Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising (Game of Thrones x Skyrim)

Hey at no point did I say following Molag Bal was good, I said following him was less bad than following Namira, and that if I was forced to choose between Namira and Molag Bal, I would choose Molag Bal.

I would also bemoan whatever horrible, horrible mistakes I had made to put myself in such a terrible position as to be forced to choose between the two worst Daedric Princes, but if I have to choose between 'horrible with a chance of getting something out of it' and 'horrible with no chance of getting anything out of it', well, 'horrible + chance' is better than 'horrible + nothing'.

Both are horrible, but at least with Bal there's a tiny sliver of hope for something more than suffering, misery and death.
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All the Daedric Princes have both positive and negative aspects, except for Namira who is pretty much 100% negative.
She has one "good" quality: she's ultimately egalitarian she has no particular prejudice. All are welcome no matter who or what they are.

Now, that's not actually a good quality when you consider what all are welcome to, but there ya go.

But yeah, even Peryite, who will give his followers a friggin plague, will at least also give them toxic vomit superpowers to go along with it.

Plus, the leader of the plague cult makes a first rate Dead Thrall.
Hey at no point did I say following Molag Bal was good, I said following him was less bad than following Namira, and that if I was forced to choose between Namira and Molag Bal, I would choose Molag Bal.

I would also bemoan whatever horrible, horrible mistakes I had made to put myself in such a terrible position as to be forced to choose between the two worst Daedric Princes, but if I have to choose between 'horrible with a chance of getting something out of it' and 'horrible with no chance of getting anything out of it', well, 'horrible + chance' is better than 'horrible + nothing'.

Both are horrible, but at least with Bal there's a tiny sliver of hope for something more than suffering, misery and death.
I accept both are bad, I disagree it is less bad. Following Namira might mean that you spend all your time in a darkened Ayleid ruin hating light and not harming others. Following Molag Bal always means that people, and eventually you, will suffer. The Prince of Domination and Enslavement and the God of Brutality does not make exceptions, at best he just has people lower down his list but eventually everyone will be subject to his dominion. You also have yet to explain what Molag Bals good qualities are.
Namira won't care about you if you stop being wretched and an outcast, but she'll also put forward significantly less effort to put you back in that position.
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Frankly I would rather abandon my humanity and become a soulless monster that gets to hit people with a very pointy club than rot away in darkness being feasted upon by Namira's foul host, but I admit that that is a personal choice.

Ideally I'd cleave to one of the more reasonable Daedric Princes, like Sheogorath, and dodge the issue entirely. Because seriously, fuck Namira and Molag Bal they are horrible.
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On one hand don't talk down about rotting in darkness. That's how I spend my weekends! Secondly I don't know what to joke about.
reasonable Daedric Princes, like Sheogorath
reasonable Daedric Princes
Is an easy one.
Then theres :
reasonable Daedric Princes, like Sheogorath

I do kinda know what you mean. But why did you pick Sheogorath as an example :V
On one hand don't talk down about rotting in darkness. That's how I spend my weekends! Secondly I don't know what to joke about.

Is an easy one.
Then theres :


I do kinda know what you mean. But why did you pick Sheogorath as an example :V
Hey, there's nothing wrong with Sheogorath, he has cheese!

I bet I could convince him to let me borrow the Wabbajack if I told him I was going to use it on Vittoria Vici in the middle of her wedding, and then see how many other important people I could get with it at extremely inconvenient moments. What's that Ulfric, you're in the middle of highly sensitive military discussions regarding the disposition of your rebel forces across Skyrim? WABBAJACK! *Runs away cackling like a madman with literally the entire Windhelm guard in hot pursuit, leaving a very confused chicken behind on the throne*
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Sheogorath is perfectly reasonable for a supernatural entity defined by the concepts of chaos, insanity and madness, gotta keep things in perspective; everything is relative.

