Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising (Game of Thrones x Skyrim)

Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Sundas, the 5th​ through Loredas, the 18th​ of Frostfell, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

While the caravan departed Whiterun promptly at dawn, they left slowly. They were far from the only wagon train departing, and it was also harvest time. The single road leaving Whiterun was clogged with wagons and people on foot. Daenerys took advantage of the slow pace to walk the caravan from front to back and acquaint herself with her fellow travelers. There were ten wagons in the caravan and about a dozen people walking alongside. Wagon Master Bjorlam led the way and his wagon had five people in the back. Seven of the wagons were carrying foodstuffs for winter: ground flour, salted meat, cabbages, leeks, gourds and such. Those wagons were being pulled by eight to ten oxen instead of the horses. She asked one of the drivers and confirmed her hunch that probably half the oxen would be sold and slaughtered upon arrival in Winterhold. One wagon was carrying nothing but ale. The final wagon belonged to Sagyval the spice merchant.

Sagyval's wagon was drawn by four horses and was smaller than most. His goods were all tied down and covered with tarps. He had two guards riding in back, both kept bows close at hand. The guards had a sense of alertness and restrained violence of seasoned warriors. Sagyval and his guards were all a little short for Nords and darker of skin. Sagyval himself had short-cropped brown hair and eyes so blue they were almost gray. He was clean-shaven, another clue that he wasn't a Nord. He was dressed for the road in common sturdy cloth, but he had a heavy gray fur cloak that appeared to be made from wolf pelts. Daenerys guessed he and his men were likely Bretons, a guess that was confirmed as soon as she heard his accent.

"I say, what's a lady like you doing walking alongside a caravan in Skyrim?"

"What?" She wasn't sure what to make of his comment, but her reflex was to deny. "I'm not a lady."

"If you're not a lady, I'm a half-giant." Sagyval joked. He had a pleasant voice, deep and smooth, but he spoke like a rake. "I make my living buying and selling, so I know how to read people. You have the carriage of a noble. Not to mention your hair. I can tell you did your own braiding. I'm sure you are used to having help, but even braiding your own hair, no commoner would take such effort unless it was for their wedding day. So, who are you, really?"

"Daenerys." She wasn't sure what to make of this merchant. He saw more deeply than even Delphine had, or perhaps he was simply more direct in sharing his insights.

"Daenerys," he scoffed. "No, too plain, too simple. Daenerys of what house? And where are you from? I've never seen a Nord with hair so pale. It's almost white. You're too fair of skin for Breton, and I've never seen a human with eyes that shade."

She certainly wasn't going to say House Targaryen. "Daenerys the Unburnt, if you must have a cognomen."

"The Unburnt..." He snapped his fingers. "You're the girl from Helgen."

Daenerys controlled her reaction. She hadn't intended to give away that connection. "I'm merely a hedge mage, travelling to the College of Winterhold to study magic."

"A hedge mage? I can believe that you know a little magic. That you intend to the join the College of Winterhold fits. However, you are not 'merely' anything Daenerys the Unburnt. There is room up here on the seat. Climb aboard, sit beside me, and we can talk. It's a long boring journey. I could use some pleasant conversation to pass the time."

Daenerys weighed this offer. There was no virtue in walking. Even if Sagyval only allowed her to ride today, talking to an obviously intelligent man was less boring than walking all day. Yes, he was insightful, but he had already linked her to the dragon attack on Helgen. She had few secrets left to hide that he could possibly unearth. No matter how perceptive he was, he wasn't going to simply discern that she could Shout or that she was from Planetos unless she gave it away. His eyes kept glancing downward. No doubt, he had an excellent view of her cleavage from up there on the wagon. Most likely, he was just seeking to get into her skirts. That was something she knew how to handle.

"I accept with one condition."

"And what is this one condition?"

"I prefer not to talk about my past."

Sagyval laughed out loud. "Well then, we will just have to talk about my favorite subject – me."


Riding beside Sagyval was certainly less tiring and more pleasant than walking. Daenerys soon found that he had been honest when he claimed that his favorite topic was himself. He was a Breton from Evermore in High Rock, the youngest of three brothers of a mercantile family. While he sometimes varied his route, he dealt with small luxury goods. He carried spices, rare wines, potions, ingredients, and such from the High Rock to Skyrim. This trip he had acquired some rare books that he hoped to sell at the College of Winterhold at a good price. In Winterhold he planned to load up on furs and ivory. Apparently, horkers were a much safer source of ivory than mammoths. By buying directly from the hunters, he cut out the middleman and would turn an obscene profit both ways on this journey.

As the day continued, she decided the man simply loved to talk. A simple question she asked about shipping turned into a long-winded explanation of the relative risks of caravans versus ships. While ships carried more cargo and travelled much faster, the seas of Skyrim were ravaged by storms and infested with pirates. Sagyval's eldest brother had disappeared at sea. He'd set sail from Solitude, and neither he nor his ship was ever heard from again.

Sagyval flirted with her in a manner that reminded her of Daario, full of confidence that he would eventually charm her balanced with a patience that did not expect her to be easily seduced. Daenerys found herself evaluating him as a possible lover. While she had received more than one proposition while working as a tavern maid, those had been Nords hoping for a simple tryst. Sagyval was interested in more than her body, although she certain he knew his way around a woman's body. It stirred her emotions and confused her. The memories of her betrayal at the hands of her last lover were still strong.

However, even if she could bring herself to trust Sagyval enough to let him into her bed, it would be very foolish. Her courses had returned since she arrived in Skyrim. That meant she could conceive again. There were possible ways around pregnancy. She could try to time her cycle, but that was far from certain. There was also a potion known as Diabella's Tears that would stop a pregnancy. However, Diabella's Tears weren't cheap. The potion was also a mild poison that would leave her sick for days – assuming she could even bring herself to take it. After having lost Rhaego to the treachery of Mirri Maz Duur, even the thought of killing her own babe made her sick to her stomach. Unfortunately, she faced the same risks as the vast majority of women on both Planetos and Nirn – taking a lover meant risking the possibility of pregnancy. She liked Sagyval. She enjoyed his attentions, but she didn't want to marry him or bear his child.

Despite her conflicted emotions about finding Sagyval attractive, Daenerys enjoyed his company. While he didn't directly ask her about her past, he did work in little questions, like if she had ever sailed on a ship before. It was clear that he enjoyed the mystery of her past and still expected to unravel it. If she didn't come from a world beyond his experience, he probably would have coaxed the clues out of her.

On the second day out from Whiterun, their caravan encountered a man dressed as a jester whose wagon had broken down while transporting a coffin. It was almost time to make camp and their wagon master decided to stop early so they could help the jester. Cicero, as the jester styled himself, tried to entertain the caravan while three wagoneers repaired his cart. He failed miserably. The way he referred to himself in the third person and joked about his dead mother wasn't at all funny. However, it was his eyes that bothered Daenerys the most.

Sagyval seemed to agree with her intuition. He motioned her back from the crowd of wagoneers that the jester had attracted. "Daenerys, don't turn you back on that one for an instant."

"I knew that already." She found herself drawing closer to Sagyval anyway. "There was no laughter in his eyes."

"No, he has the cold dead eyes of a killer. There are men who kill because they must. There are men, especially Nords, who go berserk in battle. Then there are those who enjoy the kill. I'd bet my cart that this 'Cicero' is such a man. Would you make your camp by mine tonight?"

"I will, but for protection. I'll have my own tent and my own bedroll. Don't be getting any ideas." Her attempt at humor fell flat. Sagyval was right about Cicero's eyes. They reminded her of Arya Stark, the face of a little girl, but the eyes of a killer.


Fortunately, Cicero was heading south and did not join their caravan. The next day brought a lecture from the wagon master that they would be passing to the east of the giant encampment of Blizzard's Rest. He warned everyone that if they did see a giant or mammoths to stay far away and give no cause for them to attack. He emphasized that both giants and mammoths were peaceful unless provoked. The warning was probably unnecessary. They saw no giants, only mammoths, and those from a great distance.

The real danger came shortly after they passed Blizzard's Rest. A distant roar from somewhere north of them cut across the sounds of the forest and interrupted her conversation with Sagyval.

"What was that?" asked one of Sagyval's guards. "Didn't sound like a troll."

"Dragon." She knew the roar of hunting dragon very well and it sent shivers up her spine.

"Are you certain?" asked Sagyval.

"Yes! I'm certain!" she snapped back. Then she raised her voice. "Dragon! Everyone get your wagons off the road and into the trees."

Panicked cries of dragon went up and down the caravan, much too loud for her liking. She was already jumping down and hastening into the woods.

Sagyval jumped down, took the reins of his horses and followed her lead. "Will this work?"

"If we're lucky," Daenerys whispered. Her heart was beating fast. She didn't like the feeling of being prey. The dragon at Helgen had saved her, but this was a different dragon. "Dragons hunt by sight, not scent. A wagon train moving on a road can be seen from miles away in the air. Scattered among the trees and not moving, we're much less obvious. He may pass us by."

Sagyval nodded to his guards. "Go help the others and pass her wisdom along to the wagon master. I'd rather some fool didn't draw a dragon down upon us."

When she had encountered the dragon at Helgen, he had almost overwhelmed her by his mere presence. He had been ancient and powerful. That stood out in her mind even though her memories of that time were confused. This dragon also had a presence, but he was a mere child in comparison. Still, even a young dragon was deadly. She was weak. She could survive dragonfire, but if he found her, he would rend her with teeth and claws.

Another roar rang out. He was louder, growing closer, and more triumphant.

"He's spotted something."

Sagyval stared at her. "How do you know?" he whispered.

"I was at Helgen," she lied. Now was not the time to explain that she knew dragons. Even if she could explain, she was more concerned about whether she was going to live to see tomorrow.

The dragon roared a third time with the thrill of the hunt as he passed by at some distance from them. The trees hid him from view, but some people in the caravan still cried out foolishly in fright. Fortunately, the dragon didn't even change his course. He must have spotted other prey.

Daenerys almost collapsed in relief, but she quickly rushed out to the road trying to catch a glimpse of the dragon while orienting herself. He was heading back the way they came, but a little to the west. She caught a glimpse of brown wings in the skies. "Blizzard's Rest. He's heading toward the giant encampment."

"Then it didn't see us?"

"If he did, he didn't care. Mammoths and giants are much more visible from the air than wagons hiding among trees. He found better prey. I expect he'll find plenty to sate his appetite. We should get moving regardless – just in case he decides to come back."

Sagyval looked at her, and this time she saw calculation in his eyes, like he was sizing her up for sale. "You know more than you're letting on."

Daenerys shook her head. "I prefer not to talk about it."


Sagyval treated her differently after the dragon attack. He was suspicious where he had once been jovial and flirtatious. The rest of the caravan treated her differently as well. They were very respectful, but also more guarded. It was lonely, but probably for the best. She started walking again. For most of a day, she reviewed the encounter with the dragon over and over inside her head, picking it apart to try to understand why she had felt the way she had. She had felt the dragon, known things about him – like his gender. She was absolutely certain he had been male. She had always felt a connection to Rhaegal, Viserion, and Drogon. She had always believed that connection had been forged when she hatched them in fire. Yet, she had known so much about the other dragon without getting so much as a glimpse of him. She was still certain that hiding had been the correct action. If she had stood out in the open, he wouldn't have bowed to her as the Mother of Dragons. No, he would have taken it as a challenge and attacked.

Where had these certainties come from? Had it been her encounter with the ancient dragon in Helgen? He had saved her, appearing just as she knelt with her head on the chopping block. He had breathed upon her and spoken the word Yol. After that things got confusing. She had struggled to hold Yol inside her, fought to control the Word and keep it from consuming her. All while running naked through the chaos all around her. No wonder stories had been told. She vaguely remembered following Ralof, but it wasn't until the Imperials attacked her beneath Helgen that she finally spoke Yol for the first time. After that her memories weren't as fuzzy. She had still lacked the language, but she had an ally in Ralof, and an enemy in the Imperials. Kill or die made everything simple.

Still, even as she fought to escape, she had sensed the dragon above. She had just known that he was ancient, powerful, and dominant. Somehow from the depths of the dungeon, she had also felt him raging against the stronghold of Helgen. Why had he attacked? Had he come to save her? If so, why had he ignored her after saving her to go on a rampage? That didn't make sense. Yet, for him to show up just in time to save her from the axe and to bless her with Yol – that was too much to be mere coincidence. There had to have been some deeper purpose to it.

After a day of fretting over dragons, she set the incident aside. As important as those mysteries might be to her future in Skyrim, they weren't anything she could solve in the wilderness. However, there was something she could do before she arrived at the College of Winterhold. By meditating on the word Yol and truly understanding it, she had learned to cast Flames. She intended to master Fus the same way.

Yol had come easily to her. Yol was fire. She understood fire. She had never feared fire. She even embraced it, but Yol had taught her to understand fire. Yol wasn't just present in a burning blaze. Yol was present in a candleflame, in the smallest spark. Yol was even present within her. She wasn't a cold dead corpse. She burned within.

Fus was harder for her. It didn't help that she to meditate and walk at the same time. Still, walking was tedious, and she was stubborn. Daenerys opened her heart to the Word, and she began to understand that Fus was truly all around her. Fus was force, any force. Fus wasn't just hard jarring impacts, like a mace striking a shield, or the crash of a felled tree when it hit the ground. Fus was as simple as walking staff striking the ground. Fus was the ground pushing back. Fus was the wind pressing against her. Fus was in her breath when she exhaled pushing the air back.

She put aside all thoughts of meditation and magic when they arrived at the Nightgate Inn. It marked the midpoint of their journey, but for Daenerys the most important thing was that she could get a bed, a bath, and a hot meal for the low price of ten septims. While she was trying to save her stash of coin for her future, this was ten septims well-spent. After a hot bath and a good night's sleep, she felt refreshed and ready to face the second half of their long trek.

She even managed to patch things up with Sagyval enough that she rode beside him some of the time. Their conversation was much shallower than it had been before. Mostly she asked questions about the various places he had been, which was most every city in Skyrim and High Rock and many more beyond. He was a font of information filling in many gaps she had about Tamriel. He also seemed to accept that she wouldn't talk about her past, and he didn't challenge her on it again.

However, she also spent much of her time walking so she could work on tapping into Fus and projecting it from her hands as she did Yol. Two days after leaving the Nightgate inn she had a breakthrough and managed it for the first time. As she had expected, when cast as a spell it wasn't nearly as effective as a Shout, but she could tap into Fus and use the concept of force to project an invisible wave of force from either hand. She hadn't heard the spell mentioned before, so she decided to just call it Shove until she got to the College of Winterhold and could find out its proper name.

As the wagon master had warned when she signed up, the Stormcloaks controlled Fort Kastav and insisted on searching the wagon train when they arrived at the fort. Daenerys only had her pack and a small stash of gold, so her search was over quickly. Interestingly, the Stormcloaks pulled Sagyval's wagon aside and forced him to unpack everything on it. They then appeared to confiscate several large crates. However, she noticed that Sagyval had received a large bag of what was likely gold. She also knew him well enough to tell that his curses and scowls were an act. Despite the show he put on, he wasn't at all displeased.

As they walked away, she probed him about the exchange. "So, those were some heavy crates the Stormcloaks confiscated."

Sagyval met her gaze and held it. "I prefer not to talk about it."


Two days later they were approaching the end of their journey. After Fort Kastav their journey was still hilly, but they were going downhill more often than not. They were also exposed to the cold winds from the north. The wind varied from merely cold, to biting, to numbing as they trudged across the frozen terrain. Dark gray clouds hid the sun and snow came down in flurries that would be pretty if it wasn't so cold. None of the Nords complained, so Daenerys kept her thoughts on finally reaching their destination. At this point the prospect of a hot bath and a warm bed kept her walking more than the possibility of learning magic.

The roar of a dragon ripped her out of pleasant daydreams about hot baths. Horses reared. Men and women screamed. She looked up searching for the source. In the distant sky she could barely make out the gray and white wings against the background of gray clouds. While it was far away, it was closing fast.

One of the wagoneers shouted at her. "You, Daenerys! What do we do?"

Her immediate thought was that they were all going to die. While this dragon wasn't as strong as the dragon of Helgen, he was far stronger than the young one in the forest. They had absolutely no chance of fighting it. However, that didn't mean she had to just give up.

"We flee!" She raised her voice to a yell. "Leave the animals! Leave the wagons! Scatter! Run and hide! It's your only hope of survival!"

The wagoneer looked at her and shook his head. "There's nowhere to run." He drew an axe.

The man wasn't alone. Others were drawing weapons and preparing to fight. Daenerys wasn't going to waste her breath trying to argue with fools. She threw away her walking stick and ran as fast as she could, heading west toward the mountains. Once off the road, the terrain was a treacherous rocky hillside covered with snow. Her feet slipped more than once as she tried to put distance between her and the doomed caravan.

The dragon roared again with anticipation as she closed in fast. Daenerys glanced back and could see the dragon was making straight for the caravan. Daenerys also saw she wasn't alone in running. Some others had followed her lead and were scattering as well. Maybe some would live, but fear for her own life pushed those thoughts aside. She ran full out, limbs pumping, heart racing, feet skidding on the uneven terrain. The slope increased, and she scrambled up and over a low hill. She threw herself to the snowy ground on the other side. Cautiously she turned and crept back up the hill, so she could peek over the top and see what was happening.

The dragon had reached the caravan. She swooped in a strafing run. She breathed as she passed over the wagon train and her breath wasn't fire, but a plume of what looked like a white flame. Men and beast cried out as they died, not in blaze of fire, but in the cold embrace of ice. Wagons toppled and rolled. The dragon banked wide and then came about for another pass. It roared and breathed ice again.

Daenerys felt like she had been frozen in place as well, not by cold, but by fear. In the roar she could hear words: Fo – Krah – Diin. They didn't ring inside her soul, nor did she know what they meant, just that they did have meaning. She could repeat the sounds, but the sounds wouldn't be Words. She could guess they were about cold, but that was just reasoning, not the certainty of meaning branded on her soul. She continued watching and the dragon continued attacking.

Something was wrong with the battle. It shouldn't be taking this long. It should have been over in one strafing pass, two at most. The dragon wasn't attacking as she should. Instead of maintaining her breath and sweeping icy death across the entire battlefield, she was only using her ice breath in short controlled bursts. Then she would pause and just fly around before attacking again. It made no sense. It wasn't because she was an ice dragon. After being claimed by the Night King, Viserion had still been capable of sustained blasts of… blue flames. This dragon breathed white. She could also hear the words, Fo – Krah – Diin, with every blast. Was she just playing with its prey? Or did the dragon need time to recharge between Shouts?

In any case, the battle was taking longer, and this hilltop wasn't a good hiding place. She turned and considered her options. One side sloped down into a gully that curved back toward the battle and death. Following the ridgeline was a bad choice as well. The only good choice was going up a rock-strewn slope. It looked to be a difficult climb to gain the next crest.

She forced herself to her feet, ignored the roars and battle cries, and scrambled upward. The climb wasn't easy. The rocks were covered in snow and ice, but it wasn't as bad as she feared. She pressed forward and didn't look back. The roars of the dragon told her the fight raged on. After several tense minutes, some bruises, and scraped hands, she pulled herself to the top. What she found was a much better hiding place. The crest of this hill was rocky and irregular providing good cover.

She nestled down among the rocky outcroppings and turned back to watch. The battle must be nearing its end. The dragon had landed. While she continued to breathe ice, she was also fighting with tooth and fang. Daenerys watched grimly, waiting for the dragon to slaughter everyone and everything – only then would the dragon eat her fill. After that she would fly away to nest in her lair and sleep.

Daenerys lay on her belly on the cold hilltop and cried as she watched. She didn't even know why it hurt so much. This hadn't been her fault. She hadn't led this caravan like she'd led her khalasar into the Red Waste. She wasn't slaughtering innocents as she had at King's Landing. She'd barely known anyone in the caravan except Sagyval. She had done the smart thing, the correct thing. They hadn't had any weapons that could harm a dragon. It would have taken a ballista to kill the dragon. Maybe a powerful crossbow could injure one, but with a regular bow it would have taken a spectacularly lucky shot to hit an eye or a wing joint. Fleeing had been the smart thing. If she had stayed, she'd be dead by now. However, it felt wrong.

She watched helplessly as the battle slowly ended and the dragon began to gorge. She could just see it moving around. That was good. That meant it wouldn't easily spot her. The dragon gorged and gorged, and then it curled up and lay there. Daenerys watched for a while until she was certain that the dragon had really gone to sleep. She had been so certain the dragon would fly off to her lair, but with a frozen feast of corpses, the dragon had apparently decided to stay for a few days.

Even with the dragon sleeping, Daenerys didn't dare head back to the caravan. Instead, she started picking her way through the snow-covered foothills. While the dragon appeared to be sleeping, she wanted to be well out of sight before risking a return to the road. She tried to parallel the road, keeping it in sight while still having cover in which to hide in case the dragon woke up. Unfortunately, the broken terrain didn't always give her a choice of pathways. Somewhere along the way she lost sight of the road. That wasn't good, but she wasn't completely lost. The mountains were still to the west. All she needed was to find a way down, and she would surely find the Imperial road. She continued on as best she could until she stepped on a patch of snow that gave way beneath her feet.

She found herself skidding, bumping, and rolling down a steep rocky incline only to slam hard against a cliff face. Dazed and in pain, she tried to reach into her belt pouch for a healing potion. She couldn't force her right arm to move. She wasn't sure if it was broken, but even trying to bend it hurt. Potentially worse, blood continued to seep from long jagged cut down the entire length of her arm. She managed to open her pouch with her left hand, only to find the potion bottle smashed. Painfully she worked her way out of her backpack. She had two remaining healing potions packed securely in her backpack. Working with only her left hand, she managed to dig them out and downed them one after the other. The potions stopped the bleeding and she could move her arm again, but she still ached all over.

She forced herself to her feet and thanked all the gods for a small blessing. She'd found a trail. To be honest, it was little more than a goat track, but any path was better than continuing to climb up and down hillsides. It even seemed to be going roughly where she needed to go, so she followed it.

