Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising (Game of Thrones x Skyrim)

It's a good thread. I just prefer not to comment if i have little to nothing to bitch about. The number of 'watchers' might be a better correlation of interest than comments. I've sometimes complained about a fic i have no interest in following, going so far as to remove that automatic watch that occurs when you comment, but i never wanted to watch something i didn't care about.
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Huh, I usually do Bleak Falls Barrow before I join the Companions. I pick up Farendal in Riverwood before I leave, head to Whiterun, then do Bleak Falls first thing. Because having a house and a reliable chest to dump the stuff you don't need right now is a good thing. To each their own.
On my first and many early play throughs, sure. But these days I try to win the side quests before doing the main dragon quest.
It's a good thread. I just prefer not to comment if i have little to nothing to bitch about. The number of 'watchers' might be a better correlation of interest than comments. I've somethings complained about a fic i have no interest in following, going so far as to remove that automatic watch that occurs when you comment, but i never wanted to watch something i didn't care about.

This is pretty accurate I feel, honestly? I've been checking daily for updates to this thread and it's exactly the kind of crossover fiction I tend to enjoy. ( one character I like displaced to another similar setting I also enjoy.) I just haven't had any criticism to offer, so I've mostly lurked in the thread reading, rather than posting.
Okay, I'm not sure if SV has a rule against double posting. SB does and has given grief about it when I try to reply to the people who posted on my thread with individual replies. I skimmed the rules and didn't see anything banning double posting, but I might have overlooked it. So, bulk reply, but individual attention to everyone:

This ain't even magic this is just "That foreign looking woman knew a suspicious amount about Dragons so it must be her fault." Followed by "If its her fault a dragon attacked the caravan then she must have used magic to do it, so she's a witch."
Admittedly Svagvor knew she was headed to the college so it is less of a jump just attributing magic to her but still...

Yup, it was a regular witch hunt. I wonder how long it would take that opinion to turn completely around if Daenerys Shouted in public.

I think theres a negative feedback loop where: the userfiction category on SV is less active than SB -> People check the userfiction category less and tend to reply on SB where they'll get more response -> the userfiction category on SV is less active than SB -> ...

I think that's plausible. Certainly, I posted on SB first because they have more traffic. However, I do find the audience here to be a lot less... temperamental. Yeah, let's go with that.

Regarding traffic: I suspect it might be the thread title scaring away potential readers with its lack of concrete information ( not that I blame Harper, after all descriptive titles are hard).
Let me tell you my thoughts when I saw it the first time:

Dovah Queen (GoT x Skyrim) - so Dany is the main character and dragonborn. Does Alduin's brood invade Planetos? Does Dany conquer Nirn? Will whatever it is be a roflstomp?

So far, I'm happy only my first thought scored a hit and the last one missed by so much, it glanced off the moon. :)

LOL, thank you and welcome out from the shadows.

I'm really fond of the title. It was the pun that launched the story and it does immediately convey Daenerys is the Dragonborn. I put a forward in to give more details, but not everyone will make that first click.

Personally, I prefer the userfiction section on SV. It may be less active, but is also (according to my personal -read: unreliable - observation) way less toxic than SB's.

Actually I'm seeing a lot of that today. I got a lot of feedback on SB that was along the lines of "No, no, NO!! You're getting all wrong." I'm sure I am from many people's perspective. I'm pretty sure it is impossible to be true to the game mechanics and the lore and have a logically consistent world. I'm trying to build a world that feels real, respects the lore, and accommodates the game mechanics when possible. The feedback I'm getting here is much more polite and respectful, and I appreciate that.

Well, I'm enjoying the story at least, but if I might be a little presumptuous, I would suggest using a utility like this to generate names. A breton named "Svagvor" hit me right in the hobby-linguist, as their names are almost French in the games, and Jaspik sort of made me flinch as well. I know I myself suck at making up names, so I would love to help with what I presume is pure agony for others as well.

I used a name generator. Apparently not a good one from the feedback I'm receiving. Honestly, I was focused on the plot and concept and trying to get it out while inspiration was striking.

Also, with regards to combining stamina and magicka into a single attribute, I don't really think that's a good idea. The nature of magicka is such that it flows from Aetherius through holes into Mundus...

That's the prevailing theory, but even in the game lore it's not a proven theory or the only theory. (I forget the Mages manipulate magicka but they don't really understand it. You'll get to see a character explain a bit about it next chapter. It be a perspective, not my author fiat on reality.

My point is, magicka is something that flows through you, not something you generate from breaking down nutrients.

And I was thinking along these lines when I didn't combine magicka and stamina. IF I were to combine them, in some future story, it would be on the lines that both put strain on the body in different ways. There are plenty of fantasy worlds that run on a combined system.

Anyway, I see now that this might come off as bitching, but that's not the case, it's just my inner TES nerd breaking out like a chatterbox chest burster. I really like your story, how it grants a good sense of scale that the games sorely lack, how Daenerys meditates upon the words, but doesn't collect them like stamps, how she identifies the most with yol, which is a nice bit of characterization, and how her magic springs from the fundemental understanding of the universe meditating deeply on the shouts give her.

Thank you. That was a major goal of mine in story building. I wanted Skyrim to feel like a world that actual people live in. Not a sketch of a world with just enough detail to point the hero to the next adventure.

Also, I might suggest that shouts drain both magicka and stamina as it revolves around her expelling magicka from her body with physical effort, will and voice both shaping this fundamental force of the universe.