Half of the Shivering Isles is even a fairly nice place by the standards of Oblivion, just, you know, stay the fuck away from the other half.
there's nothing wrong with Sheogorath
Everything is wrong with Sheogorath. That's the whole point of Sheogorath.

Which is a good thing. If he had his shit together his ability to do things he totally shouldn't be able to do would be completely OP even for a Daedric Prince.

Pretty much all of the Princes can be kinda reasonable, as long as you have a good idea of where they're coming from. Even Sheogorath, to an extent. A great many of them will try to find a way to fuck you over anyway, but that's just who they are. If you're gonna deal with them, you have to expect it.
The thing is, Bosmer cannibalism is about not being wasteful, in ESO Indaenir actually states that they do not enjoy the taste of men\mer flesh and in fact Green Pact Bosmer do not go out of their way to kill people and eat their flesh. If they do kill someone, they will eat them rather than allow the flesh to go to waste and rot, but they do not particularly enjoy the act; it is merely their duty to Y'ffre.

Followers on Namira on the other hand revel in their cannibalism and the depravity of the act, the worshipers of Namira are constantly going on about how much they love the taste and the whole feast thing they hold is overtly decadent in form, which ties into Namira's focus on that which inspires revulsion. Namira encourages cannibalism because the concept of mortals consuming mortals amuses her in its irony, and she loves nothing more than to see mortals embrace horror and suffering. While I normally do not agree with much of FudgeMuppet's lore stuff, his video on Namira is pretty much spot on, she is a nasty, nasty entity with no real redeeming features and no-one with any sense should want to have anything to do with her.

I would honestly rather deal with Molag Bal than Namira, at least Molag Bal won't abandon me when I grow powerful and stop being a suffering, miserable outcast, he will even give me an awesome mace to hit people with if I please him! Namira though? Namira only cares about me as long as I remain downtrodden and miserable, should that ever change, should my life ever improve, Namira has no more interest in me. With Molag Bal I can theoretically fight my way to the top, with Namira I'm stuck at the bottom in the darkness and decay, forever.

That is the thing with Namira, she is the one Daedric Prince whose followers have no hope, none at all. Every other Prince provides at least some shadow of potential hope for their followers, but not Namira. Namira provides no hope, only depravity in misery and darkness.

The Bosmer do not enjoy their cannibalism nor go out of their way to indulge in it, so no.
Honestly, I was more thinking of Green Pact Bosmer as not being bothered by canabilism and shrugging off Namira trying to make her suffer. I can't imagine actually following Namira. Just not that much into it. As for whether they like cannibalism or not, if they were introduced to it in their diet when young, they probably would enjoy it as a food source. The meat mandate requirement to eat every bit of fallen enemy within three days would be what turned Bosmer warriors especially ones who wander outside Valenwood against it. In Valenwood your family gets to help you consume a fallen enemy within three days. Split it up across a family and it isn't so bad. One Bosmer warrior outside their home trying to consume every bandit they kill - yeah, that would turn you off really fast.

But with Namira? Nothing. With Namira you get to revel in misery, die in darkness and get eaten by insects. That's it. That's all you get.

So... Namira is Wildbow? Because being Taylor is suffering.
Everything is wrong with Sheogorath. That's the whole point of Sheogorath.

Which is a good thing. If he had his shit together his ability to do things he totally shouldn't be able to do would be completely OP even for a Daedric Prince.
I am reasonably confident that the only reason he can do things that he should not be able to do is because he is just far too insane to realize that he can't actually do the thing that he just did, so if he had his shit together he wouldn't be able to do that anymore, because he would be sane and thus know that he can't do those things.
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Sundas, the 4th of Morning Star, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

Apparently, Jarl Karldar had been sincere in wanting to speak with her. A letter on parchment bearing his seal was delivered to the College requesting her appearance in his court on Sundas. Despite being worded as a request, the letter was clearly a summons. That the jarl had specified Sundas, the one day she was free to leave the College without requesting permission, was also significant. It was no secret that Jarl Kraldar had met with Archmage Savos multiple times. He could have easily asked for her to be excused, but he had not. Perhaps the new jarl was more perceptive than she'd given him credit for being.

