On the subject of plot and characters. Samuel Hayden. Bad guy? Genius visionary? Both?
This is a man who literally stole fire from (hell) gods and brought it to mankind. When diagnosed with terminal cancer and told he had less than a year to live, he devwloped functional immortality from scratch.
When faced with losing everything, his whole life's work, everything that literally keeps him running... He acknowledges that it might be necessary and keeps on supporting the main character throughout the game.
His whole line is the same as Illusive Man's "control the Reapers"... Only this time? I'm buying it.
And yes, a lot of stuff UAC made makes no sense. Like cyberdemons, which were clearly uncontrollable. I mean, if legions of revenants and cybermancubi threw themselves at barons of hell and cyberdemon fought hellguards, I could see it being worthwhile. But not as it was. Experiments with possessed make sense, though.
But still, if, in the sequel he does turn out to be a good guy, I hope they keep his character depth. Because this, in my opinion, is a genuinely great man, who achieved great things, made great mistakes, but, in the end, clearly was on the side of mankind.