least not yet. However, she was undoubtedly earnest. Nords weren't that different from Northmen. They valued the ideal of the honorable warrior, but few managed to live up to it. While Sofija's gesture might seem impulsive, Daenerys had no doubt she was sincere. Exiled, penniless, and a kin-slayer. Daenerys held none of that against her. It meant that Sofija would work harder to reclaim her honor. "I am not an Empress today, nor do I seek that title. I have no lands. While I am nobly born, the Empire will never acknowledge my titles. I cannot promise you glory or riches, only hard work and danger. Knowing all that, do you still wish to serve me?"

"By the Nine, yes."

"Then I accept your service."

Sofija bent so low she was almost kissing the ground. "My life for you, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt, Dragonborn."

"Rise and stand, Sofija Ēlī Vokēdrie. In Valyrian that means First Faithful for you are the first in all of Tamriel to swear unto me."

Sofia hastily stood up. "Eli Vokedrie, I will live up to that name."

"I know you will. Understand that I have no wish to claim titles yet, so for now that name must remain sealed between us two. It will not be long before you can claim it. I give you another secret as an act of trust. I will be leaving the College in spring. We will have companions, but we will be going into Nord barrows in search of knowledge buried in the past. We will be facing traps and draugr, so my first command to you is to study hard, both with the sword and magic. When we leave the College in spring, I expect you to be ready to defend my life with sword and spell."

Sofija pounded her chest with a fist in salute. "My lips are sealed, and I will be ready."

"Good, now go back to the dining hall and have a few drinks. I won a great victory today. Celebrate. I don't need you to guard my back within these walls."


As Daenerys returned to the Dining Hall a golden-skinned figure glided out of the shadows to confront her like a spider creeping forward to a snare a fly caught in his web. Long white hair, dark robes embroidered with threads of gold, and a sneer upon his face – Ancano, the Thalmor 'advisor' to the archmage. Daenerys wondered if she had been too hasty in dismissing Sofija's self-appointed role as her bodyguard. However, she doubted Ancano intended to attack her within the walls of the College. Especially when he had no doubt just witnessed the power of her Thu'um.

"Justiciar Ancano, what an unpleasant surprise, are you lurking around the privy now to hide your stench?"

"What?! How dare you! You insolent human child."

"Oh, I beg your pardon. Were we supposed to pretend to be polite and exchange veiled insults first? Why bother? You already know that I called upon Talos to judge my duel, and that I can Shout. I am sure that you have already added my name to a very long list of people to be arrested, questioned, and executed." Thankfully, this world didn't have ravens. By most measures Tamriel was ahead of Westeros. Ravens and cavalry were among the few exceptions. Ancano wouldn't be able to get word out for weeks at least. Even when he did, word would spread at the speed of horse and ships.

"So, you admit it to my face, then. You are a Talos worshiper!"

She shrugged. "And you're a bigot actively working to undermine the Mede Empire by encouraging the Stormcloak rebellion."

"The Admeri Dominion does nothing of the sort. The Mede Empire is weak and falling apart. It is a pile of festering garbage collapsing under its own weight. The Thalmor merely ensure that the terms of the White-Gold Concordat are upheld."

"Yes, yes, and you're hastening the collapse as much as possible. Was there a point in confronting me, or did you just want to gloat about your obvious plotting?"

"You are going to regret your tongue. You are a mere apprentice here. I'm an honored advisor. I will be having words with the Archmage about your insults."

"Good luck with that. Yesterday, I was a troublemaker. Today, I am the Champion of the College of Winterhold."

"You are a fool! I am not a stupid warrior like the one you defeated today. I am a master of the arcane arts. I could strike you down now." A bit of electricity flickered in his hand. "And tell everyone you attacked me. That worked very well for you, did it not?"

"That's an empty bluff. I have no doubt that you're a powerful mage, but can you strike me down before I can Shout? Funny thing. Shouts are loud. There is a dining hall full of drunken Nord mages just down that hallway drinking in my honor. What do you think would happen if they came running out here and saw you flinging lightning at me?"