Daenerys decided to bring only Sofija with her. While Sofija was only a novitiate, Jarl Kraldar would have his followers. Unless she was greatly mistaken this meeting would be about politics. While she was a minor piece, she was now caught up in the game of thrones. Bringing a follower of her own was a statement about her influence. It also meant that she had a witness on her side. Daenerys pulled the hood of her cloak down to cover her face and wrapped herself tightly to keep warm. Given that it was still winter, she didn't attract notice. Even many of the Nords wore cloaks pulled low against the icy winds coming off the Sea of Ghosts.

When she arrived at the Jarl's longhouse, she was ushered into a war room adjacent to the throne room. The main fixture of the room was a table bearing a large map of Skyrim laid marked with little red and blue pennants showing the status of Imperial and Stormcloak forces. A serving girl offered to bring her refreshments and shortly returned with a mug of mulled wine. Daenerys studied the map and sipped the hot spiced wine while she waited. She didn't have to wait long.

Jarl Kraldar entered with a gracious wave and a smile. "Daenerys of the House Targaryen, thank you for accepting my invitation."

Daenerys rose and gave a curtsey out of respect for his position. "Thank you, for inviting me." She returned to her seat.

The jarl's housecarl, Thonjolf, entered and closed the door behind him. He silently went to stand behind Jarl Kraldar, mirroring the position that Sofija took behind her. Now all the pieces were in place. Daenerys sipped her wine and waited for the jarl to explain why he wanted to see her.

Jarl Kraldar didn't disappoint. "I had the feeling that there was more that you wanted to say to me when we last spoke, but you held back. Is that correct?"

Daenerys smiled. "Indeed. I'm pleased you understood. Archmage Savos is a powerful wizard, but he is not a politician. Nor should he be; the College of Winterhold should stand above such things. However, I don't think he appreciates that some discussions should be kept discrete, especially with Justiciar Ancano visiting the College."

"Are you saying that Archmage Savos would tell the Thalmor?" He seemed upset by the suggestion.

"No, no, no, not at all. I'm suggesting that he would likely tell his faculty, who he trusts, but that's seven mouths who might gossip. I'm not speculating widely. In a private meeting with him and his deputy, I mentioned being of noble blood. Within days the entire College knew. Just because he is a magical genius, does not mean he is adept at politics."

Jarl Kraldar nodded sadly. "Ah, that I understand. Yes, with Ancano in the College I agree that it is best that certain sensitive discussions be kept close." He sighed. "Very well. You were discussing that you were more of the opinion of Jarl Balgruuf. You came here from Whiterun. What do you know about his neutrality?"

"I do not know anything as such, but I will tell you of my own beliefs. Jarl Balgruufs actions lead me to believe that he is of a similar mind. The people should be free to worship Talos as they please, but we should not be fighting the Empire. That's what the Thalmor wants. Skyrim fighting the Empire only benefits the Aldmeri Dominion. After the secession of Hammerfell, the Empire can hardly afford to lose another province."

He sighed. "So you said, but meanwhile Nords are killing Nords. The Empire is already here in Skyrim hunting down the Stormcloaks."

"Is the Empire really doing that? They could be attacking cities, but they are not. In fact, they seem mostly content to hold the territory that has declared for them. They're trying not to escalate things. There is fighting in the open land between holds, but this war is not being actively fought by either side." Daenerys paused weighing her words carefully. "If anything, the Empire is being retaliatory instead of taking the fight to Ulfric."

"There is some truth to that, but I don't see your point."

Daenerys sipped her wine. "Simply this. Don't press the war. Instead, the Stormcloaks should consider suing for peace. Have the Empire recognize Skyrim's right to religious freedom and recognize Ulfric as High King. Skyrim agrees to rejoin the Empire under the same terms Morrowind joined – they get to keep their religious beliefs."