Hmm, it will be a while before that shows up enough to matter. So, we'llsee.

Activity and Toxicity are often correlated. Easier to calm down and harder to get angry when there are long breaks between posts.

And at first I thought you were talking about Shouting and stamina again. There is a correlation.

Shouts could themselves be considered a primal and instinctive form of Tonal Magic and why would we say that, that wouldn't be fueled by magika like other magics?

Which is where I was going when I merged them. Even Alduin doesn't shout constantly.

I'm not instructing the author, nor am I speaking as some authority on the subject, I'm simply proposing a method to deal with the difference between magicka and fatigue, and how shouts could straddle the line a little if that made more sense from a doylist perspective. I'm not really arguing here, just having a little nerd moment speculating on stuff.

See this right here. This is a SV discussion, politely and not pointed. I also appreciate the discussion. Seriously, this feedback is great. It gives me ideas just reading the debate.

Other than that, I'm liking the story and the fact that Daenerys isn't an immediate dragonslaying badass like some Dragonborn. I'm interested to see how she'll tackle the College quests and what changes you might make.

I didn't want Daenerys to be an immediate dragonslaying badass. She was pretty badass, but it was in her determination and ability to turn the tables. She is starting over and has a long way to go.
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Well, if SV does have a rule about double posting, I guess I'll get my hand slapped. So many responses! I'm going to reply, damn it!

I'm just popping in to second this. A name can make or break the character and some of these OC's plunged ice into my Scandinavian pride. In my case Hajvtar was the one I found to be the worst offender with that weird three-consonant combination that would probably never be seen in the wild.

*wince* So it's that bad? So the worst offenders are:
Hajvtar (Nord), Jespik(Nord) and Svagvor(Breton) from what I'm hearing. So... I'm opening the floor to suggestions. How could these names be minimally changed to sound more appropriate to their cultures?

The reason for the minimal change is that having a name similar to the original will be less confusing on all readers when I retcon things. (Yes, I'll do a retcon *sigh*)

Any other awful names that I should change while I'm at it?

Other than that, I'm liking the story and the fact that Daenerys isn't an immediate dragonslaying badass like some Dragonborn. I'm interested to see how she'll tackle the College quests and what changes you might make.

I'm trying for a more realistic college. More students. It takes time and study to learn things. No one lesson on wards and then off to Saarthal.

It's a good thread. I just prefer not to comment if i have little to nothing to bitch about. The number of 'watchers' might be a better correlation of interest than comments. I've somethings complained about a fic i have no interest in following, going so far as to remove that automatic watch that occurs when you comment, but i never wanted to watch something i didn't care about.

Thank you for delurking long enough to post. I obviously had more of a following on SV than I realized. I really appreciate it.

On my first and many early play throughs, sure. But these days I try to win the side quests before doing the main dragon quest.

I tried Live Another Life once (twice?) and ended up going to Helgen early on. I don't like how the main quest comes down hard and fast, always pushing so it feels like doing a sidequest is letting the world burn, but I do like to start it.


This is pretty accurate I feel, honestly? I've been checking daily for updates to this thread and it's exactly the kind of crossover fiction I tend to enjoy. ( one character I like displaced to another similar setting I also enjoy.) I just haven't had any criticism to offer, so I've mostly lurked in the thread reading, rather than posting.

Thank you for delurking! These help. I'm glad you're enjoying it. The concept was based on the pun, but Daenerys really does feel like she fits in the world. Skyrim has a lot to teach her, and in time I think she might grow into the hero they need.
I've wondered that myself. I know a lot of people read Spacebattles as well, so that may be part of the reason, but the reaction has been disappointing both in terms of reactions and comments. As I haven't been getting complaints about the quality of my writing, I'm guessing that it is the concept. People either aren't interested in Daenerys as a protagonist, or aren't interested in crossovers to Skyrim.
It might be (this was part of why I was sceptical when I saw the title, and only clicked because I remember you being a good writer) that IIRC there's a lot of deeply shitty paint-by-numbers skyrim stories that are basically an AAR and somehow combine the worst aspects of a stations-of-canon story and a gamer fic. Seeing 'skyrim' in the title is a bit of a ruh-roh moment.
On my first and many early play throughs, sure. But these days I try to win the side quests before doing the main dragon quest.
+1 It kinda seems strange that "Harkon is too powerful" when you've already killed the World Eater.
I didn't want Daenerys to be an immediate dragonslaying badass. She was pretty badass, but it was in her determination and ability to turn the tables. She is starting over and has a long way to go.
Also I don't know how that quote ended up attributed to me. Little mistake copy pasting?
Yup, it was a regular witch hunt. I wonder how long it would take that opinion to turn completely around if Daenerys Shouted in public.
Almost instantaneously, Shouting is pretty much sacred to the Nords and the Dragonborn is the next best thing to a literal holy symbol. In many ways the Dragonborn is a holy symbol, due to Talos.

The Nords hold few things sacred; the Divines, Mead, their right to self-rule, pointy bits of metal on a stick, Mead, the Greybeards, Mead, a good fight, Mead and the Dragonborn. Being Dragonborn completely and totally overrides any and all potential negatives in a person, the Dragonborn can be a cat and the Nords will still honor them. Dany is a human, a funny coloured human, but human none the less. Dragonborn > Funny coloured human.
And of course if the Dragonborn uses magic, that is fine, because Dragonborn.