As the sky darkened her little footpath ended at a much larger pathway. This one was wider and looked more frequently traveled. One way sloped downward and would likely return to the Imperial road and eventually to Winterhold. The other way climbed up a steep mountainside. However, at the top of the mountain path was some kind of structure and she could see a fire burning. It was already twilight and the prospect of shelter was a lot more attractive than trying to walk through the night or camp alone along the road somewhere. On the other hand, there was no guarantee that whoever had set that fire was friendly. The long howl of a wolf coming from below her made her decision easy. She was in no shape to face wolves. She took the upward path.

While steep the path was surprisingly broad and easy to follow. The sky slowly darkened, but the setting sun peeked through the clouds painting the sky in shades of red. That's when she heard the cry of another wolf and this time it was answered by another cry somewhere in front of her. A chill ran through her as she realized they were hunting her. From somewhere she found enough energy to start jogging.

The structure at the top of the building was tantalizing close, but still too far away. The main feature was an enormous statue of a woman, so it was probably some kind of temple. As she jogged she used Flames in short little bursts in the hope of keeping the wolves at bay. It seemed to be working. In the light of one little fire blasts, she saw an enormous white wolf, far too huge to be a normal one. Except that it had two ears, it might have been Ghost. As if wolves weren't bad enough, these were dire wolves.

At least her Flames seemed to keep them back. Her sides were aching as she pushed herself to keep jogging. She thought she was going to make it when two wolves moved out onto the road in front of her blocking her way forward. She quickly glanced behind expecting more and found one charging her. She shouted "Yol," and the burst of flame threw the attacking wolf back toward two more dire wolves. She felt a sudden pain in her leg and was pulled down from behind. She turned and blasted Flames into a snarling wolf that was trying to rip out her throat. If she was going to die here, she would go down fighting.

Suddenly a burning woman appeared in a burst of flame and started throwing balls of fire at the dire wolves. The burning woman was accompanied by another woman who also started blasting fire at the dire wolves. In seconds half the remaining dire wolves were dead and the rest turned and fled. The burning woman abruptly vanished in a burst of flames.

The other woman hurried to Danerys. "Azura is watching over you, and so am I." The woman bent down and golden light spread from her hands.

Daenerys felt the sharp pain in her leg ebb. All her aches and pains washed away. She stared up at her rescuer. She wore robes of gray the color of the overcast sky embroidered with the faded image of a eight pointed star, or maybe it represented the sun. Her hair was red as the sunset and her skin was as a gray as her robes – a Dunmer.

"Thank you." The words didn't feel adequate.

"You are welcome. Now come. We should get to the temple before the sun sets. Can you walk?"

"I can now. Thank you, again." Daenerys got to her feet. She was still bloody, but she felt whole again. Her savior seemed unconcerned about the flaming woman that had appeared and vanished. Had she been some kind of spell?

"Then follow me." The Dunmer priestess set off at a quick walk up the steep path.

Daenerys hurried after. It was amazing how close she had been to the top. It was just a few hundred yards more of the path before they reached the top. The statue of the goddess was silhouetted by the red glow of the setting sun. The goddess was very feminine. She was portrayed wearing an odd set of robes. In one hand she carried a star and in the other a moon. Goddess of the night, maybe? She could only remember two of the good deities that were female: Dibella and Mara. This wasn't either of them, but she hadn't paid too much attention to Nord religion. Clearly, this goddess wasn't one of the evil ones.

The Dunmer turned back. "I'm sure you would like to bathe and rest, but it is just a little further. We must do this properly."

Do what properly? It was hard to think past a bath and rest, but given that the priestess had saved her life, she was willing to indulge her. She shrugged her agreement. "As you wish." She followed her to the top of the shrine where a huge brazier was filled with burning wood. This must have been the fire she'd seen down below.

Abruptly the priestess turned and bowed to her. "Hail, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Dragonborn. Welcome to the Shrine of Azura."
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Loredas, the 18th of Frostfall, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Abruptly the priestess turned and bowed to her. "Hail, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Dragonborn. Welcome to the Shrine of Azura."

The Dunmer priestess then smiled broadly. "Oh, I have waited for years to say that. Come, let's go inside. The nights are bitterly cold here at the north end of Skyrim. Let's get you a bath and clean clothes. Then I will answer your questions while you eat."

Daenerys was very much wrong-footed by the sudden shift of tone from solemn priestess to friendly, but she followed her anyway. While she did have questions, they could wait until she had a bath and clean clothes.

Inside the temple felt like a mausoleum. Aranea guided her down a long empty corridor that led deeper into the structure. Bas-relief carvings upon the walls depicted a story. First there was a rock, or perhaps a comet hanging over a city. The next panel showed the city destroyed. That was followed by an erupting volcano and scenes of devastation. It reminded her of the Doom of Valyria, especially as the scene changed to ships escaping following a guiding star. The star motif was repeated in the next panel showing another mountain, perhaps this one, with the goddess Azura perched on the peak. She wasn't sure if the story was mythological, historical, or both. Of course, her exposure to the history of Tamriel was limited to a few stories mostly about Nords.

The priestess opened a door to a tiled room lit by torches. This room was also decorated, but in mosaic tile rather than bas-relief. The walls seemed to reflect the view from outside to the north, south, east and west. However, the sun was shown just above the horizon on two walls: rising in the east and setting in the west. The room was rather small with a large bronze bathtub as the only fixture.

"The water has probably gone cold by now. Give me a moment to warm it up for you." She then cast Flames at the bronze tub and held it for a long count. "That should do. I believe you know fire magic if it grows cold. I've left some clothes folded for you on that bench. I'll go prepare us some food."

"Wait," commanded Daenerys." While she was grateful for the rescue, she was tired of being passively led. "Before you go, you will tell me your name."

The Dunmer smiled again and nodded approvingly. "I am High Priestess Aranea Ienith."

The bath was hot, but not as hot as she liked it. Daenerys used her own fire magic to heat the bronze tub even hotter. As appealing as a hot bath had sounded, she couldn't really enjoy it. Soap and hot water didn't wash away guilt. Most, if not all, of her fellow travelers were dead now, and she had left them to die. Small drops of blood compared to the hundreds of thousands she'd slaughtered at King's Landing, but their deaths still bothered her. She should have done something, but even now she couldn't think of anything she could have done. She hadn't even been able to fight off a few wolves. She had done the smart thing, but it didn't feel like the right thing.

Only slightly less troubling was her savior, High Priestess Aranea Ienith. She knew too much. Although that wasn't surprising given that she was a high priestess. Even on Planetos the Red Temple had ways of knowing things, as had Bran Stark. Here in Tamriel where magic was much more common, were seers still rare? Or merely uncommon? More importantly, how much did Aranea know? And what did she expect in return for saving her life?

Daenerys considered the gray woolen robe that Aranea had left for her. It was almost identical to the one the high priestess wore, but it lacked the star. Daenerys suspected that it was the robe of an initiate. She ignored it and dug into her pack. She didn't own many clothes and only the clothes she'd worn as a tavern wench were clean. While the Nords considered the cleavage daring, she thought it rather tame. She would have preferred something more impressive, but merely refusing to dress as an acolyte of this temple was making a statement.

Once dressed she wandered out into the hallways. The temple was designed to hold quite a few acolytes, but none were in evidence. She followed the lit torches down corridors and found a large dining room. Most of the room consisted of tables and benches that looked long unused. At the far end of the room was a large fireplace and kitchen area. Standing beside the fire was Aranea.

"I hope you enjoyed your bath. Please join me." Aranea gestured toward the closest table where two places had been set along with bread and wine. "It's goat stew. I eat a lot of goat. Plenty of goats up here on this mountain and not much else."

"I like goat, and I have eaten much worse." As she sat down, she remembered eating the raw heart of a stallion, the taste had been vile. Her stomach had rebelled, but she'd eaten it all. Not that it mattered in the end. She'd lost both the child and her lost love. That seemed like a lifetime ago now.

Aranea filled two bowls from the cooking pot and set them on the table. She sat down and then bowed her head. "We are children of the Twilight. Beings who are to be guided from the darkness into the light. And from the light into darkness. We give thanks to you, Azura, this day for your wisdom. As has been long foretold your champion has come. I give thanks to you for letting me be an instrument of your will, and to aid her on the last leg of her journey. Your foresight protects us. Your insight sustains us."

Daenerys listened respectfully. She took particular note of being called a champion. For so long she had believed she had a great destiny: mother to the Stallion who Mounts the World, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains. She had followed that belief into madness. Now a new title – Champion This very day she had fled and left her companions to be slaughtered. The wolves had almost killed her. Out of respect for Aranea saving her life, she kept her silence, but she was no champion. What she wanted was answers, not more titles.

The priestess raised her head and filled two goblets with wine. "Please, eat."

Daenerys sampled the stew. The goat flavor was strong, but not overpowering. She couldn't name the spices, but it was surprisingly tasty. "It's good."

"You like it?" For the first time, the priestess showed surprise. "I toned down the spices, but even so some find traditional Dunmer cooking to be too spicy for their tastes."

"I like spicy. The hotter the better, but as they say, hunger is the best seasoning, and I am as hungry for answers as I am for food."

"Then ask, and I will endeavor to answer."

The first question was easy. It had never been far from her thoughts since she woke up naked in a bed of ashes. "Who brought me to Tamriel and why?"

Aranea sighed. "Alas, the first question you ask of me, and I cannot answer. Azura shows me the future, not the present nor the past. I have known you were coming since before you were born, but your visage was shadowed until a few weeks ago. Since then she has given me glimpses of your future, but your past is a mystery to me."

Daenerys broke off a piece of bread and dipped it in her stew. She sensed no deception in the high priestess, just the fervor of the devoutly religious. "If that is the case, why did you hail me as you did?"

"Because in the past few weeks, Azura has started showing me visions of your future. I watched and listened as you introduced yourself using exactly those words standing in the hall of a jarl. Which hall, I couldn't tell you." A brief frown crossed Aranea's face. "I have tried to find meaning in your titles. One of them, is easy to determine – the Unburnt. I had another vision of you fighting a dragon with several soldiers near a broken tower. The dragon breathed flames upon you, but you were unharmed. The title Dragonborn is more portentous. I have seen no vision concerning it, but I have made an extensive study of prophecy. I believe that the ancient prophecy of the Last Dragonborn may be finally coming to pass. If so, dark days are upon us all. The most obscure of your titles is that of House Targaryen. The library here is small and focused on the prophesies of Azura and her wisdom, but we do have a copy of Noble Houses of the Empire. It is an older copy, but I searched it, and found no mention of a House Targaryen. Nor have I ever heard the styling 'first of her name'. I thought your house was simply new, or obscure, but if you were brought to Tamriel…" Aranea paused a moment, brow furrowed. "Are you from Atmora?"

Daenerys had never heard of Atmora before. Was that another world, a nation, a continent? She shook her head in negation. "Perhaps I will tell you later, but you promised to answer my questions, not ask more."

Aranea gave a brief nod of her head. "So I did, and so I will. Please, continue with your questions."

"What other visions have you seen of me?"

"I have the sense of many enemies around you, but most are still hidden in the twilight. Azura has only shown me a few clear visions. In one you stand atop a mountain speaking with an ancient dragon. He was huge but worn with tattered wings and chipped horns. In another I saw you standing near a floating orb larger than yourself. The orb was carved in eldritch runes and symbols. It radiated magical power. I have seen you practicing magic under the tutelage of a stern Altmer mage. You said, or did, something that astounded her. And lastly, I have seen you returning here to this temple as the Champion of Azura, bringing her star as proof."

Daenerys listened attentively. She knew from her dealings with Red Priestesses that visions weren't always obvious, but these seemed straightforward. She decided to address the last one first, because it might give her leverage. "What does it mean to be the Champion of Azura?"

"It means she has already chosen you. She sent me to aid you tonight on the mountain when the wolves beset you. Heed her warnings and they will be a light to guide you through the darkness."

Daenerys shrugged. "I'm sorry. I do appreciate you saving me from the wolves, but what guidance?"

"Visions can be difficult to interpret, but Azura sometimes speaks to me as well. You must go to a fortress, endangered by water, yet untouched by it. Inside, you will find an elven mage who can turn the brightest star as black as night." She sighed. "I can tell you are skeptical. I know it is cryptic, but Azura's signs are never wrong. I believe the fortress may refer to Winterhold. Ask if they know this elven enchanter."

"Hmm, and you think this 'brightest star' is the lost Star of Azura? A holy artifact of your goddess?"

"Yes, precisely."

"So, why doesn't she just tell me where to find it? Rather than send me to College, to ask a mage, to find out?"

"Because the gods have gifted us with free will, and deeds done by our own free will are pleasing to the gods." She spoke it like it was an axiom, an elemental truth.

To Daenerys it sounded more like the gods were bored and liked to make mortals jump through hoops for their amusement. She could see why the goddess would want a relic returned to her shrine, and Daenerys did owe the goddess for the vision she'd sent Aranea. "I'm heading to Winterhold anyway to join the College. I'll ask around for this mage when I arrive."

Aranea beamed. "Very good, a wise choice, and not the only guidance that I can offer. The title, Dragonborn, is a very important clue. It ties into another prophecy:

When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world
When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped
When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles
When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls
When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding
The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn."​

Daenerys frowned and sopped up the last bit of her stew with her bread. She popped it in her mouth and considered the prophecy. Then she shrugged. This was the usual fortune teller con, be so cryptic that anything could fulfill it. "That sounds important, but what does it all mean?"


After their discussion ended, Aranea had shown Daenerys to an initiate's chamber and bade her goodnight. The bed was tiny, but quite comfortable. She lay exhausted under a pile of blankets, yet she couldn't sleep. The revelations about the Dragonborn kept playing through her mind.

Tiber Septim, the founder of the Third Empire had been Dragonborn and built an empire through bloody conquest. The Septim dynasty that he founded all claimed the right to rule based upon being dragon blooded. The whole story felt so familiar and right. The Targaryen dynasty wasn't quite the same, but it had still been born in conquest and was tied to the blood of dragons. It all fit together somehow, but where did she fit?

She certainly wasn't going to charge off to Cyrodiil under some kind of deluded belief that she could claim the Imperial throne. If she could do it all over, she would have stayed in Mereen with people who loved and needed her. She had thrown away true loyalty to chase the Iron Throne, but it had been a mirage, leading her on, but always just out of reach. She had made it worse by slaughtering a city trying to somehow make the mirage turn real. She wasn't fit to rule Tamriel. She didn't know the land, the people, their politics, or their histories.

It had all been so clear to her once. Break the wheel. Build a better world. One that worked for all the people, not just the masters or the nobles. She could see it being born. Destroying King's Landing had just been the birthing pains – necessary, unavoidable. She had been wrong. No world born in betrayal could ever be a better place.

Rule the Empire? She couldn't even rule Skyrim if they offered to make her High Queen. At least she knew Skyrim's problems: bandits everywhere, far too much wilderness left untamed, monsters lurking everywhere unckecked, and to top it all off dragon attacks. Those could all be solved with troops and weapons. Even the dragons could probably be countered with weapons like ballistae backed up by battlemages. However, none of those solutions could happen with the Stormcloak rebellion, and the Stormcloaks weren't going away. Not until they could freely worship Talos again. That was an unsolvable problem. The Empire had been forced to ban Talos worship as part of the peace treaty – the White-Gold Concordat. The Empire didn't want to enforce the ban, but they had been given no choice.

Daenerys gasped and sat upright as she suddenly grasped why the Empire was so strangely tolerant of this rebellion. The Empire didn't want to enforce the treaty! They had been perfectly happy to ban Talos worship publicly, but let it continue in private. Even now that the Nords had forced the issue, the Empire would rather let the rebellion continue than have an open war in Skyrim, because the Nords weren't their real enemy. The Aldmeri Dominion was the true enemy. Someone, the Emperor or one his advisors, was wise to avoid this trap. The Thalmor were stirring things up, getting the Empire to weaken itself. General Tellus was probably under orders to capture and kill Ulfric Stormcloak if he could, and otherwise avoid escalating the war at all costs. Jarl Balgruuf got it too. That explained his strange policy of neutrality. Suddenly, so much that had confused her made sense!

She lay back down under the covers, her thoughts too astir now to sleep. Her flash of insight didn't answer her biggest questions. Aranea thought she wasn't just Azura's champion, but some mythical figure called the Last Dragonborn who would defeat Alduin and save the world. The idea was crazy, yet strangely alluring. Some power had clearly brought her to this world for a reason, but she knew that she would have no hope of killing even a small dragon, let alone a dragon-god like Alduin, the World-Eater. Even Aranea admitted that she was speculating wildly based on the mention of the Dragonborn. Yet, a part of her wanted it to be true, because maybe then she could find redemption.

She was being foolish. Nothing she ever did would ever make up for burning King's Landing. Redemption? When confronted by a dragon this morning, she'd ran. Most of the people in the caravan were undoubtably dead by now. Aranea was reading portents that weren't there. One of her visions had been talking to a dragon. That sounded like something she could do. Instead of fighting dragons, maybe she had been fighting with dragons. If she could talk to dragons, which seemed possible since she understood the Words they spoke, then she could… what? Convince them to follow her as her children had? More foolishness.

No, what she did know was that magic was power here. Magic could be learned, and she had a talent for it. She would hone that gift at the College of Winterhold. Even if she still didn't know who had brought her here or why, being able to defend herself and others was a good first step.


It was almost noon before Daenerys awoke. While she slept, Aranea had mended her damaged fur armor. The priestess hadn't been able to get the bloodstains out, but they didn't stink of blood and would keep out the cold. Aranea had also enchanted the armor for warmth and her backpack to lighten its weight. She waved off all thanks claiming them but 'simple' enchantments, and her small contribution to helping Azura's champion. All she asked in return was that Daenerys spend the rest of the day in rest, recovery, and contemplation before starting on the two plus day journey to Winterhold.

"Also, I have one more gift for you." Aranea said as she handed her a book. "The Book of the Dragonborn. It goes over many of the things we discussed last night. There are other books in the library that reference the legend, but this is the most comprehensive."

Daenerys accepted the book. She wasn't at all certain about being the Dragonborn or Azura's champion, but Aranea had done too much to deny her request. She spent the rest of the day struggling to read the Book of the Dragonborn and talking with Aranea. Unsurprisingly, given that Aranea was a priestess, the conversations were often around the wonders of Azura. According to Aranea she was the patron goddess of the Dunmer, had arranged the downfall of a trio of false gods known as the Tribunal, and had also been responsible for the creation of the Khajiit. In the midst of that discussion she revealed that Azura was a Daedra.

"What? Wait, I thought Daedra were the evil gods and aedra were the good ones."

"According to who?" scoffed Aranea. "The Altmer? They just divide the gods into the Aedra, the ancestors of the Altmer, and the Daedra, literally the not-Aedra. That division overlooks other deities like Sithis, Padomay, and Talos. To be more specific the Et'Ada are the original spirits who were tricked by Lorkhan into creating Mundus. Neither group is inherently good or evil. Many claim Mephala and Boethiah are evil, and yet they are patron gods of the Dunmer."

Daenerys nodded understanding. "And everyone believes their gods are the only true gods and all others are evil fakes."

"No, only fools believe that." Aranea corrected. She exhaled in irritation. "But there are many fools in the world."

Daenerys nodded in agreement to that truth. Although she did wonder, "So, the Empire permits the worshiping of Daedra?"

"They do in theory and under the law. In practice the worship of Daedra is frowned upon, but my people were given some dispensation. Morrowind joined the Empire by treaty, not conquest. We were specifically granted all rights of faith and self-government. Even here in Skyrim the Empire allowed the Reachmen to follow the Old Ways, which included Daedra worship. Don't get me wrong, most here in Skyrim follow the Nine Divines."

"And the Nine Divines include Talos. You acknowledge that he's a deity?"

"Of course, he is a deity. His priests have performed miracles. I'm not a Thalmor. I don't deny there are other gods out there. I have just dedicated myself to Azura, as should you. She has chosen you. Listen to her wisdom and she will guide your paths."

"So you have said," agreed Danerys without really agreeing. While Aranea was being helpful and had a completely different perspective from the Nords, her religious fixation was wearing. Daenerys was more than ready to leave for Winterhold in the morning, even if it meant risking the roads of Skyrim alone.
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Morndas, the 20th of Frostfall, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Daenerys listened half-heartedly while Aranea greeted the sun by giving thanks to Azura. This ritual was supposedly for her benefit. The dominant theme was praising Azura, but Aranea was working in a lot of prayers for Azura to guide and protected her champion. Daenerys knew that should be grateful and appreciative. The gods of Nirn seemed to interfere more in the affairs of the world, and the goddess had helped her. She had even tried to offer thanks to the goddess when Aranea started praying. However, the liturgy was very repetitive and Danerys found her thoughts wandering.

Was she doing the right thing by leaving? The shrine was safe, and the roads of Skyrim were not. This was not a settled land. Predators, monsters, and bandits roamed freely. The weather itself could be deadly with winter approaching. Traveling by herself wasn't wise, yet she felt it was necessary. While she didn't believe she was this 'Last Dragonborn', Daenerys did feel like she was being pushed toward something. She didn't know who or what had brought her to Skyrim and set her on this path, or where the path led, but she knew that she didn't like being a puppet. She needed to get stronger and soon. The best way to do that would be to learn magic at the College of Winterhold. She had a feeling she that if she stayed at the Shrine of Azura for winter, she just wouldn't be ready for what was to come. That staying was actually more dangerous than the journey to Winterhold.

Was this feeling of danger Azura speaking to her? She was the Goddess of Prophecy, this was her shrine, and Aranea was leading a prayer asking the goddess to guide her. It was certainly possible, but Daenerys had felt the tugging of destiny long before coming to Skyrim or to this shrine. She'd followed her dreams and intuition, and she hatched three dragons. She had also felt those same instincts guiding her to the Iron Throne, but she'd lost her path somewhere…

She looked up at the statue of Azura, but found neither comfort nor guidance, and certainly not forgiveness. If Aranea was right, whatever Azura saw would happen one way or another. Daenerys didn't have faith in that. All she had were her wits and a premonition that told her to go to Winterhold. It wasn't safe, but at least this time she would only be risking her own life.