"That breaks the White-Gold Concordat," replied Jarl Kralder, but he sounded intrigued.

Daenerys shrugged. "It's just a treaty. If the Empire recognizes Skyrim's right to religious freedom, that's another treaty. The Thalmor will be upset, but I doubt they're ready to go to war. If they were, they would be doing so now instead of turning Skyrim against the Empire. What's more, it has already been one human generation since the White-Gold Concordat was signed. How many mer generations has it been?"

"Half a generation for Altmer at best. Other mer are more fertile and shorter-lived." He wagged a finger. "I've heard this argument. You believe The Aldmeri Dominion would not have sued for terms if they could have continued fighting, and while both empires are still recovering, humans recover faster."

"Indeed, that was my point. We know the war is coming. If we wait until the Aldmeri Dominion is ready, then we have already lost. That's why the Thalmor wants Skyrim to rebel. That's how they keep us weak while they grow stronger. Avoid their trap. Do you think the Empire wanted to ban Talos worship? They try to ignore that law as much as they can. Give the Empire a chance to have Skyrim returned to the fold without bloodshed and thumb their nose at the Aldmeri Dominion? What would you do in the Emperor's place?"

"It's more than likely that the Empire didn't care if Talos was worshipped in secret, but the moment Ulfric made his move, they were forced to react. Something which the Thalmor has taken ruthless advantage of by driving the purge, yet only offering peripheral support of their own," Daenerys explained. "With Skyrim in open revolt, the Empire is weakened, and the Dominion gains the advantage. The Thalmor won't stop until they see Ayleid Empire restored and every human in chains. Who is the real enemy?"

"It's a fair point, but I doubt the Empire would grant Skyrim independence when only four holds are in rebellion. It's also for Ulfric Stormcloak to decide. I cannot change policy from here in Winterhold. My people are going to join the Stormcloaks if they want."

"Not if you give them something else that needs doing. I can think of at least two things I would do in your place."

"Really, now?" Jarl Kraldar leaned forward. "And what would you do? Rebuild Winterhold?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't make that a priority. I would build towers around the city and place ballista on top of them. That is more for defense against dragons more than to protect against an Imperial invasion. Dragonhide is too thick for arrows to pierce unless you are incredibly lucky. A ballista bolt can kill a dragon. That would be my highest priority because even after you build the towers and ballista, it will take time to train men to use them. If you want to rebuild Winterhold, the towers can later be incorporated into a wall around the city."

"Would that do any good? Dragons are fast flyers from what I've heard."

"They are, but they'll also hover in place to attack. I was at Helgen, I saw it happen. Archers did nothing. Imperial battlemages did nothing. Right now if a dragon attacked, all you could do is pray to the gods." Perhaps with all the mages in the College, it would be different. Especially if they didn't attack a dragon with fire, but still this was something the jarl could easily do to protect his people.

"It's good advice. If that is your first priority, what is your second?"

"Let me ask you a question, how big is your navy?"

"Navy? Winterhold doesn't have a navy to speak of. I believe Jarl Korir had a personal vessel for hold business. That defaulted to me, but I haven't given it any thought."

Daenerys nodded. That was what she expected. She had seen the beach around Winterhold and the little island north of the College held only fishing boats. "We eat a lot of fish at the College. I imagine you do as well in the city. This isn't good land for farming. The Empire does have a navy. So does Solitude. What would happen if they simply parked two warships off the coast and sank every fishing boat that tried to sail?"

Behind Jarl Kraldar his housecarl went suddenly pale.

"By Ysmir! We could survive without the fishing fleet at least during the summer months, but we'd starve come winter, and we could do nothing to stop them."