"Fool! You have made an enemy today!" Ancano turned and stomped off.

Maybe she was a little drunk on wine and victory, but she couldn't resist getting the last word. "No, I made an enemy when I won that duel by Shouting. This was just us being honest about it."


In hindsight Daenerys was surprised that Sofija was the only Nord to come forward and ask to be sworn to her service. Every Nord at the College treated her with great respect now. Even Onmund treated her differently. He no longer joked as he did around her. When she spoke, he listened intently as if he expected her to suddenly spout the wisdom of the ages. Matilda, much to Daenerys' bemusement, had fallen to her knees almost in tears and begged forgiveness. Enja had delivered an obviously rehearsed apology. Daenerys couldn't tell if the quaver in Enja's voice was real or faked, but she didn't real care that much one way or another. Quite frankly she had more important issues to be concerned with than a foolish girl who didn't know her limits. Perhaps treating the girl with the indifference that she felt was the best way forward, so she simply dismissed the girl.

The rest of the student population was more curious than reverent. Wherever she went conversations died and heads turned. Few were bold enough to ask her questions about Shouting or her past, and a frosty gaze served to silence most of them. Most of them were in awe of her and contented themselves to staring and fawning over her. Even the faculty were not immune. Collette kept Daenerys late to apologize for the Enja incident. Drevis Neloren, the Master of Illusion, spent almost half of one class helping her with the Clairvoyance spell. Even Urag gro-Shub, the College librarian had congratulated her on a well-fought duel.

And then there were the spellsword lessons. Enja, Matilda and Taillour all joined the class, as did Brelyna, Onmund and many others. Malak took things in stride and set everyone to stretching and exercising. Most of the newcomers dropped within two lessons. Enja and Matilda barely made it through the first lesson. Onmund stuck through to the end of the second session before he quit. However, Brelyna and Taillour seemed determined to stay with it. Taillour was quietly and stubbornly determined to stay. Brelyna was more vocal about her reasons. "I am here to master Conjuration. It does me little good to be able to summon a sword and not know how to wield it. I should have been attending all along. Your duel, especially the way you were vulnerable, opened my eyes to the fact that depending upon my magic alone is foolish."


Three days after Saturnalia, Faralda pulled her out of class to attend another meeting in the Archmages sanctum. In addition to Faralda and the archmage, Master Wizard Mirabelle, and Jarl Kraldar were also present. A bald middle-aged Breton dressed in leather stood at attention behind Jarl Kraldar. A round table large enough to sit everyone had apparently been brought in for the occasion.

Mirabelle smiled as Daenerys and Faralda took their seats. "Thank you both for coming. Jarl Kraldar wanted to speak with you both, particularly Apprentice Daenerys."

The new Jarl of Winterhold was dressed in the same leather armor that he had worn on the day of the duel. However, this time he wore a white polar bear cloak. It may have been the same one that Jarl Korrir had worn before he died. "Daenerys of the House Targaryen, I have been looking forward to speaking with you. I trust you will understand that I had many matters to attend to once I took the throne of Winterhold."

Was he apologizing for not talking to her sooner? "Of course, I understand. Assuming control of a city is a very busy time for a ruler. Everyone has questions, and everyone is reluctant to make decisions. They all stall waiting to see how the wind blows, so everything ends up in your lap."

"That is very perceptive of you. Indeed, it has been like that, but meeting with Archmage Savos was always high on my agenda. The College and the Hold have been at odds for too long. It is past time old grudges were put aside. We are natural allies, not enemies."

"Hear, hear!" agreed Mirabelle.

Savos merely waved a hand.

"I also wanted to extend the apologies of Winterhold to how you were treated. You have already dealt with the rapists who dishonored the good name of Winterhold. However, you were still thrown into prison without reason. I would like to offer you a gift for the terrible harm you almost suffered. Thonjolf, the case please."