Aranea bowed again deeply. "And while the sun chases away the twilight, still your presence guides us, for this we give thanks." She rose and turned from the shrine to face Daenerys. "And now it's time for you to depart. Azura has already revealed that you will study at the College of Winterhold, so I know you will arrive safely, but that doesn't mean there will be no danger. Be alert and trust Azura and she will guide you through."

"I will be careful. Fare you well, Aranea. Perhaps we will meet again someday."

"We will, Daenerys Targaryen, the Unburnt and Dragonborn, when you return to this shrine bearing Azura's Star. Go in peace."


Despite all her fears about the dangers of traveling the roads of Skyrim alone, the journey to Winterhold turned out to be uneventful. The weather was mild for late autumn. The sky was clear, the air was calm, and the sun was hot enough to melt some of the thinner patches of snow. The path down the mountain was a wide and easy trail to follow, and the Imperial road was impossible to miss. She kept scanning the land for predators and the sky for dragons, but she saw nothing more dangerous than a small herd of elk all day long. A harvest moon was rising just as the sun had set so Daenerys decided to walk through the night. She judged it safer than trying to sleep in the wilds without companions to share the watch.

She was very tired when the moons finally set. She considered camping then and waiting for sunrise, but she didn't see any good place to camp. As the sun began to peek over the horizon, she realized that what she had taken for a mountain up ahead was really a fortress – no doubt the College of Winterhold. She had apparently reached the outskirts of Winterhold without realizing it. As the sun rose, several small farms became visible from the road. Although not near as many as she would expect for a major city.

By the time the sun cleared the horizon, she was in Winterhold proper and realized that it was no city. It was barely larger than Riverwood. It lacked any kind of wall or defenses. For that matter, it didn't even have a well-defined boundary. The scattered farmhouses merely grew closer together. When shops with signs advertising their stock in trade started appearing, Daenerys decided she must be in the city proper. Exhausted she stopped at an inn called the Frozen Hearth, rented a room, and collapsed into bed.


After a nap, a meal, and a bath, Daenerys felt almost ready to present herself to the College of Winterhold. She took the time to braid her hair and even bought new clothes. While she had a letter of introduction from Farengar, she didn't want to show up looking like a beggar in mended and bloodstained furs.

She also learned from the innkeeper that Sagyval and a handful of others had survived the dragon attack and arrived safely in Winterhold. Apparently, she had just missed Sagyval. He had hired men and wagons to return to the site of the dragon attack and salvage what he could. The innkeeper was eager to talk her ear off about it. However, he also mentioned a 'dragon witch' with pale blond hair. When he frowned and gave her an odd look, she decided that it was time to leave.

The College of Winterhold was an intimidating fortress clearly visible from the streets of Winterhold. A vast chasm separated the city from the College. A narrow bridge spanned the gap. Daenerys made her way to a small tower that stood at the city-end of the bridge, where a tall woman stood guard.

The woman was easily a full head taller than her. Her skin was golden as were her eyes. She had stern angular features with pointed ears – an Altmer. Her robes were a dull gray but embroidered with a fancy pattern in vivid red.

"Halt!" commanded the guardian of the bridge. She had a stern voice with a dangerous edge. "What business do you have with the College of Winterhold?"

Daenerys hadn't expected such a hostile reception. "I am here to apply to the College."

"Are you indeed?" The hostility in her voice eased up a little. "I am Faralda, one of the senior wizards here. I am here to assist those seeking entry to the college. And if, in the process, my presence helps to deter those who seek to do harm, so be it."

That didn't make much sense. "Why would anyone seek to harm the College?"

"It is no great secret that we have been unjustly blamed for a great many things over the years. The good people of Skyrim on occasion would rather pass judgment than understand what we do here. Thus, we must take certain precautions in order to secure our safety. This is not new, but the people of Winterhold have recently been stirred up by rumors of a 'dragon witch' calling down dragons to attack caravans just outside the city. Frightened people do foolish things."

Daenerys frowned. Dragon Witch was not a title she wanted to claim as her own. "I am not here about dragons. I'm here to learn magic. That is why the College exists, is it not?"

Faralda nodded in agreement. "Yes, we are the only group left in Skyrim dedicated to the study of the arcane. There are others who study, to be sure, but they do so in private and often in secret. We provide a safe haven for mages in Skyrim. It would seem the College has what you seek, the question now is what can you offer the College? Not just anyone is allowed inside. Those wishing to enter must show some degree of skill with magic."

"I have brought with me a letter of introduction from Farengar, the Court Wizard of Whiterun, and a mage in good standing with the College of Winterhold."

"Have you indeed?" Her left eyebrow rose in surprise. "Interesting, quite unusual for one of your years. Let me see this letter."

Daenerys had the letter ready in her sleeve. She pulled it free and handed it over as she puzzled over the comment about her age. Was she too old or too young?

"Hmm, Farengar speaks highly of you, Daenerys. He claims you have a gift for fire magic. Let's see it then. A small test if you will."

Daenerys raised her palm and aimed to the side and called forth Flames. Fire shot from her hand and licked harmlessly at the stone walls of the tower. She let the blast continue for a little while and then cut it off. "Is that satisfactory?"

"Indeed. Well done, I'm sure you'll be an asset to the college. Please follow me, once inside you'll want to speak to Mirabelle Ervine. She is the Master Wizard here. Archmage Aren may be in charge, but Mirabelle runs this place. You'd do well to remember that."

Faralda led her across the bridge to the College. Along the way, Faralda paused to cast a spell which caused pools of water to light up like beacons sending up blue towers of light up into the sky. The bridge was wide enough for three men to stand abreast and felt sturdy under her feet. The crossing felt safe until they reached the top of the span where the walls that guarded the edges were shattered and missing. The gusts of wind felt stronger and the fall below would be deadly. Faralda didn't even break stride. Daenerys followed after, keeping her gaze fixed forward and taking one step at a time. Heights had never bothered her atop a dragon, but that bridge left her heart racing. Why didn't they repair the railings? There was still snow and ice on the bridge. She wondered how many people had slipped and fallen to their deaths.

Faralda glanced back and nodded approvingly. "I'll have to leave you with Mirabelle when we find her. We don't always guard the approach, but with the folk of Winterhold stirred up against this dragon witch, I'm keeping watch. Since you have a gift for fire, we will no doubt have lessons soon. I'm the Mistress of Destruction at the College."

"I look forward to it," replied Daenerys. Her thoughts drifted back to Aranea's visions. The priestess had foreseen her foreseen her studying magic under a 'stern Altmer mage'. Faralda certainly fit the description.


While the College of Winterhold looked like a fortress from the outside, it was built like a mansion on the inside. The main entrance opened onto the Hall of the Elements, a huge room three stories tall that would put most ballrooms to shame. At one end a dozen or so young mages of various races were listening to a white-haired Dunmer lecture. The hallways were large enough that someone could drive a chariot down them. There were two stories devoted to classrooms and laboratories in the main building. The entire third floor was a library. The fourth floor was mostly the personal quarters of Archmage of the College, but it also held the administration offices which was where Faralda left her with Mirabelle Ervine.

The second most important wizard of the college didn't look like a powerful wizard. She looked more like a merchant sitting behind a large desk cluttered with ledgers and papers. She was a middle-aged Breton with tanned skin and an unflattering short bob of brown hair. Her robes were of dark gray and not at all imposing. The spectacles perched on her nose as she read the letter of introduction were interesting. Daenerys had heard of the device for aiding failing sight but this was the first time she actually saw them in use.

Mirabelle set down the letter and looked Daenerys up and down. She didn't look entirely pleased. "Hmm, so you caught Farengar's eye, did you? He was always a fine scholar, but a little weak in the practical applications. Are you prepared to study hard and work hard?"

"Of course." What kind of question was that? "I have a gift. I want to hone it."

"Having a gift isn't enough. Many coming here seeking magic because they want a short cut. They want fame, or riches, or power, and they want it immediately. Magic requires more than talent. Magic is a difficult art that requires a keen mind, study, and determination." She studied Daenerys with a challenging gaze as if finding her wanting.

Daenerys met the gaze and did not back down. "I have walked through fire and blood. I can take whatever you throw at me."

"Ha!" Mirabelle smiled broadly. "We'll see about that, but at least you have passion. Now, let's get down to details. How many spells do you know and what are they?"

"I know two spells. Flames and a spell for pushing things. I don't know the proper name for it."

"Destruction, then and a variation on telekinesis. That would be Alteration. So, how much do you know about magical theory? What books have you read?"

"I don't know anything about magical theory. I'm self-taught. I haven't read any books about magic at all…" She hesitated about revealing her difficulties with the written language, but it would come out almost immediately. Better to be upfront about it. "In fact, I'm still learning Tamrielic. I can carry on a conversation with no problems, but I still struggle with reading."

"Still learning Tamrielic? What gods-forsaken backwater corner of the Empire did you come from?"

"I prefer not to talk about it," replied Daenerys.

"Fine, I won't pry, but it's a disadvantage and one you will have to work to overcome. You will be doing a lot of reading." She turned and reached to a shelf behind her and took out a piece of parchment. "Let's get the preliminaries out of the way, shall we? Full name or cognomen?"

"Daenerys Targaryen, the Unburnt." She hadn't claimed her family name before, but now that Aranea knew about it there didn't seem to be a point in hiding it any longer.

Mirabelle jotted that down swiftly. "And how old are you?"

Daenerys frowned as she realized she wasn't sure. "That depends. I've lost track of the day. What day is it?"

"Tirdas, the 21st​ of Frostfell."

"Then, I will be twenty-one in two days." At least that was her best guess. She wasn't sure the days and years were the same, but they both had twelve months and a year that was a bit longer than that. She'd worked out that her name day was probably the 21st​ of Frostfell.

"Hmm, I would have guessed older. You have a presence to you few do at your years. Now, who is your next of kin?"

She shrugged. "None that I wish to claim."

"In that case is there anyone you would like to receive your personal effects if you suffer a fatal mishap?"

"Does that happen often?" Was this woman trying to scare her off?

"Three in twenty of our students die in training. Two in twenty manage to kill themselves. One in twenty gets killed by a fellow student or in some kind of magical accident." She shrugged. "Magic is not for the timid. If the numbers scare you off, then you're better off leaving now."

"I've been called many things, but timid is not one of them. If something happens to me, send my personal effects to Gerdur in Riverwood."

"Sorry, we won't send them to her. If something happens to you, we'll put them in a box and send her a letter. If she comes to claim them within a year, she can have them." Mirabelle jotted down the information.

Daenerys was now almost certain that this woman was trying to scare her off. "Fine. Any more paperwork?"

"Almost done. You understand that you are starting as a novitiate. That you'll follow orders from any Master Wizard on our staff. You'll also obey our rules. The most important of which is that you don't practice any spell unless you're being supervised by someone higher ranked than an apprentice. That means an adept, an expert, or a master. Do you understand?"

"I understand the rules," grumbled Daenerys. Not she was at all happy to be treated like a child. The warning about three in twenty dying meant that Mirabelle had some reasons.

Mirabelle shook her head. "But you don't agree, do you? You think you know better? You were able to learn on your own? You were lucky. Half to two-thirds of all hedge mages kill themselves or innocents. We'll teach you, and this is the first lesson. Treat magic with respect, obey our rules, or I will throw you out so fast you'll leave your shadow behind."

"I understand." Daenerys sat with her back straight and met the woman's gaze. "I want to learn. I will treat magic with respect and obey the rules of the College." She even meant it, but she wasn't going to grovel, which seemed to be what the woman wanted.

Mirabelle sighed. "Well, you have a backbone at least, and nobly born by your airs. Which means you probably aren't going to like this next part. We don't charge you tuition, but you will have to work to earn your keep. We don't have servants here, so you may be tasked with cooking, cleaning, assisting in laboratory work, or other experiments. That applies to every one of our students. If you don't like it, go hire yourself a private tutor."

Daenerys smiled. Before she came to Westeros she might have bristled at being put to work like that, but after being a tavern wench a little bit of drudgery didn't scare her. "A little honest work never hurt anyone."

This time Mirabelle smiled. "Good. Now, since you're an adult, we consider you a senior novitiate. That means you're free to leave the College when you don't have work or studying to do. However, it also means that we expect you to help with our other novitiates, those who are still children. You won't give them lessons in magic, but guidance and supervision."

That gave her pause. "I don't have any experience in supervising children."

"Is that a problem?"

"No, I can handle children." She had raised dragons, ruled a city, and convinced bloodthirsty Dothraki khals to bend to her will. How hard could children be?

"Good. Sign here please."


Once the paperwork was done, Mirabelle gave her a tour of the main building. What struck Daenerys most of all was how empty the College was. It had obviously been built to house hundreds, but it was mostly empty. Entire wings were closed off and unused. The tour ended up back in the Hall of the Elements. The same group from before were still present, and they all seemed to be engaged in practicing different spells both individually and in small groups.

Mirabelle gestured to the group. "You remember my warning not to practice new spells alone? A Master Wizard is usually on duty in the afternoons so you can practice under supervision. Once you have the basics down, you can practice further on your own. That's our Master of Illusions, Drevis Neloren, keeping watch. Most of the students over there are novitiates, who you will be helping supervise, but you can meet them later. Now, demonstrate your spells."

Daenerys nodded and performed first her Flames spell and then her 'Shove' spell.

"Hmm, interesting. I haven't seen a spell like that before, but it does appear to be a specialized form of Telekinesis which would be Alteration."

"If you say so. I thought Alteration was the magic of changing things. My 'shove' spell is just raw force. No underlying…" She struggled for the word in Tamrelic. "… stuff."

Mirabelle laughed. "I think you mean substance or matter. If it is a manipulation of forces, then it also falls under Destruction. I will schedule your initial assessment with Faralda tomorrow. After I have her report, we'll work out a training schedule for you. Now, I'll show you to your quarters. You're going to be sharing space with Brelyna Maryon, who you'll meet shortly. The two of you have a lot in common. I predict you'll either be lifelong friends or bitter enemies."

Mirabelle led her back out through the courtyard and to the Hall of Attainment. She gestured to doorways they passed. "These are where our younger novitiates are quartered. Your quarters are over here." She stopped in front of a door and knocked.

Daenerys waited while Mirabelle knocked on the door. The master wizard's comments had her curious, but she preferred to form her own opinions.

Mirabelle rapped on the door again, more sharply this time.

"This had better be important!" growled an angry young woman on the other side of the door. The door flew open revealing a young Dunmer wrapped in a damp robe and wet hair. Her anger died when she saw who was at the door. "My apologies, Master Wizard. I was bathing," she concluded contritely.

"If it's too much of an inconvenience, I can introduce you to your new roommate later, Brelyna."

"Roommate?" Her eyes flicked to Daenerys and she smiled. "Another senior novitiate! And you're a Nord. Gods be praised!"

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Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Tirdas, the 21st of Frostfell, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Mirabelle seemed amused as if this was all some kind of joke to her. "Brelyna Maryon of House Telvanni, allow me to formally introduce your new roommate, Daenerys Targaryen, the Unburnt."

While Daenerys was still a little taken aback by the exuberant greeting from Brelyna, old lessons on etiquette had her responding automatically. "A pleasure to meet you, Brelyna Maryon of House Telvanni." She gave a slight nod of respect. "And while you are correct that I am the new senior novitiate, I'm not actually a Nord."

"Really?" asked Brelyna. "With round ears and hair that pale? What are you then?"

"I prefer not to talk about it," responded Daenerys tartly. If they were going to be living in close quarters, better to head the questioning off.

"I meant no offense. I know what it is like to have a past that you would rather leave behind."

Mirabelle laughed. "What did I tell you? Two peas in a pod. Brelyna, I'll leave you to fill in the responsibilities of a senior novitiate." She then walked away.

Daenerys studied her new roommate. Gerdur had described the Dunmer race as serious, distrustful, sarcastic, and deceitful, yet very loyal. Irileth, Jarl Balgruff's housecarl, had certainly seemed to fit Gerdur's description. Aranea had been both serious and loyal, and also blunt. She had also been kind and even laughed. Brelyna seemed cut from a different cloth. Openly rude, then contrite. She also seemed quite young, but she must be an adult to be deemed a senior novitiate.

Brelyna stepped back out of the doorway. "Well, come on in. Is that backpack all you have in the way of possessions?"

"Yes," agreed Daenerys, as she stepped into the room.

Two small beds lay on opposite walls, both laden down with furs. Several large wardrobes stood along the walls. There were two desks and several chests in the room. A folding privacy screen hid part of the room, and wet footprints indicated that the room must have a bath of some sort, a luxury beyond most citizens of Skyrim. One side obviously belonged to Brelyna as it had books and papers piled atop the desk and shelves. The other side was mostly empty, except for a collection of skulls.

"Make yourself at home," announced Brelyna. "I think my bath is ruined, but I'd still like to dry off better. I'll be right back." She stepped behind the privacy screen.

Daenerys set her backpack down upon what must be her bed, opened it, and started putting her few possessions into one of the chests. "So, why all the excitement about another senior novitiate? And why would my being a Nord, which I'm not, be a cause to rejoice?"

Behind the screen came the sound of water draining. Brelyna stepped back out dressed in a robe. She sat down on her bed and took a brush to her hair. "It's the novitiates," she explained. "Most days I want to strangle the lot of them. Believe me, you'll understand in a few days. I have been looking after nine of the little beasts by myself. Onmund and J'zargo only handle eight boys between the two of them. Which makes some sense. You can't have a man barging into young girls' bedrooms, but I've been looking after all nine girls by myself. The three Dunmer girls are no problems for me. They understand that I look to them to set an example. Esti, or Estiandil as she prefers now, is our one Bosmer novitiate. She's not so bad, even if she does spend half her time mooning over Ancano. And Seen-La, our one Argonian, is the youngest and just as sweet as she can be. It's the four human girls who make me want to pull my hair out. They are always smiles and politeness to my face, but the second my back is turned, they're practicing magic when they shouldn't, ditching their duties, and flirting with the boys when they should be studying. I'm also certain the three Nord girls are bullying Taillour, she's our one Breton. However, I can't ever catch the prissy little bitches at it, and Taillour won't talk about it." Brelyna broke off her rant for a deep breath. She set down her brush and then began to braid her hair, her fingers working with the deftness that came with long practice. "But you're at least human, and you look like a Nord, so maybe they'll listen to you."

Daenerys sat down on her bed. "I came here to learn magic, not tend children. If I wanted to raise children, I could find a husband and raise my own!"

Brelyna laughed. "I've said much the same thing. Welcome to the College of Winterhold. It's a job no one else wants to do either. Certainly not the faculty. Good news, you still spend a lot of your time learning magic. Better news, most senior novitiates only serve six months before they make apprentice. I've been stuck at it longer than most. Aldsi helped me at first, but she left the college to get married. She's a horker hunter's wife now, if you can believe that."

While the thought of a mage running off to be the wife of a horker hunter did sound absurd, so did this entire situation. "Why doesn't the college just hire a matron? I'm sure there are some old widows who have raised children of their own. They would likely be thrilled just to have a warm bed, cooked meals, and someone to talk to." Such a person wouldn't even cost much at all.

"Well, when you become Archmage, you can change that," said Brelyna. "Until then, both of us are stuck as a part-time governess and part-time student."

While it wasn't what Daenerys expected, it was common practice in all professions that apprentices had to do the tedious, dirty, and tiring jobs. She would still be learning magic which made it much better than being a tavern wench. "So, Mirabelle said that we're supposed to give them guidance and supervision rather than magical instruction, what exactly do we do?"

"Master Wizard Mirabelle," corrected Brelyna. "We're novitiates, address the faculty with respect. As to what we do… They're at that awkward age between child and adult. Sometimes they're responsible. Other times, they think with their hormones. We keep an eye on them. We listen when they need someone to talk with. We assign chores or write them up when they're idiots. We do room checks every night to make sure they're in their own beds and not sneaking into someone else's. The kind of thing our mothers did for us when we were that age." Brelyna scowled suddenly. "Or the way our mothers should have done for us when we were that age."

Daenerys frowned. She had no clue what Brelyna was talking about. Her mother had died giving birth to her. She had dim memories of a house with a red door and servants who cared for her, but she remembered begging on the streets of Pentos more clearly. "How old are they?"

"Seen-La, is ten and the youngest. Sofija is the oldest and she's sixteen. She's a Nord and she'll be one of yours. Most novitiates make apprentice before they're fifteen. After that, they're no longer our concern. Their rooms are one floor up and they're judged mature enough to be responsible for their own affairs. When they cause trouble, they answer to their mentors, not us."

Daenerys found this extended childhood to be a bit strange. She had wed Khal Drogo at thirteen. By fourteen she'd been a widow, birthed dragons, and led a khalasar. Still, she'd adapted to stranger customs. While the duties expected of her were still unclear, Daenerys decided it didn't matter that much. "Alright, I'll manage. So, seventeen novitiates, four senior novitiates, and how many others? It looks like this school was built to house hundreds."

"It was," agreed Brelyna. "I've never tried to count, but there are about two score apprentices. There used to be more, but after the Oblivion Crisis and the Great Collapse, Nords have become even more distrustful of magic. When Nord children manifest talent, they're more likely to get told to suppress it, or worse have it beaten out them. That never ends well. Some become hedge mages, others join a temple. It says a lot that Nords are the minority here, despite being the overwhelming majority of Skyrim."

Nords were a lot like the Westerosi in that regard. Magic was rare in Essos but accepted. In Westeros they tried to pretend it didn't exist. It took something too big to ignore like dragons or the Night King leading an army of the dead for them to believe in magic.

"So, do I get to ask questions as well?" demanded Brelyna.

"I prefer not to talk about my past, other than that, ask whatever you like."

"I can certainly understand that," said Brelyna. "Let's talk about your present and your future instead. What magic do you know and what are you here to learn?"

"I can cast Flames and a spell that pushes things. Master Wizard Mirabelle called it a variation of telekinesis…" She paused for a moment. She was hiding so much, perhaps she should reveal something? Extend a little trust to open the door to perhaps being friends and not just roommates? "Don't spread this around, but I can also Shout."

"Shouting," repeated Brelyna sounded impressed. "Yet, you insist that you are not a Nord. Why attend the College instead of going to High Hrothgar and studying with the Greybeards?"

Daenerys smiled as Brelyna was drawn in by sharing her confidence. "Because they're a bunch of old monks who spend their entire lives in religious contemplation. Would you go to High Hrothgar if you could Shout?"