She merely nodded her agreement. Jarl Kraldar had taken her bait. "Then my advice to you on what to do about the civil war is to put your people to work and build some ships. Perhaps on that fishing island north of the College. If Ulfric asks what you are doing for the war, tell him you're preparing to take the fight to Solitude." Which would help Winterhold in the short term, but more importantly would trigger a naval build-up. All the kingdoms of men should be focusing more on their naval forces. Why nobody seemed to realize that obvious military truth was beyond her.

"I will certainly be telling him that. To be honest the thought of taking the fight to Solitude by sea is a damn good idea as well. Fat merchant ships sail in and out of Solitude every day. Winterhold could fill its coffers raiding that trade and send a stronger message to the Empire than all of Ulfric's posturing. Let the East Empire Company lose a few cargos and the Empire would surely take notice."

"I think you might be counting your ships before they're built."

"True enough!" Jarl Kraldar laughed loudly. "Still it's worth thinking about. Although…" He paused and stroked his beard. "There are a lot of pirates operating on the Sea of Ghosts. I wonder how many would like to call themselves privateers, give Winterhold a cut in return for a safe harbor and a place to sell their goods."

It was a good idea. She didn't approve of pirates. They were just thieves with boats, but it cost Jarl Kraldar very little, would hurt the Imperials, and enrich his coffers. In the long term it would help trigger a naval build-up. Something she should at least mention. "You do realize the Empire will counter by authorizing privateers of their own?"

"Naturally, but that will take time. By then Winterhold could have a few ships of our own. Although first I'd have to find pirates willing to sit still and talk to make the offer."

Daenerys shook her head. "You obviously haven't been to the fishing village north of Winterhold lately. Those people are dirt poor and hostile to outsiders. I'd bet that staff you gave me that some of them are smuggling at least. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them aren't related to pirates or actual pirates themselves. It's not like anyone in Winterhold keeps watch of what comes in by sea."

"No, we haven't been." He sighed. "You were a ruler somewhere, weren't you lass? Before you were forced into exile? You grasp this too well."

Daenerys thought of Brelyna and how secrets shared bound them together. "What I say here does not go beyond this room? Not even to Ulfric?"

"I swear, not even to my wife."

"I was Queen of Meereen in the lands of the East once." For that was what Essos meant, the lands of the East.

"I knew it!" He grinned. "I don't suppose you'll share the story?"

Daenerys shook her head. "Maybe someday, but not today."

"Then I won't press you, but you have proven to me to be both wise and honorable. The people of my hold call you a hero. Daenerys of House Targaryen, I name you Thane of Winterhold."

For a moment she was shocked, but she recovered quickly. "I am grateful for the honor, Jarl Kraldar, but I am an outlander. I am not sure that I can live up to the responsibilities of that title. What are the duties of a thane?"

Behind her she heard Sofija give a little sigh of frustration. No doubt she had just asked something stupidly obvious to Nords.

"A thane is a title of recognition for those who have done great deeds and service to the hold. Thanes are considered unlanded nobles. It entitles you to dine at my table and means that I may call upon you at times for advice, to lend aid in war, or in some other service."

That was about what she thought. "I would like to respectfully decline. I am first and foremost a student of the College of Winterhold. I will gladly advise you, but I am not prepared to swear fealty to you."

"Ah, I understand now. You were a queen. It's not so easy for you to bend the knee, or even to tie yourself to one place, perhaps? While thanes usually swear to the Jarl, it is not a requirement. I grant you the title with no strings, Daenerys Targaryen. I may ask for your help or advice, but it will be a request, not the order of your jarl."

"Then I accept." She didn't have much choice. Refusing a second time would be unforgivably rude.

"Good!" Jarl Kraldar stood up. "Now, would you introduce me to your retainer? If she is to be your housecarl, then I should know her name."


Daenerys made a stop at the Frozen Hearth before returning to the College. As soon as she entered all eyes turned upon her. Several of them bowed their heads deeply out of respect. The attention was unwelcome as she wanted to be discrete, but it was not unexpected. Most of them just looked.