I used a name generator. Apparently not a good one from the feedback I'm receiving. Honestly, I was focused on the plot and concept and trying to get it out while inspiration was striking.
Yeah, isn't a bad site by any means, but it's much better for 'generic' stuff rather than specific settings. Their TES generators are not very good. The one that Tranquil Zebra suggested is a much better choice.

It's worth noting with Shouts that, while never stated, there appears to be a demonstrated difference between 'Shouting' and what I would call 'Speaking'. This is most prominently shown with the Greybeards, most of whom literally cannot speak without causing the very earth and sky to resonate with their voice, such as when they 'greet' you. Interestingly, Dragons do not seem to have this problem and are able to speak both the common tongue and their own language without shaking the world apart around them, presumably because Dragons have much greater control over their Voice than human Tongues, which would make sense.

It is also interesting to note that Akaviri Swordsmen are said to use a technique called 'Kiai' that appears to be functionally identical to the Thu'um, suggesting that Paathurnax is not the only Dragon that has been teaching humans how to Shout.

As for Magic and Magicka, it's complicated. That Magnus tore a rift in Oblivion leading to Aetherius called the Sun, and that the other et'Ada did the same to create the stars, is uncontested fact. That the energy of Aetherius flows through these rifts and into the world is also undeniable, and is in fact the reason why the star signs under which a person is born have a tangible impact upon their nature and abilities, as well as why any materials that fall from the sky tend to have powerful magical properties.

Exactly how that energy flows through the world and the people that inhabit it, as well as what effects it has beyond the obvious and how it relates to the internal 'pool' of Magicka that mages draw from to fuel their spells, is very much a matter for debate.

It is also worth noting that Skyrim skips over or simplifies a lot of the 'finicky' parts of the way magic works in TES; for example Black Soul Gems are created from Grand Soul Gems through a necromantic ritual that can only be conducted when the Necromancer's Moon (Also known as the Revenant or God of Worms, the divine body of Mannimarco after he achieved divine apotheosis during the Warp in the West) eclipses Arkay (the 'planet') in the heavens and thus blocks his laws against the trapping of Black Souls in Soul Gems. Presumably they can also be acquired from the Ideal Masters, if for some reason you are desperate and stupid enough to deal with them. This was all left out of Skyrim, for obvious gameplay reasons.

There are also more schools of magic than just the mainstream seven (eight, before Thaumaturgy got divided up into the other schools after the Warp in the West); Shadow Magic is stated to be a thing for example, and incidentally scares the shit out of almost everyone due to how powerful it is. Shouting is also stated to be a type of magic, and Dragons are only capable of Shouting because they are creatures of magic and innately possess incredible magical powers.

So take Skyrim's mechanics with a grain of salt with regards to magic, as the magical system was greatly simplified for gameplay in comparison to the way magic is 'supposed' to work in TES. The earlier games had less of this simplification (the Necromancer's Moon and turning Grand Soul Gems to Black Soul Gems shows up in Oblivion for example), but they still had parts where magic was stated and\or shown to act different from the way it did in-game.

Incidentally, the reason why alchemical reagents have such significant effects on people who eat them and why potions can do what they do, is because of that Aetherial energy, aka magic. Yes, in TES the plants are magical, all of them. Everything in Mundus has magic flowing through it, most things just do not use that magic for any purpose beyond general 'life energies' to grow stronger and better.

+1 It kinda seems strange that "Harkon is too powerful" when you've already killed the World Eater.
To be fair, to kill Alduin you need to first weaken him with a Shout (Dragonrend) specifically designed to fuck up Dragons. It can be inferred that Alduin is by no means capable of wielding his full power in that fight, you also battle him alongside three Heroes of Sovngarde and you don't actually kill him, just banish him from Mundus forever. It is implied that he may manage to come back at some point in the future, as he is the World Eater and he is supposed to fulfill that title eventually.

But yeah, it really should be possible to just murder Harkon when you first meet him, especially given that his stupid prophecy is a fake.
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But yeah, it really should be possible to just murder Harkon when you first meet him, especially given that his stupid prophecy is a fake.
Wait... the prophecy is not a fake, just grab Auriels bow and shoot a Serana-Blood arrow at the sun if you don't believe it. Its never really explained how the Snow Elf guy created it, or if was always true and he just figured it out, how or why it got into the Elder Scrolls. And since DG is the only non-linear quest path it might be a dragon break anyway...
urgh, Bethesda writing is so overrated, why do we love it anyway?
Wait... the prophecy is not a fake, just grab Auriels bow and shoot a Serana-Blood arrow at the sun if you don't believe it. Its never really explained how the Snow Elf guy created it, or if was always true and he just figured it out, how or why it got into the Elder Scrolls. And since DG is the only non-linear quest path it might be a dragon break anyway...
urgh, Bethesda writing is so overrated, why do we love it anyway?
The Prophecy either says or implies (or at least Harkon interprets) that the sun can be put out forever, thus ending the 'Tyranny of the Sun'. Instead, it shrouds the sun for a day, and there is no evidence that the effect covers anything more than the local area in which it is used. So the prophecy isn't fake so much as embellished.