"Well, no," admitted Brelyna. "But, I'm a Dunmer, and Nords only barely tolerate us at the best of times. They'd probably Shout me off the mountain."

Daenerys thought that an exaggeration, but she doubted the Greybeards would welcome a Dunmer into their number with open arms. She decided to shift the subject. "And what kind of magic are you here to-"

Her question got cut off by a loud knocking on the door.

Brelyna rose. "I'll see who it is. Likely our charges or the boys come to meet you." She opened the door. "Ah, I should have guessed. The entertainment has arrived. Come on in. Daenerys, these are our fellow senior initiates, Onmund and J'zargo."

Onmund was a lanky dark-haired young lad with striking blue eyes. While he had the height of a Nord, he obviously shaved as he only had a little bit of dark scruff on his face. It was a good look for him. He broke into a friendly smile. "Ah, good to see a fellow Nord. Few of us choose to follow the path of magic."

Onmund by Tisstrinity

J'zargo was unmistakably a Khajiit. He had his hood up which hid his ears, but his face was covered in fur striped white, brown and black. His whiskers stuck out past his hood. Despite his feline appearance, his smirk was obvious. "J'zargo is pleased to meet such a beautiful addition to the College. Ignore the blatherings of my friend. It is obvious that someone as delicate and lovely as yourself is not a Nord. He cannot help that he is not as perceptive as J'zargo. He was not born Khajiit."

J'zargo by Dratova

Brelyna laughed openly at the remark and grinned at Daenerys. "They can be idiots, but they are amusing ones."

Daenerys found herself smiling and holding back a laugh of her own. The lack of outrage from Onmund and J'zargo spoke of respect, maybe even friendship among the three of them. It felt like she was being included in that. She felt some tension within her relax. She had yet to learn any magic, but she felt welcome here.


Daenerys first met her new charges after dinner. Brelyna introduced her to Sofija, Enja, Matilda, and Taillour. In contrast to Brelyna's depiction of them, all four of them were polite and respectful at least to her. After the introductions they basically ignored that Brelyna was present while Daenerys questioned them about their backgrounds. When Brelyna left after a few minutes, they all relaxed. Apparently, Brelyna's troubles with them were rooted in racial prejudice. That really wasn't surprising with Nords. It was also stupid considering that Nords were a minority at the College of Winterhold. They wouldn't go far with that attitude. Was that something she was supposed to guide them about? If so, she didn't see how. Most people would cling to their customs and prejudices unless forced to change. On the bright side of things, they probably wouldn't cause as much trouble for her as they had for Brelyna.

The next morning Daenerys arrived early for her initial assessment with Faralda. She was quite looking forward to working with the Mistress of Destruction. The classroom was easy to find as it had the flaming hand symbol on the door that was the symbol for the School of Destruction. She tried the door and found it unlocked. Daenerys had been expecting a room with a lot of tables and chairs, what she found looked more like an archery range designed by a mason. Solid walls divided the room into long lanes with targets at the far end.

Faralda was already present sitting behind a granite desk strewn with several books. She nodded. "Good, you're early. Keep that eagerness to learn. Now, have a seat." She gestured to a stone stool beside the desk. "I'm sure you're eager to demonstrate, but I am going to ask you a bunch of questions first. We'll get to the practical part soon enough." She pulled out a quill and scroll. "We will start with the basics. What are the three key elements that must be present in every spell?"

Daenerys felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She had no idea how to answer the question. She had never heard mention of any key elements. Desperately she fumbled for an answer. "Will, magicka, and understanding?"

Faralda frowned deeply. "You are obviously self-taught. What books have you read on magic?"

"None," admitted Daenerys. She hadn't been able to afford them working as a tavern wench at the Sleeping Giant Inn. The cheapest book on sell at the Riverwood Trader would have required her to save for weeks. After Bleak Falls Barrow she could have afforded a book, but it had seemed a waste when the College of Winterhold was renowned for its library. Not to mention that she still had trouble reading and stumbled over words at times. There was a huge difference between being able to carry on a conversation and being fully fluent in a language.

"I see." Faralda sighed deeply. "A true hedge mage then. Very well, explain what you meant by will, magicka, and understanding."

She felt like she had already been judged and found wanting. "A spell requires will, a focus upon what I want to have happen. I also have to gather the…" She fumbled trying to find a word in Tamrelic that wasn't magicka. "… the energy within me or it will just fizzle. Lastly, I have to focus through the… magic of what things are… their fundamental nature. I'm sorry, I lack the proper words in Tamrelic."

"I can see you are frustrated. That's not unusual for hedge mages when they try to explain how they do magic." While the words were sympathetic, Faralda had a commanding voice that just didn't do sympathy well. "If Tamrelic is not your native tongue, what is? I'm fluent in Aldmeris and can get by in a few others."

"I prefer not to talk about my past."

"I don't really give a damn about your past." Faralda paused and then continued more calmly. "What I care about is your understanding of magic. My job is to assess that. Now, what language do you speak?"

Daenerys hesitated, but she had come too far to turn away from the college. "Valyrian is my mother tongue."

"That's… interesting. I've never even heard of that language. I'll admit that I'm curious, but College tradition allows for novitiates leaving their past behind if they wish. If you ever change your mind and want to talk about where you are from, I would like to know."

Daenerys nodded. "I will keep that in mind, but it is not a pleasant story, nor one that I wish to revisit."

"Very well. We seem to have gotten off track. Let's get back to the three key elements of a spell. You successfully named one of them, Focus, sometimes called image or imagination. This is the element that determines how the magic manifests. Without Focus you can set yourself on fire instead of your target."

Daenerys nodded. This part was clear to her. When she called forth magic she had to hold firmly to what she wanted.

"The second element is Will, also called willpower or determination. You must exert your desire upon the world. Will is not magicka, which is poorly understood by most laypeople. Will is applying your strength to focus the magicka in the world around you…" Faralda frowned. "You look doubtful."

"I don't mean to doubt you, but when I cast a spell, I reach inside myself and pull upon my magic."

"No, no, no. That's one of the most common mistakes. Magicka is not something that pools inside us. Magicka is all around us in Mundus, like the air we breathe. The strain you feel when casting a spell is very much like pulling, but you're not pulling from within you. Let's step through this. Go ahead, reach inside yourself and pull – where does it feel you are pulling from?"

Daenerys did as bid. She reached inside as if she was going to cast and pulled magic to her, pulling it in, compressing it… "Oh, I am pulling it in from all around, not just inside me, and then compressing it into a tight bundle so I can push it out."

"Precisely! You exert your Will to divert magicka to accomplish your Focus. And exerting your Will tires you out, just as pushing and lifting heavy rocks will tire you out. Also, your Will grows if you exercise it enough, just as continued hard work builds your muscles."

"Thank you. I never really noticed it was coming from all around me."

Faralda waved a hand. "Think nothing of it. It's a very common mistake. Now, I want to explore the final element of magic. You mentioned focusing on 'the magic of what things are'. Explain that better."

Daenerys smiled. This part she could answer. "Well, when I cast Flames, I focus on the essence of fire, what fire truly is."

"And what is fire truly? What does fire want?"

"Want?" Daenerys blinked. "Fire doesn't want anything. Fire is fire. It's in the heat of a campfire, the warmth of our bodies."

"Yes, yes, but is it hungry, reaching out? Or anger? How do you bridge the gap between Will and Focus to ignite that flame?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're asking me."

Faralda seemed frustrated as well. "The three elements of a spell are Focus, Will, and an altered mental state, sometimes called the Seeming. Our minds know how the world works. To cast magic we have to convince our mind that the world works differently. I need to know what you are using to cast Flames. Is it so much anger that fire breaks loose? Is it pyromania, love of watching things burn?"

"I just command that fire come forth…" Oh, wait she was being stupid! "Yol. That's my bridge." She was very careful to merely speak the word and not Shout it, but even then she felt a flicker of warmth on her tongue.

"Yol?" Faralda looked thoroughly perplexed. "Is that Valyrian?"

"No, it's the dragon tongue, I suppose. It's the Shout that means fire." And so much for keeping her ability to Shout secret. Not that she'd expected to keep it secret for long.

"Shout?" Repeated Faralda. "You can Shout?"

"Yes. I only know the two Words, but one is Yol."

"And when you cast Flames, you focus on the word Yol?" she asked.

"Not exactly. If I focused on the word itself, then I would Shout it. I focus on the meaning of the word, on what fire truly means."

"What fire truly means," Faralda repeated speaking as if at a great distance. "Oh dear gods, that changes everything."
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Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Middas, the 22nd of Frostfall, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Daenerys studied Faralda curiously. She seemed to be just staring off into space. "Sorry, Master Wizard, but what changes everything?"

"You don't even know what you've done. That's…" Faralda shook her head and then laughed. "Let me explain. Do you remember what I was saying about the Seeming?"

Daenerys felt a bit insulted. They had only been talking about it a moment ago. "It's an altered mental state you said, one of the three key elements of casting a spell."

"Quite right," agreed Faralda. "Let's use the School of Destruction as an example. There is more than one mental state suitable for casting a destructive spell. Anger is the easiest and most common. You want to hurt someone so much that magic lashes out and does for you. Flames is the single most common spell manifested during spontaneous magic use. Pyromania is another possibility; you focus on a love of fire, the way it burns, cleanses, and destroys. You want something to feel that embrace. Until today I thought that an altered mental state was necessary to bridge the gap from Will to Focus. Are you following this?"

Daenerys nodded. "But I'm not using the usual Seeming. I bridge the gap with understanding of what fire truly is."

"Yes!" Faralda beamed. "I'm not sure that even qualifies as a Seeming. And that's very important. Not to successfully cast spells, but because of the consequences upon the mage. We force our minds into an altered state every time we cast a spell. The problem is that bending your thoughts repeatedly has consequences. Most mages that have mastered Destruction are at least short-tempered from cultivating their anger."

Daenerys felt the temptation to make a pointed comment about Faralda's temperament, but she wasn't a fool. She kept her response mild. "I can see that could be a problem."

"Do you? It's more than just being short-tempered. When you hold anger too long, it can fester and become hate. Especially during war. Battlemages are particularly prone to this trap. When you see your friends and allies die, it's so easy to hate the enemy, but hate is much harder to let go than anger. Battlemages who fall into hate can frenzy as much as any Nord berserker, blasting at their foes, even their friends and not stopping. Pyromania can be just as dangerous, a love of destroying things with fire can twist the mind into sadism, taking joy in causing others pain."

"So, in short practicing Destruction isn't good for your sanity. I take it the other schools of magic have similar problems?"

"Of course, they do. For Illusion you must first trick yourself before you trick others. For Alteration you have to embrace infinite possibility, that anything might be true. Cultivating either one too much leaves one distant from the real world. With Alteration that's usually a tendency to get lost in daydreams. Illusionists get detached. They start seeing the world and all the people in it as playthings. Any school of magic has consequences if you're not careful. Madness is a very real risk for all mages. That's why a good deal of your lessons will also be on mediation, on centering yourself, on letting go, and finding balance in your life. It is far too easy to obsess about magic. As much as I hate to say it, the Nords aren't entirely wrong in distrusting mages. Too many of us get out of hand."

Daenerys was shocked to hear an Altmer Mistress of Destruction admit that. "And if mages didn't have to use Seemings, but could base their magic on Words as I do, then they would no longer have to push their minds to the brink of insanity, and far fewer of them would 'get out of hand'?"

"Yes, good. You have a quick wit about you. It's… the most important magical discovery in my lifetime. This could change the way we study magic. We already know Shouting can be taught. The Greybeards do it, although it supposedly takes years. However, a year of learning a Shout could very well be worth it in the long run. Tell me, how did you learn to Shout?"

Daenerys was about to answer, and then she paused and considered. She had something a Master Wizard wanted... "What's in it for me?"

"Did you not understand? This could revolutionize the way we cast spells. Our names will go down in magical history."

"And that is good, but you're wanting me to help you learn to Shout, are you not?"

"Well, yes. That's the only way to test the theory out."

"So, if I'm going to be teaching you, I want extra lessons from you. I'd also like to be promoted to apprentice."

"Extra lessons are only fair," agreed Faralda easily. "However, you're too new to make apprentice already. Although once we inform the rest of the faculty of this discovery…" Faralda suddenly frowned and then her eyes got wide. Her face twisted into an ugly scowl. She abruptly stood up and stomped around her desk. She stopped when she reached a line painted on the floor before one of the long stone alleyways that ended with targets. This particular target was a stone statue vaguely resembling a man. Faralda gestured with a hand and threw a ball of fire at the statue and hit it in the head. "Damn Ancano!" She threw another and hit it in the chest. "Damn the Thalmor!" She threw a third and hit it in the crotch. "Damn them to Oblivion!"

Daenerys was glad not to be on the receiving end of that burst of temper. Obviously, Faralda hadn't been joking about Masters of Destruction being short-tempered.

Faralda took a deep breath and let it out. "Consider that a lesson. Sometimes, the best way to handle anger is to vent it where it does no harm." While she was certainly calmer than she had been when screaming profanity and throwing fire, her voice still shook with fury.

Daenerys winced as that struck too close to home. It hadn't been only anger that had pushed her to destroy King's Landing. Hurt, betrayal, grief, and isolation had combined with rage. However, this was not the time for her to dwell again on her mistakes. "So, I take it you don't like the Thalmor?"

"What? Am I supposed to support them just because I'm an Altmer?" Her words still cracked with her anger. "People forget that the Thalmor conquered the Summerset Isles first. They purged and drove out any Altmer that disagreed with them. They killed two of my grandparents. My parents fled all the way to Skyrim to get as far from them as possible."

"My apologies. I wasn't mocking your pain. I was just surprised by your… outburst."

Faralda took a calming breath. "No, the apologies should be mine, but I believe I demonstrated the problem of using anger as a focus." She paused for a moment studying Daenerys. "You're taking all of this quite calmly. Most apprentices duck for cover when a Master Wizard is angry. You're acting more like I spilled my wine."

Daenerys shrugged. "I've seen worse." She'd done worse. "Besides, you used fire. I'm called the Unburnt for a reason. No fire can harm me. I'm more curious about what kindled your rage. You have reason to hate the Thalmor, but that was sudden. What brought that on?"

Faralda stepped back behind her desk and sat down. "This is the magical discovery of the century, maybe of the entire fourth era. We should involve the entire faculty. However, if we did Ancano would certainly find out, and we can't risk that. Think about it. Shouting takes years to master. If tapping into the knowledge of a Shout is a better way to cast spells, then it gives mer an advantage over men, because we live longer."

Daenerys smiled. "I think you may be placing the cart before the horse. As far as I'm aware Shouting is a rare gift, mostly found in Nords. Are you sure anyone can learn to Shout?"

The Mistress of Destruction nodded. "A very good point. I still want to keep any research into this a secret until we learn more."

"I won't object to that." Daenerys already felt like she was getting a good deal out of this. Cloaking them together in secrecy would only bind them more tightly. "Well, I can certainly agree to keep it secret. However, I'll be honest about not being sure if I can teach you to Shout. You see, I learned my first Word when a dragon Shouted the Word at me. I could try Shouting at you, but you're going to get burned."

"I've been burned before, many times. I've even burned myself deliberately. I'll admit it is not pleasant, but to truly master destruction requires an understanding about how it feels to burn, to freeze, and to be shocked." She reached over and grabbed another scroll and picked up her quill. "You said your first Word. What are all the Words you know, and how did you learn them?"


Daenerys shared with Faralda how she had learned Yol from the dragon of Helgen and learned Fus from the chanting wall in Bleak Falls Barrow. She described as well as she could how she had used her knowledge of her two Shouts to create spells upon the principles. She even discussed the ice dragon that had attacked and the words it had shouted: Fo – Krah – Diin.

Faralda laughed. "You actually are the dragon witch then?"

"That's greatly exaggerated. I told the caravan to run. I told them to hide, that they couldn't beat the dragon. I had no power over it. I certainly did not summon it."

"I understand. Wild rumors about magic blown out of proportion are hardly new in Winterhold. I still find it amusing that I let you in. I was guarding the bridge because of the dragon witch rumors and never realized you were the cause. Anything else?"

Daenerys thought about what Aranea said about her being the Last Dragonborn. Even the priestess only called it a theory. If she mentioned it to Faralda, she would have to give a source, and that source was the High Priestess of Azura. Faralda was shaping up to be an ally. She didn't want to risk that by sounding like a crazed daedric cultist. "That's all I can think of for now."

Faralda nodded. "It's a good start. While we may get around to you Shouting at me, I'd like to start on research first. I am certain that I've heard of what you called a 'chanting wall' before. I believe they are called word walls. We need to learn more about those. It's too bad you didn't write down whatever was written on the wall. It could have been important. Obviously, we also need to research everything in the library on Shouting, dragons, dragon priests and the Greybeards."

Daenerys felt stupid when Faralda mentioned not copying down the chanting/word/whatever wall. In hindsight that was a major clue that she had simply overlooked. "What about the Dragonborn? Isn't he known for Shouting?"

"The Dragonborn? You mean Tiber Septim? He is known for Shouting, but he is better known for many other things, and the mythology of his life has grown larger than the history. That's likely to be a very large stack of books with few if any useful leads."

"I was thinking more about the Nord legend."

"Oh, I suppose that might have some connection, but it's mostly mixed up with Tiber Septim and Talos." She shrugged. "I'll keep it in mind, but it doesn't feel like a good place to start.

So much for getting Faralda to research the Dragonborn for her. "How long will the research take? And do you want me to help you?"

"No, you would just slow me down," replied Faralda. "Now that you pointed out to me that you're not a native speaker, I noticed how you hesitate over words at times. Your Tamrielic still needs work. This will involve a lot of reading. Having you try to help me in the library would also attract undue attention. It will take two or three days just to comb the library for the correct books. Probably a few weeks to read through them, take notes and collate what I found."

Daenerys frowned but nodded. She could hardly complain. She had planned to research all this on her own, now she had her own expert researcher. Faralda was much more likely to find things in the library. "So, I just wait while you do research?"

"Oh no." Faralda smiled. "You're going to demonstrate that Shout for me. You also need to learn magic the way everyone else casts spells with a Seeming. I can report back to Mirabelle that I believe you have a gift for Destruction. That will give us some cover for meeting, but you need to show some talent. I have never taken an apprentice who hadn't mastered both Frost and Shock. If you aren't making progress on both of those it will raise questions. I'll give you lessons, but you need to work hard at them."

"I have no problems learning those spells." She smiled. Private lessons from a Mistress of Destruction. "I was already planning to learn spells to make it safer to explore Nord barrows. Those will fit right in."

"Good," agreed Faralda. "I'm hoping it won't come to exploring Nord barrows, but it might. What other spells were you going to study?"

"Healing is first on my list for obvious reasons. Potions are good, but they run out. Clairvoyance sounds important as well. I don't particularly relish the prospect of getting lost underground."

Faralda nodded approvingly. "Both are good choices. I'll put that in my report as well. Make them a priority, but you should try to learn at least one spell from each school of magic. You might have a gift from one school or another. The only way to find out is to try. I suggest Candlelight from Alteration. Being able to make a light without a torch is useful. Enchanting and Conjuration are less useful unless you really specialize in them, and the post of Master Alchemist is unfortunately vacant."

"So, no one teaches Alchemy at all?"

"No," replied Faralda. "A part of that is Archmage Savos. He believes Alchemy to be more of a craft than a truly magical art. The post has been vacant for quite a while and he has made no effort to fill it, despite the obvious utility and profitability of the art."

Daenerys nodded. She could understand that some. Even Orgnar back at the Sleeping Giant Inn, who was a simple man, dabbled in Alchemy. On the other hand, healing potions were very useful. She would have been eager to take lessons. Too bad she couldn't. "So, now what?"

Faralda smiled. "Now, you will demonstrate Shouting for me."

"Is that wise if we want to keep my ability to Shout secret? Shouts are loud."

"This is the Destruction practice room. It's reinforced and muffled. Now, show me."


After Daenerys demonstrated both Yol and Fus multiple times, Faralda decided that she had seen enough and sent Daenerys on her way in time to make the second class of the day. Daenerys spotted the rest of the novitiates moving more or less together toward the Restoration classroom. She picked up the pace and fell in beside Brelyna waving at Onmund and J'zargo as she passed them.

"Morning, Daenerys. How did your assessment go?"

"Very well. Faralda believes I have a gift for Destruction." However, any further conversation was cut off by their arrival at the Restoration classroom which was marked by a white bird in flight.

The room inside was not what Daenerys had been expected. It looked and smelled more like a stable. There was a large central area with stools and facing an empty podium with a slate board behind it. The rest of the room was divided into many animal pens housing pigs and cattle. As she took in the room the students filed into seats dividing themselves into distinct groups. The boys sat in the back, and the girls took seats in the front. They further segregated themselves by race with the humans sitting on the right of the room and the other races on the left. It didn't feel enforced, more that like was drawn to like, but the divisions present in Skyrim were copied here in miniature. Daenerys wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. Even Onmund, J'zargo, and Brelyna separated to sit by their charges. Daenerys saw her four charges waving excitedly to her. With a shrug she joined them.

An elderly woman breezed through the doorway just after Daenerys took her seat. She headed straight for the podium, so she had to be Colette Marence, Mistress of Restoration. She wore similar robes to the other Master Wizards, but hers had been altered. The neckline was lower, the top was tighter, and the hem was shorter showing some leg. All of that would make sense for a younger woman who wanted to flaunt her body, but Colette was in the autumn of her years. Her hair was shot with silver and her face showed deep wrinkles.

She reached the morning and faced the class. "Good morning, everyone." Her voice was scratchy with years, but firm with authority.

"Good morning, Mistress Colette," responded everyone except Daenerys who was caught unawares.

"We have a new novitiate today, Daenerys Targaryen the Unburnt. Stand up and tell us a bit about yourself, lass."

Daenerys stood, irritated to be placed on the spot like this. Faralda had just instructed her to avoid attention. However, she was clearly expected to say something. "I am here to learn magic, and I appear to have a talent for Destruction…" What else would be harmless? "Tomorrow is my name day. I'll turn twenty-one. As for the rest, I understand there is a custom of novitiates leaving their past behind them. I prefer not to talk about my past."