The innkeeper came out from behind his bar to greet her. "Lady Targaryen. Look. I'm sorry about the… unpleasantness the last time you visited. It won't happen again. Whatever you would like, food, drink, it's on the house."

This was the first time anyone in Skyrim had called her Lady. Apparently, the people of Winterhold held more respect for her than the students at the College. "Thank you, I may have some mulled wine before I leave, but first I would like to speak with one of your guests, a mage by the name of Nelacar."

"Oh, of course. His room is right here." The innkeeper knocked on the door. "Nelacar, Nelacar, open up."

Nelacar opened the door suddenly. He was an Altmer, gold of skin with sharp features and a haughty air about him. "What?! I've already paid for the week, and I already told you the smell was just a minor miscalculation. It won't happen again."

"It's fine. Actually, no it's not fine, but that's not why I'm here. You have a guest, the Lady Targaryen."

Nelacar looked over at her. "Oh, well that's different. I'm always happy to meet a lady." He bowed formally. "Nelacar, at your service. Won't you come in?"

Daenerys entered with Sofija following behind her. The room was a bit larger than most for an inn, but still just a single room. There was a small bed in the corner, a bench covered with enchanting supplies, a large bookshelf, and a small table with only one chair. "It's rather cozy, but this will do." She looked at the innkeeper. "Would you bring in another chair, please?"

"Oh, of course. Right away." He hurried off and returned shortly with another chair.

"Thank you." Daenerys sat and waited for the innkeeper to depart. The fewer people learning she was interested in a Daedric artifact the better.

Nelacar sat in the other chair. "So, how can I be of assistance? Are you interested in my research?"

"Actually, I'm interested in an incident that happened at the College before I arrived. I understand it involved Azura's Star and a student's death."

"Who sent you? Was it the College? The Jarl? We agreed there would be no more questions."

This is where she needed to tread lightly. "None of those. Since the duel, I have found myself caught up in politics between the new Jarl and the College. When you're involved in politics, it helps to know where the skeletons are buried."

"Politics." Nelacar crossed his arms. "And the people distrust mages. Why would I want these skeletons uncovered? What's in it for me?"

Did he want gold? She had brought her coin purse with her. Inside was half her remaining funds, money she would need to hire mercenaries, but even then it wouldn't go very far. She reached into her purse and grabbed a handful of coins without bothering to count and placed them on the table. "Would that help make it worth your while?"

Nelacar sighed. "A few coins for my soul? If only you understood the irony. What do you know about soul gems?"

"Not much. I know they're used in enchanting. Basically, they're the fuel, but I'm still learning to identify the enchantment upon an item. I don't know the details."

"You know more than most. They are indeed used to power enchantments. The problem is that the gem is always consumed. They're frail. Except for one, Azura's Star. A Daedric artifact that allows any number of souls to pass through it. Some of us wanted to find out how. I was working under Malyn Varen, then. If only we knew what he was really planning. Malyn wanted to alter the Star. He was dying. Disease. He thought he could store his own soul inside and become immortal. I mentioned how the Star is a soul gem, only it never gets depleted? There's another rule the artifact follows. You can only store white souls in the Star, belonging to the lesser creatures. Azura's magic won't allow black souls to enter it. As a mortal, Malyn's soul was black, so part of his work was breaking past Azura's rules. He was close before it drove him mad."

"It? Dying or the Star?"

"The Star. You need to understand that Azura is no ordinary Daedra. She commands an entire realm inside of Oblivion. The more Malyn worked on the Star, the more she was able to damn him. It started slowly at first. Malyn would see things that weren't there. Then he would yell at students over words they hadn't said. Then one day I walked in and Malyn had... killed a student, and in a horrific moment of inspiration, he started using her soul for his work."

"So, you killed him?"

"What? No! I reported him to the Archmage. She wasn't his first victim. The College expelled him. He took a few loyal disciples to Ilinalta's Deep and vanished."