Vyrthur was able to get the prophecy into the Elder Scrolls because he was the messenger of Auri-el and thus had access to divine knowledge and powers. This also has to do with the nature of the Elder Scrolls being outside of conventional space\time, this page has a bunch of information about that, but in short the prophecies in the Elder Scrolls remain vague and uncertain until they come to pass, at which point the prophecy retroactively solidifies, or even comes into existence entirely. From the perspective of a human inside 'normal' time, the prophecy has always been in the Scroll and is followed to its conclusion, but from the perspective of someone like Akatosh who is 'outside' the normal passage of time, the prophecy was created by the events that it describes.

That said, it is possible that actually sacrificing the life of a Daughter of Coldharbour to taint the bow, rather than the arrows fired by the bow, might have had more significant effects. Fortunately, the Dragonborn concludes the prophecy by using Serana's blood on the arrows, and thus the prophecy was retroactively always about the Dragonborn doing that all along, and not about putting out the sun forever, and both Vyrthur and Harkon misinterpreted its true meaning.

Yes this is extremely confusing, welcome to The Elder Scrolls where nothing makes sense and nobody can be taken at face value.

e: Mind you, if you think this is bad, wait till you hear about CHIM. Compared to CHIM, the atemporal nature of the Elder Scrolls is completely reasonable.
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Welcome to Nirn, where retroactive retcons are part of the fundamental laws of reality.

That's what I was trying to express. Some people, only seeing the story title, wont do that first click and read anything because they encountered too many bad fics. Hmm...maybe add a few tags to the thread so people can see this is one of the good storys?
Welcome to Nirn, where retroactive retcons are part of the fundamental laws of reality.
Remember how you could fly and teleport in Morrowind? Losing those abilities by Oblivion isn't due to closed cities and engine limitations, not at all! 'Twas a dragon break, fundamentally altering the laws of reality!

One problem with crossing other fiction with TES is that you either have to finagle the new universe into the dreams of an ancient god, or you have to throw your hands in the air and curse the writers of TES for being inconsiderate nerds, before promptly ignoring them and rewriting the creation myth whole cloth.
Welcome to Nirn, where retroactive retcons are part of the fundamental laws of reality.
Jungles of Cyrodiil.

Remember how you could fly and teleport in Morrowind? Losing those abilities by Oblivion isn't due to closed cities and engine limitations, not at all! 'Twas a dragon break, fundamentally altering the laws of reality!

One problem with crossing other fiction with TES is that you either have to finagle the new universe into the dreams of an ancient god, or you have to throw your hands in the air and curse the writers of TES for being inconsiderate nerds, before promptly ignoring them and rewriting the creation myth whole cloth.
They're not inconsiderate nerds, they just decided that the nature of the games being video games was in fact actually true in-universe, and all the insanity that implies. (For example; Vivec knows that he cannot defeat the Nerevarine because the Nerevarine can just load a saved game as many times as needed to achieve victory.)

They are evil bastard nerds and they laugh at your misery and confusion.

(The 'Ancient God' or Godhead whose dreams in which TES takes place? A possible interpretation is that that is the TES writers, or the player, ie; you. Another interpretation is that it is the computer you are playing the game on.)
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Vyrthur was able to get the prophecy into the Elder Scrolls because he was the messenger of Auri-el and thus had access to divine knowledge and powers.
Wait, but the Elder Scrolls are meant to be beyond the Aedra and Daedra, how is Auri-el's powers meant to help? But they're also the Aedirc prophecies... Gosh darn unreliable narrators :V
(The 'Ancient God' or Godhead whose dreams in which TES takes place? A possible interpretation is that that is the TES writers, or the player, ie; you. Another interpretation is that it is the computer you are playing the game on.)
But... its possible for people in universe to escape the dream and create their own.
And thats where babies come from? :p
It might be (this was part of why I was sceptical when I saw the title, and only clicked because I remember you being a good writer) that IIRC there's a lot of deeply shitty paint-by-numbers skyrim stories that are basically an AAR and somehow combine the worst aspects of a stations-of-canon story and a gamer fic. Seeing 'skyrim' in the title is a bit of a ruh-roh moment.

Ah, that makes a comment I received elsewhere make sense. It said that it wasn't the usual copy and paste Skyrim crap. I haven't read the kind of story you're talking about where they write up how they followed the storyline, but I can see where that would be dull reading.

I do have a Daenerys character, but I'm mostly using her to walk the scenes and refresh my memory. The chapters on Bleak Falls Barrow will probably be the most dungeon recap part of the story. Not that I'll avoid fight scenes altogether, but cleared a dungeon, cleared another dungeon would make a boring story.
Also I don't know how that quote ended up attributed to me. Little mistake copy pasting?

Yes, which I fixed. Got something mixed up when I did a mass reply. So instead I'm going to reply to each poster individually. That is how I prefer to reply and it doesn't appear that SV has a rule against it. This way it will cut down on mistakes and be more personal.
Almost instantaneously, Shouting is pretty much sacred to the Nords and the Dragonborn is the next best thing to a literal holy symbol. In many ways the Dragonborn is a holy symbol, due to Talos.

The Nords hold few things sacred; the Divines, Mead, their right to self-rule, pointy bits of metal on a stick, Mead, the Greybeards, Mead, a good fight, Mead and the Dragonborn. Being Dragonborn completely and totally overrides any and all potential negatives in a person, the Dragonborn can be a cat and the Nords will still honor them. Dany is a human, a funny coloured human, but human none the less. Dragonborn > Funny coloured human.
And of course if the Dragonborn uses magic, that is fine, because Dragonborn.