The bald man standing guard behind the jarl took a few steps back to where a long narrow wooden case leaned against the wall. He set it down on the table in front of Daenerys.

Daenerys smiled politely. Whatever it was, she was obligated to receive it. Refusing a gift like this would be an insult and a sign that she still held Winterhold accountable. She released the latches and opened the box to reveal a large wooden staff with a blue and pink crystal orb at the apex resting in a fur-lined box. Daenerys ran her hands across it. Sergius Turrianus, Master of Enchanting, was teaching them to read enchanted objects. Being able to identify the magic in an item was the first step in learning Enchanting. "I am sorry. Unfortunately, I am still a beginner at Enchanting. I can tell that this staff really does not like the undead."

"It is a Grand Staff of Repulsion," explained Mirabelle. "It will cause most undead to flee. Only strong spirits can resist."

Daenerys stood up so she could curtsey. "Thank you, it is a noble gift indeed. Please, let us consider the matter between us settled and forgotten. I am glad to hear that a new era of civility has begun between the College and City of Winterhold." She also had to wonder how much the jarl knew. Had her plans leaked? Because few items would be better suited for exploring Nordic barrows.

"You are welcome. Please, be seated. We have more to discuss."

"Very well." She returned to her seat as Thonjolf closed the case and took it away. She was hardly surprised that the jarl had questions, but this looked to be a much friendlier interrogation that she had undergone at the hands of Jarl Korir. However, she wasn't about to volunteer more than she must.

Jarl Kraldar stared at her a moment before speaking. "I suppose we might as well start with the mammoth in the room. Are you Dragonborn?"

"Wait!" interrupted Faralda. "Before she answers that question, we have still not decided who will hear the answer to the question. Lest you all forget, Ancano is here at this college as an emissary from the Thalmor. Her answer to that question could put her under the sentence of death. As she is my apprentice, I will be obliged to protect her."

Archmage Savos rolled his eyes. "As if she would be any more trouble than she is already for invoking Talos when she dueled Jarl Korir."

Faralda wasn't having it. "She can be made a higher priority target. The Thalmor are known to employ assassins."

"Wait, wait," said Jarl Kraldar. "Let me rephrase that question. Do you claim the title of Dragonborn?"

Daenerys had informed Faralda about the confrontation with Ancano days ago. Faralda had once again vented her fury on some practice dummies. While Daenerys appreciated that her mentor was trying to protect her, she doubted it would make much difference. Drunk on victory and wine, she had been more antagonistic than was wise. However, she couldn't bring herself to regret her words. Ancano had already been her enemy from the moment she used the Thu'um in public. The real question was if she was ready to live up to the title Dragonborn. The answer was not quite yet.

"I have not claimed that title. To be honest, I am not entirely certain how that title gets bestowed. Jarl Ulfric has not claimed the title, but he can Shout. I am certain he would have claimed the title if he could."

"Jarl Ulfric was taught to Shout by the Greybeards," replied Jarl Kraldar. "That makes him a Tongue. He is greatly respected for his ability to Shout. The Dragonborn, on the other hand, is an old legend. In the very oldest tales, the Dragonborn would steal the power of dragons they slew. Dragonborn do not need the years of training others must undergo to master shouting. There have been few Dragonborn to ever walk Tamriel: Saint Alessia, Reman Cyrodiil, and Tiber Septim are the most notable among them."

Daenerys realized that she had obviously failed at research. She had only known of Tiber Septim who became Talos, God of War, and prompted the Eight to become Nine. What interested her a lot more than the new names was the whole possibility of stealing the power of a dragon. Why hadn't she heard that before? "Well, I am afraid that I have never slain a dragon. I can tell you that I did not learn how to Shout from the Greybeards, but I did learn it." By being Shouted at by the Dragon of Helgen. "So, I guess that means that I am not the Dragonborn?"