Ilinalta's Deep! That was what she came for. She had a location now. However, she still had to play out her role. "But why simply expel him? If he was guilty of murder, he should have been tried and executed. Isn't he probably still out there? Still murdering people for his experiments."

"I don't know! Maybe. There. You have your 'skeleton', and I have my gold. Now leave me be."

Daenerys rose. "As you wish." She left the mage in his room with his regrets. She wasn't that impressed with him. Nor with what she had learned about Archmage Savos. She had her location, Ilinalta's Deep. She could research that in the College library. However, taking on a coven of mages sounded more dangerous than exploring a Nord barrow. Was she really destined to retrieve Azura's Star? Or was Azura manipulating her?
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I wonder if Argonians, what with their waterbreathing and increased swim speed would be good defence against the Elves ships?
Elder Scrolls ignores navies most of the time. You would think that with the Nords being based on Vikings they would have a strong seafaring tradition. There is some sign of that in lore, but a lack of emphasis in game. There is mention of the Imperial armada, but it seems like something that happened once in a failed attempt to invade Alkavir and no real mention after that
"It's more than likely that the Empire didn't care if Talos was worshipped in secret, but the moment Ulfric made his move, they were forced to react."
100% correct, the Empire didn't actually start enforcing the ban on Talos worship in Skyrim until Ulfric started causing trouble, forcing the Empire to pay closer attention to Skyrim and enforce the White-Gold Concordant in the process. This little factoid is something that Ulfric and his followers like to conveniently forget; that it is actually their fault that Talos worship was actively prevented. Prior to Ulfric's rebellion, while worship of Talos was officially banned 'on paper', in practice that rule was not actually enforced anywhere in Skyrim and the Empire fully intended to just look the other way and pretend they had no idea about that.

That's right ladies and gentlemen; Ulfric is the actual cause of the problems he claims to fight against!

Don't you just want to smack him upside the head with the Wabbajack? I know I do. There isn't a head more deserving of a good solid Wabbajacking in the entire province.

Elder Scrolls ignores navies most of the time. You would think that with the Nords being based on Vikings they would have a strong seafaring tradition. There is some sign of that in lore, but a lack of emphasis in game. There is mention of the Imperial armada, but it seems like something that happened once in a failed attempt to invade Alkavir and no real mention after that
Tamriel has a bad history with navies; the few times they tried to put together really serious navies and do something with them (usually invade Akavir) it all went tits up. Plus, while it doesn't show up much in the games, the seas are infested with all kinds of monstrosities like sea serpents and kraken and whatnot. Single ships are safe enough, but large armadas sailing together have an alarming habit of attracting hungry deep sea critters, which combined with the historical oopsies involved in major overseas conquests has led to the Empire mostly only keeping an armada for the purposes of patrolling trade routes. As such the majority of the ships are fast patrol cutters and the like that can run down pirates and run the fuck away from sea monsters rather than the heavy galleons that most people envisage when they think 'imperial armada', they do have some galleons of course, Titus Mede II shows up on a fairly impressive (if gaudy) one, but they're intended more as shows of power than actual warships.
There's also a bunch of sentient sea dwellers, like the Maormer, Dreugh and Sload who tend to get uppity about large numbers of ships crossing their territory, and unsurprisingly that usually goes very poorly for whoever happens to own the ships, for obvious reasons.

Navies are more Hammerfell, High Rock, Cyrodill and the Summerset Isles bailiwick, probably because the seas around Skyrim have an alarming habit of being full of icebergs and sea monsters. The Redguard are actually known for their skills at sailing, though details on their presumed navy are somewhat lacking beyond that it is probably based in Lilac Bay.

Incidentally, Argonians are actually cold-blooded and while they can swim in icy waters and handle the cold thanks to the blessings of the Hist, they are measurably more sluggish under such conditions and do not do as well as they would in warmer climates.