That's about what I thought would happen. I'll agree with you on the Nord priorities as well.

Yeah, isn't a bad site by any means, but it's much better for 'generic' stuff rather than specific settings. Their TES generators are not very good. The one that Tranquil Zebra suggested is a much better choice.

Fine, I'll go back and fix at least the three worst names... eventually.

It's worth noting with Shouts that, while never stated, there appears to be a demonstrated difference between 'Shouting' and what I would call 'Speaking'.

Yes. Next chapter you'll get to see Daenerys 'Speaking'. One nice thing about the written format is that I can distinguish between Yol and Yol.

It is also worth noting that Skyrim skips over or simplifies a lot of the 'finicky' parts of the way magic works in TES; for example Black Soul Gems are created from Grand Soul Gems through a necromantic ritual...

Sometimes the TES magibabble gets deep and weird. I might wade into the depths latter. Fortunately right now Daenerys is skimming the surface.

So take Skyrim's mechanics with a grain of salt with regards to magic, as the magical system was greatly simplified for gameplay in comparison to the way magic is 'supposed' to work in TES.

Part of that I take to be the difference between magic that is intended for combat application, fast, quick, reliable vs something that you spend days to years doing. To take the example of the Old West, spells are handguns or rifles. Those complex spells/rituals , they're like trains and railroads. A lot of set up to get going, but they can do a lot more than just punch holes in people.

To be fair, to kill Alduin you need to first weaken him with a Shout (Dragonrend) specifically designed to fuck up Dragons. It can be inferred that Alduin is by no means capable of wielding his full power in that fight, you also battle him alongside three Heroes of Sovngarde and you don't actually kill him, just banish him from Mundus forever. It is implied that he may manage to come back at some point in the future, as he is the World Eater and he is supposed to fulfill that title eventually.

IIRC Alduin also had to expend a lot of effort/energy to force his way into Sovngarde?

Yes this is extremely confusing, welcome to The Elder Scrolls where nothing makes sense and nobody can be taken at face value.

And Daenerys fits right in. :)

Mind you, if you think this is bad, wait till you hear about CHIM. Compared to CHIM, the atemporal nature of the Elder Scrolls is completely reasonable.

I tried to read about this once, but damn, it's confusing.

(The 'Ancient God' or Godhead whose dreams in which TES takes place? A possible interpretation is that that is the TES writers, or the player, ie; you. Another interpretation is that it is the computer you are playing the game on.)

Well, now I'm the dreamer. Heh!
That's what I was trying to express. Some people, only seeing the story title, wont do that first click and read anything because they encountered too many bad fics. Hmm...maybe add a few tags to the thread so people can see this is one of the good storys?

So, what would be a good tag? Somehow I don't think "I promise it doesn't suck" would work. Maybe "Not a walkthrough" ?
One problem with crossing other fiction with TES is that you either have to finagle the new universe into the dreams of an ancient god, or you have to throw your hands in the air and curse the writers of TES for being inconsiderate nerds, before promptly ignoring them and rewriting the creation myth whole cloth.

I've actually put some thought into this and have a plan for it when the time comes. Of course, there aren't many sources of information who could talk about it. Some Daedric Princes might know, maybe Paarthurnax? Even if you got an answer from some of them, would you trust it?

I've also dropped a couple of hints about how Daenerys got to Skyrim. The who and what are more mysterious, but there are clues to the how.
Sometimes the TES magibabble gets deep and weird. I might wade into the depths latter. Fortunately right now Daenerys is skimming the surface.
Just wait until she learns about the ancient Imperial mananaut program - that tried to reach Aetherius by traveling through Oblivion inside giant mothships - or the sky whales that thwart their Nord hunters by drowning them in cocaine.

TES Deep Lore is a neverending drug trip and I love it.
Hey, it's my universe now! Doubt not my authorial powers!!!! Bwah hah hah!

As for escaping, we call these omakes.
Well, now I'm the dreamer. Heh!
Clearly what we can take away from this is that Harper Potts has achieved Amaranth.

Just wait until she learns about the ancient Imperial mananaut program - that tried to reach Aetherius by traveling through Oblivion inside giant mothships - or the sky whales that thwart their Nord hunters by drowning them in cocaine.

TES Deep Lore is a neverending drug trip and I love it.
It really is, TES seems relatively simple on the surface and then you start diving into the lore because some bits seem interesting, six hours later you surface with wild hair and a crazed look in your eyes mumbling about loving the self and self is love.
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Not much to say, but I just found your story and read through it all in a couple of hours. It's really good, so kudos! Can't wait to see more. (Although I am kinda sad that jon is just a betrayer in her eyes now... though that is an understandable reaction to getting stabbed)
How could these names be minimally changed to sound more appropriate to their cultures?
There's already a Hajvar in-game. He's the bandit captain of White River Watch. Jespik might be changed to Jesper, which (while not Old Norse) is at least used in Scandinavia. Svagvor... might not be salvageable without a change in ethnicity. Probably best for a wholesale replacement.
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Tirdas, the 21st of Frostfell, Year 201 of the 4th Era​

Mirabelle seemed amused as if this was all some kind of joke to her. "Brelyna Maryon of House Telvanni, allow me to formally introduce your new roommate, Daenerys Targaryen, the Unburnt."