Colette appeared vexed. "I suppose there is a tradition that allows that, but no one has invoked it in years. Still, you at least claimed a cognomen, the Unburnt. There must be a story behind that."

"There is." And she wasn't about to share how she earned it. "Put simply, I don't burn. At all. I can stand in the hottest blaze and the worst that would happen is my clothes would burning off and I would walk out covered in ashes."

That triggered a wave of mutters and stares among the novitiates in the classroom.

"I can see that would be useful if you pursue Destruction. Very well, sit down."

Daenerys sat. She was irritated at being treated like a young child. No wonder her fellow novitiates acted like children; they were treated as such.

"Good. We'll skip the theory discussion for today. I want everyone to get in their assigned groups and work on basic healing with the livestock. Keep the injuries small and take turns. The one who does the healing should not be the one who cuts the beast. If you're casting, remember the three key elements. I'll be around to check on each group shortly. Daenerys, come on up here to the podium."

Daenerys rose to her feet again keeping her irritation inside her. Growing up with Viserys she had learned how to keep her emotions on the inside. Being able to project a calm visage despite how she felt was a valuable skill. She forced a mild smile and replied calmly, "Yes, Master Wizard?"

"Mistress will do," replied Colette. "I haven't had time to read your initial report from Faralda. You do at least understand the three key elements of casting a spell?"

Daenerys nodded. "I do. Will, Focus, and Seeming." She was not about to mention that she had just learned them this morning.

"Good. Now, can you cast any Restoration magic at all?"

"No, the only spells I can cast are Destruction."

The high-pitched squeal of a pig came from off to her left. As if it was a signal this set off a chorus of squealing from other pigs. The cows joined by stomping and huffing. Daenerys looked around and saw the animals struggling against being bound in ropes.

"Eyes on me," demanded Colette.

Daenerys turned back and met Colette's gaze with her own. She kept her face tranquil, but she wasn't cowed. She owed this woman respect for her position, not submission.

"Better. Now, that you know only Destruction is not surprising. It is always easier to destroy than build up," lectured Colette. "Of the three key elements Will is the same for all casting. How would you Focus to heal?"

"For Focus you would use the wound being healed," Daenerys guessed as she ignored the continued and louder squealing from the pigs and a loud bellow from a cow.

"Wrong. That's an advanced technique. You aren't ready for it. You would have to know what wounds are the deadliest and require attention first. Beginners should focus upon the entire person or beast to be healed. You must visualize them healthy and pain free. Now, what would you use for a Seeming?"

Daenerys knew that anger worked for Destruction, so she made a guess. "For Seeming you would use compassion and empathy."

"A textbook answer," scoffed Colette. "But, not a bad start. Compassion and empathy are a decent start. Love is even more powerful. The truest love is unselfish toward all. Most can only manage to love the ones closest to their own heart. However, there is an alternative. What barely gets mentioned in most magical textbooks is that if you are devout worshiper, then love and faith in a patron goddess is almost always a more effective Seeming than compassion or empathy. So, what gods do you follow?"

Daenerys frowned. "I thought the College took a scholarly approach to magic, not a religious one."

"Officially, yes. Most of my colleagues disapprove that I involve the gods in magic at all. However, it is a proven method and highly effective for Restoration magics. So, spit it out. What gods do you follow?"

"The Nine Divines," lied Daenerys. She couldn't really call herself a follower of Azura. Nor the Red Temple, even though it had supported her. Once she had been convinced that Vezhof, the Great Stallion, had favored her with the child who would become the Stallion Who Mounts the World. If that had been ever been true, that had passed with Rhaego. She felt a connection to the old gods of Valyria, but their time had come and gone. She knew more of the dragons who bore their names.

"The Nine is a good start, but too abstract to make a useful Seeming. You would have to focus on a specific patron goddess. Most young maidens use Mara, and she is a good one for healing. Pretty ones like you often prefer Dibella."

Daenerys was getting tired of her attitude. "I'm not a maiden. I've been married twice."

"Been married? You've already survived two husbands at your age? Do you have children?"

"Yes, I'm twice widowed. My son was stillborn. There are reasons I want to leave my past behind. Now, are you going to teach me magic or not?"

"Mind your tone. You are still a novitiate here. Do you feel a close connection at all to Mara or Dibella?"

"No. I don't have a strong connection to any of the Nine." If anything, she leaned toward Akatosh, the dragon god, but that was because she was Targaryen.

"Pity. Well, you're still a beautiful young woman. If you come see me outside of class, I would be glad to instruct you on the ways of Dibella."

"I'll consider it."

"Do so. Now, the healing of one's self is the easiest to perform. Wanting the pain to cease is a simple and yet powerful Seeming. However, we practice on animals. Can you tell me why?"

"Because the College doesn't want us hurting ourselves or our fellow students." That was obvious.

"Very good, but it is not just for your physical safety. When you inflict harm just so you can heal the wound, it undermines your attempt to build a Seeming based on empathy, compassion, or love. If you really cared about the injured party, you wouldn't have hurt them in the first place. It's also unsafe. Minor wounds run the risk that you cannot heal it, because you know it's not that serious. Major wounds are dangerous because someone might bleed out if you fail to heal."

"It sounds like the best way to practice for Restoration is actually on the battlefield."

"Bah," scoffed Colette. "You would learn quickly that way, but you would also risk lives if you weren't skilled. Wounding animals is the best compromise for practice. We also work with partners, so we are not healing the wounds we inflict."

"I understand."

"No, you don't, but you're starting to. Let's join your charges. I want to see you practice first. Then I need to help the others."


As grating as Colette's manner was, Daenerys had to admit that she knew Restoration. While Daenerys couldn't heal any wounds her first day, Colette did help her to the point that she felt something stirring. Her own first steps with Flames and Shove had started with a similar weak feeling that something was there. While doing so she also learned that Colette seemed to favor the pretty girls, Enja in particular.

At lunch while talking with her fellow senior novitiates the truth came out. The Mistress of Restoration was highly controversial. That she had learned magic as a Priestess of Dibella at the temple in Markarth was a widely known fact. That she had been ousted due to temple politics was often repeated. That she obtained her post by trading sexual favors with Archmage Savos was wild speculation, as was whether she was sleeping with any or all the faculty members. Although most thought she was at least sleeping with Sergius Turrianus, the Master of Enchanting. The other often repeated 'fact' was that most of the faculty didn't approve of her. Colette seemed to believe it was because of a disdain for the School of Restoration. However, her fellow initiates seemed to feel that it was her emphasis on using a religious approach that had alienated the other faculty members. Or possibly because the rumors of her earning her place through sexual favors were actually true.

Over the next few days, she had classes with the other Master Wizards of the College: Segius Turrianus, Master of Enchanting; Tolfdir, Master of Alteration; Drevis Neloren, Master of Illusion; and Phinis Gestor, Master of Conjuration. Mirabelle Irvine also taught general magical theory. While they had their differences, they were all highly knowledgeable about their fields, they all emphasized the three key elements of casting a spell, and they all taught with similar methods. Magical theory was mostly taught by assigned readings and then discussed during the first part of class. The bulk of the class was focused on practical application. There would be an assigned spell for the day, and the Master Wizard would circulate around the room while everyone practiced.

The schedule was straightforward: Two lessons in the morning, followed by lunch, then another lesson, and finally free practice in the Hall of Elements in the afternoon – still under the watchful eye of Master Wizards. Lessons were six days a week, Morndas through Loredas with Sundas off. As novitiates they were expected to attend every class and to attempt to master every spell. They were also treated as children. They were expected to listen, obey, and fail often. To advance to an apprenticeship required acceptance from one of the Master Wizards. At that point instruction was much more individualized.

While being treated as a child again frustrated her to no end, she was relieved that the lessons were not more arduous. As a novitiate she was expected to know nothing, she was expected to struggle, and she was expected to fail. Trying to force her mind to think specific thoughts was challenging, but she could feel something stirring inside her. It wasn't as pronounced as when she had first started using Yol and Fus to learn Flames and Shove, but it was there.

However, theory was her stumbling block. Her vocabulary for spoken Tamrielic was growing rapidly, but she still struggled with reading even simple books. The magical theory books they were assigned to read weren't simple at all. Not only were the concepts themselves abstract, but the authors all seemed to love using flowery language. Fortunately, no one seemed to expect her to discuss the readings in class. Rather than trying to follow the text, Daenerys set herself the more reasonable goal of merely understanding the vocabulary. She read each assigned reading line by line and looked up every word she didn't know in Brelyna's copy of The New Imperial Dictionary of Cyrodyllic. That was slow going, but at least she felt like she was making progress.

She was also finding the company of her fellow senior initiates to be comforting. They had surprised her after practice on her name day and insisted that the day must be celebrated with drink. That required a bit of juggling as they first had to get all their charges into bed, but then the four of them met up and opened several skins of wine. Even J'zargo drank a little, but he also had a little bowl of moon sugar that he sniffed at. By midnight her head was swimming, and she insisted on calling it a night. She had to wave off Onmund who tried to help her to her room. He was even more drunk than she was. However, she didn't end up sleeping at least not right away. Instead she and Brelyna stayed up chatting.

"He likes you," observed Brelyna.

"J'zargo? Yes, his flattery is obvious. Can humans and Khajiit even… have sex? Have children?"

Brelyna laughed. "Have sex? Yes, they can. Mer and men can even have sex with Argonians. Remind me to loan you my copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid. Have children, no. Besides, J'zargo isn't serious. He is merely an enormous flirt. I wasn't talking about J'zargo. I meant Onmund. He likes you."

"Onmund?" Daenerys shook her head. "He's still a boy. I know he has a man's years, but he is too wet behind the ears for me. I like my men dangerous and confident. Besides, I am here to learn magic, not for romance."

"Dangerous and confident," Brelyna almost purred. "And have you known such men?"

Daenerys smiled. The wine dulled the pain somewhat and helped her remember the good times. "Oh yes, I have. Let me tell you about…" not Drogo, nor John Snow, nor Jorah… "Daario Naharis. He could flirt as shamelessly as J'zargo, but he could back it up."

Kudos to Neruz for reviewing the magibabble and catching a few errors.
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Fredas, the 24th of Frostfall through Loredas, the 29th of Sun's Dusk, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Daenerys had been confident that she would be able to learn at least some novitiate spells within a few weeks. After all it had taken her less than a month to learn Flames from Yol and less than a fortnight to learn Shove from Fus. However, she quickly discovered that learning to cast magic by using a Seeming was much more difficult than creating a spell from a Shout. After weeks of effort she had yet to cast a single spell using a Seeming. She had come close upon occasion, manifesting a brief flickering light when attempting Candlelight, feeling her hand grow cold when attempting Frost, and producing a wisp of smoke with Clairvoyance. That had been judged good progress by her instructors.

Of course, she might have made better progress if she hadn't spent much of her time learning Firebolt. Once she had seen it demonstrated, she had realized that a Firebolt spell was adding force to flame – two things she already knew how to do with magic. All she had to do was combine the principles of Fus and Yol to push fire out and impact a target. From inspiration to actually casting Firebolt had required lot of meditation, concentration and practice, but from the start the spell had felt right. The resulting spell drained her more than Flames or Shove, almost on the level of Shouting a Word. However, Firebolt had the advantage of range over either Shout she knew. She could see where it would come in handy – like in a Nord barrow when she didn't want to wait for draugr to get in her face before she attacked them.

Faralda was also pleased on many levels that Fus and Yol could be combined to cast Firebolt. First, because it proved that Shouts could be combined to cast more complex and powerful spells. Second, because Daenerys had mastered it so quickly. Faralda believed that proved it was easier to learn magic based off Shouts than a Seeming. It also had the added advantage of providing proof that Daenerys had a strong talent for fire magic. Faralda had started giving Daenerys 'extra lessons' three times a week in the evenings. While she did give Daenerys some instruction, they lessons were mostly a cover for their research into Shout-based magic.

The research phase had ended up taking more time because Faralda had uncovered a wealth of material, but most of it wasn't that helpful. That meant she had to do a lot of reading and summarizing. While there were plenty of stories about famous Nords who could shout, they were short on details. The library barely mentioned the Greybeards at all. However, Faralda had discovered that there was quite a lot written on the subject of Tonal Magic, which included not only Shouting, or the Thu'um, but also Dwemer Tonal Architecture, and possibly the Redguard lost art of Sword Singing. Despite having made little progress, Faralda was excited by the possibilities. Unfortunately, most of Faralda's attempts to share her research with Daenerys often went over her head.

Daenerys was more interested about what Faralda had discovered about word walls. They were written in the Dragon language, or more properly Dovah-Zul, Dragon-voice. Faralda had found an entire book Dragon Language: Myth No More that had not only copied down the runic language, but translated it as well. The book claimed that word walls were not only found in Nord barrows, but also upon so-called 'dragon peaks' and other hard to reach places in Skyrim. Three of those 'dragon peaks' were identified in the book: Ancient's Ascent in Falkreath, Eldersblood Peak south of Morthal, and Mount Anthor which was about four days southwest of Winterhold when the passes were safe to travel. Even better from her perspective was the Dovah-Zul to Tamrelic codex. Daenerys found the language both beautiful and easy to understand. Yet, the language was frustrating as well. Neither the runes nor the pronunciation truly captured the deeper meaning. She now knew that Fo – Krah – Diin meant Frost – Cold – Freeze, but saying the words still left her feeling that something essential was missing. Despite the emptiness of the words, Daenerys had borrowed the book from Faralda. Sometimes she took it out and read the words out loud committing them to memory. Although she would always put it away before very long out of frustration. Reading and rereading that book wasn't helpful, and she had many other things she needed to be doing.

If left to herself, Daenerys would have likely spent all her free time studying and practicing magic. Fun was something that had never been a priority in her life. Yes, she'd had lovers. With the exception of Hizdahr zo Loraq she had found pleasure in their arms, but the joy she'd found had been fleeting. Tyrion had tried to get her to drink more, but she hadn't liked the loss of control that came with too much drink. It had been so important back on Planetos to always be in control. In some ways that hadn't changed. She worked and studied hard so she could regain control over her own life, and to have control required power. In her previous life she hadn't wielded power in her own person. Her power had been through her proxies: her dragons and her armies. She found having a power that was all her own to be deeply satisfying. However, her fellow senior initiates: Onmund, J'zargo and especially Brelyna wouldn't let her spend all her time in study and practice. They seemed to feel it was their duty to make sure she had fun.

With Onmund being a Nord, it was no surprise that his idea of fun revolved around drinking and singing off-key. J'zargo loved moon sugar and gambling, whether it was with dice or tiles. Naturally, he wanted to wager gold, but none of them had much in the way of spare coin, so they played for points and favors instead. Brelyna preferred a game called Stones. The rules were simple. Each player took turns placing one stone of their color on a hexagonal grid. Any stone that was adjacent to three stones of another color had to be removed. The resulting game was surprisingly difficult and resulted in a lot of good-spirited bickering as alliances changed rapidly throughout the game. While Daenerys had to be coaxed to participate in any of these pastimes, she usually ended up enjoying herself. At least until the next day when she had to work hard to catch up for time lost.


"So… you need more time to research?" asked Daenerys. That's what she'd concluded from Faralda's long-winded discussion on her lack of progress researching Shouting in the College library.

"Indeed," agreed Faralda. "We have made excellent progress for a mere month. We have connected word walls to the dragon language to Shouting. We know the location of several word walls scattered across Skyrim. I still have books I haven't read yet. We're still just beginning."

"What about more experiments? We haven't done all that many."

"We've done the ones that are safe. We know your Shouts can shatter wooden dummies and turn them into kindling. We know that just being near you and listening to you Shout is not enough for me to learn how to Shout myself. The next step is obvious. I let you Shout at me, then see if I can learn that way." She shook her head. "No, I've seen the damage you can do with your Shouts. We could mitigate that with good enchanted armor. However, good enchantments don't cost cheap. Sergius would do the enchanting for free, but only if I had a research proposal signed off by Archmage Savos. That's not the kind of attention we want to attract. No, I'm not willing to go down that road while there is still research that can be done. Have a little patience."

Daenerys almost scoffed. Have patience, said the mer to the human. That was so merish that even she knew about it. However, she kept her uncharitable thoughts to herself. She knew Faralda was working hard already. Daenerys knew she would get nowhere trying to do the research alone. "I see. So, is there anything that I can do to help?"

"Not with the research. I think you should focus on your study and practice at this time. It's my hope that once you can successfully cast spells using a Seeming, you will find it easier to describe the difference between normal spellcasting, and your Shout-based spellcasting. Now, we do have some time left, so let's work on your Frost spell. Turn that frustration you are feeling into anger. For Frost it is important to keep it a cold rage."

Daenerys didn't know which was worse, that Faralda could read her impatience and frustration so readily, or that she was getting better at channeling her frustration into a cold anger. However, she wasn't about to turn down one-on-one tutoring sessions.


Without a doubt Magical Theory was Daenerys's least favorite class. She knew magical theory was important. The three key elements were merely the starting place for novitiates. A deeper understanding of magic was needed to focus all of the more powerful spells. Magical theory also formed the basis for rituals, major workings, and spell crafting. However, it was just so damn complicated. Magic theory was like a lovers-sized bed covered in children's blankets – there was a lot of overlap, none of them covered the whole bed, but together they covered most of the bed.

Mirabelle Irvine was good at breaking the theories down using simple language instead of all the gold-plated words that their textbooks used. Unfortunately for Daenerys, the lectures only came after she had struggled her way through dense books that left her grabbing for Brelyna's dictionary with every third word. Usually by the end of one of Mirabelle's lessons, Daenerys felt like she had a grasp of the main thrust of that theory, but Mirabelle was already pushing on to the next topic. And then there were the 'guided discussions'...

"Settle down," said Mirabelle. Her voice wasn't loud, but she spoke with authority and all talking immediately ceased. "Good. Senior Initiates, I want you to guide your charges in a discussion of the theories presented by Furius Camillus II in Optimum Spell Configuration versus Lilisephona in Conditioning of Magic Flows. Summarize the main points of each theory, compare and contrast the two theories, pick which theory you prefer, and defend your choice. Senior Initiates, you may present your findings, or designate a spokesperson. You have fifteen minutes. Begin now."

There was a rustling of chairs as everyone rearranged to face their groups instead of the front of the classroom. Daenerys forced a neutral smile on her face. She loathed these discussions.

"Ma'am, what do you think of the theories?" asked Enja with an insincere smile. While only fifteen she already had a woman's figure with curves that rivaled the naked statue of Diabella that held a place of honor in the teen's room. Her red hair hung about her shoulders and her lips were painted to match her hair. Enja constantly tried to buck her authority in what she probably thought were subtle ways, like challenging her on theory questions.

"I'm supposed to guide this discussion, not provide the answers, Enja. Since you spoke up, we'll start with you. Summarize the main points of Optimum Spell Configuration."

"Certainly." Enja smiled before launching into a rapid fire explanation. "Furros Camelus noted that while are many different possible spell configurations that some of them are inherently better than others. While it's theoretically possible to make a fire spell like Flames that traverse more distance or burns at little hotter at the cost of more magicka, it just isn't as efficient. He felt there were certain combinations that produced the most impact for the least effort. He was one of the mages primarily responsible for codifying our current spell selection over the third era methodology where mages tended to individualize spells a lot more."

"Very nice, Enja." Daenerys smiled at her. As fast as Enja rattled off all those gold-plated words, she was willing to bet the little bitch had rehearsed that speech just to speak over her head. Enja knew good and well that she still struggled with Tamrelic at times. Fortunately, Furius Camillus favored a no-nonsense style of writing. His book had been by far the easier of the two to read.

Daenerys glanced over to Sofija. "And what do you think?"

Sofija was the oldest of her charges, built more like a warrior maid than a mage, or perhaps a bandit. It was a look she deliberately cultivated by shaving the sides of her head except for a vertical strip along the crown of her head. She accentuated the look with blue facepaint in a skull pattern and wearing leather armor rather than novitiate robes. "I liked his book. Most of this theory stuff is all in the clouds, but Furius, he's like sometimes you need a sword, sometimes you need an axe, and sometimes you need a dagger, but you never need a sword-axe-dagger thing."

"Sofija! That was…" Surprising. She almost never contributed to theory discussions. "On point." Daenerys made a little stabbing motion as if holding a dagger.

Sofija gave an undignified snort-giggle. "Hey, you're not all bad."

Daenerys glanced at Matilda who was staring at Sofija, and decided to skip her for now. "Tailour, how about the other book, Conditioning of Magic Flows?" It had certainly been the more confusing of the two books, and Taillour was usually the best at theory.

Taillour was at that gawky adolescent stage where she was growing rapidly but still had the softness of childhood. She scowled a lot, but when asked a question like this she broke out into a broad smile. Taillour eagerly launched into an explanation. "Lilisephona takes a completely different approach in her book. Which isn't surprising. She's an academic. Furius was an early 4th​ era Imperial battlemage and responsible for training other battlemages. His focus was on what worked best. He felt some spells just worked better and were easier to learn, so they should be taught first. Lilisephona was more interested in why some spells worked better. She theorized that the more often a spell is used throughout Mundus, the easier that spell is to cast. That just as mages learn to cast a spell, the entire world learns to respond to certain spells. She didn't really offer any proof, but she documented how some spells go in and out of popularity. For example, it used to be popular to summon skeletons and scamps, but now atronachs are preferred."

Daenerys nodded approvingly, clearly Tailour had understood the reading better than she had, although she wished Tailour would slow down. At least with Tailour the speed was due to overenthusiasm and not malice. "That sounds quite good, Tailour. Now, if I understand correctly the theories don't conflict? And please, a little slower this time."

"No, not at all," replied Tailour. This time she was obviously restraining her excitement. "They complement each other actually. Furius identified what he regarded as the optimum spells – which are the same spells that form our curriculum today. Lilisephona tried to explain why some spells work better."

"Yeah, but she's a mer," complained Matilda. "Of course she thinks she's right, but her proof boils down to 'when I was a wee little mer of fifty, it was every so easy to cast Summon Skamp, but now that atronachs are the rage it's just so hard'. Like the old witch really remember how hard it was to cast some spell two hundred years ago."