That's why that Argonian salvager (Deekus? I think?) spends most of his time sitting in front of his fire; he's warming himself up between dives. It's also implied that this might be part of the reason why Argonian dockworkers are paid less; it's not just racism, they are actually a bit less physically adept than men and mer in the cold and have to spend more time warming up by fires to keep up. It is racism as well of course, but not only racism.

Was she really destined to retrieve Azura's Star? Or was Azura manipulating her?
Dany, Dany, Dany, Dany. You will learn that when it comes to Daedric Princes, they are always manipulating you. The trick is to make sure that what you get out of being manipulated is worth the manipulation.

Fortunately, Azura is by far one of the better Princes and in fact can even be considered merciful and benevolent most of the time, as long as you don't break her rules. Her realm is also one of the nicest Planes of Oblivion, and she apparently likes to go topless while in it for reasons that I am sure make sense to her.

Just, whatever you do, do not cross her. I mean, generally speaking do not cross any of the Princes, but it is easy to forget that the nicer Princes are just as capable of wrecking your shit as the nastier ones if you piss them off. Don't piss them off.
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Dany, Dany, Dany, Dany. You will learn that when it comes to Daedric Princes, they are always manipulating you. The trick is to make sure that what you get out of being manipulated is worth the manipulation.

Fortunately, Azura is by far one of the better Princes and in fact can even be considered merciful and benevolent most of the time, as long as you don't break her rules. Her realm is also one of the nicest Planes of Oblivion, and she apparently likes to go topless while in it for reasons that I am sure make sense to her.

Just, whatever you do, do not cross her. I mean, generally speaking do not cross any of the Princes, but it is easy to forget that the nicer Princes are just as capable of wrecking your shit as the nastier ones if you piss them off. Don't piss them off.
Funny enough though, the right answer to her question is probably just "Yes". She is "destined" to retrieve the Star at least inasmuch as Azura saw her doing it via precognition, and yes of course the Daedric Prince is manipulating her, she's a Daedric Prince that's what they do. Even Sanguine manipulates people and he's always blasted out of his mind on a wide variety of intoxicants and has trouble talking without slurring.

Though at least the two of them are better than Meridia's "yell in the mortal's brain to make them do what I want" technique.
Funny enough though, the right answer to her question is probably just "Yes". She is "destined" to retrieve the Star at least inasmuch as Azura saw her doing it via precognition, and yes of course the Daedric Prince is manipulating her, she's a Daedric Prince that's what they do. Even Sanguine manipulates people and he's always blasted out of his mind on a wide variety of intoxicants and has trouble talking without slurring.

Though at least the two of them are better than Meridia's "yell in the mortal's brain to make them do what I want" technique.
To be fair to Meridia, it works. Most people probably would go do what the crazy shouty lady wants, if only to make her shut the hell up and leave them alone. And you do get a nice sword out of it that is quite good at ruining undead, which is good because thanks to the old Dragon Cults Skyrim is literally bursting at the seams with undead, undead that are all suddenly waking up with the influx of dragon magic and getting angry about all these kids on their lawn.

I'm also not entirely certain I would rate Sanguine's 'get the mortal completely shitfaced and have them marry a hagraven' technique as an improvement over Meridia's 'shout in the mortal's brain until they do what I want' method. At least Meridia is only annoying.
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I'm also not entirely certain I would rate Sanguine's 'get the mortal completely shitfaced and have them marry a hagraven' technique as an improvement over Meridia's 'shout in the mortal's brain until they do what I want' method. At least Meridia is only annoying.
I had more fun with Inigo on Sanguine's quest than Meridia's. He always bitches about going anywhere with lots of undead. Though he was thrilled when I let him borrow Dawnbreaker for awhile. :p

And hey, Sanguine's technique is just an old human one: peer pressure. You still have to drink the drinks yourself. Most humans don't shout in your head to get you to do stuff, even though it is effective. I will say though, I was a bit more sympathetic the first time through when I got to her temple and she sounded so upset about it.