While Daenerys was still a little taken aback by the exuberant greeting from Brelyna, old lessons on etiquette had her responding automatically. "A pleasure to meet you, Brelyna Maryon of House Telvanni." She gave a slight nod of respect. "And while you are correct that I am the new senior novitiate, I'm not actually a Nord."

"Really?" asked Brelyna. "With round ears and hair that pale? What are you then?"

"I prefer not to talk about it," responded Daenerys tartly. If they were going to be living in close quarters, better to head the questioning off.

"I meant no offense. I know what it is like to have a past that you would rather leave behind."

Mirabelle laughed. "What did I tell you? Two peas in a pod. Brelyna, I'll leave you to fill in the responsibilities of a senior novitiate." She then walked away.

Daenerys studied her new roommate. Gerdur had described the Dunmer race as serious, distrustful, sarcastic, and deceitful, yet very loyal. Irileth, Jarl Balgruff's housecarl, had certainly seemed to fit Gerdur's description. Aranea had been both serious and loyal, and also blunt. She had also been kind and even laughed. Brelyna seemed cut from a different cloth. Openly rude, then contrite. She also seemed quite young, but she must be an adult to be deemed a senior novitiate.

Brelyna stepped back out of the doorway. "Well, come on in. Is that backpack all you have in the way of possessions?"

"Yes," agreed Daenerys, as she stepped into the room.

Two small beds lay on opposite walls, both laden down with furs. Several large wardrobes stood along the walls. There were two desks and several chests in the room. A folding privacy screen hid part of the room, and wet footprints indicated that the room must have a bath of some sort, a luxury beyond most citizens of Skyrim. One side obviously belonged to Brelyna as it had books and papers piled atop the desk and shelves. The other side was mostly empty, except for a collection of skulls.

"Make yourself at home," announced Brelyna. "I think my bath is ruined, but I'd still like to dry off better. I'll be right back." She stepped behind the privacy screen.

Daenerys set her backpack down upon what must be her bed, opened it, and started putting her few possessions into one of the chests. "So, why all the excitement about another senior novitiate? And why would my being a Nord, which I'm not, be a cause to rejoice?"

Behind the screen came the sound of water draining. Brelyna stepped back out dressed in a robe. She sat down on her bed and took a brush to her hair. "It's the novitiates," she explained. "Most days I want to strangle the lot of them. Believe me, you'll understand in a few days. I have been looking after nine of the little beasts by myself. Onmund and J'zargo only handle eight boys between the two of them. Which makes some sense. You can't have a man barging into young girls' bedrooms, but I've been looking after all nine girls by myself. The three Dunmer girls are no problems for me. They understand that I look to them to set an example. Esti, or Estiandil as she prefers now, is our one Bosmer novitiate. She's not so bad, even if she does spend half her time mooning over Ancano. And Seen-La, our one Argonian, is the youngest and just as sweet as she can be. It's the four human girls who make me want to pull my hair out. They are always smiles and politeness to my face, but the second my back is turned, they're practicing magic when they shouldn't, ditching their duties, and flirting with the boys when they should be studying. I'm also certain the three Nord girls are bullying Taillour, she's our one Breton. However, I can't ever catch the prissy little bitches at it, and Taillour won't talk about it." Brelyna broke off her rant for a deep breath. She set down her brush and then began to braid her hair, her fingers working with the deftness that came with long practice. "But you're at least human, and you look like a Nord, so maybe they'll listen to you."

Daenerys sat down on her bed. "I came here to learn magic, not tend children. If I wanted to raise children, I could find a husband and raise my own!"

Brelyna laughed. "I've said much the same thing. Welcome to the College of Winterhold. It's a job no one else wants to do either. Certainly not the faculty. Good news, you still spend a lot of your time learning magic. Better news, most senior novitiates only serve six months before they make apprentice. I've been stuck at it longer than most. Aldsi helped me at first, but she left the college to get married. She's a horker hunter's wife now, if you can believe that."

While the thought of a mage running off to be the wife of a horker hunter did sound absurd, so did this entire situation. "Why doesn't the college just hire a matron? I'm sure there are some old widows who have raised children of their own. They would likely be thrilled just to have a warm bed, cooked meals, and someone to talk to." Such a person wouldn't even cost much at all.

"Well, when you become Archmage, you can change that," said Brelyna. "Until then, both of us are stuck as a part-time governess and part-time student."

While it wasn't what Daenerys expected, it was common practice in all professions that apprentices had to do the tedious, dirty, and tiring jobs. She would still be learning magic which made it much better than being a tavern wench. "So, Mirabelle said that we're supposed to give them guidance and supervision rather than magical instruction, what exactly do we do?"

"Master Wizard Mirabelle," corrected Brelyna. "We're novitiates, address the faculty with respect. As to what we do… They're at that awkward age between child and adult. Sometimes they're responsible. Other times, they think with their hormones. We keep an eye on them. We listen when they need someone to talk with. We assign chores or write them up when they're idiots. We do room checks every night to make sure they're in their own beds and not sneaking into someone else's. The kind of thing our mothers did for us when we were that age." Brelyna scowled suddenly. "Or the way our mothers should have done for us when we were that age."

Daenerys frowned. She had no clue what Brelyna was talking about. Her mother had died giving birth to her. She had dim memories of a house with a red door and servants who cared for her, but she remembered begging on the streets of Pentos more clearly. "How old are they?"