"Matilda," scolded Daenerys. "First of all, we don't judge books by the race of the author. Second of all, don't be foolish. Has it escaped your notice that the archmage is a Dunmer and the faculty are of many different races? That less than half of the students are Nords? Can you offer an opinion based on the words she wrote and not her race?"

Somehow Daenerys got through the guided discussion. While she wanted to nominate Tailour to present because she had the best grasp of the material that wouldn't be fair. Tailour had presented last time. Instead she picked Sofja. While her assessment had been rather colorful, she had hit the target. Daenerys also felt it was important to reward her for making progress. It turned out to be a good choice. Sofja's colorful explanation drew some laughs, but also received praise from Mirabelle.

Daenerys made a point of complimenting Sofja when she sat back down. The rebellious Nord girl didn't say anything, but as they were leaving Sofja punched her lightly in the upper arm and gave her a nod. That felt like progress too.


Daenerys was surprised when there was a letter waiting for her. Some of the other students received regular letters, but she didn't know anyone who would write to her. Perhaps Gerdur? Except it was addressed to 'Lady Daenerys the Unburnt'. Curious she opened it up.

Lady Daenerys the Unburnt,​
I was pleased to hear that you survived the dragon attack on the caravan and were glimpsed in Winterhold. Since no one has seen you these past few weeks, I believe it is safe to guess that you have achieved what you set out to do and joined the College of Winterhold. As for myself, I managed to hire a few wagons and secure salvage rights to the caravan. While I lost some of my goods and my horses, salvaging the caravan more than made up for my losses. Regrettably, the salvage operation took more time than I hoped. Now I'm stuck here in the frozen ass end of nowhere known as Winterhold until the snows melt and it is safe to travel south again. Fear not, all is not lost. I've struck up an acquaintance with a lonely widow outside of town. That helps me pass these bitterly cold and boring winter months. As does stopping by the Frozen Hearth for a few glasses of wine and some conversation from time to time.​
I understand that apprentices have Sundas off and can come into Winterhold. I'll be there Sundas the 22nd​ in the evening if you want to share stories and a few pints. Don't read anything untoward into it, I have my widow to keep me warm. There were a few rumors floating around about a Dragon Witch, but those have mostly died out. I'd like to hear the truth of things, and that you're settled in safe and sound.​

Daenerys was smiling by the end of the letter. A widow acquaintance? That sounded like Sagyval as did landing on his feet. She wouldn't mind sharing a drink with him. Brelyna had been suggesting that they all visit Winterhold on Sundas anyway.

Apparently, a major holiday, Saturnalia, was fast approaching. Exchanging small gifts between friends was expected. Most Nords exchanged handmade crafts with their families. At the College the custom was for senior initiates to exchange gifts with each other and their charges as well. Brelyna wanted to shop for gifts for this holiday. Daenerys didn't entirely understand her eagerness. Winterhold had been a dreary little town when she passed through it. Saturnalia was still weeks away and if she understood the custom correctly sweetmeats, candies, or something small and useful like paper and ink was all that was expected of them. Still, it would be nice to have a change of scenery.

She also found that it mattered to her that Brelyna was eager to go. Daenerys had never really had friends before. Missandei had been close. She had been a confidant and an advisor, but never an equal. Daenerys had thought nothing of giving orders to Missandei, orders that she fully expected to be carried out promptly. While she knew little of friendship, she knew that one did not give orders to one's friends. She was pretty sure Brelyna was a friend now. Onmund and J'zargo were getting there. Having a chance to talk to Sagyval would just be a bonus. Now that she knew the Dragon Witch rumors had died out, and it was safe to go into town, she could spend the day doing whatever College students do in town with them. It might even be fun.
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Sundas, the 30th of Sun's Dusk, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Once they left the shelter of the College walls, they were exposed to the weather. A cold wet wind blew from the Sea of Ghost. It brought rain, a little bit of sleet, and occasional flurries of snow. Daenerys wore the furs that Aranea had enchanted for warmth, and she had her cloak bundled up tight around her face against the rain, yet winter's chill still soaked through. She already regretted her decision to come along. This was not what she had in mind when she had imagined visiting Winterhold with her friends. However, she had already promised Brelyna that she would come, and there were no classes or open practice on Sundas. If she turned back, she could only study theory, and she was sick of theory.

"So, what is there to do in Winterhold?" asked Daenerys once they crossed the bridge and entered the town.

"The Frozen Hearth has good mead," suggested Onmund. "And one of the tavern wenches is pretty cute."

"J'zargo cares little for the mead, save that it makes Nords foolish with their wagers when they gamble. J'zargo likes this idea."

Brelyna sighed. "Saturnalia will be here soon. Did we not agree that we would look at what is for sale at Brina's Oddments first?"

Onmund shrugged. He wasn't even wearing a cloak, and his hair was slick from the rain, but he didn't seem bothered by the weather in the least. "I find a drinking a bit of mead makes shopping a much more enjoyable pastime."

"Far be it you wait to start drinking," scoffed Brelyna with a teasing undertone. "I'm not your mother. I won't pick out gifts for you, and the prices will only go up the closer it gets to Saturnalia."

"J'zargo will come with the beautiful ladies." Despite having a fur coat, he at least looked properly miserable in the weather. "Perhaps Brina will have the moon sugar."

Onmund sighed. "Fine, let's get this over with."

Brina's Oddments proved to be an all-purpose store along the lines of the Riverwood Trader. It was most notable for a collection of horker tusks and scrimshaw carvings. The proprietress, Brina, was a young Nord who tried to project a casual attitude. However, it was clear that she was eager to have customers.

Onmund was just as eager to buy. He walked up to the candy section, scooped out some of the cheaper candies, and paid. "Well, that was thirsty work. Off to quench that thirst with some mead. Have fun shopping ladies."

Daenerys tagged along beside Brelyna. She pointed out different possibilities for her charges. Candies were acceptable, but Daenerys decided to spend a little bit more on something that would last longer than the day. She selected some hair ribbons for Matilda and Enja since they both obsessed over their appearance. She picked out a brush for Tailour for her long dark curly hair. For Sofija she got a whetstone, so she could sharpen all the 'hidden' knives she carried. She decided on paper and ink for J'zargo and Onmund; simple and practical. She also picked up some of the scented soap that Brelyna hinted at. All in all, shopping had been easier than she expected and cheaper than she had feared. Although, paper and ink seemed rather impersonal. She decided to look around to see if anything else caught her eye while Brelyna made her own purchases.

Meanwhile, J'zargo wasn't willing to take no for an answer. "If the pretty lady does not have the moon sugar, can the pretty lady at least place an order for J'zargo?"

"No," explained the shopkeeper. "It's winter. Win-ter. Nobody comes. Nobody goes. Not in this weather. What you see is what you get until spring. Well, unless you want scrimshaw, fish, or furs."

Perhaps some fancier quills? Daenerys drifted over into the scrimshaw. Most of the ivory carvings were more than she wished to spend, but there were some smaller pieces as well. Would J'zargo like a tiny ivory carving of a saber cat? Or would that be offensive? Would a bear do for Onmund? Maybe she should stick with the ink? Her funds were limited. Then she saw the claw.

It had the exact same shape as the golden claw that had been stolen from the Riverwood Trader. This claw was coral in color and had different symbols: snake, wolf, and moth. Daenerys had no doubt that it was the key to a Nord barrow, the kind of key that opened the door to the final chamber. She turned the claw over in her hands a few times. Casually she asked, "What is this? It's obviously not scrimshaw."

Brina had just finished wrapping up Brelyna's purchases into a parcel. She glanced over to see what Daenerys was holding. "Oh that? That was a stupid mistake. I shouldn't have believed the story and just refused the trade. But I didn't, and now I'm stuck with some worthless junk."

J'zargo's ears pricked up, literally. "Oh, a story. J'zargo likes stories. What is this one?"

"Just an old Nord who told me this claw thing was the key to a treasure Yngol Barrow. He said it would be worth more than its weight in gold if I took it back there. Something about placing it back in Yngol's chamber." She sighed. "I don't know. What was I thinking? Even if it were true, I'm not setting foot in some ancient tomb, filled with who knows what."

"Filled with draugr and traps and death, but also shiny treasures, or so J'zargo has heard. It is not moon sugar, but what does the pretty lady want for the claw?"

"You want it? Fine. I'll sell you the thing for 50 gold."

J'zargo shook his head. "No, that is too much for J'zargo, he is but a poor and struggling student."

Daenerys knew an opportunity when she saw one. "I'll give you 20 septims for it."

Brina frowned and walked around her counter. "I paid more than that. 40 septims."

Daenerys scoffed. "I am also a student. Do I look like I can afford 40 septims? I'll give you 25."

"Actually," Brina looked her over. "You look you can afford quite a bit more than most around here. 35."

She wasn't sure what Brina meant by that. Her furs were enchanted, but they were worn and the bloodstains had never come out. The only thing fancy about her was her hair. "30 septims – if you can tell me where Yngol Barrow lies."

"Done. Yngol Barrow is east of Windhelm overlooking the south bank of the White River."

As Daenerys went to pay, she realized she had just dropped 30 septims on a claw in front of her friends. If she gave them the gifts she initially selected, they would think she was cheap. With a sigh she purchased the two ivory miniatures for the boys and bought a much larger bar of the scented soap that Brelyna favored. It was obvious that the shopkeepers were the ones really behind this gift-giving holiday, or perhaps the trader god, Zenithar. Thankfully, no one asked about the claw until they left the shop.

"I can't believe you bought that thing," said Brelyna. "It's probably a fake."

"No, I've seen another claw just like this one. This is the key to a Nord puzzle lock. It's worth a good bit more than thirty septims."

"And what are you planning to do with it? You're not seriously thinking of trying to explore a Nord tomb? Those places are death traps."

Daenerys shrugged. "It wouldn't be the first barrow that I have explored. They're survivable if you have the right companions." Although in her vague plans to explore Nord barrows in search of word walls, she had overlooked the puzzle locks.

J'zargo made an interested rumble. "J'zargo has heard they are full of treasure, but he agrees with the pretty dark lady. There is much danger there. Not that J'zargo is afraid of danger. Perhaps, someday… J'zargo will soon have mastered every spell, and he likes shiny coins and treasures."

Daenerys nodded in agreement. "Yes, perhaps someday. I'm planning to stay until I make Adept at least." Although Faralda's research might change that. "Besides it's Sun's Dusk. Leaving Winterhold before spring would be very foolish." She wasn't in a hurry. Finding the claw had simply been too great an opportunity to pass up. Although J'zargo sounded more than casually interested. While the khajiit bragged a lot, he also seemed to have a gift for magic.

The three of them hurried into the Frozen Hearth to get out of the weather. Brelyna ordered mulled wine and Daenerys joined her. The spiced and heated wine was just the thing to shake off the cold weather. Onmund was already on his second cup and singing loudly. The inn was busier than she expected, but it was the only tavern in the town. J'zargo had found a game of tiles and immediately joined in. For a while Daenerys just relaxed and chatted with Brelyna.

Then she overheard an Altmer in college robes talking to the innkeeper about some kind of experiment. She nudged Brelyna. "Is that one of the adepts or experts? I don't think I've seen him around the College, but he looks too old to be an apprentice."

Brelyna looked over at him. "Oh, he's not with the College. At least not any longer. That's Nelacar. You haven't heard about him yet? It was quite the scandal."

"No, I haven't heard anything about this. I'm new here, remember. What scandal?"

"This was… four months ago, before you arrived. Malyn Varen, Nelacar, Frina Livia, and some others somehow managed to get their hands on a Daedric artifact – Azura's Star." Brelyna paused to sip her wine.

Daenerys had all but forgotten Azura's Star in favor of studying magic and her secret research with Faralda. Now it dropped into her lap. She listened raptly while keeping an eye on Nelacar.

"They started doing experiments, and they got pretty dark," continued Brelyna. "An apprentice died. Accident the College claims, but some claim she was sacrificed. Malyn Varen fled along with quite a few others. Nelacar stayed behind. He tried to claim that he wasn't involved in the darker practices, but the Archmage threw him out anyway. They say Master Wizard Phinis turned them all in. That's how he got the post of Master of Conjuration."

"That's interesting." So, Aranea's vision had proved accurate yet again. An elven mage who studies the stars. Nelacar was the key to finding Azura's star. "Do you know why Nelacar is still here then? And what happened to Malyn Varen?"

Brelyna shrugged. "Not a clue. I would guess Nelacar is wealthy enough that he can afford to rent a room here on a permanent basis. Maybe he just has nowhere else to go? I haven't even heard rumors of where Malyn Varen fled to. We're a little cut-off from the local gossip in the College."

Before Daenerys could ask any more questions an angry Nord woman suddenly started pointing at her and yelling. "Thaat's herr! Thaat's the drraagon wisch! Shitting there like a shkeever in our miss."

Now that the woman was yelling at her, Daenerys belatedly recognized her as one of the people that had paid to ride in the wagonmaster's cart. Her name was Bigga… no Vigga. She had dirty blonde hair tied up in severe braids. Her clothes had once been expensive, but now were well-worn and stained. She had obviously been well-off because she wasn't merely stout the way some Nord women were, but actually plump. She was obviously also drunk. Unfortunately, Vigga had caught everyone's attention with her yelling.

Daenerys stood up. So much for those ridiculous rumors having died out. The woman was larger than her, but she had faced much worse than a fat middle-aged drunken woman. She was also aware that this wasn't just about the two of them. This scene was unfolding in front of an audience. Which might work to her advantage. "Please. You are the one screeching like a skeever. I'm a paying customer sitting here enjoying my wine and conversation. Take your leave."

Vigga faltered, but she didn't back down. Apparently, she didn't care if she caused a scene. "You'rre a wisch! You cahled down that drragon that killed my husband!"

Daenerys had seen challenges like this happen at the Sleeping Giant inn, but only between Nord men. They had all escalated to fistfights. Usually, that ended with one of the men laying on the floor unable to continue, but she had also seen it end with the two men hugging each other like long lost brothers. She'd never seen a fistfight involving Nord women, but it sure felt like that was where this was heading. The onlookers seemed to have the same eager anticipation rather than the angry outrage of a lynch mob. Onmund had stood up and was looking upset. J'zargo seemed to be placing bets.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but I am a mere novitiate at the College of Winterhold. I don't have that kind of power. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to finish my wine in peace." Deliberately she turned her back on the woman. It was a calculated insult and risk. While Nords didn't approve of cowardly attacks in general, many fistfights started with a sucker punch. If Vigga did attack from behind, she would get the first strike, but Daenerys could survive a punch for the moral high ground.

"Donsch you turrn youhr back on mee! Cowhard! Figh me."

Daenerys continued to ignore the outraged Nord. She even shook her head at Brelyna who seemed about to take action. She tried to listen behind her and anticipate the blow she expected to come, but the tavern was noisy. Her only warning was a brief widening of Brelyna's eyes before the blow smashed into the back of her head. Her skull exploded in pain and her face smashed down to the table. Daenerys shook her head as she rose and faced the Nord woman. "Coward. If this is the way it has to be, so be it."

Daenerys raised her fists. While she had no skill at fistfighting or great strength, her opponent wasn't a fighter either. Vigga was older, taller, probably stronger, but also plump and most importantly so drunk that her words were slurring. Daenerys didn't see herself losing this fight.

"Wisch! Wisch! Wisch!" screeched Vigga as she came in fists flailing.

Daenerys circled to the left and sidestepped Vigga's charge. It was almost too easy. Instead of punching, she pushed Vigga as she passed. Vigga stumbled and crashed into a table, knocking over drinks and causing curses among the trio of Nords sitting there. Her opponent was stronger, but slower and even more drunk than she thought.

Vigga turned back around and charged again. "Wisch! Muhrdehrah! Shtand sstill and figh."

Daenerys stepped aside again, easily ducking under Vigga's flailing fists. This time she got some punches in, but Vigga's flab was apparently good for soaking blows. She probably hurt her fists more than Vigga.

A circle of spectators had closed around them cheering and screaming. Some of them helped Vigga get oriented to make another charge. Daenerys readied herself. Really, this was sad. She didn't want to fight, but there was no way to back out of this without losing face. Vigga came back swinging. Daenerys ducked beneath the woman's flailing fists and punched up at her paunch of a belly. It felt like punching a pillow. Vigga let out a woof of air and doubled over. Daenerys seized Vigga by the hair with her left hand. She tightened her fist and repeatedly punched Vigga in the face. She felt something crunch and blood flew from Vigga's nose. The angry Nord bellowed in pain, turned suddenly, and tackled, or more accurately belly-flopped, Daenerys to the floor.

Daenerys found herself crushed beneath the larger woman. Vigga ranted as she tried to pin Daenerys down. Meanwhile, she struggled to get free as best she could, turning, twisting, grabbing, and trying to avoid getting caught in a hold. In her wild scrambling, she caught her hand in Vigga's clothing and pulled. There was a sudden ripping sound. Vigga screamed and rolled away trying cover herself up as an old saggy breast flopped out for everyone to see. Not that it was a sight that Daenerys particularly wanted to see.

The crowd roared with laughter. "I think the little one fights a like a man!" yelled one. "Not much to look at, but a good handful at least." "Size isn't everything." "Keep telling yerself that, Rafa."

Daenerys used the time to catch her breath. She had underestimated Vigga's weight, but she was still confident. "Are you done? I'd like to just get back to my wine."

Vigga had other ideas. She pulled a knife out of a sheath on her belt. "Bisch! Die!"

"Enough!" Daenerys called Flames and jetted fire several inches from her hands, but deliberately kept it controlled and not an attack. "You are a coward and a drunk. You start rumors and whispers rather than confront me. You attacked me from behind. Now you bring a weapon to a fistfight. Come at me with that knife in hand and I will burn you down where you stand. I did not kill your husband. I don't control dragons. Leave me be and go sleep it off."

Silence fell upon the crowd. It was the innkeeper that broke it. "She is right, Vigga. If you want to duel to the death, take it outside, not in my tavern."

"No," came a new voice standing just inside the doorway to the inn. The man who spoke was wearing a fur cloak and heavy armor. He also had a shield bearing the symbol of a three-pointed crown which stood for Winterhold. He had a companion dressed just like it at his side. "There will be no duels to the death. Stand down both of you. Vigga, get yourself a room and sleep it off. As for you," he pointed at Daenerys. "Jarl Korir would like a word with you."


Daenerys was not thrilled to be hauled in front of another jarl. While Jarl Balgruuf hadn't been that bad, he hadn't been that good either. Balgruuf had all but commanded her to join the expedition to Bleak Falls Barrow, and that could have easily gotten her killed. It had worked out in the end for her, but she wasn't sure what Jarl Korir would want from her. That the jarl's guards had insisted she come alone and separated her from her friends didn't bode well.

The jarl's longhouse was the largest building in Winterhold, but that wasn't saying much. If she judged Winterhold by its population, it was huge, easily twice the size of the inn. However, compared to Dragonsreach or the College of Winterhold, it was nothing. Just a two-story log building with a thatch roof. Two fire pits warmed the room, but there were no tables for food. By Nord tradition a longhouse should be more than a throne room. It should be a place where the Jarl held feasts for his favored housecarls, thanes, warriors and attendants. Was the jarl too poor to provide feasts for his men, or did he simply not follow that tradition?

One of the guards kept a watch over her while the other reported to their jarl. The man she saw sitting on the throne didn't impress her either. Jarl Korir was a red-haired man in the prime of his life. His clothes were finely made, his hair neatly trimmed, and he wore a gold crown with a large red gem in center of it. He had the build of a warrior that had let himself go to seed. A blonde woman stood near him. She was pretty in an austere way. She wore what looked like a leather dress over a cloth dress. It might serve as armor, but it had large openings that left the underdress visible. That greatly weakened the protection the leather offered. On the other hand, the woman was wearing either a shortsword and was standing beside the jarl, so perhaps she was a trusted housecarl.

Eventually, the guard came back and both guards escorted her the short distance to the jarl's throne. "My Jarl, this is Daenerys Targaryen, a novitiate at the College, and the one called the Dragon Witch."

Daenerys gave a curtsey out of respect for the man's position and the power he held over her. Then she rose quietly and waited to see what the jarl wanted from her.

"So, I hear you threatened to burn widow Vigga with your magic. We don't appreciate your kind making threats in Winterhold."

"What kind?" asked Daenerys.

"Mages. You have blood on your hands already just joining them. There's nothing left of Winterhold. Nothing! Everyone knows it's the College's fault that the sea swallowed our city. You deny it, but we all know the truth."

She had heard the people of Winterhold and their jarl were prejudiced against the College, but this was more extreme than she expected. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't even born then. It was what? Almost eighty years ago?"

"Seventy-nine, but it still matters! Most of the city just dropping off into the sea. That doesn't just happen."

Given that Jarl Korir looked to be in his thirties, that was well before he was born. It had to have been his father's or grandfather's reign. Daenerys couldn't help but think the man would be better served tending to his hold and building it up. Instead of actually doing something, he blamed a disaster two generations ago. Did he really expect her to be able to explain the Great Collapse? "Regardless of the cause, I certainly know nothing about it. Is that why I've been called before you?"

"Mind your tongue, mage. I'm the jarl of this hold and you will treat me with respect."

Daenerys did as bid and held her tongue. She was not at all impressed a ruler who blamed others instead of tending to their people, but her saying so would only make things worse.

"Ha, look at that Thaena, a mage that knows how to mind her tongue."

The blonde woman smiled. "It certainly is a novelty."

Jarl Korir pointed a finger at Daenerys. "Mage, you've been called here before me on account of two things. First, you threatened to kill Widow Vigga. Second, you have been summoning dragons to kill people and ravage caravans."

Daenerys felt outraged at that accusation. He didn't even crouch it as a rumor. Did he really believe she could summon dragons? If he did, then he was a fool to threaten her like this. He stared at her like he expected an answer, but he hadn't asked a question, and he had just commanded her to hold her tongue. So, she kept her mouth closed and her eyes down. She didn't want him to see the anger in them.

"Well, speak up!"

"As to the first matter, I was sitting in the Frozen Hearth enjoying a glass of wine when Vigga came up." She kept her words slow, calm and measured. "She started yelling at me, and then she attacked me from behind. She came at me with fists, and I defended with mine. Then she picked up a dagger. That's when I warned her to back off."