Jarl Kralder stroked his beard. "Apparently not. I will not be surprised if you are not hailed as a Dragonborn anyway. This returning of dragons has all the bards singing the old songs of dragons. That settles the most important question. However, you are still a Tongue, even if you are not Dragonborn. That means your opinions will carry weight and you invoked both Talos and Ulfric during your duel. If I were you, I would beware the Thalmor."

"Thank you for the warning. Ancano has already threatened me." She shrugged. "Perhaps it is the Thalmor that should beware of me. As for invoking Talos, I did do that. Just to be clear, I am more of the opinion of Jarl Balgruuf. The people should be free to worship Talos, but we should not take up arms against the Empire because of it."

"And what good does that serve?" questioned Jarl Kralder. "The war drags on and Nords kill Nords."

"That I cannot answer." At least not here. Either the Archmage or Mirabelle had loose lips. Word about her having noble blood had spread awfully quickly. She also wasn't sure how friendly the Archmage was with Ancano.

"In war there are often no good answers, lass," replied the jarl.

"Ah yes, and now we're exchanging empty platitudes. Spare me the politics," complained Archmage Savos. "Are you done talking with Apprentice Daenerys?"

"For now. Although…" He eyed Daenerys. "If you are ever in the city, stop by the Jarl's longhouse. We should have a long talk when things are not so hectic. I think a certain priest of Talos would like to speak with you as well."

"Yes, yes. That's well and good. Another time." Savos waved a hand at Daenerys. "Apprentice you can leave now."


The final day of the year was another holiday. This one would not be celebrated in the dining hall, but in small gatherings scattered across the college. Daenerys wasn't attending any of them. Brelyna had something important she wanted to discuss, but she was being strangely vague about it. Even more curious, Brelyna had asked her to wait outside while she 'prepared' the room.

After several minutes of waiting Brelyna finally opened the door. "You can come in now."

Their room looked completely different. A small round table with two chairs had been moved into the center of the room. Brelyna had stored most of their possessions away and covered the furniture with blankets so there was nothing personal visible in the room.

Brelyna moved to the table and sat down. "Please, join me." She looked very Dunmer, all dour and serious.

Daenerys set down in the chair opposite. "Brel, what's all this about?"

"Today is the last day of the year. Tomorrow, we celebrate the New Life festival, a time for looking ahead to the future. Today, we celebrate the Old Life festival. For my family this is a time to look back on our past, to remember and reflect. We have been roommates for months now and I trust you as much as I have trusted anyone in my life. The time has come for me to tell you my story."
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More than once she was asked if she was Dragonborn. Most of those who asked were Nords, but not all of them. She added a new reply for that question, "I have never claimed that title."
I'm torn between: "Only the true dragonborn would claim to not be the dragonborn." and "She didn't deny it.". Dunno which is a better joke.

There have been few Dragonborn to ever walk Tamriel: Saint Alessia, Reman Cyrodiil, and Tiber Septim."
And all of their biological descendants.
Lady of Scrolls did a really great video on Alessia, Morihaus and Belharza, which you should definitely go watch if you're interested in learning more about them. Lady of Scrolls in general has some pretty good TES lore videos, though some of her interpretations of some of the more esoteric aspects are somewhat debatable, she is usually pretty good about saying so when that happens.

And yes, it is fairly well established that Morihaus was absolutely a winged 'man-bull' (aka minotaur), described as 'mighty and snorting, gore-horned, winged' and said to have greeted the arrival of Pelinal with 'excited stomping and bellowing'. Later Imperial scholars dismissed this origin as heretical, but enough reliable information exists to fairly conclusively confirm that Alessia totally got boned by a winged minotaur demigod and not only somehow managed to survive the process, but successfully went on to give birth to the progenitor of what would become an entirely new species. Divinities are bullshit yo. And apparently as far as Alessia was concerned, size absolutely does matter. :thonk:

Oh, and there are tales about Alessia being carried around by Morihaus as he flew. Yep, she mounted her lover and rode him into battle. The 1st Era was an incredible time to be alive. :rolleyes:
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