"Seen-La, is ten and the youngest. Sofija is the oldest and she's sixteen. She's a Nord and she'll be one of yours. Most novitiates make apprentice before they're fifteen. After that, they're no longer our concern. Their rooms are one floor up and they're judged mature enough to be responsible for their own affairs. When they cause trouble, they answer to their mentors, not us."

Daenerys found this extended childhood to be a bit strange. She had wed Khal Drogo at thirteen. By fourteen she'd been a widow, birthed dragons, and led a khalasar. Still, she'd adapted to stranger customs. While the duties expected of her were still unclear, Daenerys decided it didn't matter that much. "Alright, I'll manage. So, seventeen novitiates, four senior novitiates, and how many others? It looks like this school was built to house hundreds."

"It was," agreed Brelyna. "I've never tried to count, but there are about two score apprentices. There used to be more, but after the Oblivion Crisis and the Great Collapse, Nords have become even more distrustful of magic. When Nord children manifest talent, they're more likely to get told to suppress it, or worse have it beaten out them. That never ends well. Some become hedge mages, others join a temple. It says a lot that Nords are the minority here, despite being the overwhelming majority of Skyrim."

Nords were a lot like the Westerosi in that regard. Magic was rare in Essos but accepted. In Westeros they tried to pretend it didn't exist. It took something too big to ignore like dragons or the Night King leading an army of the dead for them to believe in magic.

"So, do I get to ask questions as well?" demanded Brelyna.

"I prefer not to talk about my past, other than that, ask whatever you like."

"I can certainly understand that," said Brelyna. "Let's talk about your present and your future instead. What magic do you know and what are you here to learn?"

"I can cast Flames and a spell that pushes things. Master Wizard Mirabelle called it a variation of telekinesis…" She paused for a moment. She was hiding so much, perhaps she should reveal something? Extend a little trust to open the door to perhaps being friends and not just roommates? "Don't spread this around, but I can also Shout."

"Shouting," repeated Brelyna sounded impressed. "Yet, you insist that you are not a Nord. Why attend the College instead of going to High Hrothgar and studying with the Greybeards?"

Daenerys smiled as Brelyna was drawn in by sharing her confidence. "Because they're a bunch of old monks who spend their entire lives in religious contemplation. Would you go to High Hrothgar if you could Shout?"

"Well, no," admitted Brelyna. "But, I'm a Dunmer, and Nords only barely tolerate us at the best of times. They'd probably Shout me off the mountain."

Daenerys thought that an exaggeration, but she doubted the Greybeards would welcome a Dunmer into their number with open arms. She decided to shift the subject. "And what kind of magic are you here to-"

Her question got cut off by a loud knocking on the door.

Brelyna rose. "I'll see who it is. Likely our charges or the boys come to meet you." She opened the door. "Ah, I should have guessed. The entertainment has arrived. Come on in. Daenerys, these are our fellow senior initiates, Onmund and J'zargo."

Onmund was a lanky dark-haired young lad with striking blue eyes. While he had the height of a Nord, he obviously shaved as he only had a little bit of dark scruff on his face. It was a good look for him. He broke into a friendly smile. "Ah, good to see a fellow Nord. Few of us choose to follow the path of magic."

Onmund by Tisstrinity

J'zargo was unmistakably a Khajiit. He had his hood up which hid his ears, but his face was covered in fur striped white, brown and black. His whiskers stuck out past his hood. Despite his feline appearance, his smirk was obvious. "J'zargo is pleased to meet such a beautiful addition to the College. Ignore the blatherings of my friend. It is obvious that someone as delicate and lovely as yourself is not a Nord. He cannot help that he is not as perceptive as J'zargo. He was not born Khajiit."

J'zargo by Dratova

Brelyna laughed openly at the remark and grinned at Daenerys. "They can be idiots, but they are amusing ones."

Daenerys found herself smiling and holding back a laugh of her own. The lack of outrage from Onmund and J'zargo spoke of respect, maybe even friendship among the three of them. It felt like she was being included in that. She felt some tension within her relax. She had yet to learn any magic, but she felt welcome here.


Daenerys first met her new charges after dinner. Brelyna introduced her to Sofija, Enja, Matilda, and Taillour. In contrast to Brelyna's depiction of them, all four of them were polite and respectful at least to her. After the introductions they basically ignored that Brelyna was present while Daenerys questioned them about their backgrounds. When Brelyna left after a few minutes, they all relaxed. Apparently, Brelyna's troubles with them were rooted in racial prejudice. That really wasn't surprising with Nords. It was also stupid considering that Nords were a minority at the College of Winterhold. They wouldn't go far with that attitude. Was that something she was supposed to guide them about? If so, she didn't see how. Most people would cling to their customs and prejudices unless forced to change. On the bright side of things, they probably wouldn't cause as much trouble for her as they had for Brelyna.

The next morning Daenerys arrived early for her initial assessment with Faralda. She was quite looking forward to working with the Mistress of Destruction. The classroom was easy to find as it had the flaming hand symbol on the door that was the symbol for the School of Destruction. She tried the door and found it unlocked. Daenerys had been expecting a room with a lot of tables and chairs, what she found looked more like an archery range designed by a mason. Solid walls divided the room into long lanes with targets at the far end.

Faralda was already present sitting behind a granite desk strewn with several books. She nodded. "Good, you're early. Keep that eagerness to learn. Now, have a seat." She gestured to a stone stool beside the desk. "I'm sure you're eager to demonstrate, but I am going to ask you a bunch of questions first. We'll get to the practical part soon enough." She pulled out a quill and scroll. "We will start with the basics. What are the three key elements that must be present in every spell?"