"You mean that's when you threatened to burn her where she stood."

"She came at me with a knife in hand, and yet I still showed restraint. I could have lit her on fire easily. Instead, I just made a small blaze of fire and warned her off."

"Seems to me that Vigga had just cause. You were also waving around flames in the Frozen Hearth. Maybe it has escaped your notice, but that tavern is made of wood."

"I had the fire under control, Jarl Korir." While being inside a wooden building had played a part in her not casting Flames, Daenerys had also simply not wanted to kill a drunken widow. Even if the confrontation had happened outside, she wouldn't have just set the woman on fire.

"Feh, I have heard that before from mages. You play with forces you don't understand, but always say you have it under control. Then when it inevitably goes wrong you claim not to be responsible, because it was an accident. Like dead men and shattered lives can just be put back together. Tell me, mage, can your magic give Vigga back her husband?"

"No, Jarl Korir, it cannot. No magic can raise the dead." At least not here in Tamriel. Back on Planetos, the Red Temple did exactly that, but only when it suited their goals.

"That's right. Dead is dead. Now, how many good men and women did your dragon kill when it attacked that caravan?"

"It wasn't my dragon, I had no control over it, and I have no idea how many people died. We all scattered to try to escape."

"Yes, just like a mage to summon something you couldn't control. I'll tell you how many people died. Twenty-seven died. Twenty-seven men, women, and children. What do you have to say about that?"

"I'm sorry for their loss, but it wasn't any of my doing. I am but a novitiate at the College. I don't have that kind of power. I don't think any mage can summon or control dragons."

"You're sorry for their loss," chanted the jarl in a childish sing-song. "Your caravan just happened to be attacked by not one, but two dragons, and you knew a suspicious amount about them, but oh, no, it's not your fault."

Daenerys started to deny things further, but it was clear that her words were not being heard. She held her tongue and was thankful that rumor hadn't also tied her to the dragon attack at Helgen.

"Funny, how you mages know so much, but never have anything to say about what is important. Tell me about your lover, Sagyval. I would very much like to have a word with him."

What? "Sagyval and I were never lovers. He flirted with me some, that's all. I was surprised he made a profit. He lost everything on his wagon."

"You were surprised, but you're not, so you've been in communication with him, eh. Where is he? I'd love to have a few words with him."

"I don't know." While that much was true, she was very glad she'd left the letter at the college and hadn't mentioned Sagyval to anyone but Brelyna. "I haven't seen him since the day of the dragon attack. I've been studying magic at the College since then."

"You don't know? Eight men rode out with him. Sagyval came back with only two, sold a cartload of goods, and then disappeared before my men caught wind of what happened. I sent out a patrol and they found the remains of the caravan picked clean. What happened to the four men who rode out with him? What happened to all the supplies?"

"I don't know." But, it was clear that Sagyval had lied to her.

The blonde woman, Thaena, reached out and seized the Jarl's arm. "You know what I think, my husband? I think she called down the dragons to kill everyone, then sent her lover to pick over the bones. Listen to her. It's the same as always with mages. It's never their fault. They just don't know what happened. It's a mystery how the city was destroyed and yet the College remained. A dragon attacked, yet she and her lover survived when so many died, oh what a tragic coincidence. My dear, we need to put her to the question."

Daenerys kept her back straight and head bowed although it got difficult when the pretty blonde started talking about torture. She dared not show anger. She had no idea what Sagyval had been hiding, but he had dumped her into a mess. She was no longer the Dragon Queen with Drogon at her beck and call. She wasn't without hope. Her friends had seen her taken. The College wouldn't stand for Winterhold to start kidnapping students in the streets. At least she hoped they wouldn't. She held onto hope and her temper.

Jarl Korir drummed his fingers on the arm of his throne. "No, putting her to the question is a bit much, not without at least some proof. However, it is high past time we start holding the damned mages accountable. They live in my hold! They can't just strut around my city as if they own it. They cannot threaten the good people of my hold with magic. She's guilty of that much at least, even if we can't prove that she called the dragons."

He stood up. "Guards! Throw her in the Chill!"
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Sundas, the 30th of Sun's Dusk, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Jarl Korir stood up. "Guards! Throw her in the Chill!"

Daenerys stood close enough to him that she could kill him easily. Step forward, say one Word, and he would die… Then his guards would stab her in the back. She couldn't fight an entire hold, so she didn't try. This wasn't the time or place to fight. So, she bided her time and offered no resistance when the same two guards who brought her before Jarl Korir escorted her away. Outside a small crowd of onlookers had gathered around. Her friends were there, but she didn't have time to do more than shoot a pleading glance their way as she was led away.

The crowd was hostile by the snatches of conversation she heard.

"So, she was the Dragon Witch after all then?"

"About time one of those mages got what was coming to them."

"Fool! Three of them are standing right there."

"I don't know. Vigga started it. She just defended herself."

"With fire!"

"Look out!"

Daenerys turned to look about, but one of the guards had her by the arm forcing her to keep moving forward. She saw a few kids running along with snowballs, or more like slushballs, considering the weather was still a mix of rain, sleet, and ice. Several of them missed her, but one flew true and hit her in the side.

However, another hit the guard beside her. "Hey, you brats. You want to join her in the Chill?"

The words 'the Chill,' roused the crowd up. One of them started a chant, which others picked up. "Put her in the Chill. Put her in the Chill. Put her in the Chill." The words followed after them as the guards led her out of town.

At her best guess, the Chill was this town's jail. Although she had never heard of it before. Not at all where she wanted to be going, but she didn't have a choice, or at least not any good choices. One quick step to the side and she could catch both guards in Yol and kill them. That would make her an outlaw. If she could just make a break for it and run for the College, she was almost certain the College wouldn't turn her over. However, if she killed two of the Whitehold guards, they would probably hand her over to face the Jarl's justice.

She was sorely tempted when then guards led her north toward the College. It would be so easy. Shout Yol and then run for it. However, the two guards were being particularly watchful as they passed by the College. Besides these guards were just doing their duty. She had no real desire to kill them in cold blood. No, her best bet was to be patient. The College would most likely apply pressure on Jarl Korir to have her released. She just had to endure the hardship of a few days of imprisonment in the Chill.

Once they were past the bridge the path started to drop down rapidly. There were clear signs that this trail was in regular use. There were even guard rails in places, but it wasn't an easy descent. Eventually, the winding path reached the sea below Winterhold. Somewhere down here was the fishing village. Although she didn't see anything but rocks and cliffs. Looking back up when she reached the bottom it was even more obvious how remarkable it was that the College of Winterhold had survived the Great Collapse. It stood on a pillar of stone barely wider than the College. She could see just how unsupported the bridge actually was, and yet it still stood. Obviously magic had protected the College. She wondered if they had cast spells during the Great Collapse to stabilize the college, or if it was still protected by being built upon a foundation of magic laid down by Arch-Mage Shalidor back in the First era.

The guards led her around the narrow rocky beach that surrounded the mount upon which Winterhold perched. There were signs of foot traffic through here. However, this beach was certainly underwater during storms, and possible during high tide as well. They circled around to the north shore 'behind' the College. A shallow stretch of sea clogged with floating ice separated the College island from another larger island that didn't rise very far above sea level. This was the fishing village she had heard tell of. There were no docks. Longships and rowboats were merely beached well above the driftwood and moored tight. The whole island looked weatherbeaten. Here dwelled the fishermen and horker hunters of Winterhold, proud but poor.

Her guards marched her right into the narrow channel. She gasped as the freezing water sent pins and needles up her legs immediately. The water only reached their thighs, but it came up to her waist. They walked on up the other side, seemingly unconcerned while she could barely feel her legs and stumbled along after up onto the island. Hardscrabble homes nestled up against the rocks. They were built of rock and shattered masonry. Their thatched roofs looked wrong, piled too high and sloughing off the edges, almost like some sort fungus growing on the houses. It wasn't until they passed close to one that she realized that it was thatched with seaweed instead of good straw. There were people about. They scowled at the intruders with sullen and distrustful faces. Others closed their shutters or pointedly ignored the presence of outsiders on their land.

The feeling in her feet was starting to return when they suddenly stopped before a house that looked much like any other in this miserable village. Perhaps a little bit larger. The guard who seemed to be in charge stepped up and banged on the door. Dogs started barking. Big ones from the sound of it. The guard who knocked hastily retreated backwards. "Hail the house. Warden Naudgari? It's Stefan. I've come on the orders of Jarl Korir. I've got a prisoner for the Chill."

The dogs continued barking for a while and then a window opened a bit, not far enough for her to see inside. "You say you're Stefan. Show me your face. And who's that with you?"

"Paranoid old fart," muttered the one who had named himself Stefan. He removed his helmet and revealed a middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair to match the beard she'd already glimpsed. "That good enough? This here is my son."

"He needs to take his helmet off, too."

The guard holding her briefly let go and theatrically doffed his helmet. "Behold, it is I, Jaako!" He was a good bit younger, barely more than a lad, but he already had a full beard and there was a bit of a family resemblance to Stefan. Daenerys considered running since she was technically free, but she didn't exactly have anywhere to run to. She was on an island. Wading back through that channel would slow her down enough that they could easily catch her.

"Good enough," called the gruff voice. A gray-haired man with a matted beard came out. His skin was wrinkled and worn like old leather. He had a cocked crossbow in his hands. Two dark gray dogs came out with him. They were large and both rumbled with low warning growls, but they held their place. "Stefan, you fool. Have you forgotten everything I taught you? Why isn't she bound? You aren't even holding her."

Stefan glanced over and saw she was just standing there. He slapped Jaako across the head. "Damn it, Jaako."

"Da!" he complained dodging away.

The old man laughed. In any other circumstances, Daenerys might have found it humorous as well. Out in the cold, still soaking wet, and heading toward a place called the Chill she didn't find it amusing.

"You blame your boy, but you should know better," scolded Naudgari.

"I had reasons, Warden, and she's been well-behaved," said Stefan. He pointed a finger at her. "Don't make a liar out of me. I didn't have any rope, and we were drawing an ugly crowd. I also knew you would have manacles."

"Yeah, I got some. She's a pretty one." He looked at her like men like at whores, sizing her up. "I rather like the feisty ones. Stay here, while I go get some."

Daenerys cleared her throat. "That's not necessary. Let me be and I'll come along quietly. I think we all know that this won't last that long once the College gets involved." If they thought her meek and left her unbound, all the better.

"She's a god's damned mage?!" screamed the old man. "Stefan, have you lost all sense? She should be manacled tight with her hands behind her back."

"She-" stared Stefan. Then he sighed. "You're right. Turn around mage and put your hands behind you."

Daenerys frowned. Open with Yol and she could take both the guards. Then the old man would shoot her with the crossbow and the two dogs would tear her apart. She stared at Stefan. She had commanded Dothraki. He didn't scare her. "I will not forget this, Stefan of Winterhold."

They bound her in manacles and then started loading a boat with supplies from the old man's place. From what she could gather from their conversation, the old man was in charge of all prisoners and the Chill was on an island not too far north from here. For a while Daenerys simply glared at them. She didn't like the way the old man looked at her, and the other two seemed shiftier now. However, glaring at them didn't accomplish anything. After a short while she decided she might as well put the anger inside her to use. She was sitting on the cold beach up against the house where they couldn't see her hands. She wasn't going anywhere. She might as well practice Frost. As cold as it was out here, they'd never notice her hands getting a tiny bit colder.

She started by gathered her Will. She knew how to touch the power of magic all around her. She gathered in her magicka, concentrated it, prepared it. She defined her Focus, the outcome she wanted. Cold, bitter freezing cold, like this cold wet day. She was wet and cold, her leggings soaked and water inside her collar. The wind wicked the water from her face, freezing her lips. Cold. Ice. Frost.

Then she bridged her power to what she wanted with anger so cold it burned. This was so blatantly unfair. She was a queen! Jarl Korir should be kneeling before her! She had only defended herself! She had followed all their gods-damned Nord customs. She'd fought with her fists with a common drunkard. They blamed her because she could do what they could do not. They were stupid. Willfully ignorant. Judgmental. Nords!

Suddenly her magicka broke free inside of her and her anger lashed out, not in a feeble trickle, but in a powerful howl of icy wind jetting from her hands, striking the house behind her. She could hear the snap of ice and feel the cold through her enchanted leathers. There was nowhere for the cold to go so it reflected back biting her in her own ass. Hastily she cut it off.

The dogs started barking wildly. "She's trying to escape!" screamed Naudgari.

"I'm not!" She felt like laughing. She'd done it. She'd finally managed to cast magic using a Seeming! This had been a totally crap day, but she had done it! The entire world of magic was open to her.

Then Naudgari kicked her in the head and knocked her down. The other two guards joined him and the three of them continued kicking her until she passed out.


She had no idea how long she was unconscious. She doubted it had been long. She was bruised and sore and laying in what was obviously a boat from the rocking motion. She hurt everywhere. If she hadn't been wearing leather armor, she would probably be dead. He left eye was nearly swollen shut, and something was very wrong with her wrist. Slowly she leveraged herself up and looked around with her one good eye. The boat was bigger than a rowboat, but smaller than a ship. She thought that made it a skiff. It had a mast, but the sail wasn't up. Instead, Stefan and Jaako sat up front, facing backwards, and rowing. They were moving together in unison; they obviously had a lot of practice at this. For a moment she wondered why they were rowing instead of using the sail. Then she realized they were sailing directly into the wind. The old bastard was sitting behind her at the tiller, and he had brought both his dogs with him. They sat at his feet totally at ease in the rocking boat and sea spray. Naudgari smiled at her revealing crooked teeth when he saw she was awake.

That had been stupid. No, she had been stupid. She had thought that if she cast anything it would have been just a trickle of Frost. She hadn't expected that her first attempt would be so successful. Apparently being unjustly arrested in freezing weather was a good way to learn the Frost spell. Which led to the obvious way to escape her pain. Healing oneself was supposed to be the easiest form of healing. The College didn't teach Restoration that way, because they didn't want students beating each other up. Still, if she could cast Frost, she could cast Healing, couldn't she? Wanting the pain to stop was supposed to be an easy Seeming. Not that it would do much good if they beat her up again.

"I want to heal myself." The words came out as dry whisper. She took a breath and said it louder. "I want to heal myself!"

Naudgari laughed derisively. "Why would we let you do that?"

Stefan stopped pulling on his oar and lay on the oar. "You know you can be an elk's ass sometimes, Naudgari. Let her heal herself if she can. We'll all watch her. Where exactly is she going to go? Besides… don't you want her a little more lively for later?"

"Nah, I don't find it matters as much as it used to when I was younger. She can lie there for all I care. Although, I suppose you and Jaako might want her to have a little wiggle in her."

Oh gods, no! They were going to rape her! Her mind flashed back to the women she had seen the Dothraki rape. The rapes she couldn't stop. The ones she had tried to stop. NO! Not her. No. Yol stirred inside her, eager to be spoken. It would destroy the boat, but she'd at least take them all with her.

"I… I…" stuttered Jaako almost dropping his oar. "I guess. I mean she was pretty before, but now she's kinda ugly. She doesn't have to suffer… as long as she behaves." Jaako frowned at her.

"You understand, mage?" asked Stefan. "If you promise to behave, we'll let you heal yourself. There really is no point in fighting it. It doesn't have to hurt. You might even like it."

Monsters. They were monsters in the shape of men, and she had meekly put herself in their grasp instead of trying to escape when she had the chance. She had been a fool, but she wasn't going to be a fool now. "Yes," she rasped. "I understand. I'll be good," she lied.

"Feh," snarled the old bastard. "It's not needed. There are lots of ways to make prisoners cooperative, but I guess we're doing this. Fine. Secure those oars and draw your blades. If she tries anything, we gut her."

"I won't," promised Daenerys. If they let her heal herself, she would have a better chance when it came time to fight. If she even could heal herself. She had never done it before. No. There was no if. They might not give her another chance. She would do it, because she must do it. She took that determination and gathered in her power, her magic, gathered it tight, and held it ready. The focus was easier than it had ever been for Restoration. She focused on herself. The Seeming was easy. The simple wish for surcease, for the pain to go away, but it wasn't bridging. What if she couldn't? No. Not fear. She focused on the pain and the simple want for it to end. Magic flowed, pure soothing magic, filling her, flooding her. It was warm and soothing and washing away the hurt in her wrist, the swelling in her eye, the coldness in her fingers and toes, her ears and nose. She kept channeling until her magicka drained dry and then she collapsed into the bottom of the boat.

"Thank you," she said looking at Stefan. He was the only one who even seemed to care a little. She wouldn't spare him, but she would try to make his death fast.


It wasn't much farther to their destination. The Chill wasn't that impressive, just a small outcropping of rock surrounded by an icy beach of rocks with a cleft leading into a cave. This was it. The end of the line. That was a good thing. While the healing had banished the cold for a while, the wet and the temperature had her shivering again. Better to have the fight now while she still could move. It was also a bad thing, because her time had run out. She had to fight three grown warriors backed up by two large dogs and do so with her hands chained behind her back. She could kill two of them with Yol if she judged her distances right. She would have to be lucky to get all three in one Shout. Even if she did, the dogs would likely kill her. Maybe if she pretended to go along with them for a little bit, they would unchain her. That would increase the chance she would live through this, but she doubted the old bastard would be that trusting. No, most likely she was going to die in the next few minutes. Here ends the story of Daenerys Targaryen. She was determined to take them with her.

"Come on," said Naudgari. "Let's get the supplies put away. Then we can slip into something warm." He laughed and stared at her as he did it.

"Why do you have to be an elk's ass about it, Naudgari?" asked Stefan.

"Cause it keeps me warm in winter. Why shouldn't I be? What's got a stick up your ass Stefan? This isn't your first time keeping warm at the Chill. It's a bitter boring post. A man's got to do something to pass the time. You've always been eager before, and we usually have to make do with men. Don't tell me you actually prefer men."

"No!" denied Stefan hotly, then he sighed. "This one is innocent. It's one thing when they're guilty. That's just part of the punishment, but this one… She didn't really do anything wrong. Vigga came at her with a knife. She just defended herself, and she didn't even burn Vigga. She just warned her off."

"Horker shit!" the warden snarled. "She's a gods-damned mage. There are no innocent mages. You're just soft on her cause she's a looker. You want the truth? There's no such thing as innocent. There is just the weak and the strong. The strong crush the weak. She pissed off the jarl, and she gets a lesson. We're the lucky bastards who get to teach it to her. I only wish I was younger to enjoy it more. Been ages since I had a pretty girl."

Jaako was just listening to this conversation with wide eyes. "Innocent? But what about the dragon?"

Naudgari laughed. "Damn, you're a gullible kid. If that girl could call down dragons, don't you think she would have done it by now?"

Daenerys tried to locate something, anything, during the distraction that would improve her odds, but they were standing outside a rocky cave. There was nothing, and the three of them weren't standing close enough together anyway.

Their conversation drew to a close, and they started unloading. Daenerys watched hopelessly feeling her time tick down. However, what she saw when they finally brought her inside the cave gave her hope. Cages! There were three large cages with bedrolls inside them. Two of them had their doors hanging open. There were also some crow's cages hanging from the ceiling, but that was unimportant. The two cages with open doors meant she might live. If she could get Naudgari and his crossbow, the other two only had swords. She could hide in a cage and lob firebolts at them and the dogs. She had a chance now.

She watched the men looking for an opportunity, but they weren't giving it to her. Stefan looked resigned. Jaako was nervous. Naudgari gloated. All too soon they had the supplies stored away.

"Well it's time," said Naudgari drawing a dagger and approaching her. "You know if you act up, I slit your throat. Killed trying to escape. I see those wheels turning in that pretty head of yours, but there is no way out of this. This is the lesson girl. Don't piss off the jarl, or you get screwed." He turned to face Jaako. "I think the kid should have first go. You ever had a girl before?"

"Ye-Ye-Yes," stuttered Jaako.

This time they were standing close together, and for just a moment they were all distracted. Jaako in embarrassment. Naudgari gloating over Jaako. Stefan had also paused to stare at his son. In that moment she stepped forward and all three of them were right there in her face.

"Yol!" The Word burst from her throat and exploded in a wave of fire that impacted all three of them. Their bodies tumbled and rolled burning and slammed into the wall of the cave. The dogs yelped and ran about in fear. Daenerys hadn't expected the dogs to react with fear, but she didn't waste time. She ran for one of the cages and awkwardly pulled the door closed with her foot leaving a small gap.

Now that she was safe, she studied the three bodies. One of them moved a little, but then it stopped. Good. They were dead and her chance of living through this was quite good now. Although her hands were still bound behind her. Working quickly, she slipped the manacles down past her ass and then under her legs to in front of her. She managed to get her hands in front of her just as one of the dogs started advancing on her cage barking. She got up and shot fire through the bars. The dog backed off quickly and kept its distance.

After snarling at her for a while, the two dogs went over to the bodies. They started nuzzling their dead owner and whining. Daenerys felt a little sorry for the dogs, but as she continued to watch, they started to lick at the corpses. Which then, to her horror, became biting and feeding. That killed any sympathy she'd felt. She cautiously tried to pull the door open, but it was rusty, and it creaked loudly. The two canines looked up with teeth covered in blood. They snarled at her not moving from where they stood.

"Yeah! Come on then. Come on! Come and get me!"

They growled at her a bit, deep throaty rumbles of warning. She stood there waiting to see if they would charge, but one of the dogs returned to feeding, and the other followed.

"All right then." Daenerys felt good enough to Shout again, so she let them feed. Dogs would stay near their food. She nudged the door open and rushed toward them. "Yol!"

The wave of fire sent one of the dogs flying and burning, but the other had skidded and rolled. It was burnt and battered but still alive. Daenerys rushed and cast Flames at it, channeling all her energy into it until she was drained. The dog no longer moved.

In the end it was just her and five corpses: three human and two canine. She collapsed to her knees in the wreckage and wept.
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Morndas, the 1st of Evening Star, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Daenerys woke from dreams of fire and screams to freezing darkness and the smell of a charnel house. As soon as she woke the memories came flooding back to her. She felt like breaking down and crying again, but more importantly, she was freezing to death. She was shaking from the cold. Warmth had to come first. She pushed herself to her feet. She needed to find the wood and build a fire, but she couldn't see hardly anything. Candlelight. She had already managed two spells with a Seeming. She held out her hand and tried to focus on endless possibilities, but it was no good. She couldn't make herself believe that anything was possible. All she felt was the harsh cold grip of reality. Instead, she focused on anger and that was easy to do. Anger at the three men who had planned to rape her. Anger for the coward of a jarl who had sent her here to be raped.