Daenerys felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She had no idea how to answer the question. She had never heard mention of any key elements. Desperately she fumbled for an answer. "Will, magicka, and understanding?"

Faralda frowned deeply. "You are obviously self-taught. What books have you read on magic?"

"None," admitted Daenerys. She hadn't been able to afford them working as a tavern wench at the Sleeping Giant Inn. The cheapest book on sell at the Riverwood Trader would have required her to save for weeks. After Bleak Falls Barrow she could have afforded a book, but it had seemed a waste when the College of Winterhold was renowned for its library. Not to mention that she still had trouble reading and stumbled over words at times. There was a huge difference between being able to carry on a conversation and being fully fluent in a language.

"I see." Faralda sighed deeply. "A true hedge mage then. Very well, explain what you meant by will, magicka, and understanding."

She felt like she had already been judged and found wanting. "A spell requires will, a focus upon what I want to have happen. I also have to gather the…" She fumbled trying to find a word in Tamrelic that wasn't magicka. "… the energy within me or it will just fizzle. Lastly, I have to focus through the… magic of what things are… their fundamental nature. I'm sorry, I lack the proper words in Tamrelic."

"I can see you are frustrated. That's not unusual for hedge mages when they try to explain how they do magic." While the words were sympathetic, Faralda had a commanding voice that just didn't do sympathy well. "If Tamrelic is not your native tongue, what is? I'm fluent in Aldmeris and can get by in a few others."

"I prefer not to talk about my past."

"I don't really give a damn about your past." Faralda paused and then continued more calmly. "What I care about is your understanding of magic. My job is to assess that. Now, what language do you speak?"

Daenerys hesitated, but she had come too far to turn away from the college. "Valyrian is my mother tongue."

"That's… interesting. I've never even heard of that language. I'll admit that I'm curious, but College tradition allows for novitiates leaving their past behind if they wish. If you ever change your mind and want to talk about where you are from, I would like to know."

Daenerys nodded. "I will keep that in mind, but it is not a pleasant story, nor one that I wish to revisit."

"Very well. We seem to have gotten off track. Let's get back to the three key elements of a spell. You successfully named one of them, Focus, sometimes called image or imagination. This is the element that determines how the magic manifests. Without Focus you can set yourself on fire instead of your target."

Daenerys nodded. This part was clear to her. When she called forth magic she had to hold firmly to what she wanted.

"The second element is Will, also called willpower or determination. You must exert your desire upon the world. Will is not magicka, which is poorly understood by most laypeople. Will is applying your strength to focus the magicka in the world around you…" Faralda frowned. "You look doubtful."

"I don't mean to doubt you, but when I cast a spell, I reach inside myself and pull upon my magic."

"No, no, no. That's one of the most common mistakes. Magicka is not something that pools inside us. Magicka is all around us in Mundus, like the air we breathe. The strain you feel when casting a spell is very much like pulling, but you're not pulling from within you. Let's step through this. Go ahead, reach inside yourself and pull – where does it feel you are pulling from?"

Daenerys did as bid. She reached inside as if she was going to cast and pulled magic to her, pulling it in, compressing it… "Oh, I am pulling it in from all around, not just inside me, and then compressing it into a tight bundle so I can push it out."

"Precisely! You exert your Will to divert magicka to accomplish your Focus. And exerting your Will tires you out, just as pushing and lifting heavy rocks will tire you out. Also, your Will grows if you exercise it enough, just as continued hard work builds your muscles."

"Thank you. I never really noticed it was coming from all around me."

Faralda waved a hand. "Think nothing of it. It's a very common mistake. Now, I want to explore the final element of magic. You mentioned focusing on 'the magic of what things are'. Explain that better."

Daenerys smiled. This part she could answer. "Well, when I cast Flames, I focus on the essence of fire, what fire truly is."

"And what is fire truly? What does fire want?"

"Want?" Daenerys blinked. "Fire doesn't want anything. Fire is fire. It's in the heat of a campfire, the warmth of our bodies."

"Yes, yes, but is it hungry, reaching out? Or anger? How do you bridge the gap between Will and Focus to ignite that flame?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're asking me."

Faralda seemed frustrated as well. "The three elements of a spell are Focus, Will, and an altered mental state, sometimes called the Seeming. Our minds know how the world works. To cast magic we have to convince our mind that the world works differently. I need to know what you are using to cast Flames. Is it so much anger that fire breaks loose? Is it pyromania, love of watching things burn?"

"I just command that fire come forth…" Oh, wait she was being stupid! "Yol. That's my bridge." She was very careful to merely speak the word and not Shout it, but even then she felt a flicker of warmth on her tongue.

"Yol?" Faralda looked thoroughly perplexed. "Is that Valyrian?"

"No, it's the dragon tongue, I suppose. It's the Shout that means fire." And so much for keeping her ability to Shout secret. Not that she'd expected to keep it secret for long.

"Shout?" Repeated Faralda. "You can Shout?"

"Yes. I only know the two Words, but one is Yol."

"And when you cast Flames, you focus on the word Yol?" she asked.

"Not exactly. If I focused on the word itself, then I would Shout it. I focus on the meaning of the word, on what fire truly means."

"What fire truly means," Faralda repeated speaking as if at a great distance. "Oh dear gods, that changes everything."
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