Flames erupted from her hand, she eased it back to a mere trickle and looked about. There was a stack of firewood up against one wall. She gathered two logs, tossed them into the firepit and lit them on fire. That provided enough light to see by. She fetched more and wood and built up the fire. She wasn't staying in this damned frozen prison any longer than she must. She didn't need to make the wood last, and she desperately needed to get warm. Once the fire got good and going, she searched the bodies for the keys and removed her manacles. Then, she stripped naked, lay her clothes in a circle around the fire, and walked into the flames. She stood over the burning logs and soaked in the heat of the fire. She had always found heat to be soothing. The hotter, the better. Bathing in the flames did more than just chase away the cold. It felt like it burned away her pain.

At least it did until the smell of smoke and the sound of the crackling logs began to remind her of the burning of King's Landing. She stepped out of the fire and quickly got dressed. She felt human again, but the memories of the recent past still threatened to overwhelm her. She'd killed those guards, and she didn't regret it one bit. They had deserved it, but it was hard to feel righteous now staring at their burnt bodies. Maybe she deserved to die for her crimes every bit as much as they did, but she wasn't going to just lay down in the cold and give up. Even if she did deserve it, she wasn't going to give up. Not now, not ever. There had to be a reason she was here in Skyrim. There had to be a reason she was given a second chance.

She found a lantern and went outside. It was pitch dark outside. The sky must have been overcast because it was black on black outside the small circle of light from the lantern's glow. She might have dropped off the world out here. Nothing but ice and darkness. North of Winterhold. She might as well have been in hell. Were the gods passing judgement upon her? If so, they had a sick sense of humor.

However, there was a boat. She inspected it and it had a sail. That was good. She doubted she could manage the oars. The wind was always the same for the past few weeks, cold and from the north. She knew little of sailing, but if she hoisted the sail, then the prevailing winds should blow the skiff south. Eventually, she would get to the mainland. Then what?

She went inside, tossed another log on the fire, and sat down to plan. She was an outlaw now, or at least she would be as soon as word got out. How long would that take? Were all three men supposed to stay and guard her? That didn't seem likely given the cages. Most likely the warden, Naudgari, would have stayed, but the other two had planned to sail back. Did it matter? She wasn't staying around. She would leave at dawn.

But where? She should be able to find her way back to civilization from here. They had been going more or less north from Winterhold when she had been conscious, but she had been knocked out part of the time. Still, if she headed south, she couldn't miss the mainland. However, the only landmark she might recognize from the sea was the College of Winterhold. Tamriel was a big continent. She could easily miss the College. More importantly, did she even want to return even if she could find it?

If she went west, eventually she'd get to Solitude. If she went south along the coast, she'd reach the White River and could follow it upstream to Windhelm. She remembered that much. However, it was also foolishness. She knew nothing of sailing. There is no way she would reach another city by boat. She could probably reach the mainland, but sailing over that long a distance on the Sea of Ghosts? She'd run aground, or flounder, or just tip over, and then she would drown. Trying to walk to one of those holds along the coast in winter would be just as suicidal. It would take weeks. She would die of starvation or exposure in the wilderness on her own, and that assumed she didn't run into wolves, trolls or worse along the way. No, Winterhold was the only sane choice.

So, Winterhold it had to be. Finding it would be the hard part. Sneaking into the College would be easy. Jarl Korir couldn't know that she had killed his men yet. He wouldn't be having the seas watched. Besides, there were dozens of fishermen and horker hunters who called that fishing village home. She could probably sail right up to Winterhold unchallenged. If she avoided the island with the fishing village and instead landed beneath the bridge to the college, then she could come up that little trail and arrive right at the bridge to the College. It could work.

Then it would be up to Archmage Savos on whether to give her sanctuary or turn her over to the jarl. That was a political question. Things were already tense between the College and the town. Would he sacrifice her for peace? Or would he be willing to face the possibility of… war? Wouldn't that be what it would basically be? She didn't know how he would jump, but she had no other real alternatives. Faralda would back her. Her friends would as well. With at least one of the faculty on her side, it would be difficult for him to just hand her over. At least she hoped so.


While there were a few bedrolls, Daenerys didn't feel at all tempted by the idea of sleep. What had happened at this place had dredged up all the ghosts of her past. Even if she somehow managed to sleep, she would only be tormented by nightmares. Instead she used the time to load the boat up with supplies. While she hoped to sail straight back to Winterhold, she knew that trusting the wind to take her straight back was foolish. If she drifted off course, she might need both food and firewood to survive. It was a long slow process. Holding a lantern in one hand left her one free hand for carrying needed supplies. So, she carried load after load from the prison cave, out through the cold darkness, and stowed her supplies in the boat. Sometimes she stopped to warm herself by the fire.

The tedious task of loading gave her too much time to think. She had been a fool. That much was clear. She had expected to be treated with honor, courtesy, and respect. She had believed that despite Jarl Korir's obvious antipathy for mages. She had dealt with loud and opiniated bigots before. When had they ever treated her fairly? Hadn't she learned her lesson in Meereen? Time and again she had tried to make peace with the former masters, which had only led to more deaths. She had tried to follow their customs, and they killed and killed, innocents and her Unsullied alike. It had ended in flame and death, as it always seemed to do.

That led inevitably back to her burning of King's Landing. It was so easy to sink into a cycle of guilt, recrimination, and despair over her callous murder of so many people. Why had she done it? Everything had gone so wrong once she set sail for Westeros. The easy war that everyone had promised her was anything but easy. It only got worse when she went north. She followed her heart to save Jon Snow and it cost her Viserion. Cersei betrayed them and sat out of the war. She had put her Unsullied and Dothraki on the line to fight the Night King. Her armies outnumbered all the Westerosi. She had thought that she would be the one to kill the Night King. The High Priestess of the Red Temple, Kinavara had proclaimed her as the one who was promised. Bran said that dragonfire had never been tried, and the Night King was a being of ice. Surely slaying the Night King would have earned the love of the Westerosi.

However, it had been Arya Stark, not her that killed the Night King. Everything just kept getting worse and worse instead of better. Jorah dead. The feckless Northerners and Sansa the bitch acted like it was their victory alone. Rhaegal lost for nothing. Missandei. She missed her so much still…

The closer to when she died the harder it was looking back to understand why. Jon Snow had turned from her. Varys had betrayed her, but why had it been necessary to burn a city? They hadn't submitted. She had thought it was necessary to make an example but… why? Why? WHY?! She had pledged herself to break the wheel. How had that justified slaughtering so many? Destroy the gates – yes. Send in her armies – yes. Destroy the Red Keep, that would have made sense. Cersei never surrendered, but burning the city? It had been madness.

A pale pink glow started to appear on the horizon. Dawn was here. Not enough to see yet, she still had to get the boat into the water. She pushed down her pointless recriminations. They never solved anything. Some power had seen fit to give her a second chance. She needed to live this life. If there was a reason, then maybe she could balance the bloody scales. It was a forlorn hope.

Enough! No more wallowing in the past. Put it aside. She had to get off this island, or she would die here.


Getting the boat into the water proved to be more difficult than she thought. Only when she tried to move it did she realize that the Stefan and Jaako had unloaded the boat before they pulled it out of the water. She couldn't even get it to budge by pushing on it. However, her Shove spell moved it forward a little bit. Instead of unloading and reloading, she instead cast and recast her Shove spell. With each casting the boat moved inch by inch toward the water. Finally, it slid into the water and started to drift away. She hastily climbed in and set sail. Hoisting the sail wasn't too difficult. Pull the rope and up the sail went. Holding the rope taut and tying it down so the sail didn't fall back down was a challenge. She didn't get it perfect. The sail was only mostly up, but that was as good as it was going to get. All that mattered to her was that it worked. The wind pushed the sail which pushed the boat, and she was moving.

She was cautious about using the rudder, but the sea wasn't empty. It was full of big chunks of ice that she had to steer around. It also wasn't flat which made avoiding those chunks of ice difficult. Mostly she tried to just point the boat in the direction the wind was blowing, but some of those icebergs were bigger than the boat. She couldn't relax for more than a moment. After a while she felt like she was getting the hang of sailing.

Maybe she didn't have to go back to the College. Sailing wasn't too difficult. She could just continue either south along the coast until she reached the White River, or head west to Solitude. She really didn't want to put her life in the archmage's hands unless she had to. He might just turn her over to Jarl Korir. She had killed three of his guards. It was only her word that they had tried to rape her. She hoped the archmage would defy the jarl to protect her, but there was no guarantee.

A hard thump against the hull of her skiff from a large chunk of ice jolted her out of her reverie. She needed to focus. There was a bit of land off to her left, or was that port since she was on a boat? It was too low to be the cliffs of the mainland. Was that the island of the fishing village? Or had she been blown off course? She turned the boat toward the land to bring her closer, but steering was getting harder. Instead of a steady breeze, the wind was gusting now. However, as she approached the bit of land, she saw other boats on the sea around it. That was probably the fishing island. She stopped trying to get closer to the island and just sailed with the wind.

As she expected, land soon appeared on the horizon before her and slowly resolved into a cliff face. This was about as good as she could have hoped. She could just keep going and she should reach the beach at the base of the cliffs west of Winterhold. Or she could turn west and follow the coast until she reached Solitude. Regardless, there was another low-lying island or maybe iceberg in her path. She turned to get around it, but her little boat started rolling in the waves. She was going sideways along them now, not with them. She leaned harder on the rudder.

One moment she was trying to turn. Then next the boat pitched wildly and suddenly she was in the ocean with the boat above her. She started swimming desperately. The ocean was as cold as it was wet. She started kicking with all her might immediately making for the island. It had been a short distance for her skiff, but it was a long swim. The freezing sea felt like it was cutting her with knives, but she kept kicking. When her body started to falter, she cast Healing in desperation. Warmth flowed into her and the numbness was pushed back and rewarded her with the pain of icy knives again. However, it helped a little, enough to keep going just a bit longer. She had to cast the spell twice more to reach the shore, and a third time after she pulled herself out of the water onto the rocky shoreline.

She wanted to lay down and rest, but she was soaking wet. She knew that if she stopped moving, she would freeze to death in minutes. She forced herself to walk. The island she'd landed on wasn't very big and it was cut off from the mainland by a narrow channel. She cursed the gods. She wasn't a gods-damn Nord. She hated the cold, but she had no choice , so she waded out into the sea. An undertow almost knocked her off her feet, but she staggered up the beach, healed herself, and kept moving.

After that it was a 'simple' matter of heading east along the beach. Her body wanted to stop, but she forced herself to keep going in a slow jog, one step after another. She didn't even notice that what looked like brown rocks were actually horkers until she was amongst them. When they bellowed and chased her, she found the energy to run until she left them behind. She walked after that. Slowly the College came into sight. She reached the beach below the bridge and took the narrow and winding path up the cliff until she finally reached the top – right by where the bridge to the College started.

Her heart leapt with joy when she saw who was standing watch on the bridge. "Faralda!" Daenerys somehow found the energy to break into a run. She embraced her reserved mentor like a child clinging to their mother.

Surprisingly, Faralda returned the embrace. "I don't know how you got here, but let's get you inside."


An hour or so later after a warm bath and some clean clothes, she felt alive again. Faralda escorted her to the archmage's sanctum. It was a large and lavishly decorated room taking up the entire top floor of one of the towers. Shelves full of books, alchemical ingredients, soul gems, and other wizardry paraphernalia crowded the walls, but the most interesting thing about it was a large indoor garden containing a riot of exotic plants growing under magical lighting. She got to sip warm mulled wine with a blanket wrapped around her while telling her story to Archmage Savos and Mirabelle. Faralda stood behind her the whole time with one hand resting on her shoulder.

"… and then I took the path up the cliff from the sea that ends at the bridge. That's when I saw Faralda, and the rest you know," concluded Daenerys. While she had glossed over some of the more disturbing details, she had been truthful with one exception. She claimed that she must have somehow cast a Fireball instead of admitting that she Shouted.

"Well, that's quite a story," said the archmage. He was a dour Dunmer in his middle years who had listened to Danerys tell her story without much of a reaction.

"It's intolerable, that's what it is," declared Master Wizard Mirabelle. "We've had troubles with the jarl for years, but this is not to be born. Detain her for questioning, that's one thing. There was an altercation. Asking her what she knew about this Sagyvor, fine, but what they intended to do to her! No, we cannot allow our students to be thrown in prison and be violated on such flimsy pretexts."

Archmage Savos sighed. "What world do you live in? Even if we were under Imperial law, which we aren't anymore, Jarls can have anyone who isn't nobly born arrested on the flimsiest of excuses. Nobody takes them to task if they then torture the accused into confessing. Rape is hardly unexpected." He said the words with the tone of one lecturing a particularly stupid child. "Jarls who abuse their authority used to have to answer to the High King, and indirectly the Emperor. However, Korir supports Ulfric Stormcloak. There is no Imperial law to appeal to any longer. Just Nord custom, which favors the strong over the weak. We should be glad that we have her back in one piece."

Faralda growled. "One piece? You said the jarl promised you she would be returned within a week – unharmed. You call what they planned for a her a lack of harm?"

"Oh, I'm sure Jarl Korir knew nothing about what his guards had planned," replied the archmage sarcastically. Ladies, you need to get over this. Three out of twenty of our students die in training. We had a student sacrificed in a dark ritual just a few months ago. Yes, I was aware that she might be raped. With a pretty young girl like her, it was even likely to happen. There are worse fates. By the time I got involved, I believed it likely she had already been raped. I was trying to get her back alive, and without opening active hostilities with Winterhold. If she has the spine to be a mage, she would have survived and recovered. Now there are three dead guards slain by magic. The jarl will believe that I ordered an attack on the Chill to free her. This is only going to escalate further."

Daenerys felt anger bubbling inside her. There was a part of her that understood the politics of the situation, but she couldn't stand the cavalier dismissal of her ordeal. Nor was she going to sit here idly and drink her wine while her future was decided. Politics be damned! "You're not even considering handing hand me back over to them, are you?"

"No," declared Faralda. "Daenerys Targaryen, the Unburnt I offer you an apprenticeship under me."

Daenerys turned in her seat to look up at her mentor. "I accept." She bowed her head to her newly confirmed mentor. She knew that the apprentice/master relationship gave Faralda a lot of authority over her, but this move was clearly intended to shield her.

"That was unnecessary," said the arch-mage. "I wouldn't have handed her over at this point."

"You have handed over students in the past," stated Faralda.

"Different circumstances. Our students are sometimes guilty." He leaned his head forward and pinched the bridge of his nose. Once again, he sighed.

Mirabel cleared her throat. "Archmage, I understand we are in a difficult situation, but if we don't protect our students, we won't have any students."

"I know. I know. It seems I have no choice. She may have sanctuary here," he agreed as if it cost him gold to say the words. "I won't give her to Jarl Korir, but I will only protect her for as long as she remains within the walls of the College. If she steps foot into Winterhold again, even with a faculty member escorting her, I wash my hands of her."

"It won't be forever," said Mirabelle kindly. "Once this civil war is resolved, any jarl who rose up against the Empire will be replaced. We can appeal your crimes then."

Daenerys frowned. That might take years. Surely, there had to be another way. Wait. The archmage had said something about not being nobly born… Could it be that simple? She tossed off the blanket and stood up. "I am Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt. I am of noble birth, and I demand the right of trial by combat."

For a while everyone was silent. Mirabelle broke it with a whistle. "I didn't see that coming."

Archmage Savos shook his head. "Nice try, but I don't think it would work. If I recall Nord customs correctly, you would be able to claim trial by combat against the charge of murder. Since there are no witnesses and it only your word of honor that they tried to rape you. You could claim that right whether you were noble or not. Which is a good thing, as I have never heard of a House Targaryen. However, the trial by combat would take place under Nord custom, not Imperial law. Using magic would be considered cheating. Unless you have a champion in your pocket to fight for you?"

Faralda gave a short abrupt bark of laughter. "Daenerys, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm absolutely certain." This would work. Jarl Korir could hardly accuse her of cheating when Ulfric Stormcloak himself Shouted in his duel with High King Torygg. More importantly she was sick and tired of hiding. Too many people already knew she could Shout anyway. Undoubtably there would be consequences. However, trying to be a good little outlander had almost gotten her raped. She had been a queen. Kingdoms had trembled before her. She was done with hiding!

Faralda smiled. "Don't worry, Archmage. If she duels, she will win, and she will do it without breaking Nord customs."

"Humph. Well, win or lose it will certainly solve the problem. On your head be it. I'll open negotiations with Jarl Korir. It will take a least a few days, perhaps as much as two weeks. He will want to bluster and demand I hand you over first. He will also accuse us of wanting to use magic to cheat. However, I predict he'll agree to trial by combat in the end."

"Can you push to have the duel take place on the bridge?" It would be a logical middle ground between the city and the College. Also, it would be a huge advantage for her. Even if her opponent wore heavy armor, and her Shout wasn't immediately lethal, either Yol or Fus would knock the Jarl's champion off the bridge.

The archmage stroked his beard. "Yes, that could probably be arranged. I might even be able to get the Jarl to suggest it himself as 'neutral' ground."

Of course, that wasn't the end of the discussion. She was questioned about what lands House Targaryen ruled. She invoked the College custom of leaving her past behind. The Archmage also declared that he was closing the gates. No more visits to Winterhold at all until this matter was resolved without either the approval of either himself or Mirabelle. A short while after, she started to fall asleep, and she was released to get some rest.
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Interlude A - Faralda
Interlude A

The discussion with Archmage Savos had been exhausting and disheartening. The headmaster was entirely willing to settle this matter by having their newest student risk her life in a trial by combat. He displayed none of the misgivings that she felt sending her pupil into battle against the Jarl's champion. While Winterhold's city watch was small compared to other holds, the Jarl still had thanes. After Daenerys proved herself capable of taking out three of his guards, he would no doubt send his best warrior, and equip him with armor enchanted to resist fire if he could. Daenery's Shout of Yol was lethally strong. She knew, because she had tested the girl's ability thoroughly, but Daenerys was by no means assured victory. Her range was short. If she Shouted too soon, her opponent might survive. If she waited too long, he would run her through before she could Shout. It wasn't right to put this burden on her. However, it was the girl's choice. She was an adult and it was her decision. She would back Daenerys, but it was infuriating. Not only was the girl risking her own life, but the greatest magical discovery of the era might be lost all because a stupid jarl couldn't let go of his father's grudges. The College should not be relying on a mere apprentice to fight its battles.

Faralda took deep calming breaths as she marched through the College to check on her new apprentice. While she had urged patience on Daenerys time and again, Faralda was fast losing all of hers. In fact, she was approaching the conclusion that it was time to leave. The College wasn't what it had once been.

The Archmage was a puissant mage, gifted in all the magical arts save Alchemy, but he didn't tolerate fools and considered anyone less brilliant than himself to be a fool. He also had no patience for the political aspects of his job. Enrollments had fallen off dramatically under his tenure. He made no effort at all to encourage the holds of Skyrim to send the magically talented to the College to be trained. He had left the post of Master of Alchemy vacant for almost a decade. The White Star 'incident' was only the latest in a series of cover-ups. Relations with the city of Winterhold had only worsened under his time in office. Worst of all, he had allowed the accursed Thalmor to place a spy amongst their number.

Using the understanding of a Shout to replace a Seeming was a major magical breakthrough. One that could change the way they did magic forever, but because of the thrice-damned spy, she couldn't bring her colleagues in to help her. Although in truth, it appeared there wasn't much more they could do here. There was the suicidal method of allowing oneself to be Shouted at directly. The other alternatives were seeking out a word wall, or going to the Greybeards. She hadn't informed Daenerys yet, but unless something turned up by spring, that she would take a sabbatical and the two of them could seek out word walls in Nord barrows or other places in Skyrim.

Faralda brought herself to a halt in front of the dormitory room belonging to Daenerys and Breylna. She took a moment to calm her thoughts and then knocked softly on the door.

A moment later Breylna Maryon opened the door a crack. The Dunmer held a finger to her lips, stepped out into the hallway, and quietly closed the door behind her. She stood with her back to the door as if to bar anyone from entering. "Good evening, Master Wizard Faralda, how can I help you?"

"How is she?" asked Faralda.

Breylna sighed. "She's exhausted. She's sleeping now. She told me everything. I don't know why she isn't a quivering wreck right now."

"Good." It wasn't good that she was exhausted, but at least she was resting. "When she wakes, tell her she is excused from classes tomorrow."

"I will, Master Wizard." She paused. "Ma'am she said that you have taken her as an apprentice. I'll help her pack as well. Do you know which room she'll be moving to?"

"None. She's still be rooming with you. She'll also still be supervising the novitiates. Until a new senior novitiate joins or one of the novitiates is promoted to senior novitiate."

"That's… unusual."

"The circumstances are unusual," agreed Faralda. Apprentices had other duties. That's why they even had a senior novitiate position. They also weren't likely to get any new students for some time. Travel to Winterhold in the winter months was just too difficult. The oldest female novitiate was Sofija and she would not make a good senior novitiate. This basically kept Daenerys in the position until Spring at least. While the archmagi had cited the unfair burden on Breylna, Faralda wonder how much of it was out of pettiness that she hadn't consulted with him before she took Daenerys as an apprentice.

"Will there be anything else, Master Wizard?"

"No… Wait, yes. Let her know that I would like to speak with her in my office. Not tomorrow, the day after, once she's rested."

"I'll let her know."

"Thank you." Faralda left as Breylna slipped quietly back into the room she shared with Daenerys. Yes, she had a great deal to discuss with her new apprentice. Decisions had to be made.

So, I decided to try a Worm style interlude where I told the story from a different PoV, but it just wasn't going that well. If I was writing for publication, this little interlude would have probably just been cut from the final version altogether. Since I am not writing for publication, I decided to go ahead and post it, even if it isn't up to my usual quality.

No Beta for this one, so all errors are mine